Integrated Missional Reconciliation Project - Movement

Integrated Missional Reconciliation Project/Movement The Edge & Expressions Tribe Created By: Erik J. Freiburger

Transcript of Integrated Missional Reconciliation Project - Movement

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Integrated Missional Reconciliation Project/MovementThe Edge & Expressions Tribe

Created By: Erik J. Freiburger

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An Endeavor for Discernment… Over the last several months both The Edge as a House Church Movement and

Expressions as one of the tribes have recognized a need for reconciliation within several streams of our community’s and city. Here are a few to which we have already stepped our feet into… The Belonging Tribe – Leadership Melt Down not once, but twice!! New Story Community and Anchored Warriors – Rewriting the relationships

between First Nations Communities and Non-First Nations Communities Re:Genesis – Seeking New Life in the Midst of the Greatest Challenges – An endeavor

to address the needs and issues of those facing diverse challenges while bridging relationships of faith, hope, and love.

Mars Hill Adventure – Creating spaces for the conversations and relational dialogue between those who seek that which is unknown. (Acts 17:22-34)

Neighborhood Conversations – A monthly gathering space here in SE Calgary where neighbors find space to talk around communal issues and share culture, values, and perspectives.

Renewing Identities – Expressions Tribe – Reflecting on the reconciliation of our broken identities with our new identities in Christ.

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Getting out of the boat and starting a movement…

Through speaking with the greater tribes, prayer, and contemplative consideration; I am thinking of taking on the issues of Renewing Identities within my personal tribe. Some first steps might look like…

Create an ‘Identity’ movement plan (Game Plan) – Pre-fall Identity Broken Identity Christ’s Identity Renewed Identity Eternal Identity – HELP ME OUT ON THIS GUYS/GALS!! WHAT SHOULD THIS MOVEMENT LOOK LIKE?

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Three Guiding Rhythms of Discipleship…

Invitational… (Listening) Create an online forum of Dwelling in the Word that would

focus on human identity. Adorations – Create a series of conversations to take place

in our bi-weekly worship gatherings that would follow along our ‘Identity Movement Plan’.

Breaking Bread Moments – Meeting one on one with tribal members throughout the week.

Writing letter’s to our broken identities. Prayer

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Incarnational… (Response/Enfleshing)

MIC’S – Mission Identity Challenges – Create bi-weekly challenges related to Christ like identity. – Ex.: Give a gift of generosity to a neighbor for no reason.

Plan for “Out of House” experience/s of discipleship as part of an Adorations gathering.

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Inspirational… (Witnessing/Empowering)

Adorations - Bring a guest in to speak of their identity transformation as they found themselves renewed in Christ. – WHO?!

Plan for a Radical Adventure/Retreat in celebrating our new identities.