Introduction of the speaker – Nisha...

Meeting 36 Programme : Power in You – Nisha Butani (Joint Meeting RC Main & Metro) Date : 7th march Time : 8.30 PM Menu : Dinner Venue : Rotary Greater Bhavan Invitee : Rotarians, Anns and Annets CIRCULAR 32 Majestic March 08th Mar : Everyting We Eat Matters 17th Mar : Rotary Greater Women’s Drive 21st Mar : Dhuleti Celebration Introduction of the speaker – Nisha Butani Who is Nisha Butani? She comes from a middle-class family, a small town girl. Shy in her school days, never participating in any activities. An overprotective girl, with a long list of “Things not to do” engrained in her head. You are a girl - do not leave the house alone, do not do this, do not do that. Although loved dearly by her parents, she was always kept like a doll in a showcase, afraid of society. When she got married at the age of 21, she jumped into a completely different environ- ment. A girl who barely ever left Gujarat and lived in a joint family of 13 people now moved to Bangkok, Thailand and lived in a family of 2. Learning a new language, Thai, to a completely new world with no limitations and all the freedom, her life has been a roller coaster to say the least! Her life is a success story of 47 years, from a shy, protected little girl to the confident lady she is today, encompassing the possibility and capability in every person sitting here – the POWER IN YOU! She has lived in 4 countries (India, Thailand, Singapore and now in Switzerland), travelled over 20 countries across Asia, Europe and USA; worked with different nationalities, cultures, and different kinds of people. She has fulfilled and enjoyed many roles in her life, from a full-time mother of two, a full time homemaker, worked as Executive Member and grassroots leader under Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore at local community club for 2 years, to a Director of Human Resources, Director of Customer Relations in a Swiss Multi-national Company for 9 years. Further continuing to work as the Managing Director for the same Swiss MNC for 2 years and is now working as International Transformational coach and making the difference in lives of hundreds/thousands of people. Working as a certified trainer from the Indian Trainer’s Associations, she has guided and coached many individuals to be successful by her workshops/seminars on topics like Power in You, Life Changing Habits, SWOT Analysis, Customer Delight, Communication Skills, Time Management etc. Today, she is here to share her experiences.Today, she stands tall in whatever she does, she has found the POWER IN HERSELF. Today, she is confident enough to bring out the same POWER IN YOU! Seminar on Everything We Eat Matters Date - 8th march – Time 3.45PM to 6.00PM – Venue – Rotary Greater Bhavan A collective novel initiative by Anns of Rotary Club of Rajkot Greater under capable guidance of Ann Dr. Amee Mehta on the occasion of Women’s Day Celebration EVERYTHING WE EAT MATTERS. – Presenting a thought provoking concept of EATING FOR GOOD HEALTH rather than EATING FOR SATISFYING YOUR TASTE BUDS- SATTIETY CENTRES- Along with demonstration and tasting of deliciously healthy savory treats for all the participants. Please register your names with Ann Dr. Palak Rathod – 8140277177 and Ann Nitika Nandani - 9427307070 Free registration for Anns of Rotary Club of Rajkot Greater. You can bring along your friends as well but registration is Compulsory for all attendees

Transcript of Introduction of the speaker – Nisha...

Page 1: Introduction of the speaker – Nisha · success story of 47 years, from a shy, protected little girl to the confident

Meeting 36Programme : Power in You – Nisha Butani (Joint Meeting RC Main & Metro)Date : 7th marchTime : 8.30 PMMenu : DinnerVenue : Rotary Greater BhavanInvitee : Rotarians, Anns and Annets


Majestic March08th Mar : Everyting We Eat Matters17th Mar : Rotary Greater Women’s Drive21st Mar : Dhuleti Celebration

Introduction of the speaker – Nisha ButaniWho is Nisha Butani? She comes from a middle-class family, a small town girl. Shy in her school days, never participating in any activities. An overprotective girl, with a long list of “Things not to do” engrained in her head. You are a girl - do not leave the house alone, do not do this, do not do that. Although loved dearly by her parents, she was always kept like a doll in a showcase, afraid of society.When she got married at the age of 21, she jumped into a completely different environ-ment. A girl who barely ever left Gujarat and lived in a joint family of 13 people now moved to Bangkok, Thailand and lived in a family of 2. Learning a new language, Thai, to a completely new world with no limitations and all the freedom, her life has been a roller coaster to say the least! Her life is a success story of 47 years, from a shy, protected little girl to the confident lady she is today, encompassing the possibility and capability in every person sitting here – the POWER IN YOU! She has lived in 4 countries (India, Thailand, Singapore and now in Switzerland), travelled over 20 countries across Asia, Europe and USA; worked with different nationalities, cultures, and different kinds of people. She has fulfilled and enjoyed many roles in her life, from a full-time mother of two, a full time homemaker, worked as Executive Member and grassroots leader under Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore at local community club for 2 years, to a Director of Human Resources, Director of Customer Relations in a Swiss Multi-national Company for 9 years. Further continuing to work as the Managing Director for the same Swiss MNC for 2 years and is now working as International Transformational coach and making the difference in lives of hundreds/thousands of people. Working as a certified trainer from the Indian Trainer’s Associations, she has guided and coached many individuals to be successful by her workshops/seminars on topics like Power in You, Life Changing Habits, SWOT Analysis, Customer Delight, Communication Skills, Time Management etc. Today, she is here to share her experiences.Today, she stands tall in whatever she does, she has found the POWER IN HERSELF. Today, she is confident enough to bring out the same POWER IN YOU!

Seminar on Everything We Eat MattersDate - 8th march – Time 3.45PM to 6.00PM – Venue – Rotary Greater BhavanA collective novel initiative by Anns of Rotary Club of Rajkot Greater under capable guidance of Ann Dr. Amee Mehta on the occasion of Women’s Day Celebration EVERYTHING WE EAT MATTERS. – Presenting a thought provoking concept of EATING FOR GOOD HEALTH rather than EATING FOR SATISFYING YOUR TASTE BUDS- SATTIETY CENTRES- Along with demonstration and tasting of deliciously healthy savory treats for all the participants. Please register your names with Ann Dr. Palak Rathod – 8140277177 and Ann Nitika Nandani - 9427307070 Free registration for Anns of Rotary Club of Rajkot Greater. You can bring along your friends as well but registration is Compulsory for all attendees

Page 2: Introduction of the speaker – Nisha · success story of 47 years, from a shy, protected little girl to the confident

Birth Day Wishes1st Mar Ann Vishakha Karia 94274380063rd Mar Ann Jigna Savaliya 98250 824583rd Mar Rtn Maulik Kothari 98242 13761

4th Mar Rtn Kunal Mehta 98244 777795th Mar Rtn Mukesh Panchasara 98242 10794

RTN. ANN. 2nd Mar Rtn Siba & Vaishali Rout 90990 58461 96245 027203rd Mar Rtn Praful & Chitra Gohil 98250 78366 98798 996524th Mar Rtn Dipen & Komal Patel 98240 42401 98793 15222

Wedding Anniversary

Rotary Greater Women’s Drive Solo of its category - drive signifying the strength of Women has been organized by RCRG on 17th March wherein RCRG Anns will be navigating across farther unknown lands displaying slogans for Women Empowerment on their respective vehicles with the motto of spreading awareness regarding the same. Participants - Two - 1) Female Driver Compulsory and 1) Navigator (Anyone) Please register your names with Ann Sheetal Patel - 9376160540

Review of Meeting by Dr. Sailesh TevaniThe meeting started with the recitation of Rotary Prayer by Rtn Dhruv Kakkad. A very prompt introduction of the key note speaker Dr. Sailesh Tevani was proposed by Rtn Nilesh Bhojani. He intelligently simulated the characteristic or the core of the meeting with the coincident observance of International Mother Language day (on 21st Feb) – Time to celebrate Linguistic Diversity. He provided a miniature but cleverly drafted prologue of the key note speaker – encompassing almost every aspect of his professional as well as personal endevours.“What are we? Who are we? Why are we here – in this particular surrounding? - were the introductory questions poised by Dr. Saileh Tevani. He urged everyone to think beyond the physicality of once own existence and connect to the universal being. “ I transpires to WE when an individual is surrounded amid the loving, caring and supportive peers or family members”.“When immersed in circle of life – we are instantaneously connected with the universal self – the eternal identity encircling every other fellow human being. Henceforth our being is not single being – we portray existentialism of the strange world adjoining us” – We are the arms, the hands , the mouths – of numerous unknown - fairly distant people existing in this cosmos. He further talks about our surroundings being corrupted – polluted – psychologically miss driven due to the over increasing virtual media dependency. We have lost our intellectual, reading and knowledge to ever expanding social media addiction. Colors of festivals and emotions of hospitality have lost their importance in Indian culture. We are departing and demarking from our Indian Culture. Literature too has mislaid its vibrancy and ethnicity. Dr. Sailesh Tevani strongly advocated- the need of submerging into the splendid environs that we live in and urged everyone to reconnect with surrounds. He concluded by stating that there is lot to live – for in the neighboring settings but we completely ignore it. Let us all reconnect to the surrounding and live a life worth living. Overall a very though provoking dialect was provided by the speaker – candidly welcomed by the audiences. The entire meeting was organized by Ann Mayuri tratiya- rendering respectable gratitude for such a eye opening conversation. Lastly the meeting was wrapped up with a beautiful verselet by Rtn Ravi Chhotai.

Page 3: Introduction of the speaker – Nisha · success story of 47 years, from a shy, protected little girl to the confident

Review of Mega Blood Donation CampBlood donation is definitely a noble act. Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person — the gift of life. Regular blood donations by a sufficient number of healthy people are needed to ensure that safe blood will be available whenever and wherever it is needed. Many clinics and hospitals constantly require blood for several purposes. This makes the idea of blood donation a righteous gesture as it provides life-saving help to people and patients. Because each blood donation provides three different blood components, each with its own role in treating patients, it helps up to three different people. Because the need for blood is constant, so is the need for donations. ... By donating blood you can save lives. But in turn blood donation benefit blood donor's a well.Abiding to the rationale of overall benefits caused by Blood Donation – A Mega Blood Donation camp had been organized by RCRG in collaboration with Raj Cooling Systems Pvt. Ltd. on 17th February 2019. Owing to tremendously enthusiastic societal participation, an impressively massive blood collection of 321 Blood Units had been reported by the end of the day. The substantial success of this Blood Donation Camp was the result of sole toil and immense dedication of Rtn Bhavesh Mehta – the solitary arranger and coordinator of this Mega Blood Donation camp from RCRG front. His tactful modus of mouth to mouth publicity and media coverage led this humanitarian purpose to colossal success. Rtn Bhavesh Mehta has also been the initiator of various new projects for RCRG and the originator of novel venture such as – “BOOK TALK”. The Book talk sessions are admiringly welcomed and hugely listened – appreciated by members within the club and the general public as well. Respective appreciation for Rtn Bhavesh Mehta, systematizing a successful Mega Blood Donation Camp and managing the BOOK TALK Venture triumphantly throughout – bringing ever the more fame to RCRG.

Review of Rotary District Cricket Tournament - RCRG Vs Rotary MidtownIndia is a country where people EAT, SLEEP, DREAM – CRICKET. For natives – “CRICKET IS RELIGION AND EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST A GAME.” Correspondingly, exciting Rotary District Cricket Tournament had been played amongst Rotary Club Of Rajkot Greater and Rotary Midtown at Westwood Schools near Morbi Road on 17th Feb 2019.Though we lost the match – largely substantial routine – (playoffs), were at display by both the squad. It was a 30 over match wherein RCRG batted first – rounding up to 171 runs for 9 wickets. On the other hand, Rotary Midtown troupe scored 172 runs for 5 wickets in 29 over triumphantly wining the game for their alliance. Expectedly fine overall performance was demonstrated by RCRG team keeping the wickets and bowling

Page 4: Introduction of the speaker – Nisha · success story of 47 years, from a shy, protected little girl to the confident

Review of Candle march for Pulwama Martyrs by RCC in affiliation with RCRGGhastly brutal terrorist attack in Kashmir’s Pulwama District - the worst ever attack in Jammu & Kashmir since 1989 killing 44 CRPF Personnel and injuring numerous others – has the entire nation expressing their condolences, concern and condemnation for the assault. Condolences have been pouring from across the globe for this dastardly terror attack, causing unequivocal damage to the families of fallen soldiers – Government and people of India. RCC in collaboration with RCRG also pay tribute to the brave soldiers and their kin by organizing Candle light march (Processions) at Rajkot- Ring Road on the eve of 16th Feb 2019. Members congregated in gallant numbers marching across the conurbation with candles in their hand – praying for the brave souls – demanding justice for the courageous officials. Approximately 200 civilians joined this candle march. Respectable applaud for RCC President Minu Jasdanwala – acting in the times of distress – symbolically supporting the valiant Martyrs and their kin. “We felt it was the least thing that we can do for the brave fallen men to arrange a prayer with a candle rally with 100 Rajkotians. This gesture is symbolic and will add courage in the time of pain and sadness.”

-Minu Jasdanwala”

Players ScoreRtn Priyank Bharad 36Rtn Kalpesh Bagdai 00Rtn Purvesh Kotecha 06Rtn Mihir Nagrecha 01Rtn Sarju Patel 03

precisely throughout. An outstanding bout was played by Rtn Killol Karia – 44 runs and Rtn Priyank Bharad - 36 runs conveying RCRG just about closer to victory. Kudos to the sportsman spirit and team work portrayed by RCRG. Wishing our players all the very best for the next time.Players ScoreRtn Killol Karia 44Rtn Hrishit Amlani 27Rtn Chandresh Tratiya 05Rtn Rajesh Parsana 03Rtn Kiran Amipara 21Rtn Kunal Makwana 05

Condolence MessageExtending cordial condolences on behalf of the entire RCRG fraternity for the heartrending demise of Jitendrabhai Parsana – elder brother of Rtn Rajesh Parsana. May his soul rest in eternal peace.

Moments of Pride for RCRG- 34th Open Saurashtra Lawn Tennis Tournament was organized on 17th Feb 2019, by Harvey Club

(Officers Gymkhana) – which was a team event . Rtn Killol Karia had represented Rajkot Gymkhana Club and they won against Surendranagar in the finals, rendering champions for the competition. Congratulations to Rtn Killol Karia for the well deserved victory.

- Annet Sahil Lakhani stood first in the under 18 – Maharani Narendrakumariba Open Saurashtra and Kutch Junior Lawn Tennis Tournament. Heartfelt congratulations to Annet Sahil Lakhani for the conquest.

Page 5: Introduction of the speaker – Nisha · success story of 47 years, from a shy, protected little girl to the confident

Review of Red Revolution in ContinuumMenstrual hygiene and management can be essential in ensuring that your everyday life is not interrupted by menstruation. It ensures that you can continue with your daily routine such as going to school, going to work or doing household chores. It can also prevent potential situations of embarrassment and in turn, make you feel confident about yourself and your body. Concurrent to the ploy, Red Revolution seminar in continuum had been organized by RCRG at Sunshine Group of Institution – Department of MCA on 20th Feb 2019 under the knowledgeable guidance of conurbation renowned gynecologist Ann Dr. Amee Mehta. The program was laid down in Open Panel Discussion format wherein students directly asked questions regarding Menstrual Hygiene and safe menstrual practices to the panelist Dr. Amee Mehta and Ann Vidhi Nathwani. It further strengthened the rationale underlying Red Revolution initiation – eliminating societal taboo bequeathed upon a completely normal Physiological process – “Menstruation” and providing students an opportunity to discuss problems pertaining to it without any hesitation.

The panelist Dr. Amee Mehta did a fabulous job – explaining each and every aspect precisely – providing scientific backdrop for age old menstrual myths and practices – further urging everyone to eliminate traditional menstrual observances at the present as – they are irrelevant for today’s generation. Ann Nivetha Amlani – brilliantly hosted the entire colloquium – abiding to the time constraints yet fulfilling the need of the hour. Ann Vidhi Nathwani demonstrated the simple and un-complicated methodology of making economical clothe pads at home – as a part of Red Revolution Program. The whole instigation was a result of the hard work, dedication and precise management of Ann Monika Mehta. She solitarily communicated with Sunshine College Managent and arranged such a useful seminar for adolescent students. Respectable appreciation - demonstrating unique thoughtfulness and eagerness to serve community above self. Last but not least, kudos to the dedication of our Secretary Rtn Ravi Chhotai and Rtn Kunal Mehta – being present at the seminar - signifying RCRG.

Editor’s Mashable - Best Of Luck RCRG Annets for your Board Examinations – “Play The Exams”March is an extremely crucial month for our young friends as they appear for the Class X and Class XII board examinations. Many students have their exams commencing soon, exams of some are already underway and for some exams will start in the days to come. I would like to wish all my young friends the very best for the examinations! Months of preparation, hard work, and occasional apprehension will boil down to the few hours in the exam hall.

The best way to tackle all issues and anxieties related to these exams is to treat the board exams as a game. ‘Play the exam’ instead of appearing for the same in a stressed frame of mind. Take it as an opportunity of self-growth and that is

Page 6: Introduction of the speaker – Nisha · success story of 47 years, from a shy, protected little girl to the confident

President’s DeskNever give up, that is just the place and time the tide will turn……

when the stress will instantly disappear! Your must remember what Swami Vivekananda said, “ ‘Have faith in yourself first’, that’s the way. Have faith in yourself — all power is in you — be conscious and bring it out. Say, ‘I can do everything.’ ‘Even the poison of a snake is powerless if you can firmly deny it.” Rise above any iota of negativity or self-doubt.

All of us have our own experiences of appearing for examinations. It brings back to the mind several anecdotes, both pleasant and some not so pleasant. Back in our time, examinations are not as competitive as they are today. The pressures of exams were even much lesser. Back in the day, if one got above 70% it was a matter of great joy but these days even if a student gets 90% he or she wonders, ‘where could I have done better!’ Truly, times have changed… My dear Annets, in between the gruelling daily academic routine, it is very important to take some time off to unwind. It can be simple things like hearing your favorite music, spending time with family-friends or catching up on a favorite television show. Performing Surya Namaskar and Pranayama during these times can enhance concentration and add much needed efficiency during exam time.

The Board examinations are not only about the journey of the student concerned. Behind every student appearing for the exams lie the sacrifices and travails of countless number of individuals, both known and unknown to the student. As you enter a crucial stretch of your academic journey, remember your parents who sacrificed their time, energy and showered their affection on you when you were studying till late at night. Remember your little sibling who did not watch television because it would distract your preparation, remember your teachers who worked so hard and patiently guided you when you needed them the most. I am sure their blessings will inspire you to work even harder and shine in the examinations and by doing well in the exams you will honor those who worked hard for you in your times of need.

The Board examinations mark not an end but a new beginning for the students! The students appearing for the board exams will now make some of the most important choices, which will impact their future. I am sure you all will make wise choices, keeping in mind your talents as well as interests. Though those days may seem years away right now, I would ask my young associates to make the most of the time they get after the board examinations. Go out and do things that fascinate you- travel, read; do things that you have not been able to do in the last one year. I would strongly urge youngsters to give time towards community service. This can truly expand the focus of your education. After all, the sole purpose of your studies is not to have a mark sheet that reads ‘A+, A+, A+’ but to have the confidence that your education will give back something to society. Swam Vivekananda rightly said, “I call him a traitor, who having been educated at the cost of society pays least heed to it.” Once again, wishing all Annets the very best for the exams!