Intro of Quailty of Worklife

Introduction of quality worklife The present era is an era of knowledge workers and the society in which we are living has come, to be known as knowledge society. The intellectual pursuits have taken precedence over the physical efforts. Some knowledge workers work for more than 60 hours a week. As a result of this, their personal hobbies and interests clash with their work. Life is a bundle that contains all the strands together and hence the need to balance work life with other related issues.’ One must have both love and work in one’s life to make it healthy. Gone are the days when the priority of employees used to be for physical and material needs. With the increasing shift of the economy towards knowledge economy, the meaning and quality of work life has undergone a drastic change. Meaning Quality of work life (QWL) refers to the favourableness or unfavourableness of a job environment for the people working in an organisation. The period of scientific management which focused solely on specialisation and efficiency, has undergone a revolutionary change.



Transcript of Intro of Quailty of Worklife

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Introduction of quality worklife

The present era is an era of knowledge workers and the society in which we are living has come, to be known as knowledge society. The intellectual pursuits have taken precedence over the physical efforts.

Some knowledge workers work for more than 60 hours a week. As a result of this, their personal hobbies and interests clash with their work. Life is a bundle that contains all the strands together and hence the need to balance work life with other related issues.’

One must have both love and work in one’s life to make it healthy. Gone are the days when the priority of employees used to be for physical and material needs. With the increasing shift of the economy towards knowledge economy, the meaning and quality of work life has undergone a drastic change.


Quality of work life (QWL) refers to the favourableness or

unfavourableness of a job environment for the people

working in an organisation. The period of scientific

management which focused solely on specialisation and

efficiency, has undergone a revolutionary change.

The traditional management (like scientific management)

gave inadequate attention to human values. In the present

scenario, needs and aspirations of the employees are

changing. Employers are now redesigning jobs for better



The QWL as strategy of Human Resource Management has

assumed increasing interest and importance. Many other

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terms have come to be used interchangeably with QWL such

as ‘humanisations of work’ ‘quality of working life,

‘industrial democracy’ and ‘participative work’.

A few definitions given by eminent authors on QWL are


1. “QWL is a process of work organisations which enable its

members at all levels to actively; participate in shaping the

organizations environment, methods and outcomes. This

value based process is aimed towards meeting the twin goals

of enhanced effectiveness of organisations and improved

quality of life at work for employees. ”

—The American Society of Training and Development

2. “QWL is a way of thinking about people, work and

organisations, its distinctive elements are (i) a concern about

the impact of work on people as well as on organisational

effectiveness, and (ii) the idea of participation in

organisational problem-solving and decision making. ” —

Nadler and Lawler

3. “The overriding purpose of QWL is to change the climate

at work so that the human-technological-organisational

interface leads to a better quality of work life.”


4. “QWL is based on a general approach and an organisation

approach. The general approach includes all those factors

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affecting the physical, social, economic, psychological and

cultural well-being of workers, while the organisational

approach refers to the redesign and operation of

organisations in accordance with the value of democratic

society. ”


From the definitions given above, it can be concluded that

QWL is concerned with taking care of the higher-order

needs of employees in addition to their basic needs. The

overall climate of work place is adjusted in such a way that it

produces more humanized jobs.

QWL is viewed as that umbrella under which employees feel

fully satisfied with the working environment and extend their

wholehearted cooperation and support to the management

to improve productivity and work environment.

Some of the principles of quality of work life, formulated by

Hartick and Maccoby, are: 1. Principle of Security 2.

Principle of Equity 3. Principle of Individuality and 4.

Principle of Democracy.

1. Principle of Security:

The changing workforce of knowledge workers expects more

than just money from their work life.

Job Security is at the top of their list. The modern era is

rapidly becoming an era of dual income workers where both

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the spouses are working. Such workers need more flexibility

in certain areas such as working hours, leaves,

compensation, etc. A worker who is free from the fear of loss

of employment contributes more value o an organisation.

2. Principle of Equity:

In law, the principle of equity states that there should be no

distinction or discriminates among the owners, management

and workers. There should be a fair reward for all of them.

The profit of the business should be shared between the

owners and employees in the ratio of contribution made by

each one of them.

3. Principle of Individuality:

Individuality refers to freedom and antonomy allowed to

workers in deciding their own pace of work, methodology

and designing of sequence of operations of the job. Thus,

principle of individuality lays down that every individual

employee should be motivated to make use of his existing

capabilities and also encouraged to develop his competence

to the maximum level.

4. Principle of Democracy:

This principle implies that there should a democratic

environment at the work place. The employers should enjoy

certain rights such as right to personal privacy, freedom of

speech etc. Workers’ participation in management is an

indication of democratic set up of an organisation.

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Quality Work Life: Evolution and Reasons for Study of

Quality of Work life!

A number of legislations were passed in all parts of the

world including India to protect and safeguard employees

from job-accidents, exploitation in the hands of the employer

and also to provide welfare and safety measures.

In the modern scenario, QWL has become a buzzword of the

modern time. It was in the year 1970 that the idea of QWL

was conceived in the American Research Journals. The

contribution of Maslow, Herzberg and McGregor in

improving QWL cannot be undermined. The QWL has now

come to be known as humanisation of work. The basic idea

of this concept is to treat employees as a human being.

Almost all large scale concerns are trying to make the work

environment more humane.

The various terms which have now come to be associated

with knowledge workers are Intellectual Capital Social

Capital, Human Capital, Human Resource Asset, Talent

Investors etc. Individuals possess bundles of energy which is

not replicable.

These employees can become the most tangible assets of an

organisation if the concern takes care of their QWL.

Management now-a-days, have started showing utmost

respect to employees, in all multi-national companies, the

employees are enjoying better quality of work life.

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Reasons for Study of Quality of Work Life:

1. Division of work and specialisation has made the workers

socially isolated from their fellow workers.

2. Overdependence on rules, procedures and hierarchy has

made the workers just like various parts of the machine.

3. In many organisations, workers are working 14 to 15

hours a day against the accepted norms of 8 to 9 hours. This

has brought the workers under stress and tension

4. Burnout, work-stress, health hazards, monotony etc are

the natural offshoots of the modern way of life. Job pressure

may result in poor health on account of drinking, smoking

and drug addiction.

5. Many organisations are keeping employees on temporary

or adhoc basis. There is no job security for the employees in

such organisations. Such persons overwork resulting in

reduction in their general happiness.

6. Globalisation has lowered national boundaries and

mobility of workers has increased causing great changes in

the work environment at factories and offices.

7. The changing workforce of literate workers is more

concerned with non- economic aspects such as self-respect,

recognition, flexi-hours and organisational privacy etc.

8. Conflicts can be prevented if workers enjoy better QWL.

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Some of the important scopes of the quality of work life,

according to walton,  are: 1. adequate and fair compensation

2. safe and healthy working conditions 3. opportunity to use

and develop human capacities 4. opportunity to growth and

security 5. social integration in the work organisation 6.

constitution in the work organisation 7. work and total life

span and 8. social relevance of work life.

1. Adequate and Fair Compensation:

The salary structure of employees should be just, fair and

equitable. It should ensure reasonable wages to employees

so that they can keep a desirable standard of life. Payment of

Wages Act, 1936 and Minimum Wages Act 1948 safeguard

the interests of the workers regarding payment of wages.

It should be clearly understood that for QWL, cash payment

is not the only answer. However, hefty salaries are being

paid to the knowledge workers so as the meet their basic

and higher level needs for improving their QWL.

2. Safe and Healthy Working Conditions:

In India, Factories Act 1948 contains a number of provisions

relating to safety and health of employees. Employers are

increasingly trying to provide better working conditions to

their workers as compared to their competitors. Flexi-hours

of work, zero risk physical conditions of work and safety

against noise, pollution, fume, gases etc. go a long way in

effecting the quality of work life.

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3. Opportunity to use and Develop Human Capacities:

The QWL will be better if the jobs allow sufficient antonomy

and control to its employees. The workers must be given an

opportunity to use their skills, abilities and initiative in

planning and implementing the work. The senior persons

can keep a watch and a constant control and also provide

immediate feedback to the workers. Corrective measures

can be taken immediately in the light of this feedback.

4. Opportunity to Growth and Security:

When employees are offered opportunities to grow in an

organisation by providing promotion ladder, it helps in

improving the QWL. There is an inner desire in every

employee for career progression. If the job is dead-end, it

must be made clear to the employee at the outset.

5. Social Integration in the Work Organisation:

An employee develops a sense of belongingness to the

organisation where he works. Discrimination among the

employees on the basis of age, gender, cast, creed, religion

etc. can act as a hindrance in the way of social intergation.

Workers develop self-respect as a result of social integration

and it improves the quality of work life.

6. Constitution in the Work Organisation:

Every employee should be entitled to some privileges such

as personal privacy, right to expression, right to equitable

treatment etc. These should be governed by certain rules

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and regulations. In short, there should be the ‘Rule of Law’

as per the constitution of the enterprise.

7. Work and Total Life Span:

Certain employees are required to work for late hours or are

frequently transferred or have to do a lot of travelling as a

part of their duty. This definitely affects their QWL as they

remain away from their families for a long period of time.

8. Social Relevance of Work Life:

Those business enterprises which are engaged in

discharging their social responsibilities contribute to QWL. If

a concern does not care for social obligations, the employees

of such organisation cannot expect a better QWL. Low

quality products, no control on pollution, bad employment

practices are indicators of low QWL.

In addition to the above constituents.

International Labour Office (ILO) has included the

following determinants in QWL:

(a) Hours of work and arrangement of working time.

(b) Work organisation and job content.

(c) Impact of new technologies on working conditions.

(d) Working conditions of women, young workers, older

workers and other special categories.

(e) Work related welfare services and facilities.

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(f) Shop floor participation in the improvement of working


Some other constituents of QWL can be: Open

communication, quitable reward systems, a concern for job

security, participation in job design, skill development,

reduction in occupational stress, work restructuring,

innovative reward systems etc

Some of the important techniques for improving the quality

of work life are: 1. Job Enrichment 2. Job Rotation and 3.

Quality Circles (or Self-managed Work Teams).

The term quality of work life has become popular after 1970.

Research is going on to find out the new ways and means to

improve QWL.

1. Job Enrichment:

Under traditional management, the principle of division of

work and specialisation was applied so that an individual

could do a particular work more efficiently. However, this

made the job of workers monotonous. They started feeling

bored by doing the same work again and again. Management

also started realising it as a process of dehumanisation.

Kerzberg in his two factor theory of motivation tried to use

job as a medium of developing people and changing some

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organisational practices. Job enrichment can lead to

extension of job contents. It also develops competence of

employees who voluntarily come forward to share higher


2. Job Rotation:

A vertical job rotation means promotion whereas a

horizontal job rotation means transfer to some other job. Job

rotation makes an employee to learn the new job at the new

seat thereby creating interest in the new job. The problems

associated with specialisation such as boredom and

monotony are automatically removed as the worker becomes

generalist from specialist.

3. Quality Circles (or Self-managed Work Teams):

The concept of Quality Circles was made popular in Japan in

1960 by K. Ishikawa. Japan has gained a lot by applying the

Statistical Quality Control (SQC) techniques for production.

Quality circles can be defined as a small group of some

people (may be 3 to 12) who meet for an hour every week to

identify, analyse and solve the problems related to their

work. The solutions are sent to the management for


Quality Circles develop a culture of participation among the

workers. It also reflects the democratic set up where the

management keeps full faith in the employees and also there

is a complete understanding between the management and


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