Transcript of INNER HEALING MINISTRY 1 · Global...

Page 1: INNER HEALING MINISTRY 1 · Global Awakening (GA). Inner Healing Ministry is one of three certification courses offered
Page 2: INNER HEALING MINISTRY 1 · Global Awakening (GA). Inner Healing Ministry is one of three certification courses offered

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Certified by the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening

Welcome to the Christian Healing Certification Program (CHCP) provided and sponsored by

Global Awakening (GA). Inner Healing Ministry is one of three certification courses offered by

GA, the other two being: Deliverance and Physical Healing. These courses are provided to

equip the body of Christ in areas of inner healing ministry.

Required Reading:

Transforming the Inner Man– John Loren & Paula Sandford

Christ the Wonderful Counselor – Micah Williams

Experiencing Father’s Embrace – Jack Frost

Required Videos to watch:

Video 1 – Mark Virkler: How to Hear God’s Voice (2 Parts)

Video 2 - Micah Williams: Being vs. Doing

Video 3 - Ready, Set, GREW video by Steve Griebling on

SweetenLifeSystemswebsite ( or Vimeo

Channel (

Video 4 - Randy Clark: Intro to inner healing

Video 5 – Micah Joy Williams: Belief & Unbelief

Video 6– Micah Williams: Promises and Waiting (Unbroken Conference 2017)

Video 7 – Trisha Frost: How we see Father God (3 Parts)

Video 8 – Katie Luse: Compassion (Unbroken Conference 2017)

Video 9 – Trisha Frost: Father Loves You

Video 10– Father’s Love Letter:

Recommended Optional Reading:

4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice–Mark & Patti Virkler


1) A personal computer with Microsoft Office 2003 or higher (or Mac equivalent), an

Internet connection and email account.

Course Objectives:

1) To equip students with the understanding and spiritual tools necessary to become

effective inner healing ministers.

2) To provide a balanced and acceptable process for inner healing, focusing on hearing

God’s voice, having a right view of God and value for ourselves and others based on

those two things.

Online Participation: This course is offered online only. Upon acceptance of the student’s

application and the receipt of required fees, student will be sent a digital welcome letter, links to

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a digital copy of the syllabus, and links to required resources. Instructions with a username and

password to access the online course will be sent to you shortly before classes begin.

Academic Honesty:

All work must be the student’s unless collaboration is required. Collaboration with others,

including other students, is not permitted without permission or assignment from the instructor.

Roommates and spouses taking the same course should be particularly careful. If collaboration is

authorized you must acknowledge the collaboration in writing. If you are unsure what

constitutes plagiarism, review rules of original writing at:

Plagiarism will not be tolerated and the claim of ignorance is no excuse. Those found

plagiarizing may be dropped from the course.


Each week the instructor will post in the grade book either a PASS for satisfactory completion of

each assignment, or FAIL for an unsatisfactory grade. At the end of the course, a course grade

of PASS is required to receive certification by Global Awakening. If you do not submit an

assignment, or it is late, the instructor will apply a “Fail”. See following criteria for grading. If

you receive four “Fail” grades, you will not pass the course.



Responses reflect demonstration of having completed the reading(s) or

video(s) or other, and provide “bread crumb” references to the materials.

Reflects additional research and citation. Good personal examples when

required. Answers are well thought out, comprehensive and well presented.

Student views and replies to instructor’s input.


Responses do not demonstrate a strong evidence of having read or watched /

listened to assigned materials. No “bread crumb trail” references to the

materials. Reflects no effort or personal examples when required. Answers are

not well thought out, and there is excessive poor grammar and/or misspellings

present. Student does not view and reply to instructor’s input. If a student

receives four “U”s, they cannot pass the course.

Discussion Posting Requirements and Guidelines:

The course will run for eight (8) weeks. Course content will be divided into units, with

one unit to be completed each week. Learning experiences such as readings, audio, and

video reviews will be assigned. Students are required to participate in on-line discussions,

as well as with other appropriate online activities including sending/receiving email,

navigating the course, etc.

A class week is defined as the period of time between Monday and Sunday at midnight

Eastern Standard Time (EST). NOTE: Because this is an online course designed to get

feedback on assignments to you directly via Internet, you must make prior arrangements

before submitting an assignment via email, fax or the postal service.

Discussion assignments must be posted by students each week on Thursdays and Sundays

by midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Failure to turn in assignments by the date due, or timely participation in required online

discussions, may result in the student being withdrawn from the course.

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Students are responsible to contact instructor directly by email if they are having any

difficulty posting or require additional time with assignments. Failure to do so will result

in a failing grade for that discussion assignment. Four failing grades constitute a failure

of the course.

Students are required to read and reply to at least one post per week of their fellow

classmates that they find encouraging or insightful. This assists with participation and

enhances discussions.

Students are required to re-visit their posts and review the instructor’s response by

Sunday for Thursday assignments and by Wednesday for Sunday assignments. Your

assignments will not be counted as completed and accepted for grading until you have

posted back to your instructor’s comments. Be sure to indicate in your response back to

the instructor’s comments that you fully understand their feedback.

Please ensure that your communications reflect proper grammar. No texting style or other

short cuts should be used. Students may be instructed to resubmit work containing

excessive: misspellings, incomplete sentences, etc. Please use Check Spelling on your

work prior to posting, uploading or emailing.

Students are highly encouraged to save their work in a Microsoft Word doc or notepad

software prior to posting online if they plan to spend more than two hours on their

posting. The Moodle system will timeout after 2.5-3 hours and your work could be lost

without warning if your posting is still open.

All students should use courtesy and online etiquette when communicating.

Participation in the weekly discussion questions is required for the completion of

assignments. Posts are not private and students are encouraged to respond to other student


Discussions are not to be used for any other purpose or communications.

Communications such as prayer requests, events or conferences, exchanging contact

information, etc. should be conveyed privately using student emails or the built in

messaging system.

Additional Information:

CHCP course videos, audios and additional media are for the exclusive use of CHCP students

only and may not be shared. Access to CHCP media by others is not authorized or permitted.

CHCP students are not permitted to share, copy, show, play, post, record and/or otherwise use

any CHCP course media. Students are not permitted to share access to or provide course log in

information with others. All media content included on the CHCP web site including, but not

limited to, video, audio, text, graphics, images, etc., are property of the Apostolic Network of

Global Awakening and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws.

Cancellation & Refund Policy

You may cancel a Level 1 course through the 1st week of the course term for a refund minus a

$100 non-refundable administration fee. Upper level courses will be charged a higher non-

refundable fee. For a Level 2 course you will receive a refund minus $125, Level 3 course, you

will receive a refund minus a $150 non-refundable administration fee (per course). For a Level 4

course, a $200 non-refundable fee per course would apply.

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You may also transfer to a later course term through the 1st week of your current enrollment for

a $50 (per course) administration fee. Your transferred course tuition will be held for a period of

one year starting from the day you originally enrolled into the CHCP program. If you have not

contacted Global Awakening to re-enroll in another course within the year time frame, all

monies will be forfeited and will not be refunded.

Any request to cancel or transfer after the 1st week of the course term will not be honored and all

monies paid are non-refundable.

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Watch the following videos:

Video 1 –Mark Virkler How to Hear God’s Voice – 2 Parts (80min)

Read the following material:

Christ the Wonderful Counselor –

Chapter 1: Looking at Jesus

Chapter 2: How Jesus Did Inner Healing

Chapter 3: Hearing Jesus

Transforming the Inner Man -

Introduction (4pp)

Chapter 1: Sanctification and Transformation (20pp)

Chapter 2: Seeing God with an Unbelieving Heart (18pp)

Respond to the following discussion questions posted in the weekly outline.

Q1 See Below. (due Tuesday by Midnight EST)

Q2 – 3 See Below. (due Thursday by Midnight EST)

Q4 – 5 See Below. (due Sunday by Midnight EST)

Q1 Introduce yourself and tell us where you are from, what you do or your

occupation, and what you hope to get out of the course. (Tuesday)

Q2 After watching the video on how to hear God’s voice, share your love letter to

God and His response without filtering it. (Thursday)

Q3 In Chapter 1 of Christ the Wonderful Counselor, Micah Williams describes many

ways in which Jesus brought transformation to the disciples as they lived and

walked with Him for 3 years. What is one way that Jesus brought transformation

to his disciples that you also have experienced in your life. Please describe how

you have experienced this. (Thursday)

Q4 Read Hebrews 3:12. Provide another reference from the Bible that illustrates the

importance of our heart being involved in belief. Describe at least one experience

showing how you have been involved in ministering healing and restoration to

someone’s heart. (Sunday)

Q5 Why is it important for Christians to continue the process of sanctification and

transformation (inner healing) instead of depending solely upon an instant

experience of conversion? (Sunday)


Watch the following videos:

Video 2 – Micah Williams: Being vs. Doing

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Video 3 - Ready, Set, GREW video (56min) by Steve Griebling on

SweetenLifeSystemswebsite ( or Vimeo

Channel (

Recommended Optional Video - The Power of Empathy (3min)

Read the following material:

Transforming the Inner Man -

Chapter 3: Performance Orientation (30pp)

Respond to the following discussion questions posted in the weekly outline.

Q6 - 7 See Below. (due Thursday by Midnight ET)

Q8 – 9 See Below. (due Sunday by Midnight ET)

Q6 Define performance orientation. Offer three reasons why it is so difficult to “give

up” performance orientation. Explain. (Thursday)

Q7 What were the two most helpful insights you had from the video by Micah

Williams? (Thursday)

Q8 What were the three most helpful insights you gained from the Ready, Set,

GREW video? Explain why they were helpful to you. (Sunday)

Q9 Set aside time to sit with God and do two-way journaling in faith with this

question - "God, how do you see me?" Share the response you hear from God

without filtering it. (Sunday)


Watch the following videos:

Video 4 - Randy Clark – Intro to inner healing

Read the following material:

Christ the Wonderful Counselor

Chapter 4: Jesus’ Words

Chapter 5: Jesus’ Example

Experiencing Father’s Embrace –

Chapter 1: My Encounter with Father’s Embrace (16pp)

Chapter 2: You Were Created for Love (18pp)

Respond to the following discussion questions posted in the weekly outline.

Q10 – 11 See Below. (due Thursday by Midnight EST)

Q12 – 13 See Below. (due Sunday by Midnight EST)

Q10 What were the three most helpful insights you gained from Randy Clark’s video?

Explain why they were helpful to you. (Thursday)

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Q11 From the chapters Jesus’ Words and Jesus’ Example, which of the ways that Jesus

used words or was an example resonated the most with you that you desire to

walk in? Present it to the Lord, and ask Him how you can begin to make it part of

your life even more. Share your interaction with Him here unfiltered. (Thursday)

Q12 In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve traded a perfect, unhindered intimacy with

one another and hid behind shame and fear. Describe a fear that you have

overcome in order to have greater intimacy with your heavenly Father. (Sunday)

Q13 Listen to a friend for at least 15 minutes without offering any commentary,

answers or great insights. You do not have to be completely silent, but simply

encourage them to keep talking, if necessary. How did you feel as you listened

quietly? What was your body language? (Sunday)


Watch the following videos:

Video 5 – Micah Joy Williams teaching on Belief & Unbelief

Read the following material:

Christ the Wonderful Counselor -

Chapter 6: Belief

Chapter 7: How Does Belief Arise?

Chapter 8: Recognizing Unbelief

Chapter 9: Activating Belief

Experiencing Father’s Embrace –

Chapter 3: You are Father God’s Happy Thought (19pp)

Afterword: Father’s Love Letter (p. 241) (4pp)

Respond to the following discussion questions posted in the weekly outline.

Q14 - 16 See Below. (due Thursday by Midnight EST)

Q17 - 18 See Below. (due Sunday by Midnight EST)

Q14 What were the three most helpful insights you gained from Micah Joy Williams’

video? Explain why they were helpful to you. (Thursday)

Q15 In Christ the Wonderful Counselor, Micah discusses Belief and Unbelief in

chapters 6-8. Which is the most significant way that she describes [anointed

teaching, miracles, etc….] that caused belief to rise-up in you regarding truth

about who God is, or how He sees you, or some other paradigm? Explain the

process and who was involved. (Thursday)

Q16 What symptoms of unbelief, as described in Ch 8 of Christ the Wonderful

Counselor, do you recognize in the culture around you [instead of “us”, since

some of our students are not in American culture] Share personal examples of

yourself or others about which you have first-hand information. (Thursday)

Q17 Slowly read Father’s Happy Thoughts (pp. 64-70 – bullet points) out loud in a

room by yourself. Choose 3 statements that resonate the strongest with you.

Explain. (Sunday)

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Q18 Slowly read Father’s Happy Thoughts (pp. 64-70 – bullet points) out loud in a

room by yourself. List three statements that are the most difficult for your heart

to believe. Choose one to do two-way journaling about. Using either the verse or

the bullet point, ask God why that is difficult for your heart to believe. Share His

response below without filtering it. (Sunday) *Note – you will be paired up with

another classmate, and specifically respond to their post on this assignment in

Q19 for Week 5. (Sunday)


Watch the following videos:

Video 6– Micah Williams: Promises and Waiting (Unbroken conference 2017)

Read the following material:

Christ the Wonderful Counselor -

Chapter 10: Stewarding Emotions

Chapter 11: Identity in Christ

Chapter 12: How Inner Healing Affects Physical Healing

Experiencing Father’s Embrace –

Chapter 4: The Prodigal Father (17pp)

Chapter 5: The Older Brother Syndrome (15pp)

Respond to the following discussion questions posted in the weekly outline.

Q19 - 21 See Below. (due Thursday by Midnight EST)

Q22 - 23 See Below. (due Sunday by Midnight EST)

Q19 You will be assigned by the instructor to another classmate for this question.

Read that classmate’s response to Q18 of Week 4. Copy their original text and

post it in this discussion entry. Make sure to put your partners name in the subject

line. Respond with a minimum of four sentences of encouragement. Tune to Holy

Spirit’s voice as you write. (Thursday)

Q20 In your own words describe repentance. Use at least one Scripture to support this

description. (Thursday)

Q21 List three or four lies that people dealing with long-term illness could believe

about themselves or about God. Choose one and write out a non-cliché response,

expressing truth about who God is or how God sees them that you would express

verbally to them. (Thursday)

Q22 What were the two most helpful insights you gained from Micah Williams’

video? Explain why they were helpful to you. (Sunday)

Q23 After reading the chapters 4 & 5 in Experiencing Father’s Embrace take time to

sit before the Lord in faith. Do two-way journaling about Eph. 3:17 with this

question, “What do you want to say to me about being rooted and grounded in

love?” Respond to what He says. Share what you hear as the Lord’s response

without filtering it, as well as your response to what the Lord says. (Sunday)

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Watch the following videos:

Video 7 – Trisha Frost: How we see Father God – 7a-Part 1

Trisha Frost: How we see Father God – 7b-Part 2

Trisha Frost: How we see Father God – 7c-Part 3

Read the following material:

Transforming the Inner Man -

Chapter 8: Bitter-Root Judgment and Expectancy (34pp)

Experiencing Father’s Embrace –

Chapter 6: Dealing with Father Issues (16pp)

Chapter 7: Dealing with Mother Issues (18pp)

Respond to the following discussion questions posted in the weekly outline.

Q24 - 25 See Below. (due Thursday by Midnight EST)

Q26 - 27 See Below. (due Sunday by Midnight EST)

Q24 In the chapter on fathers, there are six types of fathers listed. Which one (or

combination) best describe your earthly father? How has that influenced your

expectations of Father God? What benefits did you gain from your father, despite

the type that he was? (Thursday)

Q25 Describe an experience you have had with the storge love of God. (Thursday)

Q26 For your two-way journaling assignment this week, ask the Lord if there are any

negative patterns in your life that are similar to patterns in your mother/father’s

lives. Bring those negative patterns to the Lord, ask if there were any judgments

that you made against your parent(s), and repent of those. Ask Holy Spirit to lead

you into truth regarding those patterns. Write about your experience, especially

how you respond to what He says. (Sunday)

Q27 Read John Chapter 14: 1-31.

How does Jesus describe our relationship with Father God and Holy Spirit? Give

three specific examples from this Scripture reading to support your answer for

each relationship, and explain in approximately 300-500 words. (Sunday)


Watch the following videos:

Video 8 – Katie Luse: Compassion (Unbroken 2017)

Read the following material:

Experiencing Father’s Embrace –

Chapter 8: Would You Rather be Right or Have Relationship? (18pp)

Chapter 9: Walking in the Light (20pp)

Chapter 10: Abiding in Love (16pp)

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Respond to the following discussion questions posted in the weekly outline.

Q28 – 30 See Below. (due Thursday by Midnight EST)

Q31 – 32 See Below. (due Sunday by Midnight EST)

Q28 Look at the breakdown of Law vs. Grace on p. 147 of Experiencing Father’s

Embrace. Ask Holy Spirit to show you which column you tend to live from in

your closest relationships. In that revelation, ask the Lord to show you how you

can become love even more in your closest relationships. Write which column

and what He shows you in response. (Thursday)

We have a very important assignment for you this week! This exercise requires you to

practice Genuineness, Respect, Empathy and Warmth. Pray and choose one person you

want to affirm and bless. Following is how:

Q29 Write a one page, personal letter containing the following: (Thursday)

Give specific examples of how they have impacted you personally and positively.

Tell them why you are thankful for them.

Let them know how you felt then and now about the relationship with you.

Write it in a clear and understandable manner.

Make an appointment with the person.

Take the letter to that person and read it to them.

Give the letter to the person.

(Optional Suggestions to make it more special: Print it out in a colored

paper/parchment paper, use a fancy script font, put it in a frame or have it laminated.)

After you complete the interaction, take at least an hour and reflect on the entire

experience and answer the questions in assignment Q31.

Q30 What three insights did you gain from the video by Katie Luse? Describe why

they were helpful to you. (Thursday)

Q31 (Sunday)

1) How did you feel and what were your thoughts as you:

a) Wrote the letter?

b) You read the letter to the person?

c) After you gave him/her the letter?

2) How did this experience impact your friend?

a) Did they react as you expected?

b) Explain.

Q32 In the chapter “Abiding in Love” there are descriptions of excuses for sin.

Imagine that 3 people told you those excuses. Please write what you would say to

each person in a response that is non-condemning and yet truthful. Please include

at least one biblical reference or concept in each response, even if it is simply to

paraphrase it, but noting the reference in your response. (Sunday)

Note: Imagine that 3 people told you those excuses. Please write what you would say

to each person in a response that is non-condemning and yet truthful. Please include at

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least one biblical reference or concept in each response, even if it is simply to paraphrase

it, but noting the reference in your response.


Watch the following videos:

Video 9 – Trisha Frost: Father Loves You

Video 10– Father’s Love Letter:

Audio – Christy Nockels: Be Loved Worship Song

Read the following material:

Experiencing Father’s Embrace –

Chapter 11: Walking in the Spirit (16pp)

Chapter 12: Restoring the Heart of the Family (20pp)

Afterword: Father’s Love Letter (p. 241) (4pp)

Respond to the following discussion questions posted in the weekly outline.

Q33 - 34 See Below. (due Thursday by Midnight EST)

Q35 - 36 See Below. (due Sunday by Midnight EST)

Evaluation See Below. (due Sunday by Midnight EST)

Q33 In the chapter on Walking in the Spirit, there are three suggestions given to

position your heart to walk in God’s rest. Name an area in your life where you

are feeling stuck, weary or defeated. Using some things that the Bible says

regarding that, let your heart agree with that truth in this way, “Father, I thank you

that _______ is true in my life. You made me to be ______. Because of what

Jesus’ death/resurrection accomplished I have ________., etc.” Write out your

prayer of affirmation. (Thursday)

Q34 Slowly read “Father’s Love Letter” out loud in a room by yourself (found on p.

241 in Experiencing Father’s Embrace) or watch the video version. With this as

inspiration, write your response to the Lord. It could be a restating of some of

these statements, from your point of view, thanking Him that they are true, or

some other format. (Thursday)

Q35 Ask the Lord what action steps you can take to foster intimacy in a deeper way in

your closest relationships. Share which specific relationships you are referring to

and the Lord’s response here without filtering it. (Sunday)

Q36 (Sunday)

1. In what area of your life did you experience the most transformation through

this course?

2. What topic/concept from the course was the most impacting to you?


Course Evaluation

Please complete the online course survey located in week 8 of the online course information.

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Students are required to complete this brief online evaluation survey to receive their grade for the
