Inside Dallas Jail

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  • 8/3/2019 Inside Dallas Jail


    ) I t/'\I aFt/


    DallasCouniyCornmissioners outt$hannonS. Brown,Assistant dministratorFilmingRequesl n CountyFacilities

    ; f i ! tlJFt_i .*t$F1lj i1. ; iS { jUF{Tyrj i i l l ; [ft5 d]UfifCoMMI$slONERsOURT DMINISTRATIONJAf{5 FH3: t g


    ffi{TBtqKGRqgryDfissu,FHlectric kyProductions pproachedhe Sheriff'sOfficewitha request o filma documentaryproductionn theDalla*CountyJaifs. ElectricSky Productionsilmed n the ail system nNovember 011. Theepisodewas ilmed n 3D andprovidesn*ighton how he self-conleinedoperations re managed n a day o daybasis. lt is scheduledo air n Spring2012onDiscovery's DChannel Net. Theshootoperated moothly nd he $h*riff's Officesupportshaving he production ornpany omingback nto he ail system.Thepurposeof thisbriefingsto recommend pproval f thisrequest.otg&FIl glllAl'.illPACrDallasCounty's olicy or filming n County acilitiesncludes $25,000 ecurity eposit, he perfilm day ee andrequirednsursnce. This ee slructure nd nsuranceimitswereestablishedocover he additional osts ncurred y theCountyas a resultof the i[ming,ncluding taff ime,additional tilities, nd wear and earon the facilities.This requestqualifiesor the$750perfilm day ee basedon the anticipated chedule f 70 ilmingdays. Electric ky Produclions asagreedo these inancialerms.Theplanned roductions a ten{10)partdocumentaryeriesexploringife nsideDallasCountyJail. Theproduction ouldalso ollow nmates hraugh he courtproces$. n eachepisode,hecameraswouldcatch he realday-todayexperiences,hallenges nd he pressures fficersface dealingwitha varieiyof unpredictablenmaies romnew arresteeso rnaximum ecurity.Theserieswouldallow he public o be jmmersedinto he realityof life nside aifand hecourthouseo helpviewersunderstandhe ssues nvolvedn running ucha facility.Electric ky Productions ii lbe requiredo obtainconsent or all nterviews ith nmatesandstaff. Inaddiiion, achcourtwillbe approachedo provide cce$s o filming n the courtroom.The cunent ilming cheduleor the ten {10)partseries sfive {5)daysweekove 14 weeksstartingn Spring2012. The totalestimated umber f filmingdays s seventy 70).ln tateNovember 011,Commissioners oudapproved similarprgectconceptpresented ypart2productions. taffhasbeenalertedby thatproductionompany hatdue to schedulingconflicls,heyno ongerplan o utilize he Dallasocation,herefore liminating nypotentialconflict etweenhe nroductions.

    DallasCountyAdministrationuilding411 ElmStreetDallas,Texas75242-331

  • 8/3/2019 Inside Dallas Jail


    ' : 150CammissionersourtJanuary1,2012 -,,-,-r-ar...Hffi;C"dest inCountvFacilities Electrfu kv :Page

    ' :' ' ' i : ':r '

    LgGAL'llllPACT A!--:th:..:-:-- .I*.,*r*nai tha af{a lefitforallTheDistrict ttorney's ffice,CivilDivision,evelopedheattachedocation greenfilrning rojects.nciric St

  • 8/3/2019 Inside Dallas Jail


    {E;,1lu l

    LocATr.qN AGE[gllfENTTheuudersignedgra&t-qo Flgqtrlg-Sk"IlgdUqllg$!-* {"Producer") its successors nd*ssigns, he rightand icenso o enterupon, o makephotcgraphsstitls, ilm, fapeor otherwiseianduse or so*called.,la.arisn',purposss Pqlleq.egunty _gils F,re{:L lo$4ev Courtilouse {hereinafterefsrred o as thepropertv") &om Feb {iacludingbut not imited to reshooring) nconiiderationofthe sumof $?50.00 sevenhundred ifty dollarsandno cents) er shootday aadno chaxgfr:rrrtap clays, $25,000.00 twenty-five housand oilars)securitydeposit, ayable o l)allas Conntybeforeshootingoccurs provided hat he Properfy s actualiyulilized),andprovi*ionofthe instralcerequirementsspresentedn ExhibitA attached ereto-producer'suseof thePraperfyshail nchde pemlission s use he Propertvwith anyand ali personnei,equipmentandmateriais(including, without limitation, prcps and temporaryssis) for tlrc purpose*ofphctographing scenesand rnakingr$cordings,by any and all mea*s,norr,ktrown or hereafterdevieed, n theinteriJr a*d eiterior ,:f theFroperty for rrse n corurection vith, or aspart o{ that certaintelevision prograrnentitled Insid Dall$,q ail-l|grkipg title] . --andall otherproducttons,ncluding,without imitatton,.'making-of' arrd'-behind-the-scene$"roductionscollectively, he "Progtam"). If suchphotographysprevented r hampered y wea&eror occurencesbeyondProducer ontrol, t wiil bepostponedo orconrpleted t a mufuallyagreeable mervithcut frrrther ompen$ation.Therights granted o ProducerherEi$ nclude the rights to photograph, ecord, anduse n any manner'uvhatsoever11ya111esnd trademarks ounectedwith the Fruperfy,andanysigns,deccrations, ixtures andfumishingsocated hereon,andany ogosandverbiage onfained n suchsigns,decoraiions,ixfures*trdfumishings, n connecticn with" or a$part of; ihe Program, he right to refer to tho Property.or any partthereof,by any real or fiotitious name, he right to auribute anyreal of fictiSiou$eventsa$having occuredon ihe Properly, and theright to reeonstruct he Propertyor aaypart th*reofas a set- 'Therights grantedtoproducer urther ncludethe exclusive ight to use,and o liceuseothers o use,all of thephotographs ndrecordingsmadehereunder n thePrograrn, n tle advertising,promotioa andpublicity therefore,and incommercialie-ins aridanyruerchandising r othercommercialexploitaticnof the Frograru,a aqr andalilanguages,onnats anclmedia, now known or hereafterdevised, hroughout heuciverse, n perpefuil,/,i.vithoutimitatian or restrictioqof anykind, andwithcut frxtherpalmentof any kind, Prcducershalibe thesoie.exclgsiveandporpetuala*'nerof all right, title and nterestn &e Prcgram,andanyphotographs ndrrcord.ingsmadehere$ndern cormectionwith the Programpur$uanto copyriglrt8$dothenvise, rithoutlimitatior {inctuding all renervals fid extensionsof copyriglit thertin}.l'he undersigned hailbe limited !o an as0ionor moneydamagesor anybreachof thisAgreunent byproducerand he undersigned hallnot be sntitled c equitable r injuuctive eliefand in no event shall heundersignede perr:iitted o prevertor inhibit thebroadcast, .rhibition, istributionor other exploitationofanyof Praducer elevisionphotoplays,nsludingbut not limited tc any episode f the tolevisionurotionpictureentitled InsideDaila.sail {wor.kirrgjtJe)Theundersigned er.ebyep{e$ents ndnrarrantshat theundersigneds t}e owneror lessee f said Properfyandhas he egalright and authorify 0 grantthe icensehereinconleined.produceragresso hold theundersignedarmless om and againsiaily andall costs, ees,expenses nddamagesexcepta$ I}ay elate o neglige*ceof theundersigned) hich mayarise n conneafionwifhproducer'suseol'the Fropertyas describeri erei*, Producer hall eave heProperly n thesanre onditionas t wasprior to Producer'susehereunder,sasonable earand ear, orce:najeure nd heusepemittedhereunderexcepted.Theundenignedhereby eleasesProduca{and ts licensees, uccesgors,ssigns, l! tetrvorks,statio*$,sponsors, nd advertisingagenciesrom any andaJlclaims,demaads, r causes faction whichtheundersigned,fs ireirs,$llccessor$ r as$igllsmaynow haveor hereateracquireby reascnofProducerphatagraphing ndusing hephotographsakenof theFrcperty, ncludingbut nat limitedto atrlbuildings

    Locafion Agreetnent - Page 1 of 5


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    152,". :(extbrior nd nterior),equipment,acilitiesandsig:oshereou"heundersignednderslandshis documentand&eelyagreeshereto.

    IN WTNESS WHEREOF, the undersignedhas exccuted his agreanent as of tbe datewritten bclow.Date:

    Nameof Companyor IndividualBy:Title: DallasCountvJudse "..- --,"d Fl-oor. uits210 -.StreetAddress_.._- Dallas.Texasj520?-".- ---. . .City, StateandZip Code

    7q-60000e05 " .Federal.D.Number

    Elp"qticShvProdugtions-- -".- .Narueof Production Companyor ProducderBy:Title: ExecutiveProdrrcerI CliftonMews Clifton HillStreetAddressRriohfnn-RNI 3HR- UKCify, Stateand Zip Code

    Federal.D. Number

    :, ' Location Agreement - Page2 of 5

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    153- : ExhibirADallasCounty nsuranceequirements

    INSUL{jI{CE:W;rhin ten 10) daysafter sheefftctive dateof thisAgreerntnt, Plodusershall fumish,af ifs sole cost andexpense, he following minimum insurarrcecoverage. Such insurance s a conditioa procedent ocommencemsfltf any seryices. Producershall, in the stated eri (10) day period, fumish to the DallasCounty PurchasingAgent veri{icatian ol t}e insurancecoverage in the lype and amount required herein,rneeting ll conditions n tlis Agreer*ent,by an insurance ompanyacceptableo County andauthorized ,odo busiuessn the StateofTexas. Such nsurance hallehow he Counly as he certificatehoider{gerieralliabiliry imura.nce). Coverage dates shall be inclusive of the term of tlte Agreementand each rene'nalperiod, fany,i. The following minimum insurance coverage s required:

    {a) CommerciqlGeqeralLiqbjliry llrsurentE.S*ch *suranceshall carry irnits of One Million Dallarsand No Cents {91,000,000.00) or badily injury a*d properfy darnage er occurrsncewith agensralaggregate f Two Million Dqilars andNc Cents($2,000,000.00). here shallnot be anypolicy exciusionor limitations for perscrnalnjury, advertising iability, medicalpaymerrts,iredarnage,egal iabiiity, broad form propertydamage, ndlor iability for independent roducers rsuchadditional coverage or increase n limits specificaily containedwithin *re bid specifications.This insurancemust be endorsedwith a Waiver of Subrogation Endorsernent,waiving the carrier'sright of recovery under subrogationor otherwise&om Counfy"

    ib) Workers C_qFpensation r self insrred en:ployeecover$gen:eeting the acceptebleequirementsasecrablished y fheTexasWorkersCompensation cl Titie 5, SutrtiflsA, TexasLnborCode.ic) Expesslljmbre!& L.igbi!l*. Sueh nsurarceshall carry limits of Two Millicn Doilars audNo Cents(S2,000,000,00)er occurrencewi& a gbneralaggregate f Two hliliion Dallars and No Ceirts

    {$2,000,000.00).{d) Thjrd.P4rfy-Prorert-yQplr$ge. Such in$uranceshall carry limits of Two Million Dollars and NsCents $2,000,000.00).Praducer agrees that, with respect ts the above-referenced rt$rlratce, ail rRsurance .ontractswilics*tain the ollowing requiredprovisions:iai Name Dallas Counfy, iis eleclsd officials, appointed officials, officers, directors, employees,agsnts, epresentativ*s, *d voiuafeersas additional nsureds as the iut$rsstcfeach iasuredmaVappear) $ o all appiicable ovsrage.{b) Prsvide for thirty {30) days prior written norice to the Caunty for cancellatiot,non-renewal rmatsrialchange,or ten (i0) days or non-payrnent f prernium,

    Frovide that the nclusiol of one or more pers*ns)corparatious, rganizaticrns,irms or entitiesasinsuredsufider this policy shall not in any way affect fhe right of *ny suchperson,corporation,organization,irm or entity with respect o any claim, demand" uit, or judgrnelt made,broughtorrecsvcr*.d n favar of aay other insured-Provide hat fhis policy *hall protsct eachperson,corpora{ion, rganization,inn or entity in thesameas thougJr ssparatipolicy had been s.suedc each,provided hat ls endorsemesthallnot



    Locatisn Agreernent - Page3 of 5

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    operateo increasehe nsur&uce ompany'simils of liabitity asset orth elsewheren thepolicy.Provide for aa mrdorsemeathat the other insuranceelau-se hall rot appiy to the Counly where fheCourfy is atl additional nsuredon thepolicy.Provide or natice o the Counlvat the addrers ho\n beiovrby registerrdmail,

    {g) Eachappiicablepolicy ofins*rance shall containa waiver ofsubrogation frequired aboveundersubsection , anC Fr:o&icersgf,eeso waive subrogationagainstCountl', its elccted officials"appointed offtcials, officsrs, directors, employees,agents,repre.sentatirvs,nd vciunteers forinjwies. includingdeath,propertydemage, r eny other oss.Producershall be solely responsiblc or all cost of a:iy insuranceas required here, aoy and alldeductibleamount,which in no eventshall exceed er percent{107c}ofl the ercot}ntnssred c$veragelimits and n the event that aa nsursuceccmpany shoulddeny co'vtrags.It is tire irrtsnt of theserequiremenisandprovisious that irrsuranoecover$all cost afld expenseso thatthe Countywiil ncrtzustaina:rysxpense, ost, iabilitv or financialrisk asa resultof theperformanoe fservicesunder this Agrertrest.Exceptas othenviseexpresslyspecified,Frodueershall agreethat all policiesof insurance hall beendorsed,waiving ihe iszuing insruencecsmpffly's right af recol"ery aga;FstCouaty, whether by wayaf subrogation r otherwise,I$$Jqalcq",certifi*tes.The certificatesof insuranoe hall list D*llas County as the certificatehalder.Arry and all capiesof Ce*ificates of Inswanceshal! reference his Location UseAgreernene or whichfhe insurance s being supplied. All inzurancepolicies ,rr duly executedcertificates or the samerequired to be csrisd by Froducer under this Agreemert, togethor with satisfactory evideace of thepaynent of the prerni*m thereod shall be delivered to the Dallas County Facilities ManagemeatDepartrnentocatedat 500 CommerceStreet,9s Fioor, Dalias,Texas7520?at east hreedaysprior totlre start of any shooting authorieedby thir Locaiion Use Agreeme*t. Failure to provide fhe coveragespecified under this Agreement, cr to firnely deiiver the i*surance certilicates required herein, shallconstitgte defauttof fhis Agree**at subject o iv*rnedjateerminationat Ccunty'r solediscretion.All ilsurancecoverage hallbe on a per claimloccurencebasisudess specificallyapprovedrr writingand executed y theDallasCountyPurchasing gentandRisk Manager.All insuranceequired1obe carriedby Froducer nder hisAgreemenf liall be acceptableo Counfy nfonn aad centent, n its sole discretion.All poiicie*shallbe ssuedby an nsurance orrpanyacceptebleand satislactory to Counly and authorized ': do business n the State of Texas. Acceptance of or theverifieador of insuranceshail $st relievs or decreaeehe liabilit-v of theProducer. Nor shall the failurero pravide required iasurancecoveragedecrease he liability of the Ploduser for any cleims or actionsarising &oru the usepermitted under this Agreemeirt.Approval, disapprovaior failure 1oact by the Counfy regardingany insurance uppliedby Producershall pof relieve Producerof full responsibiiityor liability for damages ad accidentsas set forthherein. Neither shallbaakuptcy, insalvencyor de.nial f liability by any nsuraace ampanyexoneratethe Producer rom liability.A. Minirnum asurarrces a conditionprecedent oany r,r'ork erformedunder lris Agreen:ent nd forthe entire erm of this Agreement ncludiugany renevalscr extensions.n addition o any and allothel remediesCouniy:nayhaveupo:rProd*cer's ailure o provideaad naialaina*y iruuranceorpolicy endorsementdo theexterrfaad witliin thetime herein required, r such nsuranceapses,s

    ) .






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    reducedbelaw mirumumrequiremeuts r is premalrnely errninatedor any reason'cor:nty shallhavetheright terminate his Agreement' halladvisecounty in writing rvithin rw-enty-four24) hoursof arryclaim or demandagainstcounE or Producerknown to Producerrelated o or arising out of Producer'sactivitiesunder thisAgreement.Acceptance fservicesby county shallnot constihltnor be demed release fthe responsibiiityandliabiliry ofProducer, ,tS"*ptoy**s, a$sociates,gentsor Producersor the accuracy ndcompetency f,fr*, ,**i*.r; nor shall ,*tt i"."ptuote be deerneden assumptionof responsibilityor liability byC""-rr, for anydefect n theservicesperforanedby Producer, ts ernployees,Producers'*nd agents'

    13. Nothing hereinconteisedshallbe corlsil]]edas timiting in any way the extent o rvhjchPrcducermaybe held responsibieor paymentsof damageso persons 'r pfoperty re$ulting&om Producer'sor itsProducer'sperf,ognengeofthgworkcovetedunderthisAgreement'14. producershall providc thatall provision$of this Agreemeflt o:lcer$j*g iability, dury andstandard feare, together with the indemnificationprovisions, shali be underwrittenby con8actual liabilitycoveragisuffrcent o inciudsobligafionwithin applicatrie olicies'15. It is agreed hat county shalldsemProducer's nsurance rimary with respect 'oany nsurance r selfinsuraice c.arried or tiabiiiry arising out o{operations underthis Agreement'16. producershallnotifr counfy in the eveutofany changen coveregeandshallgivesuchnoticesnot Iessrhan ttrirty (30) days prior to the change, which notice rnust be accompaniedby a replacementcertificate0f insurance.I 7, The provisionsof this Sectionare solelyfor the benetitof the paf,tie$ ertoand not intended o creatoagruotanyrights,contlactualorolherwise,toanyotherpersonorentity'lg. The pravisicns of this $ection shall silrviv.e erminationor expiration of this Agfeenrentor anydete;jnation that thisAgreemenr r anyportioahereol s void, r'oidable,nvaiid or unenfotceabie'

    Locaiion Agreement - Page5 of 5