Invisible Man1 13rah9l

Invisible Man By: Jessica Mariah

Transcript of Invisible Man1 13rah9l

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ManBy: Jessica


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•Title: Invisible Man

•Author: H.G Wells

•Publishing Info: overPublications I!"

•ate: #irst $%ition &as

'ublishe% in ()*+ This e%ition&as 'ublishe% in (**,. 

• (Wells III)

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•I'ing $nglan% in

the ()*/0s.

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arac er



–He is the 2ain character in thisstory. He is %escribe% to be an

albino college stu%ent &ho 2a3ore%in 'hysics an% 2e%icine. uring hise4'ire2ents he ca2e across

for2ulas that causes hi2self toturn invisible. He en%s u'beco2ing the burglar in the story.

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escri'tion •Mr. Marvel:

–This is the 5rst 2an that

Gri1n atte2'ts to 2ake hisacco2'lice. He is %escribe%to be short fat an% un like%

by all. Also the area tra2'.He betrays Gri1n.

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•r 6e2':

–7se% to go to university &ithGri1n. He is intereste% in thebi8arre as'ects of science. Gri1nco2es r. 6e2' in atte2't to2ake hi2 his acco2'lice an%

even though r. 6e2' acts asthough he is agree2ent &ithGri1n he still betrays hi2. 

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arac er

escri'tion•Te%%y Henfrey:

–Te%%y Henfrey is a clockre'air2an &ho Mrs. Hall uses inatte2't to 5n% out 2ore aboutGri1n. But because Gri1n%oesn0t s'eak 2uch Te%%y

begins ru2ors about Gri1nstating that he is &ante% 2an.

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$le2ents•Tone: Throughout thenovel you get a sense

of 2ystery sus'ense an%often a bit of arrogance

&hen the author &ass'eaking of Gri1n. 

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$le2ents•The2e: Corruption of Morals inthe Absence of Social Restriction

–#or e4a2'le: #or everything thatGri1n %i% he ha% an e4cuse forit. When he kille% his father he

e4cuse% it by saying that he &asa senti2ental fool;.

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Element:• "on<ict: 

– Throughout the novel 2any 'eo'le aretrying to 5gure out Gri1n in a &hole. Whyisn0t he sho&ing hi2self= What %oes hehave to hi%e= Gri1n sho&s to have noco2'assion for anyone in his atte2't tosurvive invisible &ithout others 5n%ingout. His 2ain con<ict is 5n%ing an

anti%ote to beco2e visible. The society0scon<ict is 5n%ing out &ho is the burglarthat is breaking in an% stealing.

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$le2ent• Point>of>?ie&:

– In the 5rst half of the story it is tol%through thir% 'erson. Giving us the

o''ortunity to 2eet an% get to kno&the characters an% their inner'ersonality.

– The secon% half Gri1n takes over

an% gives us a taste of his inner si%ean% his history. After cha'ter ,@ thestory returns thir% 'erson.

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JessicaC• “He rarely &ent abroa% by %aylight but

at t&ilight he &oul% go out 2uDe% u'invisibly &hether

• the &eather &ere col% or not an% hechose the loneliest 'aths an% those 2ostover>sha%o&e% by trees an% banks.;

– This Euote re<ects the irony that

Gri1n 2ust cover u' invisibility bybeco2ing invisible an% blen%ing intohis surroun%ings. Page ,(C

" t A

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"r t ca Ana ys s

JessicaC•This story re<ects a strong 2essage.There are %ecisions often that nee% tobe 2a%e. But &hen in the 'rocess of

%eci%ing on your actions you 2ust &eighthe a%vantages as &ell as the%isa%vantages of your %ecision. Fou also2ust see ho& it &ill aect those aroun%

you. In the novel Gri1n %i%n0t think ofthe conseEuences of turning hi2selfinvisible not only for hi2self as &ell asthe society.

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Biography•-o2eti2es calle% the father of

2o%ern science 5ction H.G. Wells &asborn on -e'te2ber ,( () in

Bro2ley 6ent $nglan%. His father a'rofessional cricket 'layer an%sho'kee'er an% his 2other a for2erla%ys 2ai% raise% Wells &ith the i%ea

that he &oul% 5n% a 'lace in the &ork&orl% that they &ere accusto2e%. Heas'ire% to a %ierent 'lace in society.

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Biography• When he &as thirteen he left school to

beco2e a %ra'ers a''rentice a 3ob hisfa2ily e4'ecte% &oul% be 'ro'er for a boyof his station. Then H.G. Wells 5nally foun%

a 3ob as a teachers assistant in a gra22arschool. $%ucation an% aca%e2ia suite% hi2&ell. In ()) he entere% college &ith ascholarshi' to stu%y biology. He &as able

to stu%y un%er one of the great biologyteachers of the ti2e Tho2as HenryHu4ley an% Wells gra%uate% in ())).

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Biography• The &ritings of Jules ?erne un%oubte%ly

in<uence% Wells an% he &rote his 5rstnovel The Time Machine 'artly in

res'onse to this ne& kin% of literaturethat ?erne 'ro%uce%. The storya''eare% in various for2s in 2aga8inesfro2 ())) to ()* an% &as release% in

its current for2 in ()*@. The book &assuccessful an% Wells %i% not nee% toteach or &orry about 2oney fro2 thatti2e on.

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Biogra'hy• Wells early novels continue% in the science 5ction

2o%e of The Time Machine. The Island of Dr. Moreau()*C The Invisible Man ()*+C an% The WarBetween the Worlds ()*)C ce2ente% his 'osition&ithin the genre. #or 2any rea%ers these earlynovels are the e4tent of Wells &riting. Hes theKti2e 2achine guyK or the KMartian guy.K Wellsho&ever &rote short stories 2ainstrea2 5ctionan% non>5ction essays his entire life 2ost of the2es'ousing in so2e for2 or another his vie&s on

hu2anity society an% the %irection he sa& the&orl% going. -o2e of these &orks &ere also science5ctional in nature.

The Ti2e MachineC

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Summary• It begins &ith a 2ysterious 2an &alking

into a s2all to&n0s be% an% breakfast. Thisstranger &ears a long thick coat glovesLhis face is hi%%en entirely by ban%ages

large goggles an% a &i%e>bri22e% hat. Thestranger is e4tre2ely reclusive an%%e2an%s to be left alone s'en%ing 2ost ofhis ti2e in his roo2 &orking &ith a set of

che2icals an% laboratory a''aratus onlyventuring out at night. He Euickly beco2esthe talk of the village as he unnerves thelocals.

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Summary• Mean&hile a series of 2ysterious burglaries occur in

the village in &hich the victi2s catch no sight of thethief. ne 2orning &hen the innkee'ers 'ass thestrangers roo2 they enter in curiosity &hen theynotice the strangers clothes are scattere% all overthe <oor but the stranger is no&here to be seen. Thefurniture see2s to s'ring alive an% the be%clothesan% a chair lea' into 2i%>air an% 'ush the2 out ofthe roo2. 9ater in the %ay Mrs. Hall confronts thestranger about this an% the stranger reveals that he

is invisible re2oving his ban%ages an% goggles toreveal nothing beneath. As Mrs. Hall <ees in horrorthe 'olice atte2't to catch the stranger but hethro&s o all his clothes an% esca'es.

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Summary• The Invisible Man <ees to the %o&ns &here

he frightens a tra2' Tho2as Marvel &ithhis invisibility an% forces hi2 to beco2e hislab assistant. Together &ith Marvel he

returns to the village &here Marvel stealsthe Invisible Mans books an% a''aratusfro2 the inn &hile the Invisible Man hi2selfsteals the %octors an% vicars clothes. But

after the theft Marvel atte2'ts to betraythe Invisible Man to the 'olice an% theInvisible Man chases after hi2 threateningto kill hi2.

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Summary• Marvel <ees to the seasi%e to&n of Bur%ock

&here he takes refuge in an inn. TheInvisible Man atte2'ts to break in throughthe back %oor but he is overhear% an% shot

by a black>bear%e% A2erican an% <ees thescene ba%ly in3ure%. He enters a nearbyhouse to take refuge an% %ress his &oun%.The house turns out to belong to r. 6e2'

&ho2 the Invisible Man recogni8es an% hereveals to 6e2' his true i%entity N Gri1n abrilliant 2e%ical stu%ent &ith &ho2 6e2'stu%ie% at university.

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Summary• Gri1n e4'lains to his ol% frien% 6e2' that

after leaving university he &as %es'erately'oor. eter2ine% to achieve so2ething ofscienti5c signi5cance he began to &ork on

an e4'eri2ent to 2ake 'eo'le an% ob3ectsinvisible using 2oney stolen fro2 his o&nfather &ho co22itte% suici%e after beingrobbe% by his son. Gri1n e4'eri2ente% &ith

a for2ula that altere% the refractive in%e4 ofob3ects &hich resulte% in light not ben%ing&hen 'assing through the ob3ect thereby2aking it invisible.

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Summary• He 'erfor2e% the e4'eri2ent using a cat

but &hen the cats o&ner Gri1ns neighborreali8e% the cat &as 2issing she 2a%e aco2'laint to their lan%lor% an% Gri1n

&oun% u' 'erfor2ing the invisibility'roce%ure on hi2self to hi%e fro2 the2.Gri1n theori8es 'art of the reason he canbe invisible ste2s fro2 the fact he is albino

2entioning that foo% beco2es visible in hissto2ach an% re2ains so until %igeste% &iththe bi8arre i2age 'assing through air in the2eanti2e.

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• After burning the boar%ing house %o&n tocover his tracks he felt a sense ofinvincibility fro2 being invisible. Afterstruggling to survive out in the o'en he

stole so2e clothing fro2 a %ingy backstreetsho' an% took resi%ence at the "oach OHorses inn to reverse the e4'eri2ent. Hethen e4'lains to 6e2' that he no& 'lans to

begin a eign of Terror The #irst Fear of theInvisible Man the #irstC using his invisibilityto terrori8e the nation &ith 6e2' as hissecret confe%erate.



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• Realizing that Grifn is clearly insane, Kemp hasno plans to help him an instea alerts the police!"hen the police arri#e, Grifn #iolently assaultsKemp an a policeman $e%ore escaping, an the

ne&t ay he lea#es a note on Kemp's oorstepannouncing that Kemp (ill $e the )rst man *illein the Reign o% +error! Kemp remains cool an(rites a note to the olonel, etailing a plan to

use himsel% as $ait to trap the -n#isi$le .an, $utas a maiser#ant attempts to eli#er the note sheis attac*e $y Grifn an the note is stolen!



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Plot Summary

• Just as the 'olice acco2'any theattacke% 2ai% back to the house theInvisible Man breaks in through the back%oor an% 2akes for 6e2'. 6ee'ing hishea% cool 6e2' bolts fro2 the housean% runs %o&n the hill to the to&nbelo& &here he alerts a navvy a

navigator or a navigational engineer.Cthat the Invisible Man is a''roaching. Into&n &itnessing the 'ursuit the cro&%rally aroun% 6e2'.



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Plot Summary

•When 6e2' is 'inne% %o&n byGri1n the navvy strikes hi2 &ith as'a%e an% knocks hi2 to the groun%

an% he is violently assaulte% by the&orkers. 6e2' calls for the 2ob tosto' but it is too late. The InvisibleMan %ies of the in3uries he has

receive% an% his nake% an% battere%bo%y slo&ly beco2es visible on thegroun% after he %ies.



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Quote (Mariah)

•KAlone>> it is &on%erfulho& little a 2an can %o

aloneQ To rob a little tohurt a little an% there

is the en%.K

uo e


" iti l A l i

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•It &as a goo% rea% an% e4ce'tionallyshort. The story %e'icts thatobsession of 3ust about anything can

cause insanityL it cause% a 5ctionalcharacter to kill an% rob innocent'eo'le only because he &as invisible.The Invisible Man &as a goo% Euality

science>5ction book an% I &oul%reco22en% it to 2y 'eers.

"ritical Analysis


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ources•2Wells Biogra'hy.K S !et . TheTi2e Machine. Web. ,+ !ov.,/(/.


•Wells H. G. Invisible Man. Mineola !F: over. (**,. Print.

"or* ite

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• Jessica:

– -etting

– "haracter escri'tions

– 9iterary $le2ents

– Po&er Point

• Mariah:

– Author Mini Biogra'hy

– Plot -u22ary

Work ivision