Intro to Solids Workshop

150423 1 Intro to Solids Workshop Transitioning Your Baby to Solid Foods Prepared by: Holistic Nutritionist Anne Pichora and RHN + Naturopathic Doctor Erica Robinson Who are we? Dr. Erica Robinson Dr. Erica Robinson ND Registered Holistic Nutritionist Naturopathic Doctor at The WOMB Avid Foodie Special focus in: fertility, perinatal care, pregnancy, pediatrics, professional women’s health, pelvic floor health, paleo / primal health Anne Pichora Anne Pichora BSc, RNCP Holistic Nutritionist and Natural Wellness Coach Personal and professional transformation from Pharmaceuticals to preventative/whole foods/green Passion for Nutrition, Holistic Health, Natural Living Why is Food Intro an important topic? Dr. Robinson: ! What we do in first 2 years of life has large impact on entire life ! Food is one of the single biggest determinants of health (or disease) ! The foods we choose can predispose us to increased rates of autoimmune conditions, heart conditions, diabetes, obesity, allergies / intolerances and even cognitive issues like ASD


Intro to solids notes

Transcript of Intro to Solids Workshop

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Intro to Solids Workshop Transitioning Your Baby to Solid Foods

Prepared by: Holistic Nutritionist Anne Pichora and RHN + Naturopathic Doctor Erica Robinson

Who are we?

Dr. Erica Robinson

•  Dr. Erica Robinson ND • Registered Holistic Nutritionist • Naturopathic Doctor at The WOMB • Avid Foodie • Special focus in: fertility, perinatal care, pregnancy, pediatrics, professional women’s health, pelvic floor health, paleo / primal health

Anne Pichora

•  Anne Pichora BSc, RNCP • Holistic Nutritionist and Natural Wellness Coach • Personal and professional transformation from Pharmaceuticals to preventative/whole foods/green • Passion for Nutrition, Holistic Health, Natural Living

Why is Food Intro an important topic?

Dr. Robinson:

!  What we do in first 2 years of life has large impact on entire life

!  Food is one of the single biggest determinants of health (or disease)

!  The foods we choose can predispose us to increased rates of autoimmune conditions, heart conditions, diabetes, obesity, allergies / intolerances and even cognitive issues like ASD

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!  The manner in which we introduce young children to the world of food and nutrition can have a life-long impact on their physical and emotional well-being Nourish your child’s… !  MIND

!  Educate and empower !  Encourage self awareness

!  BODY !  Maintain a strong digestive/immune system, and keep our taste

buds acute!

!  SOUL !  All with love and respect

Today’s Outline

!  When to start?

!  Methods: Purees vs Baby-Lead Weaning

!  What the key groups saying (Health Canada, American Pediatrics Association)

!  First Foods – an Intro Schedule

!  Top Allergens

!  Signs to watch for & Significance of intolerances

!  Poop!

!  “Picky” Eaters

!  Keep it light and fun!

!  When to see an RHN or an ND

!  Resources


Signs of Readiness

!  Baby can sit up

!  Baby leans forward at the sight of food and opens mouth

!  Baby can coordinate breathing with swallowing

!  Baby stops pushing food or spoon out with tongue (a natural reflex until ready)

!  Baby just takes food off your plate!

!  Double their birth weight (+ over 13lbs) (6)

Iron Stores

!  Baby born with iron stores

!  Very little in breastmilk though what is present is highly absorbable

!  If Mum had low iron (ferritin under 100) before or during pregnancy she may have given less to baby

!  (Due to vegetarian, vegan, diet, heavy menses, fibroids, endometriosis, etc)

!  This is a stimulus for baby to start eating iron-rich foods

An Aside…

!  For the first year of life, breast milk / formula remains the primary source of nutrition

!  Refrain from putting too much emphasis on the actual amount of food consumed, exact balance of food groups, etc

!  Offer nutrient-dense foods

!  “Food before one is (mostly!) for fun”

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PUREES !  Mashed/pureed foods !  Baby is spoon-fed by


BABY LED WEANING !  Baby is given chunks/pieces

of food

!  Baby feeds self (with supervision)

• Previously, used to promote purees as first foods • Certainly nothing wrong with it, too few studies as of yet to differentiate

• Most parents are now using a mix of both


Advantages: • More familiar method • Know how much baby has eaten

Advantages: • Baby is in charge • Encourages exploration • Develops fine motor skills • Fosters independence and trust • Enables baby to recognize foods • Helps teach baby to chew • Early introduction to different textures and flavours – less picky?

Disadvantages: • Labour-intensive • Baby may have more difficulty adapting to new textures, if not introduced early enough

Disadvantages: • Baby is in charge!! (may consume less) • Messier • Takes some advance planning


!  6 months: !  Start with small amounts (1tsp), gradually increasing to 1-2

Tbsp !  Smoother textures

!  ~ 9 months: !  2-4 Tbsp !  Chunkier textures

!  Follow baby’s cues; don’t force feed


!  Large pieces, not bite-sized chunks !  Spear shaped, big enough to stick out of babies hand

!  Let baby take the lead in putting the food in their mouth

!  Gagging !  Different than choking !  Reflex to move food to the front of their mouth !  Will learn to gum the food, and then swallow it

!  Always in an upright position; never unattended

Health Canada / APA

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American Pediatric Society

!  “Babies are encouraged to use spoons and fingers to feed themselves

1.  Babies are encouraged to drink from a cup starting at 6 months of age

2.  Parents recognize hunger and satiety cues”

3.  Babies should drink breastmilk or formula for the first year of life

4.  Try to avoid introducing juice until child is a toddler

Health Canada

!  Health Canada now recommends meat and eggs as first foods!


Intro Schedule

First Foods (6 – 9 months) !  HIGH PROTEIN / IRON / FAT

!  Egg yolk (soft boiled)

!  Organic liver

!  Meats (lamb, turkey, chicken)

!  Fish (avoid shellfish)

!  Bone broth (homemade)

!  Banana

!  Avocado

!  Raw fruits: melon, mangoes, papaya

!  Cooked fruits: organic apricot, pears, apples, cherries, blackberries

!  Cooked vegetables - prepared with butter or coconut oil: zucchini, squash, sweet potato, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower

What about rice cereal / pablum?

!  Points to consider: !  Insufficient enzymes !  Can damage gut !  Synthetic iron is difficult to digest !  Empty calories; not nutrient-dense !  Can increase preference for sweet, starchy foods

!  General rule of thumb: don’t introduce carbs until baby has molars

9-12 months

!  Homemade vegetable soups and stews

!  Finger foods - baby is ready to feed themself and will enjoy this

!  Raw fruit: nectarines, grapes, blueberries

!  Legumes: string beans, split pea soup

!  Grains: rice, non-instant oatmeal

!  Dairy - small amount of fermented (yogurt, kefir), cottage cheese

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12-18 months

!  Grains - barley, bulgur wheat

!  Legumes

!  Dairy - whole goats milk, organic whole cows milk

!  Cooked leafy greens - swiss chard, spinach, asparagus

!  Raw salad veggies - cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, celery, etc

!  Citrus fruit

!  (Honey)

18 months +

!  Nuts and seed butters


!  Healthy fats !  Essential for growth and development, especially the brain

and nervous system !  Avocado, butter, meat, coconut oil, olive oil, eggs

!  Flavour !  Herbs and spices, a touch of sea salt !  (remember that baby’s taste buds are more sensitive!)

!  Organic foods !  “Dirty Dozen:


!  Sugars (including juice)

!  Salt

!  Processed foods

!  Soy (esp unfermented)

!  “Low fat”

!  Artificial colours/sweeteners

!  Trans fats / margarine

AVOID !  Honey (until 1 year)

Allergens & Intolerances

Top Allergens 1. Milk

2. Egg (whites)

3. Peanuts

4. Tree Nuts

5. Fish

6. Shellfish

7. Soy

8. Wheat

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When to introduce potentially allergenic foods

!  In general: !  Early in the day !  Not combined with another potentially allergenic food !  Take a break of a few days between potentially allergenic

foods !  In general, rotating foods is a good idea (avoid having the

same food *every* day) !  Preferably while still breastfeeding

!  If there is a family history of food allergies !  Consult your allergist for guidance

Signs to watch for !  Negative changes - in

anything, incl digestion: colic, constipation, straining, diarrhea

!  Change in amount of bowel movements, strong odour

!  Skin: Rash, eczema, hives, redness

!  Behavioural changes

Significance of intolerances !  Intolerance

!  Vs. Allergy

!  Vs. Celiac

!  Vs. Opioid Excess

!  Allergy: IgE allergies (Anaphylactic) vs. IgG allergies (slow-acting, digestive)

!  Testing


!  Will change colour, texture, odour

!  May be less frequent, especially at first !  Less than 1 BM/day is ‘common’…but is *not* normal !  Slow down, go back to breastmilk/formula, and try again in

a few days

!  Watch out for mucous, blood, green, very loose, straining/painful

“Picky Eaters”

!  Remember that tastes change

!  Let them play in their food

!  Teach them about their food

!  Branch out + spin-off of proven favourites

!  Be patient, and consistent (10-20 offerings, 10-20 tries)

!  No deals/bribes/rewards

!  Follow their lead

!  **KEEP CALM AND EAT ON Workshop – Feb 12**

Keep it light and fun!

!  Family mealtimes

!  Calm, and relaxed

!  Be patient

!  Let them get messy!

!  Do not force feed; feed with love and respect

!  Pique their interest / set an example

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When to See A Holistic Nutritionist

!  Elimination diets to help identify irritating foods

!  Customized food introduction schedule

!  Specialized /restrictive diets: !  Dealing with allergies,

sensitivities, intolerances

!  Dairy-free, gluten-free !  Paleo, vegetarian, vegan

!  Strategies for ‘picky’ eaters

!  Personalized recipes and customized meal plans for the family

!  Tips to “super-charge” your everyday foods and recipes

!  Grocery store tour

!  Help with reading food labels

When to See an ND !  “Failure to thrive” or gain weight -

Baby’s weight should double in first six months and triple by age 1

!  Colic, digestive issues, gas, malodorous gas, excessive belching, vomiting frequently

!  Allergies, eczema, rashes, red rash / redness around anus, asthma, hives

!  Grinding teeth at night (when older)

!  Constipation, straining, diarrhea, malodorous poops

!  Very picky eater

!  Behaviour issues, sexual behaviour, violent behaviour

!  Repetitive behaviours, lining toys up, lack of social engagement, poor eye contact, late speech development / no speech

!  Poor sleep patterns

!  Lowered immune functioning - frequent ear infections, coughs, colds, flus, infections that won’t heal / slow to heal wounds, yeast infections, urinary tract infections

Recommended Resources

!  The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care – Morell and Cowan

!  Sprout Right – Phillipson-Webb

!  Baby-Led Weaning – Rapley and Murkett

!  The Baby’s Table – Bradshaw and Bramley




!  Health Canada Guidelines: