Introduction Melting pot - Amazon ·...

Introduction Melting pot o The old view of how cultures should be Chef salad o New view Foods consumed were limited to native vegetation of the region Early agriculture emerged from temperate regions of earth that had access to water Domestication of animals followed Once people moved from being hunter/gatherers into agricultural-based societies, vast communities and cultures grew

Transcript of Introduction Melting pot - Amazon ·...

Page 1: Introduction Melting pot - Amazon · 2014-04-09 · Introduction • Melting pot o The old view of how cultures should


• Melting pot

o The old view of how cultures should be

• Chef salad

o New view

o Enjoy all the uniqueness of different cultures

• Food origins

o Geographical

o Cultural

o Historical

o Why do we eat the foods we do?

Friend chicken in the south

Backed bean dinners in the north

Hearty meals in the Midwest

Germans eat sausage and potatoes

Thailand has mangoes

• The immediate environment was early man’s source of food

• Early food habits

o Hunter-gatherers were limited by the food available in their environment

Diet determined by availability of food

Foods consumed were limited to native vegetation of the region

Early agriculture emerged from temperate regions of earth that had access to water

Domestication of animals followed

Once people moved from being hunter/gatherers into agricultural-based societies, vast communities and cultures grew

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With growth came wars, conquests, and exploration

As explorers began to travel over larger areas, trade routes developed

Foods that were native to one part of the world became available worldwide

Today’s food scene around world is complex

• While food is plentiful for some, some populations at risk because

of crop failures, natural disasters, and political problems.

• Production, distribution, and economic problems can lead to

serious food shortages

o Fire

o Smoking

Why did early man start smoking meat

• Agricultural developments

o 12,000 BCE—Grindstones used to make flour in Upper Egypt and Nubia

o 10,000 BCE—Wild emmer (wheat) was harvested in Palestine

o 9,000 BCE—Einkorn (a type of wheat) was eaten in Syria

o 8,000 BCE—Wheat, barley, and pulses (legumes) cultivated in Jericho

o 7,000 BCE—Goats and pigs were domesticated. Barley became a food crop

o 6,000 BCE—Farming established in Mesopotamia and Chine

o 5,000 BCE—Wet rice farming in Eastern China and maize in Mexico

o 4,500 BCE—Cattle used for plowing in the lower Danube.

o 3,500 BCE—Animals used for milk and wool in Europe. Plow introduced into

northern and western Europe.

o 3,000 BCE—Millet Grown in Korea

o 500 BCE—Wet rice farming in Japan

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• Luck of the draw

o What European countries eat horse?

• Influences determining diets

o Geography

o Environmental factors

o Water

o Growing conditions

• Irrigation has existed for thousands of years in the Nile valley

o What are two foods Egyptians ate more than anything else?

o What are some fruits they ate?

• Growing conditions

o Seasonal temperature

o Length of growing season

o Crops grow year round in countries close to the equator

• Trade

o Overland routes (silk route)

o Sea routes around Africa

o What are some things that were transmitted by people moving from one place to

another to conduct business?

• Ruins of Minoan King Knossus’ palace on the island of Crete

o When the castle was built

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o How water was brought to the palace

• Time line of cultures

o 3000 BCE—Egypt

o 2000 BCE—Sumerians (Persia)

o 2000 BCE-1200 BCE—Hittites (Turkey, Babylon, Syria)

o 1800 BCE-1280 CE—Chinese dynasties (China)

o ?-1625 BCE—Minoan (Crete)

o 1500 BCE-1100 BCE—Myceneans (Greek Peloponnesus, Crete, Sicily, Troy)

o 1200 BCE-612 BCE—Assyrians (Turkey, Babylon, Syria)

o 700 BCE-300 BCE—Greeks (Greece, Mediterranean to India)

o 612 BCE-331 BCE—Achaemenid Empire (Persian)—Middle East

o 350 BCE-1200 CE—Mayan Empire (Yucatan to Guatemala)

o ? BCE-284 CE—Roman Empire (Rome, Tunisia, Levant, Europe, England)

o 284 CE-493 CE—Western Roman Empire (Rome and Europe)

o 284 CE-1453 CE—Eastern Roman Empire (Constantinople to Adriatic)

o 1206 CE-1405 CE—Mongols (Middle East, Central Asia, China, Eastern Europe)

o 1300 CE-1533 CE—Incas (Peru and bordering regions)

o 1345 CE-1519 CE—Aztecs (Mexico to Guatemala)

• Machu Picchu, built by the Incas

o What was the purpose of Machu Piccu?

• Emerging trade routes

o What were the most important trade routes in Africa?

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o What did they transport across the Niger river?

o Africa

o The emerging trade started in the Ghana and Mali empires

o New world

• Food origins and destinations

o How & when did these foods get to these areas?

Europe to North America

• Cabbage

• Onions

• Pigs

Central America to Europe

• Chocolate

o Theobroma cacao

o The history of chocolate

How did the cocoa beans get to Europe?

Where do the best cocoa beans come from?

• Corn

• Sweet potato

• Tomato

Southeast Asia to Europe

• Spices

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China to Europe

• Rice

• Tea

East Africa to Europe

• Coffee

o What is the legend of how coffee was first found?

o How is coffee processed?

• Today’s food scene

o Populations at risk

Several African nations


North Korea

• Droughts cause food insecurity in Ethiopia and other nations

• Aspects affecting food supplies

o Production

o Distribution

o Economics

o We have plenty of food to feed to world but we cant get it to where it needs to go

Find web site/video that explains why this is

Chapter 2—Cultural Parameters

• Components of culture

o Country of birth

o Housing

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o Language

o Lifestyle

o The arts

o Literature

o Architecture

• Art in history

o What other character was famously depicted by Botticelli and others?

• The eating patterns of different cultures have meanings beyond nourishment

o The same food may have different unique meanings in different cultures

o Examples of food with diverse symbolism include salt and eggs

o This is part of people’s cultural identity

• Country of birth

o The economy and agricultural conditions of a country shape the food patterns of

the people within

• Far east

o Southeast asia and india are two of the worlds most popular tourist destinations,

and for good reasons

Tropical climate

Warm all year around

Fascinating culture

Gorgeous beaches

Wonderful food and charming people

Region of contrasts

o Know four countries in asia

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• Middle east

o Not a geographical region, like Africa, asia, or Europe

o Geographically, it denotes an area in which Africa, asia, and Europe interconnect

o Why call it the middle east?

• Jewish practices

o Rituals and religious observances grounded in Jewish Law

Halakhah, literally “the path one walks”

An elaborate framework of divine mitzvot, or commandments, combined with rabbinic laws and traditions, this law is central to Judaism

o How is the Jewish body prepared for burial?

• Hispanic Values

o Hispanic people are

Vibrant, socializing, and fun loving

o Most amazing culture fact

Hispanics have a deep sense of involvement in their family traditions and cultures

o Hispanic music just as vibrant as rest of culture

• Asian culture

o Culture of asia is human civilization in asia

o Features different kinds of cultural heritage of many nationalities, societies, and

ethnic groups in the region, tradionally called a continent from a western-centric perspective, of asia

• African culture

o Continent of Africa almost as old as earth itself

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o Music, art, literature, and cultural practices of Africa have provoked interest and

respect throughout the world

o The old belief that Africa is somehow childlike in its cultural development

denounced as people become more familiar with the rich traditions of the continent

• Identity made up of many parameters, including divers factors such as race, religion,

social order, and economic status

• Also influenced by geographic location, language, and housing, along with lifestyle,

literature, and the arts

• What is another name for cultural geography?


• Housing

o A family in a cultural group usually lives in circumstance similar to other people in

that group

o A house is a building that provides shelter, comfort, and protection. It is one of

man’s three most important necessities

o Before man knew how to build shelters, he lived in trees. The trees kept off some

of the rain

o Besides wood, what are some other building materials used throughout the


• Houses of worship

o Sacred architecture (religious architecture)

A religious architectural practice concerned with the design and construction of places of worship and/or sacred or intentional space, such as churches, mosques, stupas, synagogues, and temples

• Language

o The rosetta stone

o Roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the world today

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However, about 2,000 of those languages have fewer than 1,000 speakers

• Culture clash

o Most cultural groups have an artistic heritage that they consider their own

o In communities with great cultural diversity, there is a sharing and exchange of


• Literature

o The written record of a culture’s stories

o Storytelling, although a verbal form of literature, is passed from generation to


A universal means of communicating cultural traditions, values, and beliefs, as well as a vehicle for passing onn info about history, science, government, and politics

Some stories are new, others have been handed down from the anciencts

Since the earliest times, people of all cultures have used stories to help them explain a practice, belief, or natural phenomenon

How was acting born?

Was this a new way of storytelling?

• Architecture

o Public architecture can tell you something about your cultural past by the types of

buildings and their purpose

o Throughout life of mankind, there have always been architecture

o Houses, castles, even a room has to do with architecture

o Each room, house, or castle would have to conform to a certain type of mold and

have designs which were considered the norm of that period

• Immigration

o Not undermining the American experiment; it is an integral part of it

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o We are a nation of immigrants

o Successive waves of immigrants have kept our country demographically young,

enriched our culture and added to our productive capacity as a nation, enhancing our influence in the world

o What was the purpose of Ellis Island?

• Special messages of food

o Salt

Long history of use in rituals of purification, magical protection, and blessing.

Has been used throughout the ages as a ward against negative energies or evil spirits

The word “salary” comes from the latin word salarium, which means salt

When did salt become a commodity?

o Eggs

Celebrated since dawn of time, egg is a symbol of fertility, creation, and new life

Ancient Persian and celtic cultures celebrated the spring equinox with the gift of red-dyed eggs

What are some things that eggs symbolize?

Chapter 3—Religions

• Hinduism

o The oldest continuing religion in the world

o Hindu temple

Who dwells in the temples?

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o Prominent Hindu Gods




o Main beliefs

Caste system—social stratification and restriction into four main groups, plus the Untouchables group

Reincarnation—after the death of the body, the soul returns to live in a new body

Respect for life—divinity is thought to be infused with all beings, including plants and non-human animals

o Untouchables in India

Do the Untouchables still exist in modern India?

Is it legal?

o Holidays

During holidays throughout the year, many of the gods and goddesses hold prominent places during celebrations

o Food practices

Food is offered at shrines as part of religious beliefs

Many Hindus are vegetarian

Beef is sacred and not eaten

Who eats beef in india besides tourists?

• Buddhism

o History

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Began in 530 BCE

Based on teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

Prominent in Southeast Asia

o Foundations of Buddhism

The four noble truths

• What are they?


10 precepts (dasa-sila)

• The basic Buddhist code of ethics

o Buddhism in practice


Food practices

• Confucianism and Taoism

o Shintoism


• Which instrument plays a large part in Shinto festivals?


• Judaism

o Religious celebrations


• Seder plate

• What is Passover?


o Traditions

o Food practices

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Matzah—unleavened bread for passover

o Kashruth

• Christianity

o Religious holidays

o Food practices

o Christian churches

• Islam (muslim)

o Five pillars of Islam:

Shahada (creed)

Salat (prayers)

Saum (fasting)

Zukat (purifying tax)

Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)

o Roles

Islamic man

Islamic woman and child

o Architectural heritage

Who guards the pyramids?

o Historical perspective

Crusaders captured Jerusalem from Islam in 1099 CE

Saladin recaptured Jerusalem in 1187

Christianity overthrew the Moors in Spain in 1492

Ottoman Empire ended with World War II

o Muslim calendar

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Seasons—354-day lunar calendar

Holidays move through the seasons due to the difference of 11 days

o Dietary laws

Do not eat the flesh of carrion (animals found dead)

Do not consume blood in any form

Avoid swine

Do not eat food that was given as an offering to idols

Do not drink alcohol or other inebriating substances

o Islamic sects

Shiite—centered in Iran and Iraq

Sunni—Centered in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt

Sufis—a smaller sect including the Whirling Dervishes

• Seventh Day Adventist

o A protestant-based religion with emphasis on the Old Testament

o Begun in the United States

o Saturday is their day of rest

o They follow a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet

• Linking the religions together

o Video outlining six main religions of the world

o Video timeline showing how six main religions spread over time

Chapter 4—The British Isles

• Located off the coast of Europe

• Made up of England, Scotland, and Wales on the larger island, while Ireland and

Northern Ireland are situated on the smaller island

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• All these countries are part of the United Kingdom

• During 18th and 19th centuries, the British Empire was a major world power

• British isle influence on America

o Original colonists in America were from Great Britain

o Basis of American cuisine began with the preferences of these settlers for

familiar foods from their native roots

o What were some foods eaten at the first thanksgiving?

• Geographical overview

o Larger island




o Smaller island

Northern Ireland


• History and culture

o Stonehenge—1700 BCE

o Hadrian’s wall

o Monarchy

o Empire

• York Minster—A large Gothic cathedral in northern England

• 4 castles in Scotland

o Edinburgh Castle


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• Food patterns

o Differences in food patterns based on class distinction

o Higher class meal

o Peasant type meal

o Class influence



Afternoon tea

• What did Anna Maria, the 7th Duchess of Bedford of Woburn

Abbey in Bedfordshire do to change the history of tea drinking in England?



• Country distinction

o Isolated from the European continent

o Pubs exist throughout the area

o Many palaces, a heritage from the past, are present

• England

o Steak and kidney pie

o Shepherd’s pie

o Cornish pasties

o Mulligatawny

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o Toad-in-the-hole

o Sally Lun

• Scotland

o Haggis

What is haggis made of?

o Blood pudding

o Finnan Haddie

o Kippers

o Cockaleekie Soup

o Bannocks

o Shortbread

o What are a few ingredients that Americans may find unappetizing?

• Wales

o Cawl

A hearty broth which has been made in wales for hundres of years, especially on Wales’ national day, St. David’s Day, on March 1

The rich stew or soup is made with Welsh lamb or seafood, leeks, parsnips, potatoes and carrots

Traditionally takes hours to cook

o Laverbread

Not really bread, but a sea vegetable “pophrya Umbilicus” that is cleaned, boiled, and shredded to the consistency of cooked spinach

Very nutritious and tastes a bit like spinach, and is very high in vitamin C, calcium, iodine, and protein

o Pikelets

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o Welsh rarebit

• Ireland

o Irish stew

o Irish soda bread

o Corned beef and cabbage

o Pubs & Beer

What does it mean that a british pub was a “tied house”?

• Holidays

o Christmas


Plum pudding

• Influence on American cuisine

o Thanksgiving

Pumpkin pie usually prepared for the thanksgiving holiday dinner is a mix of English custard pie and the mashed pumpkins the native americans

o Fruits and veggies only available if they could survive the cold climate, which is

why the potatoes serve such an important role in the british and north European cuisine

o Traditional british cuisine relied heavily on animal products, including meat,

poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products

o British cuisine relied on naturalness and simplicity, yet the northern European

influence in american cuisine is the major contributing factor in high cholesterol and obesity in american culture today

• Sustainability in british cuisine

o An enormous amount of food waste is generated each year

o Decomposing food creates methane, a greenhouse gas

o How are sustainable practices being used to reverse the effects of food waste in

the British Isles?

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Chapter 5- Scandinavia

• Made up of Sweden, finland, Norway, and Denmark

• Due to geographic location in far north, climate has significant effect on culture

o An area of estremes—days that remain light for 24 hours during summer to days

that remain dark for 24 hours during winter

o Changes in available light cause a short, but plentiful growing season

• Food is saved from the summer to be used throughout the winter months

• Influenced by the sea

o Influenced history, culture, and cuisine throughout Scandinavia

• Scandinavia at-a-glance

o The people of Scandinavia share common bonds wrought by their Nordic

geography, culture, and history

o Norway’s unrivaled scenery offers soft adventure in clean air and pure water of

mountains, fjords, islands, and coasts

o Throughout Scandinavia world-class design and architecture embrace the depth

of human potential

• Sweden

o One of the largest countries in Europe, with great diversity in its nature and

climate. Distinctive yellow and blue flag is one of national emblems that reflect centuries of history between Sweden and its Nordic neighbors

o What is the meaning behind the Swedish idea of “lagom?”

o What was the activity representing traditional Swedish design and


• Denmark

o Based in northern Europe and is the smallest of the Scandinavian countries

o Kingdom of Denmark also has 2 autonomous provinces—the Faroe Islands and


the latter is over 500 times larger than Denmark but has 100 times less

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o the most southern country in Scandinavia, which makes the land mor cultivable

and suitable fore livestock

• Finland

o Diet combines traditional country fare and upper class cuisine with modern

continental style cooking

Spices have been adopted from both the east and west

o Finnish cultivated berries have a special taste due to the strains cultivated here

are different and ideally suited to the colder climate. These berries are used to make liqueurs and wine.

o Finland also has one of the oldes breweries in Scandinavia

o The midnight sun

What is the natural phenomenon of the midnight sun?

• Norway

o Land of the Norwegian Vikings is full of tradition exemplified by its rustic stave

churches, traditional foods and its fold dances, but it is also modern

This technologically-advanced nation is rich in petroleum and hydroelectric energy

o Considered one of the last great natural frontiers of the world

o Fish is popular

o When fish is slated and dried it is called what?

o Which fish is most popular?

• Scandinavian history and culture

o Vikings

Came from the Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway and Denmark). Later they settled on Iceland, great britain, Ireland, france and Russia

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Who did the Vikings build relationships with that began the integration of their cultures?

What city had a large Viking influence and became a major trading center for the Vikings?

o Rich political history

o Religion

The evangelical Lutheran church (den danske folkekirke) is state-supported. It accounts for about 83% of denmark’s religious affiliation

Denmark has had religious freedom guaranteed since 1849 by the constitution

Numerous other religions officially recognized, including several Christian denominations, muslim, jewish, Buddhist, hindu and other congregations as well as asatru, a revival of Scandinavian pagan traditions

o What restaurant was amed 3rd best restaurant in the world in 2009, and what city

is it in?

o Christmas in Scandinavia

Celebrated on the 24th of December in Scandinavia

• Begins with advent, the first Sunday in December

In Denmark and Sweden, the advent wreath carries four candles, one of which is lit on each of the four Sundays leading up to Christmas eve on the 24th December.

• They are often decorated with spruce twigs, red berries, moss and


Lucia night: December 13—dedicated to st. lucia, who represents the queen of the light

o Arts

Simplicity of design

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Appreciation of color and design

Rosemaling (bottom picture)

• Traditional folk art in Norway

• Translates into “decorative flower painting”

The arts flourished in the 18th and 19th centuries

o The food larder

Fish is a staple in Scandinavia

What is sweden’s most traditional fish?

Crops are limited

Danes are noted for animal products

Norwegians make some cheese

o Smoking

Foods have been preserved by smoke-curing since before the dawn of recorded history

People in all cultures the world over have relied on the smoke-curing of fish and meat products for long-term storage

Smoking today is used to enhance flavor

How do you stop the curing process before smoking?

What is used to neutralize any remaining salt?

o Meat

One of the main elements of any Scandinavian meal

Fish represent a large percentage of the meat found in Scandinavian dishes

• Both saltwater fish like the herring and inland water fish like, trout

or almon, are prepared in hundreds of ways and recipes

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Tasty and original inlagd sill—which is a dish of picked herrings—is accompanied by different fish soup types

Surstromming is a dish of Baltic herring and salmons also find their special place in the Swedish and Norwegian cuisine in dishes such as the gravid lax

Moose and deer meat are also used sometimes to prepare traditional dishes, but pork and poultry are still predominant

Dishes like smorgasbord and kottbullar, the tasty Swedish meatballs, should be on your list if you ever eat out in a Scandinavian restaurant or if you visit any of the Scandinavian countries

o Food patterns


• Rommegrot—breakfast porridge

• Lefse—flatt bread

• Fiskebeller—fish balls

• Finnbiff/Reindeer Stew

o Reindeer is synonymous with Sami culture and life but the

Norsemen have readily accepted the goodness of reindeer cuisine

o A dish that is icon of Norwegian culture is finnbiff, or

reindeer stew


• Kringle—nut filled coffee cake

• Frikadeller—danish meatballs


• Karelian stew—mixed meat stew

• Lanttulaatikko—rutabaga casserole


• Spritsar—ring-shaped cookies

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• Arter med flask—pea soup with pork

• Sillgratin—herring and potato bake

Finnbiff/Reindeer Stew

• Reindeer is synonymous with Sami culture and life but the

Norsemen have readily accepted the goodness of reindeer cuisine

• A dish that is icon of Norwegian culture is finnbiff, or reindeer stew

• Sustainable Scandinavia

o Sustainability has been important in Sweden for years

Many people buy organic or grow their own food

o Oslo’s urban agriculture and organic foods

o What kind of programs does Sweden provide for children and adults to learn

about sustainable farming?

Chapter 6—Central Europe

• Geographic overview

o Germany

o Austria

o Switzerland

o Benelux




• Central Europe

o While there were many wars in this region through 20th century, Switzerland

remained neutral in these battles

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The considerable interchange among the other countries has caused numerous changes in boundaries and some melding of cultures

o There are distinct differences in cuisine, especially among special holiday dishes

o Central Europe is also birthplace of many of the classical composers and artists

• History

o Trading powers

Dutch East India Company

• Chartered in 1902 to protect and control dutch trade in the indian

ocean, and game them a monopoly of trade in the east

• What main product did the Dutch East India Company supply to



o Powerful trading families

Habsburg family—originated in Switzerland, and had many influences and titles in Austria and Germany

o The world wars

World war I (1914-1918)

• Allied powers

o Britain, france, Italy, Russia, Serbia, US

• Central powers

o Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

• Austria declared war on Serbia, then Germany declared war on


• Results

o Collapse of Austria-Hungary Empire and Ottoman Empire

—remapped central Europe

World war II (1939-1945)

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• Germany invaded Poland; britain and france declared war on


• Axis powers—germany, Italy, japan

• Allied powers—united Kingdom, soviet union, US

• Results

o Germany was divided into east and west Germany with

berlin wall separating them

• united nations was formed

• culture

o holidays and celebrations

the netherlands

• many celebrate religious holidays such as easter and Christmas

• Christmas is celebrated over 2 days, Dec 25 & 26

• Christmas dinner includes a roast and vegetables

• Kerstkrans—christmas puff pastry wreath filled almond paste filling


• Celebrates Christian holidays such as easter and Christmas

• Christmas—also celebrated over Dec 25 & 26.

o 26th is called boxing day

• Christmas dinner contains roast goose with sides ranging from

potatoes, cabbage, and sauerkraut

• Oktoberfest

o Began with a royal wedding in 1810

o Citizens of munich were invited to attend the festivities held

on the fields in front of the city gates to celebrate the event

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o Today the beer celebration is the largest festival in the

world with carousels, roller coasters, and activities for all age

o In 2010, Oktoberfest celebrated its 200th anniversary

o Only wars and choler epidemics have briefly interrupted

the yearly celebration

o The arts

Many composers of classical music are from this region, including bach, handel, Beethoven, brahms, and wagner from Germany and Mozart and strauss from Austria

Much of the most prized art was created by artists from central Europe, like the Flemish painters Pieter brueghel the elder and Pieter brueghel the younger, jan brueghel, rubens, and van dyck

The Netherlands also gave us Rembrandt, van gogh, and Vermeer

• Know these foods

o Switzerland




• What is added to the cheese to make fondue?


Gruyere cheese factory

• After pressing into the mold, how long until the gruyere is ready?

o The netherlands




o Belgium

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Belgian waffles

Belgian endive




Belgium chocolate

• Considered to be the courmet standard for how other chocolates

are compared to

• Godiva is one of many famous Belgium chocolage brands

• What is a Belgium praline?


o Germany



• German for “sour cabbage”

• Although its though of as a german invention, Chinese laborers

building the great wall of chine over 2,000 years ago ate it as standard fare

• When making sauerkraut, how long must it have to sit before it is

ready to serve?





Know some foods that originated in Germany that are common in the US

• Potato salad, deviled eggs, dill pickles, pickled beets, sugar

cookies, meatloaf, mashed potatoes, pot roast, beef stew, chicken and dumplings, doughnuts, and chocolate cake

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The cuisine

• Rich sauces, delicate asparagus, fragrant hams, earthy, musty

breads, and eye-watering mustards, and its almost legendary balance of assertive, gamey meats with green herbs and rich compotes make it one of the great cold-weather cuisines

• The “meat and potatoes” concept originates in Germany

• Beer is a german import; we consume 35 gallons per person per


• Hamburgers and frankfurters get their names from german cities

Food and culture timeline

• Pre-1000 CE: Germany begins

o Chinese taught romans, who taught germans how to make


o Romans colonized area and brought their eating and

drinking habits

• Pre-renaissance

o Poor agricultural methods: preserved food, smoked,

picked, marinated, salted

o Famous for sausages and west phalian ham

• 1200 CE

o Germany affected by dutch and Danish influence

• Late renaissance: 1200-1300s

o Exotic spices introduced as people became affluent

o Middle eastern influence brought marzipan and almond


• Lat e1400s

o Cookbook collections began

o Peruvian potatoes, Malaysian mustards, and Persian

almonds and saffron

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• Mid 1700s

o Fredrick the great commanded that the potato be planted

all over his empire

o Coffee, sugar, and rice, which were previously enjoyed

only by the rich, were now available to the masses

o Austria

Wiener schnitzel

• Traditionally made with veil, today many use pork

Apfel strudel, sacher torte

• Where did sacher torte come from?


Well known and traditional Austrian foods

• Beer

o A favorite beverage throughout central Europe

o Name a beer from central Europe seen in the US today

o History

Historians speculate that prehistoric nomads may have made beer from grain and water before learning to make bread

200 AD—Beer-making is firmly established as a commercial enterprise in Germany, Austria, and England

When was the first commercial brewery opening in the US?

Why was beer trusted over water?

What country did lager beers originate?

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• Sustainability in central Europe

o How is central Europe’s food and culture being changed by

sustainability/becoming more sustainable?

o What are the goals of the sustainable farming program at the swiss university

o What even did franklin college students recently participate in to clean up local


o What other sustainable projects are students at franklin college participating in?

Chapter 7—Eastern Europe

• Geographic overview

o Baltic states




• What is the capital and largest city in Lithuania?


o Poland

o Belarus

o Russia

o Ukraine

o Moldova

o Czech republic

o Slovakia

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o Hungary

o Romania

o The Balkans




Bosnia herzegovnia




• Overview

o Over the centuries, countries of eastern Europe have been conquered by many

different invaders, from the romans, byzantines, and ottomans to the soviets

o There have been many conflicts, not only based on border disputes, but also on

the many religions that are practiced in this region

o Religions include

Orthodox, muslim, protestant, Judaism, and roman catholic

o Furthermore, communication itself is difficult, with languages based on different


Yet there is a cultural richness to the region, with many musicians, composers, and artists as well as philosophical and political ideologies coming from the area

o The many different rulers of the countries as well as the religions that

predominate have influenced the region’s food

• A history of invasions

o Illyrians—groups of tribes in Balkan region

o Magyars—magyar tribes migrated into what is modern day hungary around 889

o Tatars—lived in what is present day Russia and Kazakhstan

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o Tsars—oficial titles of great rulers in the first and second Bulgarian empire,

Serbian, empire, tsarsdom of Russia

o World war I—Many Balkan regions and other easter European countries were

invaded by Austria-hungary nd Germany

o World war II—many eastern European countries fell under soviet influences

• Rich history of musicians

o Chopin

Polish pianist

o Rubinstein

Russian pianist, composer, & conductor

o Dvorak

o Smetana

o Liszt

o Bartok

o Tschaikovsky

• Russia

o St. Basil’s Cathedral and Red Square

Landmarks of Moscow, the capital of Russia

Who ordered the building of St. Basil’s Cathedral?

o History and cuisine

Russia—Pre CE

• Scythians leave Asia and go west and bring

o Chinese noodles, red meat, soured dough, kasha

(buckwheat grain)

o Salting and smoking fish

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800 CE

• Kiev (on major trade route between Scandinavia and

Constantinople) becomes major spice market

o Cardamom, cinnamon, ginger

o Potatoes & oils from Poland and Italy

1200s CE

• Mongols storm west leave culinary marks all over Russia

o Yogurt, sweet fermented alcoholic drinks, boiled meats,

bread and pasta

• Southern area

o The byzantine empire, Bulgaria, Serbia and central

Hungary fell to the Ottoman Turks, who preferred spitted meats and pilafs to fruit-sweetened stews


• Peter the great brings Russia on a culinary binge

o Imported European chefs: Dutch, French, and german


o New vegetables and other foods: asparagus, potatoes,

lettuce, sauce making, mincing meats, blending pastry, coffee

o Ottoman empire conquered by Russia: fields of bell

peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants

• Anthony bourdain explores Russia

o What alcohol is Russia known for?

o Where in alexander garden do newlyweds go to pay tribute

to lives lost in world war II?

o What is the Russian flatbread called?

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Food patterns—Russia

• Shchi

• Borsch

• Kasha

• Shashlyk

• Pirozhki

• Vodka

• Samovar

• Poland

o History and cuisine

1400s Poland

• Bona Sforza—italian queen of Milan

o Ice cream, pasta

1700s-1800s—poland annexed

• Cuisine became smoked meats and world renowned pastries

• Hapsburgs

• Matched the pastry dough of the middle east mixed with sweet

cream, chocolate, and spun sugar from Vienna

Food patterns—poland

• Polish food has an Italian influence due to an Italian-born queen

and, later, a ruler from the de medici family

• Kielbasa

• Bigos

• What is pierogi?


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• How is golonka sold?


• Choldink is the polish version of what?


• Hungary

o History and cuisine

1500s—ottoman turks

• Italian queen Beatrice of naples

o Pasta and whisking of meat juices into cream sauces

o Pilafs, flat breads, eggplant, phyllo dough (treat tortes &

strudels of Budapest)

o Trade with spain and Portugal

o Tomatoes, paprika, chillies, and corn

Food patterns—hungary

• Paprika

• Goulash

• Strudels and tortes with whipped cream

• What is the most popular meat in hungary and how is usually



• What alcoholic beverage comes out of hungary?


• Baltic region

o Food patterns—baltic countries

Soured milk

Sour cream—many potato dishes go well with sour cream.

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Soft cheese

Root vegetabels


Two soft cheese vegetables from this region

What type of breads will you find in the Baltic countries?

What is kisel?

What seasonings are common in this region?

• Czech republic and Slovakia

o History and cuisine—czech republic

Cuisine influenced historically by the surrounding regions that dominated the country

Cuisine considered heavy and very filling, with meals centered on meats and starches.

• This is because Czech winters are long and cold, which does not

allow for a variety of fresh vegetables

What agricultural product is the exception to the lack of vegetables due to climate?

Since the Czech republic does not have proximity to water seafood is limited. However, what fish is most common?

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o Food patterns—czech republic and Slovakia

Czechs drink beer—prague is considered the worlds capital for beer

Slovakians prefer wine and slivovitz, a plum brandy


Czech food

Czech Christmas customs

What is the main meat in the Czech republic?

What is a traditional Czech Christmas meal?

• Balkan region

o Slovenia

o Croatia

o Yugoslovia

o Bosnia herzegovnia

o Albania

o Macedonia

o Bulgaria

o Bulkan food

Food in the Balkan peninsula depended upon the historic, geographical, climatic,, social, and religious elements of each country

3 main cultural areas

• Mediterranean

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• Continental lowland

• Continental mountain areas

Food culture of Balkan peninsula displays Asian as well as wes European influences

Burek, a food specialty in the Balkans

• What is burek?


• Why are the edges cut?


Which of the 3 main areas is largely agricultural?

Which area has important sheep farming?

o Food patterns


Turkish coffee





• Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria

o The cuisine

Strong Turkish ties since they are close geographically

Moussaka, kebobs, baklava

There are also still strong traces of jewish kosher-inspired cuisine in the eastern European areas

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o Food patterns—romania




Halloween festivities

What is mititei (mici)?

What are some of the ingredients used to prepare mititei?

o Bulgarian history

Castles fortified part of bulgaria’s rugged terrain in past centuries

• The baba vida fortress is one of the well preserved medieval

castles in Bulgaria

• What city is the castle in?


• Where does the name baba vida come from?


• Sustainability in eastern Europe

o Not as advanced in sustainability as other parts of the world, but progress is

being made

o Only sustainable farm in the Czech republic

Who can visit the farm?

What might you learn if you went there?

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What important bug is disappearing worldwide, but critical for the production of fruits and vegetables

Chapter 8—Italy

• Located in southern Europe and, with its unique boot shape, can be easily picked out on

a map

• It has a wonderful growing climate and access to the Mediterranean sea

• As a society, it thrived from the early Etruscans in Tuscany to Rome and the roman


• When roman empire fell and dark ages took hold, individual city-states eventually


• Was the Medici family of Florence and the Renaissance that stimulate Italian musicians,

artists, and authors in the 14th century

• Unique culinary specialties from northern Italy, central Italy, and southern Italy ehlp

define the different regions

• Geographic overview

o Located in Europe

o Southern side of the alps down to the Mediterranean sea

• History and culture

o Early societies

The earliest group to develop a society was the Etruscans

o Empire building

The roman empire controlled many areas of the western world

Victor Emmanuel II was crowned king in mid 19th century

o Artistic achievements


• Leonardo da vinci

• Michelangelo

• Botticelli

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• Verdi

• Puccini


• The Pantheon

• The coliseum

• Leaning Tower of Pisa

o Religion

Largely catholic

Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi

• Who was St. Francis of Assisi?


• What was his response to blindness and suffering?


o Cuisine

Multicultural cuisine



• Introduce garlic, wine, and olive oil

• Fish chowders

Arabs and Byzantines brought:

• The “mother cuisine”

• Table manners

• Indonesian aromatics, all spice, ginger

• Balsamic vinegar

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• Secret of ice cream from (Chinese)

• Encouraged Italians to cultivate rice, thus bringing “risotto”

Spanish influence

• Introduced tomatoes, corn, chocolate, zucchini, and hot peppers

they had found while searching for gold in the New World (the Americas)

• Word “salsa” used today almost exclusively for the tomato-pepper

condiment in central and south American cuisine, which was picked up by the Spanish from the Italian word for “sauce,” which in turn had come from the romans’ lavish use of salt—“sal”

• We owe that culinary favor at least in part to cristoforo Colombo of



• Some of the best popular Italian cheeses


• What milk is used to make pecorino?


• Parmesan is named for what?


• What is the method called for making romano?


• Which cheeses are hard, semi-hard, or soft

o Parmigiano

o Romano

o Fontina

o Gorgonzola

o Mozzarella

o Ricotta

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o Mascarpone


• Veal—osso buco

• Parma hams—prosciutto

• Sausages

o Toscana

o Salami

A term describing any type of encased meat product

Origin of word comes from latin word “salumen” which describes a mix of salted meats

Long history, even pre-dating ancient rome

Over these centuries regional variatons as well as preparation techniques have created various types of these sausages

o Mortadella

o Pepperoni

o How to make Italian sausage

What do you rinse the casings with?

After grinding the sausage what is added prior to placing sausage in the casing?

o More on salami and the different types

o Salami is produced in its native geographic regions of Italy

o Which type of Salami is the exception and produced in all

areas of Italy?

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• Continental breakfast

o Caffe latte

• Lunch and dinner

o Antipasto (before pasta)

o Bruschetta

o Olives

o Pasta

o Meat

o Espresso

o Cappuccino

o Pannetone

• Italian coffee

o Espresso, caffe normale, cappuccino: there are many

types of coffee drinks in Italy

o In Italy there is a coffee drink for different times of day or


o A caffe corretto is thrown back like a shot, cappuccino and

brioche for breakfast, or a cranita di caffe con panna to cool off from the hot midday sun

o Which type of coffee is never drank after lunch or dinner in


Italian wines

• Italy is one of the oldest wine regions in the world, history of Italian

wine has roots that are even older

• Italy is largerst producer of wine in world with more vineyards than

any other place, including france

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• What are three main regions for the finest Italian wines?


• Common types of wine

o Chianti (Tuscany)

o Brunello di Montalcino (tuscany)

o Vino Nobile di Montepulciano (Tuscany)

o Barolo (Piedmont)

o Barbaresco (Piedmont)

o Moscato d’Asti (Piedmont)

o Asti (Piedmont)

o Soave (Veneto)

o Pinot Grigio (mostly Northern Italy)

o Barbera (mostly Piedmont and Lombardy)

o Super-Tuscan (Tuscany)

Italian desserts

• Cannoli

• Cassata

• Tiramisu

• Biscotti

• Panna Cotta

• Crostata di Frutta—Fruit and Custard Tart

Italian Cuisine By Region

• Northern Italy

o Cuisine characterized by less use of olive oil, pasta, and

tomato sauce, and more use of butter (or lard), rice, corn (for polenta) and cheeses for cream sauces

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o Main courses often reflect the people’s pride in their

unspoiled countryside and are likely to include some sort of game or wild fowl such as rabbit, quail, or grouse

o Lombardy is known for what?

o Where is basil Pesto sauce from?

o Generous servings of meat

o Rich sauces

o Risotto

o Polenta

o How is gnocchi made?

o What are the basic ingredients in gnocchi?

• Central Italian Cuisine

o Much of what the rest of the world considers Italian food

hails from central regions of Italy

o Smooth olive oils, world-famous cheeses, savory cured

meats, and rich tomato sauces

o Beef dishes can be found more often here

o Both coasts share their love of locally caught seafood

o What city and location is Italian cooking claimed to have


o What is the most well known roman specialty?

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o Olives

o Pasta

o Olive oil

Different grades and how each is made

Made by pressing the olives and extracting the oil

Modern methods used industrial decanters to separate phases of centrifugation

Extra virgin is from the first cold press

Color can vary

o Beans

o Lighter sauces than the north

o Wines—Chianti

o Vinegars

Balsamic vinegar

• What region is balsamic vinegar of Modena



• What is the first step in making balsamic



• How long do you cook the musk?


Made of boiled sweet grapes that are made into a syrup and then aged

Vinegar can be aged from 3 to 150 years

o Prosciutto di parma

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How many days does it spend in the salting room?

How long is the curing process?

o Parmigiano reggiano (parmesan cheese)

How are the cheese curds gathered?

Why does the wheel spend time in brine?

• Southern Italian cuisine

o Rich and spicy tomato sauces

o Home to citrus fruits, fields of durum wheat for pasta, olive

groves, and vineyards.

o Seafood enjoyed from tuna to anchovies, clams to sea


o Where is the birth place of modern pizza?

o What is the most well known dish in sicily?

o What is the meat of choice in southern Italy?

o Pork

o Pasta

Fresh pasta, often ribbon shaped, is the choice in the north

Dried pasta, often tubular, is the choice in the south

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Where is pasta originally from?

Spaghetti and lasagna pastas are dried vertically or horizontally?

Where did commercial production of pasta start?

o Pizza

A baked pie of Italian origin consisting of a shallow bread-like crust covered with seasoned tomato sauce, cheese, and often other toppings

The word pizza is believed to be an old Italian word meaning “a point” which became the Italian word “pizzicare,” meaning “to pinch” or “pluck”

What prompted the first simple pizza? (hint: 16th century)

Where did the name “pizza margherita” get its name?

Who opened the first pizzeria in new York?

Why are people skeptical about tomatoes?

What is the main reason that new York pizza tastes different from traditional Italian pizza?

o Bread

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o Tomatoes

o Eggplant

o Anthony Bourdain in Southern Italy

What is panella?

What was the desert eaten in the video?

What are the common nuts in the areas used in the dessert?

Chapter 9—France

• Geographic overview

o Bordered by:






• Geography allows for a diverse selection of crops. It has several unique regions for

growing produce for both food and wine

• Has often been a leader in the arts and fashion. Importance of food and fine dining has

made French food known for both haute cuisine as well as provincial fare

• French renowned for their artisan bread

o Breads as varied and unique as the regions in france

• Sausage making tradition in france has lasted well over 2000 years

• What is baguette?

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• What is boudin noir?


• Regions

o Ile de France

o Ardennes

o Normandy

o Brittany

o Bordeaux

o Perigord

o Languedoc Roussillon

o Provence

o Burgundy

o Alsace Lorraine

o Champagne

• History and culture

o Religion

80% of population is catholic

o Rich history of arts and architecture

o French figures

Escoffier—French chef who wrote the original French cuisine cookbook

• Three of his most noted career achievements are revolutionizing

and modernizing the menu, the art of cooking, and the organization of the professional kitchen

• He simplified the menu as it had been, writing the dishes down in

order in which they would be served

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• Also developed first a la carte menu

• How did Escoffier simplify the art of cooking? (2 ways)



• How did he simplify the professional kitchen organization?


Monet—impressionist artist


Brillat-Savarin—author of The Physiology of Taste

Renoir—impressionist artist

Victor Hugo—Author of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables

Julia child

• Moved to france in 1948 where she developed a penchant for

French cuisine

• Collaborated on a two-volume cookbook, which was considered

groundbareaking, and has isnce become a standard guide for the culinary community

• Goal to adapt sophisticated French cuisine for mainstream


• What was the name of her famous French cookbook?


• What was the name of the TV series she appeared on for



• She was the first woman inducted into which hall of fame?


o Haute cuisine

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Haute cuisine is good that it is prepared in an elegant or elaborate manner; very finest food, prepared perfectly

French word haute translates as “high” or “superior” and cuisine as “cooking”

Foundation of modern day French cooking was laid in 1500s when benchmark “haute cuisine” was introduced into French courts by Italian Catherine de Medici

What ingredients did Italians bring to French food?

When did French cooking begin to resemble modern French food?

Notable French haute cuisine chefs

• Escoffier

• Julia child

• Brillant Savarin

• Provincial French cooking

o Brittany

Breton cuisine is very popular for seafood and pancakes

Responsible for 20% of France’s entire cattle raising, produces 20% of its milk and 33% of its butter

What is crepes?

What is Gallette?

o Normandy

Emphasis on dairy


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Camembert cheese

Coquille St. Jacques

Normandy produces 25-30% of France’s _______?

Normandy is Frances largest producer of _______?

What is the traditional drink in this region?

o Alsace-Lorraine

Quiche Lorraine

Mirabelle of Lorraine

Choucroute garnie

Coq au reisling

o Burgundy

Bouef bourguignon


Coq au vin

Cuisine is known for its richness, due in large part to two factors:

• Regions heavy red wines

• Possession of one of the world’s finest breeds of beef cattle, the


Charollais is cattle country giving its name to one of the world’s mos illustrious breeds of cattle

• The white, curly-haird and stocky charollais, bred for its lean meat

A vineyard in burgundy

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• What grape variety is in white wines from burgundy?


• What main grape varieties is in red wines from this region?


o Provence

Originally a greek colony, provence was part of roman empire and eventually became incorporated into france in 15th century

Warm weather, coastal location, and impact of other Mediterranean culinary forces produce a cuisine at odds with the stereotypical conception of French food

Although the greek incluences are evident, provence’s gastronomy is more akin to neighboring Italy than the rest of france


• Emphasis on flavorful herbs

• Herbs de Provence

o Native to provence, this mixture of aromatic plants contain

rosemary, marjoram, basil, savory and thyme

o Many of these plants grow so abundantly in provence- in

particular thyme and rosmary- that a hike along even the most remote of areas will often awaken your senses to their presence

• Ratatouille

o Vegetable stew from Nice, in the Provence Alpes Cote

d’Azur region

• What is bouillabaisse?


• What is a popular provencal sandwich?


• What is the Provencal wheat-based pizza?

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o Perigord

Less elaborate style

Pate de foie gras

• Foie gras

o French for “fat liver”

o It is a food product made of the liver of a duck or goose

that has been specially fattened

• This fattening is typically achieved thorugh gavage (force-feeding)

corn, according to French law, though outside of france it is occasionally produced using natural feeding


Duck and goose specialties

• French dining

o Auguste Escoffier said: “when we examine the story of a nation’s eating habits…

then we find an outline of the nation’s history”

o Food is a subject of prime importance to every French person. It is not

uncommon for suggestions for the day’s menus to be discussed by family members at the breakfast table over a hot drink, breads, and preserves

o Traditional French food recipes are treasured and the happy purchase of a young

vegetable or a fine piece of meat will send the whole family into rapturous anticipation of the “special dish”

o Etiquette for dining in paris

Know the 3 rules mentioned for ordering at a restaurant in france

What is the name of one of the oldest restaurants?

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o Dining patterns

Le petit dejeuner

Le gouter

Le aperitif

o French desserts


Crème brulee

Fruit tart

Crème caramel

Cream puffs with chocolate sauce

Chocolate soufflé

o French breads

How French bread is made

• How long was the bread kneaded before the dough was ready?


• How long did the dough sit in the bowl to rise?


• Why is a baker’s couche used?


When should spraying the loaves I the oven be done?


• How can you tell if the dough is properly kneaded?


• What type of pan is usually used for baking brioche?

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• How is the usual brioche shape made?


o French sauces

Hollandaise sauce

Veloute sauce

Béarnaise sauce

Bordelaise sauce

Béchamel sauce

• The less thickening power of a roux is result of what?


• Why is the roux cooked?


• What do you stud the onion with?


• What do you look for to be able to tell if the sauce is thick enough?

o French wine

France is the source of many grape varieties that are now planted throughout the world, as well as wine-making practices and styles of wine that have been adopted in other producing countries

France has the second largest area for vineyards, 2nd to spain

Many French regions date their wine making to roman times

Burgundy produced the best of which type of red wine?

Where did pinot grigio and Riesling come from?

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What type of wines are Beaujolais?

What type of wines are Pauillac?

What type of wines are Sauternes?

Know the three terms to describe champagnes taste

o Champagne

Early sparkling wines were the result of an accident

Most “vin gris” (wine) in france wa drunk youn, but when shipped abroud in cask, the warm spring weather frequently set off a secondary fermentation, still underway when the wines arrived

The cork stopper was an advantage the landlocked provinces of France did not yet enjoy

These delicate new wines were bottled immediately upon their arrivl, and retained, in more or less haphazard fashion a lively sparkle

Considerable academic and commercial interest begun on the part of the Champenois


• Who were the two cellar masters who perfected sparkling wine?


• Sustainable tourism in France

o In paris, efforts are being made to make tourism more sustainable

What kinds of efforts are being made to make travel to Paris more eco-friendly?

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What are some ways you can be a more responsible tourist when visiting paris?

Chapter 10—The Iberian Peninsula

• Made up of spain and Portugal

• Whiel officially part of Europe, the Pyrenees mountains effectively isolate it from the rest

of Europe

• It has a varied geography that allows for a diversity of crops

• The romans, Germanic tribes, and the moors have occupied the peninsula

• Religion changed with each invasion from Catholicism to islam and, with the defeat of

the moors, back to ctholicism

• Spain and Portugal

o Spain credited with columbus’s voyage leading to the discovery of north America

in 1492

o Portugal gained independence from spain the the seventeenth century

o Pattern of eating is different on the Iberian Peninsula compared to the rest of

Europe, with a large meal at lunch followed by a siesta, especially in the summer.

o A light tapas snack with drinks near evening is followed late at night with a large


o Meals

How does Portuguese food differ from Spanish cuisine?

What kind of desserts are served in these countries?

From what does most of spain and portugal’s food originate from?

• Olive oil

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o Smooth, vibrant, bold. Just like a fine wine, the varietal climate and region

determine an olive oil’s taste. From southern olive groves of andalucia to the northern region of catalonia, spain, the number one producer of olive oil, offers the largest variety of unique oils that are as distinctive and diverse as nature itself

o Which oil is good for salads and gazpachos?

o Which oil is best uncooked?

• History and culture

o Foreign influences


• Had an enormous influence on life in spain

• Farmland flourished when the Moors introduced sophisticated

methods of irrigation

• Moors built beautiful palaces, public baths, schools, and gardens

• Moors were also very knowledgeable about math and science

• Under the moors, spain becamed a center of learning and culture

• When the moors ruled spain—Alhambra

o What does the name “Alhambra” mean?

o Who was the first person to write down geometric


o What is every detail of the Alhambra based upon?

El Cid

o Exploration and colonization

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Spanish explorers

• Caravels

• Prince henry, the navigator

• Magellan

• Bartolomeu Diaz

• Vasco De Gama

• Cortes

The inquisition

• Ferdinand and Isabella

• Jews

• Moors

• Who started the Inquisition?


• How did the Inquisition move to spain?


• When was the inquisition abolished in spain?


o Language



o Religion



Remnants of the moors

• Mosque at cordoba

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o The arts


• Velazquez

• Murillo

• El Greco

• Goya

• Picasso

• Miro

• Dali


• Fado

o Literature

Miguel de Cervantes—“Don Quixote”

Most influential work from the Spanish Golden Age

Published in two volumes a decade apart

• Portugal

o The following slides will contain information specific to the culture and cuisine in


o Simple breakfast

o Hearty lunch and dinner

Pork and fish are substantial

Peppers, onions

Tomatoes, potatoes

Milk is part of the meal, not a beverage

o Cuisine

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What ingredients will you see in many Portuguese dishes?


Cozido a portuguesa


Caldo verde

What are some common desserts?

Who originally created many of the pastires?


• Portugal is world famous for fortified wines, principally port itself

and madeira, made on portugal’s atlantic island outpost

• Purely to enable the wines to survive the long, hot sea voyages,

red wines were fortified by the addition of spirits

• This was the beginning of one of the world’s greatest wines and

wine-making techniques

• Port wines

o Where is the center for making port wines?

o What is a late bottled vintage port?

o Where are ports made?

o How do they stop the fermentation process?

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o What is the name of he machine that resembles stomping

the grapes?
