Iran Owns Alaska World Affairs Council

 Mayor Dan Sullivan Municipality of Anchorage  RE: Alaska World Affairs Council (AWAC) HERE Mayor Sullivan, On February 10 th the AWAC has invited Trita Parsi to speak, Trita Parsi is a despicable man and a mouthpiece for the tyrannical Iranian regime (please see articles below). AWAC actions are reprehensible, especially in light of the many Alaska military personal who have died or been maimed direct or indirectly by the actions of the Iranian government and its military arm,  the Iranian Republican Guard Council (IRGC).Trita Parsi supports and actively lobbies for that government! The tyrannical Mullahs in Teheran have sworn to exterminate the (little Satan) Israel and the (great Satan) America. Parsi shills for these monsters and now AWAC shills for Parsi«AWAC actions in this matter are inexcusable particularly since AWAC has made no provision for an opposing view point to be heard, a good choice for that opposing view would be: Mr. Arash Irandoost, founder of the  pro- democracy Movement of Iran (PDMI) HERE(see his letter below).  Notwithstanding that, AWAC as an act of respect for those who have died at the hands of this despicable regime«should disinvite Trita Parsi from their event!  Mayor Sullivan this issue has gone viral and national (see attached articles) are you willing to remain silent and let AWAC define the nature and character of the City of Anchorage and its citizens«I am willing to bet most of those citizens would not agree with nor support AWAC¶s actions in this matter.  

Transcript of Iran Owns Alaska World Affairs Council

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Mayor Dan Sullivan Municipality of Anchorage 

RE: Alaska World Affairs Council (AWAC)HERE 

Mayor Sullivan, 

On February 10th

the AWAC has invited Trita Parsi to speak, Trita Parsi is a despicable

man and a mouthpiece for the tyrannical Iranian regime (please see articles below). AWAC

actions are reprehensible, especially in light of the many Alaska military personal who have

died or been maimed direct or indirectly by the actions of the Iranian government and its

military arm, the Iranian Republican Guard Council (IRGC).Trita Parsi supports and

actively lobbies for that government! The tyrannical Mullahs in Teheran have sworn toexterminate the (little Satan) Israel and the (great Satan) America. Parsi shills for these

monsters and now AWAC shills for Parsi«AWAC actions in this matter are inexcusable

particularly since AWAC has made no provision for an opposing view point to be heard, a

good choice for that opposing view would be: Mr. Arash Irandoost, founder of the pro-

democracy Movement of Iran (PDMI) HERE(see his letter below). Notwithstanding that, AWAC as an act of respect for those who have died at the hands of 

this despicable regime«should disinvite Trita Parsi from their event! Mayor Sullivan this issue has gone viral and national (see attached articles) are you willing

to remain silent and let AWAC define the nature and character of the City of Anchorage

and its citizens«I am willing to bet most of those citizens would not agree with nor support

AWAC¶s actions in this matter. 

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These men deserve better than that! 






Alaska World Affairs Council Invites Iranian Regime Apologist Trita Parsi to Speak  

It isn¶t Islamophobia when they really ARE trying to kill you!




We friends, we band of brothers, 

It has come to light that on February 10th

the Alaska World Affairs Council (AWAC) has

invited Trita Parsi, a non US citizen, who is the founder and president of the National

Iranian American Council (NIAC) HERE he will speak about his 2nd book 

and Obama Foreign policy to a selected audience. 

While many of you may not be intimately familiar with Iran or its foreign policy, you do

need to understand that Iran is now ruled by a repressive regime. Iran has been helping,

training and funding our enemies in Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan. That assistance

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directly or indirectly by the many headed Hydra of the Iranian Islamic meritocracy, has

resulted in the killing and maiming of thousands of American soldiers many who were your

Alaskan neighbors! The ruling Islamist clergy is the sworn enemy of (great Satan) the

United States and (the little Satan) Israel!

To achieve their goals and hidden agenda, Iranian rulers decided to establish lobbyingorganizations and soft terror cells inside our country. This was done under Rafsanjani who

preceded Iran's current president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He helped establish

organizations such as AIC (American Iranian Council), NIAC (National Iranian American

Council),, a leftist liberal Marxist group based in UK with branches in the US

that works closely with Code Pink and other anti-capitalist and anti-American groups,

along with these groups many academics, think tanks and foundations have jumped on the

anti-American Pro-Iran band wagon, all have worked diligently for decades to counter the

American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) HERE and advocate for favorable US

policies toward Iran. These organizations and individuals routinely appear on TV, write

articles, hold conferences and meet with our politicians in an attempt to sugarcoat

the Iranian regime's agenda, some examples of which were the plot to assassinate aforeign diplomat on our soil and the alleged assassination of Gelareh Bagherzadeh.  

Bagherzadeh was an Iranian immigrant and a vocal advocate for political change in her

native county. The Iranian regime blatantly engages in violations of human rights, the

stoning of women, the rape and torture of political dissidents and many other atrocities!  

These Iranian supported non-governmental organizations (NGO¶s) and individuals

routinely portray this criminal regime as a pragmatic entity, encouraging dialogue and

diplomacy with the Iranian establishment leaders. These Iranian proxies¶ work tirelessly to

portray Iran¶s nuclear ambitions as peaceful while in fact its real purpose is the

development of a nuclear weapon! 

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NIAC is one such organization and Trita Parsi is one such an individual. He works for the

regime as lobbyist; he is bought and paid for by Iran, an Iranian agent provocateur! Over

95% of Iranians in a survey state that NIAC and Trita Parsi are lobbyists for the criminal

regime. report here 

NIAC and its president are not friends of Americans. In fact Trita Parsi is not even a US

citizen. NIAC purports to have thousands of members while in fact according to court

documents revealed in a suit filed by The Center for Security Policy (CSP), PDF NIAC¶s

membership has never exceeded 500. Arash Irandoost president and founder of the Pro-Democracy Movement of Iran (PDMI) has stated «´ NIAC most certainly does not 

represent the bulk of Iranian Americans.´  NIAC should be considered simply as a

propaganda arm of the Iranian Republican Guard Council (IRGC) the military arm of the

Islamic Republic. The IRGC is the principal body engaged in sponsoring terrorist and

militant groups and activity both in Iran and abroad. As far back as 1983 beginning with

the Beirut Airport Bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks which resulted in 299 deaths, the

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IRGC has been attacking American interests around the world; Trita Parsi is part and

parcel of this Iranian assault! Trita Parsi would make Joseph Goebbels HERE proud! 

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta recently said,³  Iran continues to undermine the stabilityof Iraq and its future,´ while former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike

Mullen said in July that ³  Iran is very directly supporting extremist Shia groups which are

killing our troops.´  

Court documents further reveal that NIAC has received U.S. government grants from the

National Endowment for Democracy (NED), whose monies were used for questionable and

nefarious purposes to the benefit of the Iranian regimes agenda.  PDF Mr. Irandoost at

PDMI states: ³F ollowing a defamation lawsuit brought in 2008 some of the internal 

documents related to these projects have become available. Examination of official documents

and NIAC¶s internal memos, including email correspondence and grant programmatic and 

 financial reports suggests that NIAC lied to NED about its accomplishments and used federal 

 funds for non-grant related activities, thus violating many of the rules governing the use

Congressional funds.´  The Washington Times reporter Eli Lake in a block buster expose confirms the suspicion

that NIAC run by Trita Parsi is in fact acting as an unofficial, and unregistered, lobby for

the Iranian regime. Eli Lake, further suggests that Parsi¶s loyalties are not divided at all

but lie entirely with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Times reports that Parsi set up a

group similar to NIAC in Sweden in 1997. The group's stated goal was to "  safeguard Iran's

and Iranian interests."  That organization did not understand democratic reform as

a core Iranian interest but rather sought to bolster the current regime by " the removal of U.S.

economic and political sanctions against Iran, and the commencement of an Iran-U.S.


Additionally Lake reports that Parsi is not registered as a foreign agent, but he seems to

have engaged in the very activities regulated by the Foreign Agents Registration Act. In

particular, Parsi arranged meetings between members of Congress and senior Iranian

officials, including the regime's ambassador to the United Nations, Javad Zarif. Lake

quotes former FBI deputy director Buck Revell, who says that " arranging meetings between

members of Congress and Iran's ambassador to the United Nations would in my opinion

require that person or entity to register as an agent of a foreign power; in this case it would be


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These are the facts as reported by the Washington Times, but the emails also reveal

financial ties between Parsi and an Iranian company with close ties to the regime. The

emails suggest that Parsi's use of funds from the National Endowment for Democracy

deserve close scrutiny, that he worked to dissuade dissidents from speaking out, and that

he repeatedly attempted to intimidate the press to prevent these facts from seeing the lightof day. 

Friends let¶s get one thing straight AWAC has invited a man with questionable ties to Iran.

Parsi is an open advocate for the Islamic regime of Iran a brutal and tyrannical

organization. A cabal of Islamic depots who regularly murder their opposition 

Beat prisoners 

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And hang gays 

Patriots, in light of the questionable practices of NIAC and its President Trita Parsi, I urge

you to express, as a patriotic Americans and Alaskans, your disdain and distaste for the

unpatriotic actions of the AWAC which border on treason. AWAC should never have

allowed their dais to be used for the purpose of promoting the anti-American hatred of a

despotic regime in Tehran!

Might I suggest that you demand that AWAC cancel Trita Parsi¶s presentation! Please take

a moment to E mail your concerns and displeasure to the AWAC and their sponsors (see

list below). When you E mail their sponsors please make it clear that you as a patrioticAlaskan find their support of such an organization as AWAC of great concern! 


Kafir CC: Anchorage media 

[email protected]  

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Alaska World Affairs Council406 G Street, suite 207

Anchorage, Alaska 99501Tel: (907) 276-8038 

FAX: (907) 276-8818 

President- Lise Falkow: [email protected] 

Board of Directors 

[email protected] [email protected] 

[email protected] 

[email protected] 

[email protected]  [email protected] 


Conoco Phillips; [email protected]  Northrim Bank: [email protected] 

BP Alaska: [email protected] Cornerstone General Contractors: [email protected] 

University of Alaska: [email protected] 

Alaska Brew House: [email protected] 

Artic Wire and Supply: [email protected] Glacier Brewhouse: [email protected] 

Aladdin¶s-Rabah Fine soups: [email protected] Nana Pacific: [email protected]