Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed...

Ħarġa No. 14 Kumitat EkoSkola O - Diċ 2016 ATTIVITAJIET MILL-KUMITAT Eat Responsabile Project Kompetizzjoni Presepji Audit fl-iskola Tisjir tal-Ġulepp tal-Ħarrub / Prodotti Elezzjoni Kumitat Form 1 Jinżergħu xi prodotti lokali Ħatriet ġodda fil-Kumitat Ritratt Kumitat Bike-Hike Form 5 Il-vaganzi tas-Sajf ġew u għaddew, u erġajna bdejna sena oħra ta’ ħidma. Wara li s-sena l-oħra ħdimna fuq żewġ proġe, dak ta’ ‘Nieklu b’responsabilta’’ u tal- LEAF fuq ‘Palm Oil’, irnexxilna nġibu award oħra għall-iskola bil-proġe LEAF. Din is-sena bħala skola se nkomplu naħdmu fuq il-proġe ‘Nieklu b’responsabilta’’ kif ukoll bħala proġe tal-LEAF li wkoll jaqbel mat-tema li qegħdin niffukaw fiha, se naħdmu fuq il-ħarrub. Il-ħidma fuq il-proġe LEAF dwar il-ħarrub ma’ bditx mas-sena skolaska. Grupp ta’ studen issagrifikaw ſtit ġranet mill-vaganzi tas-sajf biex matul is-sajf tnaddaf il-ġnien u nħarat. Sar qtugħ tal-miżwed tal-ħarrub biex qed isir il-ġulepp u anke’ nippruvaw nieħdu dqiq mill-ħarrub biex isiru prodo mill-ħarrub. Din is-sena wkoll bħala skola, għamilna pass il’quddiem fil-proġe ’Nieklu b’responsabilta’ hekk kif ġejna misedna biex nieħdu sehem f’konferenza ġewwa Praga fir-Repubblika Ċeka fejn żgur ħalliet ħafna esperjenzi li se jgħinuna fil-proġe. Ħafna xogħol li matul is-sena jrid isir, biss l-ikbar sodisfazzjon ikun meta naraw l-proġe jingħaqdu flimkien. Din is-sena din il-pubblikazzjoni se jkollha arkli relata mal-prodo tal-biedja f’Malta, dwar il-ħarrub , dwar is-saħħa u sigurta’, informazzjoni fuq speċi mheddha, riċe u arkli varji oħra. Hekk kif din il-ħarġa se twassalna sax-xahar ta’ Diċembru, nieħdu l-okkażżjoni li nawgurawlek Milied Qaddis u sena mimlija saħħa u hena. F’DIN IL-HAR Ġ A Nieklu b’Responsabilta’: Menu for Change Nieklu b’Responsabilta’: Il-Biedja Organika Nieklu b’Responsabilta’: Health Benefits of Carob Health—Well being: 1500+ Health Tips App. Health—Well being: Riċe Bijodiversita’: Ivory –Billed Woodpecker Enerġija: Konsum ta’ Dawl: O/Nov Ritra: Avitajiet Varji Eco-News The twelve green ps of Christmas Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 Ħu sehem billi ġbor it-tappijiet u ġġibhom l-iskola, tapp ikun qiegħed jgħin nies fil-bżonn

Transcript of Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed...

Page 1: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer

Ħarġa No. 14 Kumitat EkoSkola Ott - Diċ 2016


Eat Responsabile Project

Kompetizzjoni Presepji

Audit fl-iskola

Tisjir tal-Ġulepp tal-Ħarrub / Prodotti

Elezzjoni Kumitat Form 1

Jinżergħu xi prodotti lokali

Ħatriet ġodda fil-Kumitat

Ritratt Kumitat

Bike-Hike Form 5

Il-vaganzi tas-Sajf ġew u għaddew, u erġajna bdejna sena oħra ta’ ħidma. Wara li

s-sena l-oħra ħdimna fuq żewġ proġetti, dak ta’ ‘Nieklu b’responsabilta’’ u tal-

LEAF fuq ‘Palm Oil’, irnexxilna nġibu award oħra għall-iskola bil-proġett LEAF. Din

is-sena bħala skola se nkomplu naħdmu fuq il-proġett ‘Nieklu b’responsabilta’’

kif ukoll bħala proġett tal-LEAF li wkoll jaqbel mat-tema li qegħdin niffukaw fiha,

se naħdmu fuq il-ħarrub.

Il-ħidma fuq il-proġett LEAF dwar il-ħarrub ma’ bditx mas-sena skolastika. Grupp

ta’ studenti issagrifikaw ftit ġranet mill-vaganzi tas-sajf biex matul is-sajf tnaddaf

il-ġnien u nħarat. Sar qtugħ tal-miżwed tal-ħarrub biex qed isir il-ġulepp u anke’

nippruvaw nieħdu dqiq mill-ħarrub biex isiru prodotti mill-ħarrub.

Din is-sena wkoll bħala skola, għamilna pass il’quddiem fil-proġett ’Nieklu

b’responsabilta’ hekk kif ġejna mistiedna biex nieħdu sehem f’konferenza

ġewwa Praga fir-Repubblika Ċeka fejn żgur ħalliet ħafna esperjenzi li se jgħinuna


Ħafna xogħol li matul is-sena jrid isir, biss l-ikbar sodisfazzjon ikun meta naraw

l-proġetti jingħaqdu flimkien. Din is-sena din il-pubblikazzjoni se jkollha artikli

relatati mal-prodotti tal-biedja f’Malta, dwar il-ħarrub , dwar is-saħħa u sigurta’,

informazzjoni fuq speċi mheddha, riċetti u artikli varji oħra.

Hekk kif din il-ħarġa se twassalna sax-xahar ta’ Diċembru, nieħdu l-okkażżjoni li

nawgurawlek Milied Qaddis u sena mimlija saħħa u hena.


Nieklu b’Responsabilta’: Menu for Change

Nieklu b’Responsabilta’: Il-Biedja Organika

Nieklu b’Responsabilta’: Health Benefits of Carob

Health—Well being: 1500+ Health Tips App.

Health—Well being: Riċetti

Bijodiversita’: Ivory –Billed Woodpecker

Enerġija: Konsum ta’ Dawl: Ott/Nov

Ritratti: Attivitajiet Varji


The twelve green tips of Christmas

Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 Ħu sehem billi tiġbor it-tappijiet u ġġibhom l-iskola, tapp ikun qiegħed jgħin nies fil-bżonn

Page 2: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer

Is-sena l-oħra bdejna naħdmu fuq il-proġett ‘Nieklu b’responsabilta’. Dan

huwa programm imexxi mill-GLOPOLIS u l-Unjoni Ewropeja. Wara sena

xogħol kien imiss li din is-sena , skejjel li qegħdin jaħdmu fuq il-proġett ġew

mistiedna biex jattendu għall-Forum ġewwa Repubblika Ċeka eżattament

ġewwa Praga.

Is-Sur Savona bħala koordinatur tal-Ekoskola ġewwa l-iskola telgħa flimkien

ma’ 9 maltin oħra biex flimkien ma’ għalliema oħra minn diversi pajjiżi

Baltiċi, u NGO’s attendew għal dan il-forum. Dan il-forum sar bejn 21 u 23

t’Ottubru. Kienu diversi t-temi diskussi, fosthom Palm Oil, Fairtrade,

l-importanza tal-agrikoltura, ir-rwol tal-bidwi, iċ-ċikkultata, il-laħam, l-etika

fl-ikel, l-ilma.

Il-jum tal-Ħadd, l-aħħar ġurnata tal-forum kien iddedikat għall-prattika

minn diversi pajjiżi. Kull pajjiż qasam ix-xogħol li sar fl-iskejjel. Malta

permezz tal-għaxar koordinaturi tal-Ekoskola, preżentaw dak li sar ġo

l-iskejjel rispettivi. L-iskola tagħna wkoll kellha l-parti tagħha permezz

tal-vidjo clip u posters li saru matul is-sena.

Forum bħal dan ħalla ħafna esperjenzi posittivi għal min attenda, għax

inħarġu ħafna prattiċi tajbin bejn l-iskejjel, kif ukoll tnisslu ħbiberiji ġodda

bejn skejjel u pajjiżi partikolari.

Page 3: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer

Il-Biedja Organika

Nieklu b’Responsab ilta ’

Il-Biedja Organika hija sistema ta’ agrikoltura li tuża metodi naturali

għall-kura tal-prodott. Din tnaqqas l-impatt tal-bniedem fuq l-ambjent u

jaħdem kollox kemm jista’ jkun b’mod naturali. Maż-żmien il-bidwi jew

ir-raħħal beda juża sistemi, mediċini, bexx biex jgħaġġel u jkabbar

il-produzzjoni tal-ħxejjex u l-annimali. L-unjoni Ewropeja fasslet pjan

fl-2014 mill-Unjoni Ewropeja u li jagħmel parti mill-politika komuni

agrarja (CAP). Il-logo tal-Unjoni Ewropeja li juri li prodott huwa

organiku huwa minn werqa bl-istillel.

Il-bdiewa li qegħdin jipproduċu prodotti organiċi qegħdin jibbenifikaw minn dawn l-iskemi skond

r-regolamenti tal-unjoni Ewropeja. Min jagħżel li jeqleb għall-biedja organika jingħata kumpens biex

ipattu għat-telf ta’ flus kif ukoll biex jagħmlu it-tibdiliet meħtieġa skond ir-regolamenti. Il-bdiewa

huma mħeġġa biex jingħaqdu fi gruppi biex ibiegħu l-prodotti tagħhom. Il-biedja organika twassal

biex ikun hemm sistemi iktar sostenibbli, li jħarsu l-ambjent u l-klima u li jirrispettaw il-bijodiversita’

u t-tkabbir ta’ prodotti differenti.

F’Malta jintużaw madwar 11,000 ettaru ta’ art għall-agrikoltura,

lanqas fl-Ewropa. Barra minn hekk huma biss xi 21 ettaru li

jużaw biedja organika. Hemm bżonn aktar kuxjenza dwar

il-biedja organika hekk kif bħala pajjiż għadna lura meta

mqabbel ma’ pajjiżi oħra.

Fil-prattika dan ifisser li il-bidwi jew min irabbi irid:

- juża’ metodi tradizzjonali

- juża’ metodi tradizzjonali li jibbażaw ruħhom fuq il-

prevenzjoni u mhux il-kura tal-mard

- juża’ metodu li jżidu l-insetti ta’ benefiċċju fl-agrikultura

jintuża aktar fertilizzant naturali

- tintuża żerriegħa organika, li ġejja minn prodotti li tkabbru

b’mod organiku u mhux ġenetikament modifikat (GMO’s)

- jintużaw varjetajiet aktar resistenti għall-mard

- jintużaw pestiċidi organiċi jew metodi oħra mingħajr kimika

ma tintużax kimika biex toqtol il-mard, tagħmel ħsara lill-

ambjent u toqtol insetti li jagħmlu ġid lill-biedja

- l-annimali jitrabbew fi spazju miftuħ, naturali u jiġu mgħotija ikel organiku u naturali

Informazzjoni meħuda minn : Il-Biedja f’Malta - Stanley Farrugia Randon (2016)

Sit tal-EU dwar il-Biedja Organika

Page 4: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer

Nieklu b’Responsab ilta ’

Carob, Ceratonia siliqua and also known as the carob tree, St John’s-bread, or locust bean is an evergreen flowering shrub. It belongs to the pea family fabaceae and is originally from Eastern Mediterranean. What are the health benefits of carob?

Stabilizes Blood Glucose

Carob assists to keep blood sugar at normal levels due to its naturally occurring fiber. The insoluble fiber aids water to bind the digestive system hence promoting functions of the intestinal tract. The insoluble fibre has a type of inotisol called pinitol which not only maintains proper glucose levels but also promotes a healthy intestinal tract.

Reduces Cholesterol

Thanks to its high levels of anti-oxidants lignin and polyphrnols, carob assist in reducing the levels of cholesterol in the body. These two powerful antioxidants bind to acids in the stomach as well as cholesterol, easing them out of the body through excretion.

Fights Diabetes

The carob pods contain seeds which produce a sticky substance known as tragasol.Tragasol stabilizes and thickens foods such as cream, salad dressings which is often used as a stabilizer and thickener in foods such as salad dressings, cheese and so on. Carob flour made from the seed residue is helpful to diabetics.

Anti-cancer Properties

Research has since found 24 polyphenol compounds, comprising of flavonoids and anti-oxidants .In particular are the anti-oxidants myricetin and quercetin which are believed to play a big role in fighting cancers.

Nutrient Rich

Carob is endowed with various nutrients such as vitamin E, B, B1, vitamin A and D2.It is also rich in potassium and magnesium, not to mention that it is safe to use by people with gluten intolerance as it is gluten free.

Promotes Digestive health Given the amount of tannin in carob, it enhances the functions of certain enzymes in the digestive system.

Health Beneftis of Carob

Page 5: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer

Weight Management

Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer to raised fatty acid oxidation. This is beneficial in increased energy re-upake, leading to loss of body weight.

Fights Osteoporosis and polio

The high amounts of phosphorus, calcium and gallic acid in carob are helpful in fighting osteoporosis and polio. It is therefore highly recommended to children susceptible to, or is suffering from polio.

Combats Common colds or Flu

Carobs are endowed with vitamin E, antioxidants and phytonutrients, all of which beneficial in the treatment of various maladie, notably colds and flu. The gallic acid in carob offers antiseptic, anti-allerfic as well as anti-bacterial properties. The other diseases it treats are anemia and coughs. In exceptional cases, it helps combat lung cancer.

Caffeine free

Carob is a useful to combat high blood pressure as it is caffeine free. Caffeine causes blood pressure to rise.

Perfect Substitute for Chocolate

Unlike chocolate, Carob has neither caffeine nor theobromine. Theobromine is a neurotoxin while caffeine causes high blood pressure. Caffeine impacts negatively on adrenal glands hence making it unsuitable for people prone to blood pressure. Carob contains half as much calories and an equivalent of the same amount of fat as chocolate.

Bejgħ ta’ Ġulepp tal-Ħarrub

maħdum mill-istudenti tal-Ekoskola

4€ - 250g

Min jixtieq jista’ jkellem lis-Sur Savona jew xi membru tal-kumitat. Il-qliegħ se

jmur biex jinxtraw pjanti u serrer għall-proġett (Nieklu b’responsabilta’)

Page 6: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer

Health and Well-Being

1500+ Health Tips Android Application / App Store

Updated: 26 August, 2016

1500+ Heath Tips brings daily tips for a healthy lifestyle. These tips are so valuable and notification are triggered from the app when new health tips are available. The app stores the tips offline and so can be viewed anytime and anywhere.

The app has a simple and effective interface to browse through the tips easily. Once you get to the tip

details screen you can swipe to eft or right to browse through the health tips in the category.

The app displays health tips on categories such as

Health tips Beauty tips Fitness tips Home remedies tip

General Information tip

Page 7: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer

Health and Well-Being

Bread Pudding (Pudina)

Maltese Caponata

Method: 1. Preheat the oven at a temperature 220C/428F 2. Grease a 20cm x 20cm square tin and set aside. 3. Tear up the fruit loaf into small chunks and place in a bowl. Add the milk and allow bread to soak for 20 minutes. 4. Add the cocoa, sugar, cinnamon, eggs and orange zest and mix until well combined. Add the chopped chocolate and stir through. 5. Place the bread mixture in the tin and bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes until the top of the pudina is crisp.


1 large stale Maltese loaf

1 pkt Sultana

3 cups of milk

3 tbsp cocoa powder

4 tbsp of brown sugar

1 tsp ground cinnamon

100 g dark chocolate chopped

2 eggs

Grated rind of an orange


200g onions, thinly sliced

1 tbsp olive oil

400g tomatoes, peeled and chopped

500g eggplant, cubed

2 celery stems

6 olives

1 tbsp capers

2 tbsps tomato paste

125ml water


1. Place the onion and the olive oil in a saucepan. 2. Cook the onion on moderate heat, stirring continuously. If the onion dries out, add some water. 3. Add the tomatoes, the eggplant, the celery, the olives, the capers, the tomato paste and more water, still stirring continuously. 4. Bring to a boil. 5. Reduce the heat, cover the saucepan and leave to simmer for one and a half hours.

Did you know?

In the U.S., 48.1 million people don’t have enough food to eat. More than 1/4 of produce grown is discarded for cosmetic


Page 8: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer

Bijod ivers ita

These articles will be related to endangered animals. Information taken fromm WWF site and other related websites.

Ivory-Billed Woodpecker

Campephilus principalis

Matthias Theuma - Form 3

The most critically endangered species on our list of the ten most

critically endangered animals is the ivory-billed woodpecker, which

lives—or lived—in the Southeastern part of the US as well as Cuba.

This huge woodpecker was considered extinct until 2004, when a

handful of tantalizing reports of sightings in Arkansas and Florida

began to trickle in. However, definitive proof for the ivory-bill’s

continued existence has remained elusive, and if a population does

exist, it is likely to be tiny and extremely vulnerable. The ivory-

billed woodpecker owes its near- or complete extinction to habitat

loss (logging) as well as over-exploitation by humans, who hunted

it for its feathers.

Your chances of seeing one in the wild Only one bird was seen in Arkansas 2004 and 2005. The bird was videotaped and seen by several people. However, the identity of the bird in the videotape has been questioned. The search continues in Arkansas and in other parts of the bird’s range. It was assessed as extinct by the IUCN in 1994. This assessment was later altered to 'critically endangered' on the grounds that the species could still be extant.

Page 9: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer


Ottubru / Novembru 2016

Nkunu responsabbli fl-użu tal-enerġija. Taħlix dawl u ilma !!!

Days getting shorter

31/10 - 3 days holidays

3/10/2016 477.92

10/10/2016 498.78

17/10/2016 550

24/10/2016 593

31/10/2016 197.3

3/10/2016 542.76

10/10/2016 435.01

17/10/2016 400.5

24/10/2016 387.9

31/10/2016 424.14









Energy Produced (kWh)

03/10/2016 10/10/2016 17/10/2016 24/10/2016 31/10/2016










Energy Used (kWh)

03/10/2016 10/10/2016 17/10/2016 24/10/2016 31/10/2016

Page 10: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer

Ritratt iEko-Parlament


Qtugħ ta’ miżwed tal-ħarrub għall-Proġett LEAF dwar il-Ħarrub fis-Sajf

Page 11: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer

Ritratt iĠbir ta’ miżwed tal-ħarrub għall-Proġett LEAF biex jinżergħu

Kejl ta’ miżwed tal-ħarrub bħala preparazzjoni għall-ġulepp

Tisjir tal-ġulepp tal-Ħarrub

Page 12: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer

Ritratt iForum ‘Menu for Change’ ġewwa Praga

Page 13: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer

Myron Saliba (Form 3)

Eco-NewsHealthier School Meals

September is National Childhood Obesity Month, a major

topic for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The

agency’s program Healthier US School Challenge: Smarter

Lunchrooms (HUSSC: SL) takes aim against childhood

obesity by helping more students across the country gain

access to fresh, wholesome foods. Secretary of Agriculture

Tom Vilsack says the USDA is especially focused on

children living in food insecure homes, or households that

can’t afford to provide enough food for all members of the

family every day.

How pollution is devastating and Indonesian


Uncontrolled fish farming, population growth, and logging have all taken a toll

on Indonesia’s Lake Toba. Photographer Binsar Bakkara returns to his home

region to chronicle the environmental destruction. More than 1,500 tons of fish

suddenly turned up dead in Indonesia’s largest lake earlier this year, a mass

asphyxiation from a lack of oxygen in the water caused by high pollution levels.

The event threatened the livelihoods of hundreds of fish farmers and the

drinking water for thousands of people, and it shed light on the rapidly declin-

ing conditions in Lake Toba, the largest volcanic lake in the world.

Population growth, development, deforestation, and a booming caged fishing industry have severely degraded the lake’s water

quality over the last two decades, scientists say. There are now 12,000 cages in the lake, each containing upwards of 10,000 fish,

which is double or triple their capacities. Agricultural fertilizers, sewage, and most prominently, fish food have increased the

levels of phosphorous in the lake three-fold since 2012, according to a government report. The lake, located in the northern part

of Sumatra, is classified as either eutrophic or hyper-eutrophic, meaning it has excessive nutrients that can create dead zones

with low oxygen levels.

Dirty production of NHS antibiotics in India helping to create


The growth in superbugs - infections which are resistant to antibiotics - is one of the biggest public health crises facing the world today, and pollution in drug compa-nies' supply chains is one of its causes. Yet the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has established that firms with a history of bad practice and pollution are supplying the NHS, and environmental standards do not feature in NHS procurement protocols.

Page 14: Irriċikla għall-Istrina 2016 - St Michael School...Weight Management Carob pulp has been observed to lower postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, and a pointer

Il-Kumitat Ekoskola St.Michael School jawguralek Milied

Qaddis u Sena mimlija saħħa u hena.