Introduction to Strategic Planning

Economic Development Strategic Planning Jim Damicis Senior Vice President Camoin Associates March 23-24, 2017 Denver, CO 1

Transcript of Introduction to Strategic Planning

Page 1: Introduction to Strategic Planning

Economic Development Strategic PlanningJim DamicisSenior Vice PresidentCamoin Associates

March 23-24, 2017Denver, CO


Page 2: Introduction to Strategic Planning

Jim Damicis, Senior Vice President, Camoin Associates• Past President, Northeastern Economic Developers

Association (NEDA)• IEDC, Economic Development Research Program,

International Economic Development Council• Collaborator – Communities of the Future• 25+ Years Experience in Economic and Community


Service Lines • Comprehensive Economic Development

Strategies (CEDS)• Stakeholder Engagement• Workforce Development• Market Analysis & Financial Feasibility• Evaluation & Benchmarking Indicators• ED Communication & Marketing

Economic Development

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Introduction to Strategic Planning

I. What is it?II. Why do it?III. Context/key factorsIV. BenefitsV. ProcessVI. Lessons learned

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Strategic planning provides a living vehicle for community leaders to think strategically, to make sound decisions in a sea of game-changing circumstances, to focus efforts & to develop consensus for collaboratively solving problems.

What is Strategic Planning?




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Where are you & what is your potential?

• Needs & opportunities

• Situation & context

Where do you want to go & why go

there?• Community vision

• Development goals


Questions Answered

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How will you get there & who will help?

• What will you do?

• Best people & available resources

• Strategies & projects

What will success look like for you?

• Key benchmarks & metrics


Questions Answered

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X An eventX About planning meetingsX Developing a great well-written reportX Fulfilling a grant or regulatory



What Strategic Planning is NOT

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Engaging broad spectrum of people

Inspiring people to work together

Putting individual efforts toward best benefit of collective whole

Process that requires advocates and champions

Challenging & time-consuming


What Strategic Planning IS

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common barriers

focus on personalities & positionso focus on shared interests & goals instead

lack of motivation for working together for change

being in the “comfort zone”


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o Workforce, workforce, workforce!

o Quality of place – amenities, infrastructure, housing, recreation and culture, etc.

o Regional collaboration and holistic approach to economic development

o Customer service driven – permitting and approval processes, transparency, accountability

o Complex Systems requiring adaptability rather than predictability


Factors Behind Local/Regional Development

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o Shapes community’s futureo Defines community purposeo Provides information baseo Provides realistic appraisal


Strategic Planning Benefits

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o Means to establish & maintain effective programs

o Provides guidance in structuring tactical operations

o No proverbial clean slate – it is continualo Must assess current projectso Use information gathered to adjust plans or establish

new goals

o Can be used for overall plans or sub-activities


A Critical Tool

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Compatible - with community vision

Feasible - given strengths & weaknesses

Implementable - given leadership & resources

Change-making - addresses most urgent challenges

Innovative - enables forward movement on most promising opportunities


Ultimate Strategies & Action

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Market Feasibility

Financial Feasibility

Citizen/Political Feasibility

Organizational Capacity

Technical Feasibility

Ingredients for a Successful Plan


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o Organizing & pre-planning

o Identify & recruit players & stakeholderso Create organizational structure o Determine necessary financial & technical resources

o Visioning o Develop shared vision

o Assessing the local community & economic competitiveness o Evaluate & define your situation


Strategic Planning Process

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o Identifying issues & formulating realistic goals, objectives & strategies

o Publicizing the plan

o Identifying, evaluating, & prioritizing projects o Prioritize based on best approach & return

on project


Strategic Planning Process

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o Developing plans of action o Set out sequence of events & resources o Define physical steps

o Implementing plans o May require an implementation structure or

modification of organizational structure

o Monitoring & evaluating outcomes o Make sure goals & projects remain realistic,

worthwhile, & relevant


Strategic Planning Process

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oRetooling & adjusting

oPublicizing progress & outcomesoOngoing process


Strategic Planning Process

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o Shared sense of urgency o Clearly articulated & well-understood

vision o Local champions o Widespread participation & buy-in (or

rather “join in”)o Shared commitment to progress



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o Shared ownership (willingness to collaborate)

o Knowledge of what success looks like o Futuristic & proactive orientation in

thinking o Willingness to self-invest o A “let’s do it!” attitude



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o Realistic & accurate definition of the situation

o Good information o Cumulative goals & objectives o Balanced approacho Options for mutual gain



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o Effective internal & external communications

o Openness to learning from others o Involvement of external partners o Easy-to-follow process o Ongoing planning



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o Ongoing review of the status quo o Continual cultivation & acceptance of new

ideas o Continual recruitment of new faces to the

process o Community celebration of all successes o Resilience



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o Not knowing how to best move forward o Lack of shared community vision o Apathy or complacency with status quo o Poor working relationshipso Feeling of disconnect among citizens,

leaderso Inadequate volunteer support o False expectations


Common Barriers

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o Don’t bite off more than you can chew! Break large projects into smaller digestible components based on your organization’s and partners’ capacity to implement

o Get comfortable making collective decisions without perfect information and predictable outcomes

o Give collaboration and engagement within region, diverse stakeholders, and the public more than lip service – design and implement together

o Market externally AND Internallyo Understand what you can have impact over – i.e. at local level

you can impact land-use, zoning, permitting, customer service


Lessons from the Field

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o Questions you still have?o Expectations for the next 2 days?o Issues you would like covered?


Questions? Expectations? Issues?

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Contact Informationo [email protected] www.camoinassociates.como Twitter: @jdamiciso Linkedin: Economic Development Navigator:

Economic Development

Contact Information