Integrating Intelligent Assistants into Human Teams

Integrating Intelligent Assistants into Human Teams Katia Sycara The Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412) 268-8225 [email protected] ~softagents Michael Lewis School of Information Sciences University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (412) 624-9426 [email protected]


Katia Sycara The Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412) 268-8225 [email protected] Michael Lewis School of Information Sciences University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (412) 624-9426 [email protected] - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Integrating Intelligent Assistants into Human Teams

Page 1: Integrating Intelligent Assistants  into Human Teams

Integrating Intelligent Assistants into Human Teams

Katia Sycara

The Robotics Institute

Carnegie Mellon University

Pittsburgh, PA 15213

(412) 268-8225

[email protected]

Michael Lewis

School of Information Sciences

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260

(412) 624-9426

[email protected]

Page 2: Integrating Intelligent Assistants  into Human Teams

Team Members CMU

Liren Chen

Somesh Jha

Rande Shern

Dajun Zeng

Keith Decker

Anadeep Pannu

Vandana Verma

Prasad Chalasani

Kostya Domashnev

Onn Shehory

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Team Members U. of Pittsburgh

Michael Lewis (PI)

Terry Lenox

Emily Roth

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Talk Outline

• Goals

• Potential Impact for the Navy

• Approach

• Research Issues

• Progress

• Plan for Next Year

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Overall Research Goal Increase the effectiveness of joint Command and Control Teams

through the incorporation of Agent Technology in environments that are:

• distributed

• time stressed

• uncertain

• open (information sources, communication links and agents dynamically appear and disappear)

Team members are distributed in terms of:

• time and space

• expertise

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Impacts for Navy

• Reduce time for a C2 team to arrive at a decision

• Allow C2 teams to consider a broader range of alternatives

• Enable C2 teams to flexibly manage contingencies (replan, repair)

• Reduce time for a C2 team to form a shared model of the situation

• Reduce individual and team errors

• Support team cohesion and team work skills

• Increase overall team performance

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Transition Opportunities

• Maritime Crisis planning

• Target identification training

• Air campaign planning

• Strike planning

• Aircraft maintenance

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Overall Approach

• develop an adaptive, self-organizing collection of Intelligent Agents (the RETSINA infrastructure) that interact with the humans and each other.

– integrate multimedia information management and decision support

– anticipate and satisfy human information processing and problem solving needs

– perform real-time synchronization of human actions

– notify about significant changes in the environment

– adapt to user, task and situation

• develop model libraries of individual and team tasks

• develop verifiable useful human-agent interaction techniques

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Overall Research Issues

• Agents and Agent Interactions

• Human Agent Interaction

• Information Filtering and Integration

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Overall Research Issues: Agents and Agent Interactions

• interleaving planning, replanning, execution monitoring and information gathering in a multiagent setting

• single agent architecture and self-awareness

• agent coordination scheme

• finding appropriate agents

• agent interoperability

• agent-to-agent task delegation protocols

• learning through agent interactions

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Overall Research Issues: Human Agent Interaction

• agent-based team aiding

• functional allocation between humans and agents (insert agents into military simulations and perform controlled experiments with human subjects to assess utility)

• human-agent trust

• development of task models (graphical task editor)

• user-guided instantiation of agents (agent editor)

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Insert TeamAiding.ppt

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Overall Research Issues: Information Filtering and Integration

• learning and tracking multiple interests of users

• increase relevance of retrieved information (refinement key words, relevance feedback, summary of most important information in documents)

• detecting ``interesting'' patterns from multiple data sources

• information integration and conflict resolution

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Retsina Functional Organization

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Characteristics of RETSINA Agents

• Agents act autonomously to accomplish objectives

– Goal-directed

– Taskable

– Running unassisted for long periods

– Proactive & Reactive

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Characteristics of RETSINA Agents (Contd.)

• Agents engage in peer-to-peer interactions

– Agents are taskable, i.e. users or other agents can delegate tasks to them, user acceptability and trust an important issue

– Can interact as cooperative teams or self-interested individuals

– Interaction protocols

– Coordination Strategies

– Negotiation Protocols

• Agents adapt to their environment, user, task and each other

– Adapt both at the individual level and at the societal level

– Employ Alternate Methods

– Learn from (and about) users and each other

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• RETSINA system infrastructure development

– Java implementation

• RETSINA agent architecture

– increased planning sophistication in individual agents

• Middle agents

• Agent interaction protocols

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Middle Agent Types

PreferencesInitially Known By

Provider Only Provider +Middle Agent

Provider + Middle +Requester

Requester Only (Broadcaster) “Front-Agent” Matchmaker

Requester +Middle Agent

Anonymizer Broker Recommender

Requestor +Middle + Provider

Blackboard Introducer/Bodyguard


Service Parameters Initially Known By

Service providers have capabilities and service parametersService requesters have service request and preferences

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Retsina Agent Architecture

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RETSINA Planning Mechanisms

• hierarchical task network-based formalism

• library of task reduction schemas

– alternative task reductions

– contingent plans, loops

• incremental task reduction, interleaved with execution

– information gathered during execution directs future planning

• resource and temporal constraints

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A task Structure (Advertisement Task Structure)

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Progress (Contd.)

• Agent interoperability

– language for capability advertisement (Aardvark)

– agent name server and distributed matchmakingª

• Human Agent Interaction

– Task Editor

– Agent Editor

– Human Agent Trust

– Team TANDEM experiments



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Insert Aardvark.ppt:language for capability advertisement

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Insert Interact.ppt: Agent Editor

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Progress (Contd.)

• Applications

– Information filtering: Webmateª, DVINA

– Agents in team aiding: ModSAF, multiagent air patrol, agent-aided aircraft maintenance



This application is done in collaboration with the CMU wearable computer project.

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ModSAF Vision

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Insert AirMain.ppt:Aircraft Maintenance Task

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Overview of the WebMate System

• Use the multiple TF-IDF vectors to keep track of user interests in different domains which are automatically learned

• Use the trigger pair model to automatically extract relevant words for refining search

• The user can provide multiple pages as relevance guidance for information search

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Insert WebMate.ppt(more detailed description)

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Insert WebMateDemo.ppt(detailed description of WebMate demo)

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Overview of Informedia

• One of the six Digital Libraries Initiative projects funded by the NSF, DARPA, NASA and others in collaboration with WQED

• A multimedia library that will consist of over one thousand hours of digital video, audio, images, text and other related materials

• Uses combined speech, language and image understanding technology to transcribe, segment and index the linear video.

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Plans for Next Year

• Continue enhancing the functionality of individual agents (e.g., more sophisticated planning mechanisms)

• Improve the robustness of the RETSINA infrastructure

• Finish the implementation of the agent advertisement language (Aardvark)

• Refine agent task delegation framework, particularly contingent task delegation

• Investigate situation-dependent agent coordination strategies

• Investigate information- and action-based conflict resolution

• Expand the ModSAF team-aiding scenarios by introducing agents of additional types and functionalities

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Plans for Next Year (Contd.)

• Develop explicit agent tasking mechanisms

• Identify appropriate indexing mechanisms for task structure cases

• Expand the functionalities of agent editor

• Automatically learn individual and team coordination patterns from team activity traces

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Plan for Integrating the Parts of CMU MURI

• Work with U. of Pittsburgh to identify additional agent requirements needed for agent-based team aiding

• U. of Pittsburgh will test the effectiveness of agent-based team aiding in ModSAF scenarios with human subjects

• Incorporate multimedia information from Informedia into agent-based team aiding

• Use the wearable computers as the platform for running the collaborative aircraft maintenance agents