Insnraace Agesc {licivie niui jait+u. s^wCU iiiiiiCy 71 23/St...

Engaged •Announcement has been H H I of the engagement of Miss Inge- foord Drews, daughter of Mr. aini 'Mrs, Paul Drews of Berlin, Ger- many, to Herbert Mueller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mueller of the New Tiirmifci* T»nari wedding. Tunnjfeg Koa< has be^n set for the PERSONAL Mrs. Katharine Shatter erf Fort Plata attended the funeral of the late Frank W. Don yestei- day afternoon. * * * * Dr. Raymond W. Wytrwal has been appointed as ft delegate to the Fourth District Branch of the State Medical Society, I B#fra4MMCMa*66«^^$<»»<MM^C&!»6& This Week's Special Let Us Check Your Exhaust System Mufflers v orr JE* i au}f ifc» SUNOCO Service Station St. Johnsville Ph. 57C1 W. Main SHOP ST, JQHNSVUXE — BOOST ¥OUB HOMETOWN X Fanuarv Savings I EVENING IN PARIS Deodorant Stick Special 2 for $1.00 REG. $1.50 ^^FaSO^Bottle ofNew Liquid Luster Creme Shampoo WITH PURCHASE OF Economy Size Colgate Dental Cream Only 69c for BOTH! REG. 99c SHOP TODAY ANO SAVE AT if^§ u IT unci Theatoe CANAJOHARIB Thurs, - Frl. Jan. 29-30 GABY COOPEB JULIE LONDON MAN OF THE WEST and THE CARELESS YEARS Sat Sun. Mon Jan, SO- Feb. 2 Matinee Sat. 2 p.m. ConS, Sun. from 2p.m. SAL MTN50 lis •*/• Theatie TORT PLAIN luminshjti for wu» show Adults 75c Children SSC TTO*. - W«»d Feb. 3 & 4 FRANK SINATRA TONY CURTIS NATALIE WOOD in KINGS GO FGBTH FrL Sat. Jan. SO 31 MABJORIE MAIN PEBCY KILBBinE MA AND PA KETTLE AT WAIKIKI a«d THE KETTLES IN THE OZARKS Sun. - T lies. F e b . 1-3 Cont. Sun. from 2 p«m. JOHN SAXTON SANDRA DEE in THE E l?error p e a VTBSS'B" uuiuuuu i£iwaa and JOCK MAHONEY KIM HUNTER In MONEY, WOMEN AND GUNS Wed. - Thurw Feb. MARLON BRANDO VIVIEN LEIGH In STREET CAR NAMED DESIRE 45 Social a. i n * O WHEN YOU HAVE ANT NEWS FOR THESX COLUMNS PLEASE CALL S151 <st YOUNG FOLK ROUNDUP L Miss Linda Fltzpatrick, daugh- at Cooperstown Hospital. by Cathy Snell ier of JSr. and Mrs Oharies iFitz- pajxlck of Bast St. Johnsville has had her tonsils removed in little Falls Hospital last week. * * * # •Mrs. Olive CBrle-n cf North Division Street is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCarthy and daughter, Kath- leen of Lake Pleasant * * * * M'-s. John Finley of * * * * Miss Ijena Wilbur, 87, of Allen Heights was taken to St. Luke's Memorial' Hospital in the Lull ambulance January 22 after she had been found on the floor at her home where she resides a- IK ior.e by a bakery driver who stopped to deliver bread. * * * * The I.OO.F. will hold a card College students who spent the weekend and mid-term vaca- tion at home are: Karen Kar- dash, Oswego State Teachers Col- lege; Mary MoGee and Judy Bec- ker, Oneorvta State Teachers Col- lege, Bob Hook of Utica College, Syracuse; Doug Smith of Webb Institute; George Haney, Oswe- go State Teachers; Paul Brlele, Spring party in their temple Saturday, Wagner College, Claudia Smith. Valley spent the weekend with January 31, beginning at 8 p.m. Syracuse Univesity and Ray hSi daughter Mrs. Garrett Short and femily. * * * * tMr. and Mrs. Mike Shannon and dairghter Debbie of Dolge- vilie were recent guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shannon Jr. of Averiil Street. * * * * Alvin and Karen Myers, son and daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Myers, 10 W. Main St., St. Johnsvillei underwent tonsi- lccto?ni*'s si *he Little Fails Hos- pital Monday, i * * * Mr. and Mrs. William C Lenz, who have been vacationing in Florida, will return home on Sat- urday. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnson of Tng> Mills a r e planning a trip t j B'lorida in the near fut- ure. * * * * Danny Lucas, son of Mrs. William Lucas, celebrated his ninth birthday with a party at his home Saturday. * # * ^c Sympathy is extended to Ef- finer Duesler of Palatine Bridge on the death of his sister, Mrs. Lelah E. Smith who died Janu- ary 20 in Syracuse General Hos- pital. * * * * DeForest White returned There wiH be refreshments and prizes. * jjc * if The Altar-Rosary Society of St. Patrick's Church will hoid a public card party at the Parish Hall February 4 beginning at 8 p.m. There wMl tie iretreahments and prizes. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. iRaymond Coco and Raymond Jr. attended the Albany Hardware and Iron See and Save Da>3 Show at their showrooms on Broadway Sun- day, Mrs. Martha Savary left Sun- vlSLjT IGT" cl W w K S VIS**. VfiXJl IXMS" tives in New York City. * * * * Winners of prizes at the card party sponsored by the Lutheran Ch'irch Men's Club Saturday eve ning at the Odd Fellows Temple were the following: Mrs. Julia Battc, Wesley Kraft, Harold Set- tle, Roger Johnson, Mrs. Francis Shuster, Raymond CoHe, Leon Lamphere, Mrs. Leland Smith, and Mrs. Lesler Rockefeller. * j)i * * Mrs. Charles Miller was taken to the Little Falls Hospital Fri- day in the Smith ambulance fol- lowing a coronary attack at her home on Mill Road. Her con- dition is improving but she is douse. Cobieskill Agricultural and Technical Institute. Pat Hoffman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoffman, spent the week-end at her home on Liberty Street. She is employ ed by a bank in Syracuse. . JPFC James Jacques, who is stationed at Camp LeJeune, North Carolina, spent the week- end at his home. Miss Ada Paul of Syracuse will spend the coming weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Corne- lius Paul. A/tc Charles E. Smith, who is stationed at Harmon Air Force Base in Newfoundland, is isuend- ing a 30 day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nellis P. Smith, of vVest Liberty Street. Academy Award Film Will Be Shown Here Rev, Garrett Short has an- nounced that the color motion picture "Albert Schweitzer" — winner of the 1958 Motion Pic- ture Academy Award for the Best Documentary Film will be BUSINESS GIRLS TO M11T WITH ROTARY MONDAY A panel of local leaders In bus- iness and industry will discuss "What can be done about com- munity development?" at a combined meeting of the St. Johnsville Business Girls Assoc- iation and Rotarians and * their wives Monday evening at the American Legion rooms. Members of the panel will be Mayor Wilfred Y. Kraft, Harris Dunktp, Palatine Dye; Arch Pis- citello, Heknont Mils; Dr.| Sey- mour Sehueiueiu, Industrial Committee; Leo Mancini, Centra! National Bank; Roger Scofield, St. Johnsville Enterprise* and News; Walter Davis Jr., Busi- nessmen's Association and Elo- ise Huff, Allegro Shoe. Reservations for the dinner, which will be served by the A- merican Legion Auxiliary, must «fc_. « ...^ mm _-, •#— wm- W {licivie niui jait+u. s^wCU i i i i i i C y hnr si v*,»*i. Frida"' Jan. 39 •"4 , o? i e 7852. Coramitte for the meeting in- cudes Joan Conboy, chairman; Lee Widanka, Betty Triumpho, Virginia Dockerty, Ruberta Dah *?uff. O™— Irmgard Nagele Is Chosen Homemakei shown at Saint John's Reformed home January 15 from surgery not yet allowed to have visitors. Church on Friday and Saturday, February 27th and 28th. The showing of the film is being sponsored by he Youth Fellow- ship of the church. Joseph Battisti was guest of "Albert Schweitzer" is the on- honor at a stag party January ^ feature-length cinema biogra- <)i „± »_«-,, •»•>„• -i^ n qf-vvrv* r*>t^11 In fhv of thr. TC^T^-.I Pi>ar>r> T>rl?f FIRE DEFT. RECEIVES 3 KW GENERATOR The St. Johnsville Fire Depart- ment has received a 3 KW Generator from government sur- plus allotted through Civil De- fense. It will be used as a portable lighting outfit. Firemen were scheduled to pick it up at a warehouse in Al- bany, Tuesday of this week. It has a water cooled engine, capable of illuminating a large area with lead lamps. Plans are under study as to means of making the best use of it. Fire Chief William Van Slyke w?s elected chairman for the Firemen's Fair for this year and is to appoint his own co-chair- man at a later date. Irmgard Nagele has been chos- en St. JohnsviMe School's Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomor- row. She received the higher.t score in a 50 minute written examina- tion on homemaking knowledge and atutudes tak«n by graduat- ing senior giHs, She will receive a. humwmaking pin manufactured by Jostens, which represents the slogan, "Home is Where the Heart Is." lier examination pap- er will be entered in competition with those of other school win- ners in the state to name the Bettv Crocker Homemaker of To- morrow. The test is disism-d and judg- ed hy Science Research Associ- ates. IHSacft state Homemaker of To- morrow will rece've a $"• *^0 scholarship from General Mills, an educational trip April 4-10 with her wo'iooi ftdvitoy to Wash- ington, B.C., colonial Williams- lv<t~r. va.. New York C'+v and Minneapolis, and she will be a candidate for the title of All A- merican Homemaker of Tomor- WALRATH'S PHARMACY I Open Friday Till 9 P.M. I I Shop St. Johnsville — Boost Yoar Hometown | JOSEPH BATTE HONORED AT STAG PARTY REFORMED CHURCH WOMEN'S GUILD TO SEE FILM C-liVI *r A son, Christopher Thomas, weighing 9 lb 11 oz was born January 25 at the St. Mai-y's Tr.-.^.;!.,,; » »^,-, ^** -, ,„, ^ -*. ,.-.„ *. ^. "»«*,.-. , *„ i *Av d irai|jiL*xi > tmMimkmiuaju, IU wn. £Liiu. ^ % ^ * Mr. and Mrs, Vernard Qua<Tk- CI 1 __ _ _. A I.TtKltfLlfllilj 3K» fWo T%€» T*otTf e r\f daughter honor of his marriage which took place Saturday January 24. Guests attending were: Daniel Patterson, Joseph Hudson. Allen Hudson. John Francisco, George _, _, , , ,,,,.. Cook, George Kanuck, "Squeek" Mrs. Everett Warner, xo ^ings- c<mnoi , A1 , en Warner ^ Na . jury Avenue. ^^ Jogeph BattSst j ( « r> Howard Hart and Richard Smida, PERSONAL Miss Florence Skoda. SPTIIOT at the Oppcr.hcimSphratah Central School, has been named the Bet- ty Crocker homemakar of tomor- row. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Skoda, St. Johns- ville RD. She received the highest score in the examination given for homemaking knowledge and at- titudes. She will receive a home- maker's pin and her paper will * <%rnt-la Suti, weighing 8 lb. 15% oz, born January 23 at the Little Fails Hospital. * * * * A daughter, Klmberley Ann, weighing 7 lb 13 oz was born Saturday, January 1, 24, at 5 a.m. to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony LaCop- pola at the Little Falls Hospital *f* T* (P T* Mr. and Mrs. William Rich- ards, RD 1 Fort Plain are par- entrf of a son born January 24 at the Little Falls Hospital. * * * * A/lc and Mrs. Will H. Clo- hocy, 2829 Tormolo Way, Ran- CIIO Cordova, Calif., ai« parents of a daughter named Leslie Beth born Dec, 21, 1958, at. Mather Air Force Base, Sacramento, Cal. Mrs. Coheey la the former Nor- man Salmon, d&ugftfceT 0f Mr. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ekiwin Karda«i RJ) 1 Fort Plain, are the parents of a son bom Tuesday »t the Little Falls Hospital. The baby which has been named Michael weighed 5 lb 1 cm. Ono of the big contrasts be- tween the U. S. and low income areas of the world is that v.*r IVtu ourselves with only 10% of the labor force in agriculture, leaving 90% to produce other goods and services. vinner who has achieved world renown as a philosopher, theol- ogian, missionary, physician, or- ganist, and above all, as a man who has devoted his life to serv- ing his fellow men seifiessiy. The film Is produced and directed by Jerome Hill, phstogranhed by Erica Andnrson. narrated by Frederic March and Burgess Meredith, and the musical score is by Aiec Wilder. It is a Louis de Rachemont duction. Associates puo- The film wiU be shown two evenings at 8 o'clock, and a spec- ial matinee performance on Fri- day afternoon at 3:30 p.m. Tick- ets for the evening performanc es will include refreshments, and will be honored either Friday or Saturday evening, The matinee Showing is for chiidiren and a- be entered in the state competl- dults. Tickets will be available tion. Adler- f*»nSnn«<l tvnm f»nn* n 1 __ fc.wiW^PWgli fawn * " ^ ^ * previous recipients of the award, among them, Mrs. Betty Bilo- browka, Adam J. Horn and Rob- ert Perry. The latter reminded those assembled that Mr. Weir had c»i iiv- been a recipient. Ferris Gabriele, National VF \%T nM« ^„ ~*, „^,l ^U_S of the dinner, expressed the ap- preciation of the post to the Aux iUary for the diimer preparations and serving, also to all those who had assisted him. Rev. Walton pronounced the benediction. from members of the Youth Fel- lowship and the m ! ni<?ter heein- ning this Sunday, February i, CUB SCOUT DEN S VISITS ENTERPRISE ft NEWS Oub Scouts of Den 3 with their Den Mother, Mrs. Joseph Croce, visited thr» Enterorise & News office Monday afturnoon ami —- EJtifMLAi'i] At-— .nff...„.-.4 ..K .. ,.,.,:• WW siniwii uic uuiuuub ^,<,.«*,.v. of newfri>apf5r production. C«bs present were David Crr««o : M!ehac*1, Tommy and Frank Giadulnt*-,' and Richard Bussone. Gary Davis was unable to be preaent. The happiness of your life de- T">T«nd* ijitnn His* ouwliifif nf vmip thoughts. Enterprise & Newt* Pross ft Republican January 29. 1059 PTA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE TO MEET An important meeting of St. JohnsvMle Parent Teachers Asso- ciation has been called for 8:15 p.m. Monday, February 2 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Phelps, 120 West Main Street. Culture, like custard, curdles when it's overdone. *~r»'n»TOTi»i—r—ii—«nn—mmm..i i' J FOR PROPER | PROTECTION r Vtin tetf.K^trttl winner will receive a set C* the Encyclopedia Britannica. Gener- al Mills will award a $500 schol- arship to each state - runner-up. Winners are beins: chosen for 12.260 schools throu°"hout the na- tion which enrolled 349150 semor p-iHs. the larorest number of par- ticipants in the five vear history of this $106 000 scholarship pro- p r ^ m . C-r-Awth ha<? b<«>n s t e a d y P'""" 19*i5 when 1*7 463 girls in 8,040 schools participated, The 1959 AlbAmerican Home- maker of Tomorrow will be an- noiiced in Minneapolis April 10 at the Amer'can Table Dinner in t>"* T-e^mington Hotel's "Hall of Slates." The scholarship of the All-A- merican Homemaker of Tomor- row wiM be increased to $5000. The national runner-up will re- ceive a $4 000 grant, third place winner a $3,000 award and fourth place winner a $2,000 scholarship. o ian Service will meet in the Her- ning Room of St. John's Re formed Church Friday, February 6 at 3 P.M. the former Women's Missionary Society and the Ladies Aid, and its officers for thp f-rnning years are: Loretta rorster, president; Hazel Rntlcr, first vice presi- dent; Dorothy Snell, second vice president; Elizabeth Home, secretary; and Ethei Berry, trea- surer. The program for the meeting will feature the sound color mo- tion picture "Mid-East Profile," a film report about a changeless mission in a changing world, It explores the complex difficulties that confront the Christian Church in the overwhelmingly Islamic* society of the Middle East. The film is produced by the Oonrmission on Missionary Edu- cation of the National] Council of Churches. The hostesses for the dinner are BeEtta Horn, Margaret. Pop- pie, Oilberta Lull, and Hazel FOR ACCIDENTS? The cost of auto acci- dents can ran Into big money. But you won't linviR to jwy it if you're adequately Insured. Cost 1*4 wnaJS, SEE H. A. DEVENDORF GENERAL INSURANCE % 4291 S t . fofeBBTflli r ^#N<N&A^#^^A & AAA ft-frfrfrfrfrMi 0 g J 1 1 - - j_ ^ x j) $ > # < 1 111 4 1 ^ 4 C 111 $•<!##•#>••< * Last Chanc otSuy Furs At 1/2 Price 0URING itJE GREAT anuary r ur 5ale O f W FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE I : 1 1 I * 1 «• a : 100 M. Main S i Phone Victor 21920 Amsterdftra .i. * We're always at * vftwr rail foi m prompt filling of prescriptions You can count on us in any emergency. Day or ni^lit, we're OS call to serve you whenever illness stritmC:*. Your registered pharmacist gives you 4l just what the doctor ordered," BUHRMASTEH'S DRUGSTORE FORT PLAIN Need f'rst aidfiuppli<»RfYou'll find a complete •election of all the belt here. Easy On The Gas Ahead On Safety By Jeanne Hmith, Dodge Safety Consultant TEENAGERS ARE DISCOVERING that careful driving really pays off! Through competition in high school safety -economy runs, partici- pants find that taking it eaay on the M«« put* them ahead in safety and §p>!» tt .-A**t-*t<tfffH Wf .y t the weakly nllnwnnce. PaLte m o d attr-r tliw na- tional econ- omy run, the hifrh school driving t«Stf grntify trm- njr^r",' doslrp for conijjpti- Mi«« Btnith tion and loarh them thai high ppoedi, "jr»:k rabbit" Htarta, tnarp turns and mddBn stop* will iharply reduce gne mileage, Officials who Rponsor the jun- ior runs bnlicn'c that, although FT^r-ItI^• tnrTinffprp pnttKCtim mechan- iral ability and ore skilful driv- era, lomfl l<*ck tho proper mental ulttttifi* 1 for rpfe driving, Through these hi^h school con- twU, held ihrmiKhout thi cnun^ try, Wtf hope to rer»u«de young inof«iri«t« that Bnfa driving is fta •oeially nrcpptnhlr as making the footbiiH tpam or the honor roll, In thf nm, H U A ; limifpd to thtitii m pnrl\eia*nt*. nhili- if te Arte* hof'.i Mf«U and wonowScaUy ia mMIVPtd oyer 8 100-mile route. Each driver is accompanied hy an adult ob- server who checks to see that ?.!! friffle sr.d utAtf S«.*n m obeyed. For each infraction, the driver is penalised nne-lenlh of a gallon of gMoUttO. Viola- tions may easily cost the driver m victory. Tho threo drivers in each con t98t wh» BSS the pttmlljiHt gmmml <>f gas are awarded trophies *t the high school asaombfy. At a eonipftitiori in EvinMon, 111., safety Icaderi from all over the country watched 27 Kvarmton Township High School ttodenti i'Ompete. The |tnritu(ianta avt-rnRrd 15 miles to (he gallon, and one of the two glris entered in the Evanston contest ew t ,fged »» witraer. with in average ef 20.65 miles a gallon, 1 rani Oi trie pfTigfTim g .irrppt anee is plentiful. Pol lea ofu=L>H tsuuiuUttm and safety sspnrtB have praised the run«, A* one youthful conientant put iL "The safety-eeonomy mm tsurtl me !h»t it's wnal We and thrtftv to ,J»,»« «f !« " n SEE Insnraace Agesc Fh 71 Al •»«• * fane, JOHNSVILLE Providing an adequate supply of high quality forage continues to be a major problem on most New York farms. c ^fc AT^AA ror ihe 'TUDOR - 6 CYL. Gray, Ford omatle Radlr> * Hmt^r 1 19F-« FQPD STATION 8 CyL Very Clean Wagon - White 1956 FOBD PA1RLAJIE Ciub Victoria - Red and Black - 8 CyL Power ^<t<»«?r' !ng, Radio, FordomatJc, Heater - NICE J 135S Ford custom Eancn Wagon Heater • r^xwilierifc Coi.oiiioni 1956 PLYM. FORDOR SEDAN 6 CyL Blue. Must be geen to appreciate. 1955 FORD FAIRLAHB Town Sedan 8-cyl. Overdrive. R & II, Black & Widte 1955 FORD Conv, Ope, Styletone 8 CyL Fordo- inatic. Radio & Heater - Ex tra Nice, 1953 Chev, Hardtop TUTONE GREEN Power-1 glide, Radio and Heater. 1953 P]yr«». Oranbrook Station Wagon • Ghreea i| Radio Slid Renter : 1953 DeSoto Fordor j| Blue Automath? Tran«. Hadji io and iieater 1952Tsttidebakef Fordor ; C'tiampion 0 CyL t*ray Overdrivo, Heater and Radio! Al>40 MANY OTHEB CtARH FOR Y«ril SEEEJC'TIttiii And Trucks Too! No Payment! Until lYItlfCH IStI Willard Oti'manln 1 ONLY YOUE FRIENDLY FORD DEALEE SELLS -^ : 5- USED CARS & TRUCKS Ph, 2643 Qftm FHday till » S i JobnivillB Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of Insnraace Agesc {licivie niui jait+u. s^wCU iiiiiiCy 71 23/St...

Page 1: Insnraace Agesc {licivie niui jait+u. s^wCU iiiiiiCy 71 23/St Johnsville NY... · RJ) 1 Fort Plain, are the parents of a son bom Tuesday »t the Little

Engaged •Announcement has been H H I

of the engagement of Miss Inge-foord Drews, daughter of Mr. aini 'Mrs, Paul Drews of Berlin, Ger­many, to Herbert Mueller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Mueller of the New Tiirmifci* T»nari


Tunnjfeg Koa< has be^n set for the

PERSONAL Mrs. Katharine Shatter erf

Fort Plata attended the funeral of the late Frank W. Don yestei-day afternoon.

* * * * Dr. Raymond W. Wytrwal has

been appointed as ft delegate to the Fourth District Branch of the State Medical Society,



This Week's Special Let Us Check Your Exhaust System

Mufflers v orr „ JE*

i au}f ifc»

SUNOCO Service Station St. Johnsville Ph. 57C1 W. Main


Fanuarv Savings I EVENING IN PARIS

Deodorant Stick Special

2 for $1.00 REG. $1.50

^^FaSO^Bott le ofNew Liquid Luster Creme Shampoo


Economy Size Colgate Dental Cream

Only 69c for BOTH! REG. 99c



u IT unci Theatoe


Thurs, - Frl. Jan. 29-30 GABY COOPEB JULIE LONDON



S a t Sun. Mon Jan, SO- Feb. 2

Matinee Sat. 2 p.m. ConS, Sun. from 2p.m.

SAL MTN50 lis

• * / •


luminshjti for wu» show Adults 75c

Children SSC

TTO*. - W«»d Feb. 3 & 4 FRANK SINATRA







Sun. - T lies. Feb. 1-3 Cont. Sun. from 2 p«m.


in THE

El?error p e a V T B S S ' B " u u i u u u u i £ i w a a and




Wed. - Thurw Feb. MARLON BRANDO








L Miss Linda Fltzpatrick, daugh- a t Cooperstown Hospital. by Cathy Snell

ier of JSr. and Mrs Oharies iFitz-pajxlck of Bast St. Johnsville has had her tonsils removed in l i t t l e Falls Hospital last week.

* * * # •Mrs. Olive CBrle-n cf North

Division Street is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCarthy and daughter, Kath­leen of Lake Pleasant

* * * * M'-s. John Finley of

* * * * Miss Ijena Wilbur, 87, of Allen

Heights was taken to St. Luke's Memorial' Hospital in the Lull ambulance January 22 after she had been found on the floor a t her home where she resides a-


ior.e by a bakery driver who stopped to deliver bread.

* * * * The I.OO.F. will hold a card

College students who spent the weekend and mid-term vaca­tion a t home are: Karen Kar-dash, Oswego State Teachers Col­lege; Mary MoGee and Judy Bec­ker, Oneorvta State Teachers Col­lege, Bob Hook of Utica College, Syracuse; Doug Smith of Webb Institute; George Haney, Oswe­go State Teachers; Paul Brlele,

Spring par ty in their temple Saturday, Wagner College, Claudia Smith. Valley spent the weekend with January 31, beginning a t 8 p.m. Syracuse Univesity and Ray hSi daughter Mrs. Garrett Short and femily.

* * * * tMr. and Mrs. Mike Shannon

and dairghter Debbie of Dolge-vilie were recent guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shannon Jr . of Averiil Street.

* * * * Alvin and Karen Myers, son

and daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Myers, 10 W. Main St., St. Johnsvillei underwent tonsi-lccto?ni*'s s i *he Little Fails Hos­pital Monday,

i * * * Mr. and Mrs. William C Lenz,

who have been vacationing in Florida, will return home on Sat­urday.

* * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnson of

Tng> Mills a re planning a t r ip t j B'lorida in the near fut­ure.

* * * * Danny Lucas, son of Mrs.

William Lucas, celebrated his ninth birthday with a party a t his home Saturday.

* # * c

Sympathy is extended to Ef-finer Duesler of Palatine Bridge on the death of his sister, Mrs. Lelah E. Smith who died Janu­ary 20 in Syracuse General Hos­pital.

* * * * DeForest White returned

There wiH be refreshments and prizes.

* jjc * i f

The Altar-Rosary Society of St. Patrick's Church will hoid a public card party at the Parish Hall February 4 beginning a t 8 p.m. There wMl tie iretreahments and prizes.

* * * * Mr. and Mrs. iRaymond Coco

and Raymond Jr. attended the Albany Hardware and Iron See and Save Da>3 Show a t their showrooms on Broadway Sun­day,

Mrs. Martha Savary left Sun-vlSLjT IGT" cl W w K S VIS**. VfiXJl IXMS"

tives in New York City. * * * *

Winners of prizes a t the card par ty sponsored by the Lutheran Ch'irch Men's Club Saturday eve ning a t the Odd Fellows Temple were the following: Mrs. Julia Battc, Wesley Kraft, Harold Set­tle, Roger Johnson, Mrs. Francis Shuster, Raymond CoHe, Leon Lamphere, Mrs. Leland Smith, and Mrs. Lesler Rockefeller.

* j)i * *

Mrs. Charles Miller was taken to the Little Falls Hospital Fri­day in the Smith ambulance fol­lowing a coronary attack a t her home on Mill Road. Her con­dition is improving but she is

d o u s e . Cobieskill Agricultural and Technical Institute.

Pa t Hoffman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoffman, spent the week-end a t her home on Liberty Street. She is • employ ed by a bank in Syracuse. .

JPFC James Jacques, who is stationed a t Camp LeJeune, North Carolina, spent the week­end at his home.

Miss Ada Paul of Syracuse will spend the coming weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mis. Corne­lius Paul.

A/ tc Charles E. Smith, who is stationed at Harmon Air Force Base in Newfoundland, is isuend-ing a 30 day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nellis P. Smith, of vVest Liberty Street.

Academy Award Film Will Be Shown Here

Rev, Garret t Short has an­nounced that the color motion picture "Albert Schweitzer" — winner of the 1958 Motion Pic­ture Academy Award for the Best Documentary Film will be


A panel of local leaders In bus­iness and industry will discuss "What can be done about com­munity development?" at a combined meeting of the St. Johnsville Business Girls Assoc­iation and Rotarians and * their wives Monday evening at the American Legion rooms.

Members of the panel will be Mayor Wilfred Y. Kraft, Harris Dunktp, Palatine Dye; Arch Pis-citello, Heknont Mi l s ; Dr.| Sey­mour Sehueiueiu, Industrial Committee; Leo Mancini, Centra! National Bank; Roger Scofield, St. Johnsville Enterprise* and News; Walter Davis Jr., Busi­nessmen's Association and Elo-ise Huff, Allegro Shoe.

Reservations for the dinner, which will be served by the A-merican Legion Auxiliary, must «fc_. « . . . ^ mm _-, •#— , « wm-

W {licivie n i u i jait+u. s^wCU i i i i i i C y hnr si v*,»*i. Frida"' Jan. 39 •"4,o?ie 7852.

Coramitte for the meeting in­cudes Joan Conboy, chairman; Lee Widanka, Betty Triumpho, Virginia Dockerty, Ruberta Dah

*?uff. O ™ —

Irmgard Nagele Is Chosen Homemakei

shown at Saint John's Reformed home January 15 from surgery not yet allowed to have visitors. Church on Friday and Saturday,

February 27th and 28th. The showing of the film is being sponsored by he Youth Fellow­ship of the church.

Joseph Battisti was guest of "Albert Schweitzer" is the on-honor a t a stag party January ^ feature-length cinema biogra-<)i „± »_«-,, •»•>„• - i ^ n qf-vvrv* r*>t 11 In f h v o f t h r . TC^T^-.I Pi>ar>r> T>rl?f


The St. Johnsville Fire Depart­ment has received a 3 KW Generator from government sur­plus allotted through Civil De­fense.

It will be used as a portable lighting outfit.

Firemen were scheduled to pick it up at a warehouse in Al­bany, Tuesday of this week.

It has a water cooled engine, capable of illuminating a large area with lead lamps.

Plans are under study as to means of making the best use of it.

Fire Chief William Van Slyke w?s elected chairman for the Firemen's Fair for this year and is to appoint his own co-chair­man at a later date.

I rmgard Nagele has been chos­en St. JohnsviMe School's Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomor­row.

She received the higher.t score in a 50 minute written examina­tion on homemaking knowledge and a tu tudes tak«n by graduat­ing senior giHs, She will receive a. humwmaking pin manufactured by Jostens, which represents the slogan, "Home i s Where the Hear t Is." l ie r examination pap­er will be entered in competition with those of other school win­ners in the s tate to name the Bettv Crocker Homemaker of To­morrow.

The test is disism-d and judg­ed hy Science Research Associ­ates.

IHSacft s tate Homemaker of To­morrow will rece've a $"• *^0 scholarship from General Mills, an educational trip April 4-10 with her wo'iooi ftdvitoy to Wash­ington, B.C., colonial Williams-lv<t~r. va. . New York C'+v and Minneapolis, and she will be a candidate for the title of All A-merican Homemaker of Tomor-

WALRATH'S PHARMACY I Open Friday Till 9 P.M. I

I Shop St. Johnsville — Boost Yoar Hometown |



C- l iV I *r

A son, Christopher Thomas, weighing 9 lb 11 oz was born January 25 at the St. Mai-y's T r . - . ^ . ; ! . , , ; » » ,-, ^** -, ,„, ^ -*. ,.-.„ *. ^. "»«*,.-. , *„ i *Avdirai|jiL*xi> tmMimkmiuaju, I U w n . £Liiu.

^ % ^ * Mr. and Mrs, Vernard Qua<Tk-

CI 1 __ _ _. A I.TtKltfLlfllilj

3 K » f W o T%€» T*otTf e r\f daughter

honor of his marriage which took place Saturday January 24.

Guests attending were: Daniel Patterson, Joseph Hudson. Allen Hudson. John Francisco, George

_, _, , , , , , , . . Cook, George Kanuck, "Squeek" Mrs. Everett Warner, xo ^ings- c < m n o i , A 1 , e n W a r n e r ^ N a . ju ry Avenue. ^ ^ J o g e p h B a t t S s t j ( «r> Howard

Har t and Richard Smida,

PERSONAL Miss Florence Skoda. SPTIIOT a t

the Oppcr.hcimSphratah Central School, has been named the Bet­ty Crocker homemakar of tomor­row. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Skoda, St. Johns­ville RD.

She received the highest score in the examination given for homemaking knowledge and at­titudes. She will receive a home-maker 's pin and her paper will

* <%rnt-la Suti, weighing 8 lb. 15% oz, born January 23 at the Little Fails Hospital.

* * * * A daughter, Klmberley Ann,

weighing 7 lb 13 oz was born Saturday, January1, 24, a t 5 a.m. to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony LaCop-pola a t the Little Falls Hospital

*f* T* (P T*

Mr. and Mrs. William Rich­ards, RD 1 Fort Plain are par-entrf of a son born January 24 at the Little Falls Hospital.

* * * * A/ l c and Mrs. Will H. Clo-

hocy, 2829 Tormolo Way, Ran-CIIO Cordova, Calif., ai« parents of a daughter named Leslie Beth born Dec, 21, 1958, at. Mather Air Force Base, Sacramento, Cal.

Mrs. Coheey la the former Nor­man Salmon, d&ugftfceT 0f Mr.

* * * * Mr. and Mrs. Ekiwin Karda«i

RJ) 1 Fort Plain, are the parents of a son bom Tuesday »t the Little Falls Hospital. The baby which has been named Michael weighed 5 lb 1 cm.

Ono of the big contrasts be-tween the U. S. and low income areas of the world is that v.*r IVtu ourselves with only 10% of the labor force in agriculture, leaving 90% to produce other goods and services.

vinner who has achieved world renown as a philosopher, theol­ogian, missionary, physician, or­ganist, and above all, as a man who has devoted his life to serv­ing his fellow men seifiessiy. The film Is produced and directed by Jerome Hill, phstogranhed by Erica Andnrson. narrated by Frederic March and Burgess Meredith, and the musical score is by Aiec Wilder. I t is a Louis de Rachemont duction.

Associates puo-

The film wiU be shown two evenings at 8 o'clock, and a spec­ial matinee performance on Fri­day afternoon a t 3:30 p.m. Tick­ets for the evening performanc es will include refreshments, and will be honored either Friday or Saturday evening, The matinee Showing is for chiidiren and a-

be entered in the state competl- dults. Tickets will be available tion.

Adler-f*»nSnn«<l tvnm f»nn*n 1 _ _ fc.wiW^PWgli fawn * " ^ ^ *

previous recipients of the award, among them, Mrs. Betty Bilo-browka, Adam J. Horn and Rob­ert Perry. The latter reminded those assembled that Mr. Weir had c»i iiv- been a recipient.

Ferr is Gabriele, National VF \%T n M « ^ „ ~*, „ ^ , l ^U_S

of the dinner, expressed the ap­preciation of the post to the Aux iUary for the diimer preparations and serving, also to all those who had assisted him.

Rev. Walton pronounced the benediction.

from members of the Youth Fel­lowship and the m!ni<?ter heein-ning this Sunday, February i ,



Oub Scouts of Den 3 with their Den Mother, Mrs. Joseph Croce, visited thr» Enterorise & News office Monday afturnoon ami

—- EJtifMLAi'i] A t - — . n f f . . . „ . - . 4 . . K . . , . , . , : •

W W siniwii u i c u u i u u u b ^,<,.«*,.v.

of newfri>apf5r production. C«bs present were David

Crr««o: M!ehac*1, Tommy and Frank Giadulnt*-,' and Richard Bussone. Gary Davis was unable to be preaent.

The happiness of your life de-T">T«nd* i j i tnn His* ouwliifif nf v m i p


Enterprise & Newt* Pross ft Republican January 29. 1059


An important meeting of St. JohnsvMle Parent Teachers Asso­ciation has been called for 8:15 p.m. Monday, February 2 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Phelps, 120 West Main Street.

Culture, like custard, curdles when it's overdone. *~r»'n»TOTi»i—r—ii—«nn—mmm . . i i '



rVtin tetf.K^trttl

winner will receive a set C* the Encyclopedia Britannica. Gener­al Mills will award a $500 schol­arship to each s ta te - runner-up.

Winners are beins: chosen for 12.260 schools throu°"hout the na­tion which enrolled 349150 semor p-iHs. the larorest number of par­ticipants in the five vear history of this $106 000 scholarship pro-pr^m. C-r-Awth ha<? b<«>n steady P ' " " " 19*i5 when 1*7 463 girls in 8,040 schools participated,

The 1959 AlbAmerican Home-maker of Tomorrow will be an-noiiced in Minneapolis April 10 at t he Amer'can Table Dinner in t>"* T-e^mington Hotel's "Hall of Slates."

The scholarship of the All-A-merican Homemaker of Tomor­row wiM be increased to $5000. The national runner-up will re­ceive a $4 000 grant, third place winner a $3,000 award and fourth place winner a $2,000 scholarship.


ian Service will meet in the Her-ning Room of St. John's Re formed Church Friday, February 6 at 3 P.M.

the former Women's Missionary Society and the Ladies Aid, and its officers for thp f-rnning years are: Loretta rorster , president; Hazel Rntlcr, first vice presi­dent; Dorothy Snell, second vice president; Elizabeth Home, secretary; and Ethei Berry, trea­surer.

The program for the meeting will feature the sound color mo­tion picture "Mid-East Profile," a film report about a changeless mission in a changing world, I t explores the complex difficulties that confront the Christian Church in the overwhelmingly Islamic* society of the Middle East.

The film is produced by the Oonrmission on Missionary Edu­cation of the National] Council of Churches.

The hostesses for the dinner are BeEtta Horn, Margaret. Pop-pie, Oilberta Lull, and Hazel


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Easy On The Gas — Ahead On Safety

By Jeanne Hmith, Dodge Safety Consultant

TEENAGERS ARE DISCOVERING that careful driving really pays off!

Through competition in high school safety -economy runs, partici­pants find that taking it eaay on the M«« put* them ahead in sa fe ty and §p>!»

t t . - A * * t - * t < t f f f H W f . y t

the weakly nllnwnnce.

PaLte m o d attr-r tliw na­tional econ­omy run, the hifrh school driving t«Stf grntify trm-njr^r",' doslrp for conijjpti- Mi«« Btnith tion and loarh them thai high ppoedi, "jr»:k rabbit" Htarta, tnarp turns and mddBn stop* will iharply reduce gne mileage,

Officials who Rponsor the jun­ior runs bnlicn'c that, although FT r-ItI • tnrTinffprp pnttKCtim m e c h a n -iral ability and ore skilful driv-era, lomfl l<*ck tho proper mental ulttttifi*1 for rpfe d r iv ing , Through these hi^h school con-twU, held ihrmiKhout thi cnun^ try, Wtf hope to rer»u«de young inof«iri«t« that Bnfa driving is fta •oeially nrcpptnhlr as making the footbiiH tpam or the honor roll,

In thf nm, H U A ; limifpd to thtitii m pnrl\eia*nt*. nhili-if te Arte* hof'.i Mf«U and

wonowScaUy ia mMIVPtd oyer 8 100-mile route. Each driver is accompanied hy an adult ob­server who checks to see that ?.!! friffle sr.d utAtf S«.*n m obeyed. For each infraction, the driver is penalised nne-lenlh of a gallon of gMoUttO. Viola-tions may easily cost the driver m victory. Tho threo drivers in each con

t98t wh» BSS the pttmlljiHt gmmml <>f gas are awarded trophies *t the high school asaombfy.

At a eonipftitiori in EvinMon, 111., safety Icaderi from all over the country watched 27 Kvarmton Township High School ttodenti i'Ompete.

The |tnritu(ianta avt-rnRrd 15 miles to (he gallon, and one of the two glris entered in the Evanston contest ewt,fged »» witraer. with in average ef 20.65 miles a gallon, 1 rani Oi trie pfTigfTim g .irrppt

anee is plentiful. Pol lea ofu=L>H tsuuiuUttm and safety sspnrtB have praised the run«,

A* one youthful conientant put iL "The safety-eeonomy mm t su r t l me !h»t it's wnal We and thrtftv to ,J»,»« «f !« "


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