Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part =...

Integumentary System

Transcript of Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part =...

Page 1: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Integumentary System

Page 2: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Albinism (ภาวะผวเผอก)

Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause

Albinism [al-buh-niz-uh m]

Meaning = a genetic condition characterized by a deficiency or the absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and irises of the eyes

Page 3: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

ภาวะผวเผอก (albinism) เกดจากการขาดเอนไซม tyrosinase สงผลใหไมสามารถสงเคราะห melanin pigment ไดหรอสงเคราะหไดนอยกวาปกต ท าใหเสนผมและเซลลผวหนงมสขาว การถายทอดลกษณะผวเผอกถกควบคมโดยยนดอยบนออโตโซม

Page 4: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Page 5: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Cyanosis (อาการผวหนงเขยวคล าเนองจากขาดออกซเจน)

Word part = Cyan/o + -osis Cyan/o = blue, dark blue -osis = actions, conditions, or states especially disorders or abnormal states

Cyanosis [sahy-uh-noh-sis]

Meaning = blueness or lividness of the skin, as from imperfectly oxygenated blood

Page 6: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

อาการผวหนงเขยวเพราะขาดออกซเจน (cyanosis) เกดจาก hemoglobin อยในสภาพทขาดออกซเจนเปนจ านวนมาก จงท าใหเหนเปนสมวงแทนทจะเหนเปนสแดง เมอใดท hemoglobin ไดรบออกซเจนไมเพยงพอ เมดเลอดแดงจะเปลยนจากสแดงสดเปนสแดงด า หรอสมวง อาการเขยวเพราะขาดออกซเจนอาจเปนทอวยวะสวนใดสวนหนง เชน แขน ขา จมก ห หรอ ทวรางกาย ed0201167329d30ad2da2069732bab68.jpg Cyanosis-central-peripheral_mini.jpg

Page 7: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Rhytidectomy(การผาตดดงหนา) Rhytidectomy

word part = Rhytid ‟ (Greek) = prefix meaning “wrinkle”

ectomy (Greek) = a combining form meaning “excision” of the part specified by the initialelement,used in the

formation of compound words Meaning = The surgical removal of excess skin and fat around the face to eliminate wrinkles

and popularly known as a face-lift.

Page 8: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Page 9: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Page 10: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Langerhans cell

เปน cell ทถกคนพบโดย Paul Langerhans (1847±1888)

Langerhans cell [lahng-er-hahnz selz]

Meaning = a dendritic cell of the interstitial spaces of the mammalian epidermis that functions as an antigen-presenting cell which binds antigen entering through the skin and transports it to the lymph

Page 11: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Page 12: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Xeroderma pigmentosu (ภาวะผวหนงแหง)

Word part -Xero- = a combining form meaning “dry” -derma = a combining form of derma, used especially in the names of disorders of the skin -Pigment = A dry insoluble substance, usually pulverized ,which when suspended In a liquid vehicle becomes a paint,ink.etc. -ose = a suffix occurring in adjectives borrowed from Latin,meaning “full of,” “abounding in,” “given to,” “like”

zeer-uh-dur-muh pig-muh n-toh-suh

Meaning = a rare inherited disease characterized by sensitivity to ultraviolet light,exposure resulting in leisions and tumors of the skin and

Page 13: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Xeroderma pigmentosum(ภาวะผวหนงแหง)

Page 14: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism


Word part = erythr/o = red derm/o = skin Albin/o + -ism


Meaning = abnormal redness of skin occurring over a widespread area

Page 15: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Page 16: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism


Word part psor/o = itching -iasis = state of, process of

pso·ri·a·sis (suh-rahy-uh-sis)

Meaning = (Pathology) a skin disease characterized by the formation of reddish spots and patches covered with silvery scales: tends to run in

Page 17: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Page 18: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Anemia word part an‟ (Greek) = prefix meaning “None, Without” -emia (Greek) = a combining form meaning “Blood” adapt from - haima Meaning = Pathology, a quantitative deficiency of the hemoglobin, often accompanied by a reduced number of red blood cells and causing pallor, weakness, and breathlessness.


Page 19: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism


โลหตจางเปนภาวะทมเมดเลอดแดงนอยกวาปกตท าใหความสามารถในการขนสงออกซเจนลดลง ปรมาณเมดเลอดแดงวดไดจากระดบฮโมโกลบน หรอฮมาโตครต โดยคาปกตของเมดเลอดแดง รวมทงระดบฮโมโกลบนแตกตางกนขนกบเพศ อาย


Page 20: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism


Word part = Ep- = variant of epi- is a prefix occurring in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “upon, on, over” Onycho- = a nail of a finger or toe. -Ium = a suffix found on nouns borrowed from Latin

ep-uh-nik-ee-uh m

Meaning = -Embryology. the modified outer layer of the epidermis that partially covers the fetal fingernails and toenails and that persists after birth as the cuticle. -Anatomy. a thin, cuticular fold extending over the lunula of a nail.

Page 21: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism


Page 22: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism


Word part = Onych/o = nail Crypt/o = hidden -osis = a suffix occurring in nouns that denote actions, conditions, or states especially disorders or abnormal states


Meaning = aberrant growth of a toenail, with one or both lateral margins pushing deeply into adjacent soft tissue, causing pain, inflammation, and possible infection.

Page 23: Integumentary System 15-10... · Albinism (ภาวะผิวเผือก) Word part = Albin/o + -ism Albin/o = white -ism = process, disease from a specific cause Albinism

Onychocryptosis (เลบขบ)

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กลมท 1 นสตแพทยชนปท 2

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