Internship Guide

Inspiration. Motivation. Travel. Explore your mind and let AIESEC’s opportunities challenge you to find an internship that gives you just that..


A guidebook for Exchange Participants to help them wth their internship process

Transcript of Internship Guide

Inspiration. Motivation.


Explore your mind and let AIESEC’s opportunities challenge you to find an internship that gives you just that..

From Heart 2 Heart From One Internship Seeker to Another,

I have been through the nerve wrecking process of deciding what I want to do with my fu-

ture and how AIESEC fits in with my personal and professional goals. AIESEC has seen the

potential in you to be a global leader so do not let impatience take the best of you. With the

countles opportunities AIESEC can offer, I trust that you can find it within yourself to chal-

lenge yourself and go out there and explore the world.

This process can be overwhelming, so I’ll make it an initiative to point out the basics of how

to apply for an internship and help describe how you might be feeling through this whole

process. It is okay to be nervous, believe me I am definitely with you on that one and it is

normal so don’t be discouraged. I will describe how to better prepare yourself and give some

advice to help you on this journey. Trust me ,the more you put into this internship-seeking

adventure, the more you get in gaining experience in international business and working with

understanding aspects of diversity and culture.

I hope you enjoy this, because I know from my own personal experience this organization

opens a lot of doors to opportunities and the first step is putting your heart into wanting this.

The most ambitious people make a difference in themselves and in the world. I believe you

can do it!! With this little guidance you will be back to searching and interviewing in no time!

Good Luck!


Internship Seeker, Motivator, and Friend

AIESEC OGX (Outgoing Exchange) Terms

1. Tranieeship – this is you searching for an internship.

2. EP- Exchange Participant which is also you when describing the member of the internship.

3. EP Manager- this is the Exchange Participant Manager, a member of AIESEC that is assigned to guide you through the whole process. This person will be in contact with you and is go to for any questions.

4. Curriculum Vitae (CV)- is like a long drawn out resume, which informs the interviewer of your qualifications. Make sure this is professionally done. Ask for help if you do not know how to do this appropriately. This is vital to interviewers and is the deciding factor to even give you a chance to the job opportunity. There are several resources that you can go use such as online, your VP OGX, and Career Services. Career Services, Going Global, is what I found most useful and it allows you to work with someone who will assist you personally and give you in depth time to evaluate your assets and skills.

5. Motivational Letter- is like a cover letter and your opportunity to make more profes-sional but personal statements of your experiences. Follow the internship form (TN form) job description to match the experiences you focus on writing about. Interviewers are im-pressed when you state your enthusiasm to immerse in the country’s culture and diversity.

6. Matching- is the process of matching you to the internship, and regards looking over if you curriculum vitae qualify and your motivational letter is professionally done. Also if the internship fits perfectly with what you are particularly looking for.

7. MyAIESEC Database- the program that will be a place to upload your personal information, indicate your opportunity status, be the database to search for internships, and also the contact information to the internship account manger (TN manager).

MyAIESEC Database is going to be your best friend, this is the tool that you should at least spend an hour a day looking through and making sure you do not miss any internship opportunities.

8. MyAIESEC TN (Traineeship) Number/Form- This is the number of the internship form that will allow you to see the detailed description of what the job entails. This is also important to give you the direct contact to the person entitled to the responsibility of match-ing you to the internship. What to look for on the TN Form: • Check whether Languages, Time Frame, and Backgrounds are Preferred or Required. • Check if there is sufficient information about salary/accommodations/visa require-ments and if not, these are things that will be followed up about during the interview.

MyAIESEC Database: How to Search for Internships After completing the Global Internship Program or Global Community Development

Program and having your EP ID set to Available by your Vice President of Out Going

Exchange, you will search the Database by going to the AIESEC Programmes tab and

clicking Demand Ranking. On this, you are able to search your preferences by region, time

frame and background.

Let Your Curriculum Vitae Shine

The CV is very important and reflects your previous and current successes and experiences.

This needs to be taken seriously because these pages will indicate if you can qualify for

the internship position. Use words that are familiar with the myAIESEC database terms to

describe skills. You can find that under MyAIESEC “My Experience” tab, under skills. Also

you need to remember that you do not want to be too wordy, if you question what the job

description entails that you are trying to list, then simplify it to make it easier for a TN Man-

ager to understand. Foreigners are looking at this document, so remember to write with a

global orientation. The dates of your information need to be in reverse chronological order.

Emailing and Interview PreparationWhen you have a professional CV done and your Motivational Letter is perfect. Do not

take to long to finish these up, the clock is ticking and the faster you prepare yourself the

better opportunities to finding an internship. You should have at least three internships at

a time that you are interested in. Remember it doesn’t hurt to email as many internship

opportunities as you can qualify for (this can be very time consuming but is worth it). By

looking at the internship TN form there will be contact information under “Raised By”.

Make sure that you write the email in a professional manner.

Here is an example of an appropriate email:

To Whom It May Concern,

I am a student from AIESEC United States who is interested in the Studio With Love Internship. I have attached my Cirriculum Vitae and Motivational Letter that explains my experiences for being qualified and my passion to obtain this position. Let me know what I can do to make the matching process easier. Please email me if I can further apply for this internship. Thank you for your time and I look forward hearing from you.



My EP ID: (this can be found on the tab AIESEC Programmes, under My Forms) EP-In-US-SJ-2012-1663Internship: (providing this makes it easier for the TN Manager and can be found on the TN form) TN-In-MD-CU-2012-1124

Be persistent in emailing these internship opportunities and if you do not hear from the TN

Manager in three days make an effort to email them again. Remain short and to the point

of how you conduct business with these managers. This approach will allow the manger to

see that you are serious and dedicated about obtaining this position. This is the first step for

leading you to success for an interview. If you are not getting the response you wish to have

don’t give up! My number one internship did not work out and I refused to stop there, there

are so many other experiences that can lead your life to unravel another wonderful opportu-


The TN Manager should shortly respond back with an explanation of the internship

process and a time and location for a Skype interview. Make sure you know your agenda be-

cause the time difference from the interview location might vary and your availability might

have to alter to match their appropriate time to Skype you.

Interview Preparation: This is a really exciting moment and you should be proud of yourself that you were asked

for an interview. Here is where you get to show off! Make sure you study the TN form and

have prepared questions to ask. They love that! It shows that you’re engaged in the position

and opportunity.

Must Do:

1. Dress nicely (even if it’s on Skype professional attire will be expected).

2. Study the TN Form.

3. Research the Local Chapter of AIESEC on the TN Form.

4. Research the organization you will be working for.

5. Have known facts about the Country, the current events happening, and the area of

the location you will be going into (this will give you a chance to discuss culture with

the interviewer and shows effort in globally educating yourself).

6. Have questions prepared about the internship and don’t be afraid to ask questions that you

are uncertain about (you want to know what you are getting yourself into and feel comfort-

able about taking this position).

7. Make sure you pronounce words correctly and avoid using American slang.

8. Speak clearly and slowly (sometimes it is difficult for an interviewer to understand you).

9. Be aware of cultural differences and communicate with an open mind. The locations

might vary and be ready to adapt to different situations.

10. Be yourself. Relax and enjoy this session of the interview. You can learn a lot from it

and speak with really interesting people. Emphasize why you really want to do this intern-

ship and what it means to you.

Maintain this relationship between you and the TN Manager and open communication is

key to acknowledging what you and the Manager need to make the whole matching process

easier and come to a formal agreement.

An EP Manager should be very understanding to your situations through the whole intern-

ship seeking process. They are there to guide you and make sure you feel comfortable

about the internship that you are striving for. It is also within yourself to track that you are

staying on the right path and holding that positive mentality that you will find the right

internship. The Vice President of Out Going Exchange is also there for you to contact

and can assign office hours for you to ask any questions you would like. If you do have

conflicts with your EP Manager approach the situation accordingly and ask the VP if you

can have another manager that fits your needs. You can always find help in the rest of the

AIESEC members and the Executive Board would be more willing to help you.

Please do not feel you cannot do this if your EP Manager is not the best. You hold the

power in your own hands to discover an internship, as well as you write your own destiny

so do not let anyone stop you. I encourage you that sometimes things do not work like

how you want it to, but keep pushing to find the way in which it works.

EP Manager and EP Relationship:

Final Words I Leave With You....

With these last words I leave with you, I hope you found this to be helpful. I know in my heart that these internships are here for you to explore the potential that you have. Nothing makes you stronger than accepting a challenge to go out into the world and experience first hand what it means to obtain a position with the goal of being a global leader and educating yourself of what the world has to offer. The most important thing is to realize that this process is difficult, but reaching your goal will never feel so satisfying. Encourage yourself to push little harder when you feel like stress is creeping in on you. Take a breath and smile because enduring this pressure is getting you one step closer to your ambition succeeding with achieving what you have been striving for.

Exchange Participant Your Friend