METRO ezasegagasini 17 Agasti - 30 Agasti 2012 IPhephandaba laMAHHALA VAKASHELA KU: www.durban.gov.za Izindaba Ikhasi 2 IVULIWE IHAMBANATHI POOL Izindaba Ikhasi 4 Izindaba Ikhasi 3 SINAKEKELA IZAKHAMIZI ETHEKWINI ROMITA HANUMAN UKWENYUKA kwentengo yezinto sekwenze amakhasimende angakwazi ukubhekana nezindleko. Kodwa uMasipala weTheku wenze konke okusemandleni ukuqinisekisa ukuthi ama- rates, namatharifu agcinwa esenanini eliphansi njengenye yezindlela zokusiza amakhasimende. Miningi imibuzo esiqhamukile ngenxa yokwenyuka kwentengo yezinto. UKrish Kumar, oyiPhini leMenenja yeDolobha kuMasipala: uMgcinini-mafa uthe uMasipala wenze kahle kakhulu ngokusho koMnyango wezimali kuzwelonke. “Noma kunzima ukuqhathanisa ukwenyuka kwama-rates namatharifu emadolobheni ahlukene, ngokusho koMnyango wezimali kuzwelonke kuleminyaka emibili edlule senze kahle njengoMasipala. Ngo 2011/12, uma kubhekwa abantu abasebenzayo imali engango R2083.55 edingwa ngumndeni ukuze ukwazi ukubhekana nezidingo zawo ngenyanga. Ngo 2012/13, kulabo abanemali kuthiwa ngu R1179.40 abawudingayo.” Amahlebezi okuthi ama- rates ezinye izakhiwo enyuke ngo 50% ngamampunge”, khusho uKumar. “ Ama-rates ezindlu enyuke ngo 6.5%. Uma inani lendlu lenyukile nama rates nawo azokwenyuka. Akuzona zonke izakhiwo ezenyukelwe ngama-rates. Amanani azokwehluka ngesikhathi kubuyekezwa isakhiwo. Kufanele kwaziwe ukuthi lokhu akuzange kunikeze uMasipala inzunzo ngalezinhlelo.” ITheku lisingathe izithangami zokulalelwa kwezethulo zesabelomali ekuqaleni kwalonyaka. [email protected] Sinakekela izakhamizi zethu Ukhetho lwama Komidi amaWadi - 19 Agasti 2012 Bheka ikhasi 5 S’CELO KHUZWAYO U SIHLALO we- Khomishana yenhlangano yobumbano lwamazwe ase- Africa i-African Union (AU) osandakuqokwa uNkosazana Dlamini-Zuma usephumele obala wabalula ukuqiniswa kwale nhlangano kanye nokuqinisekisa ubumbano nozinzo kuleli zwekazi njengezinye zezinto eziseqhulwini ezinhlelweni zakhe. Lo Ngqongqoshe woMnyango wezasekhaya osezibeka phansi izintambo ubekhuluma esithangamini sabezindaba ngemuva kokuviliyela kwabantu ebebebungaza ukuqokwa kwakhe nabagcine sebebuthene eCity Hall. Lokhu kuviliyela bekuyingxenye yemigubho yokubungazwa kukaDlamini-Zuma abeyihlelelwe uMasipala waseThekwini. Ube esenzelwa nesidlo sakusihlwa yiwo uMkhandlu. UDlamini-Zuma uthe uma eseqala umsebenzi wakhe ngo-Octoba kwelase- Ethiopia uzoqinisekisa ukuqiniswa kwenhlangano. Uthe ukuze noma iyiphi inhlangano ithuthuke futhi ikwazi ukwenza umsebenzi wayo ngendlela kumele iqine. “Impilo enhle yomama nayo ibaluleke kakhulu ekuthuthukisweni kwezwekazi lethu. Siyazi sonke ukuthi uma umama engaphilile kahle maningi amathuba okuthi azale ingane engenampilo. Nokuthuthukiswa komnotho kubaluleke kakhulu. Kumele sakhe isimo lapho khona sizokwazi ukuhwebelana sisodwa,” kusho yena. Ubuye wagcizelela nokubaluleka kobumbano ezwenikazi. Esekhuluma esidlweni sakusihlwa, uDlamini-Zuma ugqugquzele abesifazane ukuthi babe namaphupho amakhulu futhi babambe iqhaza ekuthuthukisweni kwezwekazi lase-Africa. UDlamini-Zuma ungowesifazane wokuqala ukuqokelwa kulesi sikhundla. Wehlule obevele esibambile uJean Ping waseGabon ngemuva kokhetho ebelushubile. Ngo- Januwari nonyaka bobabili behluleka ukuthola amavoti amaningi nayezoqinisekisa ukuthi kube khona onqobayo nokwaholela ekutheni uPing aphinde aqhubeke abambe izinyanga eziyisithupha. Kodwa ke uDlamini-Zuma ugcine elishayile ikhanda kuPing nokuyinto eshiye bonke abantu base-South Africa bejabule futhi bezigqaja ngaye. Akubona nje abakuleli kuphela ebebejabulele ukunqoba kuka-Dlamini- Zuma njengoba namanye amazwe ase-Africa akhuluma iSingisi abethi ngcingci kamjoli ngokugqoba kwakhe. Ngakolunye uhlangothi amazwe akhuluma isi- French e-Africa abedemelayisa wodwa ngokunqoba kwaleli qhawekazi njengoba phela bebelindele ukuthi kunqobe uPing. UMasipala wonke ngaphansi kobuholi beMeya uJames Nxumalo bafisele uDlamini-Zuma okuhle kodwa. UDlamini-Zuma ubonge kakhulu kuMasipala ngokumenzela umcimbi wokumvalelisa osezingeni eliphezulu waphinde wabonga bonke oMengameli aseke wasebenzisana nabo “ngokunginika ithuba lokubamba iqhaza ekuthuthukisweni kwezwe”. UDlamini-Zuma kulindeleke ukuthi, phakathi kwezinye izinto, abhekane nodaba lokuqinisekisa ukutholakala kokudla ezingxenyeni eziningi zezwekazi. [email protected] UMasipala uvalelise uDlamini- Zuma ngedili likamkhipheni NDLELANHLE: UMeya James Nxumalo, iPhini leMeya uNomvuzo Shabalala noSihlalo weKhomishani le AU uDktl Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma Isithombe: JESSIE SINGH IMBOKODO NEMIBONO EPHUSILE

Transcript of IPhephandaba laMAHHALA METRO VAKASHELA KU

METROe z a s e g a g a s i n i

17 Agasti - 30 Agasti 2012IPhephandaba laMAHHALA



Izindaba Ikhasi 2


Izindaba Ikhasi 4Izindaba Ikhasi 3



UKWENYUKA kwentengoyezinto sekwenzeamakhasimende angakwaziukubhekana nezindleko.Kodwa uMasipala weThekuwenze konke okusemandleniukuqinisekisa ukuthi ama-rates, namatharifu agcinwaesenanini eliphansi

njengenye yezindlelazokusiza amakhasimende.Miningi imibuzoesiqhamukile ngenxayokwenyuka kwentengoyezinto. UKrish Kumar,oyiPhini leMenenjayeDolobha kuMasipala:uMgcinini-mafa utheuMasipala wenze kahlekakhulu ngokusho

koMnyango wezimalikuzwelonke. “Nomakunzima ukuqhathanisaukwenyuka kwama-ratesnamatharifu emadolobheniahlukene, ngokushokoMnyango wezimalikuzwelonke kuleminyakaemibili edlule senze kahlenjengoMasipala. Ngo2011/12, uma kubhekwa

abantu abasebenzayo imaliengango R2083.55 edingwangumndeni ukuze ukwaziukubhekana nezidingo zawongenyanga. Ngo 2012/13,kulabo abanemali kuthiwangu R1179.40abawudingayo.”

Amahlebezi okuthi ama-rates ezinye izakhiwo enyukengo 50% ngamampunge”,

khusho uKumar.“ Ama-rates ezindlu

enyuke ngo 6.5%.Uma inani lendlu lenyukile

nama rates nawoazokwenyuka. Akuzonazonke izakhiwo ezenyukelwengama-rates. Amananiazokwehluka ngesikhathikubuyekezwa isakhiwo.

Kufanele kwaziwe ukuthi

lokhu akuzange kunikezeuMasipala inzunzongalezinhlelo.”

ITheku lisingatheizithangami zokulalelwakwezethulo zesabelomaliekuqaleni kwalonyaka.

[email protected]

Sinakekela izakhamizi zethu

Ukhetho lwama Komidi amaWadi - 19 Agasti 2012Bheka ikhasi 5


USIHLALO we-Khomishanayenhlanganoyobumbanolwamazwe ase-

Africa i-African Union (AU)osandakuqokwauNkosazana Dlamini-Zumausephumele obala wabalulaukuqiniswa kwalenhlangano kanyenokuqinisekisa ubumbanonozinzo kuleli zwekazinjengezinye zezintoeziseqhulwini ezinhlelwenizakhe.

Lo NgqongqoshewoMnyango wezasekhayaosezibeka phansi izintamboubekhuluma esithangaminisabezindaba ngemuvakokuviliyela kwabantuebebebungaza ukuqokwakwakhe nabagcinesebebuthene eCity Hall.Lokhu kuviliyelabekuyingxenye yemigubhoyokubungazwakukaDlamini-Zumaabeyihlelelwe uMasipalawaseThekwini. Ubeesenzelwa nesidlosakusihlwa yiwo uMkhandlu.

UDlamini-Zuma uthe umaeseqala umsebenzi wakhengo-Octoba kwelase-Ethiopia uzoqinisekisaukuqiniswa kwenhlangano.Uthe ukuze noma iyiphiinhlangano ithuthuke futhiikwazi ukwenza umsebenziwayo ngendlela kumeleiqine. “Impilo enhle yomamanayo ibaluleke kakhuluekuthuthukiswenikwezwekazi lethu. Siyazisonke ukuthi uma umamaengaphilile kahle maningi

amathuba okuthi azaleingane engenampilo.Nokuthuthukiswa komnothokubaluleke kakhulu. Kumelesakhe isimo lapho khonasizokwazi ukuhwebelanasisodwa,” kusho yena. Ubuyewagcizelela nokubalulekakobumbano ezwenikazi.

Esekhuluma esidlwenisakusihlwa, uDlamini-Zumaugqugquzele abesifazaneukuthi babe namaphuphoamakhulu futhi babambeiqhaza ekuthuthukisweni

kwezwekazi lase-Africa. UDlamini-Zuma

ungowesifazane wokuqalaukuqokelwa kulesisikhundla. Wehlule obeveleesibambile uJean PingwaseGabon ngemuvakokhetho ebelushubile. Ngo-Januwari nonyaka bobabilibehluleka ukuthola amavotiamaningi nayezoqinisekisaukuthi kube khonaonqobayo nokwaholelaekutheni uPing aphindeaqhubeke abambe izinyanga

eziyisithupha. Kodwa keuDlamini-Zuma ugcineelishayile ikhanda kuPingnokuyinto eshiye bonkeabantu base-South Africabejabule futhi bezigqajangaye.

Akubona nje abakulelikuphela ebebejabuleleukunqoba kuka-Dlamini-Zuma njengoba namanyeamazwe ase-Africaakhuluma iSingisi abethingcingci kamjolingokugqoba kwakhe.

Ngakolunye uhlangothiamazwe akhuluma isi-French e-Africaabedemelayisa wodwangokunqoba kwaleliqhawekazi njengoba phelabebelindele ukuthi kunqobeuPing.

UMasipala wonkengaphansi kobuholi beMeyauJames Nxumalo bafiseleuDlamini-Zuma okuhlekodwa. UDlamini-Zumaubonge kakhulu kuMasipalangokumenzela umcimbi

wokumvalelisa osezingenieliphezulu waphindewabonga bonke oMengameliaseke wasebenzisana nabo“ngokunginika ithubalokubamba iqhazaekuthuthukisweni kwezwe”.

UDlamini-Zumakulindeleke ukuthi, phakathikwezinye izinto, abhekanenodaba lokuqinisekisaukutholakala kokudlaezingxenyeni eziningizezwekazi.

[email protected]

UMasipala uvalelise uDlamini-Zuma ngedili likamkhipheni

NDLELANHLE: UMeya James Nxumalo, iPhini leMeya uNomvuzo Shabalala noSihlalo weKhomishani le AU uDktl Nkosazana Dlamini-ZumaIsithombe: JESSIE SINGH


IZINDABAIkhasi 2 17 Agasti - 30 Agasti 2012


IHAMBANATHI SwimmingPool esoTongaat isiphindeyavulwa njengoba kadeivalelwe ukulungiswa. Evulale swimming poolngokusemthethwenionguSomlomo weThekuuLogie Naidoo uthe“Ngomhlaka 31 Julayiumhlaba wabonaumbhukudi osezingenieliphezulu ngesikhathiuChad Le Clos ehlulaumakade ebonakwezokubhukuda uMichaelPhelps ngesikhathi enqobaemncintiswaneni wamaOlimpiki ka 200m butterfly,wawina igolide.”

UNaidoo uthe lenainselelo yomphakathiwaseHambanathi. “Akukhookunganivimba ukuthi naninibe ngo Chad bakusasainqobo nje uma nizimisela.UChad ungowokuzalwa laeThekwini, akazangeayoqeqeshwa eMelika nomae-Australia ukuze abengumpetha womhlabakwezokubhukuda.Ubeziqeqesha namaSeagullsePhayindane.”

Le Swimming pooleneminyaka engu 50ivuselelwe kabusha ngobaibingasahambisaninemigomo yesimanjemanjeyezokuphepha.

U Naidoo uthe le-poolesivuselelwe kabusha iya-kwazi ukufudumeza amanzi.“Le-pool inobuchwephebesimanjemanje bokuyifu-dumeza ngakho-ke ingase-tshenziswa zonke izinkathizonyaka, ngisho nasebusikaimbala.” Unxuse umpha-kathi ukuthi uzibandakanyenohlelo lwe” Learn to Swim”olusingethwe nguMnyangoweZemidlalo nokuthu-thukiswa kwaMakhonokuMasipala. “Bangaphezukuka 20 000 abantu

asebekwazi ukubhukudangaloluhlelo selokhulwaqalwa ngo 2004.”

OyiNhloko eMnyangweniwezaMapaki uThembinkosiNgcobo uthe bonanjengoMnyango “Bajabulakakhulu njengoba le poolisiphinde yavulwa.”

UNgcobo uthe esikhathiniesingeside kakhulu” Cisheeminyakeni engu 18 eyedlulenoma ngaphezulu, kwaku-nesikhathi la sasingavu-nyelwe khona ukusebenzisaingqalasizinda ezithize

zikahulumeni okubalwakuko nama-swimmingpool.”

Uthe ukubuyisanakungenzeka ngokusebenzisaingqalasizinda efana nale.Ngo 2016 sethemba ukuthiiHambanathi swimmingpool izokhiqiza omunyeuCha Le Close” kusho uNgcobo.

Amakhansela, abasebenzibakaMasipala, amalungaomphakathi nezinganezesikole ngabanye babantuabebethamele lomcimbi.

Bajatshuliswe ngomculonomdlalo weshashalaziobuqwashisa ngokuphephakuma-pools.

IKhansela le Wadi,uNompumelelo Mabasouthe, “Njengomphakathiwase Wadi 62 sibongauMasipala ngokuthi utshaleizimali kule projekthi.Sijabula kakhulu ukuthilolusuku seluze lwafiksa,sethemba ukuthi le poolizokhuqiza ompetha.”

[email protected]@durban.gov.za

Isivuliwe iHambanathi poolASIBHUKUDENI:IPhini leMenenjayeDolobhaeMnyangweniwezeMpilonokuPhepha uDktlMusa Gumede,Cllr NompumeleloMabaso,uSomlomo uCllrLogie NaidooneNhlokko yakwaParks, Cultureand RecreationuThembinkosiNgcobo emcimbiniwokuvulaiHambanathi PoolIsithombe:THEMBAKHUMALO


ESIKHATHINIesingangohhafu wonyaka njekuphela kusungulweisikhwama sokusizaabafundi abahlwempu i-James Nxumalo eDucationTrust Fund kodwa isisizeizinkumbi zentsha endlaimbuya ngothi kantiisiphinde yakhaubudlelwano nezikhungozemfundo ephakemeezahlukene KwaZulu-Natal.

Inhloso yalobu budlelwanongukusiza abafundiabaqhamuka emakhayaangamile kahlengakwezezimali.

Kumanje lesi sikhwamasesisize inqwaba yabafundiebese bephonse ithawulangokuthi bayoke bakwaziukufezekisa amaphupho abokwezemfundo njengobabentula izimali. Kuze kubemanje bangu-65 abafundiasebethole ukuxhaswa yilesisikhwama ngokuthi

bayoqhuba izifundo zaboezikhungweni zemfundoephakeme. Cishe uhhafuwalaba bafundi useNyuvesiyaKwaZulu-Natal kuthiabanye babe eDurbanUniversity of Technology,Mangosuthu University ofTechnology, Unisa,University of Zululandphakathi kwezikhungoezahlukene.

Iningi labafundi asebetholeuxhaso bavela emalokishinikanye nasemakhaya akheleiTheku namaphethelo.

Umsunguli walesisikhwama uJames Nxumaloobuye abe yiMeyayaseThekwini uthe,njengamanje baxhasa bazebafinyelele ku-R10 000umfundi ngamunye ngobabafuna ukusiza babebaningi. “Sifuna ukuthiwonke umuntu alitholeithuba lokuthola imfundoesezingeni elifanele nomangabe kuthiwa baqhamukakuziphi izindawo, kanti

nesimo sabo sokuntulaakumele sibavimbeleekutheni bathole imfundo.Sizimisele ngokuhlalasibasiza,” kusho uNxumalo.

Ngesikhathi sethulwa lesisikhwama ngoFebhuwarinonyaka eLandeni Hotel,uNxumalo wenzaisethembiso sokuthi lesisikhwama sizosizaabanfundi abahlwempuukuthi bakwazi ukuqhubaizifundo zabo ezikhungwenizemfundo ephakeme. Lesisibalo sabafundi asebetholeusizo singubufakazi bokuthiuNxumalo wayeqinisilengesikhathi enza lesisibopho.

Ngaphandle kwabafundiasebethole imifundaze,kunenye inqwabaesemazingeni aphansiezindaweni ezahlukeneezithole usizo lokutholaimifaniswano nokunye.“Sesifinyelele ezikoleniezingu-15 kuze kube manjekanti sesisize nenqwabayabafundi ngemifaniswano,”kusho uNxumalo.

Muva nje uNxumalouhambele izikole zokugcinaezihlomule kulesi sikhwamakulo nyaka ka-2012 njengobasebelungiselela ukutholaizimali zokusiza abanyengonyaka ozayo.IMbaliyezwe Lower Primary,Fredville PrimaryneSiphesihle HigheNtshanga yizona zikoleezibe ngezokugcinaukuhlomula kulo nyaka.UNxumalo ukhethengokuthi avale unyakangezikole ake wafunda kuzoukuze agqugquzeleabafundi.

[email protected]

I-James Nxumalo trust isizaabafundi abahlwempu ROMITA HANUMAN

UMA NGABE ububhekaumsebenzi wahlangananomuntu othi usebenzelauMaspala weTheku, efunaukuthi umnike imali,Uqaphele! Lowomuntuuyisigebengu ngoba awukhoumsebenzi odayiswayokuMasipala weTheku.

Ziningi izikhalo esizitholakubantu bekhalangezigilamkhuba ezibafunaimali yabo besezibathembisa imisebenzingoba zithi zinolayiningaphakathi kuMasipala.uDave Cloete, ongumphathikaHuman Resources, uthe,“sithanda ukucacisaemphakathini ukuthiawukho umsebenzi

odayiswayo kaMasipalangakhoke besicela ukuthiabantu balandele imigomoesemthethweni uma befunaumsebenzi.”

UCloete uphinde wachazakabanzi ngemigomoelandelwayo uma abantubefuna imisebenzi “Kumelekwazeke ukuthi imisebenzikaMasipala ikhangiswaephepheni njalo ngolwesihlanu lwesibili kantiabasebenzi bakaMasipalabona izikhangiso zabozifakwa odongeni lwezazisozikaMasipala. kanti futhiziphindwe zifakwekwiphepha bhukulakamasipala iMetroEzasegagasini,

UCloete ukugcizeleleukuthi laba abakhokhisa

abantu abafuna imsebenzibazoqondiswa izigwegwewonke amacala angaphansikwabaseshi futhibazothathelwa izinyathelozomthetho ikakhulukazilaba ababandakwanywanalomgunyathi .

Amalungu omphakathiayacelwa ukuba bengalingebakhiphe izimali zabo kulezizigilamkhuba.

Uma uhlangabezananolunye lwalezizigilamkhubaezizihlanganisaneziphathimandlazikaMasipala nomaamaKhansela, sicela ukubanibabike kuMenenjaweDolobha noma uMvikeliwoMphakathi ku 0800 20 2020 noma 031 311 4002.

[email protected]

Imisebenzi ayidayiswa!


UMPHAKATHI waseWentworth usungahlalangokukhululeka wazi ukuthilukhona usizo umabeludinga, lokhu kulandelaukusungulwa kweWentworthVictim Friendly ResourceCentre (WVFRC)ngokuhlanganyelakomphakathi, uhulumeninezinkampani ezizimele.

Lesi sikhungo sizoqukathausizo olumayelana nezintoezingi nekubalwa kuzoubugebengu,ezezidakamizwa, ezempilonokwelulekwa kubantuabanezinkingaeziphathelene naleziezibaliwe ngaphezulunezinye ezifananokuhlumekezeka ekhayakanye nokudlwengulwa.Lesisikhungo sivulwengokuhlanganyela ngabakwa

SAPS eWentworth,uMnyango wezokuPhepha,ukuVikelwa nokuXhumananoMphakathi esifundazweni,abakwaSafer CitieskuMasipala weTheku, u-Engen, Sapref, Mondinabakwa JT Rossnekuyizinkampani ezizimele.

UKamini Pillaye, ophumakwaSafer Cities, uthe“Lesisikhungo senzaimisebenzi eminingi futhinathi siyakujabulelaukuzisondeza kusona.Lendawo yayikadeisetshenziselwa ukubekakahle izinto neyaphindayanikelwa kuthina ukuzesiyishintshe ibe yindawoyomphakathi. ThinanjengabakwaSafer Citiessiyakujabulela ukuthikubenendawo efana nalenaendaweni futhi singathandaukuyibona ikhula kakhulu.”

UJenny Gomez, ophumakwa-WVFRC echaza indlelaabasebenza ngayo kanyenezinkinga ababhekana nazouthe “Sinendawo laphokunakekelwa khonaabathukile nabasandakuhlangabezana nanomaiyiphi inkinga abangadingaukwelulekwa futhi sivulansukuzonke ebusukunasemini.”

USpencer Stewartongusihlalo walendawo uthelendawo isebenza ngosizolwabaxhasi nabasebenziabangakhokhelwaabangamavolontiya.“Ngaphandle kwalawamavolontiya lendawoibingeke ibekhona.Bazimisele ukusiza nomabengeke baholelwe, lawaiwona amaqhawe ethukulendawo.”

[email protected]

Sivuliwe isikhungo sokwelulekwa

IMFUNDO ENGCONO: Bekukuhle kudelile uMeyaedlulisela inyumfomu ezinganeni zesikole ekwenzangokwesikhwama sosizo



EZasegagasini Metroiphephandaba likaMasipalaweTheku elidlulisa izindabazentuthuko eThekwini.Liphinde linike abafundi ithubalokuthi bakwazi ukuletha imibo-no yabo. Liphuma njalo emuvakwamaso-nto amabili ngoLwesi-hlanu. Kushicilelwa amaphepha-ndaba angu 400 000.Xhumana nathi:eZasegagasini Metro, PO Box5588, Durban, 4000 Newsroom: 031 311 4813/81/84, iFax: 031 3328051Reception: 031 311 [email protected]

Umhleli: Ntsiki MagwazaAbahleli bezindaba: Mandla Nsele no ThembaNyathikaziUmdidiyeli wezindaba: MackMakhathiniAbabhali: Nondu Ngcongo,Romita Hanuman, ThembaKhumalo, Sane Shandu, ,Sohana Singh, Khaya Sengani,Gugu Mdlalose, S’celoKhuzwayo, Vuyolwethu Gwala,Priah Dass, Noluthando Mkhize,Simphiwe Dlamini noRodneyMooreUmthwebuli: Jessie SinghAbahumushi: Themba Nyathikazi,Mack Makhathini, ThembaKhumalo, Nondu Ngcongo,S’celo Khuzwayo, NoluthandoMkhize, Simphiwe DlaminiiGraphics: Amith Sewparsad,Zama Zwane, Zakhe Ntshingila


IZINDABA17 Agasti - 30 Agasti 2012 Ikhasi 3

KAFUPHIUmhlanganongezinhlelozokunwetshwakwechweba I-Durban Chamber ofCommerce isihleleumhlangano la kuzoxoxwakhona ngezinhlelozokunwetshwa kwechwebazikaMasiapala weTheku.Kulomhlangano kuzobekukhulunywa ngentuthukoyaseNingizimu neTheku ukuzekubhekanwe nezingqinambaeziza nentuthuko okubalwaukunwetshwa kwechwebanokuqinisekisaukuthuthukiswa komnotho.

Lowo ophethe izinhlelozentuthuko uGraham Mullerand Associatesiziphathimandla zikaMasipalangabanye babantuokulindeleke ukuthi bahambelelomhlangano, baphindebaphendule nemibuzo.

Ngokusho kweDurbanChamber of Commerce inhlosoyalomhlangano ukulungiselaiChamber ukuthi ikwazi nayoukuza nezethule zayongokwezamabhizinisi.

Khonamanjalo abantuabafisa ukuhambelalomhlangano bayacelwa ukuthibaphathe omazisi. Laboabangamalunga eChambernabo bamukelekile ukuthibabe yingxenye yalomhlanganokodwa bayanxuswa ukuthibaxhimane neChamberbaqinisekise ukuza kwabo.Umhlangano use EngenRefinery, 455 Tara Road, BluffngoLwesibili mhlaka 21 Agastingo 8h00 - 11h30 emini.

UmbukisowezemveloKonke sekumi ngomumoembukisweni kaMasipalawezemvelo i( SustainableLiving Exhibition) ozobakusukela mhlaka 30 Agastikuya ku-1 Septhemba 2012 eDurban Exhibition Centre.

Lombukiso osingethwenguMasipala, ngokusebenzisai- Imagine Durban Project,kuhloswe ngawo ukukhombisaizindlela abantu abangaphilangazo ngaphandlekokuhlukumeza imvelo. UBongumusa Zondo wakwaImagine Durban uthe “ Abantusebejwayele ukusebenzisaubuxhakaxhakabesimanjemanje bazebakhohlwa nezindlela ezilulazokwenza izinto.

“Izinto ezifana nokuzitshalelaeyakho ingadi yemifinoengasiza umndeni wakhowonge imali. Ukuthola amanziompompi sekwenze abantubawasebenzi ngendlelaengeyinhle; ugesi nawo usubenomthelela ongemuhlekwezemvelo.

Lombukiso uyindlela enhleyokucobelelana ngemibonoengakha imiphakathienakekela imvelo.

U Zondo uthe “Lombukisounikeza abaholi bakusasabaseThekwini ithubaokuyizingane zethu ithubaelihle lokufundangokunakekelwa kwemvelo.Kulonyaka i- KZN ScienceCentre izoba yingxenyeyombukiso wezemvelo we-Imagine Durban, izobeisingethe izinhlelo zezinganeokuhloswe ngazo ukuthizifunde okuthize. Abantubayanxuswa ukuthi banikelengezinto abangazisebenzisikungaba izicathulo , izingubonamathoyizi, konikelwakwabakudingayo.


UMTAPO wolwazi wasoTo-ngaat usukhombisile ukuthiimitapo yolwazi ayisiyona njeindawo yokugcina izincwadikodwa izindawo ezisemqokakakhulu ekwakheni imipha-kathi. Ekhuluma emcimbiniwokugubha iminyaka enga-mashumi amabili wasungu-lwa lomtapo wolwazi,uSomlomo uLoggie Naidoouthe, imitapo yolwazi ibeyizizinda zokuthola ulwazifuthi kumqoka ukuthi isebe-nze ingabi yizindawo ezinga-setshenziswa njengoba kwe-nzeka kwezinye izindawo.

“Omasipala abaningi ba-nciphisa isabelo mali semta-po yolwazi kanti akufanelengabe kunjalo ngoba izikoleeziningi azinayo imitapoyolwazi. NjengoMasipalaweTheku imitapo yolwazisiyibona njengezinye zezintoezibaluleke kakhulu ekwa-kheni imiphakathi yethu,imitapo yolwazi ngeyomp-hakathi akusiyo eyethu thinanjengoMasipala siqinisekisaukuthi yenganyelwe kahle.Kuyajabulisa ukuzwangezinhlelo ezikhona

kulomtapo wolwazi selokhuyakhiwa. Sinxusa umpha-kathi ukuthi uyisebenziseimitapo yolwazi ngobaeyawo,” kusho u Naidoo.

Umphakathi wasoTongaatukwazile ukusebenzisalomtapo ngendlela efanelenjengoba sekuze kwasungu-leka nenqwaba yezinhlanga-no. Enye yezinhlelo lompatoozigqaja nangazo ukusungu-lwa komfelandawonyewababhali i-North CoastWriters Association, nosuzu-ze lukhulu njengoba usuzewakhipha nencwadi esihlokoesithi “Prose and Poetry”neyeyethule ngalo lolusuku.

IPhini leNhloko eMnya-ngweni weMtapo yolwazinamaGugu, uGuy Redman,uthe, “UMasipala unemtapoyolwazi engu-92 okuyisibaloesikhulu ezweni lonke”.

“Sinemtapo yolwazi emibiliengomahamba nendlwanaesihlose ngayo ukuzwaamanzi ngobhoko laphosingakha khona eminye.mtapo yethu yolwazi ikhiqizaabantu abakha amathubaemisebenzi, “ kuchazauRedman.

[email protected]

UMtapo wasoTongaatuqeda iminya engu 20


ABASIKI bengqephu base-Thekwini namaphethelobazophinde bathole ithubaeliyingqayizivele lokukho-mbisa imisiko yabo kubathe-ngi basemazweni omhlabaemcimbini wokukhangisangengqephu i-InternationalFashion Show ezobanjelwakuleli dolobha maduze nje.

NgokujwayelekileuMasipala waseThekwiniusingatha lo mbukiso njalongoSepthemba lapho khona

abasiki begqephu basekhayabethola ithubalokukhombisa abezizweikhono labo. Nakulo nyakaakukho oku-hlukilengaphandle nje kokuthiizinga lizobe liphezulukakhulu. Okuzokwenzaukuthi izinga libe phezulukuzoba ngukuqokwakukachwe-pheshewezokusikwa kwenqephuozobe efundisa kabanziabasiki bengqephungaphambi kokuthi kuqalelo mbukiso.

Muva nje, emhlanganweniwesigungu esilawula uMasi-pala i-Executive Committee(EXCO) kunikezwe NhlokoyoMnyango wezamaBhizi-nisi, iziMakethe nezokuVaka-sha uPhilip Sithole ilungelolokubeka ozokwenza lomsebenzi ngobunonobekati. Izincomo ezibekiwengokutholakala kozosizangokucija abasikibengqephu osezingenilamazwe omhlaba ngukuthiuzobanika amaceboamaningi, abahlomise

ngolwazi ngaphambikweDurban Business Fairkanye nawo ke lo mbukisowengqephu bese ephindefuthi asize ngokuthi ahlonzelabo abazokwaziukusabalalisa imisikoyaseThekwini e-Europe.

IPhini leMeya uNomvuzoShabalala lithe kubalulekileukuthi kugqugquzelweintsha ukuthi ingene futhiizibambe ziqinekwezengqephu. “Isizathusokuyisa abasiki bengqephuabayisithupha e-Italy

nyakenye ngukuthi besifunabafunde indlela okwenzisangayo kwamanye amazwebafunde nezinye izintoeziningi kanti okuhle ukuthibathe uma sebebuya babuyanolwazi olunzulu. Ngabesithumele abantu abaningikodwa ngenxa yokuntulekakwezimali sigcine sithumelaabayisithupha kuphela.Sidinga ezivela kuleliya zweukuthi zifundise abasikibengqephu baseThekwini,”kusho uShabalala.

[email protected]

Abengqephu ethubeni lokukhangisa kwabezizwe


SEKUNGUMLANDO ukuthiumbukudi waseThekwini,uChad Le Clos, umangazeumhlaba ngenkathi ehlulainkakha kwezokubhukudauMicheal Phelps ebangenielingu-200m butterflynalapho ewine khonaindondo yegolide.

Ngesonto eledlule,ngosuku lwabesifazaneizinkumbi zabantubaseThekwini ziyeke konkeebezikwenza zabuthanaesikhumulweni sezindiza i-King Shaka International

Airport ukuzokwamukelanokuzohlonipha uLe Closngempumelelo yakhe kuma-2012 London Olympics.

Obehola izakhamizizaseThekwini ebeziphumengezinkani ukuzokwemukelalo shampeni we-200mbutterfly, kube iMeya,uJames Nxumalo, uMenejakaMasipala uSibusiso Sitholekanye namalungu eKomidilesigungu esiphezulusoMkhandlu.

UNxumalo uthe, lonangumzuzu abaziqhenyayongawo njengoMasipalaukuzokwamukela Le Clos,

umfana omncane ondiziselephezulu ifulegi lakuleliemidlalweni esezingenilomhlaba. Ngaphezukokuhlabana ngendondoyegolide leli bhungu liphindelathola indondo yesiliva ku-100m butterfly.

“Ukwenza kahlekweqembu lakulelilezokubhukuda kuma-Olympics kuqhakambiseukubumbana kwenzinhla-nga ezahlukene kwaphindekwakhombisa iqhazalezemidlalo ekubumbaniseniisizwe nokuyinto izwe lethueliyidinga kakhulunjengamanje. Isizwe sonkesihlabeke umxhwelengempumelelo yakhe, sifisaukubonga abazali bakhe,umndeni kanye nabanganingokumeseka,” kusho yena.

ULe Clos uthe lokhubekungeke kube impumelelongaphandle komqeqeshiwakhe uGraham Hill.

“Abantu bathi ngiqopheumlando ngokuhlula iqhawelami, uPhelps kodwa yinieniqophe umlando ngokubalana namhlanje,” kushouChad eshona esikhwameniekhipha indondo yakheyegolide

[email protected]

Wamukelwe kahle uChad

SIYAKUHALALISELA: UMenenja weDolobha uSibusisoSithole, uMeya James Nxumalo, uNgqongqosheNtombikayise Sibhidla –Saphetha nompetha uChad LeClos Isithombe: SIMPHIWE DLAMINI


UMNYANGO wezeMpilokuMasipala weThekuusanda kumbambaumcimbi obizwa nge-Albinism Awareness e-CityHall ebekuhloswe ngawoukuqwashisa abantungokuthi bangacwaswaabantu abanebala elimhlo-phe (Albinism). USylvesterCele woMnyangoweZempilo uthe, lo mcimbiububanjwe ngenhlosoyokunikeza abantu abane-bala elimhlophe ithubalokuthi batshele uMasipalaizidingo nezinkinga ababhe-kana nazo njengamalungi-selelo omcimbi omkhuluozoba ngo-September.“Sifuna ukwakha uhlelolokuhlanga-bezana naboezinkingeni ababhekananazo ngokwezinto abakhalangazo bona njengabantuabathintekayo kunokuthikube nguhulumenionqumayo ukuthibadingani,” kusho uCele.

UZandile Gumede,onguSihlalo wekomidilezeMpilo, ezukuPhephakanye nezeNhlalakahle, utheuMkhandlu uyazixhasaizinhlelo ezifana nololu kantibafuna kucace lokhu

kusekela ezingeni lamawadi,nalapho kufanele amakha-nsela avikele izakhamuzizawo kulokucwaswaababhekana nokho.

“Umkhandlu weThekuuyanakekekla futhi siyali-bona iqhaza abangalibambaemnothweni weTheku nomangabe banebala elinjani,inkolo yabo noma usiko.Lokhu futhi kuhambisananemizamo yethu

yokwakhwa ubumbanoemiphakathini yaseThe-kwini,” kungeza uGumede.

UMongameli wenhlanganoi-Albinism Society of SouthAfrica (ASSA), uNomasontoMazibuko, uthe kuyabaja-bulisa njengenhlanganoukubona ukuthi uMasipalauyayibona imizamo yabofuthi kukhona nezinhlelouMasipala anazo ukuzamaukusizana nabo emizameni

yabo yansuku zonke. Abantu aba-behambele

lomcimbi banikezweizigqoko kanye nezintozokugcoba ezivikelaizikhumba zabo elangeni.Lezizipho zazinikelweinkampani yakwa-W.R Seta.

Ukuba nebala elimhlopheakukona ukukhubazekakepha isimo sokuthiisikhumba sakho singakwaziukukhiqiza ibala elinsundu

nokwenza ukuthi isikhumba,izinwele namehlo angabinebala elijwayelekile. Nomaubani onalenkinga nomaowazi umuntu onayokumele ajoyine inhlanganoyabantu abanenkingaefanayo, uthi bangaxhumananabakwa ASSA kwethi 031322 2425 noma umthola-mpilo oseduze.

[email protected] [email protected]

Sinakekela zonke izakhamizi zethuSIBAMBISENE;AmaKhanselaeTheku kadeebuthene eCityHall kudingidwaudaba oluthintainhlaliswanoyezakhamuzizeTheku eCityHall.Isithombe:APHELELENTUMBU

IZINDABAIkhasi 4 17 Agasti – 30 Agasti 2012

Sihlonipha amaqhawe ethu

Iqale ngegiya eliphezulu eyabesimame

IMBOKODO: IPhini leMeya uNomvuzo Shabalala no Dkt May-Mashego Mkhizengesikhathi behambele i-Women in Business Conference Elangeni Hotel.



IQALE ngegiya eliphezuluinyanga yabesifazane

UMasipala weTheku neDurban Chamber of Comm-erce and Industry basandakusingatha inkomfayabesifazane abanama-bhizinisi eLangeni Hotel.Inhloso enkulu yokusinga-thwa kwalenkomfa bekuwu-kubonisana ngezinto ezizu-ziwe nokucobelelanangolwazi kubo bonkeabesifazane abanamabhi-zinisi KwaZulu-Natal.Okunye okubalulekilebekuwukugqugquzela ukuthiabantu besifazanebabambisane emabhizinisiniukuze umnotho wakuleliuthuthuke. Ukusingathwakwalenkomfa futhibekuhloswe kakhulu ukuthikwesekwe kakhuluosomabhizinisi abancaneukuze bathuthuke nabobafinyelele ezingenieliphezulu. IPhini leMeyayeTheku, uNomvuzoShabalala obeyingxenye

yalenkomfa ugqugquzeleabesifazane ukuthi basizanekukho konke,bashintshisanengolwazi nesipiliyoni ukuzebazithuthukise.

“Le nkomfa bekungeyo-kuqala esingathwe iThekukulenyanga yabesifazanefuthi inikeza wonke umuntuithuba lokuzithuthukisangoba izigqinambaezixoxiwe namhlanje izonaezizoba umhlamhla ndlelaoya phambili. Ukuthu-thukiswa kwabesifazaneikhona kanye okuhambaphambili ezinhlelwenizikaMasipala,” kuchazauShabalala. Uqhube wathibanezinhlelo ezihloseukuthuthukisa abesifazanekuphela. Kulenyanga ka-Agasti uMnyango wethuwezamaBhizinisineziMakethe nezokuVakashangokubambisananoMnyango wezokuThuthu-kiswa koMnotho KwaZuluNatal bazosingatha enyeinkomfa yabesifazaneabazophinde bathole ulwaziolunzulu ukuzebazithuthukise.

UShabalala uthe ulwazi

luyamthuthukisa umuntu.Umama wesizweesifundazweni saKwaZuluNatal, uDkt May MashegoMkhize ukugcizelele kakhuluukubaluleka kokuzwananokuthathana njengosisinokuthuthukisa imiphakathiehluphekayo.

“Umuntu kumele azameukuletha umehlukoonomthelela omuhleempilweni yomuntu,njengomuntu wesifazanezibuze ukuthi umuphiumehluko ofike nawoemphakathini wakho “kuchaza uMkhize.

UDkt Thandeka Mazibukooyi-Registrar kwaRadiationOncology eGreys HospitalePieterMaritzburg yenauthule inkulumo ethintakakhulu izihloko zezempilokubantu besifazane.

Unxuse bonke abantubesifazane ukuthi babeumngani nemitholampiloukuyohlolela izimpilo zabokakhulukazi uma kukhonaabakuzwayo emabeleningoba umdlavuza webeleuyingozi.

[email protected]

PROF. HIMANSU BAIJNATH(iSayensi Nobuchwepheshe)

UProfessor Baijnath owaza-lwa mhla ka-9 Juni 1943,akazalelwanga emndeniniocaphuna kusale, kodwawenyuka ngezikhwephanomfutho wakhe kuphela.Wazuza iziqu zeBachelor ofScience ngo-1967 neze-Bachelor of Science Honoursngo-1969 e-UNISA. Ngo-1973wazuza ezeMasters in Sciencelapho aphumelela khonangamalengiso e-University ofDurban-Westville nezePh.De-University of Reading(eNgilandi) ngo-1977. UProf.Baijnath uzuze imiklomeloeminingana emkhakheniwezitshalo kanti njengamanjeuyilungu eliphezulu kwa-SABONET- South AfricanBotanical Diversity Network.Uyilungi le Trustee of DurbanBotanic Gardens Trust abuyeabe lilungu leBhodi yeNatio-nal Botanical Institute/SouthAfrican National BiodiversityInstitute, aqokwa kuyonguNgqongqoshe. UBaijnathuseke waba yingxenyeyezinhlelo zomhlaba nasekuqongeleleni kwezimali.

CAROLINE SMART(Ubuciko Namasiko)

UCaroline Smart odabukaeKenya uyaziwa kakhulukwezeshashalazi eThekwininjengomlingisi obuthaimiklomelo eshashalazini,kumabonakude, emsaka-zweni nasemidlalweniyamabhayisikobho. Ubuyeabe ngumbhali wemidlalo,umqondisi wemidlalo(yeshashalazi neyomsakazo),iciko elifaka iphimbokuphela, umqeqeshi ongu-chwepheshe ekufakeniiphimbo, umbhali wezobu-ciko, nomdidiyeli weziqe-shana zobuciko kumabona-kude kwaSABC. Ezinsukwinizakhe zemidlalo yomoya,uSmart waba ngundaba-mlonyeni ezwakala ezinhle-lweni ezahlukene zeRadioSouth Africa neSpringbokRadio. Uyezwakala nasohle-lweni lweSafm iDurban AfterDark ebika okwenzekaesifundazweni. Uzuzeimiklomelo eminingiphakathi kwayo okukhonaneFool’s Award for Best ArtsJournalist yodumo eThekwiniayithola ngo-2003.


UNavie Pillay wazalelwaeThekwini ngo1941. Wazuzaiziqu zikaBA nezeLLB eNyu-vesi yaseNatali ngeminikeloyomphakathi wasendaweniwabe eseshada noGaby Pillay.Wafunda eHarvard LawSchool, wathola iziqu zeLLMnezobudoktela kwezo-mthetho (Doctor of JuridicalScience) okwamenze wabangowokuqala ngqa eNingizi-mu Afrika ukwenza njalo.Wamela izishoshovu zombu-sazwe. Ngo-1992, wasungulaiqembu lamalungelo abantubesifazane lomhlaba jikelele,i-Equality Now. OwayenguMengameli wezwe uMnuzNelson Mandela waqokauNavie njengowesifa-zanewokuqala omnyamaukusebenza eNkantoloEphakeme yaseNingizimuAfrika wazuza nomklomeloiGruber Prize for Women’sRights.Mhla ka-24 Julayi 2008,uNobhala jikelele we-UNuBan Ki-moon waqokauNavie ukuba abe yiHighCommissioner yamalungeloesintu ngemuva kukaLouiseArbour.


ULauretta Ngcobo wazalelwawakhulela emaphandleniaseXobho, KwaZulu-Natalngo-1932. Wafunda eNandaSeminary phakathi kuka-1945no-1949. UNgcobo waziwakakhulu njengombhalioyishoshozela lamalungeloabesifazane. Wayengesinyesezikhulumi eziphambiliembhikishweni kazwelonkewabantu besifazaneowawuphikisana namapasingo-1956. Walishiya leli ngo-1963 ebalekela ukuboshwawayobhaca nomyeni wakhenezingane, wasuka eSwaziniwaya eZambia wagcinaeseseNgilandi laphoasebenza khonanjengethishela iminyakaengama-25. Esandakuyishiya nje iNingizimuAfrika ngo-1963, waqalaukubhala, kodwa incwadiyakhe yokuqala, iCross ofGold, yaze yashicilelwa ngo-1981. Emibhalweni yakhe,uNgcobo ugxila kakhuluobandlululweni kanyenamasiko esiZulu acindezelaabesifazane.

THEO BOPHELA (Umculo Nokuzijabulisa)

UTheo Bophela owazalelwaeMtshezi emndenini wama-kholwa ngo-1931, wayeso-ndelene nomculo wokholoazisa futhi ebona nezinyeizinhlobo zomculo esemnca-ne kakhulu. Wabuye wathu-thela eMkhumbane laphouthando lwakhe lomculolwakhula kakhulu. Wabuyewasebenza kwi radio work-shop, lapho aqala khonaukuzwa ngosaziwayo bejazzabafana nawoDuke Ellington,Count Bassie, Bud Powellowagcina esemkhuthazeukuba afunde ukushayauphiyano. Ngesikhathi sakhesokusebenza, wasebenzaneSwingsters Jazz Band kaTom Ndaba, Chromatic JazzBand, Keynotes Jazz Group,‘Theo Bophela Trios &Quarttes Jazz ResurrectionOchestra. Njengomholiwebhendi, umqambi wama-culo, umdlali wophiya-no,umhlanganisi, umfundisinomqondisi womculo, wa-dlala e-Athens, eHolland, e-Australia, eGroningen, eNewZealand.

CECIL WARD(Ezemvelo)

UCecil James Ward wazalelwawakhulela eSipingo BeacheThekwini ngoSepthembaka-1926. Waphasaumatikuletsheni ngo-1943waqala ukufunda iB.Sc eNatalUniversity College (NUC)ngaleso sikhathi ePieterma-ritzburg ekuqaleni kuka-1944.Ngo-1950 uWard wayengu-msizi endaweni okuqoqelwakuyo izitshalo futhi ekhombi-sa ngazo ngokugcwelekuMnyango wezoLimo e-University of Natal (Pmb).Kusukela ngo-1951 kuyaphakathi no-1953, uWardwafundisa iBotany neZoologyeSchool of Pharmacy, eNatalTechnical College, eThekwini.Kusukela phakathi no-1953kuya phakathi no-1963,wasebenza njengomnakekeliwemvelo, eNatal Parks,Games and fish PreservationsBoards. Kusukela phakathino-1963 kuya ekuphelenikuka-1987, wafundisa i-Ecology and Systematics,wagcina eseyiSenior Lecturer,iBamba leNhloko yoMnya-ngo womnyango wokuqoqwakwezitshalo.

Sekuyileso sikhathi sonyaka futhi lapho uMasipala weTheku ekhumbulafuthi azise izingqalabutho zedolobha lethu eziphilayo ezibambe iqhazaelibonakalayo emiphakathini yazo futhi eziqhakambisa nedolobha lethungokuba isibonelo esihle ezweni nasemhlabeni jikelele. Njengobasekungunyaka wesihlanu sigubha imiklomelo yezingqalabutho eziphilayozaseThekwini, sifisa ukubazisa labo abenza ngokwedlulele.

IZINDABAIkhasi 5 17 Agasti - 30 Agasti 2012

Vota okhethweni lamaKomidi amaWadiKHAYA SENGANI noRODNEY MOORE

KONKE sekumi ngomumookhethweni lwamakomidiamaWadi oluzosingathwanguMasipala weThekungeSonto, mhlaka 19 Agasti2012 emaWadini angu 92kwangu 103. UkhethoemaWadini angu 9luhlehlisiwe ngenxayamigubho ka Eid. Usukuolusha lokhethokulezindawobelungakamenyezelwa.AmaWadi ahlehlise ukhethoilawa: 34, 48, 49,50,51,52,69,70, 71, 73, 86 no90.

Amalunga omphakathi,nezinhlangano ezingekhongaphansi kukahulumeni

bayanxuswa ukuthibabambe iqhaza ekukheth-weni kwabantu abazobangamalunga alamakomidi.

AmaKomidi amaWadiazomela wonke umphakathiezintweni ezithintaintuthuko aphindeaqinisekise ukuthi izidingozomphakathi ziyafinyelelaezinhlakeni ezithintekayo.

IKomidi leWadi lizokwenzaizethulo eKhanseleni leWadilona lidlulisele ngemiguduefanele kuze kufike kwikomi-di lamakhansela.

AmaKomidi amaWadiathathwa njengesigunguesisemthethweninguMkhandlu sokux-humana ezintweni ezithintaiWadi. Amalunga ekomidiaba kulesisikhundla ihlandla

elilodwa.USomlomo weTheku, uCllr

Logie Naidoo uthe,“Ngosuku lokhetho amalun-ga omphakathi aba nethubalokuphakamisa abantuafuna bakhethwe nawo futhiangakwazi ukuthi aphindeaphakanyiswe ukuzeangenele ukhetho,umangabe behlangabezananemigomo yokhetho elande-layo.

Umuntu uyokhethelwaukuba angene ekomidinikuphela uma;:

• Engumvoti obhalisiwekuleso sigceme futhi igamalakhe lavela ohlwinilwabavoti lwaleso sigceme;

• Ekhethwe yiqeqebalabantu abanezimfuno ezi-fana nezakhe ukuba

ayosebenza ekomidini;• Engakweleti uMasipala

isikhathi esingaphezulukwezinyanga ezintathu (3),ngaphandle uma engabu-veza ubufakazi bokuthisezivele zenziwe izinhlelonoMasipala zokuthi (lowookhethwayo) uzosikhokhakanjani isikweletu futhiuzohlala enegama elihlekuMasipala kuze kupheleisikhathi sokusebenzakwakhe ekomidini;

• Engesona isisebenzisikaMasipala:

• Engesona isisebenzi sen-tuthuko yomphakathi nomaumuntu othola isibonelelokunoma yimuphi uMnyangokaHulumeni kaZwelonkenoma wesiFundazwe ngok-wenza imisebenzi ethile

yomphakathi;• Engakaze aboshwe

emuva kukaNhlolanja 1997eboshelwa icala lapho wag-wetshwa khona, wabhadlaejele isikhathi esiyizinyangaezingaphansi kweziyi 12ngaphandle kokunikwa ithu-ba lokukhetha ukubaahlawuliswe; futhi

• Engeyena umuntuonokuphazamisekaengqondweni futhi okun-qunywe lokho yinkantoloefanele ukuthi ukuleso simo.

“AmaKomidi amaWadingezinye zezindlelazokuthuthukisa intandoyeningi emaWadini, ukuzekuqinisekiswe ukuthi iza-khamizi ziba yingxenyeyokuhlelwa kwezinhlelo zen-tuthuko kuMasipala ,” kusho

u Naidoo.Uqhube wathi: “Ukhetho

luzosingathwa yi-Independent ElectoralCommission,ukuqinisekisaukuthi ukuvota kuhambangohlelo.”

Ukhetho luzohamba kanje09h00-11h00

Ukubhalisa nokubhekaigama ohlwini lwabavoti

11h00-14h00Ukuphakanyiswa kwamaga-ma nokuvota

14h00-16h00 Ukubalwa kwamavoti

nokumenyezelwa kwemi-phumela.

Ungakhohlwa umazisi-wakho ogunyaziweukusebenza e South Africa

Uhla lwamawadi nezindawo zokhetho

19 Agasti 2012

OUTER WEST REGIONRegional Co-ordinator: Zilungile HlopheContact No.: 031 3116186Cell No.: 082 724 1083

Ward 1Sizakala Hall, KwaXimbaTesting Centre, Magayi Roadnext to the Taxi rank

Ward 2Bambanani Entumeni Hall,Next to Siyajabula HighSchool

Ward 4Michael Gwala Hall, next toFredville Clinic at Inchanga

Ward 5Georgedale CommunityHall, Georgedalle

Ward 6Magaba Hall, next to the newMpumalanga Mall

Ward 7Ntshongweni Sportfield

Ward 8Apostolic Church (Riverview)

Ward 9Lower Molweni Hall,Molweni area

Ward 10Kloof Town Hall, Kloof Citycentre and next to banks(FNB, ABSA etc)

Ward 12KwaNdengezi Hall, ThulaniRoad next to shoppingcentre and Police station

Ward 13Dassenhoek Hall,

Ward 14Bhekokuhle School, SthunduRoad next to a basket ballcourt

Ward 15Impola Hall,

Ward 16Nazareth Island - OpenSpace, next to NazarethIsland Hall- Rudloss Road

Ward 17Klaarwater Community Hall,next to Municipality’s ParksDept Offices

Ward 103Bambanani CommunityHall, Kwanyuswa- afterSondelani Trading Store, nextto taxi rank

Ward 91Ingede School Ground,

CENTRAL WEST REGIONALRegional Co-ordinator:Monica JamaContact No. 031 311 6683Cell No.: 083 278 2406

Ward 18Lahee Park Pinetown,opposite SanlamCentre/Pinecrest Centre

Ward 19Sub Five Community Hall,

Ward 20Sthokozile Secondary School

Ward 21Clermont Sport Hall

Ward 22Lusaka Community Hall,Clermont

Ward 23Sirpat Sport Field corner ofBuro & Dunbar Road

Ward 24Chesterville Hall

Ward 29Wiggins Community Hall

Ward 30Wiggins Sportfield

Ward 31Park on the corner ofRandles & Sparks Road inSydenham

Ward 32Tamil Institute in Clairwood

Ward 33Glenmore Primary School56 Fielden Drive

Ward 63Queensburgh Hall,Queensburgh

Ward 65Rossburg High School-Rossburgh, next to Licensingcentre

Ward 72Imbali yethu School, 3556

Demant Road,Demat

Ward 92Clermont Sports Hall, 12 Clermont Road,

Ward 101Cato Crest Hall, Grama Road,off Mayville SecondarySchool

NORTH CENTRAL REGIONRegional Co-ordinator:Sihle ThusiniContact No.: 031 3221834Cell No.: 083 278 2402

Ward 03Qadi Sportground,Umzinyathi

Ward 11Pufaro Ground, NewlandsEast

Ward 26City Hall, West Street-Durban,

Ward 27Greyville Primary School

Ward 37Paul Sykes Primary School,Newlands west- Castle Hillarea

Ward 38Ntuzuma A Hall, 2049Mduku Road- Ntuzuma

Ward 39Bhekuzulu Hall, RotarySports Ground- Kwamashu

Ward 40Open space, Zamokuhle Pre-school in Kwamashu BSection

Ward 41KwaMashu K Hall-Kwamashu K-Section

Ward 42.Ntuzuma Hall, Ntuzuma H-section on Access road

Ward 43Ntuzuma F Hall, Ntuzuma F-Section

Ward 44Ezimbomvini Sportground

Ward 45Ntuzuma B Hall- NtuzumaSection B,

Ward 46Nkanyisweni hall,Kwamashu F-Section

Ward 47Emaqadini L P School,Kwamashu L-Section nearBridge City Mall

Ward 54Nhlungwane HallWard 55New Town A stadium,Dinuzulu Drive, the area iscalled emabloksini

Ward 56Ngoqokazi Matikwe/Hall(same name) next toMtshebheni

SOUTH CENTRAL REGION Regional Co-ordinator:Sbusiso MadlalaContact No: 031 311 5203Cell No.: 072 301 0162

Ward 64Ningizimu Special SchoolSportground, 63 KenyanHawden Road oppositeCaltex Garage (Montclair)

Ward 6622 Pirie Road HighubrySports Ground (Bluff)

Ward 74Kwampanza Sport ground,Kwampanza RoadLamontville

Ward 75Lamontville hall

Ward 76Glebelands Hall

Ward 77Imisebe Primary School

Ward 78Umlazi K Hall

Ward 79Umlazi G Hall

Ward 81Sikhumbuzo Primary School,Umlazi C-section

Ward 80Umlazi V Hall, Sibisisomdakane Road, near Kwa-Max

Ward 82Umlazi Cinema, Umlazi C-section on Zwe madlala


Ward 83Umlazi M Hall

Ward 84Mandlakazulu Hall (uMlaziAA Section)

Ward 85Sishosonke High School(uMlazi)

Ward 87D Section UmlaziCommunity Hall next to apopular car-wash (ezitolo)

Ward 88Inkonkoni High School, V-Section Umlazi at 329Nkonkoni Drive

NORTH REGIONRegional Co-ordinator: Sam MaphumuloContact No: 031 3221634Cell No: 083 541 1643

Ward 25Pantas Hill Park

Ward 28City Hall- Durban-Citycentre, West Street

Ward 35Umhlanga Sizakala Offices

Ward 36Northwood Boys School(School Hall), KennethKaunda Road

Ward 53Maoti Hall, Road D-403 inInanda- near Dube Village

Ward 57OR Tambo Plaza, ThembaJobe Road, Bhambay

Ward 58Waterloo Sport Ground, nextto taxi rank

Ward 59Trenance Park Ground,conner of Jabu Ngcobo andTrenance drive, Verulam

Ward 60Dianthus Primary School,Dianthus Road-nearGlenheaven SecondarySchool

Ward 61Beveldere hall, next to BP


Ward 62Outspan Ground

Ward 102Duff Road Hall/ MountMoriah Sight Office, off rampto Phoenix towards Avocaand it’s on Duff Road

SOUTH REGIONRegional Co-ordinator: Vasco HlengwaContact No: 031 311 5846Cell No.: 071 853 1292

Ward 67Ngqobheni Sports Field,near Adams Mission afterKwaMakhutha 1

Ward 68Austerville Hall, NkosiJohnson Road near Enginegarage

Ward 89Spingo Hill Sports Field,Flamboint Drive on PaltDrive-Isiphingo

Ward 93Ezimbokodweni Hall, NearCharles James Hospital atKwaMakhutha

Ward 94Nsimbini Open spaceCommunity Safety Centre

Ward 95Phindela Open Space,opposite IgolokodoCemetery, Folweni area

Ward 96Sizakala Centre HallUmbumbulu, near the LocalMagistrate court-Umbumbulu

Ward 97Open Space Toti CivicCentre, opposite Enginegarage in Amanzimtoti

Ward 98Illovo C Hall, Ilovu C-section

Ward 99Magabheni CommunityHall, next to Sigelile Highschool Emagabheni

Ward 100Madundube CommunityHall, Umbumbulu nearNwabi High school

IZINDABAIkhasi 6 17 Agasti 2012 – 30 Agasti 2012


IZIKOLE ezimbili zaseWelbe-dacht, eNingizimu yeThekuzithole ithuba lokubaingxenye yomkha-nkasoobalulekile oqondeukufundisa abafundingokubaluleka kwemvelo. Lomkhankaso ulethwekubafundi iSiyenza Enviro-nmental Forum (SEF).

I-SEF iqembu labasebenzibakwaMasipala abaphumaeMnyangweni ehlukene,okuhlanganisa ezokuqoqwakwemfucuza, i-Safer Cities,ezoLimi neze-Mvelo,ezeMpilo, ezokuPhe-phanomnyango wezoku-Hlumeleliswa kweziMilo.Inhloso yaleliqembuukuqwashisa abantu ngoku-baluleka kweMvelo nokuthu-thukisa ukuhanjiswa kwezi-dingo kubantu. UPrestonChetty, onguMsunguli we-SEF aphinde asebenze

kumnyango wokuqoqwakwemfucuza uchaze wathi,“Sifuna ukufundisa abafundiukuze kuthi mekufikaisikhathi sokuhamba sifikesesinalo ithimba labafundielizoqhubeka lapho sigcinekhona. Sizophinde sinikelengezihlahla zendabukoezinhlanu ezikoleni siphindesinikeze umfundi ngamunyeimbewu yokuthi aphindelenayo emiphakathini abahlalakuyona ukusiza ukuqalaizingadi zemiphakathi ukuzebakwazi ukuthola okuyangasethunjini.”

UKamini Pillaye ovela kwa-Safer Cities kuMasipalaweTheku uthe likhulu iqhazaabalibambile kulomkha-khaso. “Silapha ukuzotshelaabafundi ngokubalulekakokuhlala endawenienemvelo ehlanzekilenephephile, silaphaukuzobafundisa ngamalu-ngelo abanawo njengezi-

Kuqwashiswe abafundi ngezemvelo


IDURBAN University ofTechnology, Steve BikoCampus isanda kufundiswangokunakekela indawo yabo.Abafundi be-EnvironmentalHealth nabasebenzi bakwaDSW baqale uhlelo lokuhla-nza indawo.

UZanele Dlamini, ongu-Mfundisi kwa-DSW wakhu-luma ngokuthi abafundiabaningi abazi ngemiphu-mela yokuhlala endaweniengcolile. “Sithanda ukuni-gqugquzela nonke ukuthinizibandakanye naloluhlelonigcine indawo yenu ihla-nzekile. Uma indawo yenuihlanzekile lokho kuzokwe-nza ukuthi nani nifundekahle,” kusho uDlamini.

Ukuhlala endaweniehlanzekile nephephileezinye zezinhlelo

ezihambisana nohlelo lukaMasipala weTheku lokuthu-thukisa nokugcina imvelonendawo yethu isesimweniesifanele. “sonke siyathandaukuhlala, ukusebenzanokudlala endaweniehlanzelile ngakho-kekufanele sibambisane ukuzeloluhlelo lube impumelelo.”

Abasebenzi bakwa DSWbafundise abafundibaseDUT ngemiphumelayokungcolisa nokuhlalaendaweni engahlanzekile,nezindlela zokuhlukanisaudoti uma bewulahla.Ukuqoqwa kukadoti ukuzeukwazi ukuphindausetshenziswe futhi,bekungenye yezihlokoebezidingidwa uLungileMpisane, owenza unyakawesibili kwi-EnvironmentalHealth uchaze kabanzingokwamenza afundele

lomkhakha uthe isikole siyesihlanzwe ekuseni, kodwakuthi kuqambe kushayeisikhathi sekhefu abafundibangcolisa ngendlelaemangalisayo. “Siyazamangazozonke izindlelaukuxwayisa abantungemiphumelayokungcolisa, ikakhulukazinjengoba simele ifulokuguquka kwemozulukodwa abanye abantubacabanga ukuthi umabencolisa bakha amathubaomsebenzi.

“Sithanda ukubongawonke umuntuosebenzisane nathikuloluhlelo sithemba ukuthiabafundi bazoqhubekanokugcina isikolesihlanzekile.” Nikhumbuleukuthi ‘FAKAEMGQONYENI’

[email protected]

Umyalezo omncane ungenza omkhulu umehluko

Intsha iqhubeke nokugqugquzela ubunyeAmakhansela oNokuthulaMakhanya-Sibiya,Zandile Gumede,uNgqongqoshewezeMidlalouNtombikayiseSibhidla-Saphethanabasebenzibevalelisaiqembu.




NGENHLOSO yokuqinisinaubuhlobo namadolobhaedlelana nawo, uMasipalaweTheku uthumele iqembulabeneminyaka engaphansikuka-15 ukuyobamba iqhazaemqhudelwaneni yobunganieDaejeon, eSouth Korea.

Leli qembu lenzelweumcimbi wokulivalelisaeCity Hall, nobuhanjelweabazali kanye nezinhla-ngano ezahlukene ezisebe-nzisana noMasipala.Ekhuluma kulo mcimbi,uSomlomo, uKhansela LogieNaidoo ubongele abadlalingokuthola lelithubaeliyinqayizivele ukumelauMasipala nezwe kulomqhu-delwano.

“UMasipala unezivume-lwano zokusebenzisananamadolobha amaningi.Asingeni kulezivumelwanongoba sifuna ukubalwanamadolobha anamagamaamahle emhlabeni. Sikwenzalokhu ngoba sifunaukucobelelana ngolwaziemikhakheni eyahlukeneikakhulukazi, ezemfundo,ezobuchwepheshe, amasikonezemidlalo,” kushouNaidoo.

Abaphelezele leliqembuseliyogibela kuhlanganisauSihlalo weKomidi lezeMpilonezokuPhepha, uZandileGumede, nothe ukuthunye-lwa kwaleli qembukulomqhudelwanoosezingeni lomhlaba enyeyezinto idolobha elihlomula

ngayo kulobudlelwane.“Sithatha lobu budlelwano

njengobumqoka futhisiyakholwa ukuthi kuzobanemihlomulo emihleezozuzwa idolobha lethu.Siyaziqhenya ngokunikezaabantwama bethu ithubalokudlala ezingeni lomhlabafuthi sithanda nokubongaizikhulu zethu ezisebenzekanzima ukwenzaloluhambo lube impume-lelo,” usho kanje.

Isekela lePhini leNhlokoeMnyangweni wezeMidlalo,uSandra Khathi uthe iningilabadlalo lingaphansikweminyaka engu-14.

“Sifaka imali eningisiqeqesha labadlali, ngakhongeke kwenze umqondoukuthatha abadlalo abane-

MASIHLANZEKE: Iqembu labafundi baseDUT kanye noNodoli waka DSW “uNONO”bephakamisa izithupha bencoma indawo ehlanzekile

Isithombe: Romita Hanuman

EZEMVELO: AbeSiyenza EnviroForum nabafundibase NomzamoMandela PrimarySchool inWelbedact.Abafundibaziwineleizigubhu zamanzingokungenelaumncintiswano.



ngane nokubatshelangezinsizakusebenzaezikhona ezingabasizabazithuthukise. Sifuna

ukusebenza kanzimasiphinde sibambisanenothisha ukuqinisekisaukuthi izikole ziyayinakekela

imvelo. Umnyango ngamunye

uthule inkulumo phambikwenqwaba yabafundi lapho

bebechaza khonangezinhlelo ezihlukeneabanazo.

[email protected]

minyaka engu-15 ncamashingoba ngeke kube khonaumgqigqo. Uma ubhekaiqembu lethu, abahlanukubo babe yingxenye

yeqembu ebelihambengokwedlule. Sophindesisebenzise lomqhudelwanoukuzilungiselelaumqhudelwano we-One

Nations, “ kuchaza [email protected]


UMASIPALA uzongenaemabhukwini omlandonjengoba uzoba nguma-sipala wokuqala e-Afrikaukusingatha imidlalo yalaboabasuke benikelelwengezitho zomzimba ama-2013 World Transplant

Games kusuka mhla zingu 4Julayi - 4 ku- Agasti, 2013.Lokhu kudalulwe ngabe-World Transplant GamesFederation ezinsukwiniezimbili ngaphambi kosukuoluyingqophamlando, laphouDokotela uChris Barnadahlinza waphinde wafakangempumelelo inhliziyo

yesigulu okokuqala ngqgaemhlabeni nokwenzekalapha eNingizimu Afrika.

Emukela izindaba ezinhle,uMeya weTheku, uJamesNxumalo uthe, uMasipalauzizwa uhloniphekilengokunikwa ilungelolokusingatha ama 2013World Transplant Games.

“Le midlalo iwuphawulokuba nesibindi. Ikhombisaukuthi abantu abanokugulakwezifo ezahlukene banga-phila impilo efana neyawowonke umuntu baphindebazibandakanye kwezemi-dlalo. Le midlalo iyisibonelosokuthi kubaluleke kanjaniukuzigcina uphilile nokuthi

ITheku lizongena emlandweni ngemidlalo ungavumi noma isiphi isifosakho sikubambezele ekufe-zeni amaphupho akho,”kusho uNxumalo.

UMengameli we-WorldTransplant Games Federa-tion, u-Olivier Couster uthe,le midlalo iyasiza ngakhuluukuletha ithemba kulaboabasilinde ukunikelelwangezitho iphinde igqugqu-zele ukunikela ngezithokanye nokukhombisa ukuthi

ukunikela ngesitho kungayi-guqula kanjani impiloyomuntu. INhloko yakwa-International GovernanceRelations u-Eric Apelgren,uthe, kuzotheleka abasubathiabangaphezulukwezinkulungwane ezimbililapha eThekwini kanti lemidlalo izoqinisaubudlelwano bukaMasipalanamazwe aphesheya.

[email protected]

CLASSIFIEDS vacanciesThe place for eThekwini jobs, staff news, calls for proposals, tenders and notices

Priority will be given to applicants who are under represented in terms of race, gender and disability within the occupational level of the respective advertised posts. Applicants who have not been contactedwithin three months from the closing date should consider themselves unsuccessful. An employee may be deployed to any of the office, depot or workplaces of the municipality within its area of jurisdiction.Canvassing councillors or officials in respect of these positions will lead to disqualification of the applicants. Applicants may be required to participate in a comprehensive assessment process and must bedeemed competent. Work sample and / or psychometrics test’s may be undertaken as part of the selection process. You shall be required to undergo a pre-engagement medical examination to be con-

ducted by a medical officer in the employ of the Municipality.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for the vacancies advertised here



R546 952.00/R697 895.00 paGrade 17

Total Value of RemunerationPackage

“Benefits included in the TotalValue of Remuneration

Package Range (Pension; 13thCheque; Medical Aid; HousingSubsidy) are payable in accor-dance with the rules/require-

ments of the respective benefitschemes and any revisions thatmay occur from time to time

which may alter the Total Valueof Remuneration Package. In

addition other allowances maybe payable (where applicable)”

Corporate and HumanResources Cluster, Human

Resources Unit, Procurement and

Infrastructure Department(Cleansing and Solid Waste

Branch)Qualifications (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary quali-fication. Valid code B driverslicense. (Preferred) Relevantpost graduate qualification.Experience (Essential): 6Years relevant experience inHuman ResourcesManagement. Computer liter-acy. (Preferred): 8 Years rele-vant experience in HumanResources Management.Duties Include: Responsiblefor the Human Resourcesfunction of the unit(s) by pro-viding input in the formulationof strategic, short and longterm plans encapsulating criti-cal interventions and applica-tions necessary to deliver out-puts, managing key functionalareas and establishing stan-dards and performance meas-ures to establish levels of effi-ciency, controlling statutoryrequirements and aligning orproviding input in developingpolicies and proceduresaccordingly and managing allaspects of employment rela-tions in order to ensure thefunction is capable of support-ing the output units core busi-ness areas of the organizationin accomplishing and sustain-ing a high quality of serviceand standard through the pro-vision of a skilled and motivat-ed workforce.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Anton Lembede Street,Durban 4001 or PO Box 5892,Durban 4000 or [email protected] 031 311-3163) by Friday2012-08-31 at 12.00 (Midday)


PROGRAMME2 Year Short Term Temporary

ContractR70 967.52/92 124.12 pa

Grade 5Human Resources Unit of the

Corporate and HumanResources Cluster.

Qualifications (Essential): Arelevant human resourcesdegree or national diploma.(M + 3). (Preferred):Possession of a valid motorvehicle drivers licence will bean added advantage.Duties Include: Participates inthe Human ResourcesGraduate Trainee Programmeby acquiring experience inRecruitment and Selection,

Grievance process, disciplinaryprocess, grading process,employee assistance pro-gramme and employment poli-cies.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Anton Lembede Street,Durban 4001 or PO Box 5892,Durban 4000 or [email protected] 031 311-3163) by Friday2012-08-31 at 12.00 (Midday).

STAFF ASSISTANTR363 266.00/459 435.00 pa

Total Renumeration PackageGrade 7

Human Resources Unit of theCorporate and Human

Resources Cluster.“Benefits included in the Total

Value of RemunerationPackage Range (Pension; 13thCheque; Medical Aid; HousingSubsidy) are payable in accor-dance with the rules/require-

ments of the respective benefitschemes and any revisions thatmay occur from time to time

which may alter the Total Valueof Remuneration Package. In

addition other allowances maybe payable (where applicable)”Qualification (Essential):Matric/Grade 12 certificate.Valid code B driver’s license.(Preferred): Post matric cer-tificate in Human Resources.Experience (Essential): 12months relevant experience.Computer literacy.(Preferred): 18 months experi-ence in Human ResourcesAdministration.Duties Include: Provide cleri-cal and administrative assis-tance to the Human ResourcesServices Branch.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Anton Lembede Street,Durban 4001 or PO Box 5892,Durban 4000 or [email protected] 031 311-3163) by Friday2012-08-31 at 12.00 (Midday)




R214 594.13/R278 542.68 paGrade 12

Occupational Health andSafety Unit of the Corporate

and Human ResourcesCluster.

Qualification (Essential):Diploma in general nursing.Registration with SouthAfrican nursing council as anursing practitioner.Qualification in occupationalhealth-degree/diploma or cer-tificate. Valid code B driver’slicense. Certificate inPharmacology or dispensingcourse certificate. Computerliteracy. (Preferred):Certificate/diploma in primaryhealth care. Community nurs-ing science. Registration ofoccupational health as an addi-tional qualification with SouthAfrican Nursing Council.Certificate in audiometry.Certificate in spirometry.Experience (Essential): 2 yearsoccupational health experi-ence. (Preferred): 4 yearsexperience in primary healthcare.Duties Include: Provide a

comprehensive, equitableoccupational health service toeThekwini Municipalityemployees.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House,221 Anton Lembede Street,Durban 4001 or PO Box 5892,Durban 4000 or [email protected](Tel 031 311-3163) by Friday2012-08-31 at 12.00 (Midday)



PROJECT MANAGERR255 419.42/R331 542.43 pa

Grade 14Human Settlement &Infrastructure Cluster,EThekwini Transport

Authority Unit, Road SystemsManagement Department.

Qualifications (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary quali-fication, i.e. Degree. Validcode B drivers licence.(Preferred): Relevant postgraduate qualification. Experience (Essential): 4 yearsrelevant experience.(Preferred): 6 years relevantexperience.Duties Include: ControlProject staff. Planning andestimating. Management ofprojects. Build systems.Provide guidance to peers withthe technical aspect of the job.Ensure continuity of computerrelated standards with otherService Units.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Engineering Unit, 166 KEMasinga (Old Fort) Road,Durban, 4001 or PO BOX 680,Durban, 4000, (Tel 031-3117740) or [email protected] Friday 2012-08-31 at 12.00(Midday)



(ELECTRONICS)R 432 961.00 / R 548 763.00 pa

Grade 14 - Total of ValueRemuneration Package.

“Benefits included in the totalValue of Remuneration

Package Range (Pension; 13thCheque; Medical Aid; HousingSubsidy and Car Allowance )

are payable in accordance withthe rules/requirements of the

respective benefit schemes andany revisions that may occurfrom time to time which may

alter the Total Value ofRemuneration Package.

Duties Include: Coordinatestechnical tasks and activitiesassociated with approvingtechnical specifications anddrawings for telemetry instal-lations, investigating the mal-functioning of telemetry instal-lation and associated equip-ment , processing orders forservices and materials , assist-ing with the preparation ofcontract documents, and con-trolling budget costs fortelemetry and audit claims forpayment received through theapplication of laid down poli-cies and procedures.Qualification (Essential):Registered ProfessionalTechonologist with theEngineering Council of SA.

Valid code B drivers licence.Experience (Essential): 3Years relevant experience. Qualification (Preferred): NilExperience (Essential): 3 yearsrelevant ecperience in Design,Installation and Repair ofmonitoring and control (elec-tronic) equipment and similarhardware down to componentlevel. Maintenance of teleme-try experience. (Preferred): 3years experience in the design,operation, installation andmaintenance of telemetryequipment and assiciatedhardware. Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationDivision, Ethekwini WaterServices, 3 Prior Road,Durban, PO Box 1038,Durban, 4000 or [email protected] (Tel 031 311 8779/8780) byFriday, 2012/08/31 at 12.00(Midday).

QUANTITY SURVEYORR432 961.00 /R548 763.00 pa

Grade 14 - Total Value ofRemuneration Package.

“Benefits included in the totalvalue of remuneration packageRange (Pension; 13th Cheque;Medical Aid; Housing Subsidy

and Car Allowance) arepayable in accordance with the

rules/requirements of therespective benefit schemes andany revisions that may occurfrom time to time which may

alter the TotalValue ofRemuneration Package. A non-pensionable Market Allowancemay be payable in terms of the

Scarce Skills Policy”.Duties Include: Responsiblefor the effective co-ordinationand administration of all staffand construction relatedduties. Administration andsupervision of contracts anddepartmental projects withincertain budgetary constraints,and adherence to standardsand procedures , with regardto Health and Safety and envi-ronmental issues.Qualification (Essential):Bachelor of Techonologhdegree (quantity surveying) oracceptable equivalent qualifi-cation. Valid code B driverslicenceExperience (Essential): Min 5years relevant experience.Qualification (Preferred):M.Sc or M.Tech in QuantitySurveying or ProjectManagement. Registrationwith the Quantity SurveyingAssociation.Experience (Preferred): Min 8years relevant experience.Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationDivision, Ethekwini WaterServices, 3 Prior Road,Durban, PO Box 1038,Durban, 4000 or [email protected] (Tel 031 311 8779/8780) byFriday, 2012/08/31 at 12.00(Midday).


R 83 786.23 /R 108 761.70 paGrade 6

Technical SupportDepartment

Duties Include: Support theanalytical staff by ensuringthat the non-technical func-tions of the laboratory operatesmoothly. Prepares bottles forsampling to ensure that thecorrect equipment is always

available. Assists with the col-lection of samples for the labo-ratory in order to ensure rapidcollection.Qualification (Essential):Appropriate level of second-ary education (Preferred):Matric/Grade 12Experience (Essential): 6months relevant experience(Preferred): 12 months rele-vant experience Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationDivision, Ethekwini WaterServices, 3 Prior Road,Durban, PO Box 1038,Durban, 4000 or [email protected] (Tel 031 3118779/8780) notlater than Friday, 2012/08/31 at12.00 (Midday).




R 747 390 .00 /R 956 939.00p.a. (Grade18)

“Benefits included in the totalvalue of remuneration package(Pension;13th Cheque; MedicalAid; Housing Subsidy and Car

Allowance)are payable inaccordance with the

rules/requirements of therespective benefits schemes and

any revisions that may occurfrom time to time which may

alter the total value of remuner-ation package.

Qualifications (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary quali-fication (National Diploma).Valid code B driver’s license.(Preferred): Relevant post-graduate qualification. Experience (Essential): 6 yearsrelevant experience. Computerliteracy. (Preferred): 8 yearsexperienceDuties Inlcude: In terms of theprovisions of all relevantStatutory Legislation(National, Provincial andLocal), Council By-laws, poli-cies/standards and the princi-ples / provisions of theIntegrated Development Plan,to ensure effective, efficientand sustainablemanagement/development ofsub-district operations to thebenefit of the communities.Providing a coordinated per-sonal health, environmentalhealth promotion service. Interms of the provisions/princi-ples of the IDP, FinancialRegulations, Council policies/procedures and financial con-straints to ensure optimal andsustainable financial planningand control of sub-districtoperations and service deliveryto the communities. In termsof the provisions of all relevantstatutory legislation (National,Provincial or Local) includingNational Health System andNational health Care deliverysystem, and Councilpolicies/procedures, standardsincluding IDP, to ensure effec-tive and efficient and sustain-able delivery ofComprehensive PrimaryHealth Care to all the commu-nities within the sub-district. Interms of the provisions of allrelevant statutory legislation(National, Provincial or Local)including National HealthSystem and National healthCare delivery system, andCouncil policies/procedures,standards , to ensure effective

and efficient and sustainableadministrative and relatedoperations to the benefit ofthe sub-district and the publicat large.Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationSection, Health Department, 9Archie Gumede (Old Fort)Place, Durban, 4001 or P O Box2443, Durban, 4000 or [email protected] andreturned by Friday, 2012/08/31at 12.00 (Midday).



Total Package Range R1 181 171.00/R 1 293 710.00 pa

Grade 21“Benefits included in the total

value of remuneration package(Pension;13th Cheque; MedicalAid; Housing Subsidy and Car

Allowance)are payable in accor-dance with the rules/require-

ments of the respective benefitsschemes and any revisions thatmay occur from time to time

which may alter the total valueof remuneration package

Qualifications (Essential):Relevant Post-GraduateQualificationExperience (Essential): Min 3years experience atManagement Level. Min of 5years experience in theEnvironmental Managementfield. (Preferred): Minimum of10 years experience in theEnvironmental Managementfield. Duties Include: Strategic plan-ning, development, implemen-tation and monitoring of poli-cies, programmes/projects andoverall coordination ofPollution Control and Riskmanagement to achieve thegoals of National, Provincialand Local Government in termsof the provisions of National,Provincial and Council policy,legislation, norms and stan-dards.Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationSection, Health Department, 9Archie Gumede (Old Fort)Place, Durban, 4001 or PO Box2443, Durban, 4000 or [email protected] andreturned by Friday, 2012/08/31At 12.00 (Midday).


Grade 12Qualifications (Essential):Relevant 3 year TertiaryQualification in Nursing/SocialWork/Psychology or acceptableequivalent qualification. Validcode EB drivers license.(Preferred): Post graduate qual-ification in ProfessionalCounseling and Training.Experience (Essential): 3 yearsrelevant experience inHIV/AIDS training and coun-seling and training. ComputerLiteracy. (Preferred): 4 yearsrelevant experience. Duties Include: Provide a highstandard of capacity buildingand support to all sectors andcommunities in an effort to pre-vent the spread of communica-ble diseases.Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationSection, Health Department, 9Archie Gumede Place (OldFort), Durban, 4001 or PO Box2443, Durban, 4000 andreturned by Friday, 2012/08/31At 12.00 (Midday).

VACANCIES17 – 30 August 2012 Page 8


R412 605.00/R 523 488.00 paGrade 15

“Benefits included in the totalvalue of remuneration package(Pension;13th Cheque; Medical

Aid; Housing Subsidy)arepayable in accordance with the

rules/requirements of the respec-tive benefits schemes and anyrevisions that may occur from

time to time which may alter thetotal value of remuneration

package. Qualifications (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary qualifi-cation in social sciences. Validcode B drivers license. (Preferred): Relevant postgraduate qualification. Experience (Essential): 4 yearsrelevant experience(Preferred): 6 years practicalexperience in social issues. Duties Include: Plan and man-age the implementation ofappropriate strategies for foodsecurity and poverty alleviationprogrammes in the district inaccordance with National,Provincial and Local policies,thereby promoting health, pre-venting diseases and improvingthe lifestyles and quality of livesof communities.Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationSection, Health Department, 9Archie Gumede (Old Fort)Place, Durban, 4001 or PO Box2443, Durban, 4000 or [email protected] andreturned by Friday, 2012/08/31At 12.00 (Midday).


Total Package Range R412 605.00 / R 523 488.00 pa

Grade 15“Benefits included in the total

value of remuneration package(Pension;13th Cheque; Medical

Aid; Housing Subsidy )arepayable in accordance with the

rules/requirements of the respec-tive benefits schemes and anyrevisions that may occur from

time to time which may alter thetotal value of remuneration

package. Qualifications (Essential):Diploma in General Nursing,Community Health Nursingand Midwifery. Registrationwith South African NursingCouncil. Valid motor vehicledriver’s license. (Code EB)Experience (Essential): 4 yearsrelevant experienceQualifications (Preferred):Diploma/Degree in HealthService Management and/orHealth EducationExperience (Preferred): 6 Yearsexperience in managing ahealth service Duties Include: Manages and coordinates the Nursing serviceswithin a Primary Health Carearea by establishing appropriatemechanisms, processes and pro-cedures in line with legislationie South African NursingCouncil, National Health Act,Occupation Health and SafetyAct etc, in order to ensure opti-mum efficiency of staff and sat-isfy the needs of the communityin terms of National, Provincialand Local legislation. Plans,leads, organizes and directs ade-quate control measures inrespect of stock, supplies, medi-cines, equipment and furniture.Monitoring and manages theapproved Nursing budget, capi-tal and operating to ensurecompliance with and adherenceto the sub-district policies pro-cedures and the relevant codesof practice. Plans, leads, organ-ize and directs Line HumanResources Management func-tions General management ofall Nursing Services within thePrimary Health Care.Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationSection, Health Department, 9Archie Gumede (Old Fort)Place, Durban, 4001 or PO Box2443, Durban, 4000 or [email protected] andreturned by Friday, 2012/08/31At 12.00 (Midday).


NURSER170 665.75 / R221 533.23 pa

Grade 11R201 496.84 / R261 542.36 pa



This is a progression post fromProfessional Nurse to Senior

Professional Nurse

GRADE 11 Qualifications(Essential): Current registra-tion with the South AfricanNursing. Council as a GeneralNurse and Midwife. Experience (Essential): Nil.Qualifications (Preferred):Diploma Community NursingScience Certificate in FamilyPlanning, Clinical HealthAssessment, Diagnosis, treat-ment and Care in terms of sec-tion 38A of Nursing Act No50 of 1978.Valid code B driv-ers licence Experience(Preferred): 12 Months rele-vant experienceDuties Include: Coordinates,provides and implements aComprehensive PrimaryHealth Care Service for specif-ic Clinics. Renders and moni-tors the execution of procedur-al sequences and requirementsand specialized health careinterventions related to themanagement of communicablediseases, acute and chronic dis-eases, child health care, sexualand reproductive health care,immunizations, family plan-ning, nutrition, education andinformation on health issues,and the development of inter-nal capacity and capabilities(student and staff) in order toensure that objectives relatedto affordable, accessible, effec-tive and efficient PrimaryHealth Care are realized andto maximize outcomes relatedto the provision ofComprehensive PrimaryHealth Care Services in accor-dance with National,Provincial and Municipal poli-cy and protocols, Nursing Act(Act No 33 of 2005) and otherrelevant legislation. GRADE: 12 Qualifications(Essential): Current registra-tion with the South AfricanNursing. Council as a GeneralNurse and Midwife. Diplomain Community NursingScience Certificates in FamilyPlanning, Clinical HealthAssessments, Diagnosis,Treatment and Care,Dispensing Licence. (in termsof Section 38A of Nursing ActNo 50 of 1978). Experience (Essential):Minimum 3 years experiencein Community Health NursingQualifications (Preferred):Advanced Diploma inMidwifery. Diploma inPsychiatry. Valid code B driv-ers licence.Experience (Preferred): Nil.Duties Include: Manges, coor-dinates, provides and imple-ments a ComprehensivePrimary Health Care Servicefor specific Clinics. Rendersand monitors the execution ofprocedural sequences andrequirements and specializedhealth care interventions relat-ed to the management of com-municable diseases, acute andchronic diseases, child healthcare, sexual and reproductivehealth care, immunizations,family planning, nutrition,education and information onhealth issues, and the develop-ment of internal capacity andcapabilities (student and staff)in order to ensure that objec-tives related to affordable,accessible, effective and effi-cient Primary Health Care arerealized and to maximize out-comes related to the provisionof Comprehensive PrimaryHealth Care Services in accor-dance with National,Provincial and Municipal poli-cy and protocols, Nursing Act(Act No 33 of 2005) and other

relevant legislation. Application Forms to TheHuman ResourcesAdministration Section, HealthDepartment, 9 Archie Gumede(Old Fort) Place, Durban, 4001or PO Box 2443, Durban, 4000and returned by Friday, 22August 2012 At 12.00(Midday).


pa Grade 13Qualifications (Essential):Registration with the SouthAfrican Nursing Council forthe following Diploma/Degree: General Nurse andMidwife. Community NursingScience. Clinical NursingScience Health AssessmentTreatment and care. FamilyPlanning Certificate fromKZN Health Department.Valid code B drivers license.(Preferred): A Diploma /degree in Nursing Education.IMCI Course. Diploma inPsychiatry. Diploma inadvanced MidwiferyExperience (Essential): 3Years relevant experience.(Preferred): 5 Years relevantexperience. Duties Include: Designs andimplements a quality manage-ment system and skills devel-opment programme toempower Health care workerswith the skills and knowledgerequired to render an effectiveand safe primary health careservice and child care facilitiesin keeping with changinghealth needs. Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationSection, Health Department, 9Archie Gumede (Old Fort) Place,Durban, 4001 or PO Box 2443,Durban, 4000 and returned byFriday, 2012/08/31 At 12.00(Midday).

SENIOR CLERKR 83 786.23 / R 108 761.70 pa

Grade 6Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate secondary educa-tion. Valid code B driverslicense. (Preferred): Matric/Grade 12 Experience (Essential): 6Months relevant experience.Computer literacy.(Preferred): 12 Months rele-vant experience. Duties Include: Performsadministrative and clericalfunctions including the pro-cessing and updating of infor-mation in the NursingServices, generating transac-tional / instructional baseddocumentation and reports,attending to and / or forward-ing functional related queries /complaints to specific depart-ments for attention and resolu-tion ,including performingdriving duties, in order toensure an efficient and effec-tive service in terms of stan-dard norms ,policies, proce-dures and Batho PelePrinciples. Application to The HumanResources AdministrationSection, Health Department, 9Archie Gumede (Old Fort) Place,Durban, 4001 or PO Box 2443,Durban, 4000 and returned byFriday, 2012/08/31 At 12.00(Midday).



Total Value of RemunerationPackage Range

R654 148.00/R835 907.00 paGrade 17

“Benefits included in the TotalValue of RemunerationPackage (Pension; 13th

Cheque; Medical Aid; HousingSubsidy and Motor VehicleAllowance) are payable in

accordance with therules/requirements of the

respective benefit schemes andany revisions that may occurfrom time to time which may

alter the Total Value ofRemuneration Package. In

addition; other allowances maybe payable (Where applica-

ble)”Human Settlement &Infrastructure Cluster,

Engineering Unit, Roads andStormwater Maintenance

Department.Qualification (Essential):Registered as a ProfessionalTechnologist. Valid coded EBdrivers licence. (Preferred):B.Sc (Civil Engineering) andbe registered as a ProfessionalEngineer.Experience (Essential): 4 yearsrelevant experience at a seniorlevel in the in the CivilEngineering field. (Preferred):6 years experience at a seniorlevel in the Civil EngineeringField.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Engineering Unit, 166 KeMasinga (Old Fort) Road,Durban, 4001 or PO Box 680,Durban, 4000, (Tel 031-3117740) or [email protected] Friday, 2012/08/31 at 12.00(Midday).


R363 266.00/R459 435.00 paGrade 14 - Grade subject to

NMC RatificationTotal Value of Remuneration

Package Range“Benefits included in the Total

Value of RemunerationPackage (Pension; 13th

Cheque; Medical Aid, andHousing Subsidy) are payable

in accordance with therules/requirements of the

respective benefit schemes andany revisions that may occurfrom time to time which may

alter the Total Value ofRemuneration Package. In

addition; other allowances maybe payable (where applicable)”

Human Settlements &Infrastructure Cluster,

Engineering Unit, SupportServices Department.

Qualification (Essential): Arelevant 3 year tertiary qualifi-cation. Valid code B driverslicence. Computer Literacy.Experience (Essential): 4Years relevant experience.Computer literate.(Preferred): 6 Years relevantexperience.Duties Include: Manages thekey performance areas andresult indicators associatedwith addressing the Unit’sadministrative and auxiliaryservice requirements by identi-fying with the key prioritiesand developing the depart-ment’s short to medium termplans and resource provisions,amending, adjusting andreviewing procedures againstdepartmental, statutory andaudit guidelines and corporatepolicy frameworks, engagingwith corporate administrativeand information technologyfunctions on financial matters,secretariat services, recordsand document managementand the general office manage-ment systems and solutionswithin the Unit, the design,development and implementa-tion of informationTechnology infrastructure andapplication platforms capableof satisfying the Unit’s busi-ness requirements and, thealignment of the public rela-tions and information serviceapproach to give effect to theUnit’s awareness and partici-patory approach to its servicedelivery programme.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Engineering Unit, 166 KeMasinga (Old Fort) Road,Durban, 4001 or PO Box 680,Durban, 4000, (Tel 031-3117740) or email [email protected] Friday, 2012/08/31 at 12.00(Midday).


R144 570.07/R187 659.76 paGrade 10

Procurement andInfrastructure Cluster,

Engineering Unit,Architecture Department.

Qualification (Essential):HVAC trade tested artisan orequivalent qualification. Validcode B driver’s licence.Experience (Essential): Min 2years relevant experience.Computer literate.(Preferred): 3 years relevantexperience.Duties Include: Coordinatessequences associated with thedetermination of client needs,monitoring contractors compli-ance with contractual termsand conditions, standards, pro-cedures, regulations and speci-fications, preparing and pre-senting investigational andqualitative reports and pro-cessing/ approving specifictransactional works documen-tation and, conducting instruc-tional and / or demonstrationbased training aimed atimproving and capacitatingemerging contractors.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Engineering Unit, 166 Old FortRoad, Durban, 4001 Or PO Box680, Durban, 4000, (Tel 031 3117740) or [email protected] Friday, 2012/08/31 at 12.00(Midday).


Total Value of RemunerationPackage Range

R389 506.00/R492 373.00 paGrade 13

“Benefits included in the TotalValue of RemunerationPackage (Pension; 13th

Cheque; Medical Aid; HousingSubsidy and Motor VehicleAllowance) are payable in

accordance with therules/requirements of the

respective benefit schemes andany revisions that may occurfrom time to time which may

alter the Total Value ofRemuneration Package. In

addition; other allowances maybe payable (Where applica-

ble)”Human Settlements &Infrastructure Cluster,

Engineering Unit, Roads andStormwater Maintenance

Department.Qualification (Essential):Bachelor of Technologydegree in the relevant fieldobtained through an accredit-ed Further Education andTraining Institute. Registrationwith the Engineering Councilof South Africa as a CandidateTechnologist. Valid code B orEB driving license. Experience (Essential): Twoyears post CandidateTechnologist registration expe-rience.Duties Include: Controls tech-nical procedures to address theengineering requirements ofinternal/ external clientsthrough the formulation ofproposals and design conceptsand contract and, project man-agement of basic complexitytypes of broadly defined engi-neering works with low levelsof impact in order to ensureobjectives and established out-comes are accomplished inaccordance with the agreedterms, specifications, costs andstandards of quality.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Engineering Unit, 166 Old FortRoad, Durban, 4001 or PO Box680, Durban, 4000, (Tel 031 3117740) or [email protected] Friday, 2012/08/31 at 12.00(Midday).

TECHNICIANR170 665.75/R221 533.23 paGrade 11 - Grade subject to

NMC RatificationProcurement & Infrastructure

Cluster, Engineering Unit,Infrastructure Management andSocio-Economic Department.

Qualification (Essential):National Diploma in the rele-vant field obtained through anaccredited Further Educationand Training Institute.Registered as a CandidateEngineering Technician withthe Engineering Council ofSouth Africa. Valid code B/EBdrivers licence. Experience (Essential): 1 Yearrelevant post CandidateTechnician registration experi-ence in Civil Engineering.Duties Include: Applies techni-cal Engineering procedures andapplications associated with theprovision of information, for-mulation and development and/or draughting of plans, propos-als and designs at an elemen-tary level, preparing contractualdocumentation and monitoringthe implementation and execu-tion of minor contracts ensuringthrough creative and specialisedapplications accurate specifica-tions of structure and form canbe established to support proj-ect planning, discussions anddecision making processes.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Engineering Unit, 166 KeMasinga (Old Fort) Road,Durban, 4001 or PO Box 680,Durban, 4000, (Tel 031-3117740or email to [email protected] by Friday, 2012/08/31at 12.00 (Midday).


(5 Year Contract) Grade 12R 214 594.13 /R 278 542.68 p.a.

Human Settlement andInfrastructure Cluster, Housing

Unit, Management Department.Qualification (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary qualifi-cation, i.e. National Diploma orDegree. Experience: Essential: 3years relevant experience.(Preferred): 4 years relevantexperience. Desirable: Some experience inhousing field .Three years expe-rience in local government orother public sector Capacity tohandle meetings. Fluency inZulu. Computer literacy in wordprocessing and spread sheets.Personal Qualities: Interpersonalskills. Communication andNetworking Ability. Strong ini-tiative. Organisational Skills Duties Include: Attend meetingson behalf of the Head Housingbrief him/her on developments.Undertake special projects andresearch into various mattersaffecting Housing Unit andpreparing reports as required bythe Head Housing. Dealing withincoming correspondence,responding directly where possi-ble, distributing mail and diaris-ing the necessary followup.Writing of reports for com-mittees or other organisations .Client liaison at executive levelin dealing with Councillors,members of National andProvincial Government,Captains of the housing industryat large. Undertakes a co-ordina-tion role in terms of the smoothoperation of the service unit, andthe ongoing communicationbetween the Metro and its sub-structures as this relates to hous-ing. Assisting with communica-tion and liaison within theService Unit, Council and exter-nal organisations, including themedia, in matters affecting theHousing Unit. Maintains updat-ed relevant policy and procedur-al records (eg by-laws, ordi-nances, codes of practice, munici-pal manuals etc)Provides a secretariat servicewhere required.Responsible forrelated assignments and projectsas determined including partici-pation on the Service Units man-agement team and dealing withcrises as they arise.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Engineering Unit, 166 Ke Masinga(Old Fort) Road, Durban, 4001 orPO Box 680, Durban, 4000, (Tel031 311 7740) or [email protected] bythan Friday, 2012/08/31 at 12.00(Midday).

VACANCIES17 – 30 August 2012 Page 9


VIDEO TECHNICIAN (12 Month Short Term

Contract) R170 665.75/221 533.23 pa

Grade 11Communications Unit of the

Governance Cluster.Qualification (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary quali-fication. (National Diploma inVideo Production or an equiv-alent acceptable qualification)Valid code EB driver’s licence.Experience (Essential): 3 yearsrelevant experience(Preferred): 4 years relevantexperience Duties Include: Responsiblefor the overall direction andrecording of video pro-grammes produced for theEthekwini Municipality Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House, 221Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 5892, Durban4000 or [email protected] (Tel 031 311-3172) by Friday,2012/08/31 at 12.00 (Midday).


(5 Months short-term tempo-rary contract)

R128 403.48/166 668.65 paGrade 9

Communications Unit of theGovernance Cluster.

Qualifications (Essential):Relevant post matric qualifica-tion. Valid code B driverslicence. (Preferred): Nil.Experience (Essential): 2Years relevant experience.(Preferred): 3 Years relevantexperience.Duties Include: Implementand monitor the content of theInternet and Intranet websitecontent.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House, 221Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 5892, Durban4000 or [email protected] (Tel 031 311 3163) by Friday,2012/08/31 at 12.00 (Midday).



R128 403.48/R166 668.65 paGrade 9 - Provisional Grade –Subject to Formal Evaluatio

Performance Management andEvaluation Unit of the Officeof the City Manager Cluster.

Qualifications (Essential): ITDiploma. Driver’s License.(Preferred): NilExperience (Essential): Nil (Preferred): 1 year experiencein systems administration.Duties Include: Applies guide-lines, as per training received,to execute system administra-tion on applications to controluser access, prepare reports,monitor performance ofPerformance Monitoring andEvaluation Systems and, per-forms administrative activitiesrelating to meeting scheduling,information recording, organi-zation and recordkeeping inrespect of Projects and otherrelated general office activi-ties/ requirements. Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House, 221Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 5892, Durban4000 or [email protected] (Tel 031 311 3163) by Friday2012/08/31AT 12.00 (Midday).



SYSTEMS OPERATORR101 289.43/R131 484.04 pa

Grade 7 Geographical Information and

Policy Office Unit of theOffice of the City Manager

Cluster.Qualifications (Essential):STD 10/Matric. Valid code Bdrivers licence. (Preferred):CDP.Experience (Essential): 12Months relevant experience.Computer literacy.(Preferred): Min 3 years inmultiplatform computer envi-ronment. Technical training in computer operations.Duties Include: Operating andmonitoring all multiplatformcomputer equipment locatedin the central processing roomof the city council. Ensuringthe effective use of all equip-ment by optimizing the use ofresources.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House, 221Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 5892, Durban4000 or [email protected] (Tel 031 311 3163) by Friday,2012/08/31 at 12.00 (Midday).


(DEVELOPMENT)Total Remuneration Package R 412 605.00 / R523 488.00 pa

Grade 15Benefits included in the total

value of remuneration package(Pension; 13th Cheque; Medical

Aid; Housing Subsidy) arepayable in accordance with the

rules/ requirements of the respec-tive benefit schemes and any revi-sions that may occur from time to

time which may alter the totalvalue of remuneration package. Procurement and Infrastructure

Cluster, Electricity Unit,Information and

Communication TechnologyBranch.

Duties Include: Plan, coordinateand supervise all activities relat-ed to the design, developmentand implementation of enter-prise information systems andsoftware applications forEthekwini Electricity. To imple-ment industry adopted method-ologies, procedures and stan-dards for software development.Provide input to the ICTStrategy. Ensure the develop-ment of effective informationsystems and ensure their ongo-ing maintenance.Qualifications (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary qualifi-cation (Preferred): BSc Degree(Information Systems)Experience (Essential): 4 yearsexperience in a SystemsDevelopment Manager capacityin a large organization with par-ticular reference to large scaleintegrated Business Systems.Sound knowledge of Unix basedsystems and variousDevelopment Languages andMethodologies including,UTAM Cobol, Java C (C++),PHP, PERL. Proven analyticalproblem solving ability and com-municating skills. (Preferred): 5+years experience in a SystemsDevelopment Manager capacityin a large organization with par-ticular reference to large scaleintegrated Business Systems.Sound knowledge of Unix basedsystems and variousDevelopment Languages andMethodologies including Cobol,Java, C (C++) PHP, PERL.Sound knowledge of RDBMS.Proven analytical problem solv-ing ability and communicatingskills.Applications must be lodged at theHuman Resources AdministrationDivision, Electricity Unit, 1 JelfTaylor Crescent, (OppositeKingsmead Cricket Stadium)Durban 4001 or PO Box 147,Durban 4000, or [email protected]. (Tel: 031311 9166/9517/9123) by Friday,2012/08/31 at 12.00 (Midday).

TRAINING OFFICERR223 227,00/277 663,00 pa

Grade 10Subject to NMC RatificationThis post has a progressiongrade facility whereby on

meeting certain requirementsthe employee can progress to

the next grade.Benefits included in the total

value of remuneration package(Pension; 13th Cheque; Medical

Aid; Housing Subsidy) arepayable in accordance with the

rules/ requirements of therespective benefit schemes andany revisions that may occurfrom time to time which may

alter the total value of remuner-ation package. A non-pension-able Market Allowance may bepayable in terms of the Scarce

Skills Policy.Procurement and

Infrastructure Cluster,Electricity Unit, Technical

Support Department, Sherqand Training Branch.

Duties Include: Training ofeThekwini staff, contractors,and other local authorities inthe electricity supply industryin safety as well as all technicalprocedures. Plan, design andmarket all courses presentedby the centre in order to pro-mote cost effective and effi-cient operational safety. Qualifications (Essential): N4certificate or equivalent –under special circumstancesthis may be waived by theSETA. Qualified as an Artisanin the appropriate trade byTrade Test. Must qualify as aninstructor/EDTP within 6months with the SETA. Va;lidcode EB drivers license (mustbe able to tow a light trailer)(Preferred): Possession of avalid level 1 First AidCertificate, and a NOSA safe-ty certificateExperience (Essential): Be inpossession of a DepartmentalCompetency Certificate in MV& LV UGM / OHM / SUBSand a minimum of 2 yearsexperience. (Preferred): 3Years relevant experienceApplications must be lodgedat the Human ResourcesAdministration Division,Electricity Unit, 1 Jelf Taylor Crescent, (Opposite KingsmeadCricket Stadium) Durban 4001or P O Box 147, Durban 4000,or may be emailed [email protected]. (Tel031 311 9166/9517/9123) byFriday, 2012/08/31 at 12.00(Midday).

SUPERVISOR DRIVERR101 289.43/131 484.04 pa

Grade 7Procurement and

Infrastructure Cluster,Electricity Unit, MV/LVOperations Department,

Construction Planning andWorks Branch.

Duties Include: Attend to rele-vant tasks and activities per-taining to the laying of cablesand planting of poles; includ-ing the motivation and super-vision of staff.Qualifications (Essential):Matric/Grade 12. Valid codeEC (10) driver’s licence.Professional Driving Permit(PrDP). Working knowledgeof the isiZulu language. Mustread, write and speak English(Preferred): Relevant postMatric qualification eg.Certificate Experience (Essential): 12months relevant experience inworking with and supervisingunskilled isiZulu speaking staff(Preferred): 18 months rele-vant experience.Applications must be lodged atthe Human ResourcesAdministration Division,Electricity Unit, 1 Jelf TaylorCrescent, (Opposite KingsmeadCricket Stadium) Durban 4001or P O Box 147, Durban 4000,or may be email [email protected] (Tel 031 3119166/9517/9123) by Friday2012/08/31 at 12.00 (Midday).

ELECTRICAL ASSISTANTR70 967,52/92 124,12 pa

Grade 5Procurement and

Infrastructure Cluster,Electricity Unit, Technical

Support Department,Protection and Test Branch.

Duties Include: Perform tasksand activities associated withconstruction, general mainte-nance and repair work to elec-trical infrastructure by usinghand held tools and equip-ment and providing labour ofa basic skill nature. Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate secondary educa-tion. (Preferred): Matric /Grade 12Experience (Essential): 3Months relevant experience(Preferred): 6 Months relevantexperience Successful appli-cants will be required toundergo and pass a mandatorypre-employment medicalassessment to determine fit-ness to perform the duties ofthe post Applications must be lodgedat the Human ResourcesAdministration Division,eThekwini Electricity, 1 Jelf Taylor Crescent, (OppositeKingsmead Cricket Stadium)Durban 4001 or PO Box 147,Durban 4000 or [email protected] (Tel031 311 9517/9166/9123) byFriday, 2012/08/31 at 12.00(Midday).

TEAM LEADERR70 967,52/92 124,12 pa

Grade 5Procurement and

Infrastructure Cluster,Electricity Unit, MV/LVOperations Department,

Maintenance Planning andWorks Branch.

Duties Include: Assist with therelevant task and activitiespertaining to the laying ofcables and planting of polesand controlling of the depot;including the motivation andsupervision of staff as directed.Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate secondary educa-tion with the ability to commu-nicate in English and isiZulu.(Preferred): Matric/Grade 12Experience (Essential): 3months relevant experience.(Preferred): 6 months relevantexperienceApplications must be lodged atthe Human ResourcesAdministration Division,Electricity Unit, 1 Jelf TaylorCrescent, (Opposite KingsmeadCricket Stadium) Durban 4001or P O Box 147, Durban 4000,or may be emailed [email protected] (Tel031 311 9166/9517/9123) byFriday, 2012/08/31 at 12.00(Midday).


R64 551,80/81 825,87 pa Grade 04

Procurement andInfrastructure Cluster,

Electricity Unit, MV/LVOperations Department,

Maintenance Planning andWorks Branch.

Duties Include: Supervise themaintenance and operation ofdepot machinery, eg. lawnmowers, chainsaws, brush cut-ters, generators, for the pur-pose of maintaining depotgrounds. Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate education.(Preferred): Appropriate levelof secondary education.Experience (Essential): 1month relevant experience(Preferred): 3 months relevantexperience Applications must be lodged atthe Human ResourcesAdministration Division,eThekwini Electricity, 1 JelfTaylor Crescent, (OppKingsmead Cricket Stadium)Durban 4001 or PO Box 147,Durban 4000 or [email protected] (Tel031 311 9517/9166/9123) byFriday, 2012/08/31 at 12.00





R201 496.84 / R261 542.36 paGrade 12

Qualification (Essential):Diploma in Fire Technology ofthe South African EmergencyServices Institute or equivalentqualification acceptable to theauthority having jurisdiction.Valid code B/EB driverslicence. (Preferred): Relevant3 year tertiary qualification.Experience (Essential): 3Years relevant experience(Preferred): 4 years relevantexperienceDuties Include: Contribute tothe efficient and systematicmanagement of risk (predomi-nantly Fire and Emergency) inthe EMA by identifying, eval-uating, categorizing, recordingrisks and developing appropri-ate arrangements for respond-ing to such risks to reducetheir impact on the EM com-munity and assist the unit inresponding to such risks.“Successful applicants will be

required to undergo and passpre-employment medicalassessment to determine fit-ness to perform the duties ofthe post.Applications to The RecruitmentDivision Of Emergency ServicesUnit/ Metropolitan PoliceServices, Human Resources , 16Archie Gumede Place (Old FortPlace), Ground Floor, MetroPolice Headquarters, or PO Box1172, Durban, 4000 or may be e-mailed [email protected] (Tel031-3112880/2917) bythanFriday, 2012-08-31 at 12:00(Midday)



Total Value of RemunerationPackage

R546 952.00/697 895.00 paGrade 17

Treasury Cluster, ExpenditureUnit, Water, Sanitation and Solid

Waste Branch.Benefits included in the Total

Value of Remuneration PackageRange (Pension; 13th Cheque,

Medical Aid, Housing Subsidy)are payable in accordance with

the rules/requirements of therespective benefits schemes and

any revisions that may occurfrom time to time which may alterthe Total Value of Remuneration

Package. In addition; otherallowances may be payable

(where applicable)Qualifications (Essential): Atleast one of the following: B.Com or equivalent qualification:CA (SA): Associate membershipof CIS or IMFO. (Preferred):MBA/MBL or equivalentExperience (Essential): 6 Yearsrelevant experience. Accountingand Administration Experienceand have the ability to interactwith Councillors, Senior Staffand other External Organisation(Preferred): 8 Years relevantexperience. Substantial LocalGovernment experience inFinance / Accounting in a SeniorManagement positionDuties Include: Provide a finan-cial advisory service to theDeputy City Manager / Heads ofthe respective Clusters, Co-ordi-nate and control the preparationof :- (i) The Annual OperatingBudget and Multi- Year Budgets,(ii) The Draft Capital Budgetand The Three- Year ForwardCapital Programme, Manage andcontrol the Preparation of:- (i)Annual Financial Statements, (ii)Asset Register Inputs andReconciliations. (iii) Year EndWorking papers and other exter-nal audit requirements, Co-ordi-nate and control preparation offinancial and managementreports for the respective Headsof the various Departments andthe Deputy City Manager-

Treasurer. Monitor operatingand capital expenditure, Vettingof all reports prior to their place-ment on the agenda, Manageand control staff, Monitor andreview performance with theDepartment, Control andUndertake, where required, spe-cial projects of an ad-hoc of per-manent nature, Represent theHead: Income and Expenditureat Standing Committee andCluster / Department meetingsas required, Supply Chain:-Ensure that the City complieswith the requirements ofMFMA, Supply Chain Policyand other related legislation withregards to its purchasing andservice delivery processes Applications to The HumanResources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence Mkhize Building,251 Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 828, Durban 4000or [email protected](Telephone: 031- 311-1630 Fax:031-311 1651) by Friday,2012/08/31 at 12.00 (Midday).

PRINCIPAL CLERKREF NO: 71001124 & VariousR101 289.43 / R131 484.04 pa

Grade 7Treasury Cluster, Expenditure

Unit, Corporate AccountsDepartment and Accounts

Payable BranchQualifications (Essential): Matric/ Grade 12 with Accounting.Valid motor vehicle driverslicense (code B). (Preferred):Matric/Grade 12 plus relevantcertification accredited bySAQA. Experience (Essential): 3 yearsrelevant experience (whichincludes experience in workingon theJDE systems)Preferred Experience: Nil. Duties Include: Scrutinise andauthorize payment documentsprior to and post capture ontothe JDE accounting system.Supervise account payments andtake responsibility for the datasent for Eletronic Fund Transfersand Cheque runs. Ensure thatappropriate action is taken withregards to timeous return ofGRN’s from Departments.PLEASE INDICATE YOURREFERENCE NUMBERWITH YOUR APPLICATION.Applications Must Reach HumanResources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence Mkhize Building,251 Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 Or P O Box 828, Durban4000 or may be e-mailed [email protected] (Tel 031-311-1630 Fax: 031-311 1651) byFriday, 2012/08/31 at 12.00(Midday).

PRINCIPAL CLERKREF NO: 71001124 & VariousR101 289.43 / R131 484.04 pa

Grade 7Treasury Cluster, Expenditure

Unit, Corporate AccountsDepartment and Accounts

Payable BranchQualifications (Essential): Matric/ Grade 12 with Accounting.Valid code B drivers license.(Preferred): Matric/Grade 12plus relevant certification accred-ited by SAQA. Experience (Essential): 3 yearsrelevant experience (whichincludes experience in workingon the JDE systems) Duties Include: Scrutinise andauthorize payment documentsprior to and post capture ontothe JDE accounting system.Supervise account payments andtake responsibility for the datasent for Eletronic Fund Transfersand Cheque runs. Ensure thatappropriate action is taken withregards to timeous return ofGRN’s from Departments.PLEASE INDICATE YOURREFERENCE NUMBERWITH YOUR APPLICATION.Applications to The HumanResources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence Mkhize Building,251 Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 828, Durban 4000or email [email protected](Tel 031- 311-1630 Fax: 031-3111651) by Friday, 2012/08/31 at12.00 (Midday).

VACANCIES17 – 30 August 2012 Page 10


VariousR83 786.32/R108 761.70 pa

Grade 6Treasury Cluster, Expenditure

Unit, Corporate AccountsDepartment and Accounts

Payable BranchQualifications (Essential):Matric / Grade12 withAccounting. Valid code Bdrivers license . (Preferred):Matric/Grade 12 plus relevantcertification accredited bySAQA.Experience (Essential): 2years relevant experience(which includes experience inworking on the JDE systemDuties Include: Performaccounts payable function.Provide customer liaison.Filing. Process cessionPayments. Train newAccounts Payable staff. PLEASE INDICATEYOUR REFERENCENUMBER WITH YOURAPPLICATION.Applications to The HumanResources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence MkhizeBuilding, 251 Anton LembedeStreet, Durban 4001 or PO Box828, Durban 4000 or [email protected] (Tel031- 311-1630 Fax: 031-3111651) by Friday 2012-08-31 at12.00 (Midday)


VariousR83 786.23/R108 761.70 pa

Grade 6)Treasury Cluster, Expenditure

Unit, DepartmentalAccounting (P&I)

Department.Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate secondary edu-cation (Preferred): Matric(grade12)Experience (Essential): 6months relevant experience.Computer literacy.(Preferred): 12 months rele-vant experience.Duties Include: Raising ofmiscellaneous accounts.Controlling and Footpathreinstatement charges forTelkom and other Units.Preparing of FinancialCertificates. Clearing ofunposted entries. Preparing ofFinance Payment Vouchers.Attending to queries fromsuppliers and internal depart-ments. Reconciling of credi-tors.PLEASE INDICATEYOUR REFERENCENUMBER WITH YOURAPPLICATION.Applications to The HumanResources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence MkhizeBuilding, 251 Anton LembedeStreet, Durban 4001 or PO Box828, Durban 4000 or may beemailed to [email protected] (Tel 031- 311-1630Fax: 031-311 1651) by Friday2012-08-31 at 12.00 (Midday)


CLERKREF NO: 70000072

R70 967.52 /R92 124.12 pa Grade 5

Treasury Cluster, FinanceUnit, Insurance Department.

Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate secondary edu-cation.Experience (Essential): Min 3months relevant experience.Computer literacy.(Preferred): Min 6 monthsclerical experience and com-puter literacy.Duties Include: Process claimsin respect of CompensationFor Occupational Injuries anddiseases Act (COIDA).Process Personal AccidentClaims. Applications to The HumanResources (Treasury), Ground

Floor, Florence MkhizeBuilding, 251 Anton LembedeStreet, Durban 4001 or PO Box828, Durban 4000 or may beemailed to [email protected] (Tel 031- 311-1630Fax: 031-311 1651) by Friday2012-08-31 at 12.00 (Midday)



R144 570.07/R187 659.76 paGrade 10

Treasury Cluster, City FleetUnit Technical Operations

Department.Qualifications (Essential):Qualified as a bodybuilder/panel beater. Validcode B drivers licence.Experience (Essential): 2years relevant experience.(Preferred): 3 years experi-ence in the preparation ofreports.Duties Include: Strip, Repairand assemble Vehicle Body,according to Customer andlegal specifications. Removeand repair windscreens andensure frames are aligned.Undertake Gas and ElectricArc welding. Manufacture,design and build new Vehiclebodies. Panel Beating repairwork.Applications to The HumanResources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence MkhizeBuilding, 251 Anton LembedeStreet, Durban 4001 or PO Box828, Durban 4000 or [email protected] (Tel031- 311-1630 Fax: 031-3111651) by Friday 2012-08-31 at12.00 (Midday)



(REF: 31000672 and Various)R201 496.84/R261 542.36 p.a.Grade: 12 - Grade subject toevaluation by the PJEC and

ratification by the NMC AuditCommittee

Treasury Cluster, SupplyChain Management Unit,

Performance and RiskManagement.

Qualifications (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary quali-fication, i.e. National Diplomaor Degree. Valid code B driv-ers licence. 3 years relevantexperience. Computer litera-cy.Preferred Requirements: 4Years relevant internal/exter-nal audit and/or RiskManagement experience.Duties Include: PerformsSupervisory and ProjectManage Assignments relatedto investigative, evaluativeand research applications tofacilitate and make availableguidance to functional areas.Monitor compliance and co-ordinating and conductinginvestigations to determinethe potential threat of riskfactors and the adequacy ofsystems. INDICATE THE REFER-ENCE NO. WITH YOURAPPLICATIONApplications to The HumanResources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence MkhizeBuilding, 251 Anton LembedeStreet, Durban 4001 or PO Box828, Durban 4000 or [email protected] (Tel031- 311-1630 Fax: 031-3111651) by Friday 2012-08-31 at12.00 (Midday)



44001892R201,496.84 / R 261,542.36 pa

Grade 12

Parks, Recreation & CultureUnit within Libraries &Heritage Department

Qualifications (Essential):B.Bibl, HDLS or B.Tech(Library and informationStudies) or accredited equiva-lent. Valid code B driver’slicence. Experience (Essential): 3years experience in a libraryenvironment. (Preferred):Min 3 years relevant experi-ence.Duties Include: Controls theoperational management ofthe cluster/ service point.Responsible for the staff func-tion of the cluster/ servicepoint. Undertakes and co-ordinates the professionalfunctions of the cluster, interalia. Undertakes administra-tion functions. Accountablefor the financial control of theservice point/s in accordancewith the municipal financialregulations. Participates inspecial projects. Participatesin structured departmentalgroup activities. Serves reliefin the absence of superior andcolleagues.Application Forms Must ReachHuman ResourcesAdministration Section, ParksRecreation, Cemeteries AndCulture Unit, 3rd Floor RenniesHouse Ethekwini MunicipalityBuilding, 41 Margaret Mncadi(Victoria Embankment) or POBox 5426 Durban 4000. Tel 031311 4102 not later than Friday2012-08-31 at 12.00 (Midday)


R144 570.07 / R187 659.76 paGrade 10

Post Subject to Grading byPJEC/NMC

Parks, Leisure & CemeteriesDepartment

Qualifications (Essentials):National Diploma inHorticulture or equivalentqualification with an accredit-ed Further Education andTraining Institute, GreenIndustries PracticalExamination, Valid code Bdriving licence. 2 years rele-vant experience, Computerliterate preferably 3 years rel-evant experience.Duties Include: Operationalplanning and control. Co-ordinates and controls tasks /activities associated with con-trolling personnel perform-ance, productivity and disci-pline. Control the applicationof procedures and systems inrespect of safety and,machinery and materialresources. Development andmaintenance. ProjectManagement. Relationshipmanagement, reports andrecords(Kindly submit only certifiedcopies of Qualifications andCertificates held.)Applications to The HumanResources AdministrationSection, Parks, Recreation andCulture, 3rd Floor, RennieHouse, 41 Margaret Mncadi(Victoria Embarkment), P.O.Box 5426, Durban, 4000(Telephone 311-4102) not laterthan Friday 2012-08-31 at12.00 (Midday).


44001892R201,496.84 / R 261,542.36 pa

Grade 12Parks, Recreation & Culture

Unit within Libraries &Heritage Department

Qualifications (Essential):B.Bibl, HDLS or B.Tech(Library and informationStudies) or accredited equiva-lent, Valid code B driver’slicence. Experience (Essential): 3years experience in a libraryenvironment. (Preferred): 4years relevant experience.Duties Imclude: Controls theoperational management of

the cluster/ service point.Responsible for the staff func-tion of the cluster/ servicepoint. Undertakes and co-ordinates the professionalfunctions of the cluster, interalia. Undertakes administra-tion functions. Accountablefor the financial control of theservice point/s in accordancewith the municipal financialregulations. Participates inspecial projects. Participatesin structured departmentalgroup activities. Serves reliefin the absence of superior andcolleagues.Application Forms Must ReachHuman ResourcesAdministration Section, ParksRecreation, Cemeteries AndCulture Unit, 3rd Floor RenniesHouse Ethekwini MunicipalityBuilding, 41 Margaret Mncadi(Victoria Embankment ) Or P.O.Box 5426 Durban 4000.Telephone: 311 4102 not laterthan Friday 2012-08-31 at12.00 (Midday).




R201 496.84/R261 542.36 p..Grade 12

Geographical Informationand Policy Office Unit of theOffice of the City Manager

Cluster.Qualifications (Essential):Relevant IT qualification.Valid code B drivers licence.(Preferred): Relevant Bdegree in computer science orrelated technical field.Experience (Essential): 3years relevant experience.(Preferred): 4 years relevantexperience.Duties Include: Performs sys-tem management and systemprogramming, software prod-uct evaluation and testing onthe computing environmenti.e. (mainframe, midrange andopen-source) including systemconfiguration, troubleshoot-ing, security, resource moni-toring, administration ofStorage Area Networks(SAN) software and thedevelopment of specializedprograms. Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House, 221Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 5892, Durban4000 or emailed [email protected] (Tel031-3113163) by Friday 2012-08-31 at 12.00 (Midday)

SYSTEMS OPERATORR101 289.43/R131 484.04 pa

Grade 7Geographical Information

and Policy Office Unit of theOffice of the City Manager

Cluster.Qualifications (Essential):Matric/Grade 12. Valid codeB drivers licence (Code B).(Preferred): Matric/Grade 12plus relevant certificationaccredited by SAQA.Experience (Essential): 12Months relevant experience.Computer literacy.(Preferred): 18 months inmultiplatform computer envi-ronment. Technical training in computer operations.Duties Include: Operatingand monitoring all multiplat-form computer equipmentlocated in the central process-ing room of the city council.Ensuring the effective use ofall equipment by optimizingthe use of resources.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Ground Floor, Shell House, 221Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 5892, Durban4000 or [email protected] (Tel 031-3113163) byFriday 2012-08-31at 12.00




R170 665.75/221 533.23 paGrade 11

Subject to NMC RatificationBenefits included in the totalvalue of remuneration pack-age (Pension; 13th Cheque;

Medical Aid; HousingSubsidy) are payable in accor-dance with the rules/ require-ments of the respective benefitschemes and any revisions thatmay occur from time to time

which may alter the total valueof remuneration package. A

non-pensionable MarketAllowance may be payable in

terms of the Scarce SkillsPolicy.

Procurement andInfrastructure Cluster,

Electricity Unit, TechnicalSupport Department, Sherq

and Training Branch. The training of eThekwinistaff, contractors, and otherlocal authorities in the elec-tricity supply industry in safe-ty as well as all technical pro-cedures. To plan, design andmarket all courses presentedby the centre in order to pro-mote cost effective and effi-cient operational safety. Qualifications (Essential): N4certificate or equivalent –under special circumstancesthis may bewaived by theSETA. Qualified as anArtisan in the appropriatetrade by Trade Test. Mustqualify as an instructor/EDTPwithin 6 months with theSETA. Valid code B driverslicense (must be able to tow alight trailer) (Preferred):Possession of NOSA safetycertificate. Registered as:Assessor, Mentor Verifier andRPL advisor. Professional dri-ver’s permit. Be in possessionof a First Aid certificate Experience (Essential): 3years relevant experience.(Preferred): 4 years relevantexperience. Applications must be lodged atthe Human ResourcesAdministration Division,Electricity Unit, 1 Jelf TaylorCrescent, (Opposite KingsmeadCricket Stadium) Durban 4001or PO Box 147, Durban 4000,or [email protected]. (Tel311 9166/9517/9123) Friday2012-08-31 at 12.00 (Midday)

SENIOR CLERKR83 786,23/108 761,70 pa

Grade 6 Administration Department,Finance Branch of eThekwini

Electricity. Duties Include: Control andsafekeeping of cheques and toensure timeous despatch ofcheques. Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate level of second-ary education. Valid code Bdriver’s licence. (Preferred):Matric/Grade 12Experience (Essential): 6months relevant experience.Computer Literate.(Preferred): 12 months rele-vant experience.Applications must be lodged atthe Human ResourcesAdministration Division,Electricity Unit, 1 Jelf TaylorCrescent, (Opposite KingsmeadCricket Stadium) Durban 4001or PO Box 147, Durban 4000,or may be e-mailed [email protected] (Tel031 311 9166/9517/9123) byFriday 2012-08-31 at 12.00(Midday)



(5 year contract)R363 266.00/459 435.00 pa

Total RenumerationGrade 15Formal Housing Department,

Housing Unit, HumanSettlement and Infrastructure

Cluster. Qualifications (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary quali-fication, e.g. in a developmentrelated field. Valid code Bdrivers licence. (Preferred):Relevant post graduate quali-fication. Experience (Essential): 4years relevant experience.(Preferred): 6 years relevant .Duties Include: Manage theSocial Housing Departmentby providing leadership anddirection to Social Housinginitiatives through policy for-mulation, strategic planningand ensuring overall objec-tives are met.Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Engineering Unit, 166 KEMasinga (Old Fort) Road,Durban, 4001 or PO Box 680,Durban, 4000, (Tel 031 3117740) or [email protected] Friday 2012-08-31 at 12.00(Midday)


R201 496.84/261 543.36 paGrade 12

Human Settlement andInfrastructure Cluster,

Housing Unit, ManagementDepartment.

Qualification (Essential): 3year tertiary qualification i.e.National Diploma or Degree. Experience (Essential): 3years relevant experience.(Preferred): 4 years relevantexperience.Duties Include: Attend meet-ings on behalf of the HeadHousing brief him/her ondevelopments. Undertakespecial projects and researchinto various matters affectingHousing Unit and preparingreports as required by theHead Housing. Dealing withincoming correspondence,responding directly wherepossible, distributing mail anddiarising the necessary followup.Writing of reports for com-mittees or other organisations. Client liaison at executivelevel in dealing withCouncillors, members ofNational and ProvincialGovernment, Captains of thehousing industry at large.Undertakes a co-ordinationrole in terms of the smoothoperation of the service unit,and the ongoing communica-tion between the Metro andits substructures as this relatesto housing. Assisting withcommunication and liaisonwithin the Service Unit,Council and external organi-sations, including the media,in matters affecting theHousing Unit. Maintainsupdated relevant policy andprocedural records (eg by-laws, ordinances, codes ofpractice, municipal manualsetc)Provides a secretariat servicewhere required.Responsiblefor related assignments andprojects as determined includ-ing participation on theService Units managementteam and dealing with crisesas they arise. Applications to The HumanResources Administration,Engineering Unit, 166 KEMasinga (Old Fort) Road,Durban, 4001 or PO Box 680,Durban, 4000, (Tel 031 3117740) or [email protected] Friday 2012-08-31 at 12.00(Midday)




Umsebenzi wokuhlelela izin-guquko eziyingxenye yohlelo

olusha lwezithuthi zomphakathikuMasipala weTheku

Umnyango wezokuhlelelaezokuthutha kuMasipalaweTheku (ETA) ukhipha lesisikhangiso ukuze:-1. Uthole imibono nezimvo zom-phakathi mayelana nesimemoseziphakamiso zomsebenziwokuhlelela izinguquko eziyingx-enye yohlelo olusha lwezithuthizomphakathi kuMasipalaweTheku, olubizwa nge-IRPTN.2. Kuqalwe uhlelo lokuqokainkampani efanele ezokwenzelalo mnyango lo msebenzi. Ngenxayobukhulu nokungabi lula kohle-

lo lwe-IRPTN kube nesidingosokuthi isikhathi senkontilekasibe ngaphezu kweminyakaemithathu ewumgomo kephasibe yiminyaka eyisithuphaukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi izin-jongo zale phrojekthi ziyafezeka.Imibhalo edingwa abafisaukuphawula itholakala kwi-web-site kaMasipala weTheku kulelikheli: wwww.durban.gov.za.Usuku lokugcina lokulethwakwemibono umhla ka 7Septhemba 2012, ngo-11:00ekuseni. Bonke abafisa ukufakaamathenda alo msebenzi banga-landa imibhalo abayidingayokokheshiya, eBasement,Engineering Unit, MunicipalCentre, 166 KE Masinga (OldFort) Road, eThekwini, phakathi

kuka-08:00 no-12:30 nango-13:15kuya ku-15:15. Umbhalo nga-munye waleli thenda ukhokhel-wa idiphozi engeke ibuye engu-R1000. Usuku lokugcinalokulethwa kwamathenda u-14Septhemba 2012. Umhlanganowokuchaza ngomsebenzi, okuy-impoqo ukuwethamela, uzobango-11:00, mhla ka 29 Agasti2012, eRoom 213, 2nd Floor,ETA Building, 30 ArchieGumede Place. Amathendaalabo abangawethamelanga lomhlangano ayokhishelwangaphandle uma sekuhlungwa.Imibuzo kufanele ibhekiswekuMabuyi Mhlanga, kule nom-bolo: 031-322 7160 noma kulelikheli le-email: [email protected]



Ukulungiswa kwepulaniyokusebenza yeSigaba 1 sohleloolusha lwezithuthi zomphakathi(IRPTN), ukulungiswa kwemib-halo yezinkontileka zamasevisi,Ukubuyekezwa kwezinkontile-

ka ezikhona zomsebenziwokuthuthwa komphakathi

ukulungiselela uhlelolokuthutha oludidiyelayo kanyenokweseka u-ETA ngezobuch-


Umnyango wezokuhlelelaezokuthutha kuMasipalaweTheku (ETA) ukhipha lesisikhangiso ukuze:-

1. Uthole imibono nezimvozomphakathi mayelana nes-imemo seziphakamisozokuwenzela umsebenzi woku-lungiswa kwepulani yokuseben-za yeSigaba 1 sohlelo olushalwezithuthi zomphakathi(IRPTN), ukulungiswa kwemib-

halo yezinkontileka zamasevisi,ukubuyekezwa kwezinkontilekaezikhona zomsebenziwokuthuthwa komphakathiukulungiselela uhlelolokuthutha oludidiyelayo kanyenokweseka u-ETA ngezobuch-wepheshe.2. Kuqalwe uhlelo lokuqokainkampani efanele ezokwenzelalo mnyango lo msebenzi.Ngenxa yobukhulu nokungabilula kohlelo lwe-IRPTN kubenesidingo sokuthi isikhathisenkontileka sibe ngaphezukweminyaka emithathu ewum-gomo kepha sibe yiminyakaeyisithupha ukuze kuqinisek-iswe ukuthi izinjongo zale phro-jekthi ziyafezeka. Imibhaloedingwa abafisa ukuphawulaitholakala kwi-websitekaMasipala weTheku kulelikheli: wwww.durban.gov.za.Usuku lokugcina lokulethwakwemibono umhla ka 7Septhemba 2012, ngo-11:00ekuseni. Bonke abafisa ukufaka

amathenda alo msebenzi banga-landa imibhalo abayidingayokokheshiya, eBasement,Engineering Unit, MunicipalCentre, 166 KE Masinga (OldFort) Road, eThekwini,phakathi kuka-08:00 no-12:30nango-13:15 kuya ku-15:15.Umbhalo ngamunye walelithenda ukhokhelwa idiphoziengeke ibuye engu-R1000.Usuku lokugcina lokulethwakwamathenda u-14 Septhemba2012. Umhlangano wokuchazangomsebenzi, okuyimpoqoukuwethamela, uzoba ngo-13:00, mhla ka 29 Agasti 2012,eRoom 213, 2nd Floor, ETABuilding, 30 Archie GumedePlace. Amathenda alabo aban-gawethamelanga lo mhlanganoayokhishelwa ngaphandle umasekuhlungwa. Imibuzo kufaneleibhekiswe kuMlungisi Wosiyanakule nombolo: 031-322 7161noma kuleli kheli le-email:[email protected]




MEREWENT, UMLAASUkuchazwa komhlaba: ProposedPortion 31 of Erf 66 UmlaasUbukhulu bawo: 499m²Inani okuqalwa kulo: R100 000.00Idiphozi edingekayo: 20% wen-tengo amabhidi aqala kuyo (R20000.00)Ukuklanywa komhlaba: SpecialResidential 400

Imibhalo yamathenda kanyenemininingwane yale ndawoedayisayo itholakala ehhovisilika-Cashier, Basement, CityEngineers’ Building, 166 KEMasinga (Old Fort) Road,eThekwini. Lowo nalowo mquluwamafomu aleli thenda oland-wayo ukhokhelwa imali engekeibuye eyi-R100. Ukuhlolwakwendawo, okungaphoqelekile,kuzokwenziwa mhla ka-2012-08-22, ngo-9:00. Qaphela ukuthiukuhlungwa kwaleli thendakuzokwenziwa ngokomgomowalo Masipala wokunika amath-

uba labo abebencishiweesikhathini esedlule. Imibhaloyamathenda neminye imibhaloehambisana nayo kumele ithun-yelwe ku-Head: Procument, CityEngineers Building, GroundFloor, 166 KE Masinga Road(hhayi komunye umnyangokaMasipala), engakashayi u-11:00, ngomhla ka 2012-09-14.Eminye imininingwane itho-lakala kule nombolo yocingo:031-311 4374 phakathi kuka08:00 no 16:00.

Mr Sibusiso SitholeImenenja yeDolobha


INOMBHOLO YENKON-TILEKA: MSLCS-2012-13:Ucwaningo ngemisebenzi

kaMasipala nezimo abantuabaphila ngaphansi kwazo


Kumenywa izicelo zamathendaokwenza ucwaningo luka-2012/13ngemisebenzi kaMasipala nezimoabantu abaphila ngaphansikwazo ukuze abathatha izinqumokuMasipala babe nesithombe esi-cacile ngalokho okucatshangwayizakhamuzi ngezimo eziphilangaphansi kwazo, ukwanelisekakwazo ngezinsiza ezizitholakuMasipala, izindawo ezihlalakuzona kanye nangokwanelisekakwazo ngamazinga empiloeziyiphilayo.Lo msebenzi odinga ukwenziwaubandakanya lokhu okulande-layo:1. Ukubuyekezwa kwemibuzoezobuzwa2. Ukuphothulwa kwesampulaezosetshenziswa kulolu cwaningo3. Ukulungiselela iphrojekthiizinhla zemibuzo ezobuzwaumuzi nomuzi4. Ukungena umuzi nomuzikubuzwa imibuzo yocwaningo5. Ukuqinisekiswa kwemibuzo6. Ukwakhiwa kwenqolobaneyolwazi oluqoqiwe

7. Ukugcinwa kolwazi oluqoqiwe8. Ukuqinisekiswa kolwazioluqoqiwe9. Ukunikezwa isisindo kolwazi10. Ukuhlaziywa kwemiphumelakanye nokulungiswa kombiko11. Ukwethulwa kolwazi olutho-lakele kanye nombikoImibhalo yamathenda itholakalakwi-Reception yakwa-CorporatePolicy, e-2nd Floor, RennieHouse, 41 Margaret MncadiAvenue (Victoria Embankment),eThekwini kusukelangoMsombuluko mhla zingama-20 Agasti 2012. Imibhalo yama-thenda ikhokhelwa idiphoziengabuyi eyi-R100-00. Le maliingakhokhwa ngokheshi nomangesheke eliqinisekiswe yibhangeelibhalwe ukuthi likhokhelauMasipala waseThekwini.Umhlangano wokuchaza ngalomsebenzi, okuyimpoqoukuwethamela, uzoba mhla ziyi-28 Agasti 2012, kusukela ngo-11:00 kuya ku-12:00 emini, e-2ndFloor, Rennie House, 41Margaret Mncadi Avenue(Victoria Embankment),eThekwini. Azobhalwa phansiamagama abantu abaphumelelilekulo mhlangano kanti futhiakukho mathenda ayokwamukel-wa kulabo abangezanga kulomhlangano nalabo aban-

gayikhokhanga idiphozi eyi-R100. Imibuzo ebhalwe phansiingathunyelwa kuMnu. M.Lengolo noma uNkk. P. Narsaibakwa-Corporate Policy Unitkula makheli e-email:[email protected] [email protected], nomabangathintwa enombolweniyefeksi ethi: 031-311 4120.Amathenda kufanele afakweezimvilophini bese zivalwa, zib-hekiswe eThekwini CorporatePolicy Unit, zibhalwe ngokucaci-leyo ukuthi “Tenders for theMunicipal Services and LivingConditions Survey_2012/13”,bese efakwa ebhokisini lamath-enda elise-Ground Floor,Municipal Buildings, 166 KEMasinga (Old Fort) Road,eThekwini. Lamathendaakumele athunyelwe kunomaimuphi omunye umnyangokaMasipala, kanti kumele afikeengakadluli u-11:00 mhla ka-2012-09-07. UMasipalawaseThekwini angeke weth-weswa cala ngamathenda afikengemuva kwesikhathi.UMasipala waseThekwini akana-sibopho sokwemukela ithendaelingaphansi kunawo wonkenanoma yiliphi nje elinye ithen-da.



Ukulahlwa kodaka oseluqoqel-we kuma-Wastewater

Treatment Works UMnyango wakwa-Water andSanitation kuMasipalaweTheku umema amathendaokulahla udaka oluqoqelweeNorthern, PhoenixnaseVerulam WastewaterTreatment Works.Kuzobhekelelwa amathenda

ezinkampani ezinobunikazibabantu abebencishwe amathu-ba phambilini, ezinabonjengabaphathi futhiezithuthukisa amakhono abo.Imibhalo yamathenda ingaland-wa ngezikhathi zokusebenzaemva kuka-10:00 kusukelangomhla ka-17 Agasti 2012, ku-Cashier, eThekwini Water andSanitation ebhilidini elishalakwa-Customer Services, 133KE Masinga Road, eThekwini

(liseduze nebhilidi eliyinhloko-hhovisi yakwa-Water &Sanitation elikwanombolo 3Prior Road). Imibhalo yamath-enda ikhokhelwa idiphoziengeke ibuye ka-R500.00 nga-masheke abhalwe ukuthiakhokhela umnyango wakwa-Water and Sanitation. Imibuzomayelana nale mibhalokufanele ibhekiswe kuMnu.Rob Dyer, kule nombolo yocin-go: 031-311 8664; ifeksi 031-311

8549 noma nge-email:[email protected] wokuchazangalo msebenzi, okuyimpoqoukuwethamela, ozoba se-Boardroom, eNorthernWastewater Treatment Works, 1Johanna Road, eThekwini,ngoLwesine mhla ka 23 Agasti2012, ngo 10:00. Imibhaloyamathenda kumele ifakweebhokisini lamathendaeliseGround Floor, City

Engineers Building, 166 KEMasinga (Old Fort) Road,eThekwini engakadluli u-11:00womhlaka 21 Septhemba 2012.Amathenda athunyelwe nge-telegram, telex, e-mail nomange-fax, nafike emva kwe-sikhathi ngeke amukelwe.Imibandela emayelana nokuval-wa, ukubhalwa, ukudilivwa,ukuvulwa nokuhlungwa kwa-mathenda ibhaliwe emibhal-weni yamathenda.


Iqondiswe emalungwiniomkhandlu wonke

Ngokwesigiba 29(1) soMthethokaZwelonke omayelana no

hulumeni basekhaya, uLocalGovernment: Municipal;

Systeam Act, 117 ka 1998,umphakathi uyaziswa ukuthiumhlangano wo mkhandlukamasipala wasethekwini

uzoba se City Hall Auditorium,Church walk eThekwini

ngoLwesine 2012-08-30 ngo10:00


R170 665.75/R221 533.23 paGrade: 11

Grade subject to evaluation bythe PJEC and ratification by the

NMC Audit CommitteeTreasury Cluster, Supply Chain

Management Unit, Performanceand Risk Management.

Qualification (Essential):Relevant 3 year tertiary qualifi-cation, i.e. National Diploma orDegree. Valid code B driverslicenceExperience (Essential): 3 yearsrelevant experience. Computerliteracy. (Preferred): 4 years rel-evant experience.Duties Include: Co-ordinatesprocesses associated with imple-mentation, monitoring and eval-uation and, reporting of the sta-tus and/or outcomes of the unit’sSpecial and Strategic Projectsthrough investigative applica-tions and participation in discus-sions. Mapping out plans andidentifying alternative solutionsand proving information toguide and enable the accom-plishment of key project mile-stone in accordance with theoriginal intentions.INDICATE THE REFER-ENCE NO. WITH YOURAPPLICATIONApplications to TheReach HumanResources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence Mkhize Building,

251 Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 828, Durban 4000or [email protected] (Tel031- 311-1630 Fax: 031-311 1651)by than Friday 201208-31 at 12.00(Midday)


R101 289.43/R131 484.04 pa Grade 7

Treasury Cluster, City FleetUnit, Fleet Management

Department.Qualifications (Essential):Matric / Grade 12 with 12months relevant experience.Computer literacy. Valid code Bdriver’s licence. (Preferred):Relevant post Matric certificatein Road Transportation / FleetManagement with 18 monthsrelevant experience in fleettransportation.Duties Include: PerformAdministrative functions.Capture data, ProcessApplications/Traffic Fines andInsurance claims. ScheduleVehicle for servicing andAdminister allocation. ProcessInvoices and Payment Vouchers.Attend to queries.Applications to The HumanResources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence Mkhize Building,251 Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 828, Durban 4000or email

[email protected] (Tel031- 311-1630 Fax: 031-311 1651)by Friday 2012-08-31 at 12.00(Midday)


R170 665.75/R221 533.23 pa Grade 11

Grade Level is Subject to NMCRatification /Approval

Treasury Cluster, City FleetUnit, Fleet Systems andMonitoring Department.

Qualifications (Essential): TradeTested Automotive Artisan.Valid code ED drivers licencewith a valid PrDP.Experience (Essential): 3 yearsrelevant experience. (Preferred):4 years relevant experience.Computer literacy.Special Conditions: Good inter-personal, communication skillsand automotive fault diagnosticabilities. Duties Include: Coordinate andimplement a servicing liaisonfunction associated with moni-toring and implementing servic-ing procedures. Maintainingeffectiveness of servicing to vehi-cles, plant and equipment.Monitoring and attending todeviations in servicing produc-tivity and performance andattending to specific administra-tive and information reportingrequirements and processes.Applications to The Human

Resources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence Mkhize Building,251 Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 828, Durban 4000or [email protected] (Tel031- 311-1630 Fax: 031-311 1651)by Friday 2012-08-31 at 12.00(Midday)

FOREMAN (TYRES)R170 665.75/R221 533.23 pa Grade 11 - Grade subject to

evaluation by the PJEC and rat-ification by the NMC Audit

CommitteeTreasury Cluster, City Fleet

Unit, Operations Department,Technical Operations Branch.

Qualifications (Essential): TradeTested Artisan (Mechanical).Valid code B driver’s licence.Experience (Essential): 3 yearsrelevant experience. ComputerLiteracy. (Preferred): 4 years rel-evant experience in aMechanical Workshop environ-ment Tyre Fitment Workshop.Duties Include: Co-ordinateresource requirements, to moni-tor repairs/replacements of auto-motive parts. Check, executeand apply corrective measures totechnical requirements.Maintain quality standards andattend to administrative func-tions associated with the TyreWorkshop. Ensure compliancewith operational procedures andrecord keeping. Supervise and

Monitor Staff performance.Applications to The HumanResources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence Mkhize Building,251 Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 828, Durban 4000or [email protected] (Tel031- 311-1630 Fax: 031-311 1651)by Friday 2012-08-31 at 12.00(Midday)

WORKSHOP ATTENDANT R64 551.80/R81 825.87 pa

Grade 4REF: 73000060 and variousTreasury Cluster, City Fleet

Unit, Operations Department.Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate level of primaryeducation and 1 month relevantexperience. (Preferred):Appropriate level of secondaryeducation with 3 months rele-vant experience.Special Conditions: Able to readand write.Duties Include: Undertake func-tions related to repairs, mainte-nance and services of vehicles.Grease Vehicles and clean workbenches. Remove and replacewheels. Ensure tools/equipmentare clean and located to thework environment.Applications to TheReach HumanResources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence Mkhize Building,251 Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 828, Durban 4000

(Tel 031- 311-1630) by Friday2012-08-31 at 12.00 (Midday).

CLERK REF NO: 70000546 & Various

R70 967.52/ R92 124.12 pa Grade 5

Treasury Cluster, InternalControl and Business Systems

Unit, ReconciliationsDepartment.

Qualifications (Essential):Appropriate secondary educa-tionExperience (Essential): PracticalExperience in Clerical WorkDuties Include: Perform fullReception and Clerical dutiesfor the entire ReconciliationDivision. Verification ofReplacement Cheques – lost orstale cheques. Verification ofinformation on Cash advices.Control of Cash advices. Keepabreast of new developments.PLEASE INDICATE YOURREFERENCE NUMBERWITH YOUR APPLICATION.Applications to The HumanResources (Treasury), GroundFloor, Florence Mkhize Building,251 Anton Lembede Street, Durban4001 or PO Box 828, Durban 4000or [email protected] (Tel031- 311-1630 Fax: 031-311 1651)by Friday 2012-08-31at 12.00(Midday).

Amathenda afakwe ezimvilophini zavalwa, aqondiswa ku-City Manager, c/o Ground Floor, Municipal Building, 166 K.E. Masinga Road (phambilini obuwaziwa ngo-Old Fort Road), Durban 4001,ayokwamukelwa noma ngasiphi isikhathi ngaphambi kuka-11:00 emini (hhayi emuva kwaleso sikhathi) ngezinsuku okuvalwa ngazo ezibhalwe lapha ngenzansi, lapho amathenda eyovulwa

phambi kwabantu. Imininingwane namafomu kutholakala kulowo mnyango noma ama-consultants abhaliwe.


CLASSIFIEDS tendersThe place for eThekwini jobs, calls for proposals, tenders and notices


Imibhalo yamathenda (ebhalwengesiNgisi) itholakala ku-

Cashier, Basement, EngineeringUnit, Municipal Centre, 166 KE

Masinga (Old Fort) Road,eThekwini (phakathi kuka-08:00no-12:30 nango-13:15 kuya ku-


1R-8558 Imizila yamabhayisik-ili neyabahamba ngezinyawo(R500 imali ekhokhelwa ithen-da ngalinye engeke ibuye –ukheshe noma ishekeeliqinisekiswe yibhangekuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 7 Septhemba2012Umhlangano wokucacisa ngalomsebenzi, okuyimpoqoukuwethamela, umhla ka 2012-08-23, esiphambanweni sika-John Zikhali (Sydenham Road)no-Avondale Road, phesheyakwase-Botanical Gardens, ngo-10:00. Amathenda alaboabangezanga kulo mhlanganoayokhishelwa ngaphandle umasekuhlungwa. Abavunyelwe uku-faka amathenda yilabo kuphelaababhalise kwi-CIDB, noma laboabazokwazi ukubhalisangaphambi kokuhlaziywa kwa-mathenda afakiweyo, esigabenisokubhaliswa kosonkontilekaesilingana noma esingaphezukwesinqunywe ngokwenani lom-sebenzi wokwakha osezingeni6CE.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-311 7648 (B. Cadle).

S.3994 Ukwenziwakocwaningo lwase-laboratory(R250 imali ekhokhelwa ithen-da ngalinye engeke ibuye –ukheshe noma ishekeeliqinisekiswe yibhangekuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 14

Septhemba 2012Umhlangano wokucacisa ngalomsebenzi, okuyimpoqoukuwethamela, umhla ka 2012-09-04, eCorporate PrucurementBuilding, 166 Archie GumedePlace, Ground FloorBoardroom, eThekwini, ngo-09:30. Amathenda alaboabangezanga kulo mhlanganoayokhishelwa ngaphandle umasekuhlungwa.Yonke imibuzo:Eyobuchwepheshe: Ucingo:031-311 4139 (Dkt. FatimaSuleman); Eminye: Ucingo:031-311 7889 (S. Sewshanker)


Imibhalo yamathenda (ebhalwengesiNgisi) itholakala ku-

Cashier, Basement, EngineeringUnit, Municipal Centre, 166 KE

Masinga (Old Fort) Road,Durban, 4001 (phakathi kuka-08:00 no-12:30 nango-13:15

kuya ku-15:15)

1H-8276 Ukuhlinzeka amase-visi obuchwepheshe emseben-zini wokumbiwa kwamathunaangama-500 angahlelelweasendaweni okwakhiwa kuy-ona izindlu eTafuleni Isigaba 1(Iwadi 53 no 56) (R1000 imaliekhokhelwa ithenda ngalinyeengeke ibuye – ukheshe nomaisheke eliqinisekiswe yibhangekuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 14Septhemba 2012Umhlangano wokuhlola indawo,okuyimpoqo ukuwethamela,umhla ka 2012-08-23, kwanom-bolo 17 Doveplace, Canehaven,Phoenix, ngo-11:00. Amathendaalabo abangezanga kulomhlangano ayokhishelwangaphandle uma sekuhlungwa.Yonke imibuzo:Eyobuchwepheshe: Ucingo:

031-311 2474 (O. Kunene);Eminye: Ucingo: 031-311 2475(M. Nogwaza).


Imibhalo yamathenda (ebhalwengesiNgisi) itholakala ku-

Cashier, Basement, EngineeringUnit, Municipal Centre, 166 KE

Masinga (Old Fort) Road,eThekwini (phakathi kuka-08:00no-12:30 nango-13:15 kuya ku-


1A-8921 Isicelo solwazi:Uhlelo olusebenza nge-radiolokuhlonza, ukunamathiselaizithikithana eziwuphawulobunikazi nokulandelaimpahla kaMasipala (R250imali ekhokhelwa ithendangalinye engeke ibuye –ukheshe noma ishekeeliqinisekiswe yibhangekuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 31 Agasti2012Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-311 4964 (Frank Marsden).

1l-8922 Ukuthengela nokuh-linzeka uMasipala ngezinhlelonamasevisi azomsiza aqon-danise ukuthenga namazingaabekiwe okuqinisekisa (R250imali ekhokhelwa ithendangalinye engeke ibuye –ukheshe noma ishekeeliqinisekiswe yibhangekuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 31 Agasti2012Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-312 7006 (Mdu Mkhize).

1P-6790 Ukuqashisela nokuse-visela uMasipala izindlu zan-gasese ezingomahamba nendl-wana izinyanga ezingama-36(R1000 imali ekhokhelwa

ithenda ngalinye engeke ibuye– ukheshe noma ishekeeliqinisekiswe yibhangekuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 14Septhemba 2012Umhlangano wokucacisa ngalomsebenzi, okuyimpoqoukuwethamela, umhla ka 2012-08-24, eGround FloorBoardroom. CorporatePrucurement Branch, ArchieGumede Place, eThekwini, ngo-10:00. Amathenda alaboabangezanga kulo mhlanganoayokhishelwa ngaphandle umasekuhlungwa.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-311 7757 (Michael Miller).


Imibhalo yamathenda (ebhalwengesiNgisi) itholakalaeReception, Economic

Development Unit, 11th Floor,Rennies House, 41 Margaret

Mncadi (Victoria Embankment),eThekwini (phakathi kuka-08:00no-15:15) noma ngokuthumela i-

email yokuwacela kuleli kheli:[email protected]

7A-9081 Ucwaningo ngemboniyezokuvakasha eThekwini(R250 imali ekhokhelwa ithen-da ngalinye engeke ibuye –ukheshe noma ishekeeliqinisekiswe yibhangekuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 31 Agasti2012Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-311 4015 (Aurelia Albert).


Imibhalo yamathenda (ebhalwengesiNgisi) itholakala e-ICC

Durban, 45 Bram Fischer(Ordnance) Road, Building

Services Department, SecurityReception, Parking Level

ICCD:767/2012 Umsebenziwokuhlanza isakhiwo izinyan-ga ezingama-36 (R500 imaliekhokhelwa ithenda ngalinyeengeke ibuye – ukheshe nomaisheke eliqinisekiswe yibhangekuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 14Septhemba 2012Umhlangano wokucacisa ngalomsebenzi, okuyimpoqoukuwethamela, umhla ka 2012-08-27. Amathenda alaboabangezanga kulo mhlanganoayokhishelwa ngaphandle umasekuhlungwa.Yonke imibuzo: NicoletteElia-Beissel kuleli kheli le-email: [email protected]



Imibhalo yamathenda (ebhalwengesiNgisi) itholakala ku-Cashier, eThekwini Water

Services, Customer ServicesBuilding, 133 KE Masinga Road,


WS.5838 Craigieburn 1Resevoir Inlet - Ukwakhiwakwepayipi lensimbi elingu-400mm ububanzi elisukakuMngeni liya e-Craigieburn 1Reservoir (R1000 okhokhelwaithenda ngalinye ongekeubuye – ukheshe noma ishekeeliqinisekiswe yibhangekuphela)Usuku lokuvala: 14Septhemba 2012Umhlangano wokucacisa ngalo

msebenzi, okuyimpoqoukuwethamela ungo-10:00, mhlaka-2012-08-29, kuCraigieburnDrive, eduze kwesikoleiNaidooville Primary.Amathenda alabo abangezangakulo mhlangano ayokhishelwangaphandle uma sekuhlungwa.Abavunyelwe ukufaka amathendayilabo kuphela ababhalise kwi-CIDB, noma labo abazokwaziukubhalisa ngaphambi kokuh-laziywa kwamathenda afakiweyo,esigabeni sokubhaliswakosonkontileka esilingana nomaesingaphezu kwesinqunywe ngok-wenani lomsebenzi wokwakhaosezingeni 6CE PE/7CE.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 031-311 8154; Ifeksi: 031-311 8549(R. Nhlumayo).

WS.6402 Ukulawulwa kwe-phunga ezindaweni okulahlwakuzona udoti zikaMasipalaweTheku (R250 okhokhelwaithenda ngalinye ongekeubuye – ukheshe noma ishekeeliqinisekiswe yibhangekuphela) sludge Usuku lokuvala: 14Septhemba 2012Umhlangano wabafaka amathen-da alo msebenzi, okuyimpoqoukuwethamela, ungo-10:30, mhlaka-2012-08-24, eBisasar RoadLandfill Site, uma uchezuka ku-Dhulam Road (phezulu umauchezuka ku-Electron Road),eSpringfield, eThekwini.Amathenda alabo abangezangakulo mhlangano ayokhishelwangaphandle uma sekuhlungwa.Yonke imibuzo: Ucingo: 079511 2978 (R. Sivapersad)noma email:[email protected]


INKONTILEKA 1G-9138:Ukuhlelela nokwakhela

umnyango wakwa-DurbanTourism amasu okumaketha

iminyaka emithathu

ITheku lihamba phambili njen-gendawo ethandwa yizivakashieNingizimu-Afrika futhi lihehaizinkulungwane zezivakashiminyaka yonke. Ukuze likwaziukuthi lihlale lihamba phambilinjengendawo evakashelwa abaz-ingcebelekelayo nalabo abaham-ba ngebhizinisi, kudingekauMasipala abe nesu elisebenza-yo lokumaketha nokuxhumananomphakathi. Inhlosonqgangiyesu leTheku lezokuvakasha“ukuheha uphawini omkhulukule makethe nasemiqondwenimaqondana nabavakashelaukungcebeleka nabahambangomsebenzi”. Okuyibonabantu esihlose ukubazuza,izivakashi zaseNingizimu -Afrika kanye nezihambelieziqhamuka kwamanye amazwe.Ngaphezu kwalokho sihloseukuzuza nezakhamizi zakulelidolobha, okufanele zazi futhizizibonele ezinye izintoezehlukahlukene ezitholakalaeThekwini, bese kuthi ngokwen-zenjalo zibe ngamanxusaeTheku. Ngakho-ke umnyangowakwa-Durban Tourism umemaizinkampani ezinamakhonoafanele ikakhulukazi ezinesip-iliyoni esinzulu kwezoku-maketha nokukhangisa ukubazilethe iziphakamiso eziham-bisana namakhotheshini zok-wenza umsebenzi wokwakhanokwethula umkhankaso

wokukhangisa ohambisananamasu ezokuvakasha eThekukanye nezinhlelo zokumakethaiTheku zonyaka, isikhathi esiy-iminyaka emithathu. Imibhaloechaza kabanzi ngalo msebenziitholakala kusukela, mhlaka 17Agasti 2012 eGround Floor, 166KE Masinga Road, CityEngineers Building, eThekwini(hhayi kweminye iminyangokaMasipala). Le mibhalo inga-landwa phakathi nezinsuku,kusukela ngo 08:00 kuya ku-16:00. Usuku lokugcinalokulethwa kweziphakamisouLwesihlanu mhlaka 14Septhemba 2012, ngo-11:00.Zonke iziphakamiso kufanelezifakwe ezimvilophini, zivalwe,zibhalwe ukuthi: “TheConceptualisation andDevelopment of MarketingCreative for Durban Tourism”bese zifakwa ebhokisini lamath-enda elise-ground floor, 166 KEMasinga Road, City EngineersBuilding, eThekwini (hhayikweminye iminyangokaMasipala) Umhlanganowokuchaza kabanzi ngalomsebenzi, okuyimpoqoukuwethamela, uzobangoLwesibili, mhlaka 28 Agasti2012, ngo-11:00, kwaDurbanTourism, 90 Florida Road,eThekwini. Amathenda afakweabantu abangawethamelanga lomhlangano ayokhishelwangaphandle uma sekuhlungwa.Eminye imininingwane itho-lakala kuSjabu kule nomboloyocingo: 031-322 4170 nomange-email: [email protected]


1. Kukhishwa umyalelowesikhashana obhekiswe kwa-banesasasa nabathintekayoukuba baveze izizathu ungakad-luli umhla ka-24 Agasti 2012ngo-09h30 ekuseni nomangokushesha okungavumelananommeli ukuthi kungani lomyalelo olandelayo kungafaneleukhishwe:(a) Isinqumo sikaMasipalawaseThekwini esathathwanguMkhandlu walo masipalamhla ka-28 Okthoba 2010sokuchibiyela izinhlelo zakheezehlukene zokuhlelwakwedolobha ngokuklama ngok-wehlukene imihlaba eyingxenyeye-Outer West Town PlanningScheme nePinetown TownPlanning Scheme edidiyelweingxenye yayo iklanyelweukongiwa kwemvelo(Conservation Zone), nomaukuklama kabusha leyo mihlabaibe ngebekelwe ukongiwakwemvelo (EnvironmentalConservation Reserve) kokunyekuchitshiyelwe ubungako benda-wo busuka ku-1800m2 buye ku-3 600m2 simenyezelwe njen-gesingasebenzi futhi sichithwe.

(b) Izindleko zalesi sicelo,ngaphandle kwalezo osiphik-isayo angene kuzona, zikhokhwengofake isicelo.2. Ukuba ofake isicelo ayalelweukuba achicilele ikhophi yalomyalelo wesikhashana:(a) kanye ngesiNgisi kwiNatalMercury(b) kanye ngesiZulu ephepheniiLanga(c) kanye ephepheni lakhe lika-masipala EzasegagasininakwiHighway Mail ngesiZulunangesiNgisi lokhu kwenzekeemasontweni amathathu uphu-mile lo myalelo. NGOKOMYALELOWENKANTOLO G.S. ABRAHAMS ACT. ASST. REGISTRARGARLICKE & BOUSFIELDINCIkheli lokuthumela izaziso: 29th Floor, Durban Bay House329 Anton Lembede StreetDurban. Noma ngefeksi: 032-9460550. Noma nge-email:[email protected]











Umnyango wezokuhlelela ezokuthutha kuMasipala weTheku(ETA) ukhipha lesi sikhangiso ukuze:-1. Uthole imibono nezimvo zomphakathi mayelana nes-imemo seziphakamiso zokuwenzela umsebenzi woku-maketha, ukwenziwa kwe-branding nokuxhumana nom-phakathi ngohlelo olusha lwezithuthi zomphakathikuMasipala weTheku, olubizwa nge-IRPTN.2. Kuqalwe uhlelo lokuqoka inkampani efanele ezokwenzelalo mnyango lo msebenzi.Ngenxa yobukhulu nokungabi lula kohlelo lwe-IRPTN kubenesidingo sokuthi isikhathi senkontileka sibe ngaphezukweminyaka emithathu ewumgomo kepha sibe yiminyakaeyisithupha ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi izinjongo zale phro-jekthi ziyafezeka. Imibhalo edingwa abafisa ukuphawulaitholakala kwi-website kaMasipala weTheku kuleli kheli:wwww.durban.gov.za. Usuku lokugcina lokulethwa kwemi-bono umhla ka 7 Septhemba 2012, ngo-11:00 ekuseni. Bonkeabafisa ukufaka amathenda alo msebenzi bangalanda imibha-lo abayidingayo kokheshiya, eBasement, Engineering Unit,Municipal Centre, 166 KE Masinga (Old Fort) Road,eThekwini, phakathi kuka-08:00 no-12:30 nango-13:15 kuyaku-15:15. Umbhalo ngamunye waleli thenda ukhokhelwaidiphozi engeke ibuye engu-R1000. Usuku lokugcinalokulethwa kwamathenda u-14 Septhemba 2012.Umhlangano wokuchaza ngomsebenzi, okuyimpoqoukuwethamela, uzoba ngo-11:00, mhla ka 27 Agasti 2012,eRoom 213, 2nd Floor, ETA Building, 30 Archie GumedePlace. Amathenda alabo abangawethamelanga lo mhlanganoayokhishelwa ngaphandle uma sekuhlungwa. Imibuzokufanele ibhekiswe kuMabuyi Mhlanga, kule nombolo: 031-322 7160 noma kuleli kheli le-email:[email protected]