Introduction to Elijah Challenge Asia

1 Do you and your Christian friends heal the infirm when you share the Gospel?


If you want to know more about how to heal the infirm with the God-given authority while sharing the Gospel, this are the slides you need to see.

Transcript of Introduction to Elijah Challenge Asia

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Do you and your Christian friends heal the infirm when you share the Gospel?

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Did Jesus and the disciples heal the infirm?

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Why are miraculous healings rare in the Church today?

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The primary reasons why miraculous healings are rare today are because the Church has

1. failed to recognise Christ’s command to heal the sick as He did

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The primary reasons why miraculous healings are rare today are because the Church has

2. does not believe that it has the authority to do so

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The primary reasons why miraculous healings are rare today are because the Church has

3. failed before and become discouraged

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The primary reasons why miraculous healings are rare today are because the Church has

4. sought the easier ministries

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Our task here is to minister healing in the context of proclaiming the gospel to the lost, just as Christ and his early disciples did.

能 力 和 权 柄 医 治 各 样 的 病

使 万 民 作 耶 稣 的 门 徒

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John 14:12

I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater works, for I am going to the Father.

我 实 实 在 在 的 告 诉 你 们 , 我 所 做 的 事 , 信 我 的 人 也 要 做 , 并 且 要 做 比 这 更 大 的 事 , 因 为 我 往 父 那 里 去

約 翰 福 音 14:12

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Jesus and His Disciples did not pray

for the sick.They healed them!

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Christ’s disciples experienced failure to heal the sick 基 督 的 门 徒 体 验 了 醫 治 的 失 败

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Matthew 17:14 When they came to the crowd, a man approached Jesus and knelt before him. 馬 太 福 音 17:14

耶 穌 和 門 徒 到 了 眾 人 那 裡 , 有 一 個 人 來 見 耶 穌 , 跪 下 , 說 :

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Matthew 17:15

“Lord, have mercy on my son,” he said. “He has seizures and is suffering greatly. He often falls into the fire or into the water”. 馬 太 福 音 17:15

主 阿 , 憐 憫 我 的 兒 子 。 他 害 癲 癇 的 病 很 苦 , 屢 次 跌 在 火 裡 , 屢 次 跌 在 水 裡

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Matthew 17:16 “I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.”

馬 太 福 音 17:16

我 帶 他 到 你 門 徒 那 裡 , 他 們 卻 不 能 醫 治 他 。

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Matthew 17:16 “I brought him to your disciples, but they could not heal him.”

馬 太 福 音 17:16

我 帶 他 到 你 門 徒 那 裡 , 他 們 卻 不 能 醫 治 他 。

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Matthew 17:17 “O unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you?” 馬 太 福 音 17:17

耶 穌 說 : 噯 ! 這 又 不 信 又 悖 謬 的 世 代 阿 , 我 在 你 們 這 裡 要 到 幾 時 呢 ? 我 忍 耐 你 們 要 到 幾 時 呢 ? 把 他 帶 到 我 這 裡 來 罷 !

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How could Jesus have possibly expected and even demanded His disciples to do the miracle?Was Jesus being unfair?

Was he asking too much from his disciples? 为 什 么 耶 稣 愤怒 ?

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They were His disciples and were being trained to do what He did.

他 们 是 门 徒

被 训 练 了

接 受 了 能 力 和 权 柄

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He had given them authority to heal the sick and cast out demons. 能 力 和 權 柄

醫 治 病 人

制 伏 鬼

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He had sent them out and commanded them to heal the sick

醫 治 病 人

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We are not talking about the Gift of Healing but the Authority to Heal as found in Luke 9 and 10.

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Does the Bible teach that we disciples of Christ have been given any Authority to heal the sick as Jesus did?

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Do the ordinary disciples have authority to heal the sick ?

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The Answer is a resounding YES!

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Today, thousands of Born-Again believers are healing the sick and sharing the

Gospel by using the authority of God to heal.

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Why not take a look and see what you and your church have been missing.


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• The Elijah Challenge helps train your congregation to share the Gospel by using their God-given authority to heal the infirm.

• They learn how to utilize their FAITH and experience the healing miracles before their very eyes.


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Elijah Challenge Asia

The End-Time Model of Evangelism

Part 1

末 世 时 代 传 福 音 的 模 式

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在 末 世 时 代重 建 教 会 的 能 力


TIMES在 末 世 时 代重 建 教 会 的 能 力

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Unity 团 结Power 力 量Boldness 胆 量

Today, the Church needs the following:

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• The Restoration of the spirit of Elijah to the Church

• Malachi 4:5 - “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the

LORD comes”. •在 教 会 重 建 以 利 亚 先 知 的 灵• 玛 拉 基 书 4:5 “看 哪 , 耶 和 华 大 而 可

畏 之 日 未 到 以 前 ,我 必 差 遣 先 知 以 利 亚 到 你 们 那 里 去” 。

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• Before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the Lord will send to the Church the “spirit of Elijah,” that is, the spirit that He put within Elijah and which empowered him to minister.

•耶 稣 第 二 次 再 来 以 前 ,神 要 赐 给 教 会 “以 利 亚 的 灵”,就 是 那 使 他 有 能 力 服 事 神 的 灵 。

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• It is the spirit of boldness to proclaim the Kingdom of God as well as manifest power to demonstrate that our God is the only true God.

•这 灵 是 有 胆 量 宣 讲 神 的 国 度 的 能 力 和 彰 显 性 的 能 力 ,以 显 明 神 是 独 一 的 真 神 。

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The spirit of Elijah is being restored to the Church

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Power and Boldness Come From The Holy Spirit

能 力 和 胆 量 来 自 圣 灵

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Just as Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal, today, the Church challenges the forces of darkness by the authority and power of God.

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The Elijah Challenge training is to build your faith to be as tough as that of Elijah.

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• The purpose of Elijah

Challenge is to bring

people back to God

• Power Evangelism

• Miracles of God to

substantiate the

Gospel of Christ

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Your Church does not need to depend on Healing Evangelists because your members would have learned to use their God-given authority to heal the infirm and share the Gospel.

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上 帝 要 派 出 更 有 能 力 的 末 世 时 代 的 以 利 亚

The Lord desires to raise up a generation of mighty


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这 以 利 亚 将 训 练 更加 有 能 力 的 以 利沙

These Elijahs will raise up even greater “Elishas”

for the End Times

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Jesus Christ




祭 司

先 知

君 王

耶 稣 基 督

Jesus is given these three authorities and functions

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These authorities and functions are also given to

the Church 教 会 的 三 个 恩 膏

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Priestly Anointing

祭 司 的 恩 膏

教 会 第 一 个 恩 膏

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Prophetic Anointing先 知 的 恩 膏

教 会 第 二 个 恩 膏

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Kingly Anointing

君 王 的 恩 膏

教 会 第 三 个 恩 膏

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Today, the Church is very good with praying, preaching and

prophesy but what about healing the sick and casting out


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Now is the time that the Church exercise a particular aspect of the

Kingly Anointing 君 王 的 恩 膏

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The Kingly Anointing for war and for destroying the works

of the enemy

打 战 * * 毁 坏 敌 人 君 王 的 恩 膏

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君 王 的 行 为 和 态 度 Some characteristics of the Kingly Anointing •有 权 柄 命 令

– Authority to command

• 不 乞 求 或 谈 判 – Does not ask or beg

• 胆 大 - 不 害 怕– Boldness; fearlessness

•有 真 正 的 能 力 打 败 敌 人 – Actual power to destroy

enemies or the works of the enemies

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When the Church exercises their Kingly Authority

• Real healing miracles happen• Pre-Christians offer less resistance

and are more willing to listen to Gospel

• With the miracles and the Word of God, they are convinced that Jesus Christ is God

• They receive Christ as their Savior51

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Taking authority over an old lady who was stone deaf in her


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The old lady’s ears were opened in the name of Jesus. She could repeat

all the words her daughter was saying to her.

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You should contact The Elijah Challenge


• If you want to know more about what the Scripture says about the Authority to heal in light of preaching the Gospel

• If you are unhappy with ‘powerless’ methods of sharing the Gospel

• If you are confused between the Authority to Heal and the Gift of Healing


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55The Elijah Challenge has trained Christians from all around

the world

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• Australia• Benin, Africa• Brazil• Burkina Faso• California, USA• Cambodia• Congo, Africa• Dubai• Egypt• Germany• Houston, USA• Indonesia • Ivory Coast, Africa• Kazakhstan• Kenya, Africa• Kerala – India• Liberia, Africa• Malaysia

• Manipur, North India

• New Delhi, India• New Jersey, USA• New Zealand• Niger• Nigeria• Orissa, India• Pakistan• Philippines• Singapore• South India• Texas• Togo, West Africa• Uganda• United Kingdom• Venezuela• Vietnam • Zambia

The Elijah Challenge has gone to all these places to conduct training

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