
19 Little things about my lovely Inza

Transcript of Inza


things about

mylovely Inza

1. First time we met, I called her Zahara

2. After knowing each other for few days, I started to notice that, the way she dressed up was always TOO ‘matching’. When she wore purple shirt, she wore purple skirt (and now, in my mind I have a very clear picture about the skirt and the shirt), when she wore brown batik blouse, she wore brown jeans LOL! And yes, she loves Batik.

3. She’s the first girl I ever went to karaoke with, just the two of us!! Hahaha, really, it was almost midnight, and we were just karaoke-ing like crazy! freakooo

4. The first days of our college days, she often wears BROWN. That’s why I call her (T)inja! Haha

5. She loves Cinderella (senasib ya nja?? haha)

6. Our daily entertainment : pulang kuliah, jalan ke Kencana Putri, beli DVD HORROR THAILAND di Kober, beli es kelapa sama gorengan di depan Kencana Putri, masuk kamar, ganti baju, gossip, nonton film horror Thailand, sambil teriak2, makan malem di Ponsel :D

7. Her famous tag-line “GW GA MARAAAHHHHH” She’s saying it with an angry face.

8. She’s the 2nd owner of my 220 room in Kencana Putri.9. Our favorite desert : TUTIFRUITY! 10. Sometimes Inza’s just like a little sister for me. I accompanied

her to the doctor when she got sick, and to the salon, to cut her hair, and I’m the who explain about the hair cut to the hair-stylist :D.

11. She’s the first person who came to my room when I broke up with my ex ‘Though she didn’t have many wise words to tell (LOL), but she was there, handing me tissues, and watching me crying stupidly.

12. She never mind to lay on my messy bed, with dirty clothes on the floor, and sometimes, she doesn’t even mind to use my (not so clean) spoon and plate. That’s one of many reasons why I love to have her in my room :D

13. She’s the only person I can sleep in a same bed with, without changing the bed’s position. She’s so small, it’s like sleeping with a piece of paper, an FYI, I often push her through the wall. Hahah kasyaaannn..

14. There was one time when she slept in my room and I bought her milk for breakfast, and after she drank it, she has stomachache. Well, milk is too expensive for you, yah Nja? *EVIL LAUGH*

15. She’s the first person that I introduced to my bastard ex :D

16. We had a huge fight while he was with his ex. A very huge one, because I really wanted to protect her from that guy, whom I think, doesn’t meant to be with her. I know I shouldn’t be that protective, but after all, I think my Inza did a good job on that heart break. She changed a lot after that, in a good way

17. Inza, sometimes can be so annoying when she starts to become so sensitive and so emotional. When she starts that attitude, I know that she knows, she’s being ridiculous, but she just doesn’t know what to do or what to say, so all she can say is just “Ah.. Ga taulaahh..” or “Ya gitu deh” GRRRRRRRRRR

18. She loves her family BOLO BOLO so much. There was this one time, in December, me and Inza, spent a day in Depok, searching for Christmas Gifts for my family, and “Please forgive me” gifts for her mom, she bought Es Kiko (kalo ga salah), flower and Chocolate.

19. Me and Inza, we always had a fight. She’s sensitive, I’m sensitive (the difference ism she’s more understanding and forgiving than I am :p). But that’s the way it is, and I love it. I know, deep inside my heart, no matter how mad I am at her, or no matter how upset she is of me, we never stop talking to each other. She always there for me, therefore, I will do the same thing to her, ‘cause I love Inza, just like everybody does

Happy 19th Birthday, dearest Inza

I love youuuuu - Sarah Merci