Integration Testing in Python

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This presentation addresses web app integration testing (a.k.a. browser testing) in Python. It focuses on currently-available tools, including one that I wrote, and looks at some specific integration testing concerns for the Django web framework.

Transcript of Integration Testing in Python

  • 1. Integration Testing In Python And why I Love it so Much Mike Leone Panoptic Development February 29, 2012

2. What are web application integration tests? 3. High-level TESTS 4. High-level TESTS That simulate Web Browser Interaction 5. A.K.A. Acceptance Testing Browser Testing 6. Web apps? Unit testing? Integration testing? 7. EXAMPLE Test that a user can log in toyour web app 8. EXAMPLE 9. USE CASES? 10. Customer-tracked user stories 11. Customer-tracked user stories A user should be able to create a profile and update their address 12. High-level tests that span multiple components 13. High-level tests that span multiple components Beyond the scope of unit tests 14. Large, inherited applications 15. Large, inherited applications A less overwhelming way to track big feature sets 16. Non-application updates 17. Non-application updates Testing client applications after a data migration or infrastructure upgrades 18. But integration tests can test low-level logic too! 19. But integration tests can test low-level logic too! So let's write integration tests only, and forgo unit tests! 20. 21. Pick your Battles 22. Pick your Battles

  • Integration tests are SLOW

23. Pick your Battles

  • Integration tests are SLOW

24. There's more state to manage 25. Pick your Battles

  • Integration tests are SLOW

26. There's more state to manage 27. They take longer to update 28. Pick your Battles

  • Integration tests are SLOW

29. There's more state to manage 30. They take longer to update 31. Very simple app or CMS? 32. Very simple app or CMS?

  • An integration-only test suite may make sense

33. Existing tools 34. Existing tools: Bare-metal selenium 35. import xmlrpclib # Make an object to represent the XML-RPC server. server_url = "http://localhost:8080/selenium-driver/RPC2" app = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(server_url) # Bump timeout a little higher than the default 5 seconds app.setTimeout(15) import os #os.system('start run_firefox.bat') os.system('"C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe"' +'http://localhost:8080/selenium-driver/SeleneseRunner.html') print'http://localhost:8080/AUT/000000A/http/') print app.verifyTitle('Google') print app.type('q','Selenium ThoughtWorks') print app.verifyValue('q','Selenium ThoughtWorks') print app.clickAndWait('btnG') print app.verifyTextPresent('','') print app.verifyTitle('Google Search: Selenium ThoughtWorks') print app.testComplete() 36. import xmlrpclib # Make an object to represent the XML-RPC server. server_url = "http://localhost:8080/selenium-driver/RPC2" app = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(server_url) # Bump timeout a little higher than the default 5 seconds app.setTimeout(15) import os #os.system('start run_firefox.bat') os.system('"C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe"' +'http://localhost:8080/selenium-driver/SeleneseRunner.html') print'http://localhost:8080/AUT/000000A/http/') print app.verifyTitle('Google') print app.type('q','Selenium ThoughtWorks') print app.verifyValue('q','Selenium ThoughtWorks') print app.clickAndWait('btnG') print app.verifyTextPresent('','') print app.verifyTitle('Google Search: Selenium ThoughtWorks') print app.testComplete() Too much boilerplate 37. import xmlrpclib # Make an object to represent the XML-RPC server. server_url = "http://localhost:8080/selenium-driver/RPC2" app = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(server_url) # Bump timeout a little higher than the default 5 seconds app.setTimeout(15) import os #os.system('start run_firefox.bat') os.system('"C:Program FilesMozilla Firefoxfirefox.exe"' +'http://localhost:8080/selenium-driver/SeleneseRunner.html') print'http://localhost:8080/AUT/000000A/http/') print app.verifyTitle('Google') print app.type('q','Selenium ThoughtWorks') print app.verifyValue('q','Selenium ThoughtWorks') print app.clickAndWait('btnG') print app.verifyTextPresent('','') print app.verifyTitle('Google Search: Selenium ThoughtWorks') print app.testComplete() Too much boilerplate Too verbose, API too big 38. Existing tools: Splinter 39. from splinter.browser import Browser browser = Browser() browser.visit('') browser.fill('q', 'splinter - python acceptance testing for web applications') browser.find_by_css('.lsb') if browser.is_text_present(''): print "Yes, the official website was found!" else: print "No, it wasn't found... We need to improve our SEO techniques" browser.quit() 40. from splinter.browser import Browser browser = Browser() browser.visit('') browser.fill('q', 'splinter - python acceptance testing for web applications') browser.find_by_css('.lsb') if browser.is_text_present(''): print "Yes, the official website was found!" else: print "No, it wasn't found... We need to improve our SEO techniques" browser.quit() Much better! 41. from splinter.browser import Browser browser = Browser() browser.visit('') browser.fill('q', 'splinter - python acceptance testing for web applications') browser.find_by_css('.lsb') if browser.is_text_present(''): print "Yes, the official website was found!" else: print "No, it wasn't found... We need to improve our SEO techniques" browser.quit() Much better! But...

  • Still have to manage browser object

42. Navigation still a bit clunky 43. TheRubycommunityis obsessed With testing 44. TheRubycommunityis obsessed With testing How do they do it? 45. # Example: Capybara test framework include Rack::Test::Methods def test_it_says_welcome get '/' click 'link text' assert response.body.include?(Welcome!) end 46. # Example: Capybara test framework include Rack::Test::Methods def test_it_says_welcome get '/' click 'link text' assert response.body.include?(Welcome!) end 47. # Example: Capybara test framework include Rack::Test::Methods def test_it_says_welcome get '/' click 'link text' assert response.body.include?(Welcome!) end That's what I want 48. Entereasy_integration! 49. Entereasy_integration! The lightweight testing lib I wrote. 50. easy_integration

  • Runs on top of splinter

51. easy_integration

  • Runs on top of splinter
    • Which runs on top of selenium

52. easy_integration

  • Runs on top of splinter
    • Which runs on top of selenium

No browser object management 53. easy_integration

  • Runs on top of splinter
    • Which runs on top of selenium

No browser object management 54. Smart defaults:

    • Chrome browser
  • 55. Test server running, port 8001

56. easy_integration Tiny, simple API:

      • visit()
    • 57. click()
  • 58. fill_in()

59. select() 60. displays() 61. easy_integration Tiny, simple API:

      • visit()
    • 62. click()
  • 63. fill_in()

64. select() 65. displays() That's it 66. DEMO TIME (Django example) 67. Other tools:

      • Nose
    • 68. Lettuce

69. Still challenging for complex django apps

  • Manage test server

70. Manage time-consuming database transactions 71. Coming in Django 1.4

  • LiveServerTestCase

72. Questions?


73. 74.