Innovation Managment Innovation what it is and why it mattersHaagen Dazs ice cream. Paradigm...

Innovation Managment Francesca Cabiddu March 16 2015 Innovation what it is and why it matters

Transcript of Innovation Managment Innovation what it is and why it mattersHaagen Dazs ice cream. Paradigm...

Innovation Managment

Francesca Cabiddu

March 16 2015

Innovation what it is

and why it matters


Innovation and creativity

Models and modes of innovation

Dimensions of innovation space

Degree of novelty

Discontinuous innovation and creative destruction

Innovation = Creativity

Creativity? Invention? Innovation?

1. Creativity: It is the capabilities or act of conceiving something original or unusual

2. Invention: It is the creation of something that has never been made before and is recognized as the product of some unique insight

3. Innovation: It is the implementation of something new

Innovation and creativity

Innovation begins with creative ideas,

creativity by individuals and teams is a starting point for innovation; the first is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the second

Models and Modes of Innovation

Dimension of innovation space

Four Dimensions of Innovation Space

Product innovation

Innovate in WHAT we do

Process innovation

Innovate in HOW we do it

Position innovation

Innovate in marketing mix and strategy


Paradigm innovation/or Business Model

Innovate in HOW we make money

Product innovation

product – changes in the things (products/services) which an organization offers

Process innovation

Process -changes in the ways in which product and service are created and delivered

Product innovations

• product used by consumers

Microwaves, computers, mobile phones, etc

• Products used by firms

Shipping containers, computers, robots, etc

Process innovations

• Used by consumers

Fast food, air travel

• Used by firms

Assembly lines, software

Position innovation

position – changes in the context in which the products/services are introduced

Haagen Dazs ice cream

Paradigm innovation

paradigm – changes in the underlying mental & business models which frame what the organization does


The Ford Model T

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What are the degree of novelty?


Degree of novelty


• Is evolutionary and linear

• Most innovations are incremental

• Builds on existing knowledge bases and provides small improvements in current product lines/processes


Is revolutionary and not linear

are comparatively rare (at the most about 10 per cent of innovations are radical)

is often associated with the introduction of a new technology



What we already do but better


New to the world

Discontinous innovation

What happens when the game change


Creative destruction

Where there is a costant search to create somethingh new whichsimultaneously destroys the old rulesand established new ones

Change of this kind can come from

the emergence of a new technology

Changing the dominant business model

Ice industry

1880s today