Information Security Management.Introduction

Information Security Management Introduction By Yuliana Martirosyan Based on Bell G. Reggard, (2010) Information Security Management. Concepts and Practices.


Information Security Management. Introduction. By Yuliana Martirosyan, Based on Bell G. Reggard, Information Security Management. Concepts and Practices.

Transcript of Information Security Management.Introduction

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Information Security Management


By Yuliana MartirosyanBased on Bell G. Reggard, (2010) Information

Security Management. Concepts and Practices.

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Information Security ManagementIntroduction to Information Security


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• Introduction

• Layers of personnel around an information resources


Security Staff

Security Administrator

System Owner

Information Security ManagementIntroduction to Information Security


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Information Security Management

• Why Information Security Matters?

• Information drives enterprise business value generation.

• Information is the basis of competitive advantage.

• Assets are very independent.

To protect one asset the whole computing environment should be protected.

Introduction to Information Security Management

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Information Security Management

Information Sensitivity Classification

Information sensitivity taxonomy

Introduction to Information Security Management

Information Sensitivity

Public Information

Confidential Information



Highly Confidential


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Information Security Management

Information Security Governance

Corporate governance has to do with how the board of directors and executive management run and control a companyIT governance is how technology is used and managed so that it supports business needs. Information security governance is a coherent system of integrated security components

• products

• personnel

• training

• processes

• policies ...

that exist to ensure that the organization survives and hopefully thrives.

Introduction to Information Security Management

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The Computing Environment

Security of an information system

Information System Security

People security

Technology Security

Network Security

Security of IS Activities

Data Security

2. Security of IS activities

Information Security ManagementIntroduction to Information Security


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Security of Various Components in the Computer Environments

Protecting organization, information system , or any computing environment means following:

• Personal security to protect people• Qualification assurance• Specifications of the job• Security clearance• Screening Assurance• Authorizing of process• Security Training• Nondisclosure Agreement

Information Security ManagementIntroduction to Information Security


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Security of an information system

1. Introduction to Information Security ManagementCIA Triad





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CIA triad suffers from at least 2 drawbacks:

Security Star Model






1. Introduction to Information Security ManagementThe Security Star

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Parker’s View of Information Security

Parker’s View of Information Security • CIA Triad• Authenticity • Possession Envelope• Utility

Possession defines ownership or control of information

Authenticity aims at ensuring that the origin of the transmission is correct and that the authorship of the transmitted documents is valid

Utility emphasized the usefulness of the information in possession

Information Security ManagementIntroduction to Information Security


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What is Information Security Management

1. Identify computing environment, define its critically, prioritize its contribution to the organization’s business-value-generation capabilities;

2. Identify all security risks, assess them, mitigate them by devising a comprehensive risk-driven security program;

3. Provide continual improvement of the organization’s risk position.

Information Security ManagementIntroduction to Information Security


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Security ControlsManagerial Controls: • Risk Assessment• Planning • System and Service acquisition• Certification, accreditation and security assessment

Technical Controls:

• Personnel Security• Physical and environmental protection• Contingency planning• Configuration management

Information Security ManagementIntroduction to Information Security


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Security Controls

Operational Controls:

• Personnel Security• Physical and environmental protection• Contingency planning• Configuration management• Maintenance • System and Information Integrity• Media Protection• Incident Response• Awareness and Training

Information Security ManagementIntroduction to Information Security


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The NSA Triad for Security Assessment

Assessment - Security Planning for 3 years

Not technical, often qualitativeDoesn’t involve any testingCollaborative, often shared by users, managers, and owner

Evaluation - How to use technology to support information security

Technical but not invasivePassive testing required for self studyCollaborative to some extendsInvolves diagnostic toolsInvolves internal audit

Information Security ManagementIntroduction to Information Security


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The NSA Triad for Security Assessment

Penetration Testing

Non-collaborativeTechnical in natureInvasive in natureInvolves external auditActive penetration testsRisk to compromise the target system exists but has to be

avoidedActive assessment expertise is required

Information Security ManagementIntroduction to Information Security
