Inter system cooperation

Cooperation from system theory point of view Miklós Fodor Fodor HR Psychology 2.0


Why is worthy for systems to connect?

Transcript of Inter system cooperation

Page 1: Inter system cooperation

Cooperation from system theory point of view

Miklós Fodor

Fodor HR

Psychology 2.0

Page 2: Inter system cooperation

What is a conflict?

Person A sees a blue circle

Person B sees a yellow square

Two people (A & B)

looking at the same object

Who is right?

Can be both right ?

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Indicator shows how adaptive a system is.Who has the control: the environment or the system?

HUMAN:the indicator = mood, self-confidence

High indicator = happinesse.g. feelings after solving a problem; good performance

Low indicator = fear, anxiety, anger, e.g. being bound (unability to move); being attacked by a dog

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What if person A and B is the same?Only the time points differ

The conflict is WITHIN her/his mind.Result: confusion her/his indicator is decreasing

The „power” of the environment (the situation) increases

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The indicator starts to decrease



The person has low control on the environment = badly adapting

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What can she/he do?Investigating the details

No decision: the conflict increases

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The indicator decreases more and more rapidly



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What happens meanwhile?Combining the details

Checking also the details of the details...

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Close to give up

Nadir or deadlock (SWE: dödläge, atervändsgränd;HUN: holtpont) = close to give up



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SOLUTIONFinding a good combination of the details

Out-of-the-box thinking: out of 2D into 3D

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The CYLINDER is the solution

In reality the object is a cylinder

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The indicator increases suddenly



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The communication constraint


IndicatorUrge for sharing

the new knowledge

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Characteristics of the process (1)

• Investigating the details of each perspective is needed to reach a solution. This process can be also unconscious

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Characteristics of the process (2)

• In the majority of the cases the solution is preceded by failures. These result discomfort



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Characteristics of the process (3)

• The two perspectives have to be in contact in order to mix the building elements

The contact means communication

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Characteristics of the process (4)• If a solution exists, usually it appears at the

indicator’s minimum point, when all details are revealed


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Characteristics of the process (5)

• Solution = better representation of the environment by a new model. It requires stepping out of the usual thinking boundaries. E.g. 3D instead 2D

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Characteristics of the process (6)

• The solution is integrative: does not cease, but includes both previous perspectives

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Characteristics of the process (7)

• The increase of the indicator at the end of the process is proportional with the previous decrease



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Characteristics of the process (8)

• After a solution is born, it is hard to keep it for ourselves. Remaining silent would be a bad strategy from evolution’s point of view

Urge for sharing the new knowledge

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Systems (1)

• investigated living system: PERSON• the sub-systems: COGNITIVE SCHEMATA• the indicator: THE SIZE OF THE SELF• indicator increase: SELF-EXPANSION, HAPPINESS• indicator decrease: SELF-NARROWING, ANXIETY• communication: INTRA-MIND• solution is spread to: PEOPLE ON GROUP LEVEL

Example: saturday night dilemma: cinema or friends

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Systems (2)• investigated living system: COUPLE• the sub-systems: TWO PERSONS & THEIR SCHEMATA• the indicator: WELL BEING OF THE COUPLE; ATTRACTION,

HARMONY• indicator increase: MARRIAGE• indicator decrease: DIVORCE, BREAKING UP

• communication: INTER-MIND• solution is spread to: PEOPLE ON GROUP LEVEL

Example: helping each other; altruism; common problem solving

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Systems (3)• investigated living system: GROUP• the sub-systems: GROUP MEMBERS• the indicator: GROUP COHESION• indicator increase: GOOD PERFORMANCE, COMMON AIMS

• indicator decrease: DIVERGENCE, DISAGREEMENT• communication: INTERPERSONAL• solution is spread to: GROUPS ON SOCIETY OR COMPANY


Example: gossips; clique (competing sub-groups. SWE:

klick, kotteri); group dynamics; group spirit; morale

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Systems (4)• investigated living system: COMPANIES• the sub-systems: DEPARTMENTS, DIVISIONS, EMPLOYEES• the indicator: COMPANY VALUE, SHARE PRICE• indicator increase: (MID TERM) SHARE PRICE INCREASE

• indicator decrease: (MID TERM) SHARE PRICE DECREASE• communication: INTERPERSONAL• solution is spread to: CUSTOMERS, INVESTORS

Example: restructuring the organisation; company culture change; M&A (former competitors)

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Systems (5)• investigated living system: SOCIETY, NATION, CULTURE• the sub-systems: ETHNIC GROUPS, SUB-CULTURES,


(SWE: BNP), QUALITY OF LIFE• indicator increase: HDI INCREASE

• indicator decrease: CIVIL WAR, RIOTS• communication: MEDIA• solution is spread to: LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES,


Example: tolerance with minorities; exporting positive political values (democracy)

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Systems (6)• investigated living system: WORLD, CONTINENT• the sub-systems: COUNTRIES, WORLD RELIGIONS• the indicator: WORLD TRADE• indicator increase: POPULATION INCREASE• indicator decrease: (WORLD) WARS, GLOBAL WARMING

• communication: DIPLOMACY• solution is spread to: N/A, (MAYBE MARTIANS OR UFOs)

Example: EU; Future super-system (UN or world government). The film: Independece day (common enemy)

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Conclusions• conflict = two antagonistic perspectives about the same object• solving conflict = common aim that integrates• technique = going in the details + communicating (sharing the

details: needs an openness)• conflict, bad feelings = necessary part of the solution process

• spreading the solution = exporting the new perspective to other systems on a higher complexity level

• the parent system’s indicator affects its children system’s indicator = your team wins, you are happy; your company’s share value increases, you earn more; your country is successful, you live better

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