Internal Assessment Sample Tasks - NCFE Assessment Sample Tasks ... the form of a report and...

Internal Assessment Sample Tasks NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Creative Studies: Music Technology 600/6904/1

Transcript of Internal Assessment Sample Tasks - NCFE Assessment Sample Tasks ... the form of a report and...

Page 1: Internal Assessment Sample Tasks - NCFE Assessment Sample Tasks ... the form of a report and observation sheet or even a video recording of your ... able to fully complete a stereo

Internal Assessment Sample Tasks NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Creative Studies: Music Technology 600/6904/1

Page 2: Internal Assessment Sample Tasks - NCFE Assessment Sample Tasks ... the form of a report and observation sheet or even a video recording of your ... able to fully complete a stereo

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Creative Studies: Music Technology – 600/6904/1 – Issue 1 July 2013

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Section 1 Introduction ......................................................................................... Page 4

Section 2

Authenticity ......................................................................................... Page 4

Section 3

Writing a brief ..................................................................................... Page 5

Section 4

Unit 01 Set up and operate a digital audio workstation. ...................... Page 6

Section 5

Unit 03 Recording multi-track audio .................................................... Page 8

Section 6

Unit 04 Mixing multi-track audio ........................................................ Page 10

Section 7

Unit 05 Developing DJ skills ............................................................. Page 12


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NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Creative Studies: Music Technology – 600/6904/1 – Issue 1 July 2013

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Section 8

Unit 06 Producing dance music ........................................................ Page 13

Section 9

Unit 07 Working with digital audio ..................................................... Page 15

Section 10

Unit 08 Sound design ....................................................................... Page 17

Section 11

Unit 09 Microphone techniques in music production ......................... Page 19

Section 12

Unit 10 Location sound recording ..................................................... Page 21

Section 13

Unit 11 Live sound ............................................................................ Page 22


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NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Creative Studies: Music Technology – 600/6904/1 – Issue 1 July 2013

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Introduction NCFE has created a set of sample tasks for each unit which you can contextualise to suit the needs of your candidates to help build up a portfolio of evidence. The tasks have been created to cover all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria for each unit and provide opportunity for stretch and challenge. To allow you the freedom to apply local or topical themes appropriate to your candidates, we’ve left the subject of the tasks open for you to design for each unit. You should plan the subject and apply the brief to the tasks in a way that suits your candidates and relates to local need. Grading descriptors have been written for each assessment criterion within a unit. Assessors must be confident that as a minimum, all assessment criteria have been evidenced and met by the candidate. Assessors must make a judgement on the evidence produced by the candidate to determine the grading decision for the unit as a whole. The grading descriptors for each unit can be found in Section 4 (page 25) of the Qualification Specification. Assessors should also refer to the grading criteria glossary of terms, which can be found in Section 8 of the Qualification Specification. More information about internal assessment can be found in our Qualification Specification in Section 2 (page 12).

Authenticity It’s important to ensure that the work produced by each candidate is authentic and original – this can be recorded using the Assessment Declaration Sheet, which can be found on our website Teachers should:

supervise work to monitor progress and also prevent plagiarism

supply evidence of their supervision and authenticate all work submitted for assessment

ensure that any evidence provided which hasn’t been produced by the candidate is referenced and acknowledged.

Assessors must countersign the Assessment Declaration Sheet to authenticate the candidate’s work.

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Writing your own brief Your brief should give the candidate sufficient information for them to understand what the topic or theme is that they’re working to. It’ll help to cover the following points so that the candidate can develop their ideas:

an introduction about the company or organisation that you’re basing the brief on (eg what it does and what market it’s in)

what the organisation wants to achieve from the brief (eg increased publicity, new branding)

size of final commission if appropriate or how the commissioned work is to be used (eg logo on letterheads, music for an advert, public artwork)

cost or budget (if appropriate)

any other information you feel would be useful.

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Unit 01 Set up and operate a digital audio workstation (L/504/0813) Internal assessment task

Digital audio workstations (DAWs) now form the backbone of musical composition in most aspects of the industry. It’s now possible for musicians to complete relatively complex pieces of music without ever having to set foot inside a recording studio. DAWs can now be used for recording, mixing, performing and even for synchronising music to video. Knowledge of specific systems in this area will provide a solid foundation on which to build your music production skills. All aspects of the task must be covered in order to complete this assessment. Task details For this assignment you’ll need to be assessed setting up and operating the hardware and software peripherals that form the basis of a DAW. Your portfolio of evidence needs to include:

a working knowledge of how to launch the chosen sequencing software (AC 1.1)

a working knowledge of how external peripherals (such as a controller keyboard) are connected (AC 1.2)

a working knowledge of how audio sources are routed in and out (soundcard) (AC 1.3)

evidence of a working knowledge of how to configure the audio and MIDI preferences (AC 1.4, 1.5)

evidence of a working knowledge of basic functions of the sequencing software (AC 2.1, 2.2)

an understanding of the difference between MIDI and audio sequencing tracks (AC 2.3)

a practical demonstration of how to load pre-recorded audio into the DAW (AC 2.4)

a practical demonstration of how to record audio live into the DAW (AC 2.5)

a practical demonstration of how to access sound banks in a virtual synthesizer (AC 2.6)

a practical demonstration of how to record MIDI information into the DAW using a software instrument and MIDI controller (AC 2.7). Types of evidence Your DAW evidence for Unit 01 should be submitted for assessment to your Teacher in a suitable format. This can take the form of a report and observation sheet or even a video recording of your techniques supplied by way of a video, DVD, CD, screen recording or digital file. This will be agreed with your Teacher beforehand.

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Resources required To complete the tasks, you’ll need access to appropriate music technology resources, including:

DAW and software

hardware, MIDI peripherals, musical instruments microphone and speakers/headphones

an accurate studio monitoring system.

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Unit 03 Recording multi-track audio (M/504/0822) Internal assessment task As an engineer, producer or member of a band, having a working knowledge of multi-track recording techniques is an essential skill to progress professionally in the music industry. Bands now rely heavily on digital marketing such as Soundcloud, Facebook and YouTube to house and sell their products. In order to do this a nicely balanced and well-recorded piece of audio will need to be produced. Competition in this field of the music industry is always very high so the better the product, the more chance it has of becoming successful. All aspects of the task must be covered in order to complete this assessment. Task details Produce a multi-track audio recording that can be mixed at a later stage to produce a demo for a band or solo artist. You’ll need to correctly prepare and operate the mixing console and the multi-track recording hardware or software, paying particular attention to the gain structure and signal matching of all of the equipment involved. Microphone placement and signal flow are important factors in a successful multi-track recording and will need to be addressed accordingly, paying attention at all times to the required health and safety regulations that exist in a recording studio. During the recording session(s) you’ll also be required to complete any relevant supporting paperwork eg track sheets, session notes and an evaluation. Your portfolio of evidence needs to include:

at least 6 tracks of separate multi-tracked audio including overdubs

an observation checklist or recording of the routines you completed prior to starting a recording session (AC 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7)

a description of the mixing console and its layout (AC 1.1)

evidence of a working knowledge and practical ability to use the mixing console and multi-track recorder including signal matching and gain structure (AC 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5)

a description of the signal flows to be recorded and the various techniques required in producing recorded multi-track audio (AC 1.2, 1.3)

a working knowledge of health and safety requirements in recording studios (AC 1.11)

use of equalization (EQ) where necessary (AC 2.3)

a practical demonstration of effective file/song management and fault-finding techniques (AC 1.9, 1.10)

a completed written or recorded critical analysis of your overall results when producing the multi- track audio material (AC 2.6)

correct selection and placement of microphones (AC 1.8). You need to produce your multi-track recording so that it includes all the above criteria, and then clearly label and date your chosen media (digital folders, CD, DVD, tape etc).

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Unit 03 Recording multi-track audio (M/504/0822) Types of evidence Your multi-track recording should be submitted for assessment to your Teacher in a suitable format, such as DVD, CD, or digital file. This will be agreed with your Teacher beforehand. Candidate reports, Teacher observation, questioning and professional discussions can also be used to document evidence for this unit. Resources required To complete the tasks, you’ll need access to appropriate music technology resources, including:

a selection of common microphone types

a multi-track recorder (hardware) or sequencing software (Logic, Cubase etc)

a suitable mixing console

musical instruments digital audio workstation and speakers/headphones

a suitable recording environment or studio

an accurate studio monitoring system.

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NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Creative Studies: Music Technology – 600/6904/1 – Issue 1 July 2013

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Unit 04 Mixing multi-track audio (T/504/0823) Internal assessment task To successfully complete an audio product the multi-track recording will need to be mixed. Learning the various techniques that apply to mixing multi-track audio is essential in order to achieve a sound that is going to do the recording justice. Drums, bass, vocals and any other instruments will need to be balanced and effected appropriately in order to be able to fully complete a stereo 2-track master. A good-quality mix is highly important, as if it doesn’t sound right, people will be less inclined to listen. All aspects of the task must be covered in order to complete this assessment. Task details You’ll be required to produce a finished mix of a multi-track recording. This can be a previously recorded multi-track of any genre supplied by yourself or your Teacher. You may also use the recording that was produced in Unit 03 if you completed this unit. Your mixing techniques need to include:

an ability to connect a variety of effects (AC 1.1)

an ability to describe the applications of a variety of effects (AC 1.2)

an ability to apply relevant mixing techniques (AC 1.3)

an awareness of using inserts, sends and returns (aux) (AC 1.1)

an ability to assess the recordings and use appropriate and relevant application of effects and EQ (AC 1.4)

an ability to play back and monitor multi-track audio (AC 2.1)

a well-balanced and contextually relevant mix (AC 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)

an ability to produce and save a final 2-track stereo master (AC 2.6)

an awareness at all times of studio health and safety procedures (AC 2.7). You need to produce your final 2-track stereo master, and then clearly label and date correctly your chosen media (digital folders, CD, DVD, tape etc). Types of evidence Your stereo master track should be submitted for assessment to your Teacher in a suitable format, such as DVD, CD, or wav file (44.1khz, 16 bit). This will be agreed with your Teacher beforehand. Candidate reports, Teacher observation, questioning and professional discussions can also be used to document evidence for this unit.

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Unit 04 Mixing multi-track audio (T/504/0823) Resources required: To complete the tasks, you’ll need access to appropriate music technology resources. These could include:

a variety of hardware effects or software plug-ins

sequencing software (Logic, Cubase etc)

a suitable mixing console digital audio workstation and speakers/headphones

a suitable recording environment or studio

an accurate studio monitoring system a suitable multi-track recording (if required).

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Unit 05 Developing DJ skills (J/504/0826) Internal assessment task The club scene, particularly in the UK, has grown immensely in recent times. An awareness of DJ-related hardware and software is a necessity now for any working engineer in the music industry regardless of their specialism. DJ software and CDJs have now started to replace the slightly older method of using vinyl records and as a result DJs now have more scope to play and mix their own music without the expensive cost of producing vinyl acetates. All aspects of the task must be covered in order to complete this assessment. Task details The task for this assessment comes in 2 parts:

You’ll be required to specify and design a custom-built DJ rig showing a working knowledge of all its relevant components

Select material and perform a DJ set showcasing your mixing skills to an audience. Your work for this unit will need to evidence the following:

an understanding of equipment required for a DJ rig (AC 1.1)

an understanding of the main features of mixing technology (AC 1.2)

an understanding of the technical features of a DJ rig (AC 1.3)

completion of a design for a custom-built DJ rig (including all connections and power requirements) (AC 1.4)

an ability to select material and plan a DJ set ready for performance (AC 2.1, 2.2)

an ability to set up a DJ rig ready for performance (AC 2.3)

performance of a DJ set that utilises mixing techniques such as beat matching, scratching and audio effects, eg filter (AC 2.4, 2.5, 2.6)

an awareness at all times of studio health and safety procedures (AC 2.7). Types of evidence Your evidence for this unit may be from word-processed reports, videos, photographs, audio recordings and Teacher observation checklists. Resources required To complete the tasks, you’ll need access to appropriate music technology resources. These could include:

a complete DJ rig

a variety of DJ-specific hardware effects or software

audio material for mixing (if not supplied by the student) digital audio workstation and speakers/headphones

a suitable performance space.

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Unit 06 Producing dance music (L/504/0827) Internal assessment task Dance music has always been a popular aspect of the music industry. Now, through the advent of remix technology in particular, dance music has many different variations and styles emerging and evolving on a regular basis. As a result, it’s important for musicians and producers to fully understand the key features of dance music and in particular the styles and structures of the music associated with this genre. All aspects of the task must be covered in order to complete this assessment. Task details The task for this assessment comes in 2 parts:

You’ll be required to complete a piece of written work or a presentation on dance music outlining the cultural developments that have influenced some of the main styles. Examine the rhythmical and structural features and identify different sounds and instrumentation that are typical to certain genres of dance music.

You should produce a piece of dance music using software-sequencing techniques. Your work for this unit will need to evidence the following:

an awareness of different styles of dance music (AC 1.1)

an awareness of the musical and cultural developments that have influenced the main dance music styles (AC 1.2)

an understanding of the main rhythmic and structural features common to dance music styles (AC 1.3, 1.4)

an understanding of production techniques and equipment associated with sounds and instrumentation common to dance music styles (AC 1.5)

an ability to select and use virtual sequencing instruments appropriate for the production of dance music (AC 2.1)

an awareness of continuity with arranging the sequence (AC 2.2)

a demonstration of production techniques that utilise EQ and effects processing (AC 2.3)

production of a mixed and finalised stereo 2-track master (AC 2.4)

an evaluation of the finished product and its suitability of meeting the brief of being a piece of dance music (AC 2.5). Types of evidence Your evidence for this unit may be from word-processed reports, videos, photographs, audio recordings and Teacher observation checklists.

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Unit 06 Producing dance music (L/504/0827) Resources required To complete the tasks, you’ll need access to appropriate music technology resources. These could include:

controller keyboards

a variety of sequencing and digital compositional tools digital audio workstation and speakers/headphones

word processing/presentation software

suitable recording facilities.

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NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Creative Studies: Music Technology – 600/6904/1 – Issue 1 July 2013

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Unit 07 Working with digital audio (R/504/0828)

Internal assessment task In the modern recording environment or even in a basic home studio, the digital format is now the most common way of working with audio either as a stereo recording on a CD or as a wav file stored on a hard drive. Although some may argue that the sound quality of digital audio is inferior to that of analog tape, no-one can argue that working with digital audio is now a cost-effective solution for producing budget and even high-end production recordings. Pro Tools, Logic and Cubase are all industry-standard hard-disk-based recording systems and a good working knowledge in this area can provide a solid foundation on which to develop your production and engineering skills. All aspects of the task must be covered in order to complete this assessment. Task details The task for this assessment comes in 2 parts:

You’ll be required to complete some basic editing operations on mono and stereo audio files using sequencing or specialist editing software.

You’ll need to show an understanding of the principles of wave editing software and sampling theory.

Your work for this unit will need to evidence the following:

an understanding of the editing software’s file management system (AC 1.1)

a working knowledge of the software by performing some basic editing operations to a given brief (AC 1.2)

an understanding and working knowledge of different types of audio file formats (AC 1.3)

an awareness of the visual information provided by digital editing software (AC 2.1)

an ability to understand the key functions of a selected audio editing application (AC 2.2)

an understanding of normalising and its function (AC 2.3)

an understanding of sampling theory and its effects on audio quality (AC 2.4)

an awareness of different types of audio formats and how they are used in today’s multimedia industry (AC 2.5, 2.6) Types of evidence Your evidence for this unit may be from word-processed reports, videos, photographs, audio recordings and Teacher observation checklists.

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Unit 07 Working with digital audio (R/504/0828) Resources required To complete the tasks, you’ll need access to appropriate music technology resources. These could include:

specialist audio editing software digital audio workstation and speakers/headphones

word processing/presentation software

a brief from your Teacher outlining the editing tasks to complete

data projector, smart board.

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Unit 08 Sound design (Y/504/0829)

Internal assessment task Employment in the music industry has now expanded beyond work in a recording studio. The development of games, surround sound in movies and a variety of multimedia applications for phones and tablets has meant that there is now a market for sound designers to work alongside software developers in creating specific sounds to a given brief. This unit will look at the principles behind sound design and introduce you to some techniques associated with this side of the industry. All aspects of the task must be covered in order to complete this assessment. Task details You’ll need to show an understanding of the key features of sound design and then demonstrate a practical ability to design and create some sound effects. Your work for this unit will need to evidence the following:

an ability to identify different types of sound design (AC 1.1)

a written or recorded account of when sound effects would or could be used to enhance TV shows, a movie, theatre performance or radio show (AC 1.2)

an understanding and working knowledge of how to access sound libraries (AC 1.3)

an awareness of the production techniques and methods associated with producing a range of sounds (AC 1.4)

an ability to assess and plan for a variety of sound designs to be used in a music or sound production (AC 2.1, 2.2)

an ability to create sound effects using the technology resources at your disposal (AC 2.3)

an evaluation assessing the suitability of the resulting product and how it meets the requirements of the brief (AC 2.4). Types of evidence Your evidence for this unit may be from word-processed reports, videos, photographs, audio recordings and Teacher observation checklists.

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Unit 08 Sound design (Y/504/0829) Resources required To complete the tasks, you’ll need access to appropriate music technology resources. These could include:

specialist audio editing software

computer sequencing software

virtual instruments and effects

recording environment digital audio workstation and speakers/headphones

word processing/presentation software

a brief from your Teacher outlining the sound design tasks to complete

a data projector, smart board.

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Unit 09 Microphone techniques in music production (L/504/0830)

Internal assessment task You’re working with a local company which is producing a website of music technology resources, including instructional documents and equipment reviews. To support the website, you’ve been asked to contribute to the website’s online tutorials section regarding certain equipment specifics. The first one to be completed focuses on working with microphones, including the key properties of different microphones and what situations and instruments they are best suited to. It’ll also include details of microphone placements and possible faults you may encounter in the set-up, placement and overall sound quality you can expect to achieve with your microphones. All aspects of the task must be covered in order to complete this assessment. Task details You’ve been given a range of common microphones that would typically be used in various recording situations that people encounter regularly, such as recording vocals and acoustic guitars. You’re required to produce a tutorial document which could include written text, audio/video recordings, annotated screenshots and visual aids where appropriate. Your tutorial documents will give visitors to the website an understanding of the different types of microphone, their uses and how to place the microphones when recording instruments and voices. Your tutorial document needs to include:

an introduction saying what you’ll cover

the different types of microphones and their key properties (AC 1.1)

what each type of microphone would typically be used for and the reasons behind the choices (AC 1.2, 1.3)

descriptions of microphone placement for a variety of sound sources (AC 1.4)

how to connect microphones to typical audio amplification and recording systems (AC 1.5)

an assessment of possible problems and faults you may encounter when setting up microphones and how this might affect sound quality (AC 1.6). Types of evidence Your tutorial document should be submitted for assessment to your Teacher in a suitable format. Any video/audio recordings should be made available to your Teacher for assessment. Candidate reports, Teacher observation, questioning and professional discussions can also be used to document evidence for this unit.

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Unit 09 Microphone techniques in music production (L/504/0830) Resources required To complete the tasks, you’ll need access to appropriate music technology resources, including:

a selection of common microphone types

dynamic, condenser, omni-directional and uni-directional

microphone cables

PA system or mixing desk digital audio workstation and speakers/headphones.

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Unit 10 Location sound recording (R/504/0831)

Internal assessment task This assessment will be looking at the recording techniques and equipment associated with being on location. As a sound engineer, radio presenter or even a journalist, knowledge of how to record on location efficiently can help tremendously with documenting information or being able to record and gather new sounds for a sample library. All aspects of the task must be covered in order to complete this assessment. Task details For this assessment you’ll be working on location to complete a recording to a specific brief that will be supplied by your Teacher. You’ll need to assess the requirements of the brief, carry out the recordings and then critically evaluate the results. Your work for this unit will need to evidence the following:

an understanding of the brief and its requirements (AC 1.1)

an ability to select appropriate equipment to carry out the specified recordings (AC 1.2)

an understanding of the logistics involved in carrying out the recording (AC 1.3)

an ability to set up and operate the recording equipment (AC 1.4, 1.5)

an ability to use microphone placement as a means of enhancing sound quality (AC 1.6)

an awareness of troubleshooting techniques (AC 1.7)

an evaluation or discussion assessing the suitability of the resulting product and how it meets the requirements of the brief (AC 1.8)

a demonstration and awareness of health and safety procedures relevant to the location (AC 1.9). Types of evidence Your evidence for this unit may be from word-processed reports, videos, photographs, audio recordings and Teacher observation checklists. Resources required To complete the tasks, you’ll need access to appropriate music technology resources. These could include:

portable recording device(s)

a suitable selection of microphones

cables and recording medium word processing/presentation software

a brief from your Teacher outlining the recording task to complete

a data projector, smart board

a digital audio workstation (DAW) and speakers/headphones

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Unit 11 Live sound (Y/504/0832)

Internal assessment task Live sound is now one of the biggest growth areas in the music industry. Concert venues, festivals and even corporate events all require sound engineers experienced in the live sound field to control the front of house sound, monitors or broadcast mix. This unit will look at some of the techniques and equipment associated with this area of the music industry. All aspects of the task must be covered in order to complete this assessment.

Task details For this assessment you’ll be required to identify and set up a variety of PA and sound reinforcement equipment with a view to controlling the live sound of a performance both at front of house and monitor level. Your work for this unit will need to evidence the following:

an understanding of the components and connections common in sound reinforcement systems (AC 1.1, 1.2)

an understanding of the safety considerations involved in the operating of live sound equipment (AC 1.3)

an ability to assist in the set-up of a live sound reinforcement system (AC 2.1)

an understanding of live sound requirements for different scenarios (AC 2.2)

an awareness of relevant venue safety legislation (AC 2.3)

an ability to set up and monitor agreed front of house sound levels (AC 3.1)

an ability to set up and monitor foldback levels for performers (AC 3.2)

how to operate the PA system for a live music event (AC 3.3)

a demonstration and awareness of venue related health and safety procedures (AC 3.4). Types of evidence

Your evidence for this unit may be from candidate reports, videos of engineering, photographs, audio recordings, Teacher observation checklists and expert witness testimonies. Resources required To complete the tasks, you’ll need access to appropriate music technology resources. These could include:

PA system

front of house mixing board

on stage monitor board technical specification from band(s)

word processing software (if required)

access to a rehearsed band or solo musician ready for performance.

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