Information resource management (assignment p pt)


Transcript of Information resource management (assignment p pt)

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Green Planet



Resource Management and Policy Analysis in Education (ELPS 724)

By: Muhammed Kedir Hiko

March, 2016


Page 2: Information resource management (assignment p pt)

Presentation outline• Definition of Information • Difference between Data and Information • Importance and characteristics of

Information • Types and sources of Information • Information Life Cycle • Information Resource Management

– Concept, Importance, and Barriers • Information Assets of an Organization • Information Literacy• Education Management Information

System – Definition, purposes, components, functions

and challenges

Page 3: Information resource management (assignment p pt)

Green Planet



Management of Training and Development(EdPM-3092)

By: Muhammed Kedir

EdPM 3rd Year 2nd Semester Crs.

•Information is a change agent.

Information is a

lifeblood of an


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1. Definition of Information Information

Processed data Process of selecting data, summarizing it and

presenting it in such a way that it is useful to the recipient.

Results when some human mental activity (observation, analysis) is successfully applied to data to reveal its meaning or significance.

Processed data that can be accessed, generated and created, transmitted, stored, sent, distributed, produced and consumed, searched for, used, compressed and duplicated.

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2. Difference b/n Data & InformationData Information

InformationA.Meaningful data B.Organized & structured factsC.Knowledge, understanding, concepts and thingsD. Messages that is being conveyed E.Useful and valuable F.Considered as output/product of data

DataA.Abstract or raw B. Unorganized & unstructured factsC.Symbols, characters, images and numbers D.Plain facts E.Valueless alone F.Considered as input or raw material in some fields

But they are highly interrelated

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Catalyst for change

Improve decision making

Enhance efficiency and effectiveness

Allow organizations to gain competitive advantages

Support all management functions

Link individuals, groups and organizations

Support creativity and innovation

Supplement sustainable growth and development

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A. Accurate: sufficient for use & unbiased

B. Complete: detail enough as required

C. Cost-beneficial: benefit exceed costs

D. User-targeted: suit in format, style, detail and complexity E. Relevant: fit for

purposes F. Authoritative: from right sourceG. Timely: on time for purposes H. Easy to use: understandable

Characteristics of better information can be defined as an acronym ACCURATE.

4. Characteristics of Information

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There are different types of Information based onCharacteristics How displayed

for users User perceptions

A. Factual (facts) Vs Analytical (interpretation)

A. Instruction A. Enlightenment

B. Command B. Problem understanding

B. Objective (without bias) Vs Subjective (Opinions and views)

C. Advisory C. Instrumental

D. Answers D. Factual

C. Primary (original) Vs Secondary (Repackaged)

E. Historical E. Conformational F. Predictive F. Projective

G. Motivational H. Personal or political

5. Types of Information

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There are different sources of InformationPrimary and Secondary

Primary, Secondary and


Documentary and Non-documentary

A. Primary sources - Information from person and organization

Ex: patents, diaries, play, art, music, policy and etc

A. Primary source - First hand factual information Ex. Creative works

A. Documentary sources of information-Primary - Secondary - Tertiary B. Secondary source

- Interpreted source Ex. Text book, journal

B. Non-documentary sources information •Includes research organizations, societies, industries, government establishment

B. Secondary Sources - Reviewed books, articles and etc

C. Tertiary source - Summary of primary and secondary Ex. Encyclopedias

5. Sources of Information

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7. Information Life Cycle

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8. Information Resource Management (IRM)

8.1. Definitions of IRM• is a managerial discipline which views information as a

resource equal to financial, physical, human, and natural resources.

• the planning, budgeting, organizing, directing, training, promoting, controlling, and management activities associated with the burden, collection, creation, use, and dissemination of information by agencies or organizations.

• the conscious process by which information is gathered and used to assist in decision making at all levels of the organization

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…………continued8.2. Importance of IRM

– To control the in and out flow of information; – To reduce operating costs; – To improve efficiency and productivity; – To assimilate new information management technologies;– To ensure regulatory compliance; – To minimize litigation risks; – To safeguard vital information; – To support better management decision making; – To preserve the institutional memory and – To foster professionalism in running the organizational


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…………continuedBarriers to IRM

Lack of well-defined IRM concepts Lack of IRM training/awareness Lack of ability to attract and retain skilled people Lack of a strategic management process Lack of management focus on IRM Lack of effective management of the system

development life cycle Lack of accountability and incentives Lack of performance measures Lack of authority to implement IRM throughout an

organization Lack of long-term budget Lack of agreement on objectives

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9. Information Assets of an Organization• An information asset is a body of information resources,

defined and managed as a single unit so it can be understood, shared, protected and exploited effectively.

• It have recognizable and manageable value, risk, content and lifecycles.

9.1. Types of Information Asset– Customer and competitor Information– Product and process Information – Management Information (HRM, FRM, MRM and

others) – Supplier Information – Legal and regulatory information – Institutional information

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9.2. Attributes of Information Asset

According to Repo (1986), the major attributes of information assets are:.– Information is human;– Information is expandable;– Information is compressible; – Information is substitutable;– Information is easily transportable;– Information is diffusable and – Information is shareable

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9.3. Techniques of Managing Information Assets

Skyrme (1999) outline the following points as techniques for managing information as an asset to the organization:-Understand the role of Information;Assign responsibility for leading your IRM initiative; Develop clear policies on information resources;Conduct an information audit;Link to management processes; and Systematic scanning; Mix hard/soft, internal/external Optimize your information purchases Introduce mining and refining processesDevelop appropriate technological systems Exploit technology convergence Encourage a sharing culture

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10. Information Literacy• It is the set of skills needed to find, retrieve, analyze, &use

information.• the abilities to: determine the extent of information

needed; – access the needed information effectively and efficiently;– evaluate information and its sources critically; – incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge

base; – use information effectively to accomplish a specific

purpose; and– understand the economic, legal, and social issues

surrounding the use of information, – understand access and use information ethically and


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11. Education Management Information system

11.1. Definition of EMIS Education Management Information System

is an organized group of information and documentation services that collects, stores, processes, analyzes and disseminates information for educational planning and management.

is a system for the collection, integration, processing, maintenance and dissemination of data and information to support decision making, policy-analysis and formulation, planning, monitoring and management at all levels of an education system.

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11.2. The purposes of EMIS

Some of the common purposes of EMIS are:To improve capacities in data processing, storage, analysis and

supply of educational information To co-ordinate and further improve dispersed efforts in the

acquisition, processing, storage, transmission, analysis, repackaging, dissemination and use of educational information

To facilitate and promote the use of relevant information by various agencies and individuals at all levels

To streamline the flow of information for decision-making by reducing and eliminating duplications as well as filling information gaps

To provide information for policy dialogue and scenarios for development of the education system

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11.3. The Components of EMISTypical Education Management Information Systems

comprise three interrelated components: – The organizational unit, people, networks, hardware

and software – A formalized and integrated operational process,

procedure and partnership arrangement between the key stakeholders

– A culture and environment that facilitates data-driven decision making

• Important information expected to be considered in EMIS are: – Demographic information; Socio-economics information; Literacy

information – Financial and budgetary information, School-related information– Labor force and human resource information; Institutional

information; Infrastructure information– Community information; Curriculum information; On-going

programme information – Documentation facilities information

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11.4. The changing functions of EMISSome of the reason for changing functions

of EMIS includes: A. Changes in the nature and objectives of education

policy B. Decentralization of education provision C. The growth of private schools D. Civil Society E. The movement towards using qualitative data F. Transition of young people onto the labor market G. Need for information from other education sectors

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11.5. Design and Development Stages of the EMIS

There are about nine stages in the design and dev’t of EMIS

1. Definition of the national development goals; statement of mission and objectives of the education system; and setting short and long-range targets.

2. Policy decision for purposes of implementation and monitoring.

3. Identification of data needs and requirements. 4. Establishment of databases. 5. Design of monitoring/data gathering tools. 6. Data and information collection. 7. Data processing.8. Data dissemination and report generation.9. Evaluation of the output.

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11.6. Challenges Facing EMIS Deployment

• Some of the challenges facing deployment of EMIS are – Lacks sustained funding and financing models– Lack of political will and sustained support from

decision makers. – Lack of coordination and shared vision between

various stakeholders– Inadequate clarity between the mandate of

ministries of education and statistical offices in collection, managing and dissemination of EMIS data

– Difficulties in integrating data from multiple sources and multiple years due to lack of harmonized and interoperable coding of key educational variables

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…………continued– Absence or unreliable data on private education

sector; – Absence of tertiary, pre-primary and non-formal

education data and other data including data on finances and resources; and

– Lack of multiple data dissemination strategies. – Limited capacity to utilize modern distributed

web-based tools and apply business intelligence tools to make sense out of the data,

– Limited connectivity to the Internet and absence of broadband networks at schools and district level, in particular in the remote areas that have not been able to access to modern communication networks.

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