Investment R/E Source- Commercial Real Estate Investment Resource in Orange County, CA

Investment Investment R/E Source R/E Source Your Real Estate Your Real Estate Investment Resource Since Investment Resource Since 1979 1979

Transcript of Investment R/E Source- Commercial Real Estate Investment Resource in Orange County, CA

InvestmentInvestment R/E Source R/E Source

Your Real Estate Investment Your Real Estate Investment Resource Since 1979 Resource Since 1979

Our mission at Investment R/E Source is to provide an investment strategy that fits our clients’ goals and objectives. Whether representing a tenant, landlord, buyer, or seller -- Investment R/E Source is committed in providing a service that is entirely beneficial to our client.  With a team of experts and our collective expertise, Investment R/E Source will suit your needs.

Mission StatementMission Statement

Commercial Investment Commercial Investment BrokerageBrokerage

Office LeasingOffice Leasing

Retail Investment and Retail Investment and LeasingLeasing

Multi Family ResidentialMulti Family Residential

Shopping CentersShopping Centers

Industrial PropertiesIndustrial Properties

Vacant land for Vacant land for developmentdevelopment

Out of state investment Out of state investment expertsexperts

Client TestimonialsClient Testimonials

"We thank you sincerely for your hard work and tolerance of our unavoidable "quick-step" momentum."-Lawrence W. Lopes, Executive DirectorThe Law Office of Michael L. Murphy

I don't think my real estate investment experience could have been as successful without Investment R/E Source on my team."

Honesty, dignity and putting clients' investment objectives above their commissions are the most important qualities I have seen and experienced while working with Bob Kehiayan and Investment R/E Source.

Bob Kehiayan receives an award as appreciation for speaking at the Cal State Fullerton School of Business

Robert Kehiayan, CPM® Named CPM Of The Year by IREM - February 2000


Investment R/E Investment R/E SourceSource

949-443-949-443-30303030Email: [email protected]