- Yes i’ll buy it


Transcript of - Yes i’ll buy it




Conceptual Framework Data Collection Analysis


The relationship of Store Atmosphere and Customer Perception The relationship of Music and Customer Perception The relationship of Merchandise Quality and Customer Perception The relationship of Service and Customer Perception The relationship of Price and Customer Perception The relationship of Convenience at the store and Customer Perception




In this competitive era, having an attractive store front, interior design and ambience is an essential in getting customers. Many marketing experts have highlighted that the act of consuming products are not just about the act of buying but it involves the act shopping and how it’s used as a pleasurable tool.

Customer will relate to the experience of shopping with the environment of the store.

Developing the surrounding of the store by giving it a cultural significance from the perspective of the shopper will help form the retailer’s image and reputation. Since the image of a store has proven have an influence on customers; store designers and managers are beginning to understand shoppers visit trend, choosing the products and loyalty. Knowing these critical aspects will impact the design of the store and can be used as a possible solution to enable good store designs.

This research seeks to find the integration of various aspects of the store’s setting that

impacts the shoppers’ preferences regarding the products of the store and the quality of the service offered. This research aims and concentrates on the following objectives regarding the essential key elements of store image on Store Atmosphere, Music, Merchandise Quality, Service, Price, Convenience and Customer Perception.

It is quite difficult to implement an appropriate marketing communication strategy

even if the features to create a successful store image are known. There is a need for the management to ensure that what they think is essential and in line with the perception of the customers. Not knowing the view of the customers can lead to further inaccuracy in the marketing and communication strategy.

Customers’ view of the store image features has an effect on their preferred store.

This is only true if the expectations of the store image are in line with the perception of the customers. The retailer has to align the features of the store to attract the customers so that they can be outstanding.

Both customers’ and retailers’ views should be taken into consideration when

designing a store image. The customers’ point of view is derived from subtle cues that they would perceived when visiting the store and their impression of the store’s features. On the other hand, the retailers’ view would be based on their strategic goals, their corporate image, and what they think the customers would appreciate. In order to develop and build the patronage level, these criteria should be incorporated into the marketing strategy. As such, the retailers will be able to manage the image of the store by optimizing these features. All the channels used to reflect the corporate image should be standardized. Likewise, the store image should reflect their corporate image while maintaining the needs of the customers as well.

The features must go hand-in-hand with the experiences felt by the customers at the store itself. It is presumptuous of the management to assume that the store features that they regard as critical is also as important to the patrons of the store. Therefore, considering the fact that the alignment of the managements’ perception and the customers is essential for success, it is important to examine this factor.


Product prices are also in tandem with the income level of a society as when income becomes higher, prices tend to increase which may lead to inflation.

The price attached to a product creates a competitive advantage for the product in the store and at the same time it creates strong impression in the minds of the customer. Price too can be influential and significant in the customer perception and when customers receive a high quality product then they’re willing to buy it at high value.

From this research it is found that the relationship between Price at the store and Customer Perception is positive and significant and thus, this relationship is matched with the fundamental aim of this research. Price is influential and significant in the customer perception and also found when customers receive a high quality product then they’re willing to buy it at high value.


The convenience factor is an important element today. Given the presence of growing trends of people’s busy lifestyles, time taken for shopping is quite limited. For customers between the ages of 56 and 88, the convenience factor was not as important unlike those aged below this figure. There was also a difference in convenience preference based on different nationalities such as the American, Europeans and Spanish.

One reason for customers preferring multi-national discount stores more than national stores was the factor of convenience. The store hours or opening and closing time was also an important consideration in terms of the convenience factor. Older customers regarded store hours as not as important since the older customers had more time available to them. Retailers who have a younger target market should put this factor into consideration by extending their opening hours and making it more convenient for the young people today.

The customers are heavily influenced by the factor of convenience to the store such as travelling time, transportation, the location and eventually sales in the store. Apparel retailers who want to increase their customers and their loyalty can work on the element of convenience and related aspects in order to boost up their business and market share because customer loyalty and satisfaction is directly linked to convenience.

From this research it is found that the relationship between Convenience to the store and Customer Perception is positive and significant and thus, this relationship is matched with the fundamental aim of this research. Customer perception with their sincere loyalty and satisfaction is directly linked to convenience.


also in tandem with the income level creates strong impression influential and significant


difference in convenience preference based on different nationalities

The store hours or opening and closing time was also an


travelling time, transportation, the location