Interchange of SEO and Content Writing in 2015

Interchange of SEO and Content Writing in 2015

Transcript of Interchange of SEO and Content Writing in 2015

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Interchange of SEO and Content Writing in 2015

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Relation of SEO with Content Marketing

The truth is, however, that they go together, overlap, cohere, blend.

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There are differences between SEO and content marketing

1. SEO is narrower, and more technical.

2.Content marketing is broader and more holistic.

This is the way in which the two converge:

1.The way to apply SEO in a broader way is to channel its specific technical endeavors into content marketing.

2. Conversely, the only way to ensure the success of content marketing is to apply SEO techniques in its implementation.

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How SEO and Content Marketing Come Together

SEO makes demands. Content marketing fulfills those demands.

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What exactly SEO requires, and how content marketing meets that requirement ?

1. SEO demands content. Content marketing is content.

2. SEO demands keywords. Content marketing means using keywords.

3. SEO demands back links. Content marketing introduces back links.

4. SEO demands onsite technical optimization. Content marketing needs great UX.

5. SEO demands consistent output. Content marketing requires consistent.

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The SEO & Content Marketing Trends that will Dominate 2015.

1. SEO will become focused on technical elements while content marketing will drive search rankings.

2. Sites that aren’t optimized for user intent and mobile SEO will fail.

3. Brand mentions and citations will become as powerful as links.

4. Following the failed Google+ Authorship experiment, Google will place more value on social signals from Twitter and Facebook.

5. Search rankings will increasingly become more about building relationships and less about technical strategies.

6. Negative SEO will be a bigger threat than ever.

7. SEO will no longer be an isolated department, but become fully integrated with other aspects of marketing

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Some Basic Procedure for Content Marketing.

Step 1: Locate Your Nearest Keywords

Step 2: Learn Where You Stand

Step 3: Incorporate Goal Keywords Into Your Editorial Calendar Process

Step 4: Use Basic Keyword Identification For All Of Your Posts

Step 5: Properly Optimize Your Content For Each Keyword

Step 6: Optimize Your WordPress Site With These SEO Friendly Plugins

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Some Intelligent Procedure for Content Marketing.

Use of Periodic Table of Content Marketing

1. Strategy: The fundamental key to success. Planning and focus is essential. You need a clear strategy, mapped to your long-term business goals.

2. Format: Content comes in many different shapes and sizes. Note that you can use multiple formats for a single piece of content. Slice and dice! Right now, I’m writing a blog post to support a visualization. Maybe I’ll produce a video or slideshow too.

3. Content Type: These are based on the common types of content that work well for our business. Many of them will work well for your brand too. Sometimes you’ll use multiple content types for a single piece of content.

4. Platform: These are content distribution platforms. Others are social sites (your own, your network, third parties). All of these help spread the word about your content. 

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5. Metrics: These help you to measure the performance of your content.

6. Goals: All content should support your primary business goals, whether that’s to generate lots of traffic, or to sell more, or to increase brand awareness. Laser-guided content will tick a few of these boxes.  

7. Sharing Triggers: This is largely inspired by Unruly Media’s triggers for sharing content. Think about the emotional drivers behind sharing, and make sure the content you create makes people feel something. 

8. Checklist : Errors need to be fixed, and all content should be properly optimized (for search, for social, and to support your business goals).

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Justification: The benefits and challenges of marrying these two disciplines and explanations how to success.

SEO Is More Than Just Traffic, Conversions & Revenue

There are 4 key elements to an SEO plan developed around a content marketing strategy:

1. Find out what people want and give it to them.

2. Use retargeting lists to communicate with them, even after they leave your site.

3. Make special price offers on your product or service if prospects act now.

4. Evolve a smart content marketing plan to build content that pulls in your target customers.

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What Leaders Must Know About Content Marketing & SEO

Content marketing is not paid content disguised as editorial content.Done correctly, content marketing is an excellent way to build a relationship with customers.

A well-implemented content strategy establishes trust and authority in the market. It positions your company in the middle of the research and buying cycle, so that you can take control of what they see, read, think and do.Being found on organic search results and attracting traffic to your site makes it possible to engage people and convert them into fans and customers. And all those clicks and traffic from Google results are free.

The crucial concept behind effective content marketing, then, is to tell stories that people find interesting.

Your content should not be perceived as “marketing” or “selling.” You’ll sell more by NOT selling! While your content is designed to eventually develop awareness, close sales and create advocacy for your brand, it should stay focused on helping, creating value for customers, and meeting their needs.

This way more people will find your content, giving you wider reach and impact. Your content marketing strategy helps differentiate you from the crowd.

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Content Marketing Lets You Dominate A Niche & Become The Market Leader

The business case for content marketing is clear: If you want to build your brand to become the market leader you must OWN the niches in your market.

You can achieve this goal by using keyword research and SEO analysis performed by an experienced consultant to tap into the holy grail of search behavior – a search user’s needs, questions and intent.

From current and historical data, you can find out what individuals…are concerned about (fears)are curious to know (interests)are seeking solutions for (problems)are dreaming about having (desires)

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Putting The Cart Before The Horse

1. Weak Content Planning

2. Failing To Integrate Content Marketing Into Digital Channels

3. Not Realizing the Difference Between Advertising and Marketing/Content

4. Lack of Knowledge About Digital Marketing

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7. “Campaign” Thinking

8. Making Content The Goal

5. Shortsightedness and Ad Hoc Work Patterns

6. Content Overload

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How To Find What People Want?

There are many tools to guide you.

Google Keyword Planner is a good starting point, where you can type in keywords and discover how popular they are. is a logical second step, because it gives you more specific information about searcher intent through long tail keyword phrases.

SEMrush helps study what your competitors are doing. You might get ideas to expand and broaden your approach, or go deeper into sub-niches or find new ones to explore and research.

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In Conclusion

Investing in content marketing without SEO is sub-optimal. You will limit your own success and end up publishing content that no one is interested in.

Effective content marketing will help build your brand and attract more qualified leads and paying customers.

Intersections of SEO and content marketing, where experts work together, will generate better outcomes.

Evergreen content lasts for years. Traffic, leads and sales will not stop when a campaign is over, but continue for many years.

Content planning and content promotion can help you leverage the incredible power and longevity of content marketing and SEO.
