Irregular Verbs

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English grammar

Transcript of Irregular Verbs

IRREGULAR VERBSInfinitivePast TensePast ParticipleTranslation of the infinitiveNotes

arisearosearisena se ridica

awakeawokeawakena se trezi

be was/werebeena fi

bearborebornea purta, a natePast participle: born often used in the passive (I was born in 1984)

beatbeatbeatena bate

becomebecamebecomea deveni

beginbeganbeguna ncepe

bendbentbenta (se) ndoi

betbetbeta paria

bindboundbounda lega

bitebitbittena muca

bleedbledbleda sngera

blowblewblowna sufla, a bate

break brokebrokena (se) sparge

breedbredbreda crete, a educa

bringbroughtbroughta aduce

broadcastbroadcastbroadcasta emite, a transmite

buildbuiltbuilta construi

burn burnt/burned*burnt/burned*a arde

burstburstbursta izbucni, a nvli

buyboughtboughta cumpra

castcastcasta arunca

catchcaughtcaughta prinde

choosechosechosena alege

clingclungclunga se aga

comecamecomea veni

costcostcosta costa

creepcreptcrepta se tr, a se furia

cutcutcuta tia

dealdealtdealta trata, a se ocupa

digdugduga spa

dodiddonea face

drawdrewdrawna trage, adesena

dreamdreamt/dreamed*dreamt/dreamed*a visa

drinkdrankdrunka beadrunken-adjective

drivedrovedrivena mna, a conduce

eatateeatena mncaBritish English: ate[et]; American English: ate[eit]

fallfellfallena cdea

feedfedfeda hrni

feelfeltfelta (se) simi

fightfoughtfoughta (se) lupta

findfoundfounda gsi

flyflewflowna zbura

forbidforbadeforbiddea interziceSometimes, past tense: forbad

forecastforecastforecasta prevedea

forgetforgotforgottena uita

forgiveforgaveforgivena ierta

freezefrozefrozena nghea

getgotgota primi,a obine

givegavegivena da

gowentgonea merge

grindgroundgrounda mcina

growgrewgrowna crete

hanghunghunga atna

havehadhada avea

hearheardhearda auzi

hidehidhid/hiddena (se) ascunde

hithithita lovi

holdheldhelda ine

hurthurthurta rni, a durea

keepkeptkepta ine, a pstra

kneelknelt/knelled*knelt/knelled*a ngenunchia

knitknitknita tricota

knowknewknowna ti, a cunoate

laylaidlaida pune, a aeza

leadledleda conduce

leanlentlenta se apleca, a se sprijini

leapleaptleapta sri

learnlearntlearnta nvalearned-adjective: a learned man

leave leftlefta pleca, a lsa

lendlentlenta da cu mprumut

letletleta lsa, a permite

lielaylaina zcea; a se afla

lightlit/lighted*lit/lighted*a aprinde

loselostlosta pierde

makemademadea face

meanmeantmeanta nsemna

meetmetmeta (se) ntlni

paypaidpaida plti

putputputa pune

readreadreada citi

rideroderiddena clri

ring rangrunga suna

riseroserisena rsi, a se ridica

run ranruna fugi

sawsawedsawn/saweda tia cu fierastrul

saysaidsaida spune

seesawseena vedea

seeksoughtsoughta cuta

sellsoldsolda vinde

sendsentsenta trimite

setsetseta pune

sewsewedsewn/seweda coase

shakeshookshakena scutura; a tremura

shineshone/shined*shone/shined*a strlucishined=a lustrui (in American English)

shootshotshota mpuca; a filma

showshowedshowna arta

shrinkshrank, shrunkshrunka se strngeshrunken-ajective: shrunken cloth

shutshutshuta nchide

singsangsunga cnta

sinksanksunka (se)scufundasunken-adjective: sunken ship

sitsatsata edea

sleepsleptslepta dormi

smellsmelt/smelled*smelt/smelled*a mirosi

sowsowedsown/sowed*a semna

speakspokespokena vorbi

speedspedspeda grbi, a accelera

spellspelt/spelled*spelt/spelled*a ortografia

spendspentspenta cheltui; a petrece

spillspilt/spilled*spilt/spilled*a vrsa

spitspunspuna toarce

spitspatspata scuipa

splitsplitsplita despca

spoilspoilt/spoiled*spoilt/spoiled*a rsfa

spreadspreadspreada (se) ntinde

springsprangsprunga izvor; a sri

standstoodstooda sta(n picioare)

stealstolestolena fura; a (se) furia

stickstuckstucka lipi

stingstungstunga nepa

stinkstunkstunka mirosi urt

strikestruckstrucka lovistricken-past participle in the passive only and adjective: panik-stricken

stringstrungstrunga nira (pe o a)

strivestrovestrivena nzui

swearsworesworna jura; a njura

sweatsweatsweata transpira

sweepsweptswepta mtura

swellswelledswollen/swelleda se umflaa swollen head-he is ill;a swelled head-he is conceited

swimswamswuma nota

swingswungswunga legna

taketooktakena lua

teachtaughttaughta nva (pe altul), a preda

teartoretorna rupe, a sfia

telltoldtolda spune, a povesti

thinkthoughtthoughta (se) gndi

throwthrewthrowna arunca

understandunderstoodunderstooda nelege

wakewokewokena trezi

wearworeworna purta

weavewovewovena ese

weepweptwepta plnge

winwonwona ctiga

windwoundwounda rsuci

withdrawwithdrewwithdrawna (se) retrage

wringwrungwrunga stoarce

writewrotewrittena scrie

*means that the regular form in ed is an alternative to the irregular form, used in American English mainly.