iPaulownia - Investors in paulownia

investors in paulownia www.ipaulownia.com


iPaulownia offers investments opportunities in paulownia timber production plantations, the fastest growing hardwood on the planet. Light but immensely strong, Paulownia has unique market advantage. A highly profitable investment.

Transcript of iPaulownia - Investors in paulownia

Page 1: iPaulownia - Investors in paulownia

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In t roduc t ion

Our s tor y i s a l l about paulownia t imber product ion and the exc i t ing oppor tun i t ies avai lable to inves tors .

Pau lownia L td i s a European fores t r y inves tment management company spec ia l i s ing in paulownia t imber p lan ta t ions . Based in London wi th admin is t ra t ive and operat ional o f f ices in both UK and Spain, we prov ide managed paulownia t imber inves tments . P lan ta t ions under development inc lude our own €4M paulownia pro jec t in the region of A lbacete, Spain and fur ther major pro jec ts across Europe wi th in our inves tment communi t y.

i n v e s t o r s i n p a u l o w n i a

www. ipaulownia.com

Paulownia L td was created to explo i t marke t demand for t imber. Wi th an exper t team of agr icu l tu ra l , energy, env i ronmenta l and fores t r y profess ionals , European leaders and p ioneers in paulownia t imber p lan ta t ions across Europe, we of fer an unr iva l led suppor t f ramework for our paulownia p lan ta t ion pro jec ts . Together , we are dr iv ing towards our main objec t ive o f supply ing demand for paulownia, a t imber var ie t y wi th un ique charac ter i s t ics .

T imber demand far exceeds supply in count r ies l i ke Spain wi th the def ic i t made up by impor t s . Wi th such favourable marke t condi t ions we are h igh ly focussed on generat ing increased paulownia t imber product ion and explo i t ing these exc i t ing marke t oppor tun i t ies . Together wi th our inves tors we seek to mutual ly benef i t f rom th i s new and fas t growing t imber supply chain .

So what do we of fer an inves tor? We of fer new or mature, profess ional ly man-aged paulownia p lan ta t ions . We fac i l i ta te t imber inves tment in a f lex ib le way. We source land and prov ide a comple te management ser v ice inc luding land prepara-t ion, i r r igat ion, p lan t ing and fu l l care o f the p lan ta t ion through to cropping and del iver y to t imber processors . The inves tor can se lec t a p lan to su i te the i r appet i te : the s ize o f the p lan ta t ion; number o f t rees ; dura t ion of inves tment and whether to buy or ren t the land.

01 In t roduc t ion

02 Why jo in us

03 Why paulownia?

04 The demand

05 Pro jec t locat ion

06 Pro jec t management

07 Forecas t & fees

09 The nex t s tep

10 Contac t us

Page 3: iPaulownia - Investors in paulownia

Why jo

in us



Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

Warren Buf fe t ti n v e s t o r s i n p a u l o w n i a

We are inv i t ing inves tors to become involved wi th th i s fan tas t ic oppor tun i t y wi th assured re turns and bel ieve our products wi l l appeal to a wide range of c l ien ts f rom indiv idual inves tors to subs tan t ia l funds .

Key to our s t ra tegy i s our European Paulownia Net work™ of par tners and assoc ia tes in the paulownia marke t . Wi th c lear ev idence of success fu l paulownia product ion across many p lan ta t ions we demons t ra te a proven t rack record. We have inves ted our own funds in paulownia p lan ta t ions and together wi th our Net work compr ise the mos t re l iab le and larges t source of paulownia t imber p lan ta t ions in Europe.

Al though paulownia grows in many areas around the wor ld not a l l paulownia i s the same or su i table for ever y se t o f env i ronmenta l condi t ions . Our b io logica l and agrosc ience adv isors have success fu l ly produced and paten ted a t rademark pro tec ted var ie t y, 8 years in deve lopment , which by far ou tper forms any o ther paulownia var ie t y tha t

grows wi th in our European weather and c l imate condi t ions . Our paten ted paulownia c lone i s cu l t i va ted for exce l len t t imber qual i t y to enhance i t s va lue as a qual i t y t imber inves tment .

To fur ther improve va lue and guarantee provenance our paulownia i s un iquely to be cer t i f i ca ted wi th a Qual i t y T imber Cer t i f i ca te (QWF) regula ted by the European Union Min is t r y o f Agr icu l tu re .

We have a fas t growing, super ior qual i t y paulownia var ie t y tha t wi l l command premium pr ices in the marke tp lace and maximise a prof i tab le ex i t s t ra tegy.

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Why p





Paulownia i s , by far , the fas tes t growing hardwood on the p lanet . Our h igh per formance paten ted paulownia var ie t y together wi th care fu l ly se lec ted pro jec t locat ions and outs tanding profess ional techn ica l management can de l iver 1m3 of t imber wi th in 8 to 10 years . Th i s unr iva l led growth speed bu i lds t imber vo lume far in excess o f o ther t ree t ypes which can take 25 years or more to ach ieve the same volume.

Paulownia has a un ique se t o f charac ter i s t ics . I t i s ex t remely l igh t , s t rong, f lex ib le, a ver y good insu la tor , has h igh temperature res i s tance and i t s combus t ion temperature i s a lmos t double tha t o f many convent ional hard and sof t woods . I t ’s no t surpr i s ing tha t paulownia i s known as the a lumin ium of the t imber wor ld .

Paulownia t imber ’s demand across Europe, Af r ica and Middle Eas t ar i ses f rom many of these ou ts tanding charac ter i s t ics . Appl ica t ions such as bu i lding mater ia l s , windows, doors , b l inds, arch i t rave, fu rn i tu re, a i rc raf t f i t t ings, boats , mus ica l ins t ruments and spor t equ ipments are some of the mos t common and bes t per forming paulownia t imber uses .

I t ’s a l so an ideal subs t i tu te for MDF and f ibre g lass which are recognised as pol lu tan ts wi th long decompos i t ion t ime. A l l o f th i s , p lus the fac t tha t paulownia t imber can be de l ivered wi th in 10 years , makes i t an ideal var ie t y for processors and manufac turers to p lan product for.

i n v e s t o r s i n p a u l o w n i a

www. ipaulownia.com

Page 5: iPaulownia - Investors in paulownia

The dem




In one year you have a pole, in two years you have an umbrella and in five years you have sawn lumber

10th Centur yi n v e s t o r s i n p a u l o w n i a

Dur ing the pas t few years the paulownia in i t ia t ive has been bu i lding, s tudy ing, tes t ing and exper iment ing wi th innovat ive new products th rough the good work o f members o f the European Paulownia Net work™ inc luding research ins t i tu t ions , un ivers i t ies and some of the larges t t imber merchants wi th in the European t imber marke tp lace.

Al l agree tha t paulownia t imber has great advantages not jus t to supply common t imber products bu t to ou tper form and innovate due to qu ick growth, s t rength, l igh t weigh t and h igh temperature res i s tance.

One of these exc i t ing new products i s ep i tomised by the wor ld renowned sk i brand, Ross ignol ’s Soul7 sk ies , incorporat ing a l igh t weight paulownia core which reduced weight by 20% for eas ier tour ing, enhanced agi l i t y and u l t ra- l igh t swing weight . I t was ISPO awarded as 2013 bes t and mos t innovat ive new product be ing in t roduced around the wor ld . There i s s t rong demand f rom the sk i ing, water spor t s and mar ine indus t r ies for paulowna t imber.

Other examples inc lude bu i lding br icks made of 60% paulownia powder resu l t ing in reduced br ick weight and a s ign i f ican t reduc t ion in t ranspor t cos t s . Amazing new appl ica t ions are be ing developed us ing bacter ic idal nanopar t ic le cover ings to make paulownia based, l igh t weight , bac ter ia res i s tan t fu rn i tu re for the k i tchen indus t r y and bacter ia prevalen t areas such as hospi ta l s and nurser ies .

These are jus t a few reasons why i t i s our miss ion to supply and develop the lucra t ive and in teres t ing poten t ia l o f paulownia t imber.

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Project lo




p05 i n v e s t o r s i n p a u l o w n i a

We have chosen Spain as the key count r y for our paulownia p lan ta t ion development s t ra tegy to take advantage of i t s favourable t imber marke t condi t ions bu t a l so because i t so wel l located to meet demands f rom i t s Nor th Af r ican ne ighbours .

Spain cur ren t ly consumes double the amount o f i t s indigenous t imber product ion . I t produces 15M m3 per year which represents 1% of g lobal product ion in sp i te o f hav ing ex tens ive fores ta t ion, much of which i s pro tec ted or under-developed for t imber product ion .

S ince 2012, a Spanish nat ional ac t ion p lan to reduce t imber impor ta t ion by 33% by 2030 has been pu t in to ac t ion . The objec t ive i s to increase t imber product ion to 50M m3 by 2050 and reduce impor ta t ion to less than 20% of the nat ional demand.

Not on ly Spain has large t imber product ion def ic i t s , ne ighbour ing count r ies such as those in Nor th Af r ica and fur ther away in the Middle

Eas t impor t near ly 100% of the i r t imber. Wi th major por t s , such as Valenc ia and Algec i ras , we have economical ly v iable t ranspor t rou tes in to these marke ts .

For Paulownia L td, the oppor tun i t y to supply local and ne ighbour ing demand i s a mass ive a t t rac t ion and, consequent ly, a major imperat ive to expans ion of our product ion capaci t y.

Th i s favourable marke t s i tua t ion a long wi th the except ional year round c l imate condi t ions , ideal p lan ta t ion locat ions and f i rs t c lass ra i l , road and sea t ranspor t fac i l i t ies are the reasons we se lec ted Spain to be our bus iness hub.

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Project M






Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe

Abraham L incolni n v e s t o r s i n p a u l o w n i a

Al l o f our t imber p lan ta t ions are carefu l ly managed, cont ro l led and super v i sed by an exper t techn ica l team of agro sc ien t i s t adv isors , b io logis t s and fores t r y profess ionals wi th many years o f exper ience.

In addi t ion to success fu l ly es tabl i sh ing more than 500 hec tares o f paulownia p lan ta t ion in Spain, Romania, I ta ly and South Amer ica, they have managed and been di rec t ly respons ib le for thousands o f hec tares o f v ineyards, a lmonds, o l ives and many o ther agr icu l tu ra l pro jec ts over the las t 30 years .

For an annual fee, we manage the en t i re product ion cyc le f rom supply ing the paulownias to the fu ture sa le o f the t imber, inc luding land preparat ion, ins ta l l ing i r r igat ion sys tems, p lan t ing, fer t i l i s ing, water ing, prun ing, cu t t ing and del iver ing the t imber to the marke t . Look ing af ter a paulownia p lan ta t ion requi res regular and cont inuous a t ten t ion to maximise per formance.

We work c lose ly wi th local town hal l s who are keen on what they v iew as impor tan t local cont r ibu t ions to the i r economy, employment and land usage. We employ and t ra in local labour and a lso subcont rac t to profess ional ser v ice prov iders to prov ide main tenance and ins ta l la t ion ser v ices under our ins t ruc t ion and super v i s ion .

A t any t ime, inves tors are welcome to v i s i t the i r p lan ta t ion to be gu ided through the progress and updated wi th la tes t ach ievements . P lan ta t ion progress repor t s are prov ided on a quar ter ly bas i s and we encourage a f r iendly regular dia logue to main ta in a cont inu ing pro jec t invo lvement .

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PlantationKey Financial Elements

Standard Calculation

Area 1 Hectare

Nº trees 600 600 trees /Ha

Initial Reservation Fee* € 4,000 € 4,000/Ha

Initial Investment** € 12,000 €12,000/Ha

Total 1st year Investment € 16,000

Annual Fees*** € 36,000 € 4,000/Ha /Year

Total Investment € 52,000 10 years (1st year + 9)

Cropping Cost**** € 36,000 € 60 / tree

Sale of Timber € 168,000 1 tree= 0.7m3 @ €400/ m3



st & Fees


Inves tmen t

One hec tare o f paulownia p lan ta t ion i s p lan ted wi th 600 paulownia t rees .

A paulownia t ree produces about 1m3 of t ree and 0.7m3 of usable t imber wi th in 8-10 years which to ta l s 420m3 of usable t imber per hec tare

The cur ren t marke t va lue for paulownia in count r ies l i ke Aus t ra l ia and China for f i rs t qual i t y t imber has exceeded $1,500 per m3. In Europe, impor ted paulownia t imber i s be ing bought for over €500 per m3. These va lues should ensure tha t our qual i t y s tamped, t rademarked, paulownia t imber es t imate o f €400 per m3 i s a reasonable and safe forecas t .

i n v e s t o r s i n p a u l o w n i a

www. ipaulownia.com

P lan ta t ion example paulownia

Internal ra te o f re turn over 10 years - 16.4%

In ternal ra te o f re turn in f la ted @ 7% af ter 10 years - 24.7%

*In i t ia l Reser vat ion Fee: Pau lownia L td wi l l organise paulownia p lan ts , local labour and land preparat ion .

**In i t ia l inves tment : Th i s covers land preparat ion, p lan t ing process and f i rs t year p lan ta t ion management .

***Annual Fees : €4,000 per year per hec tare are paid towards p lan ta t ion man-agement : labour, fer t i l i sers , water , herb ic ides, insec t ic ides and techn ica l di rec t ion e tc .

**** Cropping Cos t : The t ree i s now ready to be har ves ted. Th i s cos t wi l l be de -duc ted f rom the sa le o f the t ree .

Wi th t imber sa les pr ices be ing €400

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P lan ta t ion example paulowniaFo

recast &




Money doesn’t grow on trees. Unless, that is, you are in the timber business. . .

F inanc ia l T imesi n v e s t o r s i n p a u l o w n i a

We, a t Pau lownia L td, be l ieve i t i s reasonable to cons ider a conser vat ive 5% growth per annum f rom today’s marke t va lue for paulownia t imber wi th in the nex t 10 years .   Our Inves tment P lans show the In ternal Rate o f Re turn i f t imber pr ices remained f la t a t today’s va lues and what would happen i f a l l va lues increased a t 7% per annum. Inves tors should make the i r own judgements .

*Per formance Fee: A per formance fee of 20% wi l l apply to the ne t prof i t on sa les greater than the es t imated sa les pr ice agreed a t the t ime of cont rac t .

Cash fl ow for 10 yr growth cycle - rental (10 hectare plantation)

Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Yr 4 Yr 5 Yr 6 Yr 7 Yr 8 Yr 9 Yr 10 Outcome

Investment 160,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000

Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,320,000

Cashfl ow -160,000 -200,000 -240,000 -280,000 -320,000 -360,000 -400,000 -440,000 -480,000 -520,000

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Next step


The nex t s tep


Don’ t take i t for granted, come and v iew i t for yourse l f !

We encourage t imber inves tors to come and v iew the en t i re paulownia operat ion for themselves . We can organise group tours as wel l as independent v i s i t s to our p lan ta t ions and suppor t in f ras t ruc ture .

A t yp ica l tour cons i s t s o f 2-3 days and inc ludes co l lec t ion a t Valenc ia Ai rpor t and compl imentar y t rans fer to your hote l fo l lowed by:

V is i t to the laborator ySee the b i r th o f a paulownia t ree! You wi l l be shown around the larges t in v i t ro cu l t i va t ion laborator y in Spain and second larges t in Europe, expla in ing the micro-propagat ion process , v iewing how paulownia c lones are mul t ip l ied, unders tanding the s tep by s tep process o f each c lone pr ior to p lan t ing. A fan tas t ic learn ing exper ience!

P lan ta t ion ToursAf ter learn ing how our paulownia c lones are carefu l ly c reated and mul t ip l ied, we wi l l take you through a number o f p lan ta t ions wi th di f fe ren t age ranges to he lp you unders tand paulownia’s growing cyc le . We wi l l a l so show you avai lable p lan ta t ions and ta i lor made inves tment oppor tun i t ies tha t would match your t imber inves tment requi rements .

Unders tanding the en t i re Bus iness Cyc leDur ing your v i s i t we wi l l take you to the saw mi l l s tha t process paulownia t imber, l i s ten to the i r exper ience wi th the qual i t y o f our paulownia t imber and prov ide an ins igh t in to the wide var ie t y o f appl ica t ions and products for which paulownia i s su i tab le . We wi l l show you some examples o f these products .Th i s wi l l br ing to l i fe the en t i re cyc le o f the paulownia inves tment bus iness . 

De ta i led inves tment explanat ion and legal purchase procedureWe wi l l a l locate some t ime dur ing your v i s i t to expla in the benef i t s o f   t imber inves tment , work ou t some numbers for you and in t roduce you to legal exper t i se to expla in the inves tment process .   Th i s wi l l a l so a l low you to dec ide whether i t i s be t ter for you se t up a Spanish company or inves t as an indiv idual to maximise your inves tment poten t ia l .

i n v e s t o r s i n p a u l o w n i a

www. ipaulownia.com

Page 11: iPaulownia - Investors in paulownia


ntact us


Timber has risen steadily in price for 200 years and has returned an average of 6,5% a year for the last century

Jeremy Granthami n v e s t o r s i n p a u l o w n i a

Jo in us on th i s exc i t ing ven ture and see for yourse l f the t imber inves tment oppor tun i t ies avai lable .   Learn about paulownia and i t s un ique t imber qual i t ies by v i s i t ing us dur ing a long weekend. I t wi l l be a fu l l weekend’s learn ing exper ience bu t led in a f r iendly and re laxed way wi thout pressure . You wi l l no t regre t i t !

+44 (0)203 2827178

[email protected]

Paulownia L tdOmnibus Bus iness Cent re42 Nor th RoadLondonN7 9DP

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3 Pa




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