Internship Report Layout 2011

Government College of Management Sciences Abbottabad (Instructions for Students) Structure of Preliminary Pages and the Introduction 1. Title Cover 1 (Hard Binding) 2. Title Cover 2 (A-4 size white paper) 3. Approval Sheet 4. Certificate from Organization 5. Dedication 6. Abstract/Preface 7. Table of Contents 8. List of Tables/Diagrams/Figures/Graphs/Maps/Annexes (This list is an extension of table of contents and it outlines the sequence of supporting Tables/Diagrams/Figures/Graphs/Maps/Annexes used in the report ….Please see the sample provided) 9. Acknowledgements

Transcript of Internship Report Layout 2011

Page 1: Internship Report Layout 2011

Government College of Management SciencesAbbottabad

(Instructions for Students)

Structure of Preliminary Pages and the Introduction

1. Title Cover 1 (Hard Binding)

2. Title Cover 2 (A-4 size white paper)

3. Approval Sheet

4. Certificate from Organization

5. Dedication

6. Abstract/Preface

7. Table of Contents

8. List of Tables/Diagrams/Figures/Graphs/Maps/Annexes

(This list is an extension of table of contents and it outlines the sequence of

supporting Tables/Diagrams/Figures/Graphs/Maps/Annexes used in the report

….Please see the sample provided)

9. Acknowledgements

10. Abbreviation

11. Executive Summary

12. Chapters

Page 2: Internship Report Layout 2011


Internship Report on (Organization Name)

Submitted by: -------

Roll # ____________

Supervised by: Sardar Ejaz Ahmed

Government College of Management SciencesAbbottabad

Session-------- Instructions: This is the First hard covered Title page in black color

with all the text in silver color and embossed properly

Page 3: Internship Report Layout 2011

Internship Report on (Organization Name)

Submitted by: ---------

Roll # ____________

Supervised by: Sardar Ejaz Ahmed

This internship report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Master of Business Administration awarded

by the Hazara University, Manshera.

Note: (Use your own course in underlined sentence)

Government Postgraduate College of Management SciencesAbbottabad


iiiNote: First page after the hard binding, must be in plain white A4 size paper, with Black Text only.

Page 4: Internship Report Layout 2011

Government Postgraduate College of Management SciencesAbbottabad

Approval Sheet

.Approval Committee

1. External Examiner

Mr. _____________________________________________ Signature_______________

2. Supervisor

Mr. ____________________________________________ Signature_______________

Designation: _________________

3. Head of Department

Mr. ___________________________________________ Signature ________________ Designation: _________________

Note: Type Supervisor and Head of Department Names with Designation

Note: Supervisor for MBA Section (A): Shakeel AhmadDesignation: Professor

Supervisor for MBA Section (B): Zamin KhanDesignation: Associate professor

Supervisor for BBA: Sardar Ejaz AhmedDesignation: Assistant Professor


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_______________ Bank Limited,Mansehra Road Abbottabad ……

It is certified that Mr. _____________________________ s/o _____________________ has completed his internship at …..


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Dedicated to My Lovely Parents




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1. The abstract is a précis of the report, usually

placed before table of contents.

2. The length of the abstract should be one page

(A4), Font size 12 and line space 1.5

3. For the examiners or library readers it provides

an overview, therefore, the abstract should

provide a synopsis of every key aspects of the


4. The abstract usually includes the key points of

methodology, data analysis and conclusions.


Page 8: Internship Report Layout 2011

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements xi

Abbreviations xii

Executive Summary xiii

CHAPTER 1 Page No.

Introduction and Research Design 01

1.1 Introduction 01

1.2 Justification of Research 02

1.3 Purpose and Aim of the Research 03

1.4 Objective of Research 04

1.5 Selection of the Project Area

1.5.1 Historical Background

1.5.2 Climate and Weather

1.5.3 Hydrology

1.5.4 Principal Sources of Pollution

1.6 Data Collection and Analysis

1.7 Process Adopted for Plan Preparation

1.8 Natural Hazard Selection and Analysis


Natural Disasters

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Earthquake

2.2.1 Problems of High Density Population and Poor Construction

2.3 Snowfall and Severe Winter Storms

2.4 Heavy Rainfall

2.4.1 Rainfall Pattern over Pakistan

2.4.2 Rainfall Pattern during Winter Season



This is just a sample for the guidance of the students,

how to develop the table of contents, including page numbering, CHAPTER

Numbering, Chapter Name, Topics/Subtopics supported by Bullets/Sub-bullets, etc.

Page 9: Internship Report Layout 2011

2.4.3 Rainfall Pattern during Summer Season

2.5 Land Slides / Mud Slides 28

2.5.1Landslides due to Deforestation 28

2.5.2 Landslides due to Soil / Rock structure


2.6 Fire in the Forested Areas as a Result of Drought 32

2.6.1 Types of Droughts 32 Meteorological Drought Hydrological Drought Agricultural Drought

2.7 Disease Outbreak due to Water Pollution

2.7.1Principal Source of Water Pollution Abbottabad City Havelian Nathiagali

2.7.2 Industrial Wastewater

2.7.3 Impact on Environment

2.8 Conclusion


Hazard Evaluation

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Earth quakes

3.2.1Cause and Measurement

3.2.2 Stress and Strain

3.2.3 Stages of Deformation

3.2.4 Evidence of Former Deformation

3.2.5 Fracture of Brittle Rocks

3.2.6Types of Faults

3.2.7 Origin of Earthquakes

3.2.8 Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale




This is just a sample for the guidance of the students,

how to develop the table of contents, including page numbering, CHAPTER

Numbering, Chapter Name, Topics/Subtopics supported by Bullets/Sub-bullets, etc.

Page 10: Internship Report Layout 2011

3.2.8 HAZUS-MH Earthquake Model 60

3.3 Severe Winter Snow Storms/ Heavy Rains 61

3.4 Floods 64

3.4.1HAZUS-MH Flood Loss Estimation Models 67

Notes 68

References 70

List of Tables

Table 1.1 Mean Monthly Temperature, Precipitation And Relative Humidity Recorded

at Kakul Station, Abbottabad District.

Table 2.1: Comparative Statement of Weighted Precipitation Over Different

Provinces During Winter Period (Dec to Mar) (1961-90)

Table 2.2: Comparative Statement of Weighted Precipitation Over Different

Provinces During Summer Period (Jun to Sep) (1961-90)

List of Diagrams, Figures and Graphic Presentation

Graph 2.1: Rainfall during 1998-2001

List of Maps

Map 2.1: Map of NWFP Pakistan

Map 2..2:

Map 2..3:

Map 2.4:

List of Annexes Profile of District Abbottabad Annexure A

Union Council/ Village wise

Distribution of Population Annexure B

Population Census District Abbottabad Annexure C


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Abbottabad Conservation Strategy

IUCN Report Annexure D


God Almighty is worthy of all acknowledgments…………..

I have no words to express my heartiest sense of gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. ……………………, Government College of Management Sciences Abbottabad for his supervision, contribution, intellectual guidance, constructive suggestions, valuable time, patience and wise comments which make this research possible.

I highly appreciate the help and cooperation of the Mr.___________ ABC Bank Limited

Abbottabad for their support and collaboration.

I also acknowledge the help of all government departments and public in collecting

information / documents / data for this report.

I wish to express my deepest and sincere appreciation to all my friends including

…………………… for their help, cooperation, and moral support.

The last but not least, I would feel incomplete without thanking to my parents who pray for

my brilliant success and bright future.


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PDM : Pre Disaster Mitigation

NWFP : North West Frontier Province

KKH : Karakoram Highway

TD : Tarbela Dam

IKSZ : Indus Kohistan Seismic Zone


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Executive Summary

1. Summary should be 2-3 pages.

2. Provide chapter wise detail, conclusion and suggestion.


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Introduction and Research Design


xivPage numbering in Arabic Numerals (1,2,3 starts from here)