Interview skills

Most people need interview skills every phase of their lives. The more we are aware of what goes into preparing for interviews and absorbing valuable inputs, the better for us.



Transcript of Interview skills

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Most people need interview skills every phase of their lives. The more we are aware of what goes into preparing for interviews and absorbing valuable inputs, the better for us.

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Much is said, written and feared about interview, so it can be a bit confusing. Let’s attempt to summarise relevant information into specific groups.

Before the interview. Creating a good first impression. During the interview.

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Do your homeworkStudy details about the company you

will be going to. If you have applied for a number of jobs, set your record right. Know the company background, all relevant information and future projection through friends, company website and other sources. Be alert to changes, takeovers, and other important facts.

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Company name and address, location landmarks, person who you will meet, his/her designation and office details; telephone numbers. Leave with time on hand to spare so that there’s no chance of yours being late.

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Be as minimally stressed as possible. Having time on hand is de-stressing, one less thing to worry about. Is you are otherwise prepared both regarding how you look and how you feel, you’re definitely on the right track.

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Know what must spontaneous answers are actually the result of careful preparation and practice. So practice. Think of 20 questions you hope you won’t be asked at he interview and prepare answers for them. Then practice saying them as best and as confidently as you can.

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Think of things you will need. Address and phone number, copy of your resume and other documents likely to be needed, passport- size photographs if the company has asked for them, list the details and be organized.

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Be there in Time: Don’t plan to be there on time but in time. There’s difference between the two.

On time means that you plan to be there on the dot.We know that this isn’t possible,

So plan to be there well in time, with time to spare. Put your mobile phone : on silent mode or

switch off.

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Smile: Smile as you walk through the door, smile naturally when you answer questions. Let the smile within you show itself on your face.

Be confident: Without being overbearing or overconfident. Once you are well prepared, it doesn’t help to worry. Prospective employers look for confident people to work for their organizations.

On the topic of confidence, know that the interview is one-sided you are going to interview them, too.

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Posture and body language: Stand tall without slouching, making it seem like a comfortable posture for you. Also know that overconfidence kills, positive body language work.

Accessories: at interviews, less is more. Wear those that much simple and elegant cloths, footwear, bag, etc. If you decide to use perfume or cologne, wear a light fragrance. Make sure you don’t smell unpleasant.

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Dress appropriately: Your attire should reflect the job you are seeking, as well as the personality you are trying to project. It is generally better to be under-stated then attract unnecessary attention with your attire.

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Wait to be asked to sit, and where to sit. When you do sit, do so with a good posture

and grace, not slouching or with nervousness.

Maintain an appropriate physical distance from the other people present in the room.

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Maintain an appropriate physical distance from the other people present in the room.

Offer to shake hands only if the interviewer extends the offer first.

Do not fidget with your mobile phone, accessories or other gadgets during the interview.

Be concise in what you say. When you are asked a question, clear and honest answer are expected of you.

Be honest. Honesty pays, and it shows.

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Be prepare with examples to back up what you say. This could relate to qualities you have, work you have done or values that you hold dear. Let the examples be simple and clear.

Keep your guard up, through. Sometimes in our effort to be honest we say too much, or say things that might work against. Be both honest and wise.

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In these days when telephonic interviews have become a way of life, some tips on how to face them are essential.

Keep your resume in clear view, on the top of your desk, or tape it to the wall near the phone, so it’s at your finger tips when you need to answer questions.

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Have a short list of yours accomplishments available to review.

Have a pen and paper handy for note taking.

Turn call-waiting off so your call isn’t interrupted.

If the time isn’t convenient, ask if you could talk at another time and suggest some alternatives.

Clear the room-evict the kids and the pets. Turn off the stereo and the T.V. Close the


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Friends or family member to conduct a mock interview.

Record it so you can see how you sound over the phone.

Listen to “ums” and “uhs” and “okays” and you can practice reducing them from your conversation.

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Don’t smoke, chew gum, eat, or drink. Do keep a glass of water handy, in case you

need to wet your mouth. Smile, smiling will project a positive image

to the listener and will change the tone of your voice.

Speak slowly and enunciate clearly.

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Use the person’s title (Mr. or Ms. And their last name.) Only use the first name if they ask you to.

Don’t interrupt the interviewer. Take your time it’s perfectly acceptable to

take a moment or two to collect your thoughts.

Give short answer. Remember your goal is to set-up a face-to-

face interview. After you think the interviewer ask if it would be possible to meet in person.

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By:Prof. Sandeep [email protected]