Ingles aula 5

CURSOS ON-LINE – INGLÊS – PROF. CARLOS AUGUSTO -1- AULA 5 LOOKING FOR COLLOCATIONS VOCABULARY PRE-TEST First of all, veja se consegue correlacionar A com B: A B 1. aluminum producers a. ( ) implantar mina de bauxita 2. amount of the investments b. ( ) milhares de empregos diretos 3. reinforce the growth c. ( ) produtores de alumínio 4. implant a bauxite mine d. ( ) balança comercial 5. thousands of direct job e. ( ) elogiou o gerenciamento 6. trade balance f. ( ) reforçar o crescimento 7. praised the management g. ( ) montante dos investimentos Text 1: Alcoa announces it will invest US$ 1.6 billion in Brazil The president of Alcoa for Latin America, Franklin Feder, announced that the company, one of the world’s largest aluminum producers, will invest US$ 1.6 billion in its Brazilian operations over the next three years. The president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, was apprised of the amount of the investments at a meeting on Friday (23), in Brasília. According to 5 Feder, Lula emphasized the importance of the new investments for reinforcing the growth of the Brazilian economy and creating jobs. The investments will serve to expand the production of the Alumar Consortium’s aluminum oxide refinery in São Luis, Maranhão, by more than 2.1 million tons; to implant a bauxite mine in Juriti, Pará, with an initial annual 10 production of 2.6 tons; and to modernize the aluminum plant in Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais, the first Alcoa factory in Brazil, functioning since 1970. These investments will generate 6.5 thousand direct jobs and contribute US$ 400 million per year to the Brazilian trade balance. The global president of Alcoa, Alain Belda, who also participated in the 15 meeting, praised the current Brazilian administration’s macroeconomic management. Alcoa is active in 43 countries. In Brazil it has seven operating units, which are responsible for approximately 6 thousand jobs. (By Ana Paula Marra, Agência Brasil, Translation: David Silberstein)

Transcript of Ingles aula 5

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LOOKING FOR COLLOCATIONS VOCABULARY PRE-TEST First of all, veja se consegue correlacionar A com B:

A B 1. aluminum producers a. ( ) implantar mina de bauxita 2. amount of the investments b. ( ) milhares de empregos diretos 3. reinforce the growth c. ( ) produtores de alumínio 4. implant a bauxite mine d. ( ) balança comercial 5. thousands of direct job e. ( ) elogiou o gerenciamento 6. trade balance f. ( ) reforçar o crescimento 7. praised the management g. ( ) montante dos investimentos

Text 1: Alcoa announces it will invest US$ 1.6 billion in Brazil The president of Alcoa for Latin America, Franklin Feder, announced that the company, one of the world’s largest aluminum producers, will invest US$ 1.6 billion in its Brazilian operations over the next three years. The president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, was apprised of the amount of the investments at a meeting on Friday (23), in Brasília. According to 5 Feder, Lula emphasized the importance of the new investments for reinforcing the growth of the Brazilian economy and creating jobs. The investments will serve to expand the production of the Alumar Consortium’s aluminum oxide refinery in São Luis, Maranhão, by more than 2.1 million tons; to implant a bauxite mine in Juriti, Pará, with an initial annual 10 production of 2.6 tons; and to modernize the aluminum plant in Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais, the first Alcoa factory in Brazil, functioning since 1970. These investments will generate 6.5 thousand direct jobs and contribute US$ 400 million per year to the Brazilian trade balance. The global president of Alcoa, Alain Belda, who also participated in the 15 meeting, praised the current Brazilian administration’s macroeconomic management. Alcoa is active in 43 countries. In Brazil it has seven operating units, which are responsible for approximately 6 thousand jobs. (By Ana Paula Marra, Agência Brasil, Translation: David Silberstein)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -2-

TALKING BUSINESS! Mesmo correndo o risco de soar repetitivo, quero bater um papo com vocês a meio caminho do percurso das dez aulas. Não ter o contato direto com vocês, falo do contato olho no olho, talvez esteja sendo minha maior dificuldade nessa primeira experiência em Cursos on-line. Sei muito bem da responsabilidade do seu momento. Já estive nessa. Há muito tempo, é bem verdade, mas ainda lembro. Quando se joga uma cartada desse naipe, é difícil esquecer. Agora, não vou arredar um centímetro do meu objetivo inicial. Qual seja, o de levá-los a um simulado de inglês bem próximo do nível que vem sendo adotado pela Banca ESAF nos concursos para a Receita. Fico imaginando, por exemplo, a reação de alguns alunos quando chegam à seção LIGHTEN UP. “Pô! Lá vem o Prof. Carlos com esses textos ridículos novamente.” Olho no olho, eu diria a esse ser mal humorado – do alto da minha experiência – Não banalize os textos aparentemente simples. Neles pode haver uma lição mais profunda do que se imagina. Portanto, continue dedicando o tempo que puder ao nosso estudo de inglês. Garanto que se você procurar atingir os objetivos que propusemos, você chegará no dia de sua prova muito mais bem preparado /a do que há 2 meses. Reforçando alguns pontos já famosos: the little word ‘of’ aparece 10 vezes. No texto sobre a Alcoa faça uma vez mais a busca das palavras transparentes, assinale 20 true cognates. Já comecei a busca para você: President, Latin América, announces, company _______________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Naturalmente, o texto 1 foi escolhido por motivos didáticos. Namely: por causa dos verbos no futuro que pretendemos revisar na seção de gramática, e,principalmente, por causa dos ótimos exemplos sobre collocation. Na área aberta do site já falei sobre esse ponto. Rapidamente para quem não viu ainda. Collocation (não há uma boa tradução para este termo) é um tema muito abrangente. Envolve o estudo de combinações de palavras comumente usadas pelos nativos da língua inglesa. Alguns exemplos do text 1: noun + noun trade balance adjective + noun annual production verb + preposition + noun participate in the meeting

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -3- By the way, a propósito desse exemplo com o verbo participate, ele é geralmente seguido de in: participate in a meeting, in the campaign, etc. Esta é uma das maneiras mais eficazes de se estudar preposições. Portanto, apareceu um verbo, consulte um dicionário e veja com que preposição ele é normalmente usado. Estudo Collocation praticamente todos os dias. Hoje em dia olho um texto de forma totalmente diferente de algum tempo atrás. Escrevi um livro ‘Practicing Collocation’ - Como tornar o seu vocabulário mais fluente - que foi publicado pela Editora Impetus. Não é especificamente para concursos públicos, mas ajuda, com certeza, a todo aquele que quiser construir um vocabulário sólido e natural, usado por native speakers. Resolvi destacar o assunto collocation nesta aula para atender a alguns alunos que me mandaram e-mails falando da sua dificuldade de estudar as prepositions. Quando houve um atraso na liberação de minha senha para entrada no FORUM, respondi a alguns alunos sobre o assunto prepositions. Sem dúvida é um ponto onde há grande necessidade de memorization. Alguns casos, en passant: preposition in diante dos meses do ano: in January, in February, in December. Preposition on diante dos dias da semana : on Monday, on Tuesday, on Sunday; preposition in diante de cidades: in Rio de Janeiro, in Brasília, in London, in Belém; preposition on diante das datas completas: on May 1st , on December 25th , on November 15th, etc. preposition for para tempo decorrido: for one hour, for a year, for two centuiries, etc; preposition since indicando origem da ação: since her childhood, since 5 o’clock, since birth. Como já tive a oportunidade de responder no FORUM, não é muito provável que a ESAF cobre prepositions desse modo na prova da Receita. É aí que eu volto ao caso das collocations. Existem dicionários e publicações excelentes que vão lhes dar numerosos exemplos de noun +preposition, adjective + preposition, verbs + preposition. É exatamente aqui aonde eu quero chegar. Se estamos tratando de um ponto onde há forte necessidade de memorização, por que não memorizar com método? The search for collocations é uma estratégia que lhe permitirá obter maior agilidade de leitura. É só praticar! From text 1: noun + of + noun the amount of the investments verb + in + noun participate in the meeting noun + of + adj. + noun the importance of the new investments adj.+ noun+ of + noun annual production of 2.6 tons verb + noun + of to expand the production of adj. + for + noun responsible for 6500 jobs

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -4-

EXPLOITING TEXT 1 A BIT MORE 1. Procure traduzir, sem utilizar nenhum dicionário, os seguintes fragmentos: a) over the next three years (L-3) ___________________________________________________________ b) was apprised of the amount of investments (L- 4/5) ___________________________________________________________ a) to modernize the aluminum plant (*) (L-12) ___________________________________________________________

WORD FORMS From Text 1 “Lula emphasized the importance of the new investments” (L-6) No fragmento do texto acima importance, evidentemente, quer dizer importância em português. O sufixo –ANCE é formador de substantives. Outra variante é –ENCE. a) The suffixes –ANCE / ENCE Exs.: Perhaps she did not pay attention to the significance of the moment. Talvez ela não tenha prestado atenção ao significado do momento. My boss said it didn’t make any difference whether I did my job one

way or another; provided I did it. Meu chefe disse que não fazia diferença se eu fizesse meu trabalho de uma

forma ou de outra, desde que eu o fizesse. Mesmo não constando do texto 1 vamos estudar os sufixos –ANT / ENT formadores de adjetivos. b) The suffixes –ANT / ENT Exs.: Perhaps she did not notice how significant that moment was to me. Talvez ela não tenha percebido o quão significativo aquele momento era

para mim.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -5- My boss said it was indifferent whether I did my job one way or

another; provided I did it. Meu chefe disse que era indiferente se eu fizesse meu trabalho de uma

forma ou de outra, desde que eu o fizesse. Acrescente aqui outras palavras com estas mesmas

formações quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

c) The suffix –IZE From Text 1: “to modernize the aluminum plant in Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais,…”

(L-11) O sufixo –IZE é um dos formadores de verbos em inglês. Veja mais alguns exemplos: Mr. Hill is in favor of centralizing all controlling procedures at the

company. Mr. Hill é a favor de centralizar todos os procedimentos de controle na

companhia. Actually, I don’t understand why you got mixed up about answering

question 3 of the exam. Our teacher emphasized that point last week. Na verdade não entendo porque você se confundiu para responder a questão

n°3. Nossa professora enfatizou tanto aquele ponto na semana passada. Acrescente aqui outras palavras com estas mesmas

formações quando encontrá-las em suas leituras.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -6-


From text 1: “Alcoa will invest US$ 1.6 billion in its Brazilian operations over the

next three years …” (L- 2/3) A Alcoa investira 1.6 milhão de dólares em suas operações no Brasil ao longo

dos próximos 3 anos... .... “The investments will serve to expand the production of … (L – 8) Os investimentos servirão para expandir a produção de .... “These investments will generate 6.5 thousand direct jobs…” (L-13) Esses investimentos gerarão 6.500 empregos diretos … 6.1 THE FUTURE SIMPLE To express what will happen at a later time there are various forms in English. Para expressar algo que acontecera num tempo futuro há uma gama de formas para fazê-lo em inglês. Exs.: The soccer game starts at 7 a.m. (present simple tense) O jogo de futebol começa às 7 da manhã. I can call you up at 6:30 tomorrow. (modal verb ‘can’) Posso telefonar para você às 6.30 amanhâ. My niece will be 15 next month. (future simple with ‘will’) Minha sobrinha fará quinze anos mês que vem. Kelly won’t be able to go with us because she has to baby-sit for the

Larsons’ baby. (will not [ = won’t ] + ‘be able to’) A Kelly não poderá sair conosco porque tem que cuidar do bebê dos

Larsons. Are you going to bring anybody? (one form of ‘be going to’) Você vai trazer alguém? My parents are leaving for France tomorrow.(present continuous) Meus pais estão viajando para a França amanhã. They will be getting on a plane tomorrow at this time. (fut. continuous) Estarão entrando no avião a esta hora amanha. By the end of this year I will have studied (or will have been studying)

English for 10 years. (future perfect tenses ) No final deste ano eu tarei estudado inglês há dez anos.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -7- 6.2 USES OF THE FUTURE SIMPLE (WILL) a) To express simple futurity or determination. Para expressar ação futura simples ou determinação. Exs.: I will be in Paris next year. Estarei em Paris no ano que vem. (Phone ringing) I’ll get it. (I’ll answer it) O telefone toca) Eu atendo! b) To express promises, offers or predictions: Para expressar promessas, ofertas e previsões] Exs.: Can I borrow $ 20 from you? I will pay you next week. (I promise) Pode me emprestar $20? Pagarei a você na semana que vem. (Promessa) It will be hard to cope with inflation. (So I predict) Será difícil enfrentar a inflação. (Assim prevejo) We will help you with those heavy suitcases. (offer) Nós ajudaremos você com suas malas pesadas. (oferta) 6.3 FUTURE CONTINUOUS Used to say that you will be carrying out something at a certain time in

the future. Usado para dizer que você estará realizando algo num tempo futuro. Exs.: Don’t worry. You can call me back later. I will be watching the news. Não se preocupe por ligar mais tarde. Estarei vendo as notícias na TV. It will be easy to recognize me. I’ll be wearing white. Será fácil me reconhecer. Estarei usando branco. Look up in Jill’s diary. See what she will be doing tomorrow at 10 a.m. Olhe na agenda da Jill. Veja o que ela estará fazendo amanhã às dez de


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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -8- 6.4 FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE a) It tells us about an action that will be finished by a certain future date. Diz-nos a respeito de uma ação que estará terminada numa data futura. Ex.: By the end of this year Mr. Hill will have lived in Brazil for 35 years. No final do ano o Sr. Hill terá vivido no Brasil por 35 anos. b) Shows that a future action will have happened before some other future

action happens. Mostra que uma ação futura terá acontecido antes de outra ação futura. Ex.: If you don’t hurry up, everybody will have left by the time we get there. Se não se apressar, todos já terão partido quando chegarmos lá. 6.5 FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS It conveys the same idea as the future perfect in (a) above. Expressa a mesma idéia do futuro perfeito em (a) acima. Exs : Mr. Hill will have been living here in Brazil for 40 years by the end of

this year. O Sr. Hill terá vivido no Brasil por 40 anos no fim do ano. I have an appointment with my lawyer. Will she have been waiting for a long time by the time I get thereto her office? Tinha um compromisso com minha advogada. Estará ela me esperando há muito tempo quando eu chegar no escritório dela?

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -9-

MODAL VERBS: INTRODUCTION Os principais modal verbs são can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, must, have to, ought to. São verbos auxiliares colocados diante do verbo principal para emprestam nuances de sentido. Podem indicar permissão, possibilidade, necessidade, obrigação, etc. Modal verbs apresentam certass peculiaridades: I - não se acrescenta ‘s’ ou ‘es a terceira pessoa do singular: Ex.: She can swim. Ela sabe nadar. He can speak Italian. Ele sabe falar italiano. It should arrive any minute now. . Deve chegar a qualquer momento. b) modal verbs não são seguidos de to + infinitive (com exceção dos

quase-modais como ‘ought to’, usedto ...) Ex.: They should stay home. Elas devem ficar em casa. But: She ought to study more. c) para formar-se a negativa coloca-se ‘not’ logo após o modal verb; para

formar perguntas inverte-se o modal verb com o sujeito. Exs.: You cannot enter that area. Você não pode entrar naquela área. Would you like to visit the farm? Você gostaria de visitar a fazenda? d) os chamados ‘perfect modals’ são assim formados: modal verb + have (never has or had) + past participle do verbo principal. Exs.: Sheila kept me waiting. She should have called me up much earlier. Sheila me deixou esperando. Devia ter-me telefonado muito antes.

I might have stayed longer if you had invited me. Podia ter ficado mais tempo se você tivesse me convidado. They may have left for the airport already. Eles já devem ter ido pro aeroporto. We ought to have listened to you. Now it’s too late. Nós devíamos ter ouvido você. Agora é tarde demais.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -10-

VOCABULARY BUILD UP Complete with one of the words from the box: Specialized vocabulary: Banking

accept cautious down payment signature balance deductions mortgages take out borrow dividend restrict transact

Banks are not only places in which to save money or to (1) _______ your financial business, but also institutions from which people can (2) _______ money. Every day, people look to banks for loans, such as (3) _______ for new homes. A loan is essentially a contract that binds the lender to a schedule of payments, so both parties should be (4) _______ and not enter into the arrangement without thinking. Banks will look at such factors as how much people have saved towards (5) _______ in determining whether to make a loan. Banks have different kinds of accounts. Some pay high quarterly (6) _________. Some accounts even severely (7) ________ the number of times, if any, that you can access your account, or the amount of cash you can (8) ________. Today electronic banking can be used to check the (9) _________ on an account, or to see if automatic (10) ________ have been made. This can all be done from your home or office computer When you go to the bank, be sure to bring identification. Usually a bank will only (11) _________ a photo ID; a (12) _________ is not a valid ID. (From 600 Essential Words for the TOEIC, by Dr. Lin Lougheed, Barrons) Specialized vocabulary: Hotel tips

slightly chain resorts request automatically desk strict share

In big cities as in national parks and ________ (1), it is best to make reservations. Even if you are only _________ (2) late, it is wise to call and _________ (3) that the room be held since many hotels __________ (4) cancel reservations, if you don’t show up before 6 o’clock and 4 o’clock for the national parks. There is usually no extra charge for children under 18 who _________ (5) a room with their parents. Be sure your room is double-locked when you go out, leave the key at the reception _________ (6). (Except in New York and some large cities where you keep your key). At night, double-lock your door and fasten the security _________ (7). Drinking tap water is perfectly safe; sanitation legislation in the United States is very _________ (8). (From Pratiquer L’Américain, page 137)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -11-

LIGHTEN UP! Building up your vocabulary can be fun Read the following text and then do the exercises based on it.

BUSINESS ADVICE An American businessman was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied “Only a little while”. The American then asked why didn't he stay out longer and catch more fish??? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family's immediate needs. The American then asked but what do you do with the rest of your time??? The Mexican fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, make siesta with my wife Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life, señor". The American scoffed, “1 am a Harvard MBA and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds buy a bigger boat with the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats, eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise”. The Mexican fisherman asked, “But señor, how long will this all take???" To which the American replied, “15 to 20 years”. “But what then, señor ???” The American laughed and said that’s the best part, “When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions”. “Millions, señor ??? Then what???” The American said, “Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos”

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -12- EXERCISE 1 Complete the sentences with a verb that collocates with

the word(s) in bold. Model: I have enough to support (meet) my family’s immediate needs.

I (from the text) 1. The American told the fisherman he could ________ millions. 2. In NY the fisherman would _________ his expanding business. 3. He would announce an IPO and _______ his stock to the public. 4. The Mexican told the American that he ______ a full and busy life. 5. According to the Harvard MBA one advantage would be not having to

_______ with a middleman.

II (not from the text) 6. This morning I did not ______ a bath; I just ______ a quick shower. 7. I put on my clothes, _____ a light breakfast and ______ a bus to work. 8. The teacher asked me to _______ a copy of the exercise. 9. We told him we don’t have much time to _______ homework. 10. Never mind. _____ a few mistakes when you write an essay is normal. EXERCISE 2 Choose the better alternative in parentheses. 1. The American was visiting a small (coastal/ coasting) Mexican village. 2. I would like to congratulate you (for / on) your success. 3. Why didn’t you stay out longer and catch more (fish / fishes)? 4. With the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy a (flock / fleet) of

fishing boats. 5. Don’t drink your wine so fast. Just (sip/gulp) it; enjoy its taste. EXERCISE 3 Supply the word(s) as requested 1. You should spend more time fishing. Write three other verbs that collocate with the noun TIME ________ time // ________ time // ________ time 2. The fisherman did not make much money. Write three other verbs that collocate with the noun MONEY ________ money // ________ money // ________ money

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -13- 3. He liked to play the guitar with his amigos. Write three other nouns that collocate with the verb PLAY play ________ // play ________ // play ________ 4. Eventually you would open your own business. Write three other verbs that collocate with the noun BUSINESS ________ business // ________ business // ________ business EXERCISE 4 - Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition or particle. Model: S1: The American complimented the Mexican fisherman. S2: ON what? S1: ON the quality of his fish. I S1: The fisherman used to play at home. S2: ______ whom? S1: ______ his children. II S1: The fisherman would stroll every evening. S2: Where ______? S1: ______ the village. III S1: The American told the fisherman to move. S2: Where ______? S1: ______ Mexico City or LA. IV S1: The fisherman could sell his catch. S2: ______ whom? S1: ______ the processor. V S1: How did the American reply? S2: ______ what? S1: ______ the fisherman’s question. VI S1: The American said the fisherman could make/take siesta? S2: ______ whom? S1: ______ his wife Maria.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -14-

A LOOK AT PAST EXAMS ESAF /AFC STN/2005 Read the text below in order to answer questions 27 to 30. And on the election Before the budget which Gordon Brown presented on March 16th, many in the Labour Party hoped that the chancellor would thunder to the rescue of their faltering election campaign. But Mr. Brown hemmed in by the deficit he has built up over the past three years, did not have the freedom to make grand gestures. Instead, he had three fairly modest aims. First, he wanted to put the economy at the center of the election battle and to remind voters of its success while he has been in charge of the Treasury. Second, he wished to target disaffected Labour voters with a few modest electoral sweeteners. Third, he wanted to allay worries about a tax rise after the general election. He succeeded with the first, was quite effective with the second but had a less convincing case to make on the third. Mr. Brown does not do modesty, least of all about the economy. In his last budget he claimed that Britain was enjoying its longest period of sustained economic growth for more than 200 years. (Source The Economist 17th March 2005, Adapted) 27. Before the annual budget was announced, Labour supporters had hoped it

would a) redeem the chancellor’s reputation. b) be free from grand economic gestures. c) bring new life to their election campaign. d) overcome the large budget deficit. e) contain only easily achievable proposals. 28. The author refers to the deficit built up over the last three years and its a) encouraging results. b) lack of repercussion. c) worrying causes. d) limiting effect. e) coming solution.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -15- 29. In relation to a tax rise after the general election, Mr. Brown a) saw it as a political threat which was overcome b) managed to persuade voters to support it. c) intended to lessen the voters’ worries about it. d) succeeded in avoiding its negative impact on voters. e) is going to fail in his attempts to implement it. 30. Mr. Brown’s approach to his own economic achievements is marked by a) lack of vision. b) undeniable optimism. c) harmful modesty. d) undesirable pessimism e) boundless self-confidence.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -16-

ANSWERS Correlação de A /B a. (4) // b. (5) c. (1) // d. (6 ) // e. (7) // f. (3) // g. ( 2 ) True Cognates Aluminum (US)*, producers, invest, Brazilian, operations, investments, importance, reinforcing, creating, expand, production, refinery, implant, annual, production, modernize, functioning, generate, contribute, global, participated, current, administration, active. (*) aluminium (UK) Tradução dos fragmentos a) over the next three years (=ao longo dos próximos 3 anos) // b) was apprised of the amount of investments (=foi informado do montante de investimentos) // a) to modernize the aluminum plant (= para modernizar a fábrica de alumínio) Specialized Vocabulary; Banking 1. transact 2. borrow // 3. mortgages // 4. cautious // 5. down payment // 6. dividends // 7. restrict // 8. take out // 9. balance // 10. deductions // 11. accept // 12. signature Specialized Vocabulary; Hotels 1. resorts // 2. slightly // 3. request // 4. automatically // 5. share // 6. desk // 7. chain // 8. strict LIGHTEN UP! BUSINESS ADVICE Um aluno me enviou esse texto por e-mail há tempos. Não sei quem é o autor, Não sei quanto a você, mas eu me amaro no ‘besteirol’ desse texto. E se de quebra ainda podemos praticar alguns pontos importantes, sopa no mel! EXERCISE 1 Collocations 1. make millions (= ganhara milhões - poderia ser também earn or get millions // run a business (=dirigir um negócio) // 3. An IPO (Initial public Offering) – aberturra do capital de uma empresa – sell his stock of shares(=vender seu estoque de ações)// 4. he had a full and busy life (levava uma vida plena e ativa ) // 5. deal with a middleman (=lidar, negociar com um intermediário) II - 6. take a bath (=tomar um banho) / took a quick shower (= tomar uma ducha rápida) // 7. had a light breakfast ( tomei um café da manha leve // took a bus to work (= tomei um ônibus pro trabalho) // 8. to make/take a copy (=tirar, fazer uma cópia) // 9. to do homework (fazer trafas de casa) // 10. make a few mistakes (=cometer alguns erros)

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -17- EXERCISE 2 better alternatives 1. visit a small coastal Mexican village (= visitor uma pequena aldeia costeira no México // 2. congratulate you on your success ( parabenizar alguém pelo seu sucesso) // 3. catch more fish (pegar mais peixes) // 4. a fleet of fishing boats (=uma frota de barcos pesqueiros // 5. sip your wine, enjoy its taste.( beba devagarzinho seu vinho, deguste-o) EXERCISE 3 word(s) as requested 1. kill time (=matar o tempo, fazer hora) // waste time (perder, despediçar o

tempo) // do time ( cumprir pena, tempo na cadeia) 2. earn money (=ganhar dinheiro) // launder money (= lavar dinheiro//

waste money ( =desperdiçar dinheiro) 3. play soccer(or football (=jogar futebol) // play the foool (=bancar o tolo)

// play lawyer (=bancar o advogado) 4. do business // (=fazer negócios)// manage a business (=dirigir um negócio,

uma empresa // set up a business (=instalar um negócio) EXERCISE 4- preposition or particle. I S1: The fisherman used to play at home. S2: WITH whom? S1: WITH his children. II S1: The fisherman would stroll every evening. S2: Where TO? S1: TO the village. III S1: The American told the fisherman to move. S2: Where TO? S1: TO Mexico City or LA. IV S1: The fisherman could sell his catch. S2: TO whom? S1: TO the processor. V S1: How did the American reply? S2: TO what? S1: TO the fisherman’s question. VI S1: The American said the fisherman could make/take siesta? S2: WITH whom? S1: WITH his wife Maria.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -18- ESAF /AFC STN / 2005 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. E. Algumas considerações fundamentais sobre o texto And on the election, extraído de uma publicação de grande prestígio (The Economist) e de onde a banca ESAF tem repetidas vezes retirado textos para suas provas. Qual é a grande diferença entre o texto de cunho jornalístico mais light da Alcoa e este da The Economist? O campo semântico, certo? E aí voltamos ao que eu venho falando desde a aula zero, a aula demonstrativa. Não há mágica: é preciso, ler, ler, e ler! Muito provavelmente num dos textos pelo menos haverá itens do chamado “economês”. Retiremos um exemplo do texto And on the election: Budget (n.) (=orçamento). Até admito que você não soubesse o significado dessa palavra antes. A partir de agora não só budget como também o adjetivo budgetary (=orçamentário) e, se tiver comprado a minha idéia sobre collocations, inclua também: a tight budget (=um orçamento apertado), an annual budget (=orçamento anual) etc. e tudo o mais relacionado ao collocational field dessa palavra que você venha a encontrar. Devido à sua especificidade a palavra budget and ‘family’ têm que fazer parte do seu wordbank, quiça de seu HD mental, ou seja, tem que estar na massa. Tradução de alguns fragmento do texto “And on the election” (Você poderá observar que, na maioria dos casos, se trata de fragmentos com vocabulário rebuscado com as metáforas encontradas nas publicações como a The Economist, Newsweek, Time, The New York Times, etc.) 1. (Brown) would thunder to the rescue of their faltering election campaign clamaria por socorro à sua campanha eleitoral claudicante 2. hemmed in by the deficit he has built up over the past three years tolhido pelo déficit que ele acumulou ao longo dos últimos 3 anos 3. Instead, he had three fairly modest aims. Ao invés disso, tinha três objetivos bem modestos. 4. to put the economy at the center of the election battle para colocar a economia no centro da batalha eleitoral. 5. to allay worries about a tax rise para aplacar as preocupações sobre um aumento de impostos 6. had a less convincing case to make tinha aí um ponto menos convincente 7. Mr. Brown does not do modesty a modéstia não é um dos seu pontos fortes 8. was enjoying its longest period of sustained economic growth estava desfrutando de seu mais longo período de crescimento com uma

economia sustentável.

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CURSOS ON LINE Prof. Carlos Augusto -19- AULA 5 Avalie se os seguintes objetivos desta aula foram alcançados.

TÓPICOS & OBJETIVOS Raise your awareness of: Despertar sua conscientização para: I – Reading Strategy (IV): looking for collocations Estratégia de Leitura (IV): buscando collocations II – Study of text 1: Alcoa’s investments Estudo do texto1: “Os investimentos da Alcoa” III – Collocation: verbs, adjectives, nouns + prepositions Collocation : verbos, adjetivos, substantivos + preposição IV – Word Forms – The suffixes: –ANCE /-ENCE // -ANT/-ENT Formação de Palavras – Sufixos: -ANCE / -ENCE / -ANT / -ENT V - Summary of Verb Tenses: Future Tenses Resumo dos tempos verbais: Os tempos futuros VI – Vocabulary Build-up: Specialized vocabulary: Banking / Hotel

Tips Construção de Vocabulário: Vocabulário técnico: termos bancários / dicas

sobre hotéis VII– Lighten up! Business Advice -The fisherman and the expert Relaxe! Conselho de Negócios - O pescador e o perito – uma historinha VIII– Analysis of past exams: ESAF / AFC/STN – 2005 Text: “And on the election” Análise de provas anteriores: ESAF / AFC / STN – 2005 Texto: “E quanto à eleição”

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