Instructor: Yang Lijun Email: yljcqu@cqu Phone : 13883566037

1 Instructor: Instructor: Yang Lijun Yang Lijun Email: Email: [email protected] [email protected] Phone Phone 13883566037 13883566037 局局局局局局局 局局局局局局局 Bilingual Teaching Course Bilingual Teaching Course Partial Discharge Partial Discharge Detection Detection 局局局 局局局 : : 局局局 局局局


局部放电及测量. Partial Discharge Detection. Bilingual Teaching Course. 主讲人 : 杨丽君. Instructor: Yang Lijun Email: [email protected] Phone : 13883566037. Before Beginning. 关于这门课程 About this Course. 双语教学( bilingual teaching ):. 定义 definition :. 部分或全部 采用 非母语形式 进行 非语言 学科的学习. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Instructor: Yang Lijun Email: yljcqu@cqu Phone : 13883566037

Page 1: Instructor:  Yang Lijun Email:  yljcqu@cqu Phone : 13883566037


Instructor: Instructor: Yang LijunYang Lijun

Email: Email: [email protected]

PhonePhone :: 1388356603713883566037


Bilingual Teaching CourseBilingual Teaching Course

Partial Discharge Partial Discharge DetectionDetection

主讲人主讲人 :: 杨丽杨丽君君

Page 2: Instructor:  Yang Lijun Email:  yljcqu@cqu Phone : 13883566037


Before Beginning

双语教学( bilingual teaching ):

定义 definition :

关于这门课程 About this Course


目的 goal :




Page 3: Instructor:  Yang Lijun Email:  yljcqu@cqu Phone : 13883566037


教学模式 teaching model :

沉浸式 Immersion Bilingual Education :

Before Beginning



适用于缺乏目标语环境 的群体;借助于母语作为理解和交流的工具,同时尽可能地扩大与目标语的接触,提高学生目标语能力。

维持母语式 Maintenance Model :

双语过渡式 Transitional Bilingual Model :

Page 4: Instructor:  Yang Lijun Email:  yljcqu@cqu Phone : 13883566037


[1] Kreuger, F.H., “Partial Discharge Detection in High-Voltage Equipment”.


[2] 李剑,“局部放电测量”,讲义 (Reference)

[3] 邱昌容,王乃庆 . 《电工设备局部放电及其测试技术》 . 机械工业出版

社 (Reference)

Textbook and References

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Lecture 1 Introduction

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1.Basic Concepts of Partial Discharge

2.Development of PD detection


3.Objects and main subjects





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1. Basic Concepts of Partial Discharge

1.1 What is Partial Discharge 1.1 What is Partial Discharge

Electric discharges that do not completely bridge the electrode( 电极 ) are called Partial Discharge (PD).


Definition of PD

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1.2 Why PD Occurs in High Voltage Equipment1.2 Why PD Occurs in High Voltage Equipment

(1) Insulation Material and Structure in HV Equipments

Transformer ( 变压器 ) :

the insulation materials commonly used in HV equipments (Please give some examples):

HV Cable ( 电缆 ) :

Insulator used in transmission line ( 输电线路绝缘子 ) :

1. Basic Concepts of Partial Discharge


Capacitor ( 电容器 ) :

HV Electrical machine ( 电机 ) :

Mineral oil ( 矿物油 ) , Kraft paper (牛皮纸), Pressboard (纸板), Epoxy resin( 环氧树脂 )

Mineral oil , Kraft paper, Organic film( 有机薄膜 )

Mineral oil, Kraft paper , PE (聚乙烯) , XLPE ( 交联聚乙烯 ) , EPR ( 乙丙胶 )

Silicon (硅橡胶)

Epoxy( 环氧 )

Belong to organic material (有机绝缘材料)

In combined insulation structures (复合绝缘结构)

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(2) Factors lead to PD

绝缘体局部区域的电场强度达到击穿场强The breakdown strength of The breakdown strength of local arealocal area in insulation is reached. in insulation is reached.

Non-uniform Electric Field 电场不均匀 Inhomogeneous Dielectric Medium 电介质不均匀 Cavity and Impurity 气泡和杂质







NNeeeeddllee eelleeccttrrooddee SSuurrffaaccee ooff aann iinnssuullaattiioonn bbooaarrdd

IInntteerrffaaccee ooff ttwwoo iinnssuullaattiioonn bbooaarrddss

GGaass--ccaavviittyy iinnssiiddee iinnssuullaattiioonn mmaatteerriiaall

Four Cases of non-uniform Electrical FieldsFour Cases of non-uniform Electrical Fields

1. Basic Concepts of Partial Discharge

那么,是什么因素导致了这些绝缘材料内局部放电的发生呢?总体来讲,可以用一句话来概括:in gereral, the breakdown strength of local area in insulation is reached.绝缘体局部区域的电场强度达到了击穿场强。注意词组local area-局部区域一方面高压电气设备中的绝缘体各区域承受电场一般是不均匀的Non-uniform Electric Field,而且大部分复合材料电介质也是不均匀的Inhomogeneous dielectric medium。另一方面,即使单一的均匀材料,在制造或使用过程中会残留气泡和杂质(cavity and impurity),导致了绝缘体内部或表面出现某些区域电场强度高于平均电场强度,而某些区域的击穿场强低于平均击穿场强,因此在某些区域首先发生放电,其他区域保持绝缘特性。
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1.3 Damages to Insulation by Partial Discharges 1.3 Damages to Insulation by Partial Discharges

(1) (1) Bombardment of charged particle Bombardment of charged particle 带电质点轰击带电质点轰击

(2)(2) Thermal Effect Thermal Effect 热效应热效应

(3) (3) Resultant of Reaction Resultant of Reaction 反应生成物 反应生成物

(4)(4) Radiation Effect Radiation Effect 辐射效应辐射效应

(5)(5) Mechanical Effect Mechanical Effect 机械效应机械效应

Broke the chemical bond and damage molecular structure of insulation material .打断化学键和损坏分子结构

High temperature of discharge point accelerates thermal damage to materials 加速绝缘热劣化 .

resultants, such as ozone, moisture, nitric acid, oxalic acid , erode materials 腐蚀绝缘 .

visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-radial,γ-radial embrittle materials 使绝缘脆化 .

Successive blasting discharges result in high gas pressure and crack the materials 使绝缘开裂 .

1. Basic Concepts of Partial Discharge

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1.4 Goals of PD Detection 1.4 Goals of PD Detection

Whether discharges are present or not at rated voltage?额定电压下是否存在局部放电 ?

放电量的大小 ?

放电量是否超过了允许放电水平 ?

起始放电电压、熄灭电压是多少 ?

各种放电特性如何 ?

1. Basic Concepts of Partial Discharge

What is the magnitude of PD?

Whether permissible discharge magnitude is exceeded or not?

What are the inception and extinction voltages?

How about various PD characteristics?

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2. Development of PD detection techniques

2.1 Characteristics of PD tests 2.1 Characteristics of PD tests

A more sensitive tool to identify insulation defects in electrical devices com

paring with voltage withstanding tests. 灵敏度高,容易发现缺陷for new HV equipments, to find weaknesses of insulation, such as cavity, impu

rities. 发现新设备的绝缘薄弱环节for equipment in service, to find the latent defects of insulation due to aging.


A type of nondestructive control test : neglectable damage to insulation.


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(1) Electrical Discharge Detection

(2) Non-Electrical Discharge Detection

Impulse Current Method, ERA 脉冲电流法( by Electrical Research A

ssociation , U.K.)

Radio Influence Voltage, RIV 无线电干扰电压法Dielectric Loss Measurement 介质损耗法

Sound detection 声测法 Light detection 光测法 Temperature detection 温度测量法 Chemical analysis 化学分析法

2.2 Basic Methods of PD Detection 2.2 Basic Methods of PD Detection

2. Development of PD detection techniques

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(2) Noise Suppression Techniques ( 抗干扰技术 )

(1) PD detector (sensor) ( 传感器技术 ) Rogowski Coil

( 罗氏线圈 )

2.3 Modern techniques of PD detection2.3 Modern techniques of PD detection (( research focusesresearch focuses ) )

Acoustic Detector :Ultrasonic Detector( 超声波检测器 )

AdvantagesAdvantages: strong anti-interference ability , convenient for location , online measurement.

2. Development of PD detection techniques

(3) PD Location Techniques ( 定位技术 )

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Light Detector : Fiber detector( 光纤传感器 )

Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Sensor (超高频传感器)

PD Pulse width : 10-9-10-7 s , frequency band up to 1 GHz 。Frequency range of UHF : 300 MHz to 3GHz 。Advantages : to avoid noise frequency bands 。 Radio frequency band < 200 MHz;

Frequency band of corona < 300 MHz.

Light generated by PD in transformer oil has wavelength in the range from

500 nm to 700 nm.

2. Development of PD detection techniques

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2. Development of PD detection techniques

(2)Noise Suppression Techniques

0 5 10 15 20 -200



0 5 10 15 20 -100








Noise Suppression Circuits( 噪声抑制回路,硬去噪 )

Pulse Polar Discrimination Circuit 极性鉴别法

Difference Balance Circuit 差动平衡法Directional Difference Balance Circuit 定向耦合差动平衡法

Multi Adjustment Circuit 多端调节法

Digital De-noising Techniques( 数字去噪技术,软去噪 )

FFT-based Filters FFT阈值滤波FIR Filters 有限冲击响应滤波IIR Filters 无限冲击响应滤波Kalman Filter 卡尔曼滤波Signal Correlation Analysis 信号相关分析Pattern Recognition 模式识别De-noising based on Wavelet and Wavelet Package analysis 小波及小波包

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2. Development of PD detection techniques

(3) PD Location Techniques 局部放电定位技术

Ultrasonic Location 超声波定位Electrical Location 电气定位

Traveling Wave Location 行波法Capacitance Ratio Location 电容比定位法 Multi-terminal Measurement 多点测量法Pulse Shape Identification 脉冲及波形识别法

Location with Electrical and Ultrasonic Methods 声电联合定位

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3. Objects and main subjects

To introduce how partial discharges occur and developoccur and develop in the insulation construction. To introduce the parametersparameters that describe partial discharges;局部放电在绝缘结构中的发生与发展,学习描述局部放电的参量 .

To introduce how partial discharges influence the propertiesinfluence the properties of insulation materials. To introduce how to evaluate PD behaviors and their damages damages to insulation materials. 学习局部放电对绝缘材料性能的影响,如何评估局部放电及其对绝缘材料的影响。

To introduce basic principlesbasic principles of PD detection and actual PD detection for high voltage devices. 局部放电检测的基本原理以及高压电气设备的局部放电测量方法。

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Meeting Topic Pages

1 Brief Introduction to Partial Discharge Detection;

[2] 1-11

2 Basic Concept of Partial Discharge Occurrence

Partial Discharge Recurrence at AC, DC and Impulse Voltages

[1] 1-28

[2] 13-22

3 Parameters to describe Partial Discharge Characteristics [1] 29-31

[2] 30

4 Influences on Properties of Insulation Materials by Partial

Discharges (1)

[2] 23-24

5 Influences on Properties of Insulation Materials by Partial

Discharges (2)

[2] 24-30

6 Basic Principle of Partial Discharge Detection (1)

[1] 36-48

[2] 41-43

7 Basic Principle of Partial Discharge Detection (2) [1] 50-72

[2] 34-40

3. Objects and main subjects

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8 Lab 1: Detection of Three types of PD models

9 Partial Discharge Detection in HV Capacitors [1] 153-156

[2] 46-50

10 Partial Discharge Detection in HV Cables [1] 157-161

[2] 46-50

11 Partial Discharge Detection in Transformers (1)

12 Partial Discharge Detection in Transformers (2)

[1] 146-170

[2] 61- 62

13 Partial Discharge Detection in HV Machines [1] 170-172

[2] 63-73

14 Partial Discharge Detection in GIS [1] 173-189

[2] 74-76

15 Evaluation of Partial Discharges [1] 129-152

16 Partial Discharge Online Detection Notes

17 Review


3. Objects and main subjects

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Thank you!Thank you!