Introduction to MCRB's 2015 Myanmar Tourism SWIA

မန္မာ့ခရီးသြားလုပ္ငန္းက႑၏ သက္ေရာက္မႈမားအား လ့လာဆန္းစစ္ျခင္း Introduction to Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business’s 2015 Myanmar Tourism Sector-Wide Impact Assessment Dawei Multistakeholder Workshop, December 2016

Transcript of Introduction to MCRB's 2015 Myanmar Tourism SWIA

Page 1: Introduction to MCRB's 2015 Myanmar Tourism SWIA

ျမနမာခရးသြားလပငနးက႑၏သကေရာကမႈမားအားေလလာဆနးစစျခငးIntroduction to Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business’s 2015

Myanmar Tourism Sector-Wide Impact Assessment

Dawei Multistakeholder Workshop, December 2016

Page 2: Introduction to MCRB's 2015 Myanmar Tourism SWIA


Current core funders:• UK DFID• DANIDA • Norway• Switzerland• Netherlands• Ireland

www.myanmar-responsiblebusiness.org15 Shan Yeiktha Street, Sanchaung, Yangon Tel/Fax: 01 510069

MCRB ObjectiveTo provide an effective and legitimate platform for the creation of knowledge, capacity and dialogue concerning responsible business in Myanmar, based on local needs and international standards, that results in more responsible business practices.

ပ၍တာဝနယမႈရေသာ စပြားေရးအေလအကငမားျဖစထြနးလာေစရန၊ ႏငငတကာအဆငအတနးမား၊ေဒသလအပခကမား အေပၚမတည၍ ျမနမာႏငင၌တာဝနယမႈရေသာ အသပညာ၊ စြမးေဆာငရညႏငစကားဝငးမား ျဖစေပၚလာေစရနအတြကထေရာကေသာ တရားဝင အခငးအကဥးတစခပပးေပးရန။

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Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business focusses on these elements:

Compliance i.e. obeying the lawဥပေဒကေလးစားလကနာျခငး

Social Performanceလမႈ႔ေရးဆငရာေဆာငရြကခကမား

Creating Shared Value အကးအျမတခြေဝအသးချခငး

Sustainability ေရရညတညတခငၿမျခငး



Disaster reliefသဘာဝေဘးအႏရာယဆငရာလပ ေဆာငခကမား

Which part is ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ (CSR)?

Responsible Business Conductတာဝနယမႈရေသာစးပြားေရးလပငနး၏လပေဆာငရမည႔လပငနးမား Social or community investment or contribution

လမႈေရးလပငနးမားအတြက ရငးႏးျမပႏမႈမားလပျခငး

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UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (2011)

1. State duty to protect

2. Corporate responsibility to


Act with due diligence

to avoid infringement

Address negative


3. Provision of access to


Professor John Ruggie, Special Representative to the United Nations Secretary General, 2005-2011


စးပြားေရးလပငနးၾကးမား၏ ေလးစားလကနာရနတာ၀န

ထခကနစနာမႈမား၊ အခြငအေရး

ခးေဖာကမႈမားက ေရာငၾကဥရန




ျပနလညေကာငးမြနေအာငျပျပငျခငး /

ထခက နစနာမႈမားက ကစားျခငးမားကလကလမးမမႈ

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MCRB publications and translations

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မႀကဘးေသးေသာ တးတကမႈ၊ ျမငတကမႈမား ရေနျခငး။

ႏငငအတြက အဓကကေသာ စးပြားေရးလပငနးက႑ျဖစျခငး။

အလပအကငရရမႈ၊ ဖြ႕ၿဖးတးတကမႈ အခြငအလမးမား ရရႏငျခငး။

မလလားအပသည လ႔အခြငအေရးဆငရာ သကေရာကမႈမား ရႏငျခငး။

ေနာကမကေသးပါ။ အမနခငးႏငငမား၏အေတြ႕အႀကမားမသငယႏင။

တာဝနယမႈရေသာ ခရးသြားလပငနးမား ပမျဖစထြနးလာေစေရး အတြကစးပြားေရးလပငနးမားႏင အစးရ၏ ပါဝငေဆာငရြကမႈက စတဝငတစား ေလလာရန။

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ပထမအႀကမ ကြငးဆငးေလလာမႈေအာကတဘာ - ႏဝငဘာ ၂၀၁၃A. ရနကနB. ပဂC. အငးေလးကန (ရမးျပညနယ)

ဒတယအႀကမ ကြငးဆငးေလလာမႈဒဇငဘာ ၂၀၁၃ - ဇနနဝါရ ၂၀၁၄D. ေမာလျမင ၊ ကကထးရးE. ေငြေဆာင ၊ ေခာငးသာF. မႏေလး

သျခားေလလာခေသာေနရာမားကရငျပညနယ ႏင မြနျပညနယတြငးတတားဥး ဟတယဇနေခာငးသာငပလကမးေျခ



ႏဝငဘာ ၂၀၁၃ - ဇနနဝါရ ၂၀၁၄)

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ေျမယာ -ဟတယဇနမား

သဘာဝပတဝနးကင ႏင႔ ေဂဟစနစ

ကေလးအခြငအေရးကား/မ ေရးရာယဥေကးမႈ

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တငးရငးသားလနညးစမား ေနထငေသာေဒသမားတြငခရးသြားလာေရး လပငနးလပကငျခငး

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Since the SWIA, MCRB activities include…..

Follow-up on SWIA recommendations to Government, Business, civil society/media, development partners/NGOs

Letters exchange on sand mining in Ngapali with vice-President U Nyan Win

Multistakeholder workshop on tourism and human rights, Naypyidaw, October 2016

Multistakeholder workshop on Community Based Tourism, Naypyidaw, December 2016

Networking amongst community-based tourism groups (promoted by Tourism Transparency and the new Myanmar

Responsible Tourism Institute), including groups from Thandaunggyi, Myaing, Kayah State;

Multistakeholder workshop on sustainable tourism in Ngapali, May 2016

Support to Rakhine Government on tourism in their forthcoming socio-economic development plan (SEDP)

Input to multistakeholder workshop on tourism in Chaungtha hosted by Hoteliers Association, October 2016

Advocacy on hotel zones and licencing, bed and breakfast, revisions to the tourism law

Participation in Steering Group for Tourism Human Resources Development Strategy (Ministry of Hotels &


Collaboration with Flora and Fauna International on Tanintharyi – high conservation value mapping of tourism destinations

Inputs to consultations on tourism related environmental impact assessments for specific projects e.g. Saw Mon Hla island

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Current core funders:• UK DFID• DANIDA • Norway• Switzerland• Netherlands• Ireland

www.myanmar-responsiblebusiness.org15 Shan Yeiktha Street, Sanchaung, Yangon Tel/Fax: 01 510069

Thank you!