IP Series @NaUKMA No.2

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Transcript of IP Series @NaUKMA No.2

  • 1. 13 2010 , ? [email_address] @kaktuse

2. 3. A Hugo (1990) 4. 5. 6. US patent 5960411 Assignee: Amazon.com September 28, 1999 1-Click Patent / 7. 8. ? 9. 1. / 2. 3. ... ( ) 4. [first office acton] 5. . 10. ? 11. 4. 5. ( ) 6. 7. ... ( ) 8. 12. 9. (claims) 9. 10. . 11 11 . 12. . . 12. . 13. , (Court of Apeals for theFederal Cirtcuit, ) 14. ... 15. 1. , ... 16. 2. 17. 3. 18. , . ! 19. [email_address] lexvirtualis.org