Interview script updated v2(answer) sanglee


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Transcript of Interview script updated v2(answer) sanglee

Page 1: Interview script updated v2(answer) sanglee

Interview Script (Update v.2)

For the iremembermySchoolDays School Competition

Interview Questions Their Answers Hi! Good _________. Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed. First of all, what school did you study in?

Tech Whye Primary School

Talking about school, what did you think when you first entered the school. What impressions did you first have about the school? Did it follow your expectations?

I thought about a place of learning, excitement, meeting more pupils my same age, and of course my bullies. My friends told me about this, but I really never faced the ‘bully’ problem before. About the school, I thought it was just learning with teachers droning about the studies. It actually went over my expectations.

Did you enjoy coming to school? Why?

On and off. Probabaly, because I had good friends, and some of my classes, I liked them. But, some teachers are not that good. You know what I mean, right.

How was the personal appearance of the school? Was it clean?

Good, very clean, conducive learning environment. Now that I think about it, It was quite clean, like my house (laughs).

Page 2: Interview script updated v2(answer) sanglee

How was the teaching like? Share with me a teacher that you admired or hated the most. Why?

Good, okay. I can give them a thumbs-up. The teachers were really good. They were friendly, and sometimes help me if I don’t do too well. But, sometimes I hate the teachers because I don’t like that specific subject and they started hating me too. Oh. (Thinking) I shouldn’t have done that.

What activities did you do when you were in school?

Playing catching, playing soccer with my friends, getting dirty. Yeah! Real fun.

What was a memorable experience you had in school?

Of course something related to soccer. I joined the National School Soccer Team. I was real proud of myself.

Do you still miss your school?

At times, when I think about it. Like now. Ah, but my memory is quite faint now.

Thank you for the sharing! Have a great _________ ahead.

Thank you!

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