Investigating Spelling Impairment and Changes related to ...

Investigating Spelling Impairment and Changes related to Intervention by means of Functional MRI and DTI Doctoral Thesis submitted by Mag. rer. nat. Daniela Gebauer Supervisor: Ass. Prof. PD. Dr. Mag. Andreas Fink Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. PD. Dr. Christian Enzinger

Transcript of Investigating Spelling Impairment and Changes related to ...

Investigating Spelling Impairment and Changes related to Intervention by means of Functional MRI and DTI

Doctoral Thesis

submitted by

Mag. rer. nat. Daniela Gebauer

Supervisor: Ass. Prof. PD. Dr. Mag. Andreas Fink

Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. PD. Dr. Christian Enzinger



First and foremost I offer my regards and blessings to all who supported me in any respect

during the completion of the thesis.

I offer my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor Ass.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Fink, who has

supported me throughout my thesis with his guidance and dedication whilst allowing me the

room to work in my own way. He provided me unflinching encouragement and support.

Many thanks go in particular to my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Christian Enzinger for his

valuable support, guidance and encouraging advices. I am much indebted to him for his

valuable knowledge and assistance.

I am heartily thankful to my colleagues of the Research Unit for “Neuronal Plasticity and

Repair” and my colleagues of the “Research Unit for NeuroImaging”: Marisa Loitfelder,

Margit Jehna, Patricia Linortner, Christian Langkammer, Michaela Söllinger und Stefan

Ropele for their constructive comments and enriching cooperation.

Moreover, I gratefully thank all professors, colleagues and staff members, who supported the

work on this thesis: Prof. Franz Fazekas and Karin Brodtrager (Department of Neurology);

Prof. Franz Ebner (Department of Neuroradiology); Mag. Karl Koschutnig and Dr. Gernot

Reishofer (assistance in the development of the functional paradigm); Dr. Reinhard Kargl and

Christian Purgstaller (creators of the spelling intervention); Heidi Johansen-Berg and Nicola

Filippini (University of Oxford, supporting DTI analyses) and Nadja Kozel, Bernd

Schneeberger, Hanna Vogel and Stephanie Rohrer (behavioural testing and training of

spelling impaired children).

Furthermore, I most sincerely thank the Division of Science and Research of the Styrian

government and the Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank for the financial support of

this doctoral thesis.

Most especially I thank my parents for unconditionally supporting me for my whole life and

Oliver Pinter for his continuous support and love.



ABSTRACT............................................................................................................................... 5

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG........................................................................................................... 6

I INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 7

1. SPELLING AND READING IMPAIRMENT (SRI) ........................................................ 7

1.1. Etiology ....................................................................................................................... 7

2. NEUROPHYSIOLOGY OF SRI ....................................................................................... 8

2.1. Functional MRI and SRI ............................................................................................. 9

2.2. Diffusion Tensor Imaging and SRI ........................................................................... 10

3. ISOLATED SPELLING IMPAIRMENT ........................................................................ 12

3.1. Neurophysiology of Spelling Impairment................................................................. 12

4. INTERVENTION ............................................................................................................ 13

4.1. Spelling Intervention ................................................................................................. 14

4.1.1. Morpheme-based intervention............................................................................ 14

4.1.2. Computer-based intervention ............................................................................. 15

4.1.3. Morpheus-intervention....................................................................................... 15

4.2. Neurophysiologic changes related to intervention .................................................... 17

II OBJECTIVES AND METHODS......................................................................................... 21

III STUDIES ............................................................................................................................ 25

STUDY I – Isolated spelling impairment ............................................................................ 25

Abstract ............................................................................................................................ 26

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 27

2. Method ......................................................................................................................... 30

3. Results .......................................................................................................................... 35

4. Discussion .................................................................................................................... 40

5. Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 42

STUDY II – Functional changes related to intervention...................................................... 43

Abstract ............................................................................................................................ 44

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 45

2. Materials and Methods ................................................................................................. 46

3. Results .......................................................................................................................... 51

4. Discussion .................................................................................................................... 57


STUDY III – Structural Changes related to intervention..................................................... 60

Abstract ............................................................................................................................ 61

1. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 62

2. Methods........................................................................................................................ 64

3. Results .......................................................................................................................... 68

4. Discussion .................................................................................................................... 74

5. Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 78

IV GENERAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS........................................................... 79

V REFERENCES..................................................................................................................... 86

VI APPENDIX......................................................................................................................... 98

Appendix Study I ................................................................................................................. 98

Appendix Study II .............................................................................................................. 103

VII LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.......................................................................................... 106



ABSTRACT Approximately 3-15% of all children show reading and spelling difficulties. Research into

this topic mainly focused on the neural correlates of reading impairments, whereas spelling

impairments have been largely neglected so far. Hence, the aim of this doctoral project was to

investigate brain structure and function in children with spelling difficulties and whether a

specific spelling intervention would also be associated with changes in functional patterns of

brain activity and structural parameters. Specifically, this doctoral thesis is composed of three

different studies:

In our first study, we investigated structural and functional characteristics of the brain in

children with isolated spelling impairment, compared to children with spelling and reading

impairment and non-impaired controls, by means of functional magnetic resonance imaging

(MRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). We provided evidence that children with isolated

spelling impairment exhibited increased right hemispheric activation in the absence of

structural differences compared to controls.

In our second study, we investigated the effects of a morpheme-based spelling intervention

on functional patterns of brain activity in 20 German-speaking spelling impaired children

(divided into a training- and a waiting group) using repeated functional MRI. We found that

relative to 10 matched controls, children with poor spelling abilities showed increased

activation in frontal medial and right hemispheric regions and decreased activation in left

occipito-temporal regions prior to the intervention. After five weeks of intervention, spelling

and reading comprehension significantly improved in the training group, along with increased

activation in left temporal and (para)hippocampal regions.

In our third study , we investigated the effects of a spelling intervention on white matter

integrity in 20 spelling impaired children using repeated DTI. Results generally suggested

that after five weeks of intervention, spelling ability improved in the training group, along

with right hemispheric increases in white matter integrity compared to controls.

The main findings of this doctoral project can thus be briefly summarized as follows:

First, children with spelling impairment exhibit a stronger right hemispheric activation

compared to non-impaired controls. Secondly, successful intervention is associated with

changes in brain structure and function.



ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Schätzungsweise 3-15% aller Kinder weisen Schwierigkeiten beim Lesen und Rechtschreiben

(LRS) auf. Die bisherige neurowissenschaftliche Forschung konzentrierte sich primär auf die

Leseschwäche (LS), wohingegen nur wenige Studien über die spezifischen neuronalen

Charakteristika von Kindern mit Rechtschreibschwäche (RS) existieren. Deshalb war es das

Ziel der vorliegenden Doktorarbeit, die Struktur und Funktion des Gehirns bei Kindern mit

RS näher zu untersuchen und zu überprüfen, ob eine gezielte Intervention mit Veränderungen

in der Struktur und Funktion des Gehirnes assoziiert sein könnte.

Das vorliegende Dissertationsprojekt umfasste drei Studien:

In unserer ersten Studie untersuchten wir mittels funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie

(fMRT) und diffusionsgewichteter Bildgebung (DTI), ob Unterschiede in der Struktur und

Funktion des Gehirns bei Kindern mit isolierter RS, verglichen zu Kindern mit LRS und

unbeeinträchtigten Kontrollen bestehen. Dabei fanden wir bei Kindern mit isolierter RS eine

stärkere rechtshemisphärische Aktivierung, wohingegen sich keine strukturellen Unterschiede

im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe nachweisen ließen. In unserer zweiten Studie untersuchten

wir die Auswirkungen eines morphembasierten Rechtschreibtrainings auf die Funktion

des Gehirns bei 20 deutschsprachigen, rechtschreibschwachen Kindern (unterteilt in eine

Trainings- und eine Wartegruppe) mittels wiederholter fMRT Messung. Kinder mit RS

wiesen vor dem Training (verglichen zu einer Kontrollgruppe) eine stärkere Aktivierung

frontal medial und in der rechten Hemisphäre, sowie eine geringere Aktivierung in links

okzipito-temporalen Regionen auf. Nach einem fünfwöchigen Training verbesserten sich die

Rechtschreibung und das Leseverständnis in der Trainingsgruppe, begleitet von einer

gesteigerten Aktivierung in links temporalen und (para)hippocampalen Regionen.

In unserer dritten Studie untersuchten wir die Auswirkungen eines Rechtschreibtrainings

auf die Struktur des Gehirnes bei 20 rechtschreibschwachen Kindern (unterteilt in eine

Trainings- und eine Wartegruppe) mittels wiederholter DTI Messung. Es zeigte sich, dass

eine Verbesserung der Rechtschreibleistung in der Trainingsgruppe mit einer verbesserten

Integrität der weißen Substanz in der rechten Hemisphäre einherging.

Die beiden Hauptergebnisse dieses Dissertationsprojektes können folgendermaßen

zusammengefasst werden:

Erstens weisen Kinder mit RS eine stärkere rechtshemisphärische Hirnaktivierung im

Vergleich zu nicht-beeinträchtigten Kontrollen auf. Zweitens scheint ein erfolgreiches

Training mit strukturellen und funktionellen Veränderungen des Gehirns einherzugehen.




1. SPELLING AND READING IMPAIRMENT (SRI) Reading and spelling are essential skills in modern society. Reading is the most

important portal to knowledge acquisition in our information age (Gabrieli, 2009) and due to

increased use of communication technologies, such as the mobile phone (e.g. SMS) and

internet (e-mail, networks), spelling is essential for private and professional interaction.

Hence, impairments in these skills affect everyday life and are related to a greater risk of

school anxiety, unemployment and multiple emotional and behavioral difficulties (Ise &

Schulte-Körne, 2010). A severe and well-known form of spelling and reading difficulties is


According to the ICD 10 definition (Dilling et al., 2005), dyslexia or spelling and

reading impairment (SRI; F 81.0) is diagnosed if reading and spelling skills are located two

standard deviations below the level that might be expected based on general intelligence, age

and education. However, it has to be noted that difficulties in spelling and reading occur in

various degrees of severity. Although cut points are placed to help define groups, they have

been criticized for being arbitrary and lack biological validity (Shaywitz et al., 2008).

Children scoring one standard deviation below the criteria may still require and profit from


Spelling and reading impairments (SRI) have been described in every ethnic group,

language and geographic region (Shaywitz et al., 2008). Prevalence rates range from 3 – 15

%, depending on definition and stringency of criteria used (Eden & Zeffiro, 1998; Gabrieli,

2009; Habib, 2000; Shaywitz et al., 2003). SRI represents the most common learning

disability affecting over 80% of learning disabled children (Shaywitz et al., 2008).

Multiple problems are associated with SRI (Klicpera et al., 2007; Warnke et al.,

2004). An augmented rate of emotional problems, ranging from low self-esteem, loss of

motivation, depressive mood and anxiety to increased suicide rates, have been observed in

various studies (e.g. Maughan et al.; 2003; Riddick et al., 1999). Typical behavioral problems

associated with SRI are: attentional deficits, agitation, aggression and delinquent behaviour

(Arnold et al., 2005; Fluss et al., 2009; Morgan et al., 2008). Consequently, SRI seems to

correlate with a greater probability of school drop-out, lower educational achievement and

increased risk of unemployment (Daniel et al., 2006; Esser et al., 2002).

1.1. Etiology It is assumed that an interaction of multiple factors is responsible for precipitating

SRI, including biological (genetics), social and neurophysiological factors. Dyslexia, the most



severe form of SRI, is considered as a neurodevelopmental disorder influenced by genetic


Family and twin studies show a moderate to high heritability of SRI (Schulte-Körne,

2001). Heritability estimates of 50-60% are reported for reading skills and 50-70% for

spelling skills (Schulte-Körne et al., 2006). Nine candidate risk genes, implicated in neural

migration and brain development, on chromosomes 1, 2, 6, 15, and 18, are associated with

SRI (e.g. Fisher & DeFries, 2002; Galaburda et al., 2006; Scerri & Schulte-Körne, 2010;

Shaywitz et al., 2008).

There are a number of social factors which have an impact on SRI including: low

socio-economic status, low maternal education, less reading outside school, number of

available books at home and number of siblings (Cunningham & Stanovich, 1998; Klicpera et

al., 2007; Morgan et al., 2008; Warnke et al., 2004). These factors influence family

interaction (vocabulary), as well as individual learning conditions and motivation.

“Neurophysiological” characteristics related to SRI are investigated by neuroimaging

methods. The most consistent finding of functional MRI studies is decreased brain activation

in parieto-temporal and occipito-temporal regions of the left hemisphere, along with increased

activation in frontal and right hemispheric language-related regions in individuals with SRI

(for an overview see Bartl-Pokorny et al., 2011; Shaywitz et al., 2006).

2. NEUROPHYSIOLOGY OF SRI Neuroimaging studies revealed differences in brain function and structure between

individuals with spelling and reading impairments compared to non-impaired controls.

In general, reduced gray matter volume in individuals with SRI has been found in the

temporal lobe bilaterally (occipito-temporal and parieto-temporal), in the bilateral inferior

frontal gyrus (IFG) and in the cerebellum bilaterally (Brambati et al., 2004; Brown et al.,

2001; Casanova et al., 2004; Eckert et al., 2003; Kronbichler et al., 2008; Silani et al., 2005;

Steinbrink et al., 2008; Vinckenbosch et al., 2005). Remarkably, gray matter alterations in

these regions are already observed in pre-reading children with a family-history of dyslexia

(Raschle et al., 2010), suggesting that these differences might be present at birth rather than

being experience-dependent.

Accordingly, DTI studies report decreased white matter integrity in individuals with

SRI in left occipito-temporal, parieto-temporal and left frontal white matter (cf. Beaulieu et

al., 2005; Carter et al., 2009; Deutsch et al., 2005; Klingberg et al., 2000; Niogi &

McCandliss, 2006; Rimrodt et al., 2010; Steinbrink et al., 2008).



Heterogeneous patterns of brain activation differences in cortical and subcortical

regions between children and adults with SRI and non-impaired controls were found across

studies. Frequently, a decreased activation in two posterior left hemispheric regions (parieto-

temporal and occipito-temporal) along with increased activation in frontal and right

hemispheric language-related regions is thought to be related to SRI (Maisog et al., 2008;

Richlan et al., 2009). A more detailed description of fMRI findings will be presented in the

next section.

2.1. Functional MRI and SRI The majority of studies investigating “neurophysiological” correlates of SRI are

using functional MRI. Meanwhile, a multitude of fMRI studies applying different tasks (e.g.

orthographic decision, sentence comprehension, letter processing) in different samples (e.g.

children, adults in different languages) exist. However, findings with respect to patterns of

brain activation differences between individuals with SRI and non-impaired controls have

been heterogeneous so far. In many studies, decreased activation in two posterior left

hemispheric regions, the parieto-temporal and occipito-temporal region (word-form area), is

mentioned to be associated with SRI. The left parieto-temporal region is related to phoneme-

grapheme-conversion and the occipito-temporal (fusiform) region is critical for skilled, fluent

reading (see Figure 1; Richlan et al., 2009, 2011). Decreased activation in these areas may

represent a specific neurophysiological characteristic of dyslexia. Hoeft et al. (2007)

examined differences of brain activation patterns in a dyslexic group compared to an age-

matched control group, and a (younger) reading-matched control group. Relative to both

control groups, the dyslexic group exhibited decreased activation in left parietal and occipito-

temporal regions. Increased activation in frontal and right hemispheric language-related

regions in individuals with SRI has often been observed, and has been related to (inefficient)

compensatory mechanisms such as internal articulation (Maisog et al., 2008; Richlan et al.,

2009; Shaywitz et al., 2006).

To identify consistent neural activity across different functional neuroimaging

studies and to overcome the limited generalizability of single experiments, quantitative

coordinate-based meta-analyses such as activation likelihood estimation (ALE) are applied

(Eickhoff et al., 2009). Richlan et al. (2009) used activation likelihood estimation (ALE)

including 17 studies to identify the typical patterns of increased and decreased activation in

individuals with dyslexia. They found maxima of decreased activation primarily in the left

hemisphere (inferior parietal, superior temporal, middle and inferior temporal and fusiform

regions, inferior frontal gyrus). Furthermore, increased activation in the primary motor cortex



and the anterior insula was detected (Figure 1). In a subsequent meta-analysis, including 18

studies, Richlan et al. (2011) examined if a phonological left parieto-temporal dysfunction in

dyslexic children and predominance of a visual-orthographic, left occipito-temporal

dysfunction in dyslexic adults exists. Regarding the differences of activation related to

development, separate meta-analyses of children and adults (9 studies each) showed

decreased left occipito-temporal activation in both samples. Decreased activations in superior

temporal regions were only found for adults and decreased activation in bilateral inferior

parietal regions only for children (Figure 1; Richlan et al., 2009, 2011).

In sum, the decreased occipito-temporal activation seems to be a robust characteristic

of SRI, observed across different developmental stages and orthographies, whereas findings

about decreased left parieto-temporal activation remain inconclusive (Richlan et al., 2010).

Hence, differences in occipito-temporal activation may represent a robust functional

characteristic of impaired reading skills. In contrast, the functional characteristics of spelling

impairments are rarely investigated. Also the majority of DTI studies investigated reading

impaired samples, as more precisely described in the following section.

Figure 1. Representation of functional characteristics of SRI according to Richlan et al. (2009; 2011). Both

figures illustrate the left hemisphere. Left figure: red activation likelihood clusters depict decreased activation in individuals with SRI and green activation likelihood clusters represent increased activations. Right figure: red

clusters illustrate decreased activation in dyslexic children, blue clusters depict decreased activation in dyslexic adults, yellow clusters illustrate increased activation in dyslexic children and green clusters depict increased

activation in dyslexic adults compared to controls. Taken from Richlan et al. (2009), Human Brain Mapping and Richlan et al. (2011), NeuroImage.

2.2. Diffusion Tensor Imaging and SRI Three major fiber tracts are believed to be associated with reading skills in healthy

subjects: the corona radiata, the superior longitudinal fasciculus and the corpus callosum

(Ben-Shachar et al., 2007). Recent DTI studies reported reduced white matter integrity in

subjects with SRI as compared to non-impaired controls in fiber tracts related to reading,

working memory and motor function. Specifically, differences in the bilateral posterior limb



of the internal capsule (PLIC; e.g. Beaulieu et al., 2005; Klingberg et al., 2000), superior

corona radiata (SCR; e.g. Deutsch et al., 2005), the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF; e.g.

Carter et al. 2009; Hoeft et al., 2011; Rimrodt et al. 2010; Steinbrink et al. 2008), inferior

longitudinal fasciculus (ILF; e.g. Rollins et al., 2009; Steinbrink et al. 2008), corpus callosum

(CC; Ben-Shachar et al. 2007; Dougherty et al., 2007) and anterior corona radiata (ACR; e.g.

Beaulieu et al. 2005; Niogi & McCandliss, 2006) have been observed.

The most common imaging parameter used to assess white matter integrity in-vivo is

fractional anisotropy (FA). Furthermore, information about mean diffusivity (MD), axonal

and radial diffusion can be derived from DTI data, which allow a more precise interpretation

of differences in white matter integrity. In line with functional findings, several DTI studies

reported positive correlations between white matter integrity (mostly assessed by FA) and

reading ability in left parieto-temporal areas (Beaulieu et al. 2005; Deutsch et al. 2005;

Klingberg et al. 2000; Niogi & McCandliss 2006). Furthermore, a positive correlation

between white matter integrity of frontal pathways and working memory capacity were found

(Niogi & McCandliss, 2006). Steinbrink et al. (2008) observed decreased FA in bilateral

fronto-temporal and left temporo-parietal white matter regions (ILF and SLF) in German-

speaking dyslexics, suggesting a less efficient communication of regions associated with

reading and working memory.

Figure 2. Fiber tractography of the left superior corona radiate (SCR; left figure) and anterior corona radiata

(ACR). The white matter integrity of the fiber tracts of the left SCR (superior–inferior) positively correlated with reading performance. White matter integrity of the fiber tracts of the ACR (anterior–posterior) bilaterally positively correlated with working memory. Taken from Niogi & McCandliss (2006), Neuropsychologia.

As abovementioned, the majority of neuroimaging studies investigating SRI had a

strong focus on reading impairments, whereas neurophysiological correlates of spelling

ability and spelling impairment have been rarely investigated. Reading and spelling abilities

are significantly related to each other, but not completely identical regarding underlying

cognitive and brain mechanisms. Hence, the next section will focus on isolated spelling

impairment and neurophysiology of spelling ability.



3. ISOLATED SPELLING IMPAIRMENT Currently, research focussing on (isolated) spelling impairment is rare, although

different diagnoses for children with difficulties in reading and spelling (F 81.0), as opposed

to children with isolated difficulties in spelling ability, exist in German-speaking countries.

According to the ICD 10 (WHO, 2003), the main feature of isolated spelling disorder (F

81.1.) is a specific and significant impairment in the development of spelling skills in the

absence of a history of specific reading disorder, which is not accounted for by age, visual

acuity problems or inadequate education. The ability to spell orally and to write down words

correctly is affected.

In German-speaking samples about 3-6% show isolated spelling difficulties (Moll &

Landerl, 2009; Wimmer & Mayringer, 2002). Due to the transparent orthography in German,

individuals often manage to read slowly but accurately in the course of their development,

whereas spelling mistakes rather persist into adulthood (Landerl & Klicpera, 2009). Spellings

are frequently phonologically adequate, but orthographically incorrect, possibly due to access

problems to the orthographic lexicon (Landerl & Wimmer, 2008; Wimmer & Schurz, 2010).

The course of an isolated spelling impairment is variable. Thirty-three percent of affected

children are able reach average spelling ability in the course of their development, in another

33% spelling impairments persist and in the remaining 33% additional reading difficulties

occur (Klicpera et al., 1993).

3.1. Neurophysiology of Spelling Impairment

So far only little is known about the neural substrates of spelling (Hillis et al., 2002)

and even less about the underlying brain mechanisms of spelling difficulties. For a long time,

the left angular gyrus and left supramarginal gyrus had been assumed to play a critical role in

spelling (Booth et al., 2002, 2004; Roeltgen, 1993; Rapcsak & Beeson, 2002). Other studies

rather suggested that the left inferior posterior temporal lobe (Beeson et al., 2003; Petrides et

al., 1995; Rapcsak & Beeson, 2004) or the left mid-fusiform region (Rapp & Lipka, 2011;

Tsapkini & Rapp, 2010) might be associated with spelling.

Further insights about brain regions associated with spelling impairment stem from

stroke studies. Lesions in the left posterior, inferior frontal and parietal cortex (Cloutman et

al., 2009) and left perisylvian regions (Henry et al., 2007; Hillis et al., 2002, 2004) have been

reported to be associated with spelling impairment. Lanzinger et al. (1999) observed that

lesions in the left medio-basal temporal lobe are involved in the emergence of spelling

impairment after stroke. Taken together, spelling ability in healthy subjects with unimpaired

development of spelling skills, is primarily related to left hemispheric brain activation.



However, studies investigating the neural characteristics of developmental spelling

impairment are missing. As mentioned above, the term developmental spelling impairment

describes a specific and significant impairment in the development of spelling skills, which is

not accounted for by age, intelligence or inadequate education. Richards et al. (2009)

conducted a study with 11-year old poor spellers and found a stronger activation of the

precuneus, bilateral frontal regions, left angular gyrus and right temporal regions in poor

spellers, probably related to inefficient access to orthographic representations and increased

effort compared to good spellers. These findings provide first insights about

neurophysiological characteristics of spelling impairment. However, the study comprised only

seven poor spellers and did not examine any structural characteristics of spelling impairment.

The presented doctoral project thus aimed to investigate neurophysiological

characteristics specifically involved in spelling impairment and changes in brain structure and

function related to a spelling intervention.

4. INTERVENTION The development and provision of intervention programs for individuals with SRI is

a crucial objective, requiring fundamental knowledge of the involved cognitive and cortical

mechanisms in order to best tailor specific interventions according to individual impairments.

Evidence-based intervention could help to avoid that SRI and associated emotional and

behavioral difficulties persist over time or at least to alleviate them. The sooner SRI is

diagnosed and prevented, the better the outcome. Intervention programs for children beyond

second grade are effective but challenging (Shaywitz et al., 2008).

Basically, two kinds of intervention can be distinguished. The first kind focuses on

sensory deficits that are supposed to underlie SRI. The problem with this approach is that it

often ignores the complexity of SRI, as only about 30 to 40 % of individuals with SRI show

sensory deficits. In addition, improvement of sensory processing does not necessarily have a

positive impact on reading and/or spelling skills.

The second kind of intervention focuses on the symptom level of SRI. Recent

behavioral studies showed that interventions based on the symptom level (focusing on reading

and spelling skills) more efficiently improve literacy skills than interventions based on

sensory skills, in both English- (Alexander & Slinger-Constant, 2004) and German-speaking

samples (Suchodoletz, 2010).



4.1. Spelling Intervention Compared to reading relatively few studies dealt with spelling intervention so far.

This is a severe limitation in German-speaking samples, as the impairments in spelling skills

are often more prominent in and relevant for children’s everyday lives and persist longer.

Furthermore, a considerable number of children experience serious deficits in spelling in spite

of intact reading skills (Moll & Landerl, 2009).

Most of the available interventions are based on phonological skills, as strong

evidence for the efficacy of such programs in English-speaking samples has been found (Eden

et al., 2004). However, in more transparent orthographies (e.g. German), phonological errors

are rather exceptional (Bergmann & Wimmer, 2008; Landerl & Wimmer, 2008) and provision

of morpheme-based and orthographic interventions for children in higher grades appears to be

particularly important.

Hence, in addition to phonologically-based interventions, methods targeting at the

morphematic and orthographic structure of words are essential to avoid incorrect spellings.

The evaluations of the effectiveness of orthographic spelling intervention revealed that

learning of explicit orthographic rules improve spelling ability as well as orthographic

knowledge (Ise & Schulte-Körne, 2010; Faber, 2010). Furthermore, several studies found that

morpheme-based interventions were able to significantly increase spelling skills (Kargl et al.,

2008, 2011; Schneeberger et al., 2011; Walter et al. 2001).

4.1.1. Morpheme-based intervention A morpheme is defined as the “smallest meaningful unit of language” (Bhatt, 1991).

Every word is built by different parts, which follow particular spellings (e.g. unforgetful =

prefix [un], suffix [ful], root [forget]). Therefore, the spelling of the German verb “verfahren”

can be derived by two rules: the prefix [ver] is always written with [v], the root [fahr] always

with an “h”. Children do not need to remember the spelling of every single word, but only to

memorize the spelling of their component parts. Furthermore, morphosemantic information

can support the development of a meaning-oriented decoding strategy, e.g. the correct

spelling of the noun “Motor-rad” (motor-bike) can be derived by the meaning (May et al.,

2000). In addition, this strategy seems to be easy to apply as only “100 of the most frequent

morphemes cover 70% of all written material” (Scheerer-Neumann, 1979).

Indeed, behavioral studies showed that morpheme-based interventions significantly

enhanced reading and/or spelling ability (Arnbak & Elbro, 2000; Lyster, 2002; Nunes et al.,

2003). Specifically, Nunes et al. (2003) found reading and the use of morphological rules in

spelling to be improved after morpheme-based intervention (12 weekly sessions for 30



minutes each). Arnbak and Elbro (2000) showed that a morphological awareness training (15

minutes, three times a week, for 12 weeks) enhanced reading comprehension and spelling of

morphologically complex words also in dyslexic children.

4.1.2. Computer-based intervention The number of computer-based or computer-assisted interventions is constantly

rising and offers multiple advantages compared to conventional spelling interventions

(Zimdars & Zink, 2006). Application of computer-based interventions allows automatically

assessing training progress and individual adaption of different levels of difficulty.

Furthermore, a multitude of exercises e.g. grapheme-phoneme allocation through integrated

speech programs or writing exercises supported by a keyboard can be provided. The use of a

keyboard ensures legible writing and spelling mistakes can be easily corrected on screen.

Interventions supported by computers are also related to enhanced motivation (by constant

and immediate feedback) and concentration, which may positively affect training success.

Nevertheless, technical support cannot replace personal interaction with qualified

teachers and instructors, but rather represent helpful support and augmentation of

conventional programs (Suchodoletz, 2010).

4.1.3. Morpheus-intervention The Morpheus-intervention (Kargl & Purgstaller, 2010), which we applied in this

doctoral project, is a morpheme-based, computer-assisted spelling intervention, specifically

developed for children of the 4th to the 8th grade. The intervention consists of the most

frequent morphemes of the German language and is based on the empirical-based basic

vocabulary of fourth graders (Augst, 1989). As mentioned before, morpheme-based

interventions are easy to apply and efficient. The correct spelling of words can be derived by

memorizing the rules for particular component parts of a word.

The Morpheus-intervention consists of computerized tasks, a book of exercises and

morpheme-based games to facilitate the consolidation of the strategy. The intervention

includes daily handwritten and computer homework along with instructor-guided courses (e.g.

once a week, lasting approximately two hours). The consolidation of the morpheme-based

spelling strategy occurs by different exersises dealing with morphemes (such as detecting pre-

and suffixes of a word, arranging component parts of a word, detecting the root of a word,

identifying and arranging word families (e.g. all word including the same root) and word

classes (noun, verb, adjective), identifying and counting component parts of a word, writing



down component parts of a word and completing cloze tests; see Figure 3). The Morpheus-

intervention has been constructed on the basis of the following principles: simplicity, relief

due to morpheme segmentation, rule-governed repetition, avoidance of mistakes,

productivity, and practicing handwriting.

The exercises are presented at different levels of difficulty. During the computer

tasks the achieved scores are displayed on the computer screen. Participants can only reach

the next difficulty level of the same exercise when they solve at least 75% of the given

problems correctly. Furthermore, the scores allow assessing the progress of the training.

The Morpheus-intervention has been approved as an evidence-based intervention for

individuals with reading and spelling deficits by the federal ministry of Austria and has shown

to significantly improve spelling ability in children in a series of behavioral studies in our

study group (Kargl et al., 2008, 2011; Weiss et al., 2010).

A recent EEG study provided evidence for a neurophysiological effect of the

Morpheus-intervention (lasting three-weeks). Increased EEG activation at centroparietal sites

which are thought to be involved in the neural network subserving reading and spelling, along

with performance gains in children with SRI were found (Kozel et al., submitted).



Figure 3. Illustrating six different tasks of the computer-based Morpheus-intervention. Examples for the 1st level of difficulty: (1) identifying the correct suffix of a word, (2) arranging component parts of a word, (3, 4)

identifying and arranging word families and classes. Examples for the 3rd level of difficulty: (5, 6) identifying and counting component parts of a word. For each task the number of trials is illustrated at the left upper corner (e.g. word 1 of 18) and the number of correctly solved trials is depicted on the right upper corner (e.g. 74 of 74 points). The instruction is presented at the bottom of the screen (e.g. Which suffix is matching the wort root?).

Screenshots taken from the computer tutorial of the Morpheus-intervention.

4.2. Neurophysiologic changes related to intervention Intervention studies using functional MRI revealed changes in brain activation

patterns along with successful intervention (Aylward et al., 2003; Eden et al., 2004; Gaab et

al., 2007; Meyler et al., 2008; Richards et al., 2006; Shaywitz et al., 2004; Simos et al., 2002;

2006; Temple et al., 2003). However, the majority of these findings stems from reading

impaired, English-speaking samples and existing studies typically focus on phonology-based

intervention programs (e.g. Eden et al., 2004; Shaywitz et al., 2004), while only few studies

were performed involving subjects with spelling impairment (Richards et al., 2009).

In the following, an overview of current findings about neurophysiological changes

related to successful intervention in subjects with SRI will be presented. In the first

paragraphs, the neurophysiological effects of phonologically-based intervention will be



discussed. In the next paragraph we will focus on changes in functional patterns of brain

activation related to reading interventions and the last paragraph will outline functional

changes associated with morpheme-based and orthographic intervention.

Several studies showed that phonologically targeted interventions result in

improvements in reading ability associated with neurophysiological changes. Eden et al.

(2004) reported performance improvements in adults with developmental dyslexia after eight

weeks of intervention, associated with signal increases in left parietal cortex and right

hemispheric regions (inferior frontal, parietal and parieto-temporal; Figure 4). It was

concluded that a combination of right hemispheric compensatory activation and increased

activation in left parietal regions, which are typically involved in phonological processing, are

associated with effective intervention. Similarly, Temple et al. (2003) observed behavioral

improvements in children with dyslexia, along with increased activation in the left parieto-

temporal cortex and in a right hemispheric compensatory network (frontal and temporal

regions) after intervention. In line with these findings, a year-long phonological intervention

was associated with significant performance gains in reading fluency, along with increased

activity in left hemispheric reading network (e.g. inferior frontal gyrus, superior and middle

temporal gyrus, occipitotemporal gyrus) in children with reading disability (Shaywitz et al.,


Evolvement of deviant into similar activation patterns in children with reading

impairment compared to non-impaired controls due to phonologically based intervention was

also supported by magnetic source imaging studies (magnetoencephalography; Simos et al.,

2002, 2006). Before intervention, children with reading impairment showed decreased

activation in the posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG) and increased activation in the

corresponding right hemispheric region. Activation in the left STG increased, along with

improvements of reading skills (Simos et al., 2002). Furthermore, Gaab et al. (2007) found

that children with dyslexia developed similar activation patterns compared to typical-reading

children in the left precentral gyrus after eight weeks of remediation. The intervention

included phoneme discrimination and sentence comprehension tasks. It has to be noted,

however, that the mentioned studies included phonological processing tasks (Eden et al.,

2004; Shaywitz et al., 2004; Simos et al., 2002; 2006; Temple et al., 2003) during the

functional MRI assessment, whereas Gaab et al. (2007) investigated brain activation during

rapid auditory processing, examining differences in activation during slow and fast transitions

of acoustic stimuli. In sum, it seems that phonological-based intervention results in activation

increases of the left parieto-temporal region and a right hemispheric compensatory reading




Figure 4. Increased activation following Phonological-Based Intervention.

A Group x Session interaction revealed intervention-related increases as a result of phonological manipulation in left parietal cortex and fusiform gyrus. Right hemispheric increases included posterior superior temporal

sulcus/gyrus and parietal cortex. Taken from Eden et al. (2004). Neuron.

Also, effects of reading interventions (including training of reading fluency, reading

comprehension and correct reading) on activation patterns of the brain have been investigated.

Aylward et al. (2003) for instance showed that after comprehensive reading instruction (2

hours per day over 14 days) reading improved in children with dyslexia, along with an

adjustment of brain activation towards those of non-impaired controls. However, the

reduction of group differences at follow-up was due to both, increased activation for the

children with dyslexia and decreased activation for controls in left middle and inferior frontal

and temporal gyrus, bilateral superior parietal lobe (SPL), right superior frontal gyrus (SFG)

and right fusiform gyrus. Meyler et al. (2008) investigated the impact of intensive reading

instruction (100 hours) on cortical activation among poor readers and found that prior to

intervention poor readers had significantly decreased activation in the bilateral parietal cortex.

Immediately after instruction, poor readers substantially improved in reading ability, and

demonstrated increased activation in the left angular gyrus and the left superior parietal lobe

during a sentence comprehension task. Activation in these regions continued to increase

among poor readers one year post-remediation.

Only very few studies investigated the neurophysiological effect of morpheme-based

and orthographic interventions. Richards et al. (2006) observed that after an orthographic

training the activation pattern of dyslexic children was approaching those found in controls.

Specifically, increased activation in the right frontal gyrus and right posterior parietal gyrus in

dyslexics related to behavioral improvements were found after orthographic intervention.

Besides improvement of spelling ability, no changes in functional patterns of brain activation

related to the morpheme-based intervention were observed. The interventions included 14

sessions over a three-week period. In the orthographic intervention, children learned to



strengthen the precise representation of a written word in the working memory. In the

morpheme-based intervention, children learned to divide morphologically complex words into

their meaning parts. Unlike this, behavioral improvements and changes in brain activation

patterns associated with a three weeks morpheme-based intervention were reported in a recent

study using EEG (Kozel et al., submitted; see also Weiss et al., 2010).

In this doctoral project we aimed to assess the effects of an intensive morpheme-

based intervention (i.e. Morpheus-intervention, which lasts approximately five weeks) on

brain structure and function.

To the best of our knowledge, only two studies investigated structural changes

related to intervention in individuals with SRI so far. Increases in gray matter volume in the

left anterior fusiform/hippocampus, left precuneus, right hippocampus and right anterior

cerebellum have been associated with gains in reading skills following eight weeks of

intervention (Krafnick et al., 2011). Using DTI among poor readers, changes in white matter

integrity (increase of FA and decrease of radial diffusivity) were observed after 100 hours of

reading instruction in the left anterior centrum semiovale (Keller & Just, 2009).

In conclusion, evidence supporting the malleability of neural systems in individuals

with SRI has been found. On the functional level, neurophysiologic changes in terms of

increased activation of the “common” reading networks or right hemispheric “compensatory”

networks were observed. Also, first indications of structural plasticity related to successful

intervention have been reported. These promising findings provide some hope that targeted

intervention is associated not only with improvements in spelling and reading ability, but also

with persisting neurophysiological changes.



II OBJECTIVES AND METHODS Previous studies indicated that characteristic differences of brain structure and

function in children with SRI compared to non-impaired controls exist. Based on existing

evidence in this field, we aimed to address two central research questions: 1) We investigated

whether differences in brain structure and function of children with spelling impairment

compared to non-impaired controls exist, using multimodal imaging. 2) This doctoral project

should also deal with the question how an intensive morpheme-based intervention would

result in improvement in spelling skills and associated changes in brain structure and function.

For this reason we apply the Morpheus-intervention (Kargl & Purgstaller, 2010), which has

repeatedly been observed to be associated with reliable increases in spelling performance

(Kargl et al., 2008, 2011; Kozel et al., submitted; Schneeberger et al., 2011; Weiss et al.,


The studies presented in this thesis were based on a large pre-experimental screening

from which participants for the subsequent functional MRI measurement were drawn. In this

screening, we assessed reading and spelling abilities and socio-demographic data in a sample

of 107 subjects. Standardized tests for the assessment of reading and spelling skills, non-

verbal intelligence and personality were administered. In addition, relevant socio-

demographic data such as age, sex, handedness, suitability of MRI assessment and native

language were obtained. The duration of the screening was about one hour and thirty minutes.

Non-verbal intelligence was measured by the Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) by Raven

(1960) and personality was assessed by the Five-Factor-Questionnaire for children by

Asendorpf (1998) to control for potential influences of non-verbal intelligence and personality

traits on task performance. To assess spelling skills, we used a standardized spelling test

(Hamburger-Schreibprobe, HSP) by May et al. (2000). Additionally, we administered the

“Salzburger-Lese-Sreening” (SLS; Mayringer & Wimmer, 2003, 2005) which measures

reading speed and basic reading ability (automaticity, accuracy). Furthermore, we also

assessed reading comprehension (i.e. comprehension of words, sentences and text) by means

of a standardized German-speaking test (ELFE 1-6; Lenhard & Schneider, 2006).

According to the demographic data (e.g. handedness, suitability of MRI assessment)

and reading and spelling ability, subjects were chosen to participate in one out of three

different research projects: In the studies of this doctoral project we included only right-

handed, spelling impaired subjects with mild reading impairment who were suitable for MRI



assessment (e.g. no braces, no claustrophobia). In another doctoral project (Kozel et al.,

submitted) children with poor to average reading and/or spelling abilities were included. In

this project, the behavioral and neurophysiological effects of reading and spelling

interventions (lasting five weeks each) were assessed by means of EEG. The remaining

subjects participated in a longitudinal behavioral study, investigating more long lasting effects

of a reading intervention and a morpheme-based spelling intervention (Schneeberger et al.,

2011). In the Schneeberger et al. (2011) study, the behavioral effects of the interventions were

assessed directly after the training (which took about five weeks to complete) and one month

after the intervention.

For our project we investigated a subgroup of 45 subjects behaviorally and by

repeated structural and functional neuroimaging, before and after the intervention.

Imaging was performed on a 3.0 Tesla Trio Tim scanner (Siemens Medical Systems,

Erlangen, Germany) using a 12-channel head coil. A high-resolution isotropic (1x1x1 mm)

structural scan (TR = 1900 ms, TE = 2.2 ms) was acquired to allow precise registration of

functional data to individual anatomy. Furthermore, a single shot EPI DTI data including four

averages (TR = 6700 ms, TE = 95 ms, 12 directions) was obtained. Functional images were

acquired with a single-shot gradient echo EPI sequence (TR = 2190 ms, TE = 30 ms).

As described in more detail in the studies reported below, three different

orthographic decision conditions were presented during event-related fMRI (1: correctly

spelled words, 2: misspelled words, 3: pseudowords). Similarly to the spelling judgment task

of Richards et al. (2009), children had to decide whether a presented word was spelled

correctly (e.g. Bäume; trees), incorrectly (e.g. fergesslich instead of vergesslich; forgetfull

instead of furgetful), or if it is a pseudoword (e.g. Ostablast). The correct decision for

misspelled versus correctly spelled words requires orthographic processing, as the misspelled

words are phonologically correct, resembling the pseudohomophones (see Kronbichler et al.,

2007; van der Mark et al., 2009). Visual stimuli were synchronized with the MR-scanner

using the software “Presentation” (Neurobehavioral Systems, Albany, CA). Answers were

given via a button response box as described above.

All subjects were right-handed and suitable for MRI assessment. Due to the

functional MRI paradigm and the applied Morpheus-intervention, we included children with

spelling impairment and mild reading impairment. Based on methodological and ethical

reasons, children with severe reading impairment were allocated to projects including reading

intervention. Furthermore, the applied functional MRI paradigm requested the correct



perception of a word (or pseudoword) within three seconds. Spelling skills ranged from one to

two standard deviations below average (HSP percentile ranking score one to 39).

The applied intervention is a computer-aided morpheme-based spelling training

(Morpheus; Kargl & Purgstaller, 2010) which was realized over a time period of five weeks.

The training material of Morpheus consists of the most frequent morphemes (component parts

of a word e.g. prefix, root, suffix) of the German language and contains different levels of

difficulty. The intervention comprised a weekly instructor-guided course (lasting

approximately two hours) along with daily handwritten and computer homework. Children do

not need to remember the spelling of every single word, but only to memorize the spelling of

their component parts (e.g. unfriendly = prefix [un], suffix [ly], root [friend]). This strategy

seems to be easy to apply as only “100 of the most frequent morphemes cover 70% of all

written material” (Scheerer-Neumann, 1979, p. 125). The effectiveness of the Morpheus-

intervention has already been proven in behavioural studies (e.g. Kargl et al., 2008, 2011;

Weiss et al., 2010). Furthermore, first indications of neurophysiological changes (as measured

by EEG) due to the Morpheus-intervention have been reported (Kozel et al., submitted).

Regarding more long lasting behavioral effects of the Morpheus-intervention, improvements

of spelling ability are less prominent one month after the intervention, but still significantly

above the baseline value (Schneeberger et al., 2011).

In the studies of this doctoral project, each participant was tested twice, at baseline

and after five weeks of intervention (or, after a five week waiting period). This doctoral

project addresses two central research questions, 1) the investigation of isolated spelling

impairment and 2) the investigation of intervention-related changes of functional and

structural brain characteristics. These two research questions were investigated in three

different studies:

To our very best knowledge, no study investigating the neural characteristics of

isolated spelling impairment appears to exist so far. Therefore, in our first presented study,

we investigated structural and functional brain characteristics in children with isolated

spelling impairment. More specifically, we compared a group of children with isolated

spelling impairment, a group of children with SRI and a group of non-impaired controls.

Moreover, studies investigating the neurophysiological effects of a morpheme-based

spelling intervention are rare. Hence, in our second study, we examined the effects of the

Morpheus-intervention on functional patterns of brain activity. For this reason we divided the

spelling impaired sample into a training group (receiving the intervention between the pre-



and the post-test) and into a waiting group (which completed the intervention after the post-


In addition, studies examining structural changes related to spelling intervention are

completely missing. Therefore, in our third study, we assessed the potential effects of the

applied Morpheus-intervention on brain structure by specifically investigating changes in

white matter integrity in the training- and the waiting group, using repeated DTI.

In the following sections the three studies are described in more detail.




STUDY I – Isolated spelling impairment

Distinct patterns of brain function in children wit h

Isolated Spelling Impairment: New Insights.

D. Gebauer 1,2, C. Enzinger 1,4, M. Kronbichler 3, M. Schurz 3, G. Reishofer 4 , K. Koschutnig 2,4, R. Kargl 5, C. Purgstaller 5, F. Fazekas 1, A. Fink 2

1 Department of Neurology, Medical University of Graz, Austria 2 Department of Psychology, Karl-Franzens-University Graz

3 Department of Psychology & Center for Neurocognitive Research, University of Salzburg 4 Section of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Medical University of Graz

5 Institute for Reading and Spelling in Graz, Austria (Submitted to Neuropsychologia on 28 June 2011; submitted in revised form on 14 November 2011)



Abstract Studies investigating reading and spelling difficulties heavily focused on the neural correlates

of reading impairments, whereas spelling impairments have been largely neglected so far.

Hence, the aim of the present study was to investigate brain structure and function of children

with isolated spelling difficulties. Therefore, 31 children, aged ten to 15 years, were

investigated by means of functional MRI and DTI. This study revealed that children with

isolated spelling impairment exhibit a stronger right hemispheric activation compared to

children with reading and spelling difficulties and controls, when engaged in an orthographic

decision task, presumably reflecting a highly efficient serial grapheme-phoneme decoding

compensation strategy. In addition, children with spelling impairment activated bilateral

inferior and middle frontal gyri during processing correctly spelled words and misspelled

words, whereas the other two groups showed bilateral activation only in the misspelled

condition, also suggesting that additional right frontal engagement could be related to

generally higher task demand and effort. DTI analyses revealed stronger frontal white matter

integrity (fractional anisotropy) in controls (compared to spelling and reading impaired

children), whereas no structural differences between controls and spelling impaired children

were observed.

KEYWORDS: isolated spelling impairment, fMRI, right hemisphere, dyslexia, DTI



1. Introduction

Depending on definition and stringency of criteria used, approximately 3-15% of children

show difficulties in reading and spelling (Eden & Zeffiro, 1998; Gabrieli, 2009; Habib, 2000;

Shaywitz et al., 2003) that may be associated with a greater risk of school anxiety,

unemployment and multiple emotional and behavioural difficulties (Arnold et al., 2005;

Daniel et al., 2006; Fluss et al., 2009; Ise & Schulte-Körne, 2010; Klicpera et al., 2007;

Maughan et al., 2003; Morgan et al., 2008). To date, numerous studies investigated

behavioural and brain processes involved in reading impaired individuals (e.g. Eden et al.,

2000; Meyler et al., 2007; Richlan et al., 2010; Shaywitz et al., 2007) and frequently imply

that spelling impairment is only a secondary phenomenon. Only few studies focused on

spelling impairment itself (e.g. Richards et al., 2009). Nevertheless, deficits frequently go

beyond reading and it is important to achieve a better understanding of common

neuropsychological deficits besides reading ability. Although spelling difficulties are

associated with dyslexia they have been largely neglected by the majority of studies in this

field (Angelelli et al., 2010).

Especially the English-speaking community focuses strongly on reading impairment. For

instance, the DSM IV (APA, 1994) contains a diagnosis of isolated “reading disorder”

(315.00), but no diagnosis for spelling impairment, instead containing the “disorder of written

expression” (315.2). In more transparent orthographies such as Spanish, Finnish, Italian,

Greek, reading accuracy is hardly affected, whereas impairments of reading speed and severe

and persistent impairments in spelling are observed (Wimmer et al., 1998). Accordingly, in

the ICD 10 (Dilling et al., 2005), which is the major diagnostic manual used in German

speaking countries, an isolated impairment is only assumed for spelling (F 81.1), whereas for

reading disorder (F 81.0) associated spelling problems are supposed to be frequent and mainly

secondary to reading difficulties. It was also found that children with isolated spelling

difficulties show different patterns of cognitive deficits compared to children with both

reading and spelling difficulties (Moll & Landerl, 2009, Wimmer & Schurz, 2010). Isolated

spelling difficulties in German-speaking samples were found in about 3-6% (Moll & Landerl,

2009; Wimmer & Mayringer, 2002). Due to the transparent orthography in German, dyslexics

manage to read slow but accurate in the course of their development, whereas spelling

mistakes rather persist into adulthood (Landerl & Klicpera, 2009). Interestingly, Moll and

Landerl (2009) found that children with isolated spelling deficits named pseudohomophones

as quickly as their corresponding words, and that their phonological awareness skills were

adequate. The authors suggested that the reading in children with isolated spelling deficits



may be based on highly efficient grapheme-phoneme decoding procedures. Due to the

asymmetry in German language (grapheme-phoneme correspondence is high, but phoneme-

grapheme correspondence is low) this strategy is not helpful for spelling difficulties, as

different spellings for words with the same pronunciation (e.g. Wal / whale – Wahl / election)


Another explanation could be that deficits in vowel length perception might be responsible for

spelling disorders. In German orthography vowel length is not marked by the vowel letter

itself, but by the letters following the vowel. Short vowels are, often marked by two following

consonants (e.g., Stall, /$tal/, [barn]), whereas for a long vowel frequently a ‘‘silent h’’ (e.g.,

Stahl, /$ta:l/, [steel]) is added (Groth et al. 2011). Difficulties in perceiving these differences

in vowel length might impair spelling ability.

Based on these considerations we speculated that the functional patterns of brain activity

should dissociate between children with isolated spelling impairment and children with

deficits in reading and spelling. Several theories about deficits underlying spelling and

reading impairment emerged from behavioural and neuroimaging studies (e.g. phonological

deficit theory, see further Ramus et al., 2003; magnocellular deficit theory, Stein, 2001 ;

double-deficit theory, Wolf & Bowers, 1999; cerebellar deficit theory, Nicolson et al., 1999;

temporal processing theory, Steinbrink et al., 2009). Heterogeneous patterns of brain

activation differences in cortical and subcortical regions between children and adults with

difficulties in reading and spelling and non-impaired controls were found across studies.

Frequently, a lower activation in parieto-temporal and occipito-temporal brain regions of the

left hemisphere, associated with deficits in reading-related skills, such as grapheme-phoneme-

conversion and automatic and fluent reading (Kronbichler et al., 2008; Shaywitz et al., 2004)

is mentioned to be related with dyslexia. In addition, dyslexics often show increased frontal

and right hemispheric activation, which is thought to be related to compensatory activity, e.g.

internal articulation (Maisog et al., 2008; Richlan et al., 2009; Shaywitz et al., 2006). Recent

research on reading difficulties found substantial support that left occipito-temporal reading

circuits (comprising the visual word form area; see further Dehaene & Cohen, 2011) are the

origin of persistent impairments of fast fluent reading (e.g. Cohen et al., 2000; Kronbichler et

al., 2006), but so far only little is known about the neural substrate of spelling (Hillis et al.,

2002) and even less about underlying brain mechanisms of spelling difficulties.

For a long time, the left angular gyrus (and left supramarginal gyrus) was assumed to play a

critical role in spelling (Booth et al., 2002, 2004; Roeltgen, 1993; Rapcsak & Beeson, 2002).

Other studies rather suggest that the left posterior temporal lobe (BA 37; Petrides et al., 1995),



especially the inferior region (Beeson et al., 2003; Rapcsak & Beeson, 2004) is associated

with spelling. Rapp and colleagues (Rapp & Lipka, 2011; Tsapkini & Rapp, 2010) propose

the left mid-fusiform region to be related to spelling. Purcell et al. (2011) state that a left

hemispheric region just lateral and superior to the VWFA plays a significant role in typed

spelling (see also Katanoda et al., 2001; Sugihara et al., 2006). Richards et al. (2009)

conducted a study with poor spellers and found a stronger activation of the bilateral

precuneus, posterior cingulum and frontal regions, probably reflecting inefficient neural

mechanisms and increased effort compared to controls.

Several studies using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) found a correlation between white

matter integrity (mostly measured by fractional anisotropy, FA) and reading ability in the left

parieto-temporal area (e.g. Beaulieu et al., 2005; Deutsch et al., 2005; Klingberg et al., 2000;

Niogi & McCandliss, 2006). To our knowledge only two DTI studies included behavioural

measures of spelling. Deutsch et al. (2005) found positive correlations between measurements

of reading (r = .62) and spelling (r = .66) with left parieto-temporal connectivity in children

with reading and spelling impairment. Suggesting that better white matter integrity in this

region is related to a general improved processing efficiency. Steinbrink et al. (2008)

investigated German dyslexic adults and found a decreased FA in bilateral fronto-temporal

and left temporo-parietal white matter regions, probably indicating less efficient

communication in dyslexics. No significant correlations with spelling were reported, but a

significant correlation between FA and reading speed.

In a previous study (Gebauer et al., submitted) we examined the effects of spelling

intervention on children with spelling and reading impairment, investigating a training group

and a waiting group (each group included children with isolated spelling impairment and

reading and spelling impairment) by means of repeated behavioral assessment, functional

MRI and DTI. We here addressed the central research question whether functional and

structural patterns of brain activity in children with isolated spelling impairments differ from

those observed in children with impairments in reading and spelling and in healthy controls.

We hypothesized that (a) children with poor spelling and reading abilities might show a

reduced activation of the left occipito-temporal region compared to controls. We further

presumed that (b) children with isolated spelling difficulties might possibly show reduced

brain activation in the left angular gyrus or posterior inferior temporal cortex, accompanied

with an increased activation in the homologue right hemispheric areas. We further expected



(c) decreased white matter integrity (FA) in children with spelling and reading impairment in

the left parieto-temporal cortex.

2. Method 2.1. Participants

Out of 107 subjects, 42 German-speaking children aged between nine and 15 years were

recruited based on a behavioural pre-screening. Standardized tests for the assessment of

reading and spelling abilities were administered, and information on relevant socio-

demographic data such as age, sex, native language and school year was recorded.

To assess spelling skills, we used the Hamburger-Schreibprobe (HSP; May et al., 2000), a

standardized spelling test. In the HSP, words and sentences are dictated by the experimenter

and have to be written next to the corresponding pictures that illustrate the respective words

or sentences. This test takes about 15 minutes and within this study the version for 4th/5th

graders and 5th to 9th graders were applied. The HSP provides measures for the number of

correctly spelled words and the number of grapheme-related mistakes. The latter was used in

this study as it provides a more precise measure of spelling ability.

Additionally, we measured reading speed and basic reading ability (automaticity, accuracy),

by means of the Salzburger-Lese-Sreening (SLS; Mayringer & Wimmer, 2005). The SLS 1-4

was used for children up to the 4th grade, and the SLS-5-8 was applied for older children,

parallel versions exist for both. In the SLS, children have to decide whether the content of a

presented sentence is correct or not. Testing time is limited to three minutes.

In addition we also measured reading comprehension (i.e. comprehension of words, sentences

and text) by means of a standardized “German-speaking test” (ELFE 1-6; Lenhard &

Schneider, 2006). Furthermore, non-verbal intelligence was measured by means of the

Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) by Raven (1960). We also assessed personality by

means of the Five-Factor-Questionnaire for children by Asendorpf (1998) to control for

potential influences of specific traits on performance. However, no differences between the

groups were observed. Hence, we did not further include personality factors.

Only participants with less than 3 mm motion and less than 1 mm motion between sequential

functional volumes were included in the analysis. Eleven children had to be excluded due to

movement artefacts (n=7), poor behavioural performance inside the scanner (n=2, Mean

Accuracy < 50%) or because they decided to terminate the fMRI session (n=2), rendering a



final sample of 31 children1 (15 males) in the age between ten and 15 years (M = 11.81; SD =

1.56). All participants were healthy, right-handed and had normal or corrected-to normal

vision. Structural brain scans were reported as normal in all children. The study was approved

by the ethics committee of the Medical University of Graz, Austria. All participants and their

parents gave written informed consent.

In a previous study (Gebauer et al., submitted) we investigated the effects of spelling

intervention on children with spelling and reading impairment. We here examined whether

functional and structural patterns of brain activity in children with isolated spelling

impairments differ from those observed in children with impairments in reading and spelling

and in healthy controls. Therefore, we divided the children into three groups: (1) Eleven

children with isolated spelling impairment (SI) and (2) nine spelling and reading impaired

children (SRI), as it was determined by means of standardized psychometric tests for the

assessment of reading and spelling abilities. Furthermore (3), a control group consisting of 11

children (CG) was investigated. We analyzed the functional MRI and DTI data in order to

address the central research question whether functional and structural patterns of brain

activity in children with isolated spelling impairments differ from those observed in children

with impairments in reading and spelling and in healthy controls.

Children in the spelling impaired (SI) group showed poor spelling skills (spelling scores one

to two standard deviations below average) along with average reading skills, whereas children

in the SRI group showed impairments in spelling and reading (spelling and reading scores one

to two standard deviations below average). Controls had significantly higher spelling scores

than both impaired groups (p< .05; see Table 1), while the comparison between the SI and the

SRI were not significant2. Furthermore, controls had significantly higher reading speed scores

than both impaired groups. The spelling impaired (SI) group had significantly higher reading

speed scores compared to the SRI group (p< .05; see Table 1). The same pattern was found

for reading comprehension (p< .05; see Table 1). The groups did not differ with respect to age

and non-verbal intelligence (p>.05; see Table 1).

1 Children participating in this study were investigated in another research context; see Gebauer et al. (submitted). 2 Revealed by specific post-hoc comparison by means of the Tukey HSD test.



Table 1: Descriptive Statistics of age, non-verbal intelligence, Reading Speed, Reading Comprehension and Spelling Skills and behavioural performance inside the scanner: Correctly solved items in percent and Reaction Time (RT). Means and Standard Deviations (in brackets).

SI SRI CG p Age (years) 11.73 (+/- 1.6) 11.33 (+/- 0.7) 12.27 (+/- 1.9) .41 Intelligence -Raven 37.2 (+/- 8.4) 35.9 (+/- 8.5) 42.8 (+/- 5.5) .10 Spelling Skill - HSP 22.4 (+/- 10.9) 20.3 (+/- 12.2) 74.0 (+/- 15.1) .00 Reading Speed - SLS

103.1 (+/- 9.7) 84.1 (+/- 6.0) 115.1 (+/- 14.3 .00

Reading Comprehension - ELFE

53.2 (+/- 7.8) 45.1 (+/- 3.6) 61.2 (+/- 8.3) .00

Correctly Solved % 72.24 (+/- 9.16) 70.81 (+/- 9.41) 89.53 (+/- 5.62) .00 Reaction Time 1.31 (+/- 0.18) 1.37 (+/- 0.28) 1.34 (+/- 0.20) .83 Age (F(2,28) = 0.92; p = 0.41; η² =.06), Non-verbal intelligence: Raven Raw Scores (F(2,28) = 2.50; p = 0.10; η² =.15); Spelling Skills: HSP Percent Range (F(2,28) = 59.17; p < .001; η² = .81); Reading Speed: SLS Reading Quotient (F(2,28) = 20.38; p < .001; η² = .59). Reading Comprehension: ELFE T-Scores (F(2,28) = 12.77; p < .001; η² = .48). Correctly Solved: (F(2,28) = 17.21; p < .001; η² = .55). RT: (F(2,28) =; p > .05 ; η² = .01).

2.2 Functional MRI (fMRI) experimental stimuli and tasks

Three different orthographic decision conditions were presented during event-related fMRI.

(1: correctly spelled words, 2: misspelled words, 3: pseudowords). Similarly to the spelling

judgment task of Richards et al. (2009), children had to decide whether a presented word was

spelled correctly (e.g. Bäume; trees), incorrectly (e.g. fergesslich instead of vergesslich;

forgetfull instead of furgetful) or if it is a pseudoword (e.g. Ostablast). The correct decision

for misspelled versus correctly spelled words requires orthographic processing, as the

misspelled words are phonologically correct, resembling the pseudohomophones (see

Kronbichler et al., 2007; van der Mark et al., 2009). Answers were given via button press of

the right hand, with the index finger for correctly spelled, real words and the middle finger for

misspelled or pseudowords and were recorded in a log-file (see Figure 1). Behavioural

responses inside the scanner were assessed in order to control the percentage of correct

reactions across tasks. Furthermore, a fixation cross was presented as a baseline, where no

button press was required. A familiarization task outside the scanner was obtained to ensure

that the instruction was understood properly. Each condition consisted of 75 items, which

were equal according to length and word type (25 nouns, 25 verbs, 25 adjectives).

Items and fixation were presented in randomized order for 3 seconds. The order of items and

fixations was optimized by a genetic algorithm for hemodynamic response detection (Wager

& Nichols, 2003). This approach helps to find the optimal sequence of events in event-related

fMRI in order to maximize statistical power and psychological validity. The total time of the

fMRI experiment was 16 minutes and the entire MRI session took 30 minutes.



Figure 1: Overview of experimental design and measurement intervals. Correctly spelled words, misspelled

words, pseudowords and a fixation cross were presented in a randomized order for 3 seconds. In each orthographic decision condition participants were instructed to respond, by pressing either the “correct” button with the index finger [verfahren = to proceed] or the “misspelled/pseudoword” button with the middle finger on the response console [Techrot, Fortrag = lecture]. The responses were given with the right hand and recorded

and logged for further analyses.

2.3 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data acquisition

Imaging was performed on a 3.0 Tesla Trio Tim scanner (Siemens Medical Systems,

Erlangen, Germany) using a 12-channel head coil. To minimize head movement, subjects’

heads were stabilized with foam cushions. A high resolution (1x1x1 mm) structural scan (TR

= 1900 ms, TE = 2.2 ms) was acquired to allow precise registration of functional data to

individual anatomy. Structural brain scans were reviewed by an expert and did not show

morphological abnormalities. Furthermore, diffusion tensor imaging (2x2x2.5 mm, TR =

6700 ms, TE = 95 ms, FOV = 250 mm, Flip Angle: 90°) data were obtained. Functional

images were acquired with a single-shot gradient echo EPI sequence (TR = 2190 ms, TE = 30

ms, FOV = 192 mm, Flip Angle = 90°, 36 three mm thick slices). Visual stimuli were

synchronized with the MR-scanner using the Software Presentation (Neurobehavioral

Systems, Albany, CA) and back-projected onto a translucent plastic screen which was

installed on the roof of the scanner bore. Participants watched the screen through a mirror

attached on the top of the head coil. Answers were given via button response box as described


2.3.1. Behavioural data analyses

Task performance during fMRI recording (accuracy and reaction time of responding to the

experimental spelling tasks), was assessed by means of univariate ANOVA´s, using the

Tukey HSD test for post-hoc comparisons (PASW 18).



2.3.2. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) data analyses

Functional MRI data analysis was performed using FEAT (fMRI Expert Analysis Tool;

Version 4.1.5., part of FMRIB´s Software Library, The following

preprocessing steps were applied: motion correction using MCFLIRT; High-pass filter cut-off

100 s; non-brain removal using BET; interleaved slice time correction; spatial smoothing

using a Gaussian kernel of 6 mm FWHM; and high-pass temporal filtering. Time series

statistical analysis was carried out using FILM. The motion parameters were included in the

model as covariates of no interest. Nonlinear registration to high-resolution and standard

images (Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space) was carried out using FNIRT. Higher

level analysis was done using FLAME (FMRIB´s Local Analysis of Mixed Effects). If not

otherwise specified, Z statistic images were thresholded using clusters determined by Z >2.3

and a corrected cluster significance threshold of p = 0.05 (using Gaussian Random Field


Analyses for the entire group were performed by computing linear t-contrasts between

selected experimental conditions for the orthographic decision task for each participant

individually, which were then entered into a random effects two sample t-test. For a detailed

overview of the FSL design matrix see Figure A.1 in the appendix.

According to our findings and theoretical background we computed five functional regions of

interest (ROI) in the right supramarginal gyrus (SMG), right superior parietal lobe (SPL),

right inferior frontal gyrus (triangularis), the medial frontal gyrus and the left occipito-

temporal (OT) region. ROI analyses were computed using FEATQUERY and PASW 18

(computing ANOVA´s along with Tukey HSD test for post-hoc comparisons; see Figure 4).

2.3.3. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data analyses

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) analysis was performed using FDT (fMRIB´s Diffusion

Toolbox, Version v 2.0, part of fMRIB´s Software Library) and TBSS (Tract-Based Spatial

Statistics, Version v 1.2., part of fMRIB´s Software Library).

Raw images were pre-processed using eddy current correction. A brain mask was created

using BET (Brain Extraction Tool, Version 2.1). Maps for fractional anisotropy (FA), were

generated using DTIFit (FDT). Subsequently voxelwise statistical analysis of the FA data was

carried out using TBSS. Because standard templates do not appear appropriate for the smaller

head and brain size of children, a study-specific template was generated by registering the FA

images to the mean_FA of the group (created with the FMRIB58_FA image as the target).

The FA skeleton was thresholded at 0.20, to include major white matter pathways but avoid



peripheral tracts (vulnerable to intersubject variability; see Figure A.2 in the appendix). Each

subjects FA was then projected onto the mean skeleton. Voxel-wise cross-subject statistics

(TFCE thresholding, p<.05) using nonparametric testing as implemented in “randomize”

(5000 permutations), calculating group contrasts was applied. The anatomical location of the

significant clusters was determined by reference to the fibre tract-based atlas of human WM

(JHU ICBM-DTI-81 White-Matter Labels, JHU White-Matter Tractography Atlas, Juelich

Histological Atlas), implemented at FSL.

3. Results

3.1. Behavioral Performance inside the scanner

In order to investigate task performance during fMRI recording (as it was measured by means

of accuracy and reaction time of responding to the experimental spelling tasks), the ANOVA

yielded a significant GROUP effect. Post-hoc comparisons revealed that the controls reached

significantly higher percentage of correctly solved words than both impaired groups during

the fMRI session. The spelling impaired (SI) group and spelling and reading impaired (SRI)

group did not differ significantly (p< .001; see Table 1). No differences in reaction time were

found between groups (p > .05; see Table 1).

3.2. Functional MRI Results

3.2.1. Contrasts between Experimental Conditions:

In all three groups processing of the orthographic decision tasks (1: correctly spelled words;

2: misspelled words; 3: pseudowords) elicited activation in left pre- and postcentral gyrus

(button press) and large areas in the occipital and occipito-temporal cortex of both

hemispheres (visual input), relative to rest. The judgment of correctly spelled words evoked

additional activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) in all three groups, and an

additional activation of the right IFG in the spelling impaired group (SI). The condition

misspelled words caused activation in the right inferior frontal gyrus in all three groups (see

Figure 2). For a more detailed overview of activation clusters and local maxima see Table A.1

in the appendix.



Figure 2: Mean activation of spelling impaired children (SI), children with spelling and reading impairments

(SRI) and controls (CG) for correctly spelled words & misspelled words (Z>2.3; P corrected; P=0.05).

3.2.2. Contrast between Groups:

Increased activation for children with SI (compared to SRI and controls)

The condition misspelled words was associated with more activation in the SI group in the

right hemisphere compared to the SRI and control group. More specifically, this concerned

the superior parietal lobule, the supramarginal gyrus (SMG) and the parietal operculum

compared to children with SRI and the frontal medial, subcallosal and paracingulate cortex

compared to controls. Furthermore, increased activation in the left superior parietal lobe

compared to the SRI group was found.

The pseudoword condition elicited increased activation in the right frontal operculum and

frontal pole compared to controls (see Figure 3). For a more detailed overview of activation

clusters and local maxima see Table A.2 in the appendix. (Z > 1.8; p=.05). Only significant

comparisons are reported.



Figure 3: Increased activation during the processing of misspelled words for the 1) spelling impaired (SI)

children compared to children with spelling and reading impairment (SRI) and 2) compared to controls (CG). 3) Stronger activation during the processing of pseudowords for SI compared to CG (Z>1.8; P corrected; P=0.05).

Increased activation for the CG compared to SRI

Increased activation for controls compared to the SRI group in the right hemisphere (cuneus

and lateral occipital) was found during all conditions. In addition, the condition misspelled

words caused stronger activation in the right precuneus and cerebellum. The pseudoword

condition led to a stronger activation in the left occipito-temporal fusiform gyrus, inferior

temporal gyrus and right cerebellum in controls. No stronger activation of the CG compared

to SI children was found. Only significant comparisons are reported.

3.2.3. Region of Interest (ROI) analyses

According to our findings and theoretical background we computed five ROI analyses,

including the right supramarginal gyrus (SMG), right superior parietal lobe (SPL), right

inferior frontal gyrus (triangularis), medial frontal gyrus and the left occipito-temporal (OT)

region. Right Supramarginal Gyrus (SMG)

The right supramarginal gyrus (SMG), yielded a significant GROUP effect (F(2,28) = 3.72; p <

.05; η² = .21) when correctly spelled words were processed. Post-hoc comparisons revealed

that children with spelling impairment (SI) showed increased activation of the right SMG

compared to children with spelling and reading impairment (SRI). Also during processing



misspelled words a significant GROUP effect (F(2,28) = 7.55; p < .05; η² = .35) emerged. Post-

hoc comparisons revealed increased activation for SI compared to controls and SRI (see Table

2, Figure 4). No significant group effect was found for the condition pseudowords. Right Superior Parietal Lobe (SPL)

Significant GROUP effects were found during all orthographic decision tasks (Correct: F(2,28)

= 4.30; p < .05; η² = .24; Misspelled: F(2,28) = 4.39; p < .05; η² = .24; Pseudowords: F(2,28) =

4.83; p < .05; η² = .26). Post-hoc comparisons revealed increased activation for spelling

impaired children (SI) compared to SRI when correctly spelled words were presented and

increased activation for SI children and controls compared to SRI when misspelled words or

pseudowords were presented (see Table 2, Figure 4).

Figure 4: ROI with significant GROUP effect. Above = right superior parietal lobe and right supramarginal

gyrus. Below = medial frontal gyrus and left occipito-temporal region. Correctly Spelled Words (C), Misspelled Words (M) and Pseudowords (P). Right Inferior Frontal Gyrus (IFG)

For the right IFG no significant GROUP effects were observed. Medial Frontal Gyrus

A significant GROUP effect for the medial frontal gyrus was observed (F(2,28) = 5.38; p < .05;

η² = .28) when misspelled words were presented. Post-hoc comparisons revealed decreased

activation for controls compared to spelling impaired children (SI) and tentatively decreased

activation of controls compared to SRI (p = .056; see further Table 2, Figure 4).


39 Left Occipito-Temporal (OT) Region

A significant GROUP effect for the left occipito-temporal region was observed (Correct:

F(2,28) = 9.48; p < .001; η² = .40; Misspelled: F(2,28) = 8.67; p < .001; η² = .38; Pseudowords:

F(2,28) = 15.93; p < .001; η² = .53). Post-hoc comparisons revealed increased activation of the

left OT region in controls, compared to the impaired groups (see Table 2, Figure 4).

Table 2: ROI – Results of Univariate ANOVAs for Correctly Spelled Words (C), Misspelled Words (M) and Pseudowords (P). Means and Standard Deviations (in brackets).


Right SMG C M P

-0.18 (0.18)* -0.22 (0.20)* -0.29 (0.20)

-0.49 (0.34) - 0.60 (0.21) -0.51 (0.26)

-0.33 (0.23) - 0.48 (0.24) -0.40 (0.23)




Right SPL C M P

-0.02 (0.20)* -0.04 (0.25)* -0.05 (0.18)*

-0.40 (0.41) -0.38 (0.25) -0.34 (0.30)

-0.12 (0.25) -0.08 (0.31) -0.14 (0.26)




Medial Frontal C M P

-0.11 (0.26) -0.30 (0.15) -0.20 (0.24)

-0.36 (0.59) -0.37 (0.50) -0.22 (0.52)

-0.27 (0.40) -0.72 (0.24)* -0.23 (0.35)




Left OT C M P

0.22 (0.20) 0.25 (0.26) 0.14 (0.16)

0.04 (0.26) 0.04 (0.18) -0.10 (0.24)

0.51 (0.27)** 0.60 (0.41)** 0.47 (0.27)**



.000 ** p < .001 (two-tailed) * p < .05 (two-tailed) Explanation of Abbreviations: SMG = Supramarginal Gyrus, SPL = Superior Parietal Lobe, OT = Occipito-Temporal Region

3.3. DTI Results

DTI analyses revealed higher fractional anisotropy (FA) in controls (compared to SRI) in the

left anterior superior coronar radiata (SCR) and anterior corpus callosum (see Figure 5). No

differences between the two impaired groups in FA were observed. No difference between

controls and children with isolated spelling impairment (SI) were observed.

Figure 5: Differences in White Matter Integrity (FA) between CG and SRI, in the left anterior superior corona

radiate (SCR) and anterior corpus callosum (CC).



4. Discussion

This study investigates for the first time patterns of brain activity in spelling impaired children

(SI) in comparison to children with spelling and reading impairment (SRI) and controls. As a

major finding, children with isolated spelling impairment showed a stronger right hemispheric

activation during processing orthographic decision tasks compared to children with SRI and

controls. This could reflect a compensatory mechanism, allowing German-speaking children

with isolated spelling deficits to avoid reading deficits by gaining word specific knowledge

through intact serial grapheme-phoneme decoding (Moll & Landerl, 2009). This

compensatory mechanism is successful for the compensation of reading deficits, whereas

spelling impairments remain, because of the asymmetry in German language (grapheme-

phoneme correspondence is high, but phoneme-grapheme correspondence is low). Equal word

spellings with different pronunciations (e.g. English the wind – to wind) do not exist in

German, whereas different spellings for words with the same pronunciation are common (e.g.

Wal / whale – Wahl / election). Hence, it is not possible to derive the correct spelling by this

serial phoneme-grapheme decoding strategy.

In line with this assumption, region of interest analyses revealed increased activation in right

posterior areas (SMG and SPL) related to grapheme-phoneme conversion (Booth et al., 2002,

2004), attention (Peyrin et al., 2010) and working memory (Berryhill & Olson, 2008; Koenigs

et al., 2009), in spelling impaired children. Hoeft et al. (2011) found that dyslexic children

who relied on right hemispheric pathways showed gains in reading. This further supports our

theory that the stronger right hemispheric engagement of spelling impaired children may

reflect a compensatory mechanism, related to adjustment of reading skills. The activation of

superior parietal regions could indicate increased attentional and working memory effort in

this group in order to overcome dysfunctions.

In addition (comparing mean activation maps of the groups), children with spelling

impairment activated bilateral inferior and middle frontal gyri during processing correctly

spelled words and misspelled words, whereas the other two groups showed left frontal

activation for the correctly spelled words and bilateral activation only in the misspelled

condition. Increased activation of the left and right inferior frontal gyri (IFG) has often been

interpreted as a compensatory process of dyslexics in order to overcome dysfunctions in left

posterior cortical areas subserving phonological and orthographic processing (Hoeft et al.,

2011). We found an increased right frontal engagement in spelling impaired children

compared to controls, although surprisingly not in the IFG (triangularis) but in adjacent

regions (frontal orbital region, frontal pole). The right IFG engagement occurred in all three

groups in the more difficult condition (misspelled words). Probably this additional bilateral



IFG engagement is reflecting a more general increase of activation because of higher task

demand, apparent in impaired children and non-impaired children. Nevertheless, we found

increased additional activation in the frontal medial region, related to more effortful and

attentionally guided reading strategy (Meyler et al., 2008) for both impaired groups.

According to current literature (Kronbichler et al., 2006; Richlan et al. 2009; Schurz et al.,

2010), children with difficulties in spelling and reading (SRI) exhibit decreased cortical

activation during orthographic decision tasks in left occipito-temporal (OT) regions compared

to controls, most prominently during the presentation of pseudowords. A region of interest

analyses revealed decreased activation of the left OT region for SI and SRI children, but with

a higher extent for the SRI. Also, decreased occipito-parietal activation (relative to controls)

in children with SRI was observed, probably indicating reduced serial guidance of visual

attention (Cohen et al., 2008; Schurz et al., 2010). Increased activation of controls (relative to

SRI) was observed in the precuneal and cuneal cortex, these regions are involved in attention,

semantic processing and most notably with the default-mode network (Binder et al., 2009;

Cavanna & Trimble, 2006; Graves et al., 2010). Higher activation in this region is related to

more self-referential thought and less task engagement. It seems that children with reading

and spelling impairments had to concentrate more on the task.

Activation in non-impaired controls was observed in expected regions of reading network

(e.g. occipital regions for visual processing, left occipito-temporal regions involved in visual

word and letter string recognition, left temporo-parietal regions involved in grapheme-

phoneme computation and phonological word processing, left inferior frontal regions; see

further Jobard et al., 2003) and spelling network (e.g. left supramarginal gyrus involved in

mapping between orthography and phonology, left posterior temporal lobe related to an

orthographic lexicon; see further Beeson et al., 2003; Booth et al., 2002, 2004; Rapcsak &

Beeson, 2004).

DTI analyses revealed higher frontal white matter integrity (assessed by means of FA) in

controls (compared to SRI) in the left anterior superior corona radiate (SCR) and anterior

corpus callosum, probably indicating less efficient communication in children with SRI.

Indications for a less efficient communication in bilateral fronto-temporal and left temporo-

parietal white matter regions were also found in German dyslexic adults (Steinbrink et al.,

2008), assuming that a disconnection syndrome of anterior and posterior regions involved in

reading and spelling might be underlying dyslexia. No difference of left parieto-temporal

white matter connectivity was found between our groups. Probably, differences in parieto-

temporal white matter integrity emerge through inefficient use and are therefore not yet

apparent in our young German-speaking sample. Nagy et al. (2004) also found correlations



between frontal fractional anisotropy (FA) in the anterior corpus callosum and working

memory capacity. Unfortunately, no working memory assessment was included in the present

study, but it is likely that working memory (important for the process of reading) is affected

in children with SRI. The SCR has been related to reading performance in children (e.g.

Beaulieu et al., 2005; Deutsch et al., 2005), possibly explaining that differences were only

observed for children with reading impairments. No evidence for differences in white matter

integrity between children with spelling impairment compared to controls were found,

supporting the theory of a functional compensatory mechanism, which probably induce also

structural changes, in spelling impaired children.

5. Conclusion

We investigated whether or to which extent dissociations between spelling impaired children

(SI) and children with spelling and reading impairments (SRI) exist in functional patterns of

brain activity. It was found that children with isolated spelling difficulties show different

patterns of brain activation compared to children with both reading and spelling difficulties.

Our study suggests that spelling impaired children compensate for probably initially existent

reading impairments by an increased recruitment of right posterior areas (SMG and SPL)

related to grapheme-phoneme conversion, attention and working memory. DTI analyses

revealed stronger frontal white matter integrity in controls, compared to spelling and reading

impaired children, whereas no structural differences between controls and children with

isolated spelling impairment were observed. This finding seems to support our theory of a

functional compensatory mechanism, which probably induce also structural changes.

Acknowledgments: The research presented in this paper was supported by grants from the Styrian government (Nr. A27214001062) and the Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank (Nr. A26E16020013). The authors wish to express their large gratitude to Nadja Kozel, Bernd Schneeberger, Johanna Vogl and Stefanie Rohrer who greatly contributed to this research project.



STUDY II – Functional changes related to intervention

Differences in Brain Function and Changes with

Intervention in Spelling Impaired Children

D. Gebauer 1,2, A. Fink 2*, R. Kargl 3, G. Reishofer 4, K. Koschutnig 2,4, C. Purgstaller 3, F. Fazekas 1, C. Enzinger 1,4

1 Department of Neurology, Medical University of Graz, Austria 2 Department of Psychology, Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Austria

3 Institute for Reading and Spelling in Graz, Austria 4 Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Medical University of Graz, Austria

(Submitted to PLoS ONE on 14 December 2011)




Previous fMRI studies in English-speaking samples suggested that specific interventions may

alter brain function in language-relevant networks in children with reading and spelling

difficulties, but this research strongly focused on reading impaired individuals. Only few

studies so far investigated characteristics of brain activation specifically associated with

spelling impairment and whether a specific spelling intervention may also be associated with

distinct changes in brain activity patterns. We here investigated such effects of a morpheme-

based spelling intervention on brain function in 20 spelling impaired children using repeated

fMRI. Relative to 10 matched controls, children with poor spelling abilities showed increased

activation in frontal medial and right hemispheric regions and decreased activation in left

occipito-temporal regions prior to the intervention, during processing of an orthographic

decision task. After five weeks of intervention, spelling and reading comprehension

significantly improved in the training group, along with increased activation in the left

temporal, parahippocampal and hippocampal regions. Conversely, the waiting group showed

increases in right posterior regions. Our findings could indicate an increased left temporal

activation associated with the recollection of the new learnt morpheme-based strategy related

to successful training.

KEYWORDS: fMRI; hippocampus; spelling impairment; neural plasticity



1. Introduction

Depending on definition and stringency of criteria used, approximately 3-16% of children

show difficulties in reading and spelling (Gabrieli, 2009; Habib, 2000; Klicpera et al., 2007)

that may be associated with a greater risk of school anxiety, unemployment and multiple

emotional and behavioural difficulties (Ise & Schulte-Körne, 2010). A severe and well-known

form of reading and spelling difficulty is dyslexia. Recent studies using functional magnetic

resonance imaging (fMRI) provided important insights into potential brain mechanisms

underlying dyslexia. Frequently, decreased brain activation in parieto-temporal and occipito-

temporal regions of the left hemisphere, along with increased activation in frontal and right

hemispheric language-related regions has been observed in individuals with dyslexia.

Decreased left parieto-temporal activation has been related to deficits in grapheme-phoneme-

conversion. The left angular gyrus (and left supramarginal gyrus) is assumed to play a critical

role in spelling (Booth et al., 2002, 2004). Occipito-temporal activation has been related to

automatic and fluent reading (Kronbichler et al., 2008; Shaywitz et al., 2006). The increased

frontal and right hemispheric activation has been interpreted to indicate inefficient

compensatory mechanisms such as internal articulation (Richlan et al., 2009; Maisog et al.,


Training studies using fMRI revealed changes in brain activation patterns along with

successful intervention (Aylward et al., 2003; Eden et al., 2004; Gaab et al., 2007; Meyler et

al., 2008; Richards et al., 2006; Shaywitz et al., 2004; Simos et al., 2002, 2006; Temple et al.,

2003). However, the majority of these findings comes from reading impaired individuals (e.g.

Eden et al., 2000; Meyler et al., 2007; Richlan et al., 2010; Shaywitz et al., 2007), while only

few studies focused on subjects with spelling impairment (e.g. Richards et al., 2009).

Isolated spelling difficulties in German-speaking samples were found in about 3-6% (Moll &

Landerl, 2009; Wimmer & Mayringer, 2002). Due to the transparent orthography in German,

dyslexics manage to read slow but accurate in the course of their development, whereas

spelling mistakes rather persist into adulthood (Landerl & Klicpera, 2009).

Here, we used a morpheme-based spelling intervention (Morpheus; Kargl & Purgstaller,

2010) which trains children to figure out the correct spelling of a word by separating it into

specific parts (morphemes). Behavioral studies in this field provided evidence that such

interventions significantly enhance reading and/or spelling ability (Arnbak & Elbro, 2000;

Lyster, 2002; Nunes et al., 2003; Weiss et al., 2010). Using EEG, we demonstrated a

neurophysiological training effect of this intervention, by increased EEG activation in left



hemispheric regions that are involved in the complex neural network subserving reading and

spelling (Weiss et al., 2010).

Using fMRI in a different sample, we sought to corroborate and extend these findings by

more detailed functional neuroanatomical insights. We specifically tested (a) if and how brain

activation patterns at baseline in spelling impaired children differed from controls. We

hypothesized that children with poor spelling abilities and controls would show different brain

activation prior to the applied spelling intervention, probably also in non-speech-relevant

regions. Secondly (b), we investigated whether spelling skills and brain activation can be

modulated by a specific spelling intervention, comparing two spelling impaired groups

(divided into a training group and into a waiting group).

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Ethics Statement

The study was approved by the ethics committee of the Medical University of Graz, Austria.

All participants and their parents had given written informed consent.

2.2 Participants

Forty-two German-speaking children aged between nine and 15 years were recruited for this

study based on extensive behavioral pre-screening as described below (cf. 2.2). Three groups

(training group, waiting group and control group), each comprising 14 subjects, were

investigated. Children with overall motion > 3 mm or sudden movement > 1 mm during

scanning were excluded from further analyses. Based on this definition, twelve children had

to be excluded due to movement artifacts (n = 7). Furthermore, children had to be excluded

due to poor behavioral performance inside the scanner (n = 2; Mean Accuracy < 70%) or

because they did not attend all behavioral tests and fMRI sessions (n = 3), rendering a final

sample of 30 children (15 males), whose age ranged from 10 to 15 years (M = 11.80; SD =

1.58, see Table 1). All participants were right-handed. All participants were healthy, right-

handed and had normal or corrected-to normal vision.

We formed and investigated three experimental groups: (1) Ten children with below average

spelling abilities were assigned to the “training group” (TG), (2) another ten children with

poor spelling abilities were assigned to the so-called “waiting group” (WG, receiving the

training after the post-test) and (3) a control group (CG) of ten children (matched for age and

intelligence) with average spelling abilities, assessed at a single time-point, were investigated.



The effect of the intervention was examined in a pre-test / post-test design, comparing the two

spelling impaired groups (TG and WG). The groups did not differ significantly (p>.05) with

respect to age and non-verbal intelligence, but controls scored expectedly considerably higher

in reading and spelling. However, it has to be noted that the spelling impaired samples

reached average reading scores according to age- and education-matched norms (p <.01; see

Table 1 for details).. Specific post-hoc comparisons by means of the Tukey HSD test revealed

that controls had significantly higher test scores than both spelling impaired groups (p< .05),

while comparisons between the TG and the WG yielded no significant results (which appears

to be particularly important in the light of the employed training design).

Table 1: Descriptive Statistics of behavioral measures: sex, age, non-verbal intelligence, reading- and spelling skills. Performance during fMRI: correctly solved tasks as Percentage and reaction time in seconds (RT) in Percentage. Means and Standard Deviations (in brackets).

TG WG CG p Behavioral Measures

Sex 10 (7 males) 10 (5 males) 10 (3 males) Age (years) 11.5 (+/-0.7) 11.6 (+/-1.7) 12.3 (+/-2.1) .49 Intelligence -Raven 36.7 (+/-7.7) 36.5 (+/-9.16) 43.4 (+/-5.4) .09 Pre-Intervention Reading Skills -SLS 91.4 (+/-14.3) 97.7 (+/-10.4) 115.3 (+/-15.1) .001 Reading Comprehension - ELFE

48.3 (+/- 8.8) 50.9 (+/- 5.9) 62.3 (+/- 7.9) .001

Spelling Skills -HSP 21.0 (+/-11.4) 23.2 (+/-14.0) 75.7 (+/-14.7) .000 Post- Intervention Reading Skills -SLS 102.6 (+/- 13.9) 100.0 (+/-9.1) - .53 Reading Comprehension- ELFE

52.6 (+/-8.7) 50.5 (+/- 5.4) - .62

Spelling Skills -HSP 42.3 (+/- 23.0) 23.9 (+/- 13.3) - .04 Performance during fMRI

Pre-Intervention Accuracy 72.4 (+/-8.4) 70.7 (+/-10.0) 89.7 (+/- 5.9) .000 RT 1.4 (+/- 0.2) 1.3 (+/- 0.2) 1.3 (+/- 0.2) .282 Post-Intervention Accuracy 77.9 (+/-8.9) 73.5 (+/-12.6) 91.1 (+/- 4.1) .001 RT 1.6 (+/- 0.3) 1.7 (+/- 0.2) 1.3 (+/- 0.3) .003 Pre-Intervention: Reading Skills: SLS Reading Quotient: Average Scores range from 90 – 110 (F(2,27) = 8.52; p < .001; ηp² = .39); Reading Comprehension: ELFE T-scores: Average Scores range from 40-60 (F(2,27) = 9.57; p < .001; ηp² = .42); Spelling Skills: HSP Percent Range: Average Scores range from 40-60 (F(2,27) = 53.26; p < .001; ηp² = .80). Post-Intervention: Reading Skills: SLS Reading Quotient (F(1,18) = 0.25; p = .62; ηp² = .01); Reading Comprehension: ELFE T-scores (F (1,18) = 0.42; p = .53; ηp² = .02); Spelling Skills: HSP Percent Range (F(1,18) = 4.83; p < .05; ηp² = .21).



2.3 Psychometric Tests

In the pre-experimental screening, standardized tests for the assessment of reading and

spelling abilities were administered in 107 subjects, and we explored relevant socio-

demographic data such as age, sex and native language.

To assess spelling skills, we used a standardized spelling test (Hamburger-Schreibprobe,

HSP) by May et al. (2000). In the HSP, words and sentences are dictated by the experimenter

and have to be written next to the corresponding pictures that illustrate the respective words

or sentences. This test takes about 15 minutes. Within this study, versions for 4th/5th graders

and 5th to 9th graders were applied. The HSP provides measures for the number of correctly

spelled words and the number of grapheme-related mistakes. The latter measure was used in

this study as it provides a more precise measure of spelling ability.

Additionally, we administered the “Salzburger-Lese-Sreening” (SLS; Mayringer & Wimmer,

2003, 2005) that measures reading speed and basic reading ability (automaticity, accuracy).

The SLS 1-4 was used for children up to the 4th grade, and the SLS 5-8 was applied for older

children and parallel versions exist for both. In the SLS, children have to decide whether the

content of a presented sentence is correct or not. Testing time is limited to three minutes. In

addition, we also measured reading comprehension (i.e. comprehension of words, sentences

and text) by means of a standardized German-speaking test (ELFE 1-6; Lenhard & Schneider,

2006). Furthermore, non-verbal intelligence was measured by the Standard Progressive

Matrices (SPM) by Raven (1960).

2.4 Intervention

The applied intervention is a computer-aided morpheme-based spelling training (Morpheus;

Kargl & Purgstaller, 2010), which has been approved as an evidence-based intervention for

individuals with reading and spelling deficits by the federal ministry of Austria and has shown

to significantly improve spelling ability in children in a series of behavioral studies in our

laboratory (Kargl et al., 2008, 2011).

The Morpheus-intervention consists of computerized tutorials, a book of exercises and

morpheme-based games to facilitate the consolidation of the strategy. The intervention, which

includes daily handwritten and computer homework along with instructor-guided courses

(once a week, lasting approximately two hours), was realized within five weeks. These

tutorials on the computer include 12 different playful exercises dealing with morphemes (e.g.

recognizing and matching word families, morphological clozes, finding suffixes and

prefixes). During the tutorials achieved scores are displayed on the computer screen.

Participants can only reach the next difficulty level of the same exercise when they have



solved at least 75% of the given problems correctly. The automatically saved score of every

tutorial serves as basis for assessing training progress.

The training material of Morpheus consists of the most frequent morphemes of the German

language and contains different levels of difficulty. The words used for the training were

taken from an empirically-based collection of words (German basic vocabulary for 4th

graders; Augst, 1989). Morpheus has been constructed on the basis of the following

principles: simplicity, relief due to morpheme segmentation, rule-governed repetition,

playfulness, avoidance of mistakes, individuality, productivity, and practicing handwriting.

A morpheme is defined as the “smallest meaningful unit of language” (Bhatt, 1991). Every

word is built by different parts, which follow particular spellings (e.g. unforgetful = prefix

[un], suffix [ful], root [forget]). Therefore, the spelling of the German verb “verfahren” can be

derived by two rules: the prefix [ver] is always written with [v], the root [fahr] always with an

“h”. Children do not need to remember the spelling of every single word, but only to

memorize the spelling of their component parts. Furthermore, morphosemantic information

can support the development of a meaning-oriented decoding strategy, e.g. the correct

spelling of the noun “Motor-rad” (motor-bike) can be derived by the meaning (May et al.,

2000). In addition, this strategy seems to be easy to apply as only “100 of the most frequent

morphemes cover 70% of all written material” (Scheerer-Neumann, 1979).

2.5 Functional MRI (fMRI) experimental stimuli and tasks

Three different orthographic decision conditions were presented during event-related fMRI

(1: correctly spelled words, 2: misspelled words, 3: pseudowords). Each condition comprised

75 words (25 nouns, 25 verbs, 25 adjectives; mean word length: 7 letters).

Similarly to the spelling judgment task of Richards et al. (2009), children had to decide

whether a presented word was spelled correctly (e.g. Bäume; trees), incorrectly (e.g. Menner

instead of Männer; men) or if it was a pseudoword (e.g. Ostablast). The correct decision for

misspelled versus correctly spelled words requires orthographic processing, as the misspelled

words are phonologically correct, resembling the pseudohomophones (see Kronbichler et al.,

2007; van der Mark et al., 2009). Answers were given via button presses using the right

(dominant) hand, with the index finger for correctly spelled real words and the middle finger

for misspelled and pseudowords (see Figure 1). Behavioral responses inside the scanner were

assessed to obtain the percentage of correct responses and reaction time. Furthermore, a

fixation cross was presented as a baseline, with no button press required. Participants were

familiarized with the task outside the scanner to ensure the instruction had been understood

properly. Each condition consisted of 75 items, which were equal according to length and



word type (25 nouns, 25 verbs, 25 adjectives). Items and fixation were presented for three

seconds. Each condition was directly followed by the other. Participants had to respond

within the presentation interval of three seconds. The order of items and fixations was

optimized by a genetic algorithm for hemodynamic response detection (Wager & Nichols,

2003). The total time of the fMRI experiment was 16 minutes and the entire MRI session took

30 minutes.

Figure 1: fMRI Paradigm. Correctly spelled words, misspelled words, pseudowords and a fixation cross were presented in a randomized order for three seconds. In each orthographic decision condition, participants were

instructed to respond by either pressing the “correct” button with the index finger or the “misspelled/pseudoword” button with the middle finger on the response console. Responses were given with the

right hand and recorded and logged for further analyses. Subjects did not receive feedback to their responses.

2.6 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data acquisition and analysis

Imaging was performed on a 3.0 Tesla Trio Tim scanner (Siemens Medical Systems,

Erlangen, Germany) using a 12-channel head coil. To minimize head movement, subjects’

heads were stabilized with foam cushions. A high-resolution isotropic (1x1x1 mm) structural

scan (TR = 1900 ms, TE = 2.2 ms) was acquired to allow precise registration of functional

data to individual anatomy. Structural brain scans were reviewed by an expert and did not

show morphological abnormalities. Functional images were acquired using a single-shot

gradient echo EPI sequence (TR = 2190 ms, TE = 30 ms, matrix 64 x 64 mm, FOV = 192,

Flip Angle 90°, 36 three mm thick slices). Visual stimuli were synchronized with the MR-

scanner using “Presentation” (Neurobehavioral Systems, Albany, CA) and back-projected

onto a translucent screen installed on the rear of the scanner bore. Participants watched the

screen through a mirror attached on the top of the head coil. Answers were given via a button

response box as described above.

Functional MRI data analysis was performed using FEAT (fMRI Expert Analysis Tool;

Version 4.1.5., part of FMRIB´s Software Library, The following

preprocessing steps were applied: motion correction using MCFLIRT; non-brain removal

using BET; interleaved slice time correction; spatial smoothing using a Gaussian kernel of 6



mm FWHM; and high-pass temporal filtering. Time series statistical analysis was carried out

using FILM. Motion parameters were included in the model as covariates of no interest.

Nonlinear registration to high-resolution and standard images (Montreal Neurological

Institute (MNI) space) was carried out using FNIRT. Higher level analysis was done using

FLAME (FMRIB´s Local Analysis of Mixed Effects). Z statistic images were thresholded

using clusters determined by Z >2.0 and a corrected cluster significance threshold of p = 0.05

(using Gaussian Random Field Theory).

Analyses for the entire group were performed by computing linear t-contrasts between

selected experimental conditions for the orthographic decision task for each participant, which

were then entered into a random effects two-sample t-test. To examine the correlation

between behavioral improvement and activation increase, as well as interaction effects

between increases in the TG and WG, we ran second-level (fixed effects) analyses for each

subject to calculate the differences between activation patterns (pre vs. post activation).

Subsequently, group level analyses (mixed effects) were run, including the number of

incorrect responses inside the scanner as covariate of no interest.

3. Results

3.1. Baseline differences in brain activation patterns (Pre-Intervention)

To test our first hypothesis, we looked for group differences (TG, WG and CG) prior to the

intervention (pre-test). Specifically, we analyzed whether the two spelling impaired groups

(TG, WG) displayed comparable brain activation patterns before the intervention. In addition,

we also investigated potential differences in brain activation between poor (TG, WG) and

good (CG) spellers. The number of incorrect responses inside the scanner was included as

covariate of no interest. There were only minor differences in brain activation between the TG

and the WG during processing of misspelled words before the intervention. For the TG,

increased activation in the left precuneus and left anterior cingulate gyrus was observed

(Table 2).

The pre-intervention comparison revealed increased activation in left occipito-temporal

regions and in the cerebellum for the CG compared to both spelling impaired samples (TG

and WG). Beyond that, the CG exhibited increased activation in the left lateral occipital

cortex, left inferior temporal gyrus, and left hippocampus relative to the TG, and increased

activation in the bilateral lateral occipital cortex and bilateral temporal regions compared to

the WG (Table 2).



Furthermore, increased activation during the processing of misspelled words for the spelling

impaired samples (TG and WG) compared to the CG was observed in the precuneus, right

posterior paracingulate gyrus and in the frontal medial gyrus. Beyond that the TG exhibited

increased activation in right frontal areas and right temporal regions (Table 2, Figure 2).

Figure 2: Baseline Comparison of Spelling Impaired Groups vs. Controls. Pre-Intervention: 1: Activation

during the condition misspelled words (relative to rest), 2: Comparison misspelled versus correctly spelled words, and 3: Activation during the condition pseudowords (relative to rest). Figures on the left represent

contrasts between controls and the TG, and figures on the right contrasts between controls and the WG (Z>2.0; P corrected; P=0.05). R = right.

Table 2: fMRI Results Pre-Intervention – Coordinates (in MNI standard space) and Activation Significance (Z statistics) of Local Maxima of Clusters, Z>2.0, P corrected P=0.05. Comparison between the two spelling impaired groups (TG and WG), training group and controls (TG and CG) and waiting group and controls (WG and CG). Region (Local Maxima) k Z x y z Comparison between two spelling impaired groups Misspelled Words TG>WG Left precuneus 1262 2.97 -8 -46 52 Left anterior cingulate gyrus 2.71 -2 -14 40 Increased activation for controls compared to the spelling impaired groups Correctly Spelled Words CG>WG R cerebellum L cerebellum

3177 4.01 3.14

22 -6

-72 -52

-48 -22

R inferior temporal gyrus R middle temporal gyrus R lateral occipital cortex

2019 3.67 3.6 3.38

48 68 50

-52 -48 -74

-16 0 30

L lateral occipital cortex 1643 3.77 -52 -72 8



L inferior temporal gyrus L occipito-temporal gyrus

3.57 3.27

-44 -46

-50 -56

-14 -22

Misspelled Words CG>TG R cerebellum 3744 4.21 24 -76 -48 L occipito-temporal fusiform gyrus 3.67 -38 -58 -12 Pseudowords CG>TG R cerebellum L cerebellum

3248 3.88 3.62

24 -38

-76 -78

-48 -30

L occipito-temporal fusiform gyrus L inferior temporal gyrus L lateral occipital cortex L thalamus, L hippocampus

2122 3.79 3.35 3.24 2.96

-38 -44 -40 -16

-58 -50 -88 -36

-12 -16 -18 2

Pseudowords CG>WG R lateral occipital cortex 2664 4.02 48 -76 34 R middle temporal gyrus 3.91 66 -48 0 L lateral occipital cortex 2094 3.98 -56 -72 4 L inferior temporal gyrus L middle temporal gyrus

3.91 3.42

-44 -46

-50 -58

-14 8

Increased activation for the spelling impaired groups compared to controls Misspelled Words TG>CG R cingulate gyrus (posterior) R frontal pole, R middle frontal gyrus

12279 4 3.96

4 32

-22 36

44 28

R middle temporal gyrus R temporal pole R superior temporal gyrus R parietal operculum

2184 3.27 3.25 3.24 3.21

64 42 48 56

-18 16 -16 -24

-20 -38 -6 20

Misspelled Words WG>CG R paracingulate gyrus (posterior) 1517 3.37 4 48 -4 R frontal medial cortex 3.23 8 48 -10 L frontal medial cortex 3.13 -4 42 -22 Misspelled > Correctly Spelled Words TG>CG L precuneus 9260 3.9 -6 -60 34 R precuneus 3.67 8 -64 30 L precentral gyrus 3.53 -40 -16 36 R middle temporal gyrus 4418 3.56 60 -22 -20 R precentral gyrus R postcentral gyrus R inferior temporal gyrus L frontal medial gyrus R middle frontal gyrus L paracingulate gyrus R paracingulate gyrus


3.51 3.48 3.31 3.37 3.26 3.14 3.12

56 50 54 -2 26 -4 10

-4 -12 -22 44 22 36 54

24 26 -20 -12 36 -12 0

Misspelled>Correctly Spelled Words WG>CG L precuneus 1225 3.63 -8 -60 34 R precuneus 3.38

2.97 2.97

8 4 4

-64 -56 -56

34 26 22



3.2. Effects of the Intervention

3.2.1. Behavioral Results

To investigate the behavioral effects of the intervention, we computed a 2x2 ANOVA for

repeated measures on the HSP spelling scores in considering TIME (pre- and post-test) as

within subjects variable and GROUP (TG and WG) as between subjects variable. We

observed a significant interaction between TIME and GROUP (F (1,18) = 15.42; p <.001; ηp² =

.46), revealing increases in spelling performance only for the TG (Figure 3). With respect to

reading, a 2x2 ANOVA for repeated measures on the SLS reading scores (indicative of

reading speed) revealed a significant main effect of TIME (F (1,18) = 8.79; p <.05; ηp² = .33)

indicating generally higher scores in the post- than in the pre-test. No significant interaction

involving experimental group emerged. For reading comprehension (ELFE), the ANOVA

yielded a significant interaction between TIME and GROUP (F (1,18) = 4.52; p <.05; ηp² = .20),

revealing performance increases only for the TG (Figure 3). An overview of descriptive

statistics is presented in Table 1.

Figure 3: Behavioral Effects of the Training. Spelling (percentile rankings of the HSP) and reading comprehension (ELFE T-scores). For descriptive reasons, the pre-test scores of the CG group are presented.

3.2.2. Behavioral Performance during fMRI

In order to investigate task performance during fMRI (measured by response accuracy in the

experimental spelling tasks), a 2x2 ANOVA for repeated measures yielded a significant main

effect of TIME (F (1,18) = 6.89; p <.05; ηp² = .28), indicating generally higher scores in the



post- than in the pre-test. The TIME by GROUP interaction failed to reach statistical

significance (p>.05), although the mean values (reported in Table 1) suggested somewhat

stronger increases in accuracy for the TG than for the WG. To investigate changes in reaction

time (RT in seconds) a 2x2 ANOVA for repeated measures was computed. The TIME by

GROUP interaction reached statistical significance (F (1,18) = 6.4; p <.05; ηp² = .26), indicating

a stronger increase in RT for the WG (see Table 1).

3.2.3. Functional MRI Results

To test for changes in brain activation patterns post- compared to pre-intervention, we

computed within group analyses for each group separately. Subsequently, to assess the

training effects more specifically, we compared increases in activation (post>pre) for the TG

and WG. The within group comparison revealed increased activation in the precuneus for all

three groups. Beyond that, for the TG increased activation in the right posterior cingulate, left

inferior and middle temporal gyrus and left hippocampus and parahippocampal region related

intervention was found. For the WG, increases in the right lateral occipital cortex and right

middle temporal cortex were observed (Table 3, Figure 4). In the CG additional increases in

activation in bilateral reading related regions at the second scan were found.

To investigate the effects of the intervention with respect to potential change of brain

activation patterns, we compared increases in activation (post>pre) for the TG and WG. We

observed a significant interaction effect, revealing increases in activation for the TG in the

bilateral parahippocampal area and in the cerebellum (extending into the brain stem), and

increased activation for the WG in the precuneus, cerebellum, left frontal pole and right

lateral occipital cortex and right parieto-temporal region (Table 3, Figure 4).

To assess the relation between improvement of spelling ability and increases in brain

activation patterns, we computed whole-brain correlation analyses. We found negative

correlations between improvement of spelling ability and activation increase in the

cerebellum and right lateral occipital cortex, right lingual gyrus and right middle temporal

gyrus in the TG (Table 3).



Figure 4: Changes of Activation in Spelling Impaired Samples. 1: Increases of activation after the

intervention for the TG (left), compared to increases of activation without intervention for the WG (right), during the condition pseudowords. 2: Interaction Effect: Increased activation for the TG (compared to the WG) and for the WG (compared to the TG) during the condition misspelled words. (Z>2.0; P corrected; P=0.05). R = right.

Table 3: Within Group Comparison: Post-Intervention vs. Pre-Intervention for the training group (TG), waiting group (WG) and Interaction effects of increases of activation (TG vs WG). Coordinates (in MNI standard space) and Activation Significance (Z statistics) of Local Maxima of Clusters, Z>2.0, P corrected P=0.05. Region (Local Maxima) k Z x y z


Pseudowords Posttest>Pretest L middle temporal gyrus L inferior temporal gyrus L parahippocampal R precuneus L precuneus R cuneal cortex R posterior cingulate gyrus



3.09 2.85 2.79 2.9 2.7 2.63 2.61

-60 -54 -22 12 0 6 2

-14 -24 -6 -58 -68 -70 -52

-12 -22 -32 10 20 20 22

Waiting Group Correctly Spelled Words Posttest>Pretest R precuneus L precuneus


3.14 3.02

8 -2

-74 -54

40 48

Misspelled Words Posttest>Pretest R lateral occipital cortex






L precuneus R precuneus

1262 3.11 2.95

-2 4

-74 -58

46 40

Pseudowords Posttest>Pretest



R precuneus L precuneus

1749 3.1 3.05

4 -2

-56 -58

46 48

R lateral occipital cortex R middle temporal cortex

1186 2.91 2.81

50 66

-78 -50

30 -2

INTERACTION: INCREASE OF ACTIVATION (TG vs WG) Increased activation for the TG

Misspelled Words Brain stem R parahippocampal cortex

1566 3.44 3.38

-4 18

-36 -8

-46 -38

Misspelled>Correctly Spelled Words L cerebellum R cerebellum

1673 3.91 3.67

-2 6

-74 -50

-22 -38

Increased activation for the WG Correctly Spelled Words L precuneus R precuneus R cerebellum L cerebellum L frontal pole




4.67 4.07 3.95 3.75 3.66

-2 2 12 -12 -36

-74 -80 -76 -80 60

48 44 -44 -42 8

Misspelled Words R parieto-temporal gyrus angularis; gyrus supramarginalis R lateral occipital cortex R middle temporal gyrus

2727 4.5 3.7 3.69 3.64

52 44 36 60

-36 -44 -78 -50

36 24 38 -10

CORRELATION: Increase of activation x less behavioral improvement in the TG Correctly Spelled Words R middle temporal gyrus 6805 3.4 58 -54 -10 R lateral occipital cortex

2467 3.27 32 -72 42

Misspelled Words R lateral occipital cortex 1808 3.08 30 -76 44 L cerebellum

1318 2.98 -40 -64 -28

Pseudowords L precentral gyrus 2782 3.31 -50 -10 40 R lingual gyrus 1665 2.83 14 -84 -10 R cerebellum

1381 3.03 22 -68 -22

TG = Training Group, WG = Waiting Group; k = number of voxels; R = right; L = left

4. Discussion

This is the first study to investigate the effects of a morpheme-based spelling intervention on

patterns of brain activity in spelling impaired children using repeated fMRI. Behavioral

improvements in spelling and reading comprehension were observed in the TG. Furthermore,

increased activation in left temporal, parahippocampal and hippocampal regions after five

weeks of intervention were noted in the TG. We interpret those changes as related to the

recollection of the new learnt morpheme-based strategy; given the hippocampus and



parahippocampal gyrus have relevance for memory recollection (Diana et al., 2007; Gimbel et

al., 2011). In line with this notion, Krafnick et al. (2011) recently reported increases in gray

matter volume in the hippocampus in dyslexic children after an eight week reading

intervention. The activation increases in the left inferior and middle temporal gyri could be

indicative of enhanced reliance on concept retrieval, semantic processing and integration

processes in the TG (Binder et al., 2009).

Conversely to left hemispheric increases in the TG, the WG showed increases in right

posterior regions (i.e. lateral occipital cortex, gyrus angularis, gyrus supramarginalis). Several

studies observed a stronger engagement of the right hemisphere in dyslexic individuals,

suggestive of (probably inefficient) compensatory cognitive mechanisms (e.g. Maisog et al.,

2008; Shaywitz et al., 2006). These findings would be also in line with the negative

correlations between behavioral improvement and activation increase in the cerebellum and

right occipital and temporal regions in the TG. It seems that increased activation in the right

posterior hemisphere correlates with less improvement of spelling ability due to intervention,

which would further support the notion that reliance on the right posterior regions is probably

related to inefficient compensation.

Prior to the intervention, both spelling impaired groups showed increased activation in the

precuneus and frontal medial cortex and relatively decreased activation of left occipito-

temporal and cerebellar regions during an orthographic decision task (relative to controls).

Increased activation in the frontal medial region and paracingulate gyrus might be explained

by a more effortful and attentionally guided reading strategy (Fornito et al., 2004; Meyler et

al., 2008) used by the spelling impaired children. Increased activation of the precuneus in

children with spelling and reading impairments compared to non-impaired controls has also

been found by others (Kronbichler et al., 2008; Maisog et al., 2008; Richlan et al., 2009;

Shaywitz et al., 2004, 2006). The precuneus has been associated with attention, semantic

processing and most notably with the default-mode network (Binder et al., 2009; Cavanna et

al., 2006; Graves et al., 2010). This region is active during conscious rest and deactivated

during attentive task engagement. The general increase of activation in the precuneus found in

all groups at the second scan thus suggests a general decrease in attention or excitement

(Binder et al., 2009; Cavanna et al., 2006; Graves et al., 2010).

We also observed decreased activation of left occipito-temporal and cerebellar regions in

spelling impaired samples relative to controls prior to the intervention. The left occipito-

temporal region has been related to automatic and fluent reading (e.g. Kronbichler et al.,

2006; Shaywitz et al., 2006) and decreased activation has been found in multiple studies

investigating dyslexia or reading impaired individuals. Several structural and functional



imaging studies suggest cerebellar disruptions in individuals with dyslexia (e.g. Brown et al.,

2001; Brunswick et al., 1999; Eckert et al., 2003; Kronbichler et al., 2008; Richlan et al.,

2010). These have been related to semantic and phonological processing (Fulbright et al.,

1999), skill automatization and learning (Nicolson et al., 1999, 2001; Poldrack & Gabrieli,

2001) and linguistic performance (Riva & Giorgi, 2000; Scott et al., 2001).

Some limitations of this study also have to be considered, when interpreting our results. First,

the interpretation of the interaction effect (comparing within group changes of TG and WG)

has to be done carefully, as the two spelling impaired groups showed differences in activation

patterns prior to the intervention. However, the comparison of activation patterns post- vs.

pre-intervention for each group separately revealed increased activation in parahippocampal

regions for the TG, which were also observed by the interaction analyses. Second, a sample

size of ten children per group might be regarded as rather small. While this may certainly

compromise statistical power, it needs to be recognized that the employed study design

(requiring children to participate in the training and to take part in several behavioral and

fMRI testing sessions) imposed great efforts both on participants and the resources involved,

together making studies of this kind difficult and rare. Third, a follow-up assessment

including fMRI several months after the intervention would have been desirable to assess

potential long-term effects of training outcome.

Nonetheless, our study provides insights into the functional correlates of spelling impairment

and preliminary evidence for training-induced changes in brain function. We hope this work

encourages future investigations into this area that also seek to overcome some of these


Acknowledgments: The authors wish to express their gratitude to Nadja Kozel, Bernd Schneeberger, Johanna Vogl and Stefanie Rohrer who greatly contributed to this project and to Franz Ebner, MD, for continued infrastructural support.



STUDY III – Structural Changes related to intervention

Differences in integrity of white matter and changes

with training in spelling impaired children – a

diffusion tensor imaging study

D. Gebauer 1,2, A. Fink 2, N. Filippini 3,6, H. Johansen-Berg 3, G. Reishofer 4, K. Koschutnig 4, R. Kargl 5, C. Purgstaller 5, F. Fazekas 1, C. Enzinger 1,4

(1) Department of Neurology, Medical University of Graz (2) Department of Psychology, Karl-Franzens-University Graz

(3) fMRIB centre, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Oxford (4) Division of Neuroradiology, Department of Radiology, Medical University of Graz

(5) Institute of Reading and Spelling, Graz (6) Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford

(Submitted to Brain, Structure and Function on 15 September 2011; submitted in revised form on 24 October 2011; accepted on 4 December 2011; available online since 25 December 2011)




While the functional correlates of spelling impairment have been rarely investigated, to our

knowledge no study exists regarding the structural characteristics of spelling impairment and

potential changes with interventions. Using diffusion tensor imaging at 3.0 T, we here

therefore sought to investigate (a) differences between children with poor spelling abilities

(Training Group and Waiting Group) and controls and (b) the effects of a morpheme-based

spelling intervention in children with poor spelling abilities on DTI parameters. A baseline

comparison of white matter indices revealed significant differences between controls and

spelling impaired children, mainly located in the right hemisphere (superior corona radiata

(SCR), posterior limb of internal capsule (PLIC), superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF)).

After five weeks of training, spelling ability improved in the training group, along with

increases in fractional anisotropy and decreases of radial diffusivity in the right hemisphere

compared to controls. In addition, significantly higher decreases of mean diffusivity in the

right SCR for the spelling impaired training group compared to the waiting group were

observed. Our results suggest that spelling impairment is associated with differences in white

matter integrity in the right hemisphere. We also provide first indications that white matter

changes occur during successful training, but this needs to be more specifically addressed in

future research.

KEYWORDS: spelling impairment, DTI, intervention, white matter



1. Introduction Up to 16% of all children and adolescents may be affected by reading and spelling

difficulties, associated with greater risk of school anxiety, unemployment and multiple

emotional and behavioral difficulties (Klicpera et al. 2007; Schulte-Körne & Remschmidt

2003). A severe and well-known form of reading difficulties is dyslexia. Current

neuroimaging studies revealed that dyslexia is associated with lower activation in parieto-

temporal and occipito-temporal brain regions of the left hemisphere (Kronbichler et al. 2008;

Shaywitz et al. 2004), along with increased activation in frontal or right hemispheric regions

(Richlan et al. 2009; Maisog et al. 2008; Shaywitz et al. 2006). Intervention studies suggested

that these activation patterns may be “normalized” in regions associated with reading and

spelling in individuals with dyslexia or reading impairment (Aylward et al. 2003; Eden et al.

2004; Meyler et al. 2008; Richards et al., 2006; Shaywitz et al. 2004; Simos et al. 2002, 2006;

Temple et al., 2003). Previously, we observed a tendency of functional normalization of brain

activation patterns after an intense spelling intervention in children with spelling impairment.

As the neural signature of reading and spelling impairment may not only manifest

functionally but also at a microstructural level, we used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to

augment our understanding of neural plasticity related to intervention in this context.

Recent DTI studies reported regional white matter differences between individuals with

spelling and reading impairment and non-impaired controls in tracts related to reading,

specifically bilateral in the posterior limb of the internal capsule (e.g. Beaulieu et al. 2005;

Klingberg et al. 2000), the superior longitudinal fasciculus (e.g. Carter et al. 2009; Hoeft et

al., 2011 Rimrodt et al. 2010; Steinbrink et al. 2008), superior corona radiata (e.g. Deutsch et

al. 2005), inferior longitudinal fasciculus (e.g. Rollins et al. 2009; Steinbrink et al. 2008),

corpus callosum (Ben-Shachar et al. 2007; Dougherty et al. 2007) and anterior corona radiata

(e.g. Beaulieu et al. 2005; Niogi & McCandliss 2006).

Several studies found a correlation between white matter integrity (mostly assessed by

fractional anisotropy, FA) and reading ability in left parieto-temporal areas. Correlations

between reading ability and fibers with inferior-superior orientation in the PLIC (Beaulieu et

al. 2005) and the superior corona radiata (Deutsch et al. 2005; Niogi & McCandliss 2006)

were also found. Furthermore, correlations with fibers with anterior-posterior orientation in

left parieto-temporal regions (related to the external capsule and arcuate fasciculus; Klingberg

et al. 2000) were observed. Hoeft et al. (2011) reported that single-word reading improvement

in dyslexics over 2.5 years correlated positively with increased white matter integrity in the

right SLF and greater activation in the right IFG.



To our knowledge, so far only two DTI studies included behavioral measures of spelling.

Deutsch et al. (2005) found positive correlations between measurements of reading (r = .62)

and spelling (r = .66) with left parieto-temporal white matter in a pre-defined volume of

interest (VOI), suggesting more preserved white matter integrity in this region to be related to

improved processing efficiency. Steinbrink et al. (2008) investigated German dyslexic adults

and found decreased FA in bilateral fronto-temporal and left temporo-parietal white matter

regions (ILF and SLF), probably indicating less efficient communication in dyslexics. No

significant correlations with spelling were reported, but a significant correlation was found

between FA in a pre-defined region of interest (ROI) and speed of pseudoword reading for

dyslexic children (r = .85/.87; fronto-temporal bilateral, left parieto-temporal) and normal

controls (r = .82; left frontal). No significant correlations with mean diffusivity were


Learning new skills, be it motor or cognitive in nature, causes changes of brain function (e.g.

Poldrack et al. 1998; Raichle et al. 1994; Westerberg & Klingberg 2007) and also entails

structural changes in white and gray matter (Bengtsson et al., 2005; Draganski et al. 2004;

Scholz et al., 2009). Neuroimaging techniques provide new possibilities to investigate effects

of intervention and therapies of motor or cognitive impairments. The concept of neural

plasticity is crucial in various fields ranging from developmental language acquisition to

stroke recovery, providing new insight and hope for affected people.

Only few studies investigated changes in white matter connectivity due to instruction (e.g.

Scholz et al. 2009). To date only one study probed white matter changes due to intervention in

poor readers (Keller et al. 2009). The authors found that 100 hours of reading instruction over

six months resulted in increased FA and decreased radial diffusivity in the left anterior

centrum semiovale in poor readers, a pattern that could be indicative of increased myelination.

Furthermore, FA increase correlated with improvement in phonological decoding ability

(partial r = .23).

Functional correlates of spelling impairment have rarely been investigated (e.g. Richards et al.

2009), and to our knowledge no study about the structural characteristics of spelling

impairment and related interventions exist so far. Therefore, we here aimed to investigate the

effects of a morpheme-based spelling intervention on brain structure in children with poor

spelling abilities. We hypothesized that (a) children with poor spelling abilities show

differences in brain structure prior to the intervention compared to controls, consistent with

observations in reading impaired individuals (e.g. Beaulieu et al. 2005; Klingberg et al. 2000

Rimrodt et al. 2010; Rollins et al. 2009; Steinbrink et al. 2008). Furthermore, we investigated



whether (b) a spelling intervention would alter microstructural white matter changes as

measured by white matter indices obtained from DTI.

2. Methods 2.1. Participants

As part of a functional MRI study, which was designed to investigate the functional effects of

a spelling intervention on spelling impaired children, we also repetitively obtained DTI data

that allow addressing the central research question on microstructural changes in such a

setting. DTI data of 34 German-speaking children aged between nine and 16 years were

acquired. From this cohort, data of 6 children had to be excluded due to movement or scanner

artifacts, rendering a final sample of 28 children (16 males), whose age ranged from 10 to 16

years (M = 11.96; SD= 1.77; see Table 1). All participants were healthy, right-handed and had

normal or corrected to normal vision. The ethics committee of the Medical University Graz,

Austria approved the study. All participants and their parents gave written informed consent.

The effect of the intervention was investigated in a pre- / post-test design. We formed and

investigated three groups: (1) Ten children with below average spelling abilities were

assigned to the “Training-Group” (TG), (2) another nine children with poor spelling abilities

were assigned to the so-called “Waiting-Group” (WG, receiving the training after the post-

test), and (3) a control group (CG) of nine children with average spelling abilities, assessed at

a single time-point. Spelling ability was determined by standardized psychometric tests during

a pre-experimental screening, as specified below.

The groups did not differ significantly (p>.05) with respect to age and non-verbal intelligence,

but controls scored considerably higher in reading and spelling (p <.05; Table 1). Specific

post-hoc comparisons by means of the Tukey HSD test revealed that controls had

significantly higher test scores than both spelling impaired groups (p< .05), while the TG and

WG were not significantly different (Table 1).



Table 1: Descriptive Statistics of age, non-verbal intelligence, Reading- and Spelling Skills for Training Group (TG), Waiting Group (WG) and Control Group (CG); Means and Standard Deviations (in brackets).

TG WG CG p Sex 10 (7 males) 9 (6 males) 9 (3 males) Age (years) 11.5 (0.71) 12.1 (2.03) 12.3 (2.35) .58 Intelligence - Raven 36.7 (7.7) 38.0 (9.82) 44.3 (5.29) .10 Pre-Intervention Reading Speed Reading Comprehension

91.4 (14.27) 41.52 (24.57)

99.0 (10.77) 54.19 (21.98)

117.89 (12.71) 60.86 (7.98)


.005 Spelling Skills - HSP 20.98 (11.37) 21.64 (12.34) 78.1 (15.98) .000 Post-Intervention Reading Speed Reading Comprehension

102.6 (13.88) 57.77 (27.91)

103.22 (10.51) 53.68 (20.80)

Spelling Skills - HSP 42.33 (23.03) 23.73 (14.11) Age (F(2,25) = 0.55; p = 0.58; ηp² =.04), Non-verbal intelligence: Raven Raw Scores (F(2,25) = 2.52; p = 0.10; ηp² =.17); Pre-Intervention: Reading Skills: SLS Reading Quotient (F(2,25) = 10.71; p < .001; ηp² = .46); Reading Comprehension: 6.62; p < .05; ηp² = .35). Spelling Skills: (F(2,25) = 55.71; p < .001; ηp² = .82).

2.2. Psychometric Tests

In the pre-experimental screening, participants underwent standardized tests for the

assessment of reading and spelling abilities, along with relevant socio-demographic data such

as age, sex, native language, and school year. In the “Hamburger-Schreibprobe” (HSP; May

et al. 2000), a standardized spelling test for children from the first to the ninth grade, words

and sentences are dictated by the experimenter and have to be written next to corresponding

pictures that illustrate them. This test takes about 15 minutes and we applied the version for

4th/5th graders and 5th to 9th graders. The HSP provides measures for the number of correctly

spelled words and the number of grapheme-related mistakes. The latter was used in this study

as it is more precisely. The “Salzburger-Lese-Screening” (SLS; Mayringer and Wimmer

2005) measures reading speed and basic reading ability (automaticity, accuracy). We used the

SLS 1-4 for children up to the 4th grade, and the SLS-5-8 was applied for older children,

parallel versions exist for both. In the SLS, children have to decide whether the content of a

presented sentence is correct or not. Testing time is limited to three minutes. In addition we

also measured reading comprehension (i.e. comprehension of words, sentences and text) by

means of a standardized German-speaking test (ELFE 1-6; Lenhard and Schneider 2006).

Furthermore, non-verbal intelligence was measured using the Standard Progressive Matrices

(SPM) by Raven (1960).



2.3. Intervention

The intervention was a computer-aided morpheme-based spelling training (Morpheus; Kargl

& Purgstaller 2010), which has been approved as an evidence-based intervention for

individuals with reading and spelling deficits by the federal ministry of Austria


Morpheus consists of computerized tutorials, a book of exercises and morpheme-based games

to facilitate the consolidation of the strategy. The intervention included daily handwritten and

computer homework along with instructor-guided courses (once a week, lasting

approximately two hours) over a period of five weeks. These tutorials on the computer

included 12 different playful exercises dealing with morphemes (e.g. recognizing and

matching word families, morphological clozes, finding suffixes and prefixes). During the

tutorials achieved scores were displayed on the computer screen. Participants could only

reach the next difficulty level of the same exercise when they had solved at least 75% of the

given problems correctly. The automatically saved score of every tutorial served as basis for

assessing training progress. Displaying the achieved performance increased the training

motivation of the participants.

In general, the training material of Morpheus consists of the most frequent morphemes of the

German language and contains different levels of difficulty. The words used for the training

were taken from an empirically based collection of words (German basic vocabulary for 4th

graders; Augst 1989). Morpheus has been constructed on the basis of the following principles:

simplicity, relief due to morpheme segmentation, rule-governed repetition, playfulness,

avoidance of mistakes, individuality, productivity, and practicing handwriting.

Every word is built by different parts, which follow particular spellings (e.g. unfriendly =

prefix [un], suffix [ly], root [friend]). Therefore, the spelling of the German verb “verfahren”

can be derived by two rules: the prefix [ver] is always written with [v], the root [fahr] always

with an “h”. Children do not need to remember the spelling of every single word, but only to

memorize the spelling of their component parts. Furthermore, morphosemantic information

can support the development of a meaning-oriented decoding strategy, e.g. the correct

spelling of the noun “Motor-rad” (motor-bike) can be derived by the meaning (May et al.

2000). In addition, this strategy seems to be easy to apply as only “100 of the most frequent

morphemes cover 70% of all written material” (Scheerer-Neumann, 1979).



2.4. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data acquisition

Imaging was performed on a 3.0 Tesla Trio Tim scanner (Siemens Medical Systems,

Erlangen, Germany) using a 12-channel head coil. To minimize head movement, subjects’

heads were stabilized with foam cushions. Beside high-resolution 3D-T1 MPRAGE (1 mm

isotropic) structural scans (TR = 1900 ms, TE = 2.2 ms), single shot EPI DTI data including

four averages (1.9 x 1.9 x 2.5 mm acquisition voxel size, TR = 6700 ms, TE = 95 ms, matrix

128 x 128 mm; FOV = 250 mm, flip angle: 90°; b-value = 1000 s mm -2, 4 x B = 0 images, 12

directions) were obtained. Scan time was ten minutes for the T1-MPRAGE scan and seven

minutes for the DTI acquisition. Structural brain scans were reviewed by an MRI expert with

more than ten years of experience in neuroimaging and did not show morphological


2.5. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) analysis

Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) analysis was performed using FDT (fMRIB´s Diffusion

Toolbox, Version v 2.0, part of fMRIB´s Software Library) and TBSS (Tract-Based Spatial

Statistics, Version v 1.2 part of fMRIB´s Software Library).

Raw images were pre-processed using eddy current correction. A brain mask was created

using BET (Brain Extraction Tool, Version 2.1). Maps for fractional anisotropy (FA), Mean

Diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (λ 1, along the axis of the fiber) and radial diffusivity [(λ2

+ λ3) / 2] were generated, to increase interpretability of our findings.

Subsequently voxelwise statistical analysis of FA data was carried out using TBSS. Because

standard templates were not appropriate for the smaller head and brain size of children, we

generated a study-specific template by registering the FA images to the mean_FA of the

group (created with the FMRIB58_FA image as the target). The FA skeleton was thresholded

at 0.20 to include major white matter pathways but avoid peripheral tracts (vulnerable to

inter-subject variability). Each subject´s FA map was then projected onto the mean skeleton.

Voxel-wise cross-subject statistics (p<.05) by threshold-free cluster enhancement (TFCE),

avoiding use of an arbitrary threshold for the initial cluster-formation was applied. TFCE

represents a recently-proposed method to enhance cluster-like structures in an image (e.g. a z-

statistic activation image from an FMRI analysis) without having to define an initial cluster-

forming threshold or carry out a large amount of data smoothing (Smith & Nichols, 2009).

We used nonparametric testing as implemented in “randomise” (5000 permutations), for

calculating group contrasts. “Randomise” is a permutation method, which is used for



inference (thresholding) on statistic maps when the null distribution is not known (Nichols &

Holmes, 2002).

The anatomical location of significant clusters was determined by reference to the fibre tract-

based atlas of human WM (JHU ICBM-DTI-81 White-Matter Labels, JHU White-Matter

Tractography Atlas, Juelich Histological Atlas), implemented in FSL. MD, radial and axial

diffusivity were compared using TBSS in an analogous fashion.

Based on theoretical background we defined ten regions of interest (ROI´s), including the

right and left posterior limb of internal capsule (e.g. Beaulieu et al. 2005; Klingberg et al.

2000), superior corona radiata (e.g. Beaulieu et al. 2005; Klingberg et al. 2000), superior

longitudinal fasciculus (e.g. Carter et al. 2009; Hoeft et al. 2011; Steinbrink et al. 2008),

inferior longitudinal and occipito-frontal fasciculus (Rollins et al. 2009; Steinbrink et al.

2008) and anterior corona radiata (e.g. Beaulieu et al. 2005; Niogi & McCandliss 2006).

3. Results The two spelling impaired groups (training group – TG, waiting group – WG) did not

significantly differ with respect to any behavioral measure. Participants of the control group

(CG) scored significantly higher than both spelling impaired groups in reading and spelling

abilities (see further section 2.1. and Table 1). Figure 1 represents a schematic overview of the

statistical comparisons done regarding the significance of results.

Figure 1: Schematic overview of statistical comparisons and significance of results. Black arrows indicate significant differences and dashed lines indicate a tendency of difference. ROI = Results of Region of Interest

Analyses. TG = Training Group; WG = Waiting Group and CG = Controls.



3.1. Whole-brain baseline differences between groups

We tested for differences in white matter integrity between the three groups before the

intervention. In whole brain analyses, there were no significant differences between the

training (TG) and the waiting group (WG) concerning any of the white matter indices (TFCE-

corrected, p <.05). Therefore, we pooled the TG and WG to increase statistical power.

Controls had higher fractional anisotropy (FA) values compared to the spelling impaired

sample in the bilateral superior corona radiata (SCR), bilateral corpus callosum (CC), right

inferior longitudinal fasciculus and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (ILF, IFO), right

posterior limb of internal capsule (PLIC), external capsule and right anterior thalamic

radiation (TFCE-corrected, p <.05, Figure 2; for local maxima see further Table A.1 in the


Figure 2: Baseline differences of Fractional Anisotropy (FA). P<0.05 corrected, displaying higher FA in

controls compared to the spelling impaired groups. Display of Coronal View (Y) = -20; -10; 20; Sagittal View

(X) = 9; 24; 29; Transversal View (Z) = 30; 6; 0. R = Right

Higher mean diffusivity (MD) for the spelling impaired sample compared to controls was

observed in the bilateral SCR and CC, right SLF, PLIC, IFO and anterior thalamic radiation

(TFCE-corrected, p <.05, Figure 3; for local maxima see further Table A.1 in the appendix).



Higher radial diffusivity for the spelling impaired sample compared to controls was observed

in the right PLIC, IFO, ILF, SLF, bilateral body of CC, anterior thalamic radiation and SCR.

(TFCE-corrected, p <.05; for local maxima see further Table A.1 in the appendix). No

differences for axial diffusivity were observed.

Figure 3: Baseline differences in Mean diffusivity. P<0.05 corrected, displaying higher mean diffusivity in the

spelling impaired groups compared to controls. Display of Coronal View (Y) = -20; -10; 20; Sagittal View (X) =

9; 24; 29; Transversal View (Z) = 30; 6; 0. R = Right

3.1.1. Region of interest (ROI) analyses: baseline differences between groups

ROI analyses revealed differences between controls and the two spelling impaired groups in

the bilateral PLIC, right SCR and right SLF.

For the bilateral PLIC, higher FA was found in controls, compared to the spelling impaired

groups. Accordingly, lower radial diffusivity for controls compared to the two other groups

was found. Lower MD and axial diffusivity for controls in the right PLIC was observed. For

the right SCR, controls showed higher FA, lower MD, axial and radial diffusivity compared

to the spelling impaired groups. For the right SLF lower radial diffusivity was found for

controls compared to the spelling impaired samples. For further information see Table A.2 in

the appendix. Correlations with behavioural measures at baseline revealed correlations



between spelling skills and white matter indices in the right PLIC, SCR and left ILF/IFO for

the entire sample (see Table 2).

Table 2: Baseline Correlations: Significant Correlations between white matter indices and Spelling Skills for the Entire Sample. Pearson correlation coefficients are presented, ranging from -1 to +1 (positive values indicate positive correlations). FA MD Axial diffusivity Radial

diffusivity Right PLIC .38 -.58 -.45 -.50 Right SCR -.40 -.40 Left IFO/ILF .43 Explanation of Abbreviations: PLIC = posterior limb of internal capsule; SCR = superior corona radiata; IFO = Inferior occipito-frontal fasciculus; ILF = inferior longitudinal fasciculus; SLF = superior longitudinal fasciculus; ACR = anterior corona radiata

3.2. Training associated changes 3.2.1. Behavioral Results – Comparison of training group (TG) and waiting group (WG)

In order to investigate behavioral effects of the intervention, we computed a 2x2 ANOVA for

repeated measures on the HSP spelling scores considering TIME (pre- and post-test) as within

subjects’ variable and GROUP (TG and WG) as between subjects’ variable. We observed a

significant main effect of TIME (F (1,17) = 17.78; p <.05; ηp² = .50), indicating higher scores in

the post- than in the pre-test, but as it was evident by a significant interaction between TIME

and GROUP (F (1,17) = 11.33; p <.05; ηp² = .40), only the TG showed performance increases in

spelling (see Figure 4). The mean spelling score of the TG (42.33) after intervention reached

the range of average spelling ability (between 40 and 60; see Table 1).

With respect to reading, a 2x2 ANOVA for repeated measures on the SLS reading scores

(indicative of reading speed) revealed a significant main effect of TIME (F (1,17) = 11.31; p

<.05; ηp² = .40) indicating generally higher scores in the post- than in the pre-test. No

significant interaction with experimental group emerged. Also, for reading comprehension

(ELFE PR), the ANOVA yielded a significant main effect of TIME (F (1,17) = 4.56; p <.05; ηp²

= .21), indicating generally higher scores in the post- than in the pre-test (see Table 1).



Figure 4: Behavioral effects of the training: Improvement of spelling skills (percentile rankings of the HSP). For descriptive reasons, the pre-test scores of the control group (CG) are also presented. TG = Training Group; WG

= Waiting Group and CG = Controls

3.2.2. Changes in White Matter Integrity associated with training

Using an F-test, we found significant differences in FA changes across the groups in the right

PLIC (F-stats; TFCE-corrected, p <.05). Subsequent post-hoc comparison revealed higher

increases in FA in the TG compared to controls in the right hemisphere (PLIC, SLF, SCR,

IFO/ILF, CC). Also the WG showed a small cluster comprising 7 voxels with stronger

increase of FA compared to controls in the right PLIC (Figure 5; Table A.3 in the appendix).

No significant differences between TG and WG were observed. We extracted values of

significant voxel to determine the direction of changes in white matter integrity.

Differences in MD change were observed in the right SCR, SLF, ALIC, IFO and anterior

thalamic radiation across the groups (F-stats; TFCE-corrected, p <.05). Significantly higher

MD decreases in the TG compared to controls were found in the right SCR, SLF, IFO and

PLIC (for local maxima see Table A.3. in the appendix). No difference across and between all

groups in axial diffusivity change was observed.

Differences in radial diffusivity changes across groups in the right PLIC, SCR, SLF, IFO, and

CC were found (F-stats; TFCE-corrected, p <.05). Post-hoc comparison revealed higher

radial diffusivity decreases for the TG compared to controls in the right SLF, SCR, PLIC,

ILF, IFO, thalamic radiation and CC (for local maxima see Table A.3 in the appendix).



Figure 5: Increase of Fractional Anisotropy (FA). P<0.05 corrected, displaying higher FA increase in the Training Group compared to controls (TG>CG) and Blue = Higher FA increase in the Waiting Group compared to controls (WG>CG). Display of Coronal View (Y) = -20; -10; 20; Sagittal View (X) = 9; 24; 29; Transversal

View (Z) = 30; 6; 0. R = Right

3.2.3. Region of Interest Analyses - Changes in White Matter Integrity

ROI analyses revealed significant differences in white matter changes between groups in the

right (PLIC, SCR, SLF and ACR) and left hemisphere (PLIC, SCR).

For the right PLIC, FA increases were significantly higher in the TG compared to controls (p<

.001). FA increases were higher in the TG compared to the WG, but this did not reach

significance (see Table 3). A significant MD decrease in the TG compared to controls was

observed. Furthermore, controls yielded significantly lower decreases in radial diffusivity

compared to the two spelling impaired groups.

For the right SCR higher FA increases were observed for the TG compared to controls.

Significantly higher MD decreases and decreases of axial diffusivity in the right SCR for the

TG compared to controls (p <.001) and WG (p <.05) were observed. Higher decrease of radial

diffusivity was observed in the TG compared to controls.

For the right SLF, decreases in radial diffusivity were significantly higher in the TG

compared to controls. For the right ACR a higher decrease of radial diffusivity in the TG

compared to controls was found (see Table 3).



FA changes in the left PLIC were greater in the TG compared to the two other groups.

Furthermore, significantly higher decrease of radial diffusivity in the TG compared to

controls was found. Radial diffusivity in the left SCR was significantly decreased in the TG

compared to the two other groups (see Table 3).

Table 3: Region of interest Analyses. Mean changes of FA, MD, axial and radial diffusivity indices for the Training Group (TG), Waiting Group (WG) and controls (CG). TG WG CG p Right Hemisphere Right PLIC FA MD Radial D. (mm2.s-1 )

.0299 (.0171)

-.00004 (.00001) -.00005 (.00002)

.0265 (.0136)

-.00003 (.00002) -.00003 (.00002)

.0030 (.0095)

-.00001 (.00002) -.00001 (.00002)

.001 .006 .000

Right SCR FA MD Axial D. (mm2.s-1 ) Radial D. (mm2.s-1 )

.0120 (.0123)

-.000024 (.000012) -.000025 (.000012) -.000024 (.000013)

.0095 (.0117)

-.000011 (.000011) -.000010 (.000015) -.000012 (.000012)

-.0024 (.0050)

-.000002 (.000007) -.000007 (.000017) -.000001 (.000006)

.01 .001 .01 .001

Right SLF Radial D. (mm2.s-1 )

-.00003 (.00001)

-.00001 (.00002)

-.00001 (.00001)


Right ACR FA

.0021 (.0072)

.0007 (.0112)

-.0075 (.0022)


Left Hemisphere Left PLIC FA Radial D. (mm2.s-1 )

.0189 (.0104)

-.000022 (.00002)

.0027 (.0142)

-.000003 (.00002)

-.0030 (.0124)

-.000002 (.00001)

.002 .02

Left SCR Radial D. (mm2.s-1 )

-.000006 (.000002)

-.000002 (.000009)

.0000003 (.000005)


R Plic (FA: F(2,25) = 10.23; p < .001; η² =.45; MD: F(2,25) = 6.39; p < .05; η² =.34; Radial D.: F(2,25) = 12.04; p < 001; η² =.49) R SCR (FA: F(2,25) = 5.20; p < .05; η² =.30; MD: F(2,25) = 9.6; p < .001; η² =.43; Axial D.: F(2,25) = 5.62; p < .05; η² =.31; Radial D.: F(2,25) = 10.27; p < .001; η² =.45) R SLF (Radial D.: F(2,25) = 3.71; p < .05; η² =.23) RACR (FA: F(2,25) = 4.16; p < .05; η² =.25) L Plic (FA: F(2,25) = 8.08; p < .05; η² =.39; Radial D.: F(2,25) = 4.38; p < .05; η² =.26) L SCR (Radial D.: F(2,25) = 5.11; p < .05; η² =.29) Explanation of Abbreviations: D. = diffusivity; PLIC = posterior limb of internal capsule; SCR = superior corona radiata; SLF = superior longidutinal fasciculus; ACR = anterior corona radiata Axial diffusivity and radial diffusivity values are expressed in mm2.s-1

4. Discussion Studies investigating neural correlates of spelling impairment are sparse (Richards et al.

2009). We here first report findings of differences in white matter integrity in spelling

impaired children, as assessed by DTI. Remarkably, differences were primarily observed in



the right hemisphere (superior corona radiata (SCR), posterior limb of internal capsule

(PLIC), superior longitudinal fasciculus(SLF)), as opposed to the DTI studies investigating

reading impaired samples that rather reported left hemispheric differences. On the functional

level, increased right hemispheric activation in subjects with reading and spelling impairment

have been interpreted as (probably inefficient) compensatory cognitive mechanisms, e.g.

internal articulation leading to phonological correct but orthographic incorrect spellings (e.g.

Hoeft et al. 2011; Maisog et al. 2008; Shaywitz et al. 2006).

We found increased fractional anisotropy (FA) in controls compared to both spelling impaired

groups in the superior corona radiata (SCR). FA reflects the degree of diffusion anisotropy

within a voxel, determined by fiber diameter and density, degree of myelination (Basser

1995), extracellular diffusion, inter-axonal spacing (Sen & Basser, 2005) and intravoxel fiber-

tract coherence (Basser & Pierpaoli 1996). One out of many possible explanations could

therefore be that increased FA might reflect more efficient axonal signal conduction (e.g.

Basser 1995; Ben-Shachar et al., 2007).

Differences in white matter integrity in inferior-superior oriented fibers in the corona radiata

and the PLIC have been found by prior studies investigating reading impairment (e.g.

Beaulieu et al. 2005; Deutsch et al. 2005; Klingberg et al. 2000; Nagy et al., 2004; Niogi &

McCandliss 2006). The corona radiata contains pathways devoted primarily to motor and

somatosensory function. Therefore, a relation between white matter integrity in this region

and reading and spelling skills is rather surprising and difficult to interpret. Cerebellar

deficits, reflections of differences in the corpus callosum (CC) or interdigitating pathways,

such as the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) have been suggested as possible

explanations (Ben-Shachar et al. 2007).

The SLF connects the parieto-temporal cortex with the lateral frontal cortex and has been

related to articulatory and phonological processing in language (Makris et al., 2005;

Maldonado et al., 2011). The parieto-temporal cortex is known to be strongly related to the

phoneme-grapheme conversion (Booth et al., 2002, 2004; Eden et al. 2004; Shaywitz et al.

2006). The lateral frontal cortex (e.g. inferior frontal gyrus) has been related to sublexical

phonology-related processing (internal articulation) and lexico-semantic control and retrieval

processes (Heim et al., 2009; Richlan et al. 2009; Maisog et al. 2008; Shaywitz et al. 2006).

We observed higher mean diffusivity (MD) and radial diffusivity in the right hemisphere

(SLF, PLIC, SCR, IFO, inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) and bilateral CC) for both

spelling impaired samples. Mean diffusivity (MD) is the mean of the eigenvalues of the

diffusion tensor, invariant with respect to orientation of the diffusion tensor (Ben-Shachar et



al. 2007). This suggests less efficient structural connectivity of right hemispheric pathways in

spelling impaired children.

Correlations between spelling ability and white matter indices were found in the right PLIC,

SCR and left inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus. A positive correlation between FA and

spelling skills in the right PLIC, along with negative correlations to MD, axial and radial

diffusivity and negative correlations between MD and axial diffusivity in the right SCR could

possibly indicate more efficient white matter connectivity in the right hemisphere to be

associated with better spelling skills. Axial diffusivity (λ1, along the axis of the fiber) has

been shown to change with changes in fiber coherence and radial diffusivity [(λ2 + λ3)/ 2]

and therefore has also sometimes been suggested to be related to factors such as fiber integrity

and myelination.

It is important to note that the observed differences in white matter indices at baseline in

children with spelling impairment may be one possible cause of spelling difficulties. Also,

poorer spelling skills could result in less efficient cerebral connectivity. Clearly, further

studies are needed to understand the relationship between white matter integrity and spelling


We further investigated if five weeks of morpheme-based spelling intervention in children

with poor spelling abilities would alter white matter microstructure. We indeed found first

indications of changes in white matter related to successful intervention. Spelling ability

improved in the TG, along with increases of fractional anisotropy and decreases of mean

diffusivity and radial diffusivity in the right hemisphere compared to controls, alluding to

increased connectivity after the intervention. The comparison between controls and WG

revealed just one significant area of greater FA change, including only 7 voxels (see Figure

5). The comparison of the spelling impaired TG and WG demonstrated significantly greater

decrease of mean diffusivity in the right SCR in the TG, consistent with increasing structural

connectivity in the group receiving the training. Descriptive data (see Table 3) suggested

more widespread structural changes in the TG compared to the WG. However, probably due

to the small sample size of nine to ten children per group and therefore reduced statistical

power, these differences often did not reach significance. Further studies investigating larger

samples and/or longer interventions would be needed to further clarify effects of spelling

intervention on white matter changes.

Increased FA and decreased radial diffusivity in the left anterior centrum semiovale in poor

readers after intervention over six months have been observed (Keller et al. 2009). As

mentioned earlier, differences between spelling impaired samples and controls were primarily



observed in the right hemisphere. We found increases of FA and decreases of MD and radial

diffusivity in right hemispheric pathways due to spelling intervention. Our results suggest that

spelling impairment and improvement are related to white matter integrity in the right

hemisphere. Positive correlations between stronger white matter integrity in the right SLF and

greater activation in the right IFG and single-word reading improvement have also been found

in a recent study that investigated children with dyslexia (Hoeft et al. 2011).

Some limitations of our study have to be considered, when interpreting our results. First, the

sample size of ten children per group might be regarded as rather small, resulting in reduced

statistical power. However, the employed study design (requiring children to participate in the

training and to take part in several behavioral testing sessions and repeated MRI) imposed

great efforts both on participants and the resources involved. We albeit hope our work might

encourage future investigators to specifically investigate the effects of a spelling intervention

on white matter integrity in larger spelling impaired samples. Further, biological

interpretation of DTI parameters is challenging. We found evidence that spelling impairment

was associated with lower FA and higher MD and radial diffusivity at baseline and that a

spelling intervention resulted in increasing FA and reducing MD and radial diffusivity. Our

results are therefore broadly consistent with the straight-forward but probably somewhat

simplistic interpretation that higher FA (lower MD, radial diffusivity) is generally indicative

of more preserved (“better”) white matter microstructure, as such values reflect greater fiber

density and coherence and greater myelination which together could support improved

neuronal efficiency. However, other microstructural changes, such as increasing axon

diameter, or changes in crossing fiber populations, could alternatively affect DTI parameters

in the opposite direction. Given this complexity, biological interpretations of DTI parameters

have to remain speculative. In addition, our acquisition scheme was simple (including only 12

diffusion encoding directions) and so only a simple tensor model could be fitted to the data.

Inclusion of more encoding directions could allow for greater accuracy of model parameter

estimation and greater potential for complex model fitting. It is hoped that improvements in

diffusion acquisition and modeling, as well as collection of multi-modal datasets, may allow

for more accurate biological conclusions to be made in future studies.



5. Conclusion

In our sample, children with spelling impairment exhibited differences in white matter

integrity mainly in the right hemisphere (SCR, PLIC, SLF). After five weeks of spelling

intervention, spelling ability improved in the training group, along with evidence for altered

integrity of white matter tracts in the right hemisphere compared to controls. We here thus

provide first indications of changes in white matter due to successful intervention in such a

cohort, which might stimulate future investigations into the effects of a spelling intervention

in larger samples.

Acknowledgments: The research presented in this paper was supported by grants from the Styrian government (Nr. A27214001062) and the Jubilee Fund of the Austrian National Bank (Nr. A26E16020013). The authors wish to express their large gratitude to Gwen Douaud, Nadja Kozel, Bernd Schneeberger, Johanna Vogl and Stefanie Rohrer who greatly contributed to this research project. We also thank Karin Brodtrager for technical assistance in the acquisition of the scans and Franz Ebner, MD, for continued infrastructural support.




This doctoral project comprised three different studies. In the first presented study

we specifically investigated isolated spelling impairment by means of functional MRI and

DTI. In our second study, we examined changes related to successful intervention with

respect to functional patterns of brain activity. In our third study, we explored whether

successful intervention would be also associated with changes in white matter integrity.

Our main findings can be summarized as follows:

1) Structural and functional differences between spelling impaired children and controls

rather occured in the right than in the left hemisphere.

2) In ROI analyses decreased activations in the left occipito-temporal region were

observed in children with SRI and children with isolated spelling impairment.

3) Successful intervention correlated with increased activation in the left temporal and

(para)hippocampal regions.

4) Successful intervention was associated with right-hemispheric changes in white matter


In the following we will discuss each of the main findings in the context of recent research

findings in the field:

1) Functional MRI studies suggest increased right hemispheric brain activation to be

associated with spelling impairment in children. We observed increased activation in right

posterior (SMG and SPL) and bilateral frontal regions, probably reflecting a highly efficient

serial grapheme-phoneme decoding compensation strategy and increased demands on

attention and working memory. Due to the asymmetry of German language (grapheme-

phoneme correspondence is high, but phoneme-grapheme correspondence is low), this

strategy could successfully compensate reading difficulties, but not spelling difficulties. For

instance, the german words “Wal” (whale) and “Wahl” (election) are pronounced equally.

Therefore, reading aloud the words correctly will be possible following the rules of high

grapheme-phoneme correspondence (pronouncing one letter after the other). In contrast, the

correct spelling of the words cannot be derived following the phoneme-grapheme

correspondence. As mentioned in the introduction, in German-speaking samples spellings are

frequently phonologically adequate, but orthographically incorrect due to access problems to

the orthographic lexicon (Landerl & Wimmer, 2008; Wimmer & Schurz, 2010). Probably,



subjects with SI manage the spelling of a word through mentally pronouncing a word

(associated with increased demands on working memory and attention), leading to

orthographic spelling mistakes. Clearly, further studies are needed to clarify the cognitive

sub-processes and relation to specific brain regions affected in spelling impaired children.

Although, the left hemisphere is crucial for language, reading and spelling ability,

studies highlighting the contribution of right hemispheric regions in this context increasingly

emerge. Cognitive and linguistic functions are likely to be represented in distributed neural

networks often encompassing more than one lobe (Miceli, 2001). Enhanced right hemispheric

activation in subjects with reading and spelling disorder has been related to compensatory

mechanisms (Shaywitz et al., 2006). It is assumed that due to impairment in the common left

hemispheric reading-related network, homologue regions in the right hemisphere are used to

compensate for these deficits. A recent study reports positive correlations between right

hemispheric activation in the IFG, dorsolateral prefontral cortex and medial temporal gyrus

and performance in reading comprehension and word generation tasks (Van Ettinger-Veenstra

et al., 2011) in healthy subjects. The authors noted that the right hemisphere contributes to

modulation of language ability, as the right IFG is related to integration of semantic

knowledge and context interpretation (Caplan & Dapretto, 2001) and mediation of retrieval

processes (Fletcher et al., 1998), and activation of the right medial temporal cortex is

associated with word generation (Brown et al., 2005). These studies further support our

observation that spelling impairment is associated with increased activation in a right

hemispheric compensatory network, related to enhanced attentional demands, word

generation processes and increased involvement of working-memory processes.

Several left hemispheric regions (e.g. left angular gyrus, left posterior inferior

temporal lobe, left IFG; Cloutman et al., 2009; Hillis et al., 2002, 2004; Rapcsak & Beeson,

2004) are associated with spelling ability in normally developing individuals. However, in

line with our findings, Richards et al. (2009) found an increased activation of the precuneus,

bilateral frontal regions, left angular gyrus and right temporal regions in children with

spelling impairment, probably related to inefficient access to orthographic representations and

increased mental effort compared to good spellers. In line with this, we assume that the

enhanced right hemispheric engagement in children with SI is probably reflecting a

compensation of impairments in the left-hemispheric language-related network.

2) In accordance with recent research findings, we observed decreased activation in

the left occipito-temporal region in children with spelling and reading impairment. As

expected, we did not observe decreased left occipito-temporal activation in children with



isolated spelling impairment in our whole-brain analyses, but surprisingly compared to non-

impaired controls also children with isolated SI showed a decreased left occipito-temporal

activation in ROI analyses. The differences were less pronounced between controls (mean

activation left occipito-temporal = 0.53) and children with isolated SI (0.20), as opposed to

children with SRI (0.01; see further study I, Figure 4). However, an interpretation of this

finding remains challenging, as the decreased activation in the left occipito-temporal region is

the most robust characteristic of reading impairment and would not be expected in children

with isolated spelling impairment. The left occipito-temporal region (comprising the visual

word form area) is crucial for reading processes (Dehaene & Cohen, 2011). Decreased

activation in this region is associated with impairments of automatic, fluent reading (e.g.

Kronbichler et al., 2006; Richlan et al., 2009, 2011). Our study suggests that children with

spelling impairment probably compensate for initially existent reading impairment via an

increased recruitment of right posterior areas, which might indicate an efficient grapheme-

phoneme decoding strategy. In line with this suggestion, Hoeft et al. (2011) found that

dyslexic children who relied on right hemispheric pathways showed gains in reading. This

further supports our theory that the stronger right hemispheric engagement of spelling

impaired children may reflect a compensatory mechanism, related to adjustment of reading


An alternative explanation could be that the left occipito-temporal region is also

important for spelling. Purcell et al. (2011) found that a left hemispheric region just lateral

and superior to the VWFA may play a significant role in typed spelling. Also, Rapp and

colleagues (Rapp & Lipka, 2011; Tsapkini & Rapp, 2010) suggest that the left mid-fusiform

region may be related to spelling ability. Hence the decreased occipito-temporal activation

found in our children with isolated spelling impairment may probably reflect impairments of

spelling ability. Further studies could provide additional information, using a more precise

investigation of different substructures of the occipito-temporal lobe involved in reading and


In the next section we will focus on the intervention-related functional and structural changes

of brain characteristics, which we have observed in our studies:

3) Behavioral improvements in the training group after five weeks of spelling

intervention were associated with increased activation in left temporal, parahippocampal and

hippocampal regions. We interpret these changes as being related to the recollection of the

new learnt morpheme-based strategy. Conversely, negative correlations between behavioral

improvement and right occipital and temporal brain activation were observed. These findings



support the notion that reliance on right posterior regions is probably related to inefficient

compensation of spelling difficulties.

In support with our functional findings, abnormalities in gray matter volume in the

hippocampus and parahippocampal area have been found in structural studies (Casanova et

al., 2005) in dyslexic subjects. In addition, increases in gray matter volume in the

hippocampus related to successful intervention in dyslexic children were observed (Krafnick

et al., 2011). The hippocampus is involved in retrieval processes (Gimbel & Brewer, 2011).

Probably increased activation (increased gray matter volume) is associated with improved

access to the orthographic lexicon.

Relating our results to prior studies investigating the neurophysiological effects of

spelling intervention is challenging, as the majority of findings investigating changes in brain

activation patterns as a result of spelling interventions come from English-speaking, reading

impaired samples (e.g. Eden et al., 2004; Meyler et al., 2008; Shaywitz et al., 2004). Only few

studies focused on subjects with spelling impairment (Richards et al., 2006; 2009).

Furthermore, some of these studies suffer from methodological limitations, as they, for

instance, did not examine changes in brain activation within the training group (only

presenting the contrast controls versus training group before and after intervention) or

interaction effects (e.g. Aylward et al., 2003; Meyler et al., 2008; Richards et al., 2006).

Hence, a reduction of group differences after the intervention could be due to increased

activation in children with SRI or decreased activation in controls. Richards et al. (2006)

found increased activation due to an orthographic intervention in the right frontal gyrus and

right posterior parietal gyrus which was accompanied by behavioral improvements,

approaching activation levels of a non-impaired control group. Despite behavioral

improvements, no changes in functional patterns of brain activity were observed after a three-

week morpheme-based intervention (Richards et al., 2006). In general, neurophysiologic

changes in terms of increased activation of the left hemispheric reading networks or right

hemispheric “compensatory” networks were observed in reading intervention studies (e.g.

Eden et al., 2004; Shaywitz et al., 2004; Temple et al., 2003). In our study, increases in left

temporal and parahippocampal regions were associated with spelling improvement.

4) We aimed to achieve a better understanding of the neural basis of spelling

impairment, by investigating not only functional, but also structural brain characteristics of

children with spelling impairment. In our first study, controls showed increased FA in the left

SCR and anterior CC compared to children with SRI, whereas no differences between

controls and children with isolated SI were observed.



In our second study, we found differences in white matter integrity (increased FA

and decreased radial diffusivity in controls) primarily in the right hemisphere (SCR, PLIC,

SLF), in line with our functional findings. Regarding the effects of spelling intervention, our

findings indicate a more efficient signal transduction (possibly associated with greater

myelination) in the right hemisphere to be related with improvements of spelling skills.

Differences in white matter integrity were found between children with SRI and

controls. Decreased frontal white matter integrity has been associated with less efficient

communication (Steinbrink et al., 2008) in frontal brain regions and decreased working

memory capacity (Nagy et al., 2004; Niogi & McCandliss, 2006).

In our first study, no structural differences between controls and children with

isolated SI have been observed. Clearly, the structural characteristics of isolated SI should be

further investigated.

Increased right hemispheric (SCR, PLIC, SLF) white matter integrity in controls was

observed prior to the intervention. Decreased white matter integrity in children with SRI

compared to non-impaired controls, in the SCR and PLIC, has been reported in previous

studies. The corona radiata is primarily related to motor and somatosensory function; hence

an involvement of the SCR in reading and spelling ability is rather difficult to interpret.

Cerebellar deficits related to automatization impairments or reflections of differences in

interdigitating pathways (e.g.CC, SLF) have been suggested as possible explanations (Ben-

Shachar et al., 2007). The SLF is related to language, grapheme-phoneme conversion,

articulatory processing and reading (Ben-Shachar et al., 2007).

We observed intervention-related increases of right hemispheric white matter

integrity in the training group, along with behavioral improvement. Similar findings are

reported by Keller and Just (2009), who reported increased white matter integrity after 100

hours of reading instruction in the left anterior centrum semiovale in poor readers.

In conclusion, we observed enhanced functional activation and decreased white

matter integrity in the right hemisphere before intervention in our training group. The

intervention resulted in an improvement of spelling ability along with increased activation of

the left temporal (parahippocampal and hippocampal) region and increased white matter

integrity in the right hemisphere. Further studies should address if and how changes in white

matter integrity in children with developmental learning disorders, are influencing BOLD




Some limitations have to be considered regarding our studies. First, the sample size

of ten children per group is rather small, resulting in reduced statistical power. However,

particularly in view of the complex longitudinal, multimodal study design, the presented

studies may nevertheless provide first indications of structural and functional characteristics

of spelling impairment and changes associated with successful intervention, and we hope that

this work will encourage future investigators to examine the neurobiology of spelling

impairment in larger samples.

Secondly, biological interpretation of DTI parameters is challenging. In general, FA

is related to fiber density, coherence and myelination. Therefore we speculate that the

observed increase in FA along with decreases of radial diffusivity could be indicative of

enhanced white matter integrity or greater myelination, related to successful training.

Acquisition of more encoding directions in DTI assessment along with associated

histopathological research in animal models may allow more accurate biological conclusions

in future studies.

Thirdly, interpretation of functional activation patterns and their relation to findings

of prior functional MRI studies remains difficult. Due to the scanner environment, the

performance and examination of spelling tasks is problematic, as the common method to

assess spelling ability is to read aloud words, which should be written by hand. Acoustic

representation of stimuli during event-related functional MRI is difficult because of the

scanner noise. In addition, the subject would have to write down words while lying inside the

scanner without moving the head (e.g. Beeson et al., 2003) or seeing the written word, which

further imposes difficulties. Therefore, most spelling tasks are presented visually and also

include reading processes. The orthographic decision task, which was applied in our studies,

required accurate perception of the presented word (or pseudoword) and a decision about the

correctness of its spelling. Therefore, we anticipated activation patterns associated with

reading, decision making and spelling ability. As expected, we observed activation in regions

of the reading and spelling network in the non-impaired control group during an orthographic

decision task. In line with current literature about reading impairment and dyslexia, we found

decreased occipito-temporal activation related to poor reading ability.

A major goal of cognitive neuroscience is to identify neural correlates of SRI and

risks for impairments at an early stage through combined behavioural and neuroscience

measures. In this way, the provision of preventive treatment and development of targeted,

evidence-based interventions specifically tailored for particular subtypes of SRI would be




Research focusing on spelling impairment is rare and therefore these studies provide

first indications of networks involved in spelling impairment. The information-processing

requirements of reading and spelling vary greatly across different orthographies and even

within a single orthography there are different subtypes of SRI (Hadzibeganovic et al., 2010).

Hence, our findings should be replicated in larger cohorts of spelling impaired individuals,

applying different tasks in diverse age groups and samples with varying levels of native

language ability, to achieve a better understanding of spelling impairment across development

and orthographies.

Combined behavioral and neuroimaging assessment possibly allows for the

identification of subtypes (e.g. presence of phonological, visual or cerebellar impairments)

and, consequently, the provision of appropriate treatment.

Studies of this kind already had implications for educational policy (e.g. providing

additional reading time on tests for children with SRI and adaption of reading and spelling

lessons due to recent research findings) and will also help to improve education in future.

We here highlighted the importance of the right hemisphere in spelling impairment

and we have shown that an intervention for five weeks already resulted in improvement of

spelling ability and changes in brain structure and functional activation patterns. We hope that

our study encourages further research on brain activation patterns in subjects with isolated

spelling impairment and associated structural brain characteristics. The importance of

multimodal longitudinal imaging, to examine mechanisms of neural plasticity on the

structural and functional level, is rising in research.

Taken together, this study provides first indications that distinct structural and

functional brain characteristics may underlie the closely related abilities of reading and

spelling. Furthermore, we hope that long-term effects of spelling interventions will be

investigated in the future. It would be also interesting to see how long changes in brain

activation and structure remain stable and how frequent and intense interventions should be,

in order to ensure permanent changes in spelling ability and brain structure and function.




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Appendix Study I Table A.1: Mean activation for the Conditions Correctly Spelled Words, Misspelled Words, Pseudowords (vs. Fixation) for all three groups (SI, SRI, CG)– Coordinates (in MNI standard space) and Activation Significance (Z statistics) of Local Maxima of Clusters, Z>2.3, P corrected P=0.05. Region (Local Maxima) k Z x y z Correctly spelled words SI L precentral gyrus L postcentral gyrus L inferior frontal gyrus L middle frontal gyrus R occipital pole R cerebellum L occipital pole R Hippocampus R lateral occipital Cortex SRI R occipital fusiform gyrus R lateral occipital Cortex R occipital pole L precentral gyrus L postcentral gyrus L occipital pole L occipital fusiform gyrus

L anterior cingulum L SMA R paracingulate gyrus L inferior frontal gyrus L precentral gyrus CG R occipital pole










5.19 4.91 4.9 4.87 4.72 4.64 5.32 4.97 4.81 4.8 4.79 3.71 3.35 3.19

4.56 4.38 3.85 4.04 4.25 3.35 3.29 3.27 3.27 3.24 4.03 4.02 3.93 3.72 3.81 3.69 3.6 3.52 3.5 3.28 4.07 4.01 3.82 3.33 3.85

5.48 5.74

-38 -42 -38 -48 -44 -52 16 20 28 -22 -12 22 28 26

30 46 38 18 -34 -36 -56 -52 -46 -44 -20 -16 -30 -44 -6 -10 -8 -4 8 -6 -54 -54 -56 -56 -56

26 16

-16 -14 -14 -16 18 8

-92 -102 -70 -102 -100 -28 -38 -64

-84 -86 -86 -98 -8 -4 -24 -28 -28 -26 -104 -92 -80 -82 16 20 16 6 22 18 14 14 14 18 10

-94 -96

64 58 56 58 16 42 -4 2

-24 6 0 -6 4 50

-8 -12 -18 -4 62 56 42 62 58 52 -8 -12 -16 -16 38 30 34 54 40 48 12 8 30 24 28

-6 -2



L occipital pole L lateral occipital Cortex L precentral gyrus L inferior frontal gyrus (opercularis) L postcentral gyrus


5.56 5.41 5.35 5.1 4.91 4.89 4.88 4.72 4.73

12 -14 -34 -26 -32 -32 -44 -54 -48

-90 -94 -94 -68 -12 -16 12 14 -14

-4 -8 -12 54 68 66 26 18 58

Misspelled words SI L precentral gyrus L inferior frontal gyrus L pallidum, L putamen L Thalamus R occipital pole L occipital pole R insular cortex R inferior frontal gyrus (triangularis) R frontal pole SRI L precentral gyrus L SMA L paracingulate gyrus R inferior frontal gyrus L cingulate gyrus (anterior) R occipital fusiform gyrus R occipital pole R lateral occipital cortex L occipital pole L occipital fusiform CG R occipital pole L occipital pole L paracingulate gyrus R paracingulate gyrus R superior parietal lobule R lateral occipital cortex R supramarginal gyrus R middle frontal gyrus R frontal pole R inferior frontal gyrus (opercularis) R precentral gyrus R frontal orbital cortex












5.18 4.97 4.85 5.04 4.79 4.54 5.32 4.86 4.75 4.74 3.96 3.71 3.81 3.67

4.41 4.04 4.4 4.38 4.05 4.04 4.67 4.35 4.53 4.31 4.13 4.54 4.33 4.32

5.7 5.32 5.44 5.25 4.89 4.83 4.62 4.63 4.55 4.38 3.9 3.35 4.39 3.37 2.99 2.43 2.84 4.36

-38 -40 -30 -42 -20 -22 16 36 16 -14 34 32 38 42

-38 -34 -8 -6 38 -8 28 22 28 18 44 -20 -16 -30

12 26 -34 -16 -6 -6 0 2 30 30 26 44 50 42 58 60 54 36

-16 -16 -8 18 2

-30 -92 -92 -100 -100 22 14 32 38

-4 -8 0 18 28 22 -86 -84 -88 -98 -86 -104 -92 -80

-92 -94 -94 -96 20 20 32 32 -56 -64 -70 -38 26 46 14 14 10 24

56 60 66 16 2 -4 -4 -10 -8 -4 2

-12 4 16

58 64 50 38 18 28 -8 -18 4 -4 -10 -8 -10 -16

-4 -6 -12 -8 44 40 36 42 44 36 52 -40 24 22 22 12 20 -10



Pseudowords SI L middle frontal gyrus L precentral gyrus L pallidum L thalamus L SMA R occipital pole R lateral occipital cortex L lateral occipital cortex R frontal pole R insular cortex R pallidum R frontal orbital cortex R thalamus SRI L paracingulate gyrus L SMA R paracingulate gyrus L precentral gyrus L postcentral gyrus R lateral occipital cortex R occipital pole L occipital pole L lateral occipital cortex L occipital fusiform gyrus CG R occipital pole L occipital pole L inferior frontal gyrus L precentral gyrus L postcentral gyrus L paracingulate gyrus R paracingulate gyrus L SMA L superior frontal gyrus











5.04 5.03 4.99 4.88 4.73 5.52 4.84 4.91 3.74 3.27 4.82 4.17 3.79 3.71 3.64 4.17

4.27 4.24 4.15 4.12 4.05 3.89 4.62 4.38 4.33 4.39 4.18 4.18 3.89

6.41 5.36 6.29 5.51 5.55

5 4.91 4.51 4.69 4.13 4.04 4.05 3.75 3.27

-50 -38 -20 -10 -6 16 16 42 26 26 -36 44 31 18 36 22

-4 -2 -6 6

-34 -56 34 32 18 -20 -44 -30 -26

26 16 -34 -16 -42 -34 -44 -52 -6 2 4 0 -4 -2


-16 2

-18 -4 -92 -98 -76 -66 -62 -84 38 20 -2 30 -30

18 4 -2 18 -8 -22 -82 -86 -98 -104 -80 -80 -88

-94 -96 -94 -96 8

-24 -16 -24 18 28 22 4 4 22

42 64 2 4 54 -4 -8 -8 50 42 -8 16 2 4

-10 -4

40 56 52 44 62 46 -8 -16 -4 -8 -14 -16 -16

-6 -2 -12 -8 22 48 54 52 44 38 40 54 66 58

Explanation of Abbreviations: R = right; L = left



Table A.2: Comparison Between Groups – Activation for the Conditions Correctly Spelled Words, Misspelled Words, Pseudowords (vs. Fixation) – Coordinates (in MNI standard space) and Activation Significance (Z statistics) of Local Maxima of Clusters, Z>1.8, P corrected P=0.05. Explanation of Abbreviations: R = right; L = left Region (Local Maxima) k Z x y z Correctly spelled words CG>SRI R lateral occipital Cortex R Cuneal Cortex


3.26 3.1 3.05 2.9 2.76 3.15

48 12 14 42 34 18

-74 -84 -86 -74 -82 -76

30 40 36 24 2 34

Misspelled words SI>SRI L superior parietal lobule R supramarginal gyrus R postcentral gyrus R parietal operculum R superior parietal lobule L postcentral gyrus SI>CG R frontal pole L precentral gyrus R frontal medial Cortex R paracingulate Cortex R subcallosal Cortex CG>SRI R Precuneus R lateral occipital Cortex R Cuneal Cortex R Cerebellum






3.07 3.03 2.95 2.9 2.66 2.64

3.38 2.93 3.19 3.2 3.18 3.17 3.04 3.02

3.19 2.88 2.8 2.79 2.87 3.22 2.81

-16 68 18 54 16 -14

24 22 -50 8 6 8 2 0 2 16 34 38 18 24 48

-54 -36 -40 -32 -56 -40

42 60 -10 38 34 48 46 24

-74 -84 -78 -66 -76 -72 -60

72 26 46 28 66 54

20 2 42 -12 -12 -4 -6 -12

56 40 4 10 32 -48 -38

Pseudowords SI>CG R frontal pole R frontal operculum CG>SRI L lateral occipital Cortex L occipito-temporal fusiform gyrus L lingual gyrus L inferior temporal gyrus R cerebellum R lateral occipital Cortex R Cuneal Cortex





2.89 2.82 2.88 2.69

3.31 3.26 3.12 2.84 2.83 3.42 3.22 3.13 3.05 3.01 2.95 2.91 2.98

22 26 40 46

-44 -42 -22 -48 -52 26 24 32 50 50 46 34 18

44 44 20 24

-70 -58 -54 -54 -50 -72 -66 -74 -76 -76 -72 -84 -76

18 22 6 4

18 -12 -2 -14 -10 -46 -46 -34 26 30 28 2 34



Fig. A.1: FSL design matrix for the functional MRI analyses.

First-Level Analysis: Corr = correctly spelled words; miss = misspelled words; pseudo = pseudowords. Motion parameters were included as covariable of no interest.

Higher-Level Analysis: Glm for mean activation and contrast between groups. SI = Spelling impaired children; SRI = children with spelling and reading impairments; CG = control group.

Fig. A.2: Corona (y = -17.00) and transversal (z = 19.00) view of the FA skeleton (green) on top of the average standard FMRIB58_FA map (A) compared to the FA skeleton on top of the mean FA map of our sample (B). R

= right, L = left, S = superior, I = inferior, A = anterior, P = posterior.



Appendix Study II Table A.1: Local maxima and cluster size at baseline (TFCE, p< 0.95). Region (Local Maxima) k x y z Fractional Anisotropy (FA) CG>Spelling Impaired Sample R Anterior thalamic radiation





Mean Diffusity (MD) Spelling Impaired Sample>CG R PLIC





Radial diffusity Spelling Impaired Sample>CG R PLIC





Explanation of Abbreviations: TG = Training Group; CG = Control Group; WG = Waiting Group IFO = Inferior occipito-frontal fasciculus; SLF = superior longidutinal fasciculus; PLIC = posterior limb of internal capsule; SCR = superior corona radiata; ILF = inferior longitudinal fasciculus Table A.2: Significant ROI at Baseline. Comparison of mean FA, MD, axial and radial diffusivity indices across an a priori defined ROI between the spelling impaired sample and controls. Spelling Impaired Sample Control Group p Right PLIC FA MD Axial D. (mm2.s-1 ) Radial D. (mm2.s-1 )

.4838 .00054 .00104 .00029

.5079 .00051 .00101 .00026

.005 .000 .023 .000

Left PLIC FA Radial D. (mm2.s-1 )

.4989 .00030

.5176 .00028

.026 .022

Right SCR FA MD Axial D. (mm2.s-1 ) Radial D. (mm2.s-1 )

.2130 .00033 .00053 .00024

.2233 .00031 .00050 .00021

.032 .002 .004 .003

Right SLF Radial D. (mm2.s-1 )




R PLIC (FA: F(1,26) = 9.25; p < .05; ηp² =.26; MD: F(1,26) = 21.03; p < .001; ηp² =.45; L1: F(1,26) = 5.83; p < .05; ηp² =.18; L23: F(2,25) = 17.30; p < .001; ηp² =.40) R SCR (FA: F(1,26) = 5.12; p < .05; ηp² =.16; MD: F(1,26) = 12.29; p < .05; ηp² =.32; L1: F(1,26) = 9.72; p < .05; ηp² =.27; L23: F(1,26) = 10.45; p < .05; ηp² =.29) R SLF (L23: F(1,26) = 4.27; p = .05; ηp² =.14) L PLIC (FA: F(1,26) = 5.59; p < .05; ηp² =.18; L23: F(1,26) = 5.98; p < .05; ηp² =.19) Explanation of Abbreviations: TG = Training Group; CG = Control Group; WG = Waiting Group FA = Fractional Anisotropy; MD = Mean diffusivity; PLIC = posterior limb of internal capsule; SCR = superior corona radiata; SLF = superior longitudinal fasciculus Axial diffusivity and radial diffusivity values are expressed in mm2.s-1

Table A.3: Local maxima and cluster size for training effect (TFCE, p< 0.95). Region (Local Maxima) k x y z



FA F-test across the three groups R PLIC

18 9

70 67

118 113

78 81











MD F-test across the three groups R SCR










Radial diffusity F-test across the three groups R SCR R IFO



63 56

126 107

93 63






Explanation of Abbreviations: TG = Training Group; CG = Control Group; WG = Waiting Group PLIC = posterior limb of internal capsule; IFO = Inferior occipito-frontal fasciculus; SCR = superior corona radiata



Fig. A.1.: Location of ROI´s represented in Table 3. Presenting four ROI´s in the right hemisphere: 1. Right posterior limb of internal capsule (PLIC, green); 2. Right superior corona radiata (SCR, red); 3. Right

superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF, blue); 4. Right anterior corona radiata (pink). Two ROI´s in the left hemisphere: 5. Left PLIC (green) and 6. Left SCR (red).


VII LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (in alphabetical order) ACR – Anterior Corona Radiata

ALE – Activation Likelihood Estimation

ANOVA – Analyses of Variance

APA – American Psychological Association

BET – Brain Extraction Tool

C – Correctly Spelled Words

CC – Corpus Callosum

CG – Control Group

DSM IV – Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

DTI – Diffusion Tensor Imaging

EEG – Electroencephalogram

ELFE - Ein Leseverständnistest für Erst- bis Sechstklässler

EPI – Echo Planar Imaging

FA – Fractional Anisotropy

FDT – FMRIB´s Diffusion Toolbox

FEAT – FMRI Expert Analysis Tool

FILM – FMRIB´s Improved Linear Model

FLAME – FMRIB´s Local Analysis of Mixed Effects

FLIRT – FMRIB´s Linear Image Registration Tool

FMRIB – Oxford Centre of Functional MRI of the Brain

FNIRT – FMRIB´s Nonlinear Image Registration Tool

fMRI – functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

FOV – Field of View

HSP – Hamburger Schreibprobe

ICD 10 – International Classification of Diseases 10

IFG – Inferior Frontal Gyrus

IFO – Inferior Fronto-Occipital Fasciculus

ILF – Inferior Longitudinal Fasciculus

K – Number of Voxels

L – Left

M – Misspelled Words

MD – Mean Diffusivity


MNI – Montreal Neurological Institute

MPRAGE – Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo

MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging

OT – Occipito-Temporal

P – Pseudowords

PASW – Predictive Analytics Software

PLIC – Posterior Limb of Internal Capsule

PR – Percent Range

R – Right

ROI – Region of Interest

RT – Reaction Time

SCR – Superior Corona Radiata

SFG – Superior Frontal Gyrus

SI – Isolated Spelling Impairment

SLF – Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus

SLS – Salzburger Lese-Screening

SMG – Supramarginal Gyrus

SPL – Superior Parietal Lobe

SPM – Standard Progressive Matrices

SRI – Spelling and Reading Impairment

TBSS – Tract Based Spatial Statistics

TE – Time to Echo

TFCE – Threshold-Free Cluster Enhancement

TG – Training Group

TR – Time to Repeat

VWFA – Visual Word Form Area

WG – Waiting Group



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