Installing and Configuring Simulink

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  • 8/11/2019 Installing and Configuring Simulink


  • 8/11/2019 Installing and Configuring Simulink


    Elementary math functions.

    Trigonometric.sin - Sine.sind - Sine of argument in degrees.. . . .

    >> help sin % if you know function name but not it's usageSIN Sine of argument in radians.

    SIN(X) is the sine of the elements of X.. . .

    >> lookfor cosine % if you don't know the function nameacos - Inverse cosine, result in radians.acosd - Inverse cosine, result in degrees.acosh - Inverse hyperbolic cosine.cos - Cosine of argument in radians.

    . . .

    >> doc sin % spawns a new document window with details on sin

    >> quit % quits MATLAB (also exit)

    Rules on Variable Names

    Names are case sensitive, e.g., NAME and Name are 2 distinct names. Variable names begin with a letter, e.g., A2z or a2z. On the other hand, 2Az is not valid Names can be a mix of letters, digits, and underscores (e.g., vector_A) Cannot use reserved

    characters: % = + . ~ ; : ! [ ] ( ) , @ # $ & ^ Names can be up to 63 characters

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    Reserved Characters % = ; ,

    Some characters are reserved by MATLAB for various purposes. Some are arithmetic or matrixoperators:

    =, +, - , *, / , and others are used to perform a multitude of operations. Reserved characterscan not be used in variable, function, or file names.

    >> % text after % until end of line treated as comments>>>> a = 3 % define a to have the value 3

    a =3

    >> a = 3; % ; suppresses printing>>>> b = 4; c = 5; % ; delimits multiple commands on same line

    >>>> d = 6, e = 7; % , delimits commands but enables printing

    d =6

    >> a#2=3 % use of reserved character in variable name is illegal??? a#2=3

    |Error: The input character is not valid in MATLAB statements or expressions.

    Reserved Characters : [ ] ( )

    >> x = 1:2:9 % define vector x with : operator (begin:interval:end)

    x =1 3 5 7 9

    >> y = 3:5 % interval is defaulted to 1; same as y = 3:1:5

    y =3 4 5

    >> X = [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6] % 2D array.% [ ] prevents ambiguity for arrays% ; concatenates vertically (new row)% , concatenates horizontally (new columns)

    X =1 2 34 5 6

    Form "composite" string with brackets

    >> n=12; S = ['This string consists of characters & numbers: ' num2str(n)]S =

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    This string consists of characters and numbers like: 12

    In the above, num2str must be used to convert n, a double, to string fordata type consistency. To print the content of S more cleanly>> disp(S) % or replace S with the string it representsThis string consists of characters and numbers like: 12

    More generally, use sprintf >> help sprintf % for details; %d is format for integers; %f for decimalnumbers>> str = sprintf('This string consists of characters & numbers: %d\n', n);

    Likewise, to just print a message>> disp(sprintf('This string consists of characters & numbers: %d\n', n))

    Parentheses, on the other hand, are used to specify the order of operations and express astatement more clearly. They are also used to refer to an element of a matrix.>> a = 3; y = 1 + (a+5)/4;>> X(2,3) % ( ) for subscripting; why ans ?

    ans =6

    Reserved Characters ... and '

    >> x = [1 2 3 ... % to be continued4 5 6]

    x =

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    >> s = 'this is a character string'; % blanks preserved within quotes>> x = [1 2 3]' % transposes (in this case, turns row into column)

    x =123

    >> X = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; size(X) % size (dimensions) of X

    ans =2 3

    >> X = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]; numel(X) % number of elements in X

    ans =6

    Reserved Character ! (or system , perl, java, python)

    On occasions, there might be a need to perform tasks on the host system and return the output back to the MATLAB space. For this, you can enter the host system-based command, precededwith a !, at the MATLAB prompt.>> !dir % runs a dos command on Windows host

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    Volume in drive C has no label.Volume Serial Number is 6860-EA46

    Directory of C:Program FilesMATLAB704work01/31/2007 10:56 AM .01/31/2007 10:56 AM ..06/13/2006 12:09 PM 12 foo.exe06/13/2006 08:57 AM 77 mkcopy.m

    >> !ls -l % runs a unix command on Linux hosttotal 0-rw-r--r-- 1 kadin scv 0 Jan 19 15:53 file1.m-rw-r--r-- 1 kadin scv 0 Jan 19 15:53 file2.m-rw-r--r-- 1 kadin scv 0 Jan 19 15:53 file3.m

    >> system('ls -l') % more general form; also unix('ls -l')

    Array operations

    >> a = 1:3; % a is a row vector>> b = 4:6; % b is a row vector>> c = a + b % a & b must have same shape & size; c has same shape as a

    & bc =

    5 7 9>> d = a(1:2) + b(2:3) % array sections must conformd =

    6 8

    >> A = [a;b] % combines rows to generate 2x3 matrix A% what is the outcome of A=a;b ?

    A =1 2 34 5 6

    >> B = A' % B is transpose of AB =

    1 42 53 6

    Other ways to create B ? (hint: with a and b )

    Matrix Operations

    One of the many nice features of MATLAB is its ability to perform operations based on the properties of the operands. For instance, if a and b are scalars, then c = a * b is a scalar.

    However, if A and B are matrices, then * will be treated as a matrix multiply operator. As aresult, the number of columns of A must match the number of rows of B.>> C = A*B % * is overloaded as matrix multiply operator% i.e., C ij = k A ik *B kj ; for all i and j; sum over index kC =

    14 3232 77

    >> D = A.*A % .* turns matrix multiply to elemental multiply

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    % i.e., D ij = A ij *A ij ; for all i and jD =

    1 4 916 25 36

    >> E = A./A % elemental divide; E ij = A ij /A ij E =

    1 1 11 1 1

    >> who % list existing variables in workspaceYour variables are:A B C D E a b d

    Data Types

    In many languages, programmers are required to declare variable data types, such as integer,float, character, and so on. In MATLAB, programmers are not required to declare the data typesof variables. In MATLAB, the only default underlying data types are double and character.

    Essentially, a variable that is not defined between a pair of single quotes, such as a = 'this is a string' is considered a double precision number.>> whos % detail listing of workspace variables

    Name Size Bytes ClassA 2x3 48 double arrayB 3x2 48 double arrayC 2x2 32 double arrayD 2x3 48 double arrayE 2x3 48 double arraya 1x3 24 double arrayb 1x3 24 double arrayc 1x3 24 double array

    Grand total is 37 elements using 296 bytes

    >> A = single(A); % recast A to single data type to save memory>> whos

    Name Size Bytes ClassA 2x3 24 single array

    . . . .

    >> clear % delete all workspace variables

    For Loops

    for k=1:5 % use for-loops to execute iterations / repetitionsfor j=1:3

    for i=1:4a(i, j, k) = i + j + k;



    Utilities to initialize or define arrays: ones , rand , eye , . . .

    Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions : sin , cos , sqrt , exp , . . .

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    These utilities can be used on scalar or vector inputs. For example,

    >> a = sqrt(5); v = [1 2 3]; A = sqrt(v);

    if Conditional

    Scalar operation . . .

    a = zeros(3); % initialize 3x3 array a to 0b = zeros(3); % initialize 3x3 array b to 0for j=1:3

    for i=1:3a(i,j) = rand; % use rand to generate a random numberif a(i,j) > 0.5

    b(i,j) = 2; % set B(i,j) to 2 whenever the condition A(i,j) > 0.5is satisfied



    Equivalent vector operations . . .

    A = rand(3); % A is a 3x3 random number double arrayB = zeros(3); % Initialize B as a 3x3 array of zeroesB(A > 0.5) = 2; % for all A(i,j) > 0.5, set B(i,j) to 2

    Note that the long form of the above expression is

    L = A > 0.5; % L is logical array; L(i,j) = 1 for all A(i,j) > 0.5; 0otherwiseB(L) = 2 % B(i,j) = 2 whenever L(i,j) = 1 (i.e., true)

    Elemental Matrix DivisionThe purpose is to compute elemental division with the denominator matrix having zeroes. Forthose situations, c is to be set to 0.

    Scalar form . . .

    a = rand(4,3); b = rand(size(a)); c = zeros(size(b));b(1,3) = 0; b(3,2) = 0; % reset 2 specific elements of b to 0for j=1:3

    for i=1:4if (b(i,j) ~= 0) then % if b(i,j) not equals 0

    c(i,j) = a(i,j)/b(i,j);end


    The equivalent vector operation . . .

    c(b~=0) = a(b~=0) ./ b(b~=0); % define c=a./b for all b 0

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    % b~=0 needed everywhere to ensure matchedarray shape/size

    Logical Arrays

    Alternatively, the above example may be performed with the help of an explit logical array

    e = b~=0 % e is logical array, true(1) for all b 0 (zero rather thanlogical false)e =

    1 1 01 1 11 0 11 1 1

    c(e) = a(e)./b(e) % c = 0 b = 0 , else c=a./bc =

    0.9768 1.4940 02.3896 0.4487 0.09430.7821 0 0.2180

    11.3867 0.0400 1.2741

    In MATLAB, a number divided by 0 returns an Inf rather than "division by zero" and crashed !Hence, an alternative way to handle the above conditional computation is

    >> c = a ./ b % elemental dividec =

    0.9768 1.4940 Inf2.3896 0.4487 0.0943

    0.7821 Inf 0.218011.3867 0.0400 1.2741

    Followed by>> c(c == Inf) = 0 % whenever c(i,j) equals Inf, reset it to 0c =

    0.9768 1.4940 02.3896 0.4487 0.09430.7821 0 0.2180

    11.3867 0.0400 1.2741

    Cell Arrays

    A cell array is a special array of arrays. Each element of a cell array may point to a scalar, anarray, or another cell array. Unlike a regular array, the elements of a cell array need not beuniformly of a single data type.

    >> C = cell(2, 3); % create 2x3 empty cell array>> M = magic(2);>> a = 1:3; b = [4;5;6]; s = 'This is a string.';>> C{1,1} = M; C{1,2} = a; C{2,1} = b; C{2,2} = s; C{1,3} = {1};

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    C =[2x2 double] [1x3 double] {1x1 cell}[2x1 double] 'This is a string.' []

    >> C{1,1} % prints contents of a specific cell elementans =

    1 34 2

    >> C(1,:) % prints first row of cell array C; not its content

    Related utilities: iscell, cell2mat


    Ideal layout for grouping arrays that are related.

    >> employee(1).last = 'Smith'; employee(2).last = 'Hess';>> employee(1).first = 'Mary'; employee(2).first = 'Robert';>> employee(1).sex = 'female'; employee(2).sex = 'male';

    >> employee(1).age = 45; employee(2).age = 50;>> employee(2) % list contents of employee 2ans =

    last: 'Hess'first: 'Robert'

    sex: 'male'age: 50

    >> employee(:).last % display last name of all employeesans =

    Smithans =


    To avoid seeing "ans", you can save the content to a variable first. Note however that because thelast names vary in byte size, the variable should be a cell array.

    >> a = {employee(:).last} % a = employee(:).last would faila =

    'Smith' 'Hess'

    Alternative style:

    >> employee = struct('last',{'Smith','Hess'}, 'first',{'Mary','Robert'},'sex',{'female','male'}, 'age',{45,50});

    Related utilities: isstruct, fieldnames, getfield, isfield

    File Types

    There are many types of files in MATLAB :

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    script m-files (.m) -- a collection of related commands towards an objective; when scriptis invoked in a workspace, the commands in script are executed in order in that space;memory access is transparent because the caller (where script is invoked) and callee (thescript) share the same workspace

    function m-files (.m) -- an insulated form of script; memory access is controlled:

    variables' content needed must be passed as input while output from the function must beexplicitly returned to caller mat files (.mat) -- binary (or text) files handled with save and load mex files (.mex) -- files enabling calling C/FORTRAN codes from m-file eng files (.eng) -- files enabling calling m-file from C/FORTRAN codes C codes (.c) . C codes generated by MATLAB compiler P codes (.p) . converted m-files to preserve source code privacy

    Script m-file

    For operations that are not exploratory in nature or requiring more than a handful of commands

    to accomplish, it is often more practical to save the operational procedure into an m-file, which isa file with .m suffix. Changes to the procedure can be made more easily with a file than re-typingfrom scratch. To run it, just enter the file name at the >> prompt without .m . The commands inthe file are executed in turn. This m-file can be reused such as in a loop, in multiple sections ofan application, or in different applications. We will demonstrate the process of creating andrunning a script below. While you may use any editor, here is how you can create a filemyMean.m with the MATLAB editor . The MATLAB editor is an interactive developmentenvironment: it is an editor; a debugger; programming spell checker; you can even run codewithin it.

    >> edit myMean.m % invoke MATLAB editor; type the following commands ineditor window% myMean.m% Computes the arithmetic mean of x% x (input) matrix for which the arithmetic mean is sought% means (output) the average of x ( = [x(1)+ x(2) + . . . + x(n)]/n )% MATLAB equivalent utility is meanmeans = sum(x)/numel(x); % the arithmetic mean

    Select Save from the Editor window's Menu bar to save it as myMean.m . Shown below is anexample of the run procedure

    >> clear % clear base workspace>> whos % list content of workspace

    >>>> x=1:3; % define a vector x=[1 2 3]>> myMean; % x is accessible to myMean.m as both share the same MATLABworkspace>> whos % list content of workspace

    Name Size Bytes Class Attributesmeans 1x1 8 doublex 1x3 24 double

    >> means % means = (1 + 2 + 3)/3 = 2
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    means =2

    Notes on script m-files

    On the one hand, a script m-file blends seamlessly with the workspace where it waslaunched. On the other hand, because of the common memory space, there could beunintentional consequences if care is not exercised. Let say that you have a variable x inthe current workspace. Any script m-file launched in this workspace has full access to x .If you redefine or delete x within this script m-file, x will be changed or removed.

    In the example above, x is not defined inside the script to enable wider range. Script m-files are not the best tool for repeated usage such as inside a loop; it may be

    unsafe (see above) and it is computationally inefficient compared with an equivalentfunction m-file.

    Function m-files

    A function m-file must be declared with the keyword function A function is insulated. It lives in its own workspace. All input and output variables to the

    function must be passed between the workspace from which the function is invoked andthe function's own workspace.

    As an example, use MATLAB editor to create a file that computes the average of a set ofnumbers:

    >> edit average.m

    function avg=average(x)

    % function avg=average(x)% Computes the arithmetic mean of x% x (input) matrix for which the arithmetic mean is sought% avg (output) the average of x ( = [x(1)+ x(2) + . . . + x(n)]/n )% MATLAB equivalent utility is meanavg = sum(x)/numel(x); % the averageend

    Save the above with File/Save

    While not required, it is recommended to save file by the name of the function to avoidconfusions. In the above, average is the function name and the file is saved as average.m . All

    input parameters are passed into the function as arguments on the right of the equal sign ( =)while the optional output appear on the left. If you have multiple output, they should be enclosedwith brackets, e.g., [a, b, c] .

    It may be called from a script, another function, or from the command line:

    >> a = average(1:3) % a = (1 + 2 + 3) / 3a =


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    >> help average % prints contiguous lines that starts with % at top ofaverage.m

    Notes on function m-files

    All variables in a function are effectively local variables. Temporary variables allocated inside the function are local. Input variables on thefunction declaration are copied from the caller, known as "passed by copy." On thecontrary, output variables are local until they are copied back to the caller when returned.Exceptions: global variables are not copied; input variables that are used "as is," i.e., with no changes, are their corresponding variables on the caller to avoid copying, knownas "passed by reference." MATLAB calls this lazy copy .

    >> b = 99; % define b >> y = 1:3; % y is "lazy-copied" into average as x >> b = average(y) % output a of average copied to b on caller;

    replaces "old" b b =


    The above leads to a well insulated environment which enables a function to bedeveloped, practically independent from, and without much consideration for, the callerenvironment. This is one of the key features that make function m-files preferred overscript m-file.

    Computationally a function m-file is more efficient than a script m-file. When afunction is invoked for the first time in a MATLAB session, it is compiled into a pseudo-code. Subsequent execution of the function (now pre-compiled) will be more efficient. Ifit is used inside a large loop, the saving could be very significant. A script m-file is nevercompiled and will not benefit from repeated usage.

    Additional notes

    It is common for MATLAB utilities or users' own m-files to be overloaded. For example,someone using your function may pass an input variable x as scalar, vector, or matrix.Can your function handle that ? It is a good practice to document your function's usagerules in the documentation section of the function (contiguous lines that start with % atthe top).

    >> y = [1:3;4:6] % y is now a 2x3 array y = 1 2 3

    4 5 6

    First, we use the MATLAB arithmetic mean utility to compute the means of y.

    >> a = mean(y) % mean computes means for each column of ya =

    2.5000 3.5000 4.5000
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    >> b = average(y) % means of y with average is wrong; use of numel not suitable

    b =

    0.8333 1.1667 1.5000

    The computed results of average are wrong! That's because the use of numel is notappropriate for multi-dimensional y . How would you fix it ?

    A closer look at the function average reveals that it requires a sum which, when appliedto say a 2-dimensional array, computes column sums. With that awareness and the use ofthe colon operator, we could force y to be a vector with y(:) . When used on sum , ityields a global sum. Similarly,

    >> c = mean(y(:)) % more compact and efficient than mean(mean(y))c =


    Some Frequently Used Functions

    >> magic(n); % creates a special n x n matrix; handy for testing>> zeros(n,m); % creates n x m matrix of zeroes (0)>> ones(n,m); % creates n x m matrix of ones (1)>> rand(n,m); % creates n x m matrix of random numbers>> repmat(a,n,m);% replicates a by n rows and m columns>> diag(M); % extracts the diagonals of a matrix M>> help elmat % list all elementary matrix operations (or elfun)>> abs(x); % absolute value of x>> exp(x); % e to the x-th power>> fix(x); % rounds x to integer towards 0

    >> log10(x); % common logarithm of x in base 10>> rem(x,y); % remainder of x/y>> mod(x, y); % modulus after division; unsigned rem>> sqrt(x); % square root of x>> sin(x); % sine of x; x in radians>> acoth(x) % inversion hyperbolic cotangent of x

    MATLAB Graphics

    Line plot Bar graph Surface plot Contour plot MATLAB tutorial on 2D, 3D visualization tools as well as other graphics packages

    available in our tutorial series.

    Line Plot

    >> t = 0:pi/100:2*pi;>> y = sin(t);>> plot(t,y)

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    Line Plot - continues

    >> xlabel('t');>> ylabel('sin(t)');>> title('The plot of t vs sin(t)');

    Line Plot - continues

    >> y2 = sin(t-0.25);>> y3 = sin(t+0.25);>> plot(t,y,t,y2,t,y3) % make 2D line plot of 3 curves>> legend('sin(t)','sin(t-0.25)','sin(t+0.25',1)

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    Customizing Graphical Effects

    Generally, MATLAB's default graphical settings are adequate which makes plotting fairlyeffortless. For more customized effects, use the get and set commands to change the behavior ofspecific rendering properties.

    >>> hp1 = plot(1:5) % returns the handle of this line plot>> get(hp1) % to view line plot's properties and their values>> set(hp1, 'lineWidth') % show possible values for lineWidth>> set(hp1, 'lineWidth', 2) % change line width of plot to 2>> gcf % returns current figure handle>> gca % returns current axes handle>> get(gcf) % gets current figure's property settings>> set(gcf, 'Name', 'My First Plot') % Figure 1 => Figure 1: My First Plot>> get(gca) % gets the current axes. property settings>> figure(1) % create/switch to Figure 1 or pop Figure 1 to the front>> clf % clears current figure>> close % close current figure; "close 3" closes Figure 3>> close all % close all figures

    2D Bar Graph

    >> x = magic(3); % generate data for bar graph

    >> bar(x) % create bar chart>> grid % add grid for clarity

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    Save a Plot with print

    To add a legend, either use the legend command or use the insert command in the MenuBar on the figure. Many other actions are available in Tools.

    It is convenient to use the Menu Bar to change a figure's properties interactively.However, the set command is handy for non-interactive changes, as in an m-file.

    Similarly, save a graph via the Menu Bar's File/'Save as' or

    >> print -djpeg 'mybar' % file mybar.jpg saved in current dir

    Use MATLAB Command Syntax or Function Syntax?

    Many MATLAB utilities are available in both command and function forms.

    For this example, both forms produce the same effect:

    >> print -djpeg 'mybar' % print as a command>> print('-djpeg', 'mybar') % print as a function

    For this example, the command form yields an unintentional outcome:

    >> myfile = 'mybar'; % myfile is defined as a string

    >> print -djpeg myfile % as a command, myfile is 'myfile' (verbatim),not 'mybar'>> print('-djpeg', myfile) % as a function, myfile is treated as avariable

    Other frequently used utilities that are available in both forms are save and load

    Surface Plot

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    >> Z = peaks; % generate data for plot>> surf(Z) % surface plot of Z

    Try these commands to see their effects:

    >> shading flat>> shading interp>> shading faceted>> grid off>> axis off>> colorbar>> colormap('winter')>> colormap('jet')

    Contour Plots

    >> Z = peaks;>> contour(Z, 20) % contour plot of Z with 20 contours

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    >> contourf(Z, 20); % with color fill>> colormap('hot') % map option>> colorbar % make color bar

    Integration ExampleFor a more practical example, we turn to numerical integration. While there are many integrationtechniques that are more efficient, we will use a mid-point integration for its simplicity. Letsconsider the integration of cosine from 0 to /2. In the following figure, 8 discrete increments areused for the numerical integration. In reality, of course, the number will be higher to get areasonably accurate result. With a mid-point rule, the integrand is assumed to be constant withinthe increment (see the equation below).

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    In the above, a, b are, respectively, the lower and upper limits of integration while m is thenumber of increments. The increment, h, is determined by h = (b - a)/m .% Integration with for-looptic

    m = 100; % number of incrementsa = 0; % lower limit of integrationb = pi/2; % upper limit of integration

    h = (b - a)/m; % increment lengthintegral = 0; % initialize integralfor i=1:m

    x = a+(i-0.5)*h; % mid-point of increment iintegral = integral + cos(x)*h;


    % Integration with vector formtic

    m = 100; % number of incrementsa = 0; % lower limit of integrationb = pi/2; % upper limit of integrationh = (b - a)/m; % increment lengthx = a+h/2:h:b-h/2; % mid-point of m incrementsintegral = sum(cos(x)*h);

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    In practically all cases, computations expressed with the vector form are significantly moreefficient than its for-loop counterpart.

    Hands On Exercise

    Use the editor to write a program to generate the figure that describes the integrationscheme we discussed. (Hint: use plot to plot the cosine curve. Use bar to draw therectangles that depict the integrated value for each increment.) Save as plotIntegral.m

    Compute the integrals using 10 different increment sizes (h), for m=10, 20, 30, . . . , 100.Plot these 10 values to see how the solution converges to the analytical value of 1.

    Hands On Exercise Solution

    a = 0; b=pi/2; % lower and upper limits of integrationm = 8; % number of incrementsh = (b-a)/m; % increment sizex= a+h/2:h:b-h/2; % m mid-pointsbh = bar(x,cos(x),1,'c'); % make bar chart with bars in cyanhold % all plots superimposed on same figurex = a:h/10:b; % use more points to evaluate cosinef = cos(x); % compute cosine at xph = plot(x,f,'r'); % plots x vs f, in red% Compute integral with multiple m to study convergencefor i=1:10

    n(i) = 10+(i-1)*10;integral(i) = sum(cos(x)*h);

    endfigure % create a new figureplot(n, integral)

    More Hands On Exercises How would you generalize the script for arbitrary a & b ? How to add a title ? How about x-, and y-label ?

    Where Can I Run MATLAB ?

    There are a number of ways:

    If you are a student, buy student version of MATLAB .

    Check your department to see if there is a computer lab with MATLAB installed on themachines.

    With a valid BU userid, the engineering grid will let you gain access remotely . ACS (Academic Computing Services, managed by IS&T) supports MATLAB. Most

    people are familiar with it as your email handler.

    Useful Research Computing Info
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