Internet Advertising for Dummies

Online Advertising Get More Bang! For your Internet marketing Bucks Is CPM Cost per Media?


Short presentation explaining online advertsing jargon and what a 3rd party adserver does

Transcript of Internet Advertising for Dummies

Page 1: Internet Advertising for Dummies

Online AdvertisingGet More Bang!

For your Internet marketi ng Bucks

Is CPM Cost per Media?

Page 2: Internet Advertising for Dummies

Website DesignProprietary Tools – Chameleon, Brand Central ,Navitask, Dreamweaver, etc

Online Media and Analytical Support

Online Brand Experience

Page 3: Internet Advertising for Dummies

•CPM – Cost per 1000 (Mille) Impressions•CPC – Cost per Click•CPC – Cost per Acquisition•Click Through – The result of "clicking on" an advertisement that links to the advertiser's Web site or another page within the Web site.•Page Impressions – The combination of one or more files presented to a viewer as a single document as a result of a single request received by the server. •Run-of-Site (ROS) – Refers to a rotation of your ad throughout the website. Under ROS, advertisers do not specify where ads will appear.•Targetingo Behavioral Targeting – Targeting based on prior user behavior.o Geographic targeting – Targeting based on IP address, Standard Industrial

Classification (SIC) codes, and ZIP Codes.o Profile Targeting – Targeting to specific profiles on login enabled sites.o Content-based targeting – Targeting based on content on webpage. Most

common example is search targeting

Online Jargon

Page 4: Internet Advertising for Dummies
Page 5: Internet Advertising for Dummies

Ad Serving Request

3rd Party Ad Serving Request

Ad Serving

Publisher Ad Server

Brand Central

Click Through Request

Impression Count = 1Click Count = 1

Client Website Server

Click Through Request

Website Serving

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