Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory...

Introducing MyStory Next Generation Case Management A joint venture between:

Transcript of Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory...

Page 1: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation

Introducing MyStoryNext GenerationCase Management A joint venture between:

Page 2: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation

What is MyStory?MyStory is a person centered case management solution that keeps the child’s voice at the centre of all decision making.

providing reporting to inform agency service planning and review.

MyStory responds effectively to the changing needs of a wide range of clients, including multicultural communities, kinship carers and homeless youth. It also helps ensure that children, youth, families, carers and multiple agencies can work together to achieve positive outcomes.

MyStory has been developed for the Australian practice context and helps agencies meet legislative child protection obligations and reporting requirements.

Designed by practitioners for practitioners, MyStory allows workers to spend more time helping children and families, and less time on administration.

We’ve taken all the best elements of our existing case management systems and enhanced them to bring the sector next generation technology in child and family case management.

Backed by both a dedicated local IT and a training and support team, MyStory guides and supports workers in their day to day work with individual clients, while

Page 3: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation

MyStory is aligned to the National Standards for Out-of-Home Care (OOHC). It is also a Priority Project under the National Framework for Protecting Australia’s children 2009-2020, as chosen by the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs.

See MyStory in action at:

Page 4: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation

Field Hints

Real time data

Worker dashboard


Client dashboard

Advanced Search engine

Secure link for every session

Best practice guidance



Cloud based

application Attachmentsand


Quick links to key information

Centralised storage and backup of


Moble device


A range of consolidated


Carer data manage-


Page 5: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation

Benefits for clients

• Improved outcomes: MyStory takes a strengths-based approach that directly influences positive outcomes for children in areas such as health, identity and education.

• Life story: A child’s life story is captured in a single location and built up over time, so they don’t have to tell their story over and over again. Greater detail and information accuracy leads to informed decision making.

• Participation and consultation: MyStory supports and encourages the child to directly contribute to decisions that affect them.

• Transparency: MyStory promotes transparency in case management practices to assist accountability through ongoing review and assessment.


Greater detail and accurate information leads to more informed decision making

Page 6: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation


Benefits for case workers

• Accessibility: MyStory is accessible anywhere, anytime on multiple devices using cloud technology.

• Streamlined case work: With auto-population of information, quick links and simple navigation, MyStory enables case workers to spend more time with clients and less time on admin.

• Guidance: MyStory guides and supports case work practice through embedded guidance notes that talk directly to standards, legislation and best-practice principles.

• Efficiency:MyStory allows workers to document actions, delegate responsibility and set timeframes so important issues in a child’s life are dealt with in a timely manner.

MyStory is accessible anywhere, anytime on multiple devices

Page 7: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation

Benefits for agencies

• Meets standards: MyStory meets the National Standards for Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) and other industry standards.

• Simple reporting: MyStory’s consolidated reports are generated from one set of data, supporting quick and accurate reporting to government and funding bodies.

• Cultural sensitivity: MyStory supports culturally-sensitive case management practice through targeted questions and guidance notes, particularly for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

MyStory meets National Standards for Out of Home Care

Page 8: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation

Guided Practice

Guided Practice establishes a common framework, clear work practice expectations and provides guidelines to assist caseworkers in their decision making.

It informs and stimulates workers thinking, but does not replace the responsibility for decision making; rather it assists in setting up and maintaining

a particular practice culture by making explicit the principles that guide best practice and ensure improved outcomes.

The MyStory case management framework successfully guides workers through the best practice case management process

ensuring better outcomes for children and young people and quality standards for the agency.

Page 9: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation

Best practice work flow

To ensure best practice principles are maintained, MyStory has been built with state specific guided case management. The following workflow has been developed to ensure that the technology supports and streamlines best practices.

Flowchart Out of home careOn entryinto care...

At any stage of the journey you can...

Within 1 monthof placement...

Within 4 monthsof placement...

If continuingin care...




Care Plan Review6 monthly

At least annually

6 monthly < 5 yrs, Annually > 5 yrs

Care Plan



Placement Entry Plan


...update Client Details

...add File Notes

...upload to Client Library

...complete Closure anytime after registration

© Copyright 2015 Barnardos Practice Development Centre I MS_14_00466

A joint venture between:

Page 10: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation

We provide ongoing telephone and email support at no additional charge. Every agency is provided with a dedicated ‘go to’ person from the Barnardos Practice Development Centre.

The PDC is available Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays), 9am to 5pm, to offer advice and support with any MyStory issue.

Additional tailored agency specific support is available if required.

As with all new software packages, training is essential in developing confidence and efficiency in its use.

A range of training options are available for agencies implementing and using MyStory. We recommend that all staff who will be using MyStory attend training.

Agency-specific training can be arranged alongside regular MyStory training sessions which are scheduled at a Sydney-based venue throughout the year.

Support Training

Page 11: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation


MyStory makes sure all client data remains secure and confidential by using:

• A secure datalink• Password protection • A time-out system if

access is inactive for a period of time

• Access restrictions appropriate for different agency staff

• Triplicate back up in two separate secure locations held 400km away from each other

You have the option to be supported with the implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts.

MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation technology, the Neo4j database. This means all you need to access MyStory is a computer, laptop or tablet with an internet connection.

MyStory can be accessed through multiple browsers.


Page 12: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation


MyStory has a number of reports that are created from one set of data allowing you to access information quickly and accurately.

Example reports include: • Service Monitoring and

Provision – includes NSW Minimum Data Set & Service Monitoring reports.

• Client – includes Placement Report, Children by Ethnic Cultural identity.

• Care and Carer – includes Carer Allowance, Approved Carers for my Program.

MyStory’s reports meet a number of industry standards, including the National Standards in OOHC and the accreditation and auditing requirements of the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian.

Reports give you more flexibility to use your aggregated data as needed.

Page 13: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation

Storage and back up

MyStory is held in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure platform. Microsoft’s redundancy policy stipulate that all data held on the Microsoft Azure platform is a triplicate and stored in two separate areas that are 400km away from one another. This means that if there is a problem with one server there are two copies held in another secure location where the data can be accessed.

MyStory runs a daily backup which is held on a data store that is separate from your ‘live’ data.

The Microsoft redundancy policy also applies to backed-up data.

Page 14: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation

Purchasing options

Features Module 1 Module 2

Client dashboardReferral, Registration, ClosureFile NotesPermission managementAttachments & LibraryAggregated Reports (MDS, Contract Monitoring Report)Out of Home Care Planning and Assessment tools (Client details, Placement Entry Plans, Care Plan, Review, Age-related Action & Assessments)Carer Data ManagementResidential Unit ManagementCarer Reports including Carer Allowance

Page 15: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation

The Practice Development Centre (PDC) is a welfare service initiative of Barnardos Australia that champions guided practice case management as an important way to improve the welfare and outcomes for all vulnerable children, young people and their families.

The PDC was established to integrate and enhance the work of The LAC Project Australia and SCARF Australia, joint ventures of Barnardos Australia, the School of Social Work, University of New South Wales and principal researcher Elizabeth Fernandez.

The concept of guided practice was first developed in the UK in response to community concerns about the quality of welfare service provision. Such concerns were mirrored internationally.

While the related issues are complex and multi-dimensional, a guided practice approach establishes a common framework, language and clear work practice standards for practitioners. This helps practitioners make sense of what is happening with a child and agree on what is needed to help.

The PDC’s guided practice case management system, MyStory, integrates and enhances existing LAC and eventually SCARF systems to bring the welfare sector next-generation technology in child and family case management.

About the Practice Development Centre

Page 16: Introducing MyStory - Barnardos · implementation of MyStory by one of our MyStory experts. MyStory is hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure Platform and built using next generation

Barnardos Australia I Practice Development Centre I ABN: 18068 557 906 I MS_00464_15

A joint venture between:

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