Introduction Letter by Saudi Council of Engineers

179097 1 23/04/1435 23/02/2014 Introduction Letter TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Saudi Council of Engineers hereby cetifies that Engineer MOHAMMAD ALSARHAN 2308950167 179097 has been registered with SCE as follows: Identity No: Membership ID: Registered degree Engineer Validity: This certification is issued upon his request without any liabilities towards the Council. Best regards, 2308950167 179097 1437-11-12 1437-11-12

Transcript of Introduction Letter by Saudi Council of Engineers

Page 1: Introduction Letter by Saudi Council of Engineers


23/02/2014ھــ23/04/1435التاریخ م)(

محمد نمر مطلق السرحان

األمین العام

د. غازي بن سعید العباسي

/ س

خطاب تعریفIntroduction Letter

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNالى من یھمھ االمر

Saudi Council of Engineers hereby cetifies that Engineer بھذا تشھد الھیئة السعودیة للمھندسین بأن


الدرجة المھنیةمھندس

و قد اعطیت ھذة الشھادة بناء على طلبھ و بدون ادنى مسئولیة تجاه الھیئة.

و تقبلوا خالص تحیاتنا


has been registered with SCE as follows:Identity No:Membership ID:Registered degree


This certification is issued upon his request without any liabilities towards the Council.

Best regards,



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