Irac 1.31.13

GlobalResearch at UCSF Teresa Moeller

Transcript of Irac 1.31.13

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GlobalResearch at UCSF

Teresa Moeller

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IRAC issues: What we work on after these meetings adjourn

¡  Creating community ¡  GlobalResearch forums- premiered at June meeting ¡  GlobalResearch News- outreach across campus ¡  Interest Groups- facilitating networking ¡  Social networking

¡  Creating resources and support ¡  Consultation service ¡  Working groups (travel, compliance, finance) ¡  International Database (IPD) ¡  GlobalHUB ¡  Ensure systems in development share global voice

¡  Supporting Early career faculty (JrGlobal) 

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Creating Community GlobalResearch forums

¡  Use newsletter to drive users to site

¡  1,800 visits, 25% return rate

¡  Un-gated open resource- no login

¡  Critical mass not met- people are not posting

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Creating community GlobalResearch News

1800 initial subscribers 2770 current

27% open (good for academia)

News, events, funding, awards & gossip

Tracks GH active residents and students as they move to other institutions, keeping them in touch with UCSF abroad

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Creating community Interest groups

¡  Interest Groups- central point to join. Online presence for groups

¡  Posting and updates are immediate

¡  Assist in ID-ing members and maintaining email lists

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Creating community social networking

¡  Facebook- Bay Area Global Health Events

¡  Twitter: events & RFA’s, syndicatable by anyone.

¡ Google calendar? Auto-populates UCSF accts

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Resources and Support Consultation services ¡  A mechanism to credit faculty for time spent

¡  Available to external consultees

¡  Used to capture conundrums with no easy answer

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Resources and support Working groups (travel, compliance, finance)

¡  GH finance issues are developed in RA forums, as UC transitions to OE, the topics that are addressed are posted to the GlobalResearch Grants Management Forum

¡  Travel safety subcommittee convenes quarterly for review and action (current hot topic is a unified UCSF approach to needle-stick abroad). Resources developed in the committee are posted to Risk management, the GlobalResearch Travel forum, integrated into student resources, and disseminated in the GlobalResearch Newsletter.

¡  UC-wide initiative to standardize export controls- especially deemed export.

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Resources and support International Database (IPD)

Revamp of front and back end. Improve functionality & user interface. Add city data, tag programs by topic, parse by active vs archive.

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Resources and support GlobalHUB

Partnering with the Office of Ethics and compliance to develop a Global HUB modeled on their Clinical Compliance HUB

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Resources and support Ensure systems share Global voice

¡ With Profiles to syndicate as much data as possible

¡ With contracts and grants, to extract old data and ensure new data systems collect GH data

¡ With Risk Management, capture travel data

¡ With CHR, capture old data and plan new systems

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Early career faculty (JrGlobal) 

¡  Identifying Research interest is difficult from a systems perspective

¡  Identifying Global health passion is harder

¡  Those who fund projects through NGO’s rather than UCSF are a missed resource

¡ Many of the career hurdles that are impeded by Global work are left intact as faculty move onto the next hurdle

¡ Convening JrGlobal’s formally and informally to identify and address issues, and foster collaborations

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IRAC can help

¡  Refer GH interested researchers to the resources

¡  Include a cc to Paul or Teresa when someone asks a FAQ, we can make sure it gets posted, so you won’t get asked again.

¡  You may be tapped for expertise as a consultant

¡  You may be tapped for a working group

¡  IRAC meetings feature new resources to support GHResearch, let your peers know about them

¡  Senior faculty represent expertise in how UCSF conducts research abroad. We convene 3 or 4 times a year. 90 members means we average 25 attendees