€¦ · 'inilllYSIiVKMH TKAU. N1CW YORK, FRIDAY, FKBRI ARY 11, 1870....

'inilllYSIiVKMH TKAU. N1CW YORK, FRIDAY, FKBRI ARY 11, 1870. PRICK TWO CENTS. JBi ISt ATI' RKOFK KW YORK t ri i;n s ' itntnisu r iffcy; ot nit mo tin II s i t 0JTI ft to. v. ,mv und data "iid F'e. tlnn ay I Tfef Kind nl Ur'ni ni whii h ihe profit Rni Rnneei Iron n Degnarralte I vlntnrc Thr Rrnttni to be llrngjed or- - llff lifffllllMtMVi lint-tr- . Wh l'. - d Hi- lMMrttt irf tiiiig wtthou taking 'in il in v ni i pfMlfm vh ii , M "' "f k- n mi l. tvt . hi mind t'f oi nablt n n. Ih M ;'.. ) Dl Tl' Dl .. ltd n mi iIm m r r re. u wm .., i..: j mi nl iM I I ibi i m tree) j,, ; itiiMitttte mm lie tl. i r wl.o Ait o I l nd I'PonsM n ihe ,t., month igju lha n devoted Ihem ii ir I ) I . w o il. I' r l . a t dovm tit;' . ted jll lid VCt) hUrly tu:i ;iW j. Ilr mi 1. jt , rt yetting ft Mt It ftoliutt their lender. (i r uni r r 14 I H Hfta niniM ti rt ipoitfMUy to turned t the lint t J II nith a ttrong hint to mind bit 11 .i ltd th l III for Ihf ,. ii LttbMntt Foi ihli glortoa ri ,i Bfl .nd- bk 'l 10 in '"in igt Ihd ..... lion Mb ' ii ! Norton, i bn lo N r.OB, TbOWi J. CTi Hi. Pf, H .rry UOit, l od Boi lot Urol in Tnt i mil k n itort ind n mhly-Bt- a rt ' ranged until i itc but i too bi Pgr TM tn ding of the net - rt tut iboi;mm. tOPtr, aii i" i hifUit hand it tin rentl i b W vl rhnnoeeboll wn made beru ol ibe BD i tonti itnl m b nt B uv ' mi Si'tintoti C'rmtnf id I Qentt wor ' rgfipttntO Of mnny ll ttrrinr rntiptimrf tr ( ur Mtov pi 'f tt Ming were, ot lb i I. lo dtttdodlf km inJrHt. Tbr r t to n.. r qttoti ni dron nod tht It i err - a .'jii.u or two nf rye vbltbet. I'ofoft-Bvi- l r Connolly Mui bomt tiii- - m rol if-- : i k. Til', f tHiT TT m B Qlro $wota nd bit tribe to to bo OMdf ooal i hea th' bonott Rollrond Conunlttet U. r pott BoMtot QoMti btll ooj nt: lotrt rWood, the otbor Knr Ratlrood Dl 01 Ofliti BOOOal t Tic ttr-o- n Sit- rtBtOd ll ib M or thi- bill Ih iiiiv Huffman. ffel y r re tbt rnr which t, romtaltuii n artTON BC tbii III 101 fOOr, :nd In n indui ct i Bfttf domi i in to offcrt Km rept nl. II ItOTl iib tbote oopotod to bbf toojoojtatttoo) aott fHutu i B ii - rbnrfo up ..I'mn-- t him. Tbfl Roil rood Dttaoi teo will oloo biTtotltoot th CfloMM i r rHiro MtfBfl ' 0COtO1 thf KrU- li.."r ), Thin OBlOjOJ l I ' rntlher teOjVltOjd to rrndT etnet irronoMnK Oflti I iBOtol coniitlou. Ttwrne lOOjOjOfatd OTitl htt find H 0th in ri!- ni'itter lo ebOpe from tti cluuU- - of r e priirol lU'lr i CoatOJlttOO. tub joint DOVTUirtOtti At (to ru ii ute pt OOOO) to d.iy, both bruicfats oftbt LrfWbiureeonfwacJ in Juint I'ot.waiivb to llttt Mttf p ht m PoHot ConmUlouiT uil a Kc gt r.t if tbt rolTttflty Both JJoumco Totrd MJOO finJ; m tbell FtlptcMti rhamb-r- and rlectt-- frtfetif Klernao Ibi Hc'Dt of the tftirvorottf, iod Ibltpl I BotWOttb for MrUt ..!.: m roltce'oni-- l u The I.itQttntnMtm tmot t. BOooiOt 4 H- i- Hon Hahhtrd Dd BoTi nirommltt-et- o in ijtOJ if IttOtBlblj Iboi th BOMlJ Ha rood) M m,et Ibolbody in Julut ConYtnbun, BontB n I Ho l.Bfil t'U TTIB tilNO AMI Tilt "nttCT. of t'..- rVoom. Babbord bi o ll ol Itttlo ffllii w'th blrk cnrljr li;r hu pTOoOWOj tt'rl OTtf fle- fnt. Bi.'P l thiB BI t- D'r'. own full red OjbUkttl P'I BH'1 in li III eking fn i ii fi e BOVOO ttif he. laiiwui' IhtOI auio'taI w;kimr up li wide throoyl ibi eeotri of Ihi AsetmOli ChaiuOtr, fn otdod bi the btfgtaot-OVAroi- Wicn thej POVbrd l,f r o' ttie Hull. t'ie le vr o ItrlklOl h 10 eirlf he r:bMtT 0' erer.hodi in the Ih r, ire'n'linj the l4BptloM nd tfal fimtA HfuutOtl IbjOtTtOWVOOt Lit til MubtiarJ, who m iittooo of th ('oiwtntH'f. at.aoui.i-- ii hi biiiot. i i,p tpi .ik r lofotrnod iboo) tbttoeoov tnltte ' M r - mMy W' Ul I ww!t upoo Ibi teojltl nd " trmnnlPltf to that that UH A . - rtRifijr to to Into Juitit Dooteo llOl iK r llttchmiu, wlio wanld t. H tr.a Ollb tbt LltutiPihl OoTcriior, IppolaVcd A FAT MAN AWD THIN MAV, OHtettoi oiiim C. Fnl''l ud 01 I.teuf. Ooterrc Al''tl Mr Kh-- w t;ri m ur!y lO (OUDiR The dlffrlfiH Btmot broke thir Mdek uith Intbter ;.t p up etacic of Kniff' rootootoloUro Ij tl I h a of the loOO Alvnrd. Who lOOBI 'Ike th" i ei a llumlef. PolOtabTlttppeil to tbtnld olo of toertrelo, broood bNMotf up. reeuvtrod bit t.rtl ti,d iin ni iov and vtullei dallfOtod bll n - Off, The Litu'nAnt-- f tOfOO n plied tht the i would Imtni tl' ,y Btooeed 10 U' A aml rbamber In B . A l wb rurlnn, bi QAior 1 ead told htm tl t B I) rotll fftlow U f-- up two fl c'tn f ialr." ..ii' h 10tod kD'M bow Oin-- h bt weight d, Otl 01 h B1 ri Indutcod in ontaplioMnti of th bom lori ; bmoaUoji ooao boliomed hir were rray.'l in tiie rv id Tront Of tbt i lei k' dek. for tuc ifrcrnin million of Sena- tor! ; in I flu inioute ti e Hrrter.ti nt Arm? f botb H '.i - BdTii&Cfd. nl betimd ihi'in Wttt tic it na Tout arm in Ann. Llent. Out. Beaeb awn. led the Itobi look 004 at bride Mr Hitihaioa. ood oollod i' on -- ntlM lo order. TbeC erk of ewh HoOOO Iboi M id t'mt part of tb'-l- reapecnw Journni In ahicli w reord the rnte for tbl offier- - lo 1" Plotted by ll.e t onviDtlon The Lit 01 tiotortlOr, Oftet re tdtrc 000000, uld that tie M.nrnlr of hu'h H00004 kOVtl b en rompared and foui.d U act ft, be dOtUateg Krar.n Kioruin duiy eieeitd B i of the ti i vrraitv, and Jo, ph H. Bosworth Inly Oltetod Ml iT'ipoMt-i- PdllM faiinoitoionr lor Iho oi eu-l- ra Irnm the at Ot Dili MotOO, Th'- Ki oatort tl en withdrew aud the uiuai ordtr of r. e Bfl t0JD04i Air. Hay, tbi incruh-- p from Oi.t.irlo, wto wa ouAGorn oi t or oi. p it S Oiiook In Ibe notl in, about tw a : by il"- hlerlff ol haratu t and t..kri U) tore l off a, to t v In a eriminul OOlti la d bilat d t rtcelti full a ri f ic'ton. The Ooikojlttoe on Onev g h ive m e- touted ihe w bOlO aft i.r DUdl If 001 report thia mornlnr, aod offtrtd riOO UUow u ARhtlON Jl PiK PfiTTPa Ol th Hupreuo OoarL who granted the ordrofar roat. BQ u.e I) strict Attorney and trie fVieriff, at ibo Mou-- i lo br reprttnaiideij and pun "d - trie Houae may direct. Mr. Hay, who in a Wis i ovoroyed vHh the report of the ( omuil ue, iid Liuiunt y docloroi thut the arholo batch Jad?" lOd ill ..j. be aoiumootd U the bar 10 f lOttfl rooi Brand ir'.ui the Mpeakrr, T in."-- ir roapbolra 010 10 rate (l.-r- lo the Board id r..hc Jdhiicp at the Batne Hilary that Ipworoioj bt rtoftor bo poU total Clori of tbe ftorioe Coori wit ooaiMored in Coonn utce of the w lereolOf. Mr. Klen.iB aktd Mr. (Nim- - Mll to e t.laiii the of the bill. Tbe hitter ' d ll Mr. Kieruan proahlv a .nUd informa i, tbrouili fun. Mr. feVteriion bavint withdrawn on f.t uoo, Mr. Cimnbell i eul peiBing md n 'in .I hit r;it, Mr. J UB 11 WhltO, llOWtrot, Mr Kiernan'- - qutl'm. and -- aid he di i a tun. Mr. WbiU arntoaofd to v Hut " ' - no nretan n.r the pn pe ('lerkibip lLiei i KUlaiurt d .rfd to A COM rOBTABLI hlStt.1 HI ppti for iomoDaat oad bo boaad iboi Mr. i i lid In tut inrluiiate mau. Mr. UlOipball ioai ' l L n u Uonae by oaerlh,g that allb g I a)i nj Inft teu'Miiy h. , ' ei. upnolnlod re erae In a Mm wt. r j"1 i bt mer thirty thouauod w ?V J ii BOt warn lo hear un n of ibatclaai w ho BJJ BU up to tbt-l- ihouldera in 01 ( 'it) zr ,r W uf acot.omy. Thoae ohirgti ere tied h j 1 Uaotlon. Mi WniU, whoae lar w n JJJ i beet, n to reply. He denied (;ntplV-,- , '"l" .md declared ihut he. waa uol arefcrc Jl initial be knew of. Mr. Whit art o eBpla o when tbtee if four DtaTMKrBtU owoi n hud iL low irJice to atf inpl tbe 010 GAHE &JI.J y1'! Prevent him from nplylif lo tSXmT' rhlirM. bieh if true, pin- - OMr VVbTto't Mr i i "J1 light The I'hairrniiD, E'nK! ' hl"bT llitrhm.Hi n falvuw. ditlared 't V ": "'"I' u,e loot, Tlio laMoy ton-GJ- n IDipbOlleBllf d.e.,nnt wrd of tru'h in the hrae i uoot liim by fJbmaboa Kit i ' "V wl " Un ,,f'1 1,1 ,h fonndoaj all ii lutt or 10 bunk ti. tb aunli-- of the Ue- V,t n,lur'- Mr. White in Htj to ahow that th. rr aw nu aeeea- oi , i, Dituauit, tod ihe Uipypr. wire MiBibi " ,urdW 'b liaOO, 'J'uo auhii ol " lata dlieoiiod, Mr. Owen Mor. lot i ii ' "' "ul. 'till tt.p new ilna uie glu-- tint ' lM l" tbi t.'iark of the Hupo- bn.Li,,. d.,pi.i. Mf Jlutet n heey, a Court, and th pieelfe inviunt of h'a aalnry. Bk tat oi ttio rantre0, h nnBnown. but liupr'jeil lu N n,Ot prr annum, eirdudiun pfjajaji latravi Tho inendnml w intoptedi Mr. eTalti moTd iik ibi anlai 'wo Iboo ii d dolnea pr nnnnm, ttlitib wtia Ii I Mr. Vbo Nieenbarali moved to ii. .be the a In ee art worth If lit dollar a day rWtafn day a irtniil v hich waa .- A- Ut. Th vole im Hit t utaeadtnat nit tnki-- rlivi tVvv, aad Mf i hinp'i. i. " Vi." r. ltd ItBTibtfO bonrd rat ibott ilw otbttt, Ttu t oiiih.i: in raportod the tdu lo tat Ih.ii :md repftuimcndi d It" at. After tui the t'oOJMalttOO m lite Whole Ron w lit rtonnfle! n art ton iny aieaaorv, no MMlttr baaj rottnpi nr Infntaflajii Mr. raaapnofl h awni rally ui it i afood to bt tbe raadttlat (w Ibi anon aiatctft. Tbrre Boiler dottier, atm aft n Iowa, BffojM Ibi btll. Th" lathe aind of BJaTatdl Mi-- the ptOpti Tn- epir- :t nr i llnoona'lr htf ttlatari, The IbniooI liHO'r.i Hniatoro oytil aert r permit th loll lo u ll.tlr l(d). The Iwraatlttcoott f'ltiew wilt, no torotnhrt report iho bill ni i hint Ibo L'otft ol p. tlol Netloaa Thl trluui nl w III OMOO to riUi wit bin h work, tad Ibo i'nartb md !illi w nrd aoi will no tat i ryaetra'.c ortait nlth Itupnaityi Proajlaoai Klnga eouati pnilllclini art hi i Bfewr, rboy boln a caaem in Mr. itieobwo rootnij n i agrofd ' intmdaoo con tin btll iflaetiag ndieal li inaet In th- - oatnnyrnt f Kti - roonty. Mioorn, l uwdir and KUaettO, of tbv nattr Btttftt, altraded. 1 laltt r artttlejAaa b- - irai 'u bhi ra ittatl n ai a mombnr ot Ibi Wntit Homd. lit ptopoiet lo de wnr in- - arbott timr la the aaaa apnatiai of hia juur-- i il. Ibo Rn nltrya Ibtfla li. tl e Ml n hiilw m rforted lot tto- coinple-- i t'r- Itaprotoraenl Rrdftrid aTeoue, Bro.k Irn Bill wpi mi .odured W i"t foajaoao it ion nt iht atoaoiroplier Ibrtbo rtoatoait roart, Cltcaii tVart, ud irt nf Oytr ud Tvriiuner of Kinth roaaty Tbi bill tKi ihe aoaipeaeottoa t ner ai tiiiui. and tea not each hundred word hr ull Iy.iaeer1pti ol tiii note- - r i b taw. 0thortllnt' a pi. in lor ihe atrerta and iTil u' Ol anJii r. Ml n rooj Dtftai wat omlnted itenonplipr t.i ihe v. aatr. A iii w - pml BBthoriirii z the oooairaetloo of rallriind la IJatUatreel, Nev York. - itotbiatook upibo ipi ial ordrr, itbelo the bill to hrr tui vt raofrH i tH ririta LAW. Thi qooatlon ami on Ihe labetttaii BKPrvd bf Mr Hyrto .. aiobli an ri - tw t r lira Mat.. Mr itarpb) ornted ua ontendueat prortdias tbat Bteai'd nfarea, rterpt ii provided In tbi btll, aball ba kepi ad "i n md u . t.n r- pttloa a ", aad Ik I wren th hi nta of I n : ehwh in ihe Bkitaiaf, Mr Bahbt r uflVl d Ihi lollon rn id atiooal BOO lloa Watch waa adopted i Hri In ao towaa ut ri.Uattaibil the CoraailatbtB er of Kjeiae, treated hi) ihw a rlrr m Hk' Bourd f btl l"-- the pay ol i nom r ci Kielae in town or vliia ill t' . nu i yr difin n bo VhetB for then ten oei per diem a Iowa tr vil.aat ufflpera the inoaevi ar n : lrini ih aip mt lain town or villngi ah all tie o potited v. In it. i . i.niy frvaiurei w .! iiti y 1 i fr ri ,il Hie a:ne. in he ... ud-- d ULd-- iht ilrtettoa of th Hoaid f i itiPir Br xt annua foi tin auptKrt of thp po"r ofaaeh tvr-,tii- KMk of Minute hnt h ibp i ntufiil of Faet In an toWB Ot VllloaO, tacipt when lii Bet bl FUeh i on in ic kioaenttbau he flpoltrs m thr eteraw oatto or euoh Iowa Ot rtuOOO t IM ripftuw uf N'uniif nnea.ry book In aay towa or itiute. hi n act u any Dal t e asdlted and palu lu like inaiiuer a ao oLh r lowo ot vi itjr tAanat. M- BCOT1 th r i an .imeodtj'ent cin the ubimtt a Ibi iat fction .f Uteaai or no Mteaoo1 t" Ibi ptontt "t tarb toast) at the BM1MI elec ion. If a OiajOt tj ol Ibi pe pp hi li coui.ty otp uicaiti-- l Ueoaat, bo Tie en ai Co aill lAtoajtntiac Iwht-bLjI- I be iraattd i .d tonaty. Tbi CotlUiUtet tbei io-- i nnd rot-r- i I procre-- " . when the bill waa uude t iO tpttial o. Ur for BOL. TBM WALL snti.i i iu:il The Fiietit ir thf lau ot Vau A Co. - Mow a Cifdtlar una Klreeed by ll btnr linrra rbllndelphln I pttpp-Kr- pe .11 aaana ual the P1 truth Hrtirueut In volvrd Tha t 'mm tm clan Court. V ull h e. t wna ' r eicited over an mr pari a lory, publlahed la a rtspeetihlp, .iich :itetcd the lUndlna mi we, I kuown fliui. Tbe fhea la the , aa cnruvvled by a $tM tlpattlt, aetm tj be a follow a : TUB PBBT. Abent the time of tbt tekbtnted MOold ir" ia Beptcmher there eaail offbaa of Mf-ir- t. n laaa A Oo, ir Broad alreel, one hamuel C, hair who to po into certvn ipaCBJattOftl lo iloCbi at (I Van Sjuu ft la ord r to ppop trt'duetioD to tha tlrm I a aoug' t ih Mr. An i U. WbreU-t- , a memoer flrrn, who wa alo :ia baaOffl l er of the ir! Dan pnuy af fir Pevrnth RafftOient, mi wMeh Birr ! ITlfal libtatinittt, and u btotbtf MaaoM, RtBtag loo UaplklUy IhtM tJataai lu boataty aad fair d aim .', Mr.VM.eeier lntrodu- - d Mart to Mr. Van aaaa)i bad tin Cm t utht ii.d euid at aM d atloa utitl tbt-- feuud he owed tbt ih. e me f . a htn iL', B'jt aajtatatnirjr, him to MTt.a ir, a n bltb bi MtBJBfd enlln ly w Ittta to do, only be aai ot the time a little aaaftt aad piajpaild to atttli in aotoaal by depoi'iug V009 of Oovera m' nt baaaBi the babMMM ovrr and abort hU kadobi tdaOii to Ik. hel l ji an addition d martin on winch bi would do it ol mure huaioc-a- . Tbl- - prop nt n araa onMreij aUa,actory to Van b;uu A Co., but he de mundrd before making Ihe dpoalt In qurtion a loan of tl,.'A) " for thirty minutta," with which be would redeem the bondi In j 1. The .n wt rnadt, nnd Mr. BVirr de parted, but did not return witblu t n j auaUlta, a rlrci;matne wideh did not excite portlnh ir lo quiry, i It n a bu-- y time. Jn-- t before . o'rlock, bi Braver he d bii ipaoatftaoi, and itatad ih it he ad intruated tbe money to a fi to proctire the bonda, and that tlda frleud, or u fi ieod oi hia, Ind been robbed to a Fifth aveane iblga. TtltT ttllt Dient, thongh ' paed for the U ma brmg, ow !ng to tho i n-- of bajtaaaa, md Mr. Burt dbap-paaro-ai Tho Bill that wan henrd u n blm waa aaajtalM in the fo.lowltia oinjue : Pail bomraJAj - i teiobir ntb, M r Vt i .t rn broad DBVTa 1 ma ii .i inlalaka, hoi it wu mvtauit. Gmi I"1 NTtlt w i. Ii"t, lel you tl.nll I. l 1m J aA'i.i Q1 it t lore I ir tuic m hetf ) iu l i tiiarjndirniont nr.ti ion too ie i b ihe aaaia. Aatli 1 i) j .. "Br. KAMI . C. B Milt iht lotlty iffordod tbi tiruj no ttptoial aatatfaci i mi, Br-- after trTinif for H'lno Veibl to atinPi li e laai due i lit m, they pljQtd the ca-- c in ihe blida of their ooaaitij Jo'iu 0, it iblaaoOf k-- i who lat aitdiattl) ratMid tbiarrottoi th UeaU-aiat- , on a chnrwe nl piu. uring n.oney ni.d-- r fulae pfitt-urt- l Tbt pr. waabailad bv .1 rilailvo,attr Bnktrt and, it would mm, bt h ia ince de. olid hia leiauro tiiui to tht attempt to aeetire hi own release fi win urn at, und coum o,u ntly fiuui bail. Iy blacken, i if IBI cnai'jcter of lna nreuer. Hence me frettud d a01da it w bleb, by the way, bear a i o mark of bur Ibi Dili trot worn to), pi.oi hed raititdry. Tin iiitei t e in to be I" erinle a prMire i t publ.i ODlalOa Mitch will compel ihe Court, Wbon tbt CBlt tum! up Baal wetk, lo dtiide to laOSti the OftB Ol ittroti A bt u ing on thta aaaa. It may he urfgiajaytsi to note rert.itn alleged tucts In the blltOfy of the gn iiteniuit blib B If have a boarlaj nu llif OaM We bavtltatod tbat Mr, wlitloi i an lioiiornrv an Da ber of ihe cniip'! of which Burr - an oflio r. mid it I Itatad Dg lOOi .iittiorltv that 1 Court of In- quiry Iota Been Ol lered to tnv atifntti the tbiraet again-- t Hie I.iputeuaut. l ending them it la aaid Unit IBO Uioal aUvMlOQI tl a have been in de to. hia record. An out other it - H la aatd But a ep.r tain prominent tit ui ol fawillari in John alreet, who bad "iu 11 rr Boorbj lo tbi '1111011111 ot A0O, foi win h thi-- f id not he- u paid, hal e ih en ladttaadi by the pam nt of u pun of th Ir lalm and the otler of a rui By for the reniatnder, lo Ion uo any ptoiOtatl a of tbaaaaii, It ia llao ' i thai Buir iiidiiCH.I Mr. W neeler to introUurc loui to tht Will at. own tlrm of ( h Mi A t ii., Si. 7 Hrond llnat, Who d'd OOflM a for him and were alao liMuUgea, Not lAttay IfOtfi Ilntptt.g hninl thta ItllOMIlBt, Ui St H reporter rolled ori ibi iie-- t uaied Htm, who ilaiod Inat II va-lr- u tllll Mr w heeler bad latrodutOd Hun lo ti chi. aad "nt Uip hal ilOBI a for nini, but tnpy raAiard to Italg whiller thiil hoalaoii had been:il afaeu r.. aette, ..r nor. Our r thta 11 quired ll they h.ul evtr done bailBMI a lib Via bau A Co., aod tbt repl iu 1 eininly, oiien." Wat it aatlafjeb r, "I'prfectly u. TuOy llartyi aatlltd promptly." And tbla la tbt. UrCimun of many other tiitu iu fn otr t. Id regard to Ban' that he 1m I a k In Vao ratn A Uol Ogloe, hi btb a'Uhon' to del y IU 1'h y Plate that he a ki-- for aueh m om no I lion, but waa riAlOid, and in tin mi totln tho) atlow dl.lm to write at Mr. au Huua'l Dft iii. deik tub HaBvKI btAtOaTD IV, Mr. Wheeler Hate tlial It la hia determination q brlog ti e matter before the : lodge of Barr la a me iiber, in which eaii a Iim ly ttntl Butf lie looked for among tbe Brethren or the M)U J . Tcaterday an eiecatlve mntlirg of the (odd Hoard waa he.d Bt 8 o'clock, ut which, at Mr. Van hutun'a roaaaat, a romnilttea ul three waa atfoiatod to in veoiigalu the riae anil eiamtne hia hooka, almond tney act- fit. Maniya. YV. M. Vv'mrieuiorv, IL h. Cwmldua, and If. II Koote were appoint d atib nun luatiU'.liona to report tu Wt Uoari toil ay. THE SCIENCE OF POLITICS. tuk WMMMTMB UZCOMAtiOM o TttF hos. t it t a kh f w.vrpf. --a TIip MnnaarbBnetiM Aelntea Trralverao-tlon- a Keeai Hkot from Hutialor Trim boll u.-n- i In the il.-..-- Ur. (ai "Uotng lor" lien, flwtler 'hoo Ply, nat Biodder me.' vTAMUlarUR, Kelt. IH. Mr. CRAXRIM Uep. Mich reported ball, Tilth amendment, to reeng-ui- e Ihe n.irinc bOtpttal aervicr. It provld" for Ihi collection from mafiera and owner of twocenta rn day for each eio.nn on VgagfJl of iht it i iirrlvlng from foreign prt, nron reglt red. enrol p. I, or UitBetd raaattl in the coatiim trade, who iball have been tthptayod on urh VaMtM) IBtOI boy wan bti aafarad at j la Mod htii port. MI muni ndlctte ! nil be p.ild into the rttt ary wltboat redaettoo, and b trodliad lo tba Ma nne H.pitil Tund. 'f mo Secret i of th" Tre.-in- y la nuthorlied to nrptrt a eotpi'ra liBg large 00 of ibi i rlao hoaattal aitvte i to have (amtrnl ooalral of ihe dtebayaf Bll tund, at a tulry ol '!.maippr annum nd Ir IMng Btpal a a. Mr RARiBI (ttta., Mmr. made ia Bwbrt to bftBg brflna the btaaa tbl bdi to ibo Hob tho ttaaataf prlvllage, ri mai kin,; that he hud btiB laitlBCted by ihr Pattal t oTpmittpe lo urge Kb latatod ibi aoM e ration. aStraff ton vat aTi tnt. The bill making r.pproprialloi a to taajply die clpncie in the npproprlationa to the nival BfttaBi wan paed. It pl&eea at the diarl of N;n Igaiion and CoBttroettoa ar.1 Rtpatl fin taken from other bureau, the eapci diture of Ihe BAOt ey to b reatrlcUd to ptovldtni; matcrlaia lor c.rrm i n thc work and Mn ng Ibi t mplofna of the ' ui n for which It waa d. The Het.ate tOub up thi bill for toe UltMAtMNI or arajMrxtirrt. Ti c gaattioa ttai itattd by the Clair to ba upon the ian adaaaal f the najiayuiatt to Baiki ir. m th lull the prean.ble and all condltioua, leatng the Ma ab prapoeltloa in adnai the satt to yaptaaMtg Hon. Mr. Tm m t i Rnj , 111 ) tPi that tl, Mi' rlppl bin ni nit pasted tbi Roaof wa. an taaei aaaj of ll.e bill adudtttng Vlrglt la, which contained tattoo a ronoitiora; i.t the JudicLr) C inmittpe now, aa lna former tejwp, Weti tipp lid to an im p latttOB of ro .11 ton Tbey believed that our BBtOB ul l not bang extal aaa coniedt-rta- Bl uniqual Rtalvt, and ti t rtloti ibi Conajtlitie arepoeod, laaa nr lib ojRel ii aotiacat1oa had h en rtrelet a ol lag ratlnention "f the , . and rifteenh aoiri i meat to the lu deeiarv the Ma:e en ilt'ed to a rtofoaenlatloa C l MiMt -i Vt Ml '1 ,t Iht aamc BBtaww of ItbartJ tad aoalal progrooi should be upon In the cnac al Milippi winch had be- n m.t!..u in the raee o.'the olbor retientoai itatea. Mr. SiMNRHiBen. btOBB.) hattni; ibllBiad to te Ibo aatbot of the Kepon-tructi- acta r jifetrlng tha hotlot upon the colored laee, Mr ra w aht (aaRH Net ald that th cbim aafOBBdOd. a vo abowa tty Ibeaal hal record a to the pfacaaniagi af tht lb ':p oi B' i rt rntutm hj h it a peared that the BtorUloa referred to oni'naled in Ibi Hoaae aa Ibi i th o! Ki ataary, loT, w nere it rJ rd by Mi Bin ''..on id iii v Tbl- - w prior u Ibi date n w hi h Mr. Humn t cinlmt d to ha pro poaad the aiaaaaw tor the aral time before i C n.ittce of tin ,ip Mr m lead a Bar rati to of ihe i I Rtaonatraettoa acti lie aaa oraafawd i art tai of Neearta. Mr. Mt abt Ji tied tbe at 1 gaaaaarte, und lotajarart i tte out of ibo party 1 a .'. .' o ibnw thai thp oiaii v tbe partv h t.l n-- n. c.i ivrjbla labMl the astatK af Iba BbitBlt i wb'eb bad ON at n eel t the ayirr.til ,i the beaati, lie argued t - ma b Bglb tn t rfl the mnttei t the Kiflpenih j Amei.diii t and ithri . '. he tied - I a if t I -- I... .Kli t, nrl ohm- Mr bC a v 1 0 .... had oaaaaod k h atjaaoartt Mr If !' Oliiotanld it ati a atraoga teatry'i biatory that the ai raattoa ate lataa, thi amel Important ee.r t acted by ' ., til recti ted form aad parpaar, not tn OfflBtd ron- - .Mi' Itcdy, t ut In the aecret al m- - oi ii purtt taaeai M' ni ant li i p l li i d he bad nc obpv-- i tioa t Umdv ..r u itti my Neaator, bal fb boo p. ;ipii to m .ke .i peraoaal itBtaaiaal Kme day ago ha bad replied, by a ay oi corrrotioa, to certain jr niliiatiarrai by the itoaj M lawaaaa tetta (Mt tfaaiaeti, who under tbe arvteal ot a re ply bad reiterated thi taaVgoi ablab hi Mr Tllfaball) l.ol nl.uau could t ot I aim t i 'y tbe emeial rotord, it- aatd tteti h i at vr inaraet had Inteatloaali) aought to prrtett ifid mtaoo rue the language of other wl le hi owa ataemut won nol beat t .e trat ol oeratlay. In eoaelaaion, Im el irged Mr Huaiaif wilb bavlag oa nrtnin at aanrra acted ui alliance aith Ihe Itraiortata af I NfB i t to de ftal tht le- - ilal b ol ih Id i abti .n in (otl i euau . . u ii It wa had not been b adlj accepted b h ii aatti iaa tl tu - Air or aaaa had oaly one aord any by wiy of reply, i io iei il i irony IIUi-o- iei mdidli oi nk m ,t; mo, lug "ii 'in gaoaay bed li aeald Inert lei him iie. tag air Live iaiLaoAB, Mi tn taaun Kep., Mich' raported tit rabii the bill to proanMi ooomefca aatoag ti. at , au't orlilBg rallanyi imm Iba cay of UTaahu ton lo New orki lo Hi't.inirgii. and la motaaatt and teeT, h line Com ffaibtagtoa to Iht IWB ai ui poiata, lloowe ol lleerrorntotlve. The Ilou-- e having t.iken up tbt: n tMilution railing th- Preetdrtt for information concrning tht nprHtOBBtaat of Amenctin r.tlarni In Kngland for goUtleal offenoui, Mr. Wnooiliam, N V teaanrcd the r nl. i. lot omitting to take Hep, to enV t in rtleaat ol tbooa prieoaata. in in gteaaaaa io t the President had wnrda ol kindne--a tor ItTOg cling patriot! j but worda were ehetp at l might b-- freeiy nard. Baptetalll wnen the wa n Bert ind had no intention to tndorie thetn by nctlon lo fir from the Cieantenl being liubu'd b tbt p i voting act tlm nt ot ihe Atnerlc.iu poopli, the I'rtal drat, judgiag by hi acta, t none of it. Not only ii id hi failed to obaerve the luwa ol naito' a and ni rtapaal the opu;ar opinion and wUh of the A met lean pwplu In a recognltlun of Ibi I kbafl urentp. but bi bad ihniwn the Wholg wcighl ot the UOViraaatal Into the opK-i- e acaie. t r OlBatl MAM if Mr. Rawbo aioeod that the ptltjlMi ol thi floor f. r iM ilnv be to Mr John hitt-- . tl gc;.tU man i irdlng by Ida aide, a ho w aa born tn Pit n ij auia In Uiit and w ai a aoldir in Hie tterolntl n w Itoeiaod 'he u mender ot t 'urnw alM- - a' Vorklown, tad bad ,o atrrad tn tnp war al Wtw Tne Botloa a i agreed to annnlgaaanly, and tn old gmtlenuiB a at ""on aurroanda i rnaasbenii w Tr whom he chatted in a lively nnd latolilgaat anaanrr, ibon it. g but lllgbl ladltalloAl o hia eatremr age. THT UK til t UN Ht'TI KB AMU OOf, The Aporopnailot t m hating bean taken up. nn amendment Wai oflbred bj Mr Bn'hr Rep,, Mai., in i f i ct cutting oil Coegreiaoien'a MtlleaMr. and iftct i ttral aaliiea hy UicUiUra who oppowd the BOltfidl IIM lit, Mi oM fDem N V ) ni'l ihnt aaatllbTlfl wer nndeitaknit to run Ibi murhli.e of Honoiai l "iink candlt iadi a d eliitii pannga. It ltd bean Ini matod bv ti e geatli m in in m Nevada Mi Pitol lo t tba gei iicuuii from Mnaaarbanaitifair. Butht. rail away from Congratl lor tbi patpoai ul rn klog Dion in Ida proreetl n ; but toe i.M Cog) Wool di fend thi fi om Maatechutetti aa nater rnu IWiy. Hi world ill tun ia ue a BobJI r. I i would i ol run away ii a itatoaaiaBi Ui waa i. wj hire wbva tbtrt wa trouble, Laofbter lie believed tftlt Ihi atncnduieiil wa BBOi in pet .i taitbj tbit Boaitraiaa inni the people, ami would not tike Mileage Pithet ia eurraaet or gold, lie (Mr. Cot) wtrd defend the lionoruble in em i r tiom M iMaaibaaetli agalnit Ihe BaaBBll iiulo on him by ih cu llatoaa f m iiiiuoia, ,m- - rarvtBttorth.) wui did that g.'ii'U'iji in no au bv lalniMM ' BeatlanHM .' money hy out nle opera uoni f lie thought it pteullarly Baspy (hat the DrtaorraUi party, rapreaintgai m u nuaioli wnj iy blmaolf, c i.M deft nd ba old and b noted m beagBe, w bo h.i grti gone farther thgfl tin part) by alaoding bi ni ttoatheea aiag ol it n tbeat biriluMi dayi, (l.tugh-larl- , If tncre a a oai geethiBiaa whom bv loved ludihind more tl .ii mother, not oai) in bll mlli- - career, but Im bti orontlcal nreer, ronuitBe lag id Unbyb Gap Canal and running all tho aruy down through avoyy idut ponnatltd mib hit name, it Brag tha giaUratan rroai ataiaacLuaitti Laogb' ii r, Mr. Rink recounted the rheum ' laget tinder which t ie aulary of tho rat'ttbera trai m ricaaed, a connect, il with the addition it houn y to aoldi'T". Mr. Bi Tt Ml Ipttlnad that bll aim rdwul did not ilrthi at the talary of atembert, but only il tbi mileage, lie regretttd (ha tin f u t of hie ability to aura ioibi thing to hiu hinaoiriijonfd ( Bind an irgMBIiMl wh anything -- hould be paid IO bun more than to t!ioe a ho ha I nut the abilil) to aaro PBOUtB to take rare of InrOWelvOi, Liughlei.l He waa glad lliat luthegri al imiller of t t onomy th-- OOUld be uo iirgumeiil 'igtuiiHi , either b tin geiith man troin ll'inoia iKirn-- rtl.i or by aaj Otbt r im Blber, other tbaa iit IbIbouiIob aguiurt bun,wblrb md iy dir d - k out loud: and HI to the meuibi r Iroifl Nea tirk (Mi. tva), he would b. aniweied b neiy boj u the atrtet, (waving nil hind In I dlidalulol manner, which biuught down uprour.oua Uushier aud ipplauao.) anno yt.r, DOM f MODDBi mk. Mr. Cog got the door lu rvplv. He had under taken la a qub t way to defenu the d. m n .i aoldier from Maacbn-.etia- , and hia reward wan a aort of a m ' t negro mtnalrel remark. Why bail he not anawerrd tne InliuiaUoD made by genlle-ii- . n oa bU own olda t bvvrvtioftv oa both a. dew of the Route knew, and the coaalry knew thBt Ihe gaulleaian wa conaidied a bad man. Mr. Htkvhoii ohtnined tbe floor. Mr. Cox 4lve nve nut a mlnnle to ftnlah my Ban tonce only to av tnle one thine;. K'alla to order., Thi gtnuemau mak a in atttick upon mo ami then btdea him-- ir like a bombproof BOHHiT, aa he I. Illenewnl BBltl to order. Thai la all. Mr PfBTMaiOM 'Kep., Ohio) reminded the Ronn that there wa already a ertoua propolloB In Bool iah mCeagr. made hy hlmaelf. ton rnfeired to the rommltfteoB Mileage, nfwblto be waa a member, and ht hoped tbat committee would report a bill foi the reformation ot abolition of tntlerigt. Mr Pot ajBltn roni be rlxir to reply to Mr. Bnl lit, Uo aatd it a tho Miat iiori io hia h that he had bat n lik4ied to an animal. Re never Ind oeen ronabjpred i fit ' f fjfe or fttpha htU rofr. nor n other aorl of beaet The geatlernaa wat bteaerd by' i. ...r wBb a pechydcraratou bbga. Ilk a i1' - and file did not trouble him ; ttrrylhtng would gbinc from that genllemaa'a rhluocer" hlda. Ha (Mr. Buior) had no tenelhlUty lo hia poaitlon before the country, md did not know how People ptearded bim. n roUaaaiiea tntlmat' d that ha waa a tl tef ai d a roblt r. and hi did not taka It ipt hut It hail been lo 'ilm (Mr. CMa) to defend him ; and ht raoae he h id d'M i tn spirit nf good nature, he (Mt But. lert had mad hi- - covert negro. mlnatrelav attack apna in Vt by did be not attack hia eolieaauca. aad niiika tiiem mil for a committee. o lamtlBhtlon on hi-- i at den 1'rtton. end pat alleged robber v ? Wb did he tat d hre in eoademned man of thla tSinMWaall Why dtd h aland here, i roacrllil polt tlcaitv and aociallv t tt hy did be reaerva oil lna Are tor hia friend. he did In tha army, and then, when tftackrd, retreat like a bomb-proo- aohller, and hide hlmrli Mr Taw r oac and culled Mr. Cot lo order. At tha fJoet nl thadlcuP.abm Mr. - ami,d mint wa- - rfi.etert ci nioMTir or CBAMA -- a t an Antody bp I oavlrtra' of Anything In Hronklrnf A -i- .tn-il ltrher I nyun-labe- d - lllnnarrcmenl of a - Jorg. vTaHif lhigan. u " rongh," waa tried in Iho Br. okljn Court of MaailaM yealerdny raftcrooon. on the charge that h o:ia c oncer tied with hla mlatreia. Ann Frorl, I pert ndaa ol about M year. In the iheft of a trunk containing tot worth of rJothlng lnm Mr. .1. Malcolm, nf Pn.nkMn avenue, w im had f. rne rl) i mplov d the girl aa a domeatlr , whia the glil freel wa nbuni IH at II yaar m igr . laktn irnm her home tiy )ugat, bv Ahum tbl bad two chtldn'n Alter InM baa wa tmployi d In Mr. Malcolin'- family, und It . tli.rtng btl -- 1 11 there. In May. ho. that h- -r 1oer, a- - ahe IWOta, udu ed hertodc'ivt r tlta tmnk to two botl whom he had Otal lor it wlLi a Dole. In which b( aidlh il be wculd he t,i w Maraball alreel, to which plate tbei arm to lake the preperty. The girl v. ent i ihi nonet looa aneraara, and, accird!ng to her leatiiioty, found there the pritonei, who opened thr t rank: Dngnn. having bpn ea'led to teltly In own be h. f. Oil I'd the thargt f kto but admit'rd Ihi rn pnper rrhattoal evia'lng between the girl aud him BtJf Mra. Kthtcr, "f at Marahall atteet. aw ore that Anne Ballad t the houa with the trunk, and that ab" (W'itnrei bid no recufleetion of peeing tne pfieoart Iberaj white a Mr feat fled thai Ibo girl aneaed Ihe trunk hat It If. rViert! witnaca were ala eiamined to prove tha rood character o' the prvaOBOr, The Jury diagtevd, and Were ' tkaraaA i liiri ragnaalttlaa oirtdo bv lamnlea Br one ul ll.e llohoki-- i (to urn. lletween and Ht o'ch a Igi raOiBf , a girl, appnreBtly about rt t get atani ' an cide by lunr ' Mai NortB baeei of tbi itaaaaaajM Jumr- - n'att Net bed aaa i. i n. it erd Th t m m a (iin.n lUk - a plalO i,uai ai i K r oanc Be bc walked " t (0 rn tl i tabif alter tbv bo-,- t btfl the at.- N ai Qwaltf 'i ,io n byal.itl, re rtey cloaa ; that Wa. led fa k " i m Hit ttsar af tbe tabli with naaanaM barjr, t aaMM tor'Ma'at. aa1 aOdra mat .fce at ta MtaM bMbir to it onaa ta (Art baagooanai rrrp-itt- nnatbya. ". N' ha t riMehd . - rn .i' of thi made a hold rili out of tbe t ahia, and m .) . leap (trOf thp cb una, dl- - ipliearp-t- . Tbe Vlurierer of VI p. TnwaroM to be Trlod en Turader Neat. Juan Reenotaa ih mnrdarat of Mr Twnaend, and Mlibaal Mi nd, who beat and kicked hia wife to death. Ibi tl'"! of "ir waa iioliplp.1 foi mur 'er. and ti of r ior MMaaianabeaf In tba Rial drgrai a r an taed la it. tear! of Oyer at d TeraBoer ymtetney, and eat n p: ided aot aalUy Mi.ti. r, How- -, Mho aaa o gnpd tneir eottnfei, aaid IBat ht Bad one m wiUi Kevaoid. but tbat ba attatanant wee an hwaaaraad ." could t gniM Ir.oti '.im .i d .t i ujH.n wMrb to a u aitgl t w raeat (ly, and in rht rvae ba ne ir d lima IB Older io procure uied.cml in. r , p araa I a ally aot eewa for neat Thatonaj. tha trial ol Mt. ha Read to foih inat of bVyaatai. . irj" The Rata ol Rra - oi"- HAnnianrna, Kb. 0. 1 la that Gi , km pefnaed t ipprov . ih tdti Maaaad bal wet-- dtreetlng t1" up mt Court to review lb It Hit a CO and deeUla t bltal c - on tin Ir ret tit a It w aa pned to em r' he cc of Pr. tSd.oupr now aadet teBtaaoa afdantb la irHelo, Mm h tr hi tare ba been pit rt d in Iho Uavatnof tn the ami ( i Mi tatiati and : i Bl i . rally one. ded It at if the bapii'tnt uart aeitdt thai ibeta hi noitri rl lh n rard. ba ail) noi hi Uaea to e ttend otvai n tj lo the pruont r. Tbt Hon. Tbamaa MblOl0 lllnmnnd Hint. Tl Hon. Taoaraa sine! aanad a tahaable ilia Btoad iing n Do y. i itrranti iiule hat rtni aad left 11 mtn hsar -- imiina undto orgc W ui at - paw broker a, la an. nne ttrrct, Mr. .hlei dlaeovered tbl Iheft, gad the wprvant redeem-- the rlag ind roiarnad i Meaaanlle, tbe diamond had d IB ared. and a pAla IlOBI bad leen put in it Blaoa. Mr ballel tbtrgod Ihe pawnbroker With the Ihafl TbOtnee tann np in thetlenernl natnlMi yeaterday, bnl lna aeanndrabi aaoaptd baeaaec Mr. Mali) coold uut poiitlrt iwaai who took the owal. t orrapi Cuinmlaalnii Ut moved, Oor, lloRlnan bu rernoeod from afRoa the Contuiiaaionen oi the Ktagnra Frontier Pellot, I h Wirt bfcai ed of tavmg palrohut n tnr polltioal onrpoam tad lice aa lag hou-e- a of proatttution an dribklnt ptioea Waaailnnien! Rlrtbaay Foraoiioa. Sa Kh4M IVh. pi. The tmiika of 1lii ilty bare agreed to ttoai at toon on the IM laM , on Bfeoual or the ftrCa niu-U- (eatltal ol LajB l' I - The Mn areata t ann gToAMoablaa, A eanvaai of tbt Kenatt rmtoraay renden it pretty certain of bath Brad ley ana Mtrvna'i fit m ttloa, Tbe lanaaatnntlan i New Tfnrfcnrn in Ha raan bnbaorlRtlnna for ihe Wldaarai Data ma, bib. 10. Lati advlcoi frvni tbi Raitorn Departaiebl bin beta raagltrad. Denat Valiir-eil- a trnved at Mai aa on the Mb in- -t md would lean tor Rgyanyo, but at abal llati it waa gMgftalM. ihe ivtaa RannRot, riprntnttni t w i 'l. and prominent Mpnnlardl Ol Havana, bua pu bile bed a docomenl profeating aralntt lna Ir, BBWarrantllnt and irlminul lUUMltioa ol UaM t 'hwald-'- A mU Acting that holy re l.i hi i t vM i, !i A lutaKrlptiofl Wia alerted lor Iba in null of the widow ami mphana oi (irecnw ddth. Npw J a re It lo irlalniur. . TagMtoM, Pob. 1ft, In the Ringti to day, a Mil Wit Introdutod lo Inenrporato tin rfowarbrMalaal llialta Al uianei it any, aitb auihorttl tt. n- - iqri peraoBa ualnal ilchnaai and dutem. The r iii Hork off Iht "lup.iny la tiA.-.- l t with lutbortlyto inereuar it to ilKMaia Ihe bill ti iBCorporali the i Iniiltule of Techaoloaj ana paiaod. The bill io ttut RonM entttl-- d a MP plemtritto Ibi Ni w 1 rk and Ni Mrk Hbin Cm nl Lompany, autliorttci tie ntinairactioM of tbe canal teroM tho Kraarb narthoa wbenertr a aarrti nhall bt Btldl ami Ibd w lib the Nir t .iy ol I Mi. Tj RON T R Boag h- - barled tn Toledo ye., terday, Im fnntral aaa bnpoalnf ( Ibo lata One, Waihbnra of V. rmonl wa burl d 1,1 R da vofb rdti i i . funeral wu alb tided hi H in 'he Leglillturt ano m uriy ah tho btatt oOleiri. Mr. f Biirr.ti, Mtany yeari a proajilnenl nbyny ber o tin Block RgeMaa e, died tr nOdcul) n rjednraday ntgbt, at hi. ra4denta Iq roru eigliih Pyeti He i a ii native of Beii Fhiip. Ma.-- ., w rt hr hid bhi eooatr) hem. itead Hi waa .:. yearv ol ag ItMOOM l I V a nanny nnrklngnwiia Journal la to bn Marled la Brooklyn on about Iht Ul oi Marob. u idtr ' bi it i w ! AVi'iaftr, fudge Bene. In I tiua romlemned the haik did. tnidln lor a ol itIon of tne iut U u- n.a-- ti r A llltui IOWBI'. who had bWUgg) d &Ufi a Dftb "1 ClglPt. .lohn Burke vvna Inid y.'ai and atnl to the Pern teiidmr for tii" nioulht by Juaiiei vTaBh,yetteiday. lot n leii phng io nir-- no ket. uuriog a tnneial in Trlnllj t'barin Iml Baturd iy The aaoaintBl for paring bahirtnrybnrn ilieel( Irani I tlnton lo FlothiahT at nne wtia kieoiaoa i at no nt, n. .ini. nini tor pat ing riri plaet. from mini, ii. ury itreet, witti int am . V3,'c'. The RroohlyO Board Bl Edttinllon bn a lli"j and a rlmth-ad'-r- and he Lu in a King. Hon n imy til men. he. me e inloi lain, ieattd in Ini l) Hail ami Court ii to ia . I learned bj an one taking itiv painii radward Beardaley, tba nil" of vvm. i Howe. Ihe forget, yeterda) pleaded gullli n the Court oi BotaioiuT, 'iml wu- - ten lent ad tot lit t'en.ii nliart for lour )ir fi.ontha and twenty-nin- da. I n. n r geriel, wlurh amauuled lo were couunituu oi in W diUinal'uruh ( it. 1 on, lland and l'ar, Ni IfOI ,1 BatiVa Hoar hal lanitnal hlv hall. LIFE IN THK MKTKOrOLLS. tunius nrnr: mmr nr mr. Hew Trlnllr I'bnreb Knhli. d ihe Ilrlra ol Anoeke Jitu Coufeaeloo of her t ouiiael Itlr. Ogden, to Mayar llnll. A few dnvA ego Muycr Abraham 0Rat1 nude an arrantemant with hla frlct d, OoMVrfaelf M Og- den. one of the eounvl for Trinity t bnn h, to ue hi office, a Manr, In aaaerting that the chrrch had a clear title to Ihe leal Batata, no vmued at nOO.lKMt, which ahl hold. Mr. ftgdrn. nl the aolici-- ! at Ion or thr Mayor, prepared a abatement of the title, which Wat d to bll HOttOf w.terduy, nnd waa aaoaequenily m iniiohh d and given In ibo re- porter for lha ptarit Mr. gden ackuow' that AnnekitTana owned the taleabhl BCtti eitendlng fn i.i Roblnvon nrret in Cbrtitopbtf llreit In liot, OM held by the church; that ahe devtaed It to her Bteea tatldfin, and died in that vear ; tbat nme nail of her children aMBRti d a deed la MtO to the than QaVfinar Lovotatv, and that the church aubae ftMitfy aatored ana r the dead, '.nd held n a tt nant in common with ihoBi of ibedrweeea that had not ro:.veyd the property, or with their : that one of the deacendunt ol the bt lr who had not r RVtytd 11 o nroperty to OOT, l.otnloee, Mr. cii Inatltnted atml igatoal tti rhurch lo reeover hi- - purl f thg pr j , rf and ttie rnorl decld' d thai Ihe chiirrh' lire ant baaed MpOII iidverae DO vol vut and waa good 0 all inteBtl nnd paiBOtC. That a Ibwyet of a great Chit-d- i m church ahould iit-- tht Mayor of tbl cii to proeialni boldlf tt.Tt Ihe prot rty of the chorea wn- - not e- nvt ved lo it bv am in- - aanirt, ana Ihnt it bad aVnad ttie heir In recover ti ouilrg a period of one hundred und fifty year, arawet urpti-- p b lit f. Adv. ra BOmai ion. without parohnti or taaeayeaee. atay or ilat n'e HW, bnt tt la not t hrlMian . The Ti ilniliti looa ol the Harlem Hmteaeinn -- Tbe Jury iboi t noted Pot. A wick ot two ng;o Clunk II. CYonare nnd other nd rfatob oh n, Ce well known ggndhtgal for Hupervlaor. for fi. rhe Valnt o: eervlce r baef rd during fhe election MWinalga. The eae waa le fore .lti.tice Hur'uian'a C. nr t tu Bouatwn atreel, but the Hon. .Incob tlemtuided a Jury, and a pitttpt Le mt ul wui giMnted. The cnae MTM i,y ryguln yeetenlay nd a jury wna prcent. Jct-- wr,a there with hi c .fudge PblUlpa, md am ariltuMj ftal t'ie trial flu ii Id protatd. ru ai tMn s rf mltee llartn an Inlormeii 1dm teal the jurv were to bonotd for ibcir Btn lota, aVBOnb wilted und akr for a luioiur lot-poa- t nil lit for one week, ti ennhla bimio galhef up note to meel thia new demand BBOB hi tabaiatea treaai.ry. Tie ic wa aicoruitgiy put oh gntll ilmr-tla- I'rarrr Inr-roo- m llilic, nnd till Hard I uAer h - n u" Knof, a baa its wickttll man aa roth, Ilia imme la "Jimmy" Item n, and p hotel there. The h ,; - ot J gaglnanai i paaayaatoR of Jimm)- - br n om, bad nn t Qa the i ha Iter. Mr Ke-- i I tuBai of bbl aenoooj in la I retoti there on nfadnaadny etealni under aomianni nanteorabli irtnniatanei -- At one tab4a waa aeatad nimonJ pifiVer. whhc in 11 adjoining nom w re the btl hard -. and It tbi bar tb.e inclined to Imln j A rabbi wan prot un d ufu ra th ! of laan b, hymn arm pang, ' shall we fjathct 11 thi Rirrt T1 altar uhic'i prayetl and aajM nation foi Utwed until io P M. - -- aa- - Itrllllnnl RalertalaateBl In I'meraon. tana i 1 n Thataaay eventna, nt the ' baganl tabyttali gatal of Me aad Mra. Thooim Bar i . raan, N tw r Mr J. 1. t m; 'mil i tt io. i r protif b ee tp Mlitai Rtatl Mt ai.J Mr, Boqi t. n Mi tad btn nTra.fl t..w0ip , Mr 1r Il r. I. nr Hit. V .a l e,. . 01 a w fork Mint titer, ci ie, k M' knapu. of llarhtniach R Mi- - f.itte Hovper, Mi-- s m iu lowniy. Mr Kobt. Barbonr Mr Joan Bar Ujfln"), Itotfbll, lrpland; and Col Um A. Butlpr. Tbe flpern Hall ui Tie Aeud The rand "pern ball at the Academy of Mult la nigTit. in polt t of numb' rt in itfteaanare antblng but a inootM, beta Wet! a fen prirttj ft.ttuttK. three 01 foi.r Nt..cmna if the Opera Bot.f MJ e oi on at, BBBal al itapfatl tollei, wnh n" at milking, Md ttai all Wit U gent :m n ma Win r wa at tne-- 1 a hotly avoidetl. The corn my r int. how art r, inpii to ti Jay Ihatn "It ra all tnt a re for tt.- nippip room ifT'irdcd lor prom-- m and fl'i' in;. The granrrna of ibe I h a- Timrnoment. Thi Bi oklyn Obeaa CTna Tonmaaitnl "b"wathp Bgltonhb reaalti to th day K. K B:fi JEinp-- hm W'-- !. eu e- - iod ot none Mi keiuio ho won H and bjai 1 . r. Am Ottber : -- t indi 19 B ; Ur, Wb H t: - p won nnd t Iml R Belniai h wim and loot 1 i t r n wvn t and loot bandd Mnaoawna h JMMtH r. The Canard Compa y h tirra ?. to tin Jertet Clll I rf li. p.triint nl. A New York ackman am flo'-- $ In Jeraet ay ) t aterdaj aftomowM f"f Bvttrtttaa ai tbi tarty. The Hadtaa Coooty B ard of oai Pteebotdeti taraeattt diraatipgtm t ropru-i- of ratabtkbing tckoot IbJ t' MM tue tefoi n.atlon id Juvendt eriintnalc A Ifbt bt iweer t n iraiiie t ch owned n p. ctive Ir t r an .Ml rinau art n iponibet ft the Hudaon ( ii) board of Kd uea lion a lint ,. t m Hud-o- n L .ly on Autida Charlea Phlliioa, whi wa horapwhlpped recenti Bt nr t te Jtnei i ill leery boaat ht a yoaai gin, a y itrrdat coBtieted af an aeeaall aud ratierv he had pr ,ou-.- ) timoulted on ttie gtrl Be wa- t otenced to pay a Bm of 19 Btidla bt troprHO'itO In the Bui1 n Uonniy J;i thirty ii yf ULMO IO dCCi&Slfn, H reman, a train broker, of M.mtiliii, V 7.(dlediani Mar Sfoanltnt. lloboxri oBWedoea dav.iaviri' f l ii Vblll ..'li mriing t gt I on b"i.rd a Moiri ami fi i u in n I0B I.oU I. lOOy, a lr ike-nt- MB thp Lake Chatnplaln nnd M r'ah Hal r ad, wa pltabtly klllod mar I'ti iieur i . anaraooa b) raiubg aader Iht ua n. l. g load ti lata i Bteed ottt ht bodj The Mon Irani trei iron, dm in Rteataeld, Maat, at half'pni o'cioeg laM evtBing. am thrown frua tin. ti nek a nroki ii ra.i near KortnaeiptAiB and ore of the rati r 'led noni ho tBtnaaJnaeni fwo i a eti tujurodi but net had') ORAKa nr nut:. rgi i ii f. RaBjedetl'a emrMt bAannfattory In Rand a. h Ma., w a burned on Tauranay mor r tug Iart rranlng. on tLe at toed Root of 100 Ryoad any. tBOttd lJ bi sp uioo p ohiOl i till N lout ll,! Thi Rhawninl lowarlnj nrlll ir Brown' ttato, Beat Uechealer, aa buraed )ierda i Inaurai re ItaAOi ,1. Rottlnakt! cloth "g -- lore, and K Qergfl'l Brogery. in Hbdaoa. by were burned on Tnetday Bight, I a g'w.duu Inaurrd. Tl c boainOM t rt n tt' t e town Tf Io't tiltiAAn, Ml a haa bet B bortittf. 1 he I'. i uihi e and hotel we ri- al: oiig the buUdiagi doairoyed. Two rotton pMkrrtea, KeHtlnner! nnd CotllaiV m new Orlean, wi t hnrned yetterday l ioa(ioi Chat ita Mtrtineld ocriined in tn ti.n. at. m ys( U KMT PR i oi rr. - Mann (lor. HiiiTro it. ha appoint d Murcni Cobb, i. , ofbitiy King, and Mr Barton, ol Men llu tlo'lle, l oan ( oiniulsloner nr tVartcoeaiur DOnaty. ciie- - Rtaaed and Henry Cotaa witi nrrotol in Morrtaania for reek Ightiae, and i llauiitmaa tool t'.' r t nd In lieu ot Oad Tho Bot'gl ire .. ul tne ei Ut, Hi nr Ki' Wgb, gfl lalaUlgmOi gfirt keener ut pi Imp I on Hi i ben fork, nai commit led pi Jniiwe an pi n an on Wedui aiay, oarborgi i f- unih..g iv .1 Ham w atauu oul nl aVW in t ilea prelonrei. Onarfg Thnmpon nn.i William bntlth robbed Rm nioot) drawer oi Mr. i ingi bottl ki-- er i Ken Una cm lie, and then Vlth a aloieli hone im ' waa n dr. t toward nea lOti ibrie bomt alter ward tbey .e under tpi nt it and on Uo n uav to Ihe ounti ail i r a i'ti .ii four ntoBlhi. t'nu of inatn ttcapitl while 1 fK)?ROA ii. isrt.i.inu a . Ihi Hon Horati flrtetoj Ice'urel In WUIliDi burgh till i veniiig on tbe Mo .tn intlloa, Jinret , Cototnaa. RM R'aal Inanrtonnih Mfeet. bmeatfifi aaa eonlrtbuiloi toward Ibttgitenat oi Pnnn Uernrlandi defnot, Tha Brltlah Mlnlater natlod at th Mutrlknartt wen) teiierday and lufonni-- be h.-- , retarv thai it r. M.' anip Monarob would 1111 from Portland og ludBj (Of ABMepoibji Hutu Rnee, -- on of the lali Col. hiwm Roai. of Bridge llauipuin. ha- - hi a Ippninb d - A in the Klfteillb li'iiK-- ol the 1 iral A eateaof I Hlatnel ot ban t org, 'i hi I Inpfda flab hgeg er mmUilonad Mr T imnieki.b a .c. pan i u mil leugiiinortrait ol Mr. Mar ah u Ibihena I' ilni-t- 4 aod prtt'.i-i- to tn- a hrni rale p ciiu .1 p, Heibody, Rag .tne only broth OT Of the late t rge ltahndy, Ii the aneat nl hi im torn. Ueorgi 11 IVnbodr, of lha tlramorej I'ara lliue. and Artnur ,i iva'-"d- of Hie Krevnari Hooio. I he Hi lt. Warren I,, land, Mih Meiropiditao II. i lei, Beid to Haratuga tcatei ia to ,.. rtonall) tui thi fi nd ttii prei dou of the Un eollagta on ll.e l Hotel jrouLd. nnlch art lo bt uiyl by '.be Uuipreta bugvalt Btll luumer 'MM r ryiK Konrhtna Iow lha Pneoeoaira oad Mol treeilua tho aeomea - Tbe Iferrera of I. lie oa ibe Mvemeel Moore-('barg- ee Before Commlaoioaer Oabora. 1 ho four acamcn of tbe ahip Neplune, who al- leged that tbey were cruotly beaten hy Captain and h.a Iwo malea oa the late paage from Liverpool, are now iug in Ibe Iong laland lloaptt.vt. in addtttou to tbe eight aUtemcuia alrrady publikb-ed- , Mimael MrIonrell, Samuel Broun, M'm .Tone and Arthur RMMBdefl hae added (he weight of Ihetr tf aa to tht ruat cundii' t of the Curtain to aygffd hla crew, Copt. Pe.ihndv, It aprear. hot on lateral former aieenton! botn arretted on aaalhrf chargee. On the Mth nf May, laafi ba am girnlynfd befbra OnMrd Rtnlaj Conyreltttoi er Oibon on toynptabil nf T..oa twrdtn, one of hie teamen, who accnaealbim of aa tTultlng blm with a belaying pin. The complain mt fading lo ai'boar. the mat waa dUmiMl m da... n, 1011, h vsaa bi 'nre I'ntled Statew Comm'aaloner Mtillweillor eiandnaiton on a alnnlar chart nde by Am- .- H! chard", another m .imnn The Commla inner cannot now remember hy be Wm dbTibargOd. Mra. Kllggbitb Findtay, who n h In Hinder I Point, and who w a a oarrer on Ihe Neplune from Llverporl in the ikH of IhflH, am In her pmMIBbn a maaairlpt cop nr an atldreaa drawn up by her fel low paacrgrra re'attng to dipgd eruelllea practiced upon tbi in by Caot. Peabody during tht: tOfnfa, Prt.m thla add re a tt would ap'ar that thia mde1 ahfptnaaU r fount! apectal dehsht ll kuocking down hi- - i itaeagefl of b.dh actea, deluding them witn aater Irani a boar, baatlnf th.-- rrtoacntry wltb a rope'a enaf, and iioi'raa iing tawfltnl unrtf Btlownnea f food m l water. A PAHfTOMlMTB. aw Tbe (Mt aiaera of Ibo lleof nnd Dwnab A nt luio Outulrip Ihe Kavela Hi.miin. ibe Mabt Ottl. In bin faiorr A miltjua and ii. (creating' perform- ance Wm w dm Mid lat night In the Dt af and Ihimb A i in Ol One Hundred and Btity .erondatrpi t, by a uniqu and Intirrtttpg nudh nee. In del, the audience n.orc lntereat!ng IbBM the (etiitointme, although that juatly a good glare of onc'a atteniion. " MasnkrnH waa thr n n of Ibe dice played, and Waa preparnd b Mr. Hyba. a tenrher In Ihe Aol un, and bltoleU dciif mute Maiulon" llaplf tbt Night OnrtanR QaalMef the Myvtle Tomb;" and tt tbtrt npprared In the play p nmjrtl, klngx. fiaheimon andiuany kmda of goblin, demnne, and moutei. T ie an :1c effecta n qu'te oredrtabl prennryd, nnd were well re Ottrnd by thi )mpathetic pectatorw. The part In tha perf. nnance were alt filled by pupita of ibe Ineiilution, of the la ii wood Literary oeiaton. an it la railed. The plater i cing deaf mule-- , tbe play wa nenaiarlly a paotoailmo, 'ITiei e aa a nnlnralncae ahont the act In, ibnt oonM not mail) lave hoto attntnett hv bt ins with onrfeei power of fpech. 'Ibe capnaelon In tne taeew of Miiiiu of the acti r waa admirable eapee laity through the afm wna a grout deal o' c niryed to tl p p etainra. Onre in a wnila I per former would hrt-a- out into a kind ot lOnnd I Cut when tome thoiignt dun cull tn ht- port r wed bt geturt or change to feature wat to be con eyed 0 the audit nee, the deaf and tiumb alp) abt i m nld tnvobantarily be re BOrted io. aud waa readily untie raloed b the pee hUoft Around t tie ltdtl of ih hall, tind acatlered here and t4tn Ihrotigh it were atrangi-r- ...... had coiue to h ok tn. md inviti d gueata ttiey bar- - ni thing to do in ihi report Bm m the bady of tie hall aat the nni.tiiin g paptll of thi Aaf Inat, boy a and gnla together, and hire and there yoiiug man and ladle. They watched thti t erfr.rTnanro w ith eager Inter. t. Ttielr dp halt -- a letng eiprrwaed M atraug ' aonnda und ebaebJ I, widen, not being heard i by thma a1out ih. uj ttrt an trow ued I down girt wetid atari now and then I bnrnt tali a bind iugh, wh-- atrvak Iy ob ea not med lo ench ieObBM ,a ti 'i a eu I a ' 'iic Whia th orta n I hafl bylh l OA r bat BOii draw i boa I ham tt t e Ukjei ltd fiy ; N it a nannd bardi; wm to bt boar in the wn. 'vi m l t f t , i a wn going on. One trained hia enra to hear tho bnfi J. I ab bn v it filled tin rooiu, Bo e)r glaneiuni o man) IT..,' era triegrapnlnc a' out what liad b tn aaaa, but not whlapr to be heard. I In parti ol the bar. the pupil ' Ibnod up ar-- tflegi anb d to e ieh o' u Wh thnt Nt w tork indtoiwr.-- would ,ke to I do In Iht ir tbi nrva. A' i loo y Mt I rtailged y the ptrtoi nyanta LOKfl ( l A Di 4B vt ii Onoh, fornwrlr Ruaton Agent Rm ion. Loan laland b iv:' mr. inttd bmcai for tnt u, hlaind Rnnri vd m wM jurn r Mow tank Loejfi, Ro. bfw, I o. of ft. T e byrtnlntd r Ind i n h) In the Urrxnpo nt Beu-- OB w MBiMaBI tt m lag. ii tts of tM tBVMM. The Tni'v HigimeLt rcettevl io thell n tiy :ai nithi. Kvenb g ir beat Mo, li, aaei TaMRty iieinth otrntt, cxted laai all il Tbe Artoai bai int -' I !vat night in the Qartna ii. RAaa nbl) Ibe u. B Comnani, mr nnih dance in the Armory on the aveuiog of Marrt) V 1 he Karly Cio-m- g lrr GoOda Cltrka dane In Irr lug Hal' on tnt nn Di of the l ; ih Inat. Tin Boot ami Mhoe ptateta Kuril t loalng a lit meet lu ( ottln nle' Hall thla ereau.g. m I) rbvlon, No n. of T . win geto-bra- W'eti Uk'o'- a birthday b a grana halt Ml ihe L)riu Rail, The tenth quarterly ronvenlion of Grand Iitrict. So i I ii of o. 1 ., will mt t m IViry lodge room. Pen u Tbi member aftln MetbodlatCbnrohln Attorney f i en;oi ed a 'una., 'a; OlettalamtBl and auppei latt itaatng The Rat Wm 11 iVrdht.-- loettired on " Jeru tvtihin and Without, " ui lha Kuiy t&n 1 itreii 1U l ChttfOh i"t tvemng. Pri Moyea leetarm on "How we and wm. What bee, lllmttaltd, in tht rooiu of M j a C. At t .tttou lo nlghi. flr- -' a nu-- ball Of tbt third Aver no Ballroa ' belief Ataoelat'oa tokat InBravu 11 Hull oo tfii eveultig of ihe IMh in-- t Tmt CrafUnMni taiga. N RU P btl . M announce h grand muaietl an t hinrart entertainment an melimtOM all, on tht ih Itmt , tn Lvfll Hall. The Priendl Boni of treliad and tha Knighla of si Patrick in WitnaiTO'btirah cveb.ailu hi Patnckl Uay. bach tw.eiy wdi hato a bai. aud bau anet. fg4JtKf fMOM "kilts TMLMBMAFM, (kit hm ve'oed tin Itilladt Iphl.v Meln'po IbanPollre tun. The Virghni Hoove Commltue yantagi dvt aualn! the imandinonta. A conyeji'.rvn oi tne Ov lri'd people of Tvn itttei !V SlaemuTi a sha u!T aa initial tnif. Hl John Young bn bfaWfBad a pacific letter 0 tt.e laadtri of thellod Itlve reboiiwO Hr .1 C Hall hetan B RpH -- tilt pienluv agUnat tn l'ltiMbui gh PmiMii Ing h dinvL'n ui pji iXo n i Dotinnyri .1 hm taeetetd permltaloi to rtatl New T or', u Hh the Mon an h ou til a a) to Annanvd: Ti.t remptranoi tarty ol lAttemtrr, n n,nit u'.gVl at d ai polnu-- a Mg'lance It Tbe Korea t Clll Lead Work of haletn. Mail ii i b ii Ptiat lol in attegt I lolatloc ot me rnurm law. l(- aolnttOMi bate bt n lnirodtice in the CalltotB i I e.''atiire for itiv rttpeai of thti Intnrnat Ken nne la a The reunion nf the (Md nd New Bel I' Prr tht t.i ian ton n io. en no mora m 'a t.n-;- on wi lamdai atiBlag. In tbi Virgtnli Ugilaturc IMlirdaV lime- - M. Bouahl w ii glee i a l s- cietiy .f riau , an I tTUllam ft Tayior t irst Anditoi 1 omnttaalontr haa acoepted the p'au pre M'liledhl Wia A wimU-n- A Sow Vora, foi cancella-t- l iB of lute .in al vmp. TheOtttb ol unVawm idntlnUlirfd yiiterday to Lituteaant'Oaveruor lleadoci oi Vat'aont, who aao oteditbetatiOot wiMbirn, H. aalh md Prod Vonernne, of Clilc.i.'O. who I'alui aa iBtrttet ta the i ardla cotnt, artwotiace them at Ivoa ittidt i. luannla1 tntl dnpin ittt to r irr. Thi roucrogntlon ol the Co a' atn el church. Mon treal. have th tiled to ttvo Ur Burn, of Chicago, a " call. Witt nn oner of ft.npo par lanum. Cni.lwell waa a tin before the Ih. lhe Court In loronio ytaitrdiy. a plear ca-- o tor romiuttlal wm i. adt "Ul, and the ea. Bdjottrat I our le to Btorrov Dttl mg a Rapaj Ntwtin three - Mgloycm of a hotel tn Humboldt. Tana... oa Wtdifday Bight. Mit. nobblai tiui rlvuaij If noi tataliy InjnTtd The body ot Ideal Otn. Wyndbanj hm irrlrad in Montreal, where a wilt he depoailed In th Mount Ceim t ry unl.l prli., ti a H be Coimyid to Koglaud. The pttddl ng furnace In Mt ra RV whmd'a rolling mill) in luUare armnie, I!, ladtll Bt Ct ' ded yatti ney tnorniot, eratterlngthi moiu-- iujiu' loa.tdiiei- Iuiuh, ho one atah jnred Rdward Lynlpb htaolit, a brother f Lord i iidei b j t tn tan rlty. n ronbt mr Man raaebv co, Japm- iii an m on (In li to be a A by Mr. I rrni w. yield, of city. Al Hin billiard mat. b In Milwaukee on Wedueaday mcliL 1'arkt-- won the laad hi thi raic.e. wLic.-- be B01 PI ot winning In lweut eight minute by lrMto t:l fo hit oppoueni, Kllier. Klmei'i nighoi run waa 1. Th- Hon. AnuU J. Parker and J 11. ftelkreg ha- been eh ct. a Truileeaof tin (Virnull UuHertU) Ihe 11 u waa Bleared - ...i of Ann Culture, and John L Metft, Ml. Prv4wwot of Micro copio balance. THK OLD WORLD'S NKWS. 1 tot m jv.i roi.Kfiv'M rr.nvt KxtTtn 91 r AOM LASH BMPMBt Oavlnona Warde In lb C'eeno Lealalellf Near Oalbroeb on Wedneadoy Night Bag Rveryihlng -- md ia be Qalei Tha Calm which the ttiarai- - Kerliemenl Aa Ma reel Ilea. 1'vnn. Kcli. 10 In lha Corj.t I.eialutif Ifa Bap, M. Marrrln MUrieter nf Fine A it a, to anawt r to IM liitirp- Uathn regard'ng tbe dt.cnmeata MMiaRtg from tne lr6bl?ti Ol Ibe (.overnment, aald that aame lot i re uf Napoleon I. were bat tbe were In aueh haada that he would take the ra ipomlbilBy of byatlng it i in Ihifi Mr K rAtry wa aaaMMaoad with tbl aaahii libra, and lanfReR that the pr rent ( a mi i Bo 1mg' r at tt .117 Mine-try-, bnt bilOaffcd to the Court. For Hill the lypputy waa tailed toofdeff het he continued, deelaring thai t would he getter to hare ten archive for the d.teurnent. proving that th pee aent Napoleon .nil to r rraot the h tidera nf tht Laglabltlei Body. I he Preldeal here inl rrnptad M. Kcrllry, nnd refused to allow hint In proceed with hi remark. The journal i .Wi t bgl hei n aeipj and iti .BrectAr arretted. The rnmor that M. lYevrat PuMdol i lo go to WrliingtoB aa Mlntetor of Kiuncela contiadtcted. The citj r tr u tiuli. There i t airong fit ting ol Pgrlletntal under thr BMrteOi. bal the ampfe of the Uovernment prevent tnt manlfeata-tto-n of It la aaid that at tht hoilnnlng ai the pn t nt trouble, the Kmt.cror and hin ataff la full uniform were prepared, if the i.ot Uiame an Inaurreotutn. to Join Ihe trcopa. Aimed tiollee are BatfOtflni the tjuurtt r lately occupied by the notere. Unatoei Plonnni hm noi yet n irraatod it u mid to have tit d to Belgium. The grand h ill g the TnMerira. announced for la.-- l t vetnrjr, wa-- . t on Btetynnt of the !lnrdrr. Set. rat gttomptl were nude la1 nlglil Ui ralm barr.cade In the Ranht urg Temple and HclleviUnt but were del", at id by thg tllll Ml dc ViMe and thi irhuhttimta themi- hi I, There waa iondtrab1e eieltement among tbt people during nnd lat ett nmg. The e were active. dK)eraing crow.: hi re nnd there hot no Ontbteakl tecum d. Many arreata were made. The military waa a1o ont in Raee, hut ta erv'c.,iwcie r.ol needed. By 1 o'clock thia morn ma the nil oe(a wer.- ncarl; oa quiet a mm 1. Dnrini the latt agcBameM, none of tba bnrncadea were erioulv defended. Tne troopa did not una although many wero woan'lcd In ttie differ- ent ct llbttona between the troop aad the people. Th pwhec at one tune made a obarge with draww tworda, durlnt which one policeman wu aenonsly noundml Prime MtnXer Ollivler, ,,J M. Vnldrome, Mm lateroftht Interior, the Rmp ror it three o'clock yeted:iy morntir( In relation to ihi event bnlag fn m t'ji niht'a filatuibvuce 'Die etcite- - ateni iptani to MarmlOm, where a few irrmtt ware madt. C.iKI MMr .Vf . lJf IOllt 0aufivnn HoanH'a Beat Mr. flt'nd-lone- 'a lollon lor n New Klreiloa-- 1 vreniy gt raet Mnllw-a- U ll- - In ibe I, ord Thn A labaatT Clmnia. LotfDOa, Peb. 1" In tbe Rovm nf Ixittl, te- - iny, Lord haeiaaalr, CMrntaa nf the CnatnMtteenj aaiu b:ila were paeAkM for the ol twenty-fbn- r pytraat rattwaya, with an azrcgata ol IRQ miles. IB theae bllla, aeveu ri dated to Uaea to baantboritid la tba atreebj of London Ht ad tiled thi an official Inquiry be m td on IbbJ MMb yect. The Karl ot Kitr.Serlt-- promiaed the' tba Itovemment would make an UirmUggtiOa, Tba Fat of Klmberbay ubndued tali tm ana dc not tweon kngland jd thel nlted ttatoa, Mi b una . nd Ibe llouat t.l) m In the llo .e of Common Mt ' ntttice (f tl-- utrodupt. af I bill t me ?. Oiop from au. ' imattaeaaui u i. e L t lwon. Tt.. Wa.ta d " e l.. p..i-- maat-- C .. .. nn' , um in the I I ta th ln ggaraMaei of , .t aati ee had ttote atlht waa lhaI, and be aaaa, .'' rmniorti tha t pafbaaeei m u- rtaabai wa tempo- - Mr. Oradtoni maeea ttit n on nnrag aaana Id MO nr. Irr b law take a a nl in the Hon t maui tu-- writ oftltctloi ra Tin r ' Mr lin ry Matibcwa, ntotobor tor Daagnr , oi ooi oa. d tin. inotbni Ti e f ollmr tlvncrnl, adudttlrg that trim am not IrvnauMj Nld th.t actertbeleai attmhea, ami anrtetotn Ini atotton wat wlthlu t,t bow on oi Un llonne. Mr Johmon nadi apteeliajmlntt Ibo motion, Mr. Ualaorat Unrdi irgeed thnt if lueaanrm o no miter ol the lloue. he would M llat Ii tpub ai..u. Theranret ol th Govern ntrnt m than eiaa would iberetote baea hiaaupioti, i r Hound, h Palmer onnonrtrd 'n the nt uyton tg pr taed by tl halbMtorOaaarnt Alb r ipmtbeB agniul tne inot.t.i fron V.aara, Ronvrria ind Gregory, a TOtt nu ttken, w Itk bnl following reault : For Mr. Ola tvlone't motion m A;:.d.t gt Rotlot waa gtteii of a bill provkding ur a of the Min', and making the ctinnrel-h-- r of the Kirhequer txofHcio Master of the Mini Mr Monpil, t"nd r Soc.celnr lor the Colonlm, re- ferred t ttie Hi d River r. and htlilbaled ih oopoit1on there to (loreraor m i io hit ( mlanircaentallou of hla no a em. He aaid in .truc-tio- n i.i been forwnrded to the Governor. ri. iff:.t rMOM rue OCJSAS C IBAM The (Penmen. fil OoBOitl ia deOged with pel 111 BB I from the i. all. can (Urj) tin Uogna p Canal 1 mfalllblltt) lamacl Puahi tht V err nt tht hubli'.n.- Con ibe bp h r the co'i-- : ruction f the iron c'ad. hut d' tain tht retebT. Vipim of 'in rofffft tf Anmtonrm tantotalngi .bin o- M.o canon oi rai.ii lofal lb It) been edaatra&nnilcakt tnt iviorflcein Uobm liit Rranib JKirargjaaal bai -- ent intnorlty to Uie gr auTah WlnlTc it Wgblug lo make trratir ol pea . wtlh IM republic vf V'.'Ulb A:'. flea, Thi Ylemfgalf Eg) pi bat BjOMloJad to tend bM lf..n c id To T7.h t if.Rnopti on" ff w dd 'hi rriv- - mMttfaetnrad fai in joitlMiH AtlOVT Pfiii Bmm Kn Rnrn nagfl noouda) aoyetoi wm nrbab li mit d yeaterday. JaOOb Ilerlachi r, gged IA Wm 0 nnd dead hit room. t Rtaoava iirat t, ytatornay 'li.e Kvangelicul Alliance iml in theh.hofthi V v i A .tnl) Tt. Ron. W. faodgt uai tlttted lie d Mti The eieamrr XVoratra. wldch mllld from thla mtUTl Ihaf? 7 TtTSTT!.", ". i'.ITST back will lie ti her ern aOtt and i uddif It, for. tbe Medic Legal och tt la- -t et.mng He R4tnaalfBdB rid Pntnleu -- 1 h.- nw-- t hnnortaal igiif iu 30 It r. i ng w 'i ihi r a Bean a botfl adve or dead " Twenty U ree repfill HalltT a of Mfij iMttynaei and I met i rMnpaalet Wl t in tbl Olty 'ay to .ut that th maiona rf the Cc unmet of Inauraure may bo ooen to the public. vYaabiagton Harrtnaton wnn annrlilad i. thi torn al Mperlal Be to at rmte dat of ' lalalnt moeei un m fnltt prHenee , d wat ant du ait mt ninr mpnaonmtnl and ta ra) a tine ot ijo. ii- Peirnltnm Bonrd oi Trade m-- ' BOntraot a d ncu'v on ruteeillnj petndeun. day afternoon. i ibniwhai trading m - . tatrtjia. and it very itrlil Mltk rugatd to di iicnc-- . Th' hotly n Antnel Ranabter, a mitehtnl of H niart whnwai kiitad oa dan .jh on tht Cnion Partfifl Rw road, w tn rouftlo Fr inrl eta fj w aa oronght jr. to thi etty j ent iday lor ii lenuani. Jo-- , oh Morgnnllnakl, aged To, who wn irtvaiid for Intotle atloa and t winery , dtvdtiidd ) cm Wed. naadai ulgbl fiiJelftiiun Mivkel prion, ind Jmeek lie: laebcr, aged vt, a n t and d- ad In bt i at Bo ouM a Tbi atrtii-tie- a io file In tbt "tfl Of Ihi flor.l ol llenii b ilanw that tho tola nnmbet of im ill tg caaei in dw Lilhiku p aj, n ne tenth nl Vblth an; in ' in Kal II. into net Fhve i.t h uto were n pin rn? j oa wrny twr naraon havvdltdilnct Nat tr.lay. Collrtior B itt ; Hotd valla rlerday agtUnal Ibe I r th if ai'i iillc n i. raph Bipai t o ra e t w i altka in om bun ired ra l 'n wnti n ibe om pan are accnt I ol tlvlni un lain peg reotlpp) fbt u t to t iir ptltibl fht I'll" lor each thdaiion I 'l ho fir- - Bremen mull ipokon of u ... r oi 4 lib a- - rei n !b fn one log tdfrel-M- In- - eudeH ' ' le the regular Bremen mail ol rnrraday and Ihi mi. .n mti of patorday, both riiTlortod atloa old rati ol tie. per og. ihe vau mw nmoani ta Bboul Md. i Thi a met leag Inat it m p ph elloB rtordiy re. tilted p the choice of llorai tir.-- . ht, Praaldiwil w ML Had. CharieeP Dalv and Nathan C liy, Vhr Pn b dou I Uei-rg- l't)ion. aaei la) e m.ael l min an Correaponding heeP'trt-- ) , r It i onibiock, rrtmurer. U ude Wm Rgan. ggid IR, of RtM vtiil Tb'rty klatb treet, waa riding on to,, ol n Broad t aod Plreeltiagi tjalcrdai', aaoihci n ru inli It and kunrgi-- hn og. i lie Ik.) fi ll nt d r ha front a hi el, and wa It a. d about bv. feot,nd waa ei) aeiioualy injured bil'.rtt the tinge i I'd hi Win. C Powlei h a a biv mare wdh W fi Dleket, to bo in (ha lath r'a rtdtng apailami fut her bOAPd, a bp n Itemed, ihounh Mr. birkelc altlt IhBl be waa li u her.and to he na.d for kt cplu. her heaidea, ami re . .1 to italbit tin' aiiit. ot.tinui m l. i ym o Fonlnr intni.ed the aad ol tba iaw ! t Cuun of Cwiuievii C:a reaictday gave a. u at.rUi4

Transcript of€¦ · 'inilllYSIiVKMH TKAU. N1CW YORK, FRIDAY, FKBRI ARY 11, 1870....

Page 1:€¦ · 'inilllYSIiVKMH TKAU. N1CW YORK, FRIDAY, FKBRI ARY 11, 1870. PRICK TWO CENTS. JBi IStATI'RKOFK KW YORK t ri i;n s ' itntnisu r iffcy; ot nit mo



t ri i;n s ' itntnisu r iffcy; otnit mo tin II s i t 0JTI ft to.

v. ,mv und data "iid F'e. tlnnayI Tfef Kind nl Ur'ni ni whii h ihe

profit Rni Rnneei Iron n DegnarralteI vlntnrc Thr Rrnttni to be llrngjed

or- - llff lifffllllMtMVilint-tr- . Wh l'. - d Hi- lMMrttt

irf tiiiig wtthou taking 'in il

in v ni i pfMlfm vh ii

,M "' "f k- n mi l. tvt

. hi mind t'f oi nablt n n. Ih M

;'.. ) Dl Tl' Dl

.. ltd n mi iIm m r r re. u wm

.., i..: j mi nl iM I I ibi i m tree)j,, ; itiiMitttte mm lie tl. i r wl.o Ait o

I l nd I'PonsM n ihe

,t., month igju lha n devoted Ihem

ii ir I ) I . w o il. I' rl. a t dovm tit;' . ted

jll lid VCt) hUrly tu:i ;iW j. Ilr mi 1.

jt , rt yetting ft Mt It ftoliutt their lender.(i r uni r r 14 I H

Hfta niniM ti rt ipoitfMUy to turned t the lint

t J II nith a ttrong hint to mind bit11 .i ltd th l III for Ihf,. ii LttbMntt Foi ihli glortoa ri

,i Bfl .nd- bk 'l 10 in '"in igt Ihd..... lion Mb ' ii ! Norton, i bn lo

N r.OB, TbOWi J. CTi Hi. Pf, H .rry UOit,l o d Boi lot Urol in Tnt i

mil k n itort ind n mhly-Bt-

a rt ' ranged until i itc but i too bi Pgr

TM tn ding of the

net - rttut iboi;mm. tOPtr,

aii i" i hifUit hand it tin rentl i bW vl rhnnoeeboll wn made beru ol ibe

BD i tonti itnl m b nt B uv' mi Si'tintoti C'rmtnf id I Qentt wor '

rgfipttntO Of mnny ll ttrrinr rntiptimrftr ( ur Mtov pi 'f tt Ming were, ot

lb i I. lo dtttdodlf km inJrHt. Tbrr t to n.. r qttoti ni dron nod tht It

ierr - a .'jii.u or two nf rye vbltbet. I'ofoft-Bvi- l

r Connolly Mui bomt tiii- - m rol if-- :

i k.Til', f tHiT TT m B

Qlro $wota nd bit tribe to to bo OMdf ooali hea th' bonott Rollrond Conunlttet U.

r pott BoMtot QoMti btll ooj nt: lotrtrWood, the otbor Knr Ratlrood Dl

01 Ofliti BOOOal t Tic ttr-o- n Sit- rtBtOd

ll ib M or thi- bill Ih iiiiv Huffman. ffel y

r re tbt rnr which t, romtaltuii n artTON

BC tbii III 101 fOOr, :nd In n indui ct i Bfttfdomi i in to offcrt Km rept nl. II ItOTl

iib tbote oopotod to bbf toojoojtatttoo) aott fHutui B ii - rbnrfo up ..I'mn-- t him. Tbfl Roil roodDttaoi teo will oloo biTtotltoot th

CfloMM i r rHiroMtfBfl ' 0COtO1 thf KrU- li.."r ), Thin OBlOjOJ

l I ' rntlher teOjVltOjd to rrndT etnet irronoMnKOflti I iBOtol coniitlou. Ttwrne lOOjOjOfatd OTitl httfind H 0th in ri!- ni'itter lo ebOpe from tticluuU- - of r e priirol lU'lr i CoatOJlttOO.

tub joint DOVTUirtOttiAt (to ru ii ute pt OOOO) to d.iy, both bruicfats

oftbt LrfWbiureeonfwacJ in Juint I'ot.waiivb tollttt Mttf p ht m PoHot ConmUlouiT uil a Kc

gt r.t if tbt rolTttflty Both JJoumco Totrd MJOO

finJ; m tbell FtlptcMti rhamb-r- and rlectt--

frtfetif Klernao Ibi Hc'Dt of the tftirvorottf, iodIbltpl I BotWOttb for MrUt ..!.: m roltce'oni-- l

u The I.itQttntnMtm tmot t. BOooiOt4 H- i- Hon Hahhtrd Dd BoTi nirommltt-et- o in

ijtOJ if IttOtBlblj Iboi th BOMlJ Ha rood) M m,etIbolbody in Julut ConYtnbun, BontB n I Hol.Bfil t'U

TTIB tilNO AMI Tilt "nttCT.of t'..- rVoom. Babbord bi o ll ol Itttloffllii w'th blrk cnrljr li;r hu pTOoOWOj

tt'rl OTtf fle- fnt. Bi.'P l thiBBI t- D'r'. own full red OjbUkttl P'IBH'1 in li III eking fn i ii fi e BOVOO ttif he.laiiwui' IhtOI auio'taI w;kimr up li widethrooyl ibi eeotri of Ihi AsetmOli ChaiuOtr, fnotdod bi the btfgtaot-OVAroi- Wicn thejPOVbrd l,f r o' ttie Hull. t'ie le vr

o ItrlklOl h 10 eirlf he r:bMtT 0' erer.hodi inthe Ih r, ire'n'linj the l4BptloM nd tfalfimtA HfuutOtl IbjOtTtOWVOOt Lit til MubtiarJ, who

m iittooo of th ('oiwtntH'f. at.aoui.i-- ii hibiiiot. i i,p tpi .ik r lofotrnod iboo) tbttoeoovtnltte ' M r - mMy W' Ul I ww!t upoo Ibi teojltl

nd " trmnnlPltf to that that UH A. - rtRifijr to to Into Juitit Dooteo

llOl iK r llttchmiu, wlio wanld t. Htr.a Ollb tbt LltutiPihl OoTcriior, IppolaVcd


OHtettoi oiiim C. Fnl''l ud 01 I.teuf. OoterrcAl''tl Mr Kh-- w t;ri m ur!y lO (OUDiR ThedlffrlfiH Btmot broke thir Mdek uithIntbter ;.t p up etacic of Kniff' rootootoloUroIj tl I h a of the loOO Alvnrd. Who lOOBI 'Ike th"i ei a llumlef. PolOtabTlttppeil to tbtnldolo of toertrelo, broood bNMotf up. reeuvtrod bitt.rtl ti,d iin ni iov and vtullei dallfOtodbll n - Off, The Litu'nAnt-- f tOfOO n plied thtthe i would Imtni tl' ,y Btooeed 10 U' Aaml rbamber In B . A l wb rurlnn,bi QAior 1 ead told htm tl t B I) rotll fftlowU f-- up two fl c'tn f ialr." ..ii' h 10tod kD'Mbow Oin-- h bt weight d, Otl 01 h B1 ri Indutcodin ontaplioMnti of th bom lori ; bmoaUoji ooaoboliomed hir were rray.'l in tiie rv id TrontOf tbt i lei k' dek. for tuc ifrcrnin million of Sena-tor! ; in I flu inioute ti e Hrrter.ti nt Arm? f botbH '.i - BdTii&Cfd. nl betimd ihi'in Wttt tic

it n a Tout arm in Ann.Llent. Out. Beaeb awn. led the Itobi

look 004 at bride Mr Hitihaioa. ood oollod i ' on-- ntlM lo order. TbeC erk of ewh HoOOO Iboi M id

t'mt part of tb'-l- reapecnw Journni In ahicli w

reord the rnte for tbl offier- - lo 1" Plotted by onviDtlon The Lit01 tiotortlOr, Oftet re tdtrc000000, uld that tie M.nrnlr of hu'h H 00004 kOVtlb en rompared and foui.d U act ft, be dOtUategKrar.n Kioruin duiy eieeitd B i of the ti i

vrraitv, and Jo, ph H. Bosworth Inly Oltetod MliT'ipoMt-i- PdllM faiinoitoionr lor Iho oi eu-l-

ra Irnm the at Ot Dili MotOO, Th'- Ki oatorttl en withdrew aud the uiuai ordtr of r. e Bfl

t0JD04iAir. Hay, tbi incruh-- p from Oi.t.irlo, wto wa

ouAGorn oi t or oi. p

it S Oiiook In Ibe notl in, about t w a :by il"- hlerlff ol haratu t and t..kri U) torel off a, to t v In a eriminul OOlti la d bilat dt rtcelti full a ri f ic'ton. The Ooikojlttoe on Onev

g h ive m e- touted ihe w bOlO aft i.r DUdlI f 001 report thia mornlnr, aod offtrtd riOOUUow u

ARhtlON Jl PiK PfiTTPaOl th Hupreuo OoarL who granted the ordrofarroat. BQ u.e I) strict Attorney and trie fVieriff, at

ibo Mou-- i lo br reprttnaiideij and pun"d - trie Houae may direct. Mr. Hay, who in a

Wis i ovoroyed vHh the report of the ( omuil ue,iid Liuiunt y docloroi thut the arholo batch Jad?"

lOd ill ..j. be aoiumootd U the bar 10 flOttflrooi Brand ir'.ui the Mpeakrr,

T in."-- ir roapbolra 010 10 rate (l.-r- lo theBoard id r..hc Jdhiicp at the Batne Hilary thatIpworoioj bt rtoftor bo poU total Clori of tbeftorioe Coori wit ooaiMored in Coonn utce of thew lereolOf. Mr. Klen.iB aktd Mr. (Nim- -Mll to e t.laiii the of the bill. Tbe hitter' d ll Mr. Kieruan proahlv a .nUd informa

i, tbrouili fun. Mr. feVteriion bavint withdrawnon f.t uoo, Mr. Cimnbell i eul peiBing md n'in .I hit r;it, Mr. J UB 11 WhltO, llOWtrot,Mr Kiernan'- - qutl'm. and -- aid he di i a

tun. Mr. WbiU arntoaofd to v Hut" ' - no nretan n.r the pn pe ('lerkibiplLiei i KUlaiurt d .rfd to pru.doA COM rOBTABLI hlStt.1 HI

ppti for iomoDaat oad bo boaad iboi Mr. i ilid In tut inrluiiate mau. Mr. UlOipball ioai' l L n u Uonae by oaerlh,g that allb g I

a)i nj Inft teu'Miiy h., ' ei. upnolnlod re erae In a Mm wt. rj"1 i bt mer thirty thouauod w

?V J ii BOt warn lo hear un n of ibatclaai w hoBJJ BU up to tbt-l- ihouldera in 01 ( 'it)zr ,r W uf acot.omy. Thoae ohirgti ere tied hj 1 Uaotlon. Mi WniU, whoae lar w n

JJJ i beet, n to reply. He denied (;ntplV-,- ,'"l" .md declared ihut he. waa uol arefcrc

Jl initial be knew of. Mr. Whit arto eBpla o when tbtee if four DtaTMKrBtU

owoi n hud iL low irJice to atf inpl tbe010 GAHE

&JI.J y1'! Prevent him from nplylif lotSXmT' rhlirM. bieh if true, pin- - OMr VVbTto't

Mr i i "J1 light The I'hairrniiD,E'nK! ' hl"bT llitrhm.Hi n falvuw. ditlared

't V ": "'"I' u,e loot, Tlio laMoy ton-GJ-

n IDipbOlleBllf d.e.,nntwrd of tru'h in the hraei uoot liim by fJbmaboa

Kiti ' "V wl " Un ,,f'1 1,1 ,h fonndoaj allii lutt or 10 bunk ti. tb aunli-- of the Ue-

V,t n,lur'- Mr. White inHtj to ahow that th. rr aw nu aeeea-oi ,i, Dituauit, tod ihe Uipypr. wireMiBibi " ,urdW 'b liaOO, 'J'uo auhii ol" lata dlieoiiod, Mr. Owen Mor.lot i ii

' "' "ul. 'till tt.p new ilna uie glu--tint ' lM l" tbi t.'iark of the Hupo-bn.Li,,. d.,pi.i. Mf Jlutet n heey, a

Court, and th pieelfe inviunt of h'a aalnry. Bktat oi ttio rantre0, h nnBnown. but liupr'jeil lu

N n,Ot prr annum, eirdudiunpfjajaji latravi

Tho inendnml w intoptedi Mr. eTalti moTdiik ibi anlai 'wo Iboo ii d dolnea pr nnnnm,

ttlitib wtia Ii I Mr. Vbo Nieenbarali moved toii. .be the a In ee art worth If lit dollar a day rWtafnday a irtniil v hich waa .- A- Ut. Th voleim Hit t utaeadtnat nit tnki-- rlivi tVvv, aad Mfi hinp'i. i. " Vi." r. ltd ItBTibtfO bonrd rat ibottilw otbttt, Ttu t oiiih.i: in raportod the tdu lo tatIh.ii :md repftuimcndi d It" at. After tui

the t'oOJMalttOO m lite Whole Ronw lit rtonnfle! nart ton iny aieaaorv, no MMlttr baajrottnpi nr Infntaflajii Mr. raaapnofl h awni rally uiit i afood to bt tbe raadttlat (w Ibi anon aiatctft.Tbrre Boiler dottier, atm aft n Iowa, BffojM Ibibtll. Th" lathe aind of

BJaTatdlMi-- the ptOpti Tn- epir- :t nr i llnoona'lr

htfttlatari, The IbniooI liHO'r.i Hniatoro oytil

aert r permit th loll lo u ll.tlr l(d).The Iwraatlttcoott f'ltiew wilt,

no torotnhrt report iho bill ni i hint Ibo L'otft olp. tlol Netloaa Thl trluui nl w III OMOO to riUi

wit bin h work, tad Ibo i'nartb md !illi w nrd aoiwill no tat i ryaetra'.c ortait nlth ItupnaityiProajlaoai Klnga eouati pnilllclini art hi i

Bfewr, rboy boln a caaem in Mr. itieobwo rootnijn i agrofd ' intmdaoo con tin btll iflaetiag ndiealli inaet In th- - oatnnyrnt f Kti - roonty. Mioorn,

l uwdir and KUaettO, of tbv nattr Btttftt, altraded.1 laltt r artttlejAaa b- - irai 'u bhi ra ittatl n ai a

mombnr ot Ibi Wntit Homd. lit ptopoiet lo dewnr in- - arbott timr la the aaaa apnatiai of hia juur-- i

il. Ibo Rn nltrya Ibtflali. tl e Ml n hiilw m rforted lot tto- coinple--

i t'r- Itaprotoraenl Rrdftrid aTeoue, Bro.kIrn Bill wpi mi .odured W i"t foajaoao it ionnt iht atoaoiroplier Ibrtbo rtoatoait roart, CltcaiitVart, ud irt nf Oytr ud Tvriiuner of Kinthroaaty Tbi bill tKi ihe aoaipeaeottoa tner ai tiiiui. and tea not each hundred wordhr ull Iy.iaeer1pti ol tiii note- - r i b taw.

0thortllnt' a pi. in lor ihe atrerta and iTil u' OlanJii r.Ml n rooj Dtftai wat omlnted itenonplipr

t.i ihe v. aatr.A iii w - pml BBthoriirii z the oooairaetloo ofrallriind la IJatUatreel, Nev York.

- itotbiatook upibo ipi ial ordrr, itbelothe bill to

hrr tui vt raofrH i tH ririta LAW.

Thi qooatlon ami on Ihe labetttaii BKPrvd bf MrHyrto .. aiobli an ri - tw t r lira Mat..

Mr itarpb) ornted ua ontendueat prortdias tbatBteai'd nfarea, rterpt ii provided In tbi btll, aballba kepi ad "i n md u . t.n r- pttloa a ", aad IkI wren th hi nta of I n : ehwh in ihe Bkitaiaf,

Mr Bahbt r uflVl d Ihi lollon rn id atiooal BOO

lloa Watch waa adopted i

Hri In ao towaa ut ri.Uattaibil the CoraailatbtBer of Kjeiae, treated hi) ihw a rlrr m Hk'Bourd f btl l"-- the pay ol i nom r ci Kielaein town or vliia ill t' . nu i yr difin n

bo VhetB for then ten oei per diem a Iowa trvil.aat ufflpera the inoaevi ar n : lrini ih aip mt

lain town or villngi ah all tie o potited v. Init. i . i.niy frvaiurei w .! iiti y 1 i f r ri ,ilHie a:ne. in he ... ud-- d ULd-- iht ilrtettoa of thHoaid f i itiPir Br xt annua foitin auptKrt of thp po"r ofaaeh tvr-,tii- KMk ofMinute hnt h ibp i ntufiil of Faet In antoWB Ot VllloaO, tacipt when lii Bet bl FUeh i on in ickioaenttbau he flpoltrs m thr eteraw oatto or euohIowa Ot rtuOOO t IM ripftuw uf N'uniif nnea.rybook In aay towa or itiute. hi n actu any

Dal t e asdlted and palu lu like inaiiuer a ao oLh rlowo ot vi itjr tAanat.

M- BCOT1 th r i an .imeodtj'ent cin theubimtt a Ibi iat fction .f Uteaai or no Mteaoo1

t" Ibi ptontt "t tarb toast) at the BM1MI elec ion.If a OiajOt tj ol Ibi pe pp hi li coui.ty otp uicaiti-- lUeoaat, bo Tieen ai Co aill lAtoajtntiac Iwht-bLjI- Ibe iraattd i .d tonaty.

Tbi CotlUiUtet tbei io-- i nnd rot-r- i I procre-- " .

when the bill waa uude t iO tpttial o. Ur forBOL.

TBM WALL snti.i i iu:ilThe Fiietit ir thf lau ot Vau A Co.

- Mow a Cifdtlar una Klreeed byll btnr linrra rbllndelphln I pttpp-Kr- pe

.11 aaana ual the P1 truth Hrtirueut Involvrd Tha t 'mm tm clan Court.

V ull h e. t wna ' r eicited over an mr

pari a lory, publlahed la a rtspeetihlp, .iich:itetcd the lUndlna mi we, I kuown fliui. Tbefhea la the , aa cnruvvled by a $tM tlpattlt,aetm tj be a follow a :


Abent the time of tbt tekbtnted MOoldir" ia Beptcmher there eaailoffbaa of Mf-ir- t. n laaa A Oo, irBroad alreel, one hamuel C, hair whoto po into certvn ipaCBJattOftl lo iloCbi at (I

Van Sjuu ft la ord r to ppop

trt'duetioD to tha tlrm I a aoug' t ihMr. An i U. WbreU-t- , a memoer flrrn,who wa alo :ia baaOffl l er of the ir! Danpnuy af fir Pevrnth RafftOient, mi wMeh Birr !

ITlfal libtatinittt, and u btotbtf MaaoM, RtBtag looUaplklUy IhtM tJataai lu boataty aad faird aim .', Mr.VM.eeier lntrodu- - d Mart to Mr. Vanaaaa)i bad tin Cm t utht ii.d euid at aM d atloautitl tbt-- feuud he owed tbt ih. e me f . a htniL', B'jt aajtatatnirjr, him to

MTt.a ir,a n bltb bi MtBJBfd enlln ly w Ittta to do, only

be aai ot the time a little aaaftt aad piajpaild to

atttli in aotoaal by depoi'iug V009 of Ooveram' nt baaaBi the babMMM ovrr and abort hU kadobitdaOii to Ik. hel l ji an addition d martin on winch

bi would do it ol mure huaioc-a- . Tbl- - prop nt n araa

onMreij aUa,actory to Van b;uu A Co., but he de

mundrd before making Ihe dpoalt In qurtiona loan of tl,.'A) " for thirty minutta," withwhich be would redeem the bondi Inj 1. The .n wt rnadt, nnd Mr. BVirr departed, but did not return witblu t n j auaUlta,a rlrci;matne wideh did not excite portlnh ir loquiry, i It n a bu-- y time. Jn-- t before . o'rlock,bi Braver he d bii ipaoatftaoi, and itatad ih it he

ad intruated tbe money to a fi to proctire thebonda, and that tlda frleud, or u fi ieod oi hia, Indbeen robbed to a Fifth aveane iblga. TtltT ttlltDient, thongh ' paed for the U ma brmg,ow !ng to tho i n-- of bajtaaaa, md Mr. Burt dbap-paaro-ai

Tho Bill that wan henrd u n blm waaaaajtalM in the fo.lowltia oinjue


Pail bomraJAj- i teiobir ntb,M r Vt i .t rn

broadDBVTa 1 m a ii .i inlalaka, hoi it wu mvtauit.

Gmi I"1 NTtlt w i. Ii"t, lel you tl.nll I. l 1m J aA'i.iQ1 it t lore I ir tuic m hetf ) iu l i

tiiarjndirniont nr.ti ion too ie i b ihe aaaia.Aatli 1 i) j ..

"Br. KAMI . C. B Miltiht lotlty iffordod tbi tiruj no ttptoial aatatfaci

i mi, Br-- after trTinif for H'lno Veibl to atinPili e laai due i lit m, they pljQtd the ca-- c in ihe blidaof their ooaaitij Jo'iu 0, it iblaaoOf k-- i who lataitdiattl) ratMid tbiarrottoi th UeaU-aiat- , on achnrwe nl piu. uring n.oney ni.d-- r fulae pfitt-urt- l

Tbt pr. waabailad bv .1 rilailvo,attr Bnktrtand, it would mm, bt h ia ince de. olid hia leiaurotiiui to tht attempt to aeetire hi own release fi winurn at, und coum o,u ntly fiuui bail. Iy blacken, i ifIBI cnai'jcter of lna nreuer. Hence me frettud da01da it w bleb, by the way, bear a i o mark of burIbi Dili trot worn to), pi.oi hed raititdry. Tiniiitei t e in to be I" erinle a prMire i t publ.iODlalOa Mitch will compel ihe Court, Wbon tbt CBlttum! up Baal wetk, lo dtiide to laOSti the OftB Ol

ittrotiA bt u ing on thta aaaa. It may he

urfgiajaytsito note rert.itn alleged tucts In the blltOfy of the gn

iiteniuit blib B If have a boarlaj nu llif OaMWe bavtltatod tbat Mr, wlitloi i an lioiiornrv an Da

ber of ihe cniip'! of which Burr - an oflio r. midit I Itatad Dg lOOi .iittiorltv that 1 Court of In-

quiry Iota Been Ol lered to tnv atifntti the tbiraetagain-- t Hie I.iputeuaut. l ending them it la aaid UnitIBO Uioal aUvMlOQI tl a have been in de to.hia record. An out other it - H la aatd But a ep.rtain prominent tit ui ol fawillari in John alreet, whobad "iu 11 rr Boorbj lo tbi '1111011111 ot A0O, foi win hthi-- f id not he- u paid, hal e ih en ladttaadi by thepam nt of u pun of th Ir lalm and the otler of arui By for the reniatnder, lo Ion uo any ptoiOtatl aof tbaaaaii, It ia llao ' i thai Buir iiidiiCH.I Mr.W neeler to introUurc loui to tht Will at. own tlrm of( h Mi A t ii., Si. 7 Hrond llnat, Who d'dOOflM a for him and were alao liMuUgea,

Not lAttay IfOtfiIlntptt.g hninl thta ItllOMIlBt, Ui St H reporter

rolled ori ibi iie-- t uaied Htm, who ilaiod Inat IIva-lr- u tllll Mr w heeler bad latrodutOd Hun loti chi. aad "nt Uip hal ilOBI a for nini, but

tnpy raAiard to Italg whiller thiil hoalaoii hadbeen:il afaeu r.. aette, ..r nor. Our r thta11 quired ll they h.ul evtr done bailBMI a lib Viabau A Co., aod tbt repl iu 1 eininly, oiien."

Wat it aatlafjeb r,"I'prfectly u. TuOy llartyi aatlltd promptly."

And tbla la tbt. UrCimun of many other tiitu iufn otr t.

Id regard to Ban' that he 1m I a k InVao ratn A Uol Ogloe, hi btb a'Uhon' to del yIU 1'h y Plate that he a ki-- for aueh m om no I

lion, but waa riAlOid, and in tin mi totlntho) atlow dl.lm to write at Mr. au Huua'l Dft

iii. deiktub HaBvKI btAtOaTD IV,

Mr. Wheeler Hate tlial It la hia determination qbrlog ti e matter before the : lodge of ah.chBarr la a me iiber, in which eaii a Iim ly ttntl Butflie looked for among tbe Brethren or the M)U J .

Tcaterday an eiecatlve mntlirg of the (odd Hoardwaa he.d Bt 8 o'clock, ut which, at Mr. Van hutun'aroaaaat, a romnilttea ul three waa atfoiatod to inveoiigalu the riae anil eiamtne hia hooka, almondtney act- fit. Maniya. YV. M. Vv'mrieuiorv, IL h.Cwmldua, and If. II Koote were appoint d atib

nun luatiU'.liona to report tu Wt Uoaritoil ay.


tuk WMMMTMB UZCOMAtiOM o TttFhos. t it t a kh f w.vrpf.

--aTIip MnnaarbBnetiM Aelntea Trralverao-tlon- a

Keeai Hkot from Hutialor Trimboll u.-n- i In the il.-..-- Ur. (ai"Uotng lor" lien, flwtler 'hoo Ply,nat Biodder me.'

vTAMUlarUR, Kelt. IH. Mr. CRAXRIM Uep.Mich reported ball, Tilth amendment, to reeng-ui- e

Ihe n.irinc bOtpttal aervicr. It provld" forIhi collection from mafiera and owner of twocentarn day for each eio.nn on VgagfJl of iht it i

iirrlvlng from foreign prt, nron reglt red.enrol p. I, or UitBetd raaattl in the coatiim trade,who iball have been tthptayod on urh VaMtM) IBtOIboy wan bti aafarad at j laMod htii port.MI muni ndlctte ! nil be p.ild into the rtttary wltboat redaettoo, and b trodliad lo tba Manne H.pitil Tund. 'f mo Secret i of th" Tre.-in- y

la nuthorlied to nrptrt a eotpi'ra liBg large 00 ofibi i rlao hoaattal aitvtei to have (amtrnl ooalralof ihe dtebayaf Bll tund, at a tulry ol '!.maipprannum nd Ir IMng Btpal a a.

Mr RARiBI (ttta., Mmr. made ia Bwbrt to bftBgbrflna the btaaa tbl bdi to ibo Hob tho ttaaatafprlvllage, ri mai kin,; that he hud btiB laitlBCted byihr Pattal t oTpmittpe lo urge Kb latatod ibi aoMe ration.

aStraff ton vat aTi tnt.The bill making r.pproprialloi a to taajply die

clpncie in the npproprlationa to the nival BfttaBiwan paed. It pl&eea at the diarl of N;n Igaiionand CoBttroettoa ar.1 Rtpatl fin taken fromother bureau, the eapci diture of Ihe BAOt ey to breatrlcUd to ptovldtni; matcrlaia lor c.rrm i n thcwork and Mn ng Ibi tmplofna of the ' ui n forwhich It waa d.

The Het.ate tOub up thi bill for toeUltMAtMNI or arajMrxtirrt.

Ti c gaattioa ttai itattd by the Clair to ba uponthe ian adaaaal f the najiayuiatt to Baiki ir. m thlull the prean.ble and all condltioua, leatng theMa ab prapoeltloa in adnai the satt to yaptaaMtg

Hon.Mr. Tm m t i Rnj , 111 ) tPi that tl, Mi'

rlppl bin ni nit pasted tbi Roaof wa. an taaei aaajof ll.e bill adudtttng Vlrglt la, which containedtattoo a ronoitiora; i.t the JudicLr) C inmittpenow, aa lna former tejwp, Weti tipp lid to an imp latttOB of ro .11 ton Tbey believed that our BBtOB

ul l not bang extal aaa coniedt-rta- Bl uniqualRtalvt, and ti t rtloti ibi Conajtlitie arepoeod, laaanr lib ojRel ii aotiacat1oa had h en rtrelet a ol lagratlnention "f the , . and rifteenh aoiri imeat to the lu deeiarv the Ma:e enilt'ed to a rtofoaenlatloa

C l MiMt -i Vt Ml '1 ,t Iht aamcBBtaww of ItbartJ tad aoalal progrooishould be upon In the cnac al Milippiwinch had be- n m.t!..u in the raee o.'the olborretientoai itatea.

Mr. SiMNRHiBen. btOBB.) hattni; ibllBiad to teIbo aatbot of the Kepon-tructi- acta r jifetrlng thahotlot upon the colored laee, Mr ra w aht (aaRHNet ald that th cbim aafOBBdOd. a voabowa tty Ibeaal hal record a to the pfacaaniagi aftht lb ':p oi B' i rt rntutm hj h it a pearedthat the BtorUloa referred to oni'naled in IbiHoaae aa Ibi i th o! Ki ataary, loT, w nere it

rJ rd by Mi Bin ''..on id iii v Tbl- - w prior uIbi date n w hi h Mr. Humn t cinlmt d to ha propoaad the aiaaaaw tor the aral time before i Cn.ittce of tin ,ip

Mr m lead a Bar rati to of ihe i I

Rtaonatraettoa acti lie aaa oraafawd i art taiof Neearta.

Mr. Mt abt Ji tied tbe at 1

gaaaaarte, und lotajarart i tteout of ibo party 1 a .'. .' o ibnwthai thp oiaii vtbe partv h t.l n-- n. c.i ivrjbla labMlthe astatK af Iba BbitBlt i wb'eb bad ON at neel t the ayirr.til ,i the beaati, lie argued t- ma b Bglb tn t rfl the mnttei t the Kiflpenih

j Amei.diii t and ithri . '. he tied -

I a if t I -- I... .Kli t, nrl ohm- Mr bCa v 1 0....had oaaaaod k h atjaaoartt

Mr If !' Oliiotanld it ati a atraogateatry'i biatory that the

ai raattoa ate lataa, thi amel Important ee.r t actedby ' ., til recti ted form aad parpaar, not tn

OfflBtd ron- - .Mi' Itcdy, t ut In the aecretal m- - oi ii purtt taaeai

M' ni ant li i p l li i d he bad nc obpv-- itioa t Umdv ..r u itti my Neaator, bal fb boop. ;ipii to m .ke .i peraoaal itBtaaiaal Kme dayago ha bad replied, by a ay oi corrrotioa, to certainjr niliiatiarrai by the itoaj M lawaaaatetta (Mt tfaaiaeti, who under tbe arvteal ot a reply bad reiterated thi taaVgoi ablabhi Mr Tllfaball) l.ol nl.uau couldt ot I aim t i 'y tbe emeial rotord,it- aatd tteti h i at vr inaraet had Inteatloaali)aought to prrtett ifid mtaoo rue the language ofother wl le hi owa ataemut won nolbeat t .e trat ol oeratlay. In eoaelaaion, Im el irgedMr Huaiaif wilb bavlag oa nrtnin at aanrra actedui alliance aith Ihe Itraiortata af I NfB i t to deftal tht le- - ilal b ol ih Id i abti .n in (otl i

euau . . u ii It wa had not been b adlj acceptedb h ii aatti iaa tl tu -

Air or aaaa had oaly one aord any by wiy ofreply, i io iei il i irony IIUi-o- iei mdidli oink m ,t; mo, lug "ii 'in gaoaay bed li aeald Inert

lei him iie.tag air Live iaiLaoAB,

Mi tn taaun Kep., Mich' raported tit rabiithe bill to proanMi ooomefca aatoag ti. at

, au't orlilBg rallanyi imm Iba cay of UTaahuton lo New orki lo Hi't.inirgii. and la motaaattand teeT, h line Com ffaibtagtoa to Iht IWB aiui poiata,

lloowe ol lleerrorntotlve.The Ilou-- e having t.iken up tbt: n tMilution railing

th- Preetdrtt for information concrning thtnprHtOBBtaat of Amenctin r.tlarni In Kngland for

goUtleal offenoui, Mr. Wnooiliam, N V teaanrcdthe r nl. i. lot omitting to take Hep, to enV t inrtleaat ol tbooa prieoaata. in in gteaaaaa io t

the President had wnrda ol kindne--a tor ItTOgcling patriot! j but worda were ehetp at l might b--

freeiy nard. Baptetalll wnen the wa n

Bert ind had no intention to tndorie thetn by nctlonlo fir from the Cieantenl being liubu'd b tbt p i

voting act tlm nt ot ihe Atnerlc.iu poopli, the I'rtaldrat, judgiag by hi acta, t none of it. Notonly ii id hi failed to obaerve the luwa ol naito' a andni rtapaal the opu;ar opinion and wUh of theA met lean pwplu In a recognltlun of Ibi I kbaflurentp. but bi bad ihniwn the Wholg wcighl ot

the UOViraaatal Into the opK-i- e acaie.

t r OlBatl MAM ifMr. Rawbo aioeod that the ptltjlMi ol thi floor

f. r iM ilnv be to Mr John hitt-- . tl gc;.tUman i irdlng by Ida aide, a ho w aa born tn Pit n ijauia In Uiit and w ai a aoldir in Hie tterolntl n

w Itoeiaod 'he u mender ot t 'urnw alM- - a' Vorklown,tad bad ,o atrrad tn tnp war al Wtw Tne Botloaa i agreed to annnlgaaanly, and tn old gmtlenuiBa at ""on aurroanda i rnaasbenii w Tr whomhe chatted in a lively nnd latolilgaat anaanrr, ibonit. g but lllgbl ladltalloAl o hia eatremr age.

THT UK til t UN Ht'TI KB AMU OOf,The Aporopnailot t m hating bean taken up. nn

amendment Wai oflbred bj Mr Bn'hr Rep,, Mai.,in i f i ct cutting oil Coegreiaoien'a MtlleaMr. and iftcti ttral aaliiea hy UicUiUra who oppowd the BOltfidlIIM lit,

Mi oM fDem N V ) ni'l ihnt aaatllbTlfl wernndeitaknit to run Ibi murhli.e of Honoiai l

"iink candlt iadi a d eliitii pannga. It ltd beanIni matod bv ti e geatli m in in m Nevada Mi Pitollo t tba gei iicuuii from Mnaaarbanaitifair. Butht.

rail away from Congratl lor tbi patpoai ul rn klogDion in Ida proreetl n ; but toe i.M Cog) Wooldi fend thi fi om Maatechutetti aa naterrnu IWiy. Hi world ill tun ia ue a BobJI r. I

i would i ol run away ii a itatoaaiaBi Ui waa i.wj hire wbva tbtrt wa trouble, Laofbterlie believed tftlt Ihi atncnduieiil wa BBOi in pet

.i taitbj tbit Boaitraiaa inni the people,ami would not tike Mileage Pithet ia eurraaet orgold, lie (Mr. Cot) wtrd defend the lionorublein em i r tiom M iMaaibaaetli agalnit Ihe

BaaBBll iiulo on him by ih cullatoaa f m iiiiuoia, ,m- - rarvtBttorth.) wuidid that g.'ii'U'iji in no au bv lalniMM 'BeatlanHM .' money hy out nle opera uoni flie thought it pteullarly Baspy (hat the DrtaorraUiparty, rapreaintgai m u nuaioli wnj iy blmaolf,c i.M deft nd ba old and b noted m beagBe, w bo h.igrti gone farther thgfl tin part) by alaoding bi nittoatheea aiag ol it n tbeat biriluMi dayi, (l.tugh-larl- ,

If tncre a a oai geethiBiaa whom bv lovedludihind more tl .ii mother, not oai) in bll mlli- - career, but Im bti orontlcal nreer, ronuitBelag id Unbyb Gap Canal and running all tho aruydown through avoyy idut ponnatltd mib hit name,it Brag tha giaUratan rroai ataiaacLuaitti Laogb'ii r,

Mr. Rink recounted the rheum ' lagettinder which t ie aulary of tho rat'ttbera trai mricaaed, a connect, il with the addition it houn y toaoldi'T".

Mr. Bi Tt Ml Ipttlnad that bll aim rdwul did notilrthi at the talary of atembert, but only il tbimileage, lie regretttd (ha tin f u t of hie ability toaura ioibi thing to hiu hinaoiriijonfd ( Bind anirgMBIiMl wh anything -- hould be paid IO bun morethan to t!ioe a ho ha I nut the abilil) to aaro PBOUtBto take rare of InrOWelvOi, Liughlei.l He waaglad lliat luthegri al imiller of t t onomy th-- OOUldbe uo iirgumeiil 'igtuiiHi , either b tin geiith mantroin ll'inoia iKirn-- rtl.i or by aaj Otbt r im Blber,other tbaa iit IbIbouiIob aguiurt bun,wblrb md iy

dir d - k out loud: and HI to the meuibi r IroiflNea tirk (Mi. tva), he would b. aniweied b neiyboj u the atrtet, (waving nil hind In I dlidalulolmanner, which biuught down uprour.oua Uushieraud ipplauao.)

anno yt.r, DOM f MODDBi mk.Mr. Cog got the door lu rvplv. He had under

taken la a qub t way to defenu the d. m n .i

aoldier from Maacbn-.etia- , and hia reward wan a

aort of a m ' t negro mtnalrel remark. Whybail he not anawerrd tne InliuiaUoD made by genlle-ii- .

n oa bU own olda t bvvrvtioftv oa both a. dew of

the Route knew, and the coaalry knew thBt Ihegaulleaian wa conaidied a bad man.

Mr. Htkvhoii ohtnined tbe floor.Mr. Cox 4lve nve nut a mlnnle to ftnlah my Ban

tonce only to av tnle one thine;. K'alla to order.,Thi gtnuemau mak a in atttick upon mo ami thenbtdea him-- ir like a bombproof BOHHiT, aa he I.Illenewnl BBltl to order. Thai la all.

Mr PfBTMaiOM 'Kep., Ohio) reminded the Ronnthat there wa already a ertoua propolloB In Booliah mCeagr. made hy hlmaelf. ton rnfeired to therommltfteoB Mileage, nfwblto be waa a member,and ht hoped tbat committee would report abill foi the reformation ot abolition of tntlerigt.

Mr Pot ajBltn roni be rlxir to reply to Mr. Bnllit, Uo aatd it a tho Miat iiori io hia h thathe had bat n lik4ied to an animal. Re never Indoeen ronabjpred i fit ' f fjfe or fttpha htU rofr. nor

n other aorl of beaet The geatlernaa wat bteaerdby' i. ...r wBb a pechydcraratou bbga.Ilk a i1' - and file did nottrouble him ; ttrrylhtng would gbinc fromthat genllemaa'a rhluocer" hlda. Ha (Mr. Buior)had no tenelhlUty lo hia poaitlon before the country,md did not know how People ptearded bim. n

roUaaaiiea tntlmat' d that ha waa a tl tef ai d aroblt r. and hi did not taka It ipt hut It hail been

lo 'ilm (Mr. CMa) to defend him ; and ht raoae heh id d'M i tn spirit nf good nature, he (Mt But.lert had mad hi- - covert negro. mlnatrelav attackapna in Vt by did be not attack hia eolieaauca.aad niiika tiiem mil for a committee. o lamtlBhtlonon hi-- i at den 1'rtton. end pat alleged robber v ?

Wb did he tat d hre in eoademned man of thlatSinMWaall Why dtd h aland here, i roacrllil polttlcaitv and aociallv t tt hy did be reaerva oil lna Aretor hia friend. he did In tha army, and then,when tftackrd, retreat like a bomb-proo- aohller,and hide hlmrli

Mr Taw r oac and culled Mr. Cot lo order.At tha fJoet nl thadlcuP.abm Mr. - ami,d

mint wa- - rfi.etert

ci nioMTir or CBAMA-- a

t an Antody bp I oavlrtra' of Anything InHronklrnf A -i- .tn-il ltrher I nyun-labe- d

- lllnnarrcmenl of a - Jorg.vTaHif lhigan. u " rongh," waa tried in Iho

Br. okljn Court of MaailaM yealerdny raftcrooon. on

the charge that h o:ia c oncer tied with hla mlatreia.Ann Frorl, I pert ndaa ol about M year. In theiheft of a trunk containing tot worth of rJothlnglnm Mr. .1. Malcolm, nf Pn.nkMn avenue, w imhad f. rne rl) i mplov d the girl aa a domeatlr ,

whia the glil freel wa nbuni IH at II yaar migr . laktn irnm her home tiy )ugat, bvAhum tbl bad two chtldn'n Alter InM baa watmployi d In Mr. Malcolin'- family, und It . tli.rtngbtl -- 1 11 there. In May. ho. that h- -r 1oer, a- - aheIWOta, udu ed hertodc'ivt r tlta tmnk to two botlwhom he had Otal lor it wlLi a Dole. In which b(

aidlh il be wculd he t,i w Maraball alreel, to whichplate tbei arm to lake the preperty. The girl v. enti ihi nonet looa aneraara, and, accird!ng to herleatiiioty, found there the pritonei, who openedthr t rank:

Dngnn. having bpn ea'led to teltly In own beh. f. Oil I'd the thargt f kto but admit'rd Ihi rnpnper rrhattoal evia'lng between the girl aud himBtJf Mra. Kthtcr, "f at Marahall atteet. aw orethat Anne Ballad t the houa with the trunk, andthat ab" (W'itnrei bid no recufleetion of peeing tnepfieoart Iberaj white a Mr feat fled thaiIbo girl aneaed Ihe trunk hat ItIf. rViert! witnacawere ala eiamined to prove tha rood character o'the prvaOBOr, The Jury diagtevd, and Were '


i liiri ragnaalttlaa oirtdo bv lamnlea Brone ul ll.e llohoki-- i (to urn.

lletween and Ht o'ch a Igi raOiBf , agirl, appnreBtly about rt t get atani 'an cide by lunr ' Mai NortB baeei of tbiitaaaaaajM Jumr- - n'att Net bed aaa i. i n. iterd Th t m m a (iin.n lUk - aplalO i,uai a i i K r oanc Be bc walked

" t (0 rn tl i tabif alter tbv bo-,- t btfl theat.- N ai Qwaltf 'i ,io n byal.itl, re

rtey cloaa ; thatWa. led fa k "

i m Hit ttsar af tbe tabliwith naaanaM barjr, t

aaMM tor'Ma'at. aa1 aOdra mat .fceat ta MtaM bMbir to it onaa ta (Art

baagooanai rrrp-itt- nnatbya. ".N' ha t riMehd . - rn .i' of thimade a hold rili out of tbe t ahia, and m .) .

leap (trOf thp cb una, dl- - ipliearp-t- .

Tbe Vlurierer of VI p. TnwaroM to be Trloden Turader Neat.

Juan Reenotaa ih mnrdarat of Mr Twnaend,and Mlibaal Mi nd, who beat and kicked hia wife todeath. Ibi tl'"! of "ir waa iioliplp.1 foi mur 'er.and ti of r ior MMaaianabeaf In tba Rial drgraia r an taed la it. tear! of Oyer at d TeraBoerymtetney, and eat n p: ided aot aalUy Mi.ti.r, How- -, Mho aaa o gnpd tneir eottnfei, aaidIBat ht Bad one m wiUi Kevaoid. but tbatba attatanant wee an hwaaaraad ." could t

gniM Ir.oti '.im .i d .t i ujH.n wMrb to au aitgl t w raeat (ly, and in rht rvae ba ne

ir d lima IB Older io procure uied.cmlin. r , p araa Iaally aot eewa for neat Thatonaj.tha trial ol Mt. ha Read to foih inat of bVyaatai.

. irj"The Rata ol Rra - oi"-

HAnnianrna, Kb. 0. 1 la that Gi, km pefnaed t ipprov . ih tdti Maaaad bal

wet-- dtreetlng t1" up mt Court to review lbIt Hit aCO and deeUla t bltal c - on tin Ir ret tit aIt w aa pned to em r ' he cc of Pr. tSd.oupr nowaadet teBtaaoa afdantb la irHelo, Mm h trhi tareba been pit rt d in Iho Uavatnof tn the ami (

i Mi tatiati and : i Bl i . rally one. ded It at if thebapii'tnt uart aeitdt thai ibeta hi noitri rllh n rard. ba ail) noi hi Uaea to e ttend otvai n

tj lo the pruont r.

Tbt Hon. Tbamaa MblOl0 lllnmnnd Hint.Tl Hon. Taoaraa sine! aanad a tahaable ilia

Btoad iing n Do y. i itrranti iiule hat rtniaad left 11 mtn hsar -- imiina undto orgc W uiat - paw broker a, la an. nne ttrrct, Mr. .hleidlaeovered tbl Iheft, gad the wprvant redeem-- therlag ind roiarnad i Meaaanlle, tbe diamond hadd IB ared. and a pAla IlOBI bad leen put in itBlaoa. Mr ballel tbtrgod Ihe pawnbroker With theIhafl TbOtnee tann np in thetlenernl natnlMiyeaterday, bnl lna aeanndrabi aaoaptd baeaaec Mr.Mali) coold uut poiitlrt iwaai who took the owal.

t orrapi Cuinmlaalnii Ut moved,Oor, lloRlnan bu rernoeod from afRoa the

Contuiiaaionen oi the Ktagnra Frontier Pellot,I h Wirt bfcai ed of tavmg palrohut n tnr polltioalonrpoam tad lice aa lag hou-e- a of proatttution andribklnt ptioea

Waaailnnien! Rlrtbaay Foraoiioa.Sa Kh4M IVh. pi. The tmiika of 1lii

ilty bare agreed to ttoai at toon on the IM laM ,

on Bfeoual or the ftrCa niu-U- (eatltal ol LajB l'I -

The Mn areata t ann gToAMoablaa,A eanvaai of tbt Kenatt rmtoraay renden it

pretty certain of bath Brad ley ana Mtrvna'i fitm ttloa,

Tbe lanaaatnntlan i New Tfnrfcnrn in Haraan bnbaorlRtlnna for ihe Wldaarai

Data ma, bib. 10. Lati advlcoi frvni tbiRaitorn Departaiebl bin beta raagltrad. DenatValiir-eil- a trnved at Mai aa on the Mb in- -t

md would lean tor Rgyanyo, but at abal llati it waagMgftalM. ihe ivtaa RannRot, riprntnttni tw i 'l. and prominent Mpnnlardl Ol Havana, buapu bile bed a docomenl profeating aralntt lna Ir,BBWarrantllnt and irlminul lUUMltioa ol UaMt 'hwald-'- A mU Acting that holy rel.i hi i t vM i, !i A lutaKrlptiofl Wia alerted lor Ibain null of the widow ami mphana oi (irecnw ddth.

Npw J are It lo irlalniur. .TagMtoM, Pob. 1ft, In the Ringti to day, a Mil

Wit Introdutod lo Inenrporato tin rfowarbrMalaalllialta Al uianei it any, aitb auihorttl tt. n- -

iqri peraoBa ualnal ilchnaai and dutem. Ther iii Hork off Iht "lup.iny la tiA.-.- l t

with lutbortlyto inereuar it to ilKMaia Ihe billti iBCorporali the i Iniiltule of Techaoloajana paiaod.

The bill io ttut RonM entttl-- d a MPplemtritto Ibi Ni w 1 rk and Ni Mrk Hbin Cm nlLompany, autliorttci tie ntinairactioM of tbe canalteroM tho Kraarb narthoa wbenertr a aarrtinhall bt Btldl ami Ibd w lib the Nir t .iy ol I Mi.

Tj RON T R Boag h- - barled tn Toledo ye.,terday, Im fnntral aaa bnpoalnf (

Ibo lata One, Waihbnra of V. rmonl wa burl d1,1 R da vofb rdti i i . funeral wu alb tided hiH in 'he Leglillturt ano m uriy ah tho btattoOleiri.

Mr. f Biirr.ti, Mtany yeari a proajilnenl nbynyber o tin Block RgeMaa e, died tr nOdcul) nrjednraday ntgbt, at hi. ra4denta Iq roru eigliih

Pyeti He i a ii native of Beii Fhiip. Ma.-- ., w rt hrhid bhi eooatr) hem. itead Hi waa .:. yearv ol ag


a nanny nnrklngnwiia Journal la to bn Marled laBrooklyn on about Iht Ul oi Marob. u idtr ' bi it i

w ! AVi'iaftr,fudge Bene. In I tiua romlemned the haik did.

tnidln lor a ol it Ion of tne iut U u- n.a-- ti r A llltuiIOWBI'. who had bWUgg) d &Ufi a Dftb "1 ClglPt.

.lohn Burke vvna Inid y.'ai and atnl to the Pernteiidmr for tii" nioulht by Juaiiei vTaBh,yetteiday.lot n leii phng io nir-- no ket. uuriog a tnneial inTrlnllj t'barin Iml Baturd iy

The aaoaintBl for paring bahirtnrybnrn ilieel(Irani I tlnton lo FlothiahT at nne wtia kieoiaoa i atno nt, n. .ini. nini tor pat ing riri plaet. from mini,

ii. ury itreet, witti int am . V3,'c'.The RroohlyO Board Bl Edttinllon bn a lli"j and

a rlmth-ad'-r- and he Lu in a King. Hon n imy tilmen. he. me e inloi lain, ieattd in Ini l) Hail amiCourt ii to ia . I learned bj an one taking itivpainii

radward Beardaley, tba nil" of vvm. i Howe.Ihe forget, yeterda) pleaded gullli n the Court oiBotaioiuT, 'iml wu- - ten lent ad tot lit t'en.ii nliart for lour)ir fi.ontha and twenty-nin- da. I n. n r

geriel, wlurh amauuled lo were couunituu oiin W diUinal'uruh ( it. 1 on, lland and l'ar, NiIfOI ,1 BatiVa Hoar hal lanitnal hlv hall.


tunius nrnr: mmr nr mr.

Hew Trlnllr I'bnreb Knhli. d ihe Ilrlra olAnoeke Jitu Coufeaeloo of her t ouiiaelItlr. Ogden, to Mayar llnll.

A few dnvA ego Muycr Abraham 0Rat1 nudean arrantemant with hla frlct d, OoMVrfaelf M Og-

den. one of the eounvl for Trinity t bnn h, to uehi office, a Manr, In aaaerting that the chrrch had

a clear title to Ihe leal Batata, no vmued atnOO.lKMt, which ahl hold. Mr. ftgdrn. nl the aolici-- !

at Ion or thr Mayor, prepared a abatement of thetitle, which Wat d to bll HOttOf w.terduy, nnd

waa aaoaequenily m iniiohh d and given In ibo re-

porter for lha ptarit Mr. gden ackuow' thatAnnekitTana owned the taleabhl BCtti eitendlngfn i.i Roblnvon nrret in Cbrtitopbtf llreit In liot,OM held by the church; that ahe devtaed It to her

Bteea tatldfin, and died in that vear ; tbat nme

nail of her children aMBRti d a deed la MtO to thethan QaVfinar Lovotatv, and that the church aubaeftMitfy aatored ana r the dead, '.nd held n a tt nant

in common with ihoBi of ibedrweeea that had not

ro:.veyd the property, or with their :that one of the deacendunt ol the bt lr who had notr RVtytd 11 o nroperty to OOT, l.otnloee, Mr. Hog.ircii Inatltnted atml igatoal tti rhurch lo reeoverhi- - purl f thg pr j , rf and ttie rnorl decld' d thaiIhe chiirrh' lire ant baaed MpOII iidverae DO vol

vut and waa good 0 all inteBtl nnd paiBOtC.That a Ibwyet of a great Chit-d- i m church ahouldiit-- tht Mayor of tbl cii to proeialni boldlf tt.TtIhe prot rty of the chorea wn- - not e- nvt ved lo itbv am in- - aanirt, ana Ihnt it bad aVnad ttie heirIn recover ti ouilrg a period of one hundred undfifty year, arawet urpti-- p b lit f. Adv. ra BOmai

ion. without parohnti or taaeayeaee. atay or ilatn'e HW, bnt tt la not t hrlMian .

The Ti ilniliti looa ol the Harlem Hmteaeinn-- Tbe Jury iboi t noted Pot.

A wick ot two ng;o Clunk II. CYonare nndother nd rfatob oh n, C e well known ggndhtgalfor Hupervlaor. for fi. rhe Valnt o: eervlce r baefrd during fhe election MWinalga. The eae waa lefore .lti.tice Hur'uian'a C. nr t tu Bouatwn atreel, butthe Hon. .Incob tlemtuided a Jury, and a pitttpt Le

mt ul wui giMnted. The cnae MTM i,y ryguln yeetenlaynd a jury wna prcent. Jct-- wr,a there with hi

c .fudge PblUlpa, md am ariltuMj ftal t'ietrial flu ii Id protatd. ru ai tMn s rf mltee llartn anInlormeii 1dm teal the jurv were to bonotd for ibcirBtn lota, aVBOnb wilted und akr for a luioiur lot-poa- t

nil lit for one week, ti ennhla bimio galhef upnote to meel thia new demand BBOB hi tabaiateatreaai.ry. Tie ic wa aicoruitgiy put oh gntll


I'rarrr Inr-roo- m llilic, nnd till HardI uAer h - n u" Knof,a baa its wickttll man aaroth, Ilia imme la "Jimmy" Item

n, and p hotel there. The h ,; - ot Jgaglnanai i paaayaatoR of Jimm)- - br n om,

bad nn t Qa the i ha Iter. Mr Ke--

i I tuBai of bbl aenoooj in la I retoti thereon nfadnaadny etealni under aomianni nanteorabli

irtnniatanei -- At one tab4a waa aeatad nimonJpifiVer. whhc in 11 adjoining nom w re the btlhard -. and It tbi bar tb.e inclined to Imln j A

rabbi wan prot un d ufu r a th ! of laan b, hymnarm pang, ' shall we fjathct 11 thi Rirrt T1 altaruhic'i prayetl and aajM nation foi Utwed until ioP M.

- -- aa- -

Itrllllnnl RalertalaateBl In I'meraon.tana i 1 n Thataaay eventna, nt the

' baganl tabyttali gatal of Me aad Mra. Thooim Bari . raan, N tw r Mr J. 1. t m; 'mil

i tt io. i r protif b ee tp Mlitai Rtatl Mt ai.JMr, Boqi t. n Mi tad btn nTra.fl t..w0ip , Mr

1r Il r . I. nr Hit. V .a l e,. .

01 a w fork Mint titer, ci ie, k M'knapu. of llarhtniach RMi- - f.itte Hovper, Mi-- s m iulowniy. Mr Kobt. Barbonr Mr Joan BarUjfln"), Itotfbll, lrpland; and Col U m A. Butlpr.

Tbe flpern Hall ui Tie AeudThe rand "pern ball at the Academy of

Mult la nigTit. in polt t of numb' rt in itfteaanareantblng but a inootM, beta Wet! a fen

prirttj ft.ttuttK. three 01 foi.r Nt..cmna if theOpera Bot.f MJ e oi on at, BBBal al itapfatl even.ngtollei, wnh n" at milking, M d ttai

all Wit U gent :m n ma Win r wa at tne-- 1

a hotly avoidetl. The corn my r int. howart r, inpii to ti Jay Ihatn "It ra all tnt a re fortt.- nippip room ifT'irdcd lor prom-- m and fl'i'in;.

The granrrna of ibe I h a- Timrnoment.Thi Bi oklyn Obeaa CTna Tonmaaitnl "b"wathp

Bgltonhb reaalti to th day K. K B:fi JEinp-- hmW'-- !. eu e- - iod ot none Mi keiuio ho won H

and bjai 1 . r. Am Ottber : -- t indi 19 B ; Ur, Wb H

t: - p won nnd t Iml R Belniai h wim andloot 1 i t r n wvn t and loot bandd Mnaoawna

h JMMtH r.

The Canard Compa y h tirra ?. to tinJertet Clll I rf li. p.triint nl.

A New York ackman am flo'-- $ In Jeraetay ) t aterdaj aftomowM f"f Bvttrtttaa ai

tbi tarty.The Hadtaa Coooty B ard of oai Pteebotdeti

taraeattt diraatipgtm t ropru-i- of ratabtkbingtckoot IbJ t' MM tue tefoi n.atlon id Juvendt eriintnalc

A Ifbt bt iweer t n iraiiie t ch owned n p. ctiveIr t r an .Ml rinau art n iponibet ft the Hudaon ( ii)board of Kd uea lion a lint ,. t m Hud-o- n L .ly onAutida

Charlea Phlliioa, whi wa horapwhlpped recentiBt nr t te Jtnei i ill leery boaat ht a yoaai gin, ay itrrdat coBtieted af an aeeaall aud ratierv he hadpr ,ou-.- ) timoulted on ttie gtrl Be wa- t otenced topay a Bm of 19 Btidla bt troprHO'itO In the Bui1 nUonniy J;i thirty ii

yf ULMO IO dCCi&Slfn,H reman, a train broker, of M.mtiliii,

V 7.(dlediani Mar Sfoanltnt. lloboxri oBWedoeadav.iaviri' f l ii Vblll ..'li mriing t gt I on b"i.rd aMoiri ami fi i u in n I0B

I.oU I. lOOy, a lr ike-nt- MB thp Lake Chatnplalnnnd M r'ah Hal r ad, wa pltabtly klllod mar I'tiiieur i . anaraooa b) raiubg aader Iht ua n.l. g load ti lata i Bteed ottt ht bodj

The Mon Irani trei iron, dm in Rteataeld,Maat, at half'pni o'cioeg laM evtBing. am thrownfrua tin. ti nek a nroki ii ra.i near KortnaeiptAiB andore of the rati r 'led noni ho tBtnaaJnaeni fwoi a eti tujurodi but net had')

ORAKa nr nut:.rgi i

ii f. RaBjedetl'a emrMt bAannfattory In Randa. h Ma., w a burned on Tauranay mor r tug

Iart rranlng. on tLe at toed Root of 100 Ryoadany. tBOttd lJ bi sp uioo p ohiOl i till N loutll,!

Thi Rhawninl lowarlnj nrlll ir Brown' ttato,Beat Uechealer, aa buraed )ierda i

Inaurai re ItaAOi,1. Rottlnakt! cloth "g -- lore, and K Qergfl'l

Brogery. in Hbdaoa. by were burned on TnetdayBight, I a g'w.duu Inaurrd.

Tl c boainOM t rt n tt' t e town Tf Io't tiltiAAn,Ml a haa bet B bortittf. 1 he I'. i uihi e and hotel we ri-al: oiig the buUdiagi doairoyed.

Two rotton pMkrrtea, KeHtlnner! nnd CotllaiVm new Orlean, wi t hnrned yetterday l ioa(ioiChat ita Mtrtineld ocriined in tn ti.n. at.

m ys( U KMT PR i oi rr.- Mann

(lor. HiiiTro it. ha appoint d Murcni Cobb,i. , ofbitiy King, and Mr Barton, ol Men llutlo'lle, l oan ( oiniulsloner nr tVartcoeaiur DOnaty.

ciie- - Rtaaed and Henry Cotaa witi nrrotol inMorrtaania for reek Ightiae, and i llauiitmaatool t'.' r t nd In lieu ot Oad Tho Bot'gl ire .. ultne ei Ut,

Hi nr Ki' Wgb, gfl lalaUlgmOi gfirt keener utpi Imp I on Hi i ben fork, nai commit led pi Jniiwe

an pi n an on Wedui aiay, oarborgi i f - unih..g iv .1

Ham w atauu oul nl aVW in t ilea prelonrei.Onarfg Thnmpon nn.i William bntlth robbed Rm

nioot) drawer oi Mr. i ingi bottl ki-- er i Ken Unacm lie, and then Vlth a aloieli hone im ' waa n dr. ttoward nea lOti ibrie bomt alter ward tbey .eunder tpi nt it and on Uo n uav to Ihe ounti ail i ra i'ti .ii four ntoBlhi. t'nu of inatn ttcapitl while 1

fK)?ROA ii. isrt.i.inua .

Ihi Hon Horati flrtetoj Ice'urel In WUIliDiburgh till i veniiig on tbe Mo .tn intlloa,

Jinret , Cototnaa. RM R'aal Inanrtonnih Mfeet.bmeatfifi aaa eonlrtbuiloi toward Ibttgitenat oiPnnn Uernrlandi defnot,

Tha Brltlah Mlnlater natlod at th Mutrlknarttwen) teiierday and lufonni-- be h.-- , retarv thai it r.M.' anip Monarob would 1111 from Portland og ludBj(Of ABMepoibji

Hutu Rnee, -- on of the lali Col. hiwm Roai. ofBridge llauipuin. ha- - hi a Ippninb d - Ain the Klfteillb li'iiK-- ol the 1 iral A eateaof I Hlatnelot ban t org,

'i hi I Inpfda flab hgeg er mmUilonad MrT imnieki.b a .c. pan i u mil leugiiinortrait olMr. Mar ah u Ibihena I' ilni-t- 4 aod prtt'.i-i-

to tn- a hrni rale p ciiu.1 p, Heibody, Rag .tne only broth OT Of the late

t rge ltahndy, Ii the aneat nl hi im torn. Ueorgi11 IVnbodr, of lha tlramorej I'ara lliue. and Artnur,i iva'-"d- of Hie Krevnari Hooio.

I he Hi lt. Warren I,, land, Mih Meiropiditao II. ilei, Beid to Haratuga tcatei ia to ,.. rtonall) tui thifi nd ttii prei dou of the Un eollagta on ll.e l jrouLd. nnlch art lo bt uiyl by '.be Uuipretabugvalt Btll luumer

'MM r ryiK

Konrhtna Iow lha Pneoeoaira oad Moltreeilua tho aeomea - Tbe Iferrera ofI. lie oa ibe Mvemeel Moore-('barg- ee

Before Commlaoioaer Oabora.1 ho four acamcn of tbe ahip Neplune, who al-

leged that tbey were cruotly beaten hy Captainand h.a Iwo malea oa the late paage from

Liverpool, are now iug in Ibe Iong laland addtttou to tbe eight aUtemcuia alrrady publikb-ed- ,

Mimael MrIonrell, Samuel Broun, M'm .Toneand Arthur RMMBdefl hae added (he weight of Ihetrtf aa to tht ruat cundii' t of the Curtain toaygffd hla crew,

Copt. Pe.ihndv, It aprear. hot on lateral formeraieenton! botn arretted on aaalhrf chargee. On theMth nf May, laafi ba am girnlynfd befbra OnMrdRtnlaj Conyreltttoi er Oibon on toynptabil nf T..oa

twrdtn, one of hie teamen, who accnaealbim of aatTultlng blm with a belaying pin. The complain mtfading lo ai'boar. the mat waa dUmiMl m da...n, 1011, h vsaa bi 'nre I'ntled Statew Comm'aalonerMtillweillor eiandnaiton on a alnnlar chart ndeby Am- .- H! chard", another m .imnn The Commlainner cannot now remember hy be Wm dbTibargOd.Mra. Kllggbitb Findtay, who n h In Hinder I

Point, and who w a a oarrer on Ihe Neplune fromLlverporl in the ikH of IhflH, am In her pmMIBbn amaaairlpt cop nr an atldreaa drawn up by her fellow paacrgrra re'attng to dipgd eruelllea practicedupon tbi in by Caot. Peabody during tht: tOfnfa,Prt.m thla add re a tt would ap'ar that thia mde1ahfptnaaU r fount! apectal dehsht ll kuocking downhi- - i itaeagefl of b.dh actea, deluding them witnaater Irani a boar, baatlnf th.-- rrtoacntry wltb arope'a enaf, and iioi'raa iing tawfltnl unrtf Btlownnea

f food m l water.


Tbe (Mt aiaera of Ibo lleof nnd Dwnab A nt luioOutulrip Ihe Kavela Hi.miin. ibe MabtOttl. In bin faiorr

A miltjua and ii. (creating' perform-

ance Wm w dm Mid lat night In the Dt af and IhimbA i in Ol One Hundred and Btity .erondatrpi t, by

a uniqu and Intirrtttpg nudh nee. In del,the audience n.orc lntereat!ng IbBM

the (etiitointme, although that cm.medjuatly a good glare of onc'a atteniion." MasnkrnH waa thr n n of Ibe dice played, andWaa preparnd b Mr. Hyba. a tenrher In Ihe Aol un,and bltoleU dciif mute Maiulon" llaplf tbtNight OnrtanR QaalMef the Myvtle Tomb;" and

tt tbtrt npprared In the play p nmjrtl, klngx.fiaheimon andiuany kmda of goblin, demnne, and

moutei. T ie an :1c effecta n qu'teoredrtabl prennryd, nnd were well reOttrnd by thi )mpathetic pectatorw. Thepart In tha perf. nnance were alt filledby pupita of ibe Ineiilution, of thela ii wood Literary oeiaton. an it la railed. Theplater i cing deaf mule-- , tbe play wa nenaiarlly apaotoailmo,

'ITiei e aa a nnlnralncae ahont the act In, ibnt oonMnot mail) lave hoto attntnett hv bt ins with onrfeeipower of fpech. 'Ibe capnaelon In tne taeew ofMiiiiu of the acti r waa admirable eapee laitythrough the afm wna a grout deal o'

c niryed to tl p p etainra. Onre in a wnila I performer would hrt-a- out into a kind ot

lOnnd I Cut when tome thoiignt duncull tn ht- port rwed bt geturt or changeto feature wat to be con eyed 0 the audit nee, thedeaf and tiumb alp) abt i m nld tnvobantarily be reBOrted io. aud waa readily untie raloed b the peehUoft

Around t tie ltdtl of ih hall, tind acatlered hereand t4tn Ihrotigh it were atrangi-r- ...... had coiueto h ok tn. md inviti d gueata ttiey bar- - ni thingto do in ihi report Bm m the badyof tie hall aat the nni.tiiin g paptll of thi AafInat,boy a and gnla together, and hire and thereyoiiug man and ladle. They watched thtit erfr.rTnanro w ith eager Inter. t. Ttielr dphalt -- a letng eiprrwaed M atraug

' aonnda und ebaebJ I, widen, not being heard i

by thma a1out ih. uj ttrt an trow ued I

down girt wetid atari now and then I

bnrnt tali a bind iugh, wh-- atrvakIy ob ea not med lo ench ieObBM ,ati 'i a eu I a ' 'iic Whia th orta n I

hafl bylh l OA r bat BOii draw i boa Iham tt t e

Ukjei ltd fiy ; N it a nannd bardi; wm to bt boarin the wn. 'vi m l t f t , ia wn going on.

One trained hia enra to hear tho bnfi J. I abbn v it filled tin rooiu, Bo e)r glaneiunio man) IT..,' era triegrapnlnc a' out what liad

b tn aaaa, but not whlapr to be heard. I

In parti ol the bar. the pupil 'Ibnod up ar-- tflegi anb d to e ieh o' u

Wh thnt Nt w tork indtoiwr.-- would ,ke to I

do In Iht ir tbinrva. A' i loo y Mt Irtailged y the ptrtoi nyanta

LOKfl ( l A Di4B

vt ii Onoh, fornwrlr Ruaton Agent Rmion. Loan laland b iv:' mr. inttd bmcai for tnt u,hlaind Rnnri vd m wM jurn r

Mow tank Loejfi, Ro. bfw, I o. of ft. T e byrtnlntdr Ind i n h) In the Urrxnpo nt Beu-- OB w MBiMaBItt m lag.

ii tts of tM tBVMM.

The Tni'v HigimeLt rcettevl io thelln tiy :ai nithi.Kvenb g irbeat Mo, li, aaei TaMRty iieinth otrntt,

cxted laai all il

Tbe Artoai bai int -' I !vat night in the Qartnaii. RAaa nbl) Ibe u.

B Comnani, mr nnih dance in theArmory on the aveuiog of Marrt) V

1 he Karly Cio-m- g lrr GoOda Cltrka dane In Irrlug Hal' on tnt nn Di of the l ; ih Inat.

Tin Boot ami Mhoe ptateta Kuril t loalnga lit meet lu ( ottln nle' Hall thla ereau.g.

m I) rbvlon, No n. of T . win geto-bra-

W'eti Uk'o'- a birthday b a grana halt Ml ihe L)riuRail,

The tenth quarterly ronvenlion of Grand Iitrict.So i I ii of o. 1 ., will mt t m IViry lodge room.Pen u

Tbi member aftln MetbodlatCbnrohln Attorneyf i en;oi ed a 'una., 'a; OlettalamtBl and auppei lattitaatng

The Rat Wm 11 iVrdht.-- loettired on " Jerutvtihin and Without, " ui lha Kuiy t&n 1 itreii

1U l ChttfOh i"t tvemng.Pri Moyea leetarm on "How we and

wm. What bee, lllmttaltd, in tht rooiu of M ja C. At t .tttou lo nlghi.

flr- -' a nu-- ball Of tbt third Aver no Ballroa' belief Ataoelat'oa tokat InBravu 11

Hull oo tfii eveultig of ihe IMh in-- t

Tmt CrafUnMni taiga. N RU P btl . Mannounce h grand muaietl an t hinrart entertainmentan melimtOM all, on tht ih Itmt , tn Lvfll Hall.

The Priendl Boni of treliad and tha Knighla ofsi Patrick in WitnaiTO'btirah cveb.ailu hiPatnckl Uay. bach tw.eiy wdi hato a bai. aud bauanet.

fg4JtKf fMOM "kilts TMLMBMAFM,

(kit hm ve'oed tin Itilladt Iphl.v Meln'poIbanPollre tun.

The Virghni Hoove Commltue yantagidvt aualn! the imandinonta.

A conyeji'.rvn oi tne Ov lri'd people of Tvn itttei!V SlaemuTi a sha u!T aa initial tnif.Hl John Young bn bfaWfBad a pacific letter 0

tt.e laadtri of thellod Itlve reboiiwOHr .1 C Hall hetan B RpH -- tilt pienluv agUnat

tn l'ltiMbui gh PmiMii Ing h dinvL'n ui pji iXo

n i Dotinnyri .1 hm taeetetd permltaloi to rtatlNew T or', u Hh the Mon an h ou til a a) to Annanvd:

Ti.t remptranoi tarty ol lAttemtrr, n n,nitu'.gVl at d ai polnu-- a Mg'lance

ItTbe Korea t Clll Lead Work of haletn. Mailii i b ii Ptiat lol in attegt I lolatloc ot me rnurm

law.l(- aolnttOMi bate bt n lnirodtice in the CalltotB i

I e.''atiire for itiv rttpeai of thti Intnrnat Kennne la a

The reunion nf the (Md nd New Bel I' Prr thtt.i ian ton n io. en no mora m 'a t.n-;- onwi lamdai atiBlag.

In tbi Virgtnli Ugilaturc IMlirdaV lime- - M.Bouahl w ii glee i a l s- cietiy .f riau , an I tTUllam ft

Tayior t irst Anditoi1 omnttaalontr haa acoepted the p'au pre

M'liledhl Wia A wimU-n- A Sow Vora, foi cancella-t- liB of lute .in al vmp.TheOtttb ol unVawm idntlnUlirfd yiiterday to

Lituteaant'Oaveruor lleadoci oi Vat'aont, who aaooteditbetatiOot wiMbirn,

H. aalh md Prod Vonernne, of Clilc.i.'O. whoI'alui aa iBtrttet ta the i ardla cotnt, artwotiace themat Ivoa ittidt i. luannla1 tntl dnpin ittt to r irr.

Thi roucrogntlon ol the Co a' atn el church. Montreal. have th tiled to ttvo Ur Burn, of Chicago, a" call. Witt nn oner of ft.npo par lanum.

Cni.lwell waa a tin before the Ih. lhe Court Inloronio ytaitrdiy. a plear ca-- o tor romiuttlal wm

i. adt "Ul, and the ea. Bdjottrat I our le to BtorrovDttl mg a Rapaj Ntwtin three - Mgloycm

of a hotel tn Humboldt. Tana... oa Wtdifday Bight.Mit. nobblai tiui rlvuaij If noi tataliy InjnTtd

The body ot Ideal Otn. Wyndbanj hm irrlrad inMontreal, where a wilt he depoailed In th Mount

Ceim t ry unl.l prli., ti a H be Coimyidto Koglaud.

The pttddl ng furnace In Mt ra RV whmd'a rollingmill) in luUare armnie, I!, ladtll Bt Ct ' ded yattiney tnorniot, eratterlngthi moiu-- iujiu' loa.tdiiei-Iuiuh, ho one atah jnred

Rdward Lynlpb htaolit, a brother f Lord iidei b j t tn tan rlty. n ronbt mr Man raaebv

co, Japm- iii an m on (In li to be a Aby Mr. I rrni w. yield, of city.

Al Hin billiard mat. b In Milwaukee on WedueadaymcliL 1'arkt-- won the laad hi thi raic.e. wLic.-- be B01 PIot winning In lweut eight minute by lrMto t:l fohit oppoueni, Kllier. Klmei'i nighoi run waa 1.

Th- Hon. AnuU J. Parker and J 11. ftelkregha- been eh ct. a Truileeaof tin (Virnull UuHertU)Ihe 11 u waa Bleared - ...i of AnnCulture, and John L Metft, Ml. Prv4wwot of Microcopio balance.

THK OLD WORLD'S NKWS. 1tot m jv.i roi.Kfiv'M rr.nvt KxtTtn


Oavlnona Warde In lb C'eeno LealalellfNear Oalbroeb on Wedneadoy Night BagRveryihlng -- md ia be Qalei Tha Calmwhich the ttiarai- - Kerliemenl Aa

Ma reel Ilea.1'vnn. Kcli. 10 In lha Corj.t I.eialutif Ifa

Bap, M. Marrrln MUrieter nf Fine A it a, toanawt r to IM liitirp- Uathn regard'ng tbe dt.cnmeataMMiaRtg from tne lr6bl?ti Ol Ibe (.overnment, aaldthat aame lot i re uf Napoleon I. were battbe were In aueh haada that he would take the raipomlbilBy of byatlng it i in Ihifi Mr K rAtrywa aaaMMaoad with tbl aaahii libra, and lanfReRthat the pr rent ( a mi i Bo 1mg' r a t tt.117 Mine-try-, bnt bilOaffcd to the Court. For Hillthe lypputy waa tailed toofdeff het he continued,deelaring thai t would he getter to hare tenarchive for the d.teurnent. proving that th peeaent Napoleon .nil to r rraot the h tidera nf thtLaglabltlei Body. I he Preldeal here inl rrnptadM. Kcrllry, nnd refused to allow hint In proceedwith hi remark.

The journal i .Wi t bgl hei n aeipj and iti.BrectAr arretted.

The rnmor that M. lYevrat PuMdol i lo go toWrliingtoB aa Mlntetor of Kiuncela contiadtcted.

The citj r tr u tiuli. There i t airong fit ting olPgrlletntal under thr BMrteOi. bal the ampfe

of the Uovernment prevent tnt manlfeata-tto-n

of It la aaid that at tht hoilnnlng aithe pn t nt trouble, the Kmt.cror and hin ataff lafull uniform were prepared, if the i.ot Uiame anInaurreotutn. to Join Ihe trcopa. Aimed tiollee areBatfOtflni the tjuurtt r lately occupied by the notere.Unatoei Plonnni hm noi yet n irraatod it umid to have tit d to Belgium. The grand h ill g theTnMerira. announced for la.-- l t vetnrjr, wa-- . t

on Btetynnt of the !lnrdrr.Set. rat gttomptl were nude la1 nlglil Ui ralm

barr.cade In the Ranht urg Temple and HclleviUntbut were del", at id by thg tllll Ml dc ViMe and thiirhuhttimta themi- hi I,

There waa iondtrab1e eieltement among tbtpeople during nnd lat ett nmg. The e

were active. dK)eraing crow.: hi re nnd therehot no Ontbteakl tecum d. Many arreata weremade. The military waa a1o ont in Raee, hut taerv'c.,iwcie r.ol needed. By 1 o'clock thia mornma the nil oe(a wer.- ncarl; oa quiet a mm 1.

Dnrini the latt agcBameM, none of tba bnrncadeawere erioulv defended. Tne troopa did not una

although many wero woan'lcd In ttie differ-ent ct llbttona between the troop aad the people.Th pwhec at one tune made a obarge with drawwtworda, durlnt which one policeman wu aenonslynoundml

Prime MtnXer Ollivler, ,,J M. Vnldrome, Mmlateroftht Interior, the Rmp ror it threeo'clock yeted:iy morntir( In relation to ihi eventbnlag fn m t'ji niht'a filatuibvuce 'Die etcite- -

ateni iptani to MarmlOm, where a few irrmtt waremadt.

C.iKI MMr .Vf . lJf IOllt0aufivnn HoanH'a Beat Mr. flt'nd-lone- 'a

lollon lor n New Klreiloa-- 1 vreniygt raet Mnllw-a- U ll- - In ibe I, ord ThnA labaatT Clmnia.

LotfDOa, Peb. 1" In tbe Rovm nf Ixittl, te- -

iny, Lord haeiaaalr, CMrntaa nf the CnatnMtteenj

aaiu b:ila were paeAkM for the oltwenty-fbn- r pytraat rattwaya, with an azrcgata

ol IRQ miles. IB theae bllla, aeveu ri dated toUaea to baantboritid la tba atreebj of London Htad tiled thi an official Inquiry be m td on IbbJ MMb

yect. The Karl ot Kitr.Serlt-- promiaed the' tbaItovemment would make an UirmUggtiOa, TbaFat of Klmberbay ubndued tali tmana dc nottweon kngland jd thel nlted ttatoa, Mib una . nd Ibe llouat t.l) m

In the llo .e of Common Mt '

ntttice (f tl-- utrodupt. af I bill t me?. Oiop from au. ' imattaeaaui u i. e Lt lwon. Tt.. Wa.ta d " e l.. p..i--maat-- C .. .. nn' , um in the

I I ta th ln ggaraMaei of, .t aati ee had ttote atlht waa lhaI, and

be aaaa, .'' rmniorti that pafbaaeei m u- rtaabai wa tempo- -

Mr. Oradtoni maeea ttit n on nnrag aaanaId MO nr. Irr b law take a a nl in the Hon t

maui tu-- writ oftltctloi ra Tinr ' Mr lin ry Matibcwa, ntotobor tor Daagnr ,

oi ooi oa. d tin. inotbniTi e f ollmr tlvncrnl, adudttlrg that

trim am not IrvnauMj Nld th.t actertbeleaiattmhea, ami anrtetotn Ini atotton wat

wlthlu t,t bow on oi Un llonne.Mr Johmon nadi apteeliajmlntt Ibo motion,Mr. Ualaorat Unrdi irgeed thnt if lueaanrm o

no miter ol the lloue. he would M llat Ii tpubai..u. Theranret ol th Govern ntrnt m than eiaawould iberetote baea hiaaupioti,

i r Hound, h Palmer onnonrtrd 'n the nt uyton tgpr taed by tl halbMtorOaaarnt

Alb r ipmtbeB agniul tne inot.t.i fron V.aara,Ronvrria ind Gregory, a TOtt nu ttken, w Itk bnlfollowing reault :

For Mr. Ola tvlone't motion mA;:.d.t gt

Rotlot waa gtteii of a bill provkding ur aof the Min', and making the ctinnrel-h-- r

of the Kirhequer txofHcio Master of the MiniMr Monpil, t"nd r Soc.celnr lor the Colonlm, re-

ferred t ttie Hi d River r. and htlilbaledih oopoit1on there to (loreraor m i io hit (

mlanircaentallou of hla no a em. He aaid in .truc-tio- n

i.i been forwnrded to the Governor.

ri. iff:.t rMOM rue OCJSAS C IBAMThe (Penmen. fil OoBOitl ia deOged with pel111 BBI

from the i. all. can (Urj) tin Uogna p Canal 1mfalllblltt)lamacl Puahi tht V err nt tht

hubli'.n.- Con ibe b p h r the co'i-- : ruction f the ironc'ad. hut d' tain tht retebT.Vipim of 'in rofffft tfAnmtonrm tantotalngi

.bin o- M.o canon oi rai.ii lofal lb It) beenedaatra&nnilcakt tnt iviorflcein Uobmliit Rranib JKirargjaaal bai -- ent intnorlty to

Uie gr auTah WlnlTc it Wgblug lo make trratir olpea . wtlh IM republic vf V'.'Ulb A:'. flea,

Thi Ylemfgalf Eg) pi bat BjOMloJad to tend bMlf..n c id To T7.h t if.Rnopti on" ff w dd 'hirriv- - mMttfaetnrad fai in

joitlMiH AtlOVT PfiiiBmm

Kn Rnrn nagfl noouda) aoyetoi wm nrbabli mit d yeaterday.

JaOOb Ilerlachi r, gged IA Wm 0 nnd dead hitroom. t Rtaoava iirat t, ytatornay

'li.e Kvangelicul Alliance iml in theh.hofthiV v i A .tnl) Tt. Ron. W. faodgt uaitlttted lie d Mti

The eieamrr XVoratra. wldch mllld from thlamtUTl Ihaf? 7 TtTSTT!.", ". i'.ITST

back will lie ti her ern aOtt and i uddifIt, for. tbe Medic Legal och tt la- -t et.mng He

R4tnaalfBdB rid Pntnleu -- 1 h.- nw-- t hnnortaaligiif iu 30 Itr. i ng w 'i ihi r a Bean a botfl adve or

dead "

Twenty U ree repfill HalltT a of Mfij iMttynaeiand I met i rMnpaalet Wl t in tbl Olty 'ay to .utthat th maiona rf the Cc unmet of Inauraure maybo ooen to the public.

vYaabiagton Harrtnaton wnn annrlilad i. thitorn al Mperlal Be to at rmte dat of ' lalalnt moeei

un m fnltt prHenee , d wat ant d u ait mt ninrmpnaonmtnl and ta ra) a tine ot ijo.ii- Peirnltnm Bonrd oi Trade m-- '

BOntraot a d ncu'v on ruteeillnj afternoon. i ibniwhai trading m - . tatrtjia.and it very itrlil Mltk rugatd to di iicnc-- .

Th' hotly n Antnel Ranabter, a mitehtnl of Hniart whnwai kiitad oa dan .jh on tht

Cnion Partfifl Rw road, w tn rouftlo Fr inrl eta fjw aa oronght jr. to thi etty j ent iday lor ii lenuani.

Jo-- , oh Morgnnllnakl, aged To, who wn irtvaiidfor Intotle atloa and twinery , dtvdtiidd ) cm Wed.naadai ulgbl fiiJelftiiun Mivkel prion, ind Jmeeklie: laebcr, aged vt, a n t and d- ad In bt i at Bo ouMa

Tbi atrtii-tie- a io file In tbt "tfl Of Ihi flor.l olllenii b ilanw that tho tola nnmbet of im ill tg caaeiin dw Lilhiku p aj, n ne tenth nl Vblth an; in ' in KalII. into net Fhve i.t h uto were n pin rn? j oawrny twr naraon havvdltdilnct Nat tr.lay.

Collrtior B itt ; Hotd valla rlerday agtUnalIbe I r th if ai'i iillc n i. raph Bipai t o rae t w i altka in om bun ired ra l 'n wnti n ibe ompan are accnt I ol tlvlni un lain peg reotlpp) fbtu t to t iir ptltibl fht I'll" lor each thdaiion

I'l ho fir- - Bremen mull ipokon of u ... r oi 4

lib a- - rei n !b fn one log tdfrel-M- In- -

eudeH ' ' le the regular Bremen mail ol rnrradayand Ihi mi. .n mti of patorday, both riiTlortod atloaold rati ol tie. per og. ihe vau mw nmoani taBboul Md. i

Thi a met leag Inat it m p ph elloB rtordiy re.tilted p the choice of llorai tir.-- . ht, Praaldiwil w ML

Had. CharieeP Dalv and Nathan C liy, Vhr Pn bdou I Uei-rg- l't)ion. aaei la) e m.aell min an Correaponding heeP'trt-- ) , r Iti onibiock, rrtmurer.

U ude Wm Rgan. ggid IR, of RtM vtiil Tb'rtyklatb treet, waa riding on to,, ol n Broad t aod

Plreeltiagi tjalcrdai', aaoihci n ruinli It and kunrgi-- hn og. i lie Ik.) fi ll nt d r hafront a hi el, and wa It a. d about bv. feot,nd waa

ei) aeiioualy injured bil'.rtt the tinge i I'd hi

Win. C Powlei h a a biv mare wdh W fi Dleket,to bo in (ha lath r'a rtdtng apailami fut her bOAPd,a bp n Itemed, ihounh Mr. birkelc altlt IhBl be waa liu her.and to he na.d for kt cplu. her heaidea, ami re

. .1 to italbit tin' aiiit. ot.tinui m l. i ym oFonlnr intni.ed the aad ol tba iaw ! tCuun of Cwiuievii C:a reaictday gave a. u at.rUi4