Interview with Ryan Eagle About his Blam Adds

Interview with Ryan Eagle. About his BLAM Ads. Ryan Eagle aka Birdman was cool enough to do a an interview with me about the next big thing to come from the EWA team…BLAM Ads . I’m sure you’ve at least heard about their latest creation because BLAM Ads seems to be everywhere currently. To be honest, I’ve never experimented with content gateways or any kind incentivized offers myself and so was curious as to what BLAM Ads was all about. So I had to ask Ryan himself. Here’s what he had to say from our interview below. We’ve all been hearing about the newest venture to come out from the Eagle Web Assets team. What is BLAM Ads and what do you hope to achieve with it? BLAM Ads is a content locking gateway, incentivized network, and virtual currency platform. The dream far exceeds affiliate marketing. Our goal is to better help websites, mobile applications, and web application developers monetize their hard work. With BLAM Ads we started from the ground up developing our content locking technology that will make webmasters more money than traditional ad networks. Being a webmaster myself, I saw profits drop periodically over the past several years using services such as AdSense, ValueClick, and ZangoCash. I wanted to come up with a better solution, and I did that with BLAM Ads. We created a transparent, unobtrusive solution that will make webmasters more money – period. For anyone who hasn’t been involved with incentivized offers, can you give us a rundown on how they work and why they can be so profitable? For traditional arbitrage affiliates it’s quite simple: the restrictions are far lesser. “Creative” affiliates can harness aggressive landing pages and adcopies that incent the consumer to actually sign up. The payouts are usually a bit less, but we’ve been promoting these offers on contextual actively with massive profit margins using methods discussed via newsletters. Like every niche, there are hundreds of unique ways and methods to promote incentivized offers and content gateways. Our internal marketing division is now devoting half our time to find methods that work so we can share them with our affiliates (and make money, of course). Does BLAM Ads accept affiliates who have never run incentivized offers? Are you guys going to offer training and tips like you do with EWA Network?

Transcript of Interview with Ryan Eagle About his Blam Adds

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Interview with Ryan Eagle. About his BLAM Ads. Ryan Eagle aka Birdman was cool enough to do a an interview with me about the next big thing to come from the EWA team…BLAM Ads. I’m sure you’ve at least heard about their latest creation because BLAM Ads seems to be everywhere currently. To be honest, I’ve never experimented with content gateways or any kind incentivized offers myself and so was curious as to what BLAM Ads was all about. So I had to ask Ryan himself. Here’s what he had to say from our interview below.

We’ve all been hearing about the newest venture to come out from the Eagle Web Assets team. What is BLAM Ads and what do you hope to achieve with it?

BLAM Ads is a content locking gateway, incentivized network, and virtual currency platform. The dream far exceeds affiliate marketing. Our goal is to better help websites, mobile applications, and web application developers monetize their hard work. With BLAM Ads we started from the ground up developing our content locking technology that will make webmasters more money than traditional ad networks. Being a webmaster myself, I saw profits drop periodically over the past several years using services such as AdSense, ValueClick, and ZangoCash. I wanted to come up with a better solution, and I did that with BLAM Ads. We created a transparent, unobtrusive solution that will make webmasters more money – period.

For anyone who hasn’t been involved with incentivized offers, can you give us a rundown on how they work and why they can be so profitable?

For traditional arbitrage affiliates it’s quite simple: the restrictions are far lesser. “Creative” affiliates can harness aggressive landing pages and adcopies that incent the consumer to actually sign up. The payouts are usually a bit less, but we’ve been promoting these offers on contextual actively with massive profit margins using methods discussed via newsletters. Like every niche, there are hundreds of unique ways and methods to promote incentivized offers and content gateways. Our internal marketing division is now devoting half our time to find methods that work so we can share them with our affiliates (and make money, of course).

Does BLAM Ads accept affiliates who have never run incentivized offers? Are you guys going to offer training and tips like you do with EWA Network?

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Absolutely! Starting with incentivized offers is a great for newbies! We release three newsletters a week detailing ways to promote our gateway and incentivized offers using traditional arbitrage methods. I firmly believe that a well-informed affiliate makes more money, and it is our duty to train our affiliates to make money. Without the success of our affiliates, we cannot succeed as a company. You can find experts of our newsletters on our BLAM Blog:

Besides providing a content gateway, what other avenues of generating revenue does BLAM Ads provide and which would you recommend?

BLAM created the affiliate network side of the business because there is a laundry list long of ways to promote incentivized offers than just content gateway technology. Our affiliate network has full postback technology so our incent offers can be plugged directly into application developers platforms and turnkey sites. In addition, our offers can be used on traditional traffic sources with far more “ballsy” promotion methods because of the nature of incent. We are very explicit in how we teach our affiliates to promote our offers. We do this via twitter (, individual contact and newsletters that are updated three times a week.

Do you see a shift in the affiliate marketing space towards incentivized offers? Do you think it is set to grow as consumers grow accustomed to the idea of accessing their favorite media online?

A shift, not necessarily. Owning two different “types” of networks I get to see both sides. The Revenues on EWA, are rapidly growing with affiliates making more money. When I first started affiliate marketing incentivized offers were one of the hottest niches out there, but that all came from hard incent (get paid to sites). The hard incent model, for the most part, does not work out for advertisers and the entire industry imploded. After hard incent died off a newer form came out that proved to be hugely profitable for advertisers: soft incent. Social application developers made millions of dollars using incent offers to monetize their social sites. We saw the curve and decided to react with a new, easier to use, more assessable version: BLAM Ads. We plan to streamline the massive profitability of incentivized offers to mainstream affiliates; there is no better time to get involved with BLAM Ads than now as it is still trending upwards.

How are you guys different from other incentivized networks?

Before BLAM, the content locking scape was bleak to say the least and full of unethical practices. While I was running EWA, I saw affiliates getting duped at these content locking networks and plain and simple, it upset me. Competitors of BLAM were magically offering payouts to affiliates that were three times their payout on it. In addition, with internal tests using their technology we noted massive “breakage” in impressions and clicks. All these tactics combined were used to manipulate payouts, EPC’s, and actually hurt the affiliate by scrubbing their payouts. With EWA we’ve never once had to do anything like this to gain our position, and we decided it was time to bring some ethics into the industry with BLAM Ads. We’re running on standardized tracking software to show our affiliates the massive discrepancies between the networks, and we’re seeing flocks switching over based on that alone.

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Besides the facts above, building a viable company cannot be done by tearing others down. Like we did with EWA, we needed to revolutionize the industry by paying more, paying quicker, and providing better service than our competitors. BLAM Ads is running on ultra-slim margins to truly make affiliates and webmasters more money – that alone speaks for itself. Before BLAM Ads, the industry standard for incentivized networks was a NET-30 payment schedule, BLAM Ads pays our affiliates weekly.

What advice would you offer to an affiliate who is just getting started in the incent space?

GET IN NOW! BLAM Ads is the first networks to fully devote all of our efforts towards incentivized offers, promotion methods, and sharing knowledge. We are seeing massive growth and affiliates have already switched over and began driving huge revenues. The potential in this niche is unbelievable! Eagle Web Assets is pouring massive funding into the BLAM Ads platform to offer new mediums and an easier way for affiliates to make money with incentivized offers. We are dedicated to providing the best solution and are going to any length to make our affiliates and webmeisters more profitable.


So there you have it. Thanks again to Ryan for giving us his insight into BLAM Ads. I for one am pretty excited about what the future holds with the revolutionary steps BLAM Ads is taking with incentivized marketing and content gateway technology. If I wasn’t thinking about incent-offers before, I definitely am now. Take a look for yourself and sign up here (aff) or here (non-aff).

One more Interview with Ryan Eagle read here