Intro to Exegesis -

Intro to Exegesis Week 1: How to Read the Book - Basic Tools Amos S. Yang, MD All material © and may not be reproduced or redistributed without permission from the author. 1 Inductive Bible study Step 1 Specific details Observation What does it say? Then and there What did the text mean to the biblical audience? Step 2 Inductive study Interpretation What does it mean? Step 3 General principle Generalization What is the big idea? Bridge principle What are the differences between the biblical audience and us? What is the timeless theological principle in the text? Step 4 Deductive application Application What difference does it make? Here and now How should individual Christians today apply the theological principle? Step 5 Specific application Implementation What must I change? 2

Transcript of Intro to Exegesis -

Page 1: Intro to Exegesis - Interpretive Journey: Joshua 1:1-9 4. How should individual Christians today apply the theological

Intro to Exegesis Week 1: How to Read the Book - Basic Tools

Amos S. Yang, MD

All material © and may not be reproduced or redistributed without permission from the author.


Inductive Bible study

Step 1

Specific details

Observation What does it say?

Then and


What did the text mean to the biblical audience?

Step 2

Inductive study

Interpretation What does it mean?

Step 3

General principle

Generalization What is the big idea?

Bridge principle

What are the differences between the biblical audience and us?

What is the

timeless theological principle in the text?

Step 4

Deductive application

Application What difference does it make? Here

and now

How should individual Christians today apply the theological principle?

Step 5

Specific application

Implementation What must I change?


Page 2: Intro to Exegesis - Interpretive Journey: Joshua 1:1-9 4. How should individual Christians today apply the theological

The Interpretive Journey


Observation Interpretation Time Application Implementation

Their town Generalization

Principlizing bridge

Our town




The Interpretive Journey: Joshua 1:1-9

1. What did the text mean to the biblical audience?

The Lord commanded Joshua, the new leader of Israel, to draw strength and courage from God’s empowering presence, to be obedient to the law of Moses, and to meditate on the law so that he would be successful in the conquest of the Promised Land.

2. What are the differences between the biblical audience and us?

We are not leaders of the nation Israel (although some of us may be leaders in the church). We are not embarking on the conquest of Canaan, the Promised Land. We are not under the old covenant of law.

3. What is the theological principle in the text?

To be effective in serving God and successful in the task to which he has called us, we must draw strength and courage from His presence. We must also be obedient to God’s Word, meditating on it constantly.

•  Duvall, J. Scott et al. Grasping God’s Word. 2nd ed. 25-26. 4!

Page 3: Intro to Exegesis - Interpretive Journey: Joshua 1:1-9 4. How should individual Christians today apply the theological

The Interpretive Journey: Joshua 1:1-9

4. How should individual Christians today apply the theological principle in their lives?

There are numerous possible applications. Here are a few suggested ones:

•  Spend more time meditating on God’s Word by listening to Christian music as you ride in your car.

•  If God calls you to a new, scary ministry, such a teaching fourth-grade Sunday school, then be strengthened and encouraged by His empowering presence. Be obedient, keeping a focus on the Scriptures.

•  If you are in a church leadership position, realize that successful Christian leadership requires strength and courage that flows from the presence of God.

Duvall, J. Scott et al. Grasping God’s Word. 2nd ed. 25-26. 5!


Read, Record, Reflect Would you like to start gaining more from your time in the Scriptures? Here are three habits to cultivate that will increase your productivity. Use them every time you open your Bible.

Read This may seem obvious, yet too many �readers� are nothing but browsers. They turn pages the way they flip through channels on a TV set, looking for something to catch their interest. The Word doesn�t lend itself to that sort of approach. It requires conscious, concentrated effort. So read portions of the Bible over and over. The more you read them, the more clear they will become.

Record Write some notes. A pen is a mental crowbar. Jot down what you see in the text. Keep a record of your insights and questions. I don�t know how many times someone has said to me, �Prof, what I have to write down is not very good.� Yet the fact is, you can�t build on something you don�t have. So start where you are, even with very elementary things. Everyone starts at that same place. But be sure to write it down. Use a legal pad or a notebook to record what you see. In your own words, summarize your observations and insights so that later they will come back to you. Doing so will help you remember what you�ve discovered and use it.

Reflect Take some time to think about what you�ve seen. Ask yourself: What�s going on in this passage? What is it telling me about God? About myself? What do I need to do on the basis of what I�m reading here? As we�re going to see, reflection, or meditation, is vital to understanding and applying God�s Word. Taken from: Hendricks, Howard. Living by the Book. 40. 1991. 6!

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•  Setting questions: !  Who is the author or the speaker? !  Why was this book written? What

was the occasion of the book? !  What historic events surround this

book? !  Where was this book written? !  Who were the original recipients of

this book?

•  Context questions: !  What literary form is being employed

in this passage? !  What is the overall message of this

book, and how does this passage fit into that message?

!  What precedes this passage? What follows?

•  Structural questions: !  Are there any repeated words?

Repeated phrases? !  Does the author make any

comparisons? Draw any contrasts? !  Does the author raise any

questions? Provide any answers? !  Draw the author point out any cause

and effect relationships? !  Is there any progression to the

passage? In time? Action? Geography?

!  Does the passage have a climax? !  Does the author use any figures of

speech? !  Is there a pivotal statement or word? !  What linking words are used? What

ideas do they link? !  What verbs are used to describe

action in the passage?

•  Richards, Lawrence et al. Creative Bible Teaching. 65-66. 7!


Things to observe Examples

Repetition of words 1 Jn 2:15-17, 2 Cor 1:3-7, Jn 15:1-10, Mt 6:1-18, 1 Cor 15:50-54

Contrasts Pr 14:31, 15:1, Rom 6:23, Eph 5:8, 1 Jn 1:5-7

Comparisons Pr 25:26, Jas 3:3-6, Is 40:31

Lists 1 Jn 2:16, Gal 5:19-21, 22-23

Cause and effect Pr 15:1, Rom 6:23, 12:2, Jn 3:16, Pr 13:6, Col 3:1

Figures of speech Ps 119:105, Is 40:31, Mt 23:27, Ps 18:2, 1 Cor 3:6, Lk 13:34, Is 53:6

Conjunctions Rom 6:23, 12:1, Heb 12:1, Col 3:12, 2 Tim 1:7-8, Gen 6:8

Verbs: Tense, voice, etc… Eph 4:2-3, Col 3:1, Eph 1:11, Gen 12:3

Pronouns Eph 1:3, Phil 1:27-30

Q&A Rom 6:1-2; 3:1-9; 27-31, Mk 2:7, 10, 16-17, 18-19, 2:24-27, 3:4-6

Dialogue Mk 2:15-3:6, Jn 4:7-26, 13:6-10, Num 22:27-30

Means Rom 8:13, Ps 119:9

•  Duvall, J. Scott et al. Grasping God�s Word. 2nd ed. 30-78.! 8!

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Things to observe Examples

Purpose/result Eph 2:10, Jn 15:16, Deut 6:3, Ps 119:11

General to specific Gal 5:16a c.f. 5:22-23; Gal 5:16b c.f. 5:19-21, Rom 12:1 c.f. 12:9-13

Specific to general 1 Cor 13:1-12 c.f. 13:13

Conditional clauses 1 Jn 1:6, 2 Cor 5:17, Deut 28:1

Actions/roles of God Eph 5:2

Actions/roles of people Eph 5:1

Emotional terms Gal 4:12-16, Jer 3:19-20

Tone of the passage Col 3:1-4 c.f. Gal 3:1-4; Mt 23:33-35, Lam 3:1-6

Connections to other texts Mk 8:22-26 c.f. 8:14-21, 8:27-30; Col 1:3-8 c.f. 1:9-14

Shifts in story/pivots Eph 1-3 c.f. Eph 4-6; Rom 1-11 c.f. Rom 12-16

Interchange 1 Sam 2:12-17 c.f. 12:18-21

Chiasm Ps 76:1, Gen 11:1-9

•  Duvall, J. Scott et al. Grasping God�s Word. 2nd ed. 30-78. 9!

Duvall, J. Scott and J. Daniel Hays. Grasping God’s Word. 55. 10

Page 6: Intro to Exegesis - Interpretive Journey: Joshua 1:1-9 4. How should individual Christians today apply the theological

Duvall, J. Scott and J. Daniel Hays. Grasping God’s Word. 56. 11

Ac 1:8

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come

upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem,

and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part

of the earth.


Page 7: Intro to Exegesis - Interpretive Journey: Joshua 1:1-9 4. How should individual Christians today apply the theological

Ac 1:8

But you will receive power

when the Holy Spirit has come upon you;

and you shall be My witnesses

both in Jerusalem,

and in all Judea

and Samaria,

and even to the remotest part of the earth. 13

Josh 1:8:


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Mk 5:21-43 •  Differences between Jairus and the bleeding woman:

Jairus Bleeding woman


Mk 5:21-43 •  Similarities between Jairus and the bleeding woman: