Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification 1. Accreditation Standards (i.e. ISO/IEC 17065 : 2012) 2. Period of accreditation and number of certification (Period 09.01.2015 – 08.01.2019 Cert. No. PRDT 002)

Transcript of Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

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Information about Accreditation status of Product


1. Accreditation Standards (i.e. ISO/IEC 17065 : 2012)

2. Period of accreditation and number of certification (Period 09.01.2015 – 08.01.2019 Cert. No. PRDT 002)

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3. Flow chart of license granting of certification.

Preliminary inspection

Evaluation Report findings

Formal Inspection (Assess quality control system and take

samples and test)


Second formal inspection within six months

Final Review & Decision by Certification Committee

Payment of fees by applicants

Signing of Licensing Agreement and Issue License to the applicant

Publication in BSTI website

Surveillance sampling and testing twice in a year

Application Review

APPLICATION (Prescribed Form, Additional documents, Initial

questionnaire & Licensing Agreement)





Not OK

Not OK




Pre -Review


To be Inform applicant for re- proceses


Inspection/Testing result evaluation


License Renewal/ License continue



Not OK

Action to be taken as per

Licensing agreement


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4. Application of License for using Standard marks.

[Form-1 of Regulation Section- 9(1)]

Application of License for using Standards Marks To The Director General Bangladesh Standards & Testing Institution 116/KA, Tejgaon Industrial Area Dhaka-1208. 1. I/We, (Name of the person or the organization in full) ----------------------------------------------- have been engaged in the business in the address and I/We, are applying for issuance of a license for use of “Standard Mark” keeping in conformity of the commodities/ processes of Bangladesh Standard according to Bangladesh Standards & `Testing Institution Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance xxxvii of 1985) as described below: a) * Commodity The related Bangladesh Standard Kind Number (Numbers)- Size Grade b) * Class or commodities License Number & duration Kind (where applicable):- Size Grade c) * Process 2. Name and address of the factory if is different from para 1:

3. According to my/ our best knowledge the quantity of the mentioned commodity/ process and quantity of export and its price is given bellow:

Year Production Unit Value a) For the last year ------------------------- to---------------------

b) For the Current year ------------------------- to---------------------

Year Export Unit Value a) For the last year -------------------------to--------------------- b) For the Current year ------------------------- to---------------------

In an application only one item may be applied for included in (a), (b) and (c) The other two is to be struck out.

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4. With a view to ensure the similarity of the process of production of the mentioned commodities as per related standard of Bangladesh Standard (Standards)- I/ We, am/ are using the schedule of Inspection & Testing as per description attached with the application/ proposing to use the same. The regular records or all such similar records of inspection kept/ will be kept in the supplied form in detail. I/ We, are promising to partly change, amend or change my/ our inspection and testing program as may be required form time to time to keep in line with our policy which may be directed by you. 5. If the institution desires to make a preliminary inspection or investigation then I/We, we agree to give all our reasonable opportunity and privileges to the institute according to our ability and I/We, also we agree to make payment of all the charges including charges of the above inspection or all the expenses incurred in the investigation or the time and way in which the Institute will decide. 6. If the license is given, I/We am/ are promising to abide by all the terms and conditions of the license so long it remains valid for use and also promising to comply with the rules and regulations as mentioned in the above ordinance. If the license becomes prolonged or it is cancelled, then I/We, are giving this promise that any use of the trade mark on any commodity under the license will be stopped immediately and all related advertisement, materials will be taken back and other necessary action will be taken to follow the rules and regulations of the above ordinance. Date :

Signature :

Name :

Father’s Name :

Designation :

Village :

P.S. :

District :

Phone (if any) :

On behalf of ………………………

(Name of the representative of the organization)

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5. Fees structure.

All certification marks fees shall have to pay according to the BSTI S.R.O No. 230/law/2009 section

(3) and the following fees structure of Application (new/renewal), Marking fee and license of PCS has

prescribed by the BSTI regulation, 1989 section 9(6), 9 (KA) and BSTI ordinance 1985 section 20(3).

The certification fees consist of:

Application fee : Tk. 1000 for new and Tk. 500 for renewal.

Marking fee : 0.07 percent of ex-factory turn over for fruit processing organizations

0.1 percent of ex-factory turn over for other products.

License fee : 200 taka per license per year.

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6. Licensing Agreement.

The Bangladesh Standards and testing Institution, hereinafter referred to as the certification body and represented in this matter hereby makes agreement for the certification of the product......................... with.................., hereinafter, referred to as the holder of certification of the said product. The details of the certification license are given below:

No. Name of Product(s)

Standard Number(s)

Brand/Trade Name(s)

License Number(s)

Validity of License

(a) In order to hold and use of the licence, the licensee shall comply with the conditions of the

agreement as follows:

Article 1: Regulations for certification and inspection The stipulations of the General Rules for the certification system apply to this agreement specified as a terms & conditions of license for Product Certification Scheme. 1.1The license holder shall make all necessary arrangements for the BSTI to check, inspect and to verify for compliance of all the license conditions given herein and in the STI. 1.2 When a part of the manufacturing/producing/processing/treating of product/commodity is subcontracted by the license holder, he shall be responsible to arrange with the subcontractor for the BSTI to check, inspect and to verify for compliance of all the appropriate conditions given herein and in the STI. 1.3 A license may be suspended if the licensee has failed to provide reasonable facilities for inspection or testing and has contravened any provision of either the Ordinance, Regulations.

1.4 If the manufacture of a product has ceased continuously for a period of six months, the BSTI shall be notified and the mark shall be suspended. The manufacturing operation shall be reassessed by the BSTI before approval is granted to reuse the mark.

1.5 A license shall be revoked if more than two suspensions for the same or similar deficiencies occur within a period of two years. 1.6 Application of renew will be made by the client three month before the expiry of the license otherwise it will be automatically dreamed as cancelled. Article 2: Rights and obligation 2.1 The holder of the license agrees that the certified products manufactured and supplied by him as specified in the license attached to this agreement complies with the requirements stated in the BDS and Scheme of Testing & Inspection and other provisions of the Products Certification Scheme as published in the BSTI regulations 1989.

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Accordingly, the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) authorizes the holder of the license to use the BSTI certification mark on the products to which the license applies and to announce publicly that certification has been received. 2.2 The holder of the license of the product agrees that the persons representing BSTI will have unobstructed access without prior notification to the premises of the factory covered by the license during the normal working hours of the factory involved, including equipment, personnel, storage areas and the premises of any subcontractors of the holder of the license whose operations are covered within scope of the license.

2.3 The holder of the license agrees that the products for which the license is granted will be produced to the same specifications as the sample that has been submitted to BSTI (as specified in the application form for product certification).

2.4 The holder of the license agrees to apply the mark on the product labels that has been registered with the BSTI as per the instructions on the Use of the Logo as given in the Article 10.

2.5 The holder of the license agrees to implement changes communicated by BSTI in relation to the Certification scheme policy and procedures, BDS, STI within the specified time frame.

2.6 When requested by other parties the license holder shall provide the BSTI license in full without any changes.

Article 3: Responsibilities of BSTI 3.1 BSTI ensure that all information and changes relevant to the Certification scheme policy and

procedures, BDS, STI, fee structure shall be provided in a timely manner to the holder of a license.

3.2 BSTI shall provide on request relevant information relating to scope of Certification and Validity of license in response to any query from any party.

3.3 If any STI is revised the revised STI is sent to the licensee. The surveillance schedule of that

company may be changed to assess the compliance of the revised STI.

Article 4: Surveillance 4.1 BSTI carries out continuing surveillance on the holder of the certification to determine compliance with his obligations, in accordance with the conditions stated in the Bangladesh standards, Scheme of Testing & Inspection and General Conditions of License for Product Certification Scheme.

4.2 The surveillance is carried out by the staff of BSTI. The cost of the samples and cost of testing of

the samples shall be borne by the licensee on submission of invoices/bill and test reports by the BSTI.

4.3 Surveillance of products on the requirements of the relevant standard as given in the STI shall be undertaken by BSTI.

4.4 The testing of the samples taken from factory or market is carried out minimum twice a year or as required by sample failures or consumer complaints. The licensee shall be informed of the results of the surveillance.

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Article 5: Complaints The holder of the licensee agrees to upon request by BSTI to keep records of all complaints received and action taken relative to the products and report to BSTI of any complaints regarding those aspects of the products covered by the license.

Article 6: Publicity 6.1 The holder of the license has the right to publish that he has been authorized to mark the products to which the license applies.

6.2 The holder of the license shall make claims of Certification only for the products, Process and Services which are covered within the scope of the license and shall not make any misleading claims or convey the impression that other types or grades of the products, Process and Services are covered under Certification. 6.3 Among other methods the BSTI gives publicity to the certification given to the licensee in news papers, radio and television etc. and cancellation of the agreement, as appropriate.

Article 7: Confidentiality The BSTI is committed for ensuring maintenance of confidentiality by its employees concerning all proprietary information of the holder of the license, with which they become acquainted during performance of various certification activities, or received from any other sources. However BSTI shall submit any confidential information of the holder of the license if required by any legal authority, under intimation to the holder of the license. Article 8: Payment The holder of the licence agrees to pay for all expenses in relation to the surveillance, including test, inspection and administration costs. Article 9: Agreement period 9.1 This agreement shall continue in force unless and until withdrawn for justified reasons or cancelled

by either party upon due notice given to the other party. 9.2The validity of the license is for a three year period, and can be extended provided all the

conditions are satisfied. 9.3 When the holder of the license ceases his operation, he shall notify BSTI in writing within thirty

days from the date of cessation thereof. Article 10: The Use of BSTI Product Certification Marks Logo

10.1The certification marks logo issued by BSTI shall be used only by a client that has received a product in conjunction with a valid certification licence from BSTI.

10.2The logo should be applied together with number of the Standard and brand name or trade mark mentioned in the license.

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10.3 The product certification logo should be applied on the product itself, product label, container or primary product packaging. 10.4The product certification logo can be used with the accreditation mark of the BSTI Product certification scheme. The accreditation mark must only be used in conjunction with the BSTI product certification logo. 10.5The product certification logo should not be used on products not included in the scope of certification or in any misleading manner. 10.6The mark not to be used in connection with non certified products including the use in

(a)Advertisements or promotional brochure

(b)Client’s stationary

(c)Business cards

(d)Client’s Website 10.7 The product certification logo should not be applied to laboratory test, calibration or inspection reports, 10.8The logo master can be obtained from BSTI Certification Marks Wing office. 10.9Electronic reproduction of the logo master is permitted. 10.10Redrawn approximations of the logo are not allowed. 10.11 Licensee to immediately discontinue the use of the mark in event that the certification is suspended or revoked. Article 11: Suspension/Withdrawal/Cancellation of the license 11.1 BSTI shall suspend or withdraw/cancel the license in case it is satisfied that the product under certification does not conform to the relevant BDS, or the license holder has violated any of terms and conditions of the certification scheme. Depending on the reason for the withdrawal/cancellation the following schedule of notice will be followed by BSTI:

Situation requiring the dispatch of notice that can lead to suspension/withdrawal/ cancellation

Days of notice prior to suspension

Days of notice prior to withdrawal/cancellation of license/cancellation of certification decision

a) Non-conformance with the standards that is considered hazardous to public health and life

immediate 30 days period prior to 6 months of suspension

b)Failure to meet other non-conformance with the standards

≤ 45 days 30 days period prior to 6 months of suspension

c)Non-payment of fees according to article 8

- 20 days period prior to the date of expiry or 60 days from the date of certification decision

d)Not providing facilities for inspection, or failed to comply with any other conditions of the license or does not take action.

≤30 days 15 days period prior to 3 months of suspension

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e)Failure to meet other provisions of the agreement or/and commitment or failed to comply with any conditions of the license

≤30 days 30 days period prior to 6 months of suspension

f)Non-compliance with new requirements in relation to revision of standards or STI or any technical document of BSTI

as specified by BSTI or ≤120 days

15 days period prior to 2 months of suspension.

g)Non-compliance with new requirements of any law

- ≤60 days period prior to the date of cancellation decision

h)Involving marking of variety which is not covered in the license

- 15 days period prior to the date of cancellation decision

11.2 Advice of cancellation shall be sent by registered letter (or equivalent means) to the other party,

stating the reasons and the date of Termination of the agreement. 11.3 Upon receipted of Intimation of cancelations/withdrawals of license, the erstwhile holder of the license shall stop the use of BSTI marks and any other claims of Certification with immediate effect and destroy all stationary, labels, dies etc which has being use for marking the products and confirmed the same in writing to BSTI within 15 days of receipted of intimation. 11.4 Similar action shall be followed when the holder of the license voluntarily surrenders the license or allows the license to expire. The original license shall be return to BSTI. Article 12: Information on modifications 12.1 The holder of the license agrees to inform the BSTI of any intended modification in the product, Brand, the manufacturing processes, management and technical personnel, manufacturing locations, plant, machineries, quality assurance system or the quality control setup and ownership of the company which may affect the compliance of the product. In such cases the licensee shall not release marked products resulting from such changes until the BSTI has notified the licensee accordingly. 12.2 If the requirements applying to the products covered by this agreement are modified, BSTI shall immediately inform the holder of the licence by registered letter (or equivalent means), stating at what date the modified requirements will become effective, and advising him of any need for a supplementary examination of the products which are subject to this agreement. 12.3 Within a specified period of time after receipt of the advice described in paragraph.11.1, the holder of the licence shall inform BSTI by registered letter (or equivalent means) whether he is prepared to accept the modifications. If the holder of the licence gives confirmation within the specified period of his acceptance of the modification and provided the result of any supplementary examination is favorable, a supplementary licence will be issued or other modifications of the BSTI's records. 12.4 If the holder of the licence advises the BSTI that he is not prepared to accept the modification within the time specified in accordance with 11.2 or if he allows the terms for acceptance to lapse, or if the result of any supplementary examination is not favorable, the licence covering the particular product shall cease to be valid on the date on which the modified specifications become effective, unless otherwise decided by the BSTI. Article 13: Liability BSTI is an autonomous body under the ministry of industries government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Clients under the product certification activities of BSTI are bound to take the whole liabilities for any kind of inconvenience by the legal requirements of Bangladesh.

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Article 14: Appeals All disputes that may arise in connection with this agreement are to be settled in accordance with the appeal procedures of the BSTI. In case the matter cannot be resolved, both parties are entitled to seek legal recourse through competent courts. Issued in duplicate and signed by an authorized representative of the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution and the applicant.

For the certification body: For the applicant:

Date………………………… Date………………………… Director (Certification Marking) Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution Company Representative (Seal and signed) (Seal and signed)

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7. Procedure for Renewal, Suspension, Cancellation, Reduction in Scope & withdrawal of the license. 1 Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to define the criteria for renewal, suspension, cancellation, reduction in scope and withdrawal of the licenses under the product certification scheme.

2 Scope

This procedure applies to all licenses granted under the product certification scheme.

3 Definitions 3.1 Register of Inspecting officers

A list of names of persons qualified to perform factory inspections indicating the fields of expertise according to the industry sector.

3.2 Certification Report

A evaluation report is prepared and presented for approval of certification containing the product description, inspection report, test result and recommendation is reviewed for approval by the certification committee

4 Conditions for Suspension, Cancellation, reduction in scope, withdrawal of the license 4.1 Granting of renewal and scope extension of licence Validity of a license: The initial validity of the license is for a period of three years from the date of

certification decision and a licence will be issued with mentioning issue date after payment against bill/invoice issued by BSTI.

Renewal license: It can be renewed by extended on application for further periods of three years at a

time depending on last surveillance inspection and sample’s test results. An application for renewal of the license should be made before three months of its expiry. BSTI shall

notify the client or show cause one month prior to the expiry date of license. After expiry it to be treated as cancelled.

(a) An expired license or /and a license has expired before certification decision shall not be renewed.

The license shall be deemed to have been cancelled after its expiry date if the application is not made for renewal before the expiry. (b) If the application is made for renewal before the expiry and BSTI has not found satisfactory evaluation results of last surveillance or not meet the requirements of last findings/NCs or application is made few days prior to the expiry & no sufficient time for completion the sample test or inspection evaluation then license will not be continued and treated as cancelled and application may be consider as a new. An additional application fee will be charged in this case.

If all the conditions as given in the general conditions, the agreement are satisfied and the assessment

and last surveillance inspection reports including the test results are satisfactory the license

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shall be renewed for a period of three years and for scope extension certification shall be granted for the period of existing period/ rest period of the license issued earlier against that product by certification committee.

If the validity of a license be expired before the meeting of certification committee and client has applied for renewal and last surveillance inspection reports including the test results are satisfactory in this case license shall be renewed from the expiry date for next three years by Director General of BSTI and it will be reviewed in the next certification meeting.

4.2 Suspension of licence

A license may be suspended if it has been established that

a) If the company’s facilities and/ or surveillance results are found to be unsatisfactory and/or the test results indicate that the licensed product does not conform to the requirements of the Bangladesh Standard specified in the licence;

b) the licensee has failed to conduct regular inspection or testing of the licensed product;

c) the licensee has failed to follow the requirements of the Scheme of Testing & Inspection applicable to the licensed product;

d) the licensee has used the mark in respect of a commodity or process which does not comply with the specified standard relating thereto;

e) the licensee has failed to provide reasonable facilities for inspection or testing;

f) the licensee has failed to comply with any terms and conditions of the license;

g) The licensee has failed to take suitable improvement actions within 30 days, after BSTI has served show cause notice following failure of product is observed during surveillance operations

h) The licensee has failed to take suitable improvement actions within 30 days, after BSTI

has served show cause notice following failure in respect of deficiencies observed in licensee’s quality control system, or non-adherence to the provisions of STI, during factory surveillance operations

i) In case, a repeat failure is observed in respect of a requirement for which the licensee has

already taken corrective action, BSTI shall suspend the licence without any show cause notice.

j) The licensee has used the BSTI certification mark in contravention of the rules for use of

the logo in respect of a type or grade, or brand which is not covered in the license, as observed during factory or market surveillance operations. BSTI reserves the right to issue suspension directly or issue a show cause notice depending on the facts of the case.

k) The licensee has failed to submit proper justification within 7 days, after BSTI has served

show cause notice following a factory surveillance inspection where the licensee has failed to provide reasonable facilities for completing the factory surveillance.

l) The licensee has failed to comply with any other conditions of the license, or provisions of

the prevailing BSTI Ordinance /Act / Regulations, within 30 days of show cause notice period;

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A license shall be suspended also if :

a) the licensee has contravened any provision of either the BSTI Ordinance or the Regulations.

b) the manufacture of the licensed product has ceased continuously for a period of six months. 4.3 Removal of Suspension 1. In cases of product non-conformance, suspension shall be removed after BSTI has agreed to

the proposed corrective actions, verified the same during factory surveillance, and the product

sample is found conforming to BDS during repeat testing in BSTI laboratory.

2. In cases of other deficiencies observed during factory surveillance, suspension shall be

removed after BSTI has agreed to the proposed corrective actions, and verified the same during

factory surveillance..

3. In cases involving marking of variety which is not covered in the licence, decision for

revocation will be taken after BSTI is satisfied that the violation was due to bonafide reasons

or genuine error, based on the submission of details by the licensee. Where the violation is

determined to be willful, the procedure for cancellation of licence, prosecution shall be


4. In cases involving not providing facilities for inspection, or failed to comply with any other

conditions of the license, decision for revocation will be taken after BSTI is satisfied that it

was due to bonafide reasons based on the submission of details by the licensee. Where the

reasons are determined to be willful, the procedure for cancellation of licence shall be initiated.

4.4 Cancellation of licence A licence shall be cancelled for the following reasons:

a) After a suspension, if the licensee has not rectified the problems indentified in the letter of suspension within six months of the date of suspension of the licence.

b) If more than two suspensions for the same or similar deficiencies occur within a period of two years,

c) If the payments due to BSTI have not been satisfactorily completed within the time period allowed (defined in the licensing agreement).

d) In cases involving product non-conformance or deficiencies observed during surveillance, if the licensee does not take action to rectify the deficiencies that led to the suspension, the license shall be cancelled after a period of six months from the date of suspension. A show cause notice for a period of 30 days shall be issued to the licensee before deciding on the cancellation of licence.

e) In cases involving marking of variety which is not covered in the licence, which is determined to be willful, the licence shall be cancelled without any further notice to the licensee, in case the notice for suspension was given earlier. In case notice was not served before suspension, a show cause notice for a period of 15 days shall be issued to the licensee before deciding on the cancellation of licence.

f) In cases involving not providing facilities for inspection, or failed to comply with any other conditions of the license, if the licensee does not take action to rectify the deficiencies that led

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to the suspension, the license shall be cancelled after a period of 3 month from the date of suspension.

g) BSTI reserves the right to cancel a licence in case a certified product is found to be failing in a critical requirement affecting public health and safety without invoking the show cause / suspension process.

4.5 Informing the licensee Prior to cancellation/ suspension of license ‘show cause’ notices would be issued to the licensee.

When a license would be suspended or withdrawn/ cancelled, the BSTI shall forthwith inform the licensee in writing.

The cancellation matter to be inform the regulatory section of BSTI to take legal action actions if using logo without valid license or misuse the mark or unsafe product marketed that has notified earlier.

An inspection would be carried out to verify whether the product is available in the market/factory or not before recommendation of cancellation the license.

4.6 Reduction in Scope of licence BSTI reserves the right to reduce the scope of the licence, in case it is found that specific varieties of

the product covered under the licence are not conforming to the BDS and the reasons for the non-conformance do not affect the conformance of the other varieties.

On request by the licensee. When certain varieties are removed from the scope of the BDS following revisions or amendments. 4.7 Withdrawal of Licence On request by the licensee.

When a requirements standard such as BDS, is withdrawn by the Standards body, or reduced in scope, or merged with other standards and BSTI CM (Wing) takes a policy decision to withdraw licenses having such varieties in the scope.

4.8 Procedure for Suspension, Cancellation, Reduction and Withdrawal Suspension:

1. BSTI shall send the show cause notice prior to the suspension in the certification committee after reviewing the non fulfillments any requirements of the PCS to the licensee by email, followed by hard copy by post. The licensee shall be required to confirm acknowledgement as well as compliance by email to BSTI immediately on receipt. In the critical issues DG, BSTI could be suspended license and it will be reviewed in the committee.

2. The licensee shall immediately discontinue the use of the certification mark and shall retain all

the marked material in the stock. The status of the stock shall be informed to BSTI.

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3. The licensee shall propose the corrective actions he proposes to take. BSTI shall evaluate the proposed corrective actions and either conveys its agreement or observations in case further or revised corrective actions are expected.

4. The licensee shall inform BSTI once the corrective action has been taken and where required

the improved material is ready for inspection within the suspension period.

5. BSTI shall arrange a surveillance visit at the licensees factory for the verification of corrective actions and taking samples of products where required.

6. The decision for removal of suspension will be taken by the certification committee after the

corrective action report is found to be satisfactory and the sample report from the BSTI lab is found to be conforming

7. In case the corrective action is deemed to be not satisfactory or the product sample is found to

be not conforming, the licensee shall be given one more opportunity for improvement and resubmission of sample within the specified time frame of six months.

8. In case the actions are completed within six months, the procedure for cancellation shall be

invoked. Cancellation: A license shall be cancelled by the Director General of BSTI in critical issues and reviewed it in the next certification committee for the following reasons:

1. In situations that require serving a notice before cancellation, BSTI send the show cause notice

to the licensee by email, followed by hard copy by post. The licensee shall be required to

confirm acknowledgement by email to BSTI immediately on receipt.

2. BSTI shall provide an opportunity to the licensee an opportunity to present his case in writing

or in person. In case of personal submission, the record note of discussions will be prepared

and signed by licensee and BSTI official.

3. Before proposing for cancellation, the case shall be reviewed by authorized official and

submitted to the Certification Committee with his recommendations and reasons for proposing


4. The decision to cancel the licence or provide further opportunity to the licensee shall be the

sole discretion of the Certification committee. However the reasons for disagreeing with the

recommendations shall be recorded, when applicable.

5. The decision of the Certification committee shall be communicated to the licensee by email

followed by hard copy by post. The licensee shall be required to confirm acknowledgement by

email to BSTI immediately on receipt.

6. The cancellation letter shall specifically advise the licensee to:

(a) take immediate steps to have the mark removed or erased from all stocks of marked production lying in his premises or warehouses

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(b) take action to discontinue all advertising relating to the certification, (c) return the original license to the BSTI.

7. The cancellation letter shall inform the licensee the right to appeal against the decision of BSTI

to cancel the licence.

8. BSTI reserves the right to organize a visit to the erstwhile licensee’s premises and / or

warehouses to confirm the actions taken in accordance with 4.8.2 item 7 above.


1. Whenever a decision is taken to withdraw certification licenses due to withdrawal or revision

of standards, BSTI shall decide a common date from which the licenses shall stand withdrawn,

which will take into account, the commercial interests of the license holders in consuming the

existing stocks. Wherever necessary, the reasons for withdrawal will be widely publicized to

the public.

2. When the withdrawal is sought by the licensee, if the request is made at the time of end of

validity, the license will be allowed to expire in the normal way. If the request is received

within the validity period, the case shall be put up the Certification Committee together with

the request letter. The decision of the Committee shall be communicated to the licensee by

email followed by hard copy by post. The licensee shall be required to confirm

acknowledgement by email to BSTI immediately on receipt.

3. After withdrawal, the licensee shall be required to take action as per 4.8.2 item 7 above.

5 Related documents

a) Records of Suspend License, P-RSC-02-F01 b) Records of Cancel License, P-RSC-02-F02

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8. Procedure for surveillance. 1. Purpose

The purpose of this procedure is to define the planning and conduct of surveillance of certification licensees of the product certification scheme to assure continuing compliance to the conditions of the license.

2. Scope

This procedure applies to all licenses granted under the product certification scheme (PCS). It is

applicable to all staff of the certification wing and also to any external subcontractors appointed

to under take surveillance inspections. The full scope of the processes covered is as per flow

charts given Figure 1 and Figure 2.

3. Definitions

a. Directory of License -The permanent record maintained by the certification marks wing containing names of current certification licensees with approval date, status/expiry date, issue date, standard number and factory address (format is P-SU-02-F01).

b. Register of Inspectors- A list of names of persons qualified to perform factory inspections indicating the fields of expertise according to the industry sector.

c. Inspecting officer- A person listed on the Register of Inspectors who is assigned to perform a surveillance inspection of a licensee.

d. Surveillance Report- A standard form as contained in P-SU-02-F03

e. Certification Report- A evaluation report is prepared and presented for approval of

certification containing the product description, inspection report, test result and recommendation is reviewed for approval by the certification committee.

4. Procedure

a. The criteria and basis for review of report and subsequent decisions stated to be covered vide procedure for Renewal, Suspension, Cancellation, Reduction in scope and Withdrawal of the Licence. Which calls for straight away suspension of licence in the event of any non- compliances observed.

Compliances to the STI requirements of the certification scheme are to be evidenced in the surveillance reports (PM-SU-02-F03).

b. Supervision controls over licensee’s performance

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After the grant of license, the licensee is authorized to mark the products covered by the license subject to the condition that the Licensing Agreement and Scheme of Testing & Inspection (STI) for the Product Certification Scheme are fully implemented.

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c. Post certification controls are exercised through surveillance inspections at the licensee’s unit periodically. During these inspections, thorough technical auditing of the quality control system is carried out with reference to the Licensing Agreement and STI for Product Certification Scheme. Samples of current production taken from the factory and the market are tested, in BSTI or independent laboratories.

d. The results of inspections and product testing are communicated to the licensee as appropriate with suitable advices.

e. A license can be suspended or cancelled following serious discrepancies, particularly if the product does not conform to the applicable Bangladesh Standards or International Standards.

f. The licensed product has ceased continuously for a period of six months, the production operation shall be re-inspection by the BSTI before approval is granted to reuse the mark.

g. Surveillance Planning

Action Responsibility

Directory of License All new approvals of certification shall be immediately upon approval entered

into the Register of Certifications. (P-SU-02-F01) Similarly the register shall be

updated for withdrawals, non-renewals and any other changes.

Establishment of schedule of surveillance (Factory & Market)

A schedule for surveillance (P-SU-02-F02) shall be established on twice in a

year bases. This schedule shall include both factory and market surveillance.

In establishing the schedule, it should be assumed that each license is subject

one factory surveillance and one market surveillance per year. The man day

requirements of factory inspections shall be calculated in accordance with the

man days calculation procedure. For market surveillances depending on the

location of the surveillance, man days/ inspection time shall be allocated by

Deputy Director in respective file and one inspecting officer could be collect

one more sample available in the same market/shop for different licensee’s


The person assigned for the surveillance should be selected on the basis of

having the required expertise in the field as per Register of Inspecting officers.

The Inspecting officers assigned shall keep the list confidential and not inform the licensee or any other person who does not need such information.

Quality Manager

Deputy Director

Page 21: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

i. Surveillance Preparation

The Inspecting officer (Field officer) shall prepare for the inspection at least one

day prior to the inspection. He should review and familiarise himself with the

license file, the standard, and the General and Specific Conditions annexed to

the Certification agreement. He should take particular note of the findings of the

previous surveillances and outstanding non conformances, the process flow and

the routine testing requirements.

Prior to travel to the factory or market he should ensure that he has the blank

copies of the Surveillance Report, the reference standard, copy of the previous

surveillance report and the certification report.

ii. Factory Surveillance i) Upon arrival at the factory the Inspecting officer (Field officer) should

identify himself with the authority card and announce to the management his

intention to conduct the surveillance in accordance with the Certification


In case the management refuses to permit him to conduct the surveillance he

should note this in his report, explain the consequences and give a copy of the

report to the licensee, inform his Deputy Director and depart.

The Deputy Director shall send a formal notice to the licensee stating that a

recommendation to suspend his license will be made in accordance to the clause

11.1(d) of Licensing Agreement if he fails to provide an acceptable reason

within the time for his refusal to permit the surveillance.

Inspecting officer

Inspecting officer

Deputy Director

ii) The Inspecting officer (Field officer) should have a brief discussion with the

named person responsible for quality as documented in the certification report

to establish the plan for the surveillance.

iii) The Inspecting officer (Field officer) shall proceed to perform the inspection

and report findings as per the surveillance report. In performing the inspection,

he should request that a representative of the licensee accompany him. He

should ensure that all elements are inspected and all columns of the report are


Inspecting officer

Inspecting officer

Page 22: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

iv) He should select samples for witness testing and for testing in BSTI or other

labs as indicated in the specific conditions annexed to the certification

agreement. Samples should be selected from the finished goods store or

production line on a random basis. These should be identified by clear marking

and particulars recorded so as to ensure that these are not substituted.

v) Upon completion of the inspection and compiling the report, the Inspecting

officer (Field officer) shall thank the licensee and present a signed copy to the

licensee’s representative. The original report shall be retained in the file and

submitted to the Deputy Director for review.

Inspecting officer

Inspecting officer

iii. Market Surveillance i)The surveillance is undertaken at identified market places (retailers or

wholesalers) on a scheduled date (or period) as given in the Surveillance


ii) Upon arrival at the premises of the seller the Inspecting officer (Field officer)

should identify himself with the authority card and announce his intention to

take samples of the identified products.

iii) A survey of the stocks available at the sellers premises should be undertaken

to identify the BSTI certified products that are available at the premises.

Inspecting officer

iv) Prior to sampling it should be ascertained whether sufficient stocks are available to sample in accordance with the sampling plan given in the STI applicable to the product. If sufficient stocks are not available another sales premises within the same area, where the required number of specimens can be taken should be selected (or take a reduced sample).

Inspecting officer

v) The number of specimens as required by the STI should be taken from the

stocks at random and secured within a suitable container. The container should

be marked with details of sampling. i. e. date of sampling, name and address of

the seller, number of specimens, name and designation of the Inspecting officer

(Field officer) and any other relevant details. The container should be sealed in

the presence of the seller and the inspector.

Inspecting officer

Page 23: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

vi) The cost of the items in the sample should be reimbursed to the seller and a

receipt for the sale obtained. The receipt should be counter signed by the

inspector and attached to the surveillance inspection report.(P-SU-02-F03)

vii) The cost of the items in the sample shall be recovered from the respective licence holder in accordance with the Terms and conditions of license and article 4 of the licensing agreement. viii) The Deputy Director shall make surprise factory surveillance by a senior inspecting officer or by a technical evaluator when no products found in the market of a licensee and it will be consider against scheduled market surveillance.

Inspecting officer

Deputy Director

4.4 Follow –up on Surveillance

A. The Deputy Director shall review the surveillance report. The recommendations made with regard to renewal, suspension and withdrawal shall be acted upon as per Procedure for Renewal, suspension, Cancellation or withdrawal P-RSC-02, Renewal, suspension.

B. If certain changes or revision in the BDS standard, then changes the surveillance schedule and anticipated the follow up surveillance shall conduct to verification of changes and modifying.

Deputy Director

5. Related documents and records

List of the Certified Client: Q/F09/LC

Directory of License, P-SU-02-F01

Surveillance Schedule, P-SU-02-F02

Surveillance report, P-SU-02-F03

Page 24: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification


Establish Schedule for Surveillance

Inspect plant*, Select samples Witness tests

Inspecting officer (Field Officer) reviews corrective action and submits recommendation

Licensee reviews report for action as required

Issue surveillance report

Evaluation of surveillance and test reports

Review & Decision by Certification Committee

Continue Licence

Laboratory test selected samples

Lab issues test report


Pre-review & Recommendation

by Deputy Director


Not Ok

Page 25: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification


Visit markets and take samples

Inspecting Officer (Field Officer) reviews corrective action and submits

Licensee reviews report for action as required

Issue surveillance report including lab test results

Evaluation of surveillance and test reports

Final review & Decision by Certification Committee

Continue Licence

Test the samples at approved laboratory

Lab issues test report

Pre-review & recommendation

by Deputy Director

Establish Schedule for Surveillance


Not Ok

Page 26: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

9. Procedure for complaints, Appeal & Disputes. 1. Purpose The purpose of this procedure is to provide a framework for identifying the status of complaints,

appeals and disputes received from clients and how to deal with them.

2. Scope This procedure is applicable for dealing with complaints, appeals and disputes related to Product

Certification Activities carried out by BSTI.

3. Definitions

a. Concerned Party: A complainant, appellant or a person reporting a dispute.

b. Complaint: A written expression of dissatisfaction against BSTI or a product certification licensee

c. Appeal: A further course of action available in respect of a complain.

d. Dispute: A disagreement between:

a) BSTI and licensee b) BSTI and product user

4. Responsibility

a) Director (CM) b) Deputy Director c) Quality Manager

5. Procedure

a. General

i. Complaints, disputes and appeals on licensed products, licensees, BSTI’s subcontractors and other activities under product certification scheme shall be entertained by BSTI.

ii. A complaint, dispute or appeal is received by the Director General or Director (CM).

iii. An appeal on a decision made by the BSTI shall be submitted to the BSTI within

six months of the date of the decision.

iv. An acknowledgement of the receipt of the complaint. dispute or appeal shall be sent by the Director (CM) within seven days of receipt of the complaint , dispute or appeal to the party concerned.

v. Complaints, disputes or appeals should be made in writing or using the complaint,

disputes or appeals record form (P-CAD-02-F01) available from BSTI.

vi. The complaint, dispute or appeal is sent to the Quality Manager for recording and further action.

Page 27: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

vii. In the event that the complaints ,disputes and appeals form has not been filled by the relevant party, the Quality Manager shall fill all relevant details pertaining to the complaint, dispute or appeal in the record form (PM-CAD-02-F01).

viii. The Quality Manager shall investigate the complaint, dispute or appeal with the

assistance of the relevant BSTI officers and other staff.

ix. Personnel of BSTI including those acting in a managerial capacity shall not be employed to investigate a complaint, dispute or appeal if they have or had within the last two years (from the date of the complaint, dispute or appeal) any relationships that may compromise the impartiality of the investigation.

b. Complaints and disputes

i. Upon receipt of a complaint and/or dispute the BSTI shall at a minimum:

a) Initiate its complaints and/or disputes procedure.

b) Determine the acceptability of the complaint and/or dispute based on evidence


c) If the complaint or dispute is accepted by BSTI, it shall conduct an investigation as

detailed in 6.2.2 through 6.2.4 below.

d) If the complaint or dispute is not accepted, BSTI shall notify the complainant of the

reasons for not accepting the complaint or dispute and provide instructions on BSTI

appeals process. The complainant shall also be given the opportunity to provide

additional evidence to support the complaint or dispute.

ii. Complaints or disputes shall be reviewed by designated BSTI staff for relevance to provisions of BSTI procedures and for inclusion of documented evidence of non-compliance.

iii. An investigation shall be undertaken and may be aided through the undertaking of an unannounced audit and interviews with outside stakeholders, such as producers, consumers, and the complainant, at a minimum. The investigation shall cover all elements identified in the complaint or dispute.

iv. The BSTI shall submit a report to the complainant or the party reporting a dispute on the conclusion of its investigation. The report shall present the conclusions of the BSTI investigation and the reasons for that conclusion, summarizing the documented evidence submitted unless the concerned party has requested that they be held confidential in whole or in part.

v. If BSTI management has agreed for corrective action, that commitment shall be

included in the report. When BSTI's implementation of the corrective action has been confirmed, that too shall be reported.

vi. After investigation the Quality Manager shall report to the relevant Deputy Director

on the validity of the complaint and/or dispute and any corrective action required.

Page 28: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

vii. If no corrective action is required the Quality Manager shall complete the Complaint, Disputes and Appeal record form (P-CAD-02-F01) and forward it to the relevant Deputy Director, who shall communicate with the concerned party.

viii. If corrective action is required the Quality Manager shall communicate the same to

the relevant Deputy Director who shall request the related persons to proceed with the corrective action. Outcome of the corrective action is recorded on P-CAD-02-F01 form and submitted to the relevant Deputy Director and Director(CM).

ix. The Deputy Director shall communicate with the concerned party outlining the decision of the BSTI and the corrective action taken, if applicable.

x. If the concerned party is not satisfied with the actions / decisions taken by the BSTI,

and on a written communication received from the concerned party, the complaint and/or the dispute and the report of the investigation shall be submitted to the Certification Advisory Panel.

c. Appeals

i. The Certification Advisory Panel shall appoint an Appeals Panel for consideration

of the Appeal.

ii. The Appeals Panel shall hold an enquiry where relevant BSTI officials and the Appellant are present.

iii. The decision of the Appeals Panel shall be final and shall be communicated to the

Appellant by the Director (CM) 5.3.4 The records of Complaints, Appeals and Dispute shall be maintained by the quality manager. 6. Related Documents Records of Complaints, Appeals and Dispute: P-CAD-02-F01

Page 29: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

10. Directory of License. Sl

No. Name & address of the

producer Product Name Brand Name Standard

Number Lic No Issue Date Status

1 Seven Circle (Bangladesh) Ltd.; Char Mirpur, Kaliganj, Gazipur.

PC(CEM-I) Seven Ring Gold BDS EN 197-1 3712 Jul-15 Jun-18

2 Akij Cement Company Ltd.; Madangonj, Bandar,


PC(CEM-I) Akij BDS EN 197-1 18112 Aug-14 Apr-17

3 Holcim Cement Bangladesh Ltd (Plant-02); Meghnaghat,

Sonargaon, Narayangang.

PC(CEM-I) Holcim BDS EN 197-1 4286 Aug-15 Jun-18

4 Modina Cement Ind Ltd.; Meghnaghat, Sonargaon,



Tiger BDS EN 197-1 17152 May-13 Feb-16

5 Unique Cement Industries Ltd.; Meghnaghat, Sonargaon,


PC(CEM-I) FRESH SUPER BDS EN 197-1 5030 Jul-15 Jun-18

6 Premier Cement Mills Ltd.; West Mukterpur, Munshigonj.

PC(CEM-I) Premier BDS EN 197-1 5572 Jul-15 Jun-18

7 Anwar Cement Ltd.; Tetulia, Gozaria, Munshigonj.


BDS EN 197-1 9217 Nov-13 Jun-16

8 Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh Ltd.; Kanchpur, Rupnonj,


PC(CEM-I) SCAN, RUBY BDS EN 197-1 15436 Oct-13 Jun-16

9 M.I Cement Factory Ltd.; West Muktepur, Munshigonj.

PC(CEM-I) Crown BDS EN 197-1 16133 Mar-15 Jan-18

10 Metrocem Cement Ltd.; West Mukterpur,Munshigonj.

PC(CEM-I) Metrocem BDS EN 197-1 17396 Dec-15 Nov-18

11 Royal Cement Ltd.; Ghoramara, Boro Kumira, Sitakundo,


PC(CEM-I) ENGINEER BDS EN 197-1 15618 Feb-14 Jun-16

12 Bengal Tiger Cement Industries Ltd.; Danga, Palash,


PC(CEM-I) TAIHEIYO BDS EN 197-1 18042 Jul-14 Apr-17

13 Shun Shing Cement Mills Ltd.; Holding No.- 14, Ward-31, Shipyard Road, Labanchara,


PC(CEM-I) Seven Rings Gold BDS EN 197-1 18107 Aug-14 Jun-17

14 Dubai Bangladesh Cement Mills Ltd.; Mongla I/A,

Mongla, Bagerhat.

PC(CEM-I) Five Rings BDS EN 197-1 18047 May-14 Apr-17

15 Gazi Cement Mills Ltd.; Kawadi, Charsindur, Palash,



GAZI BDS EN 197-1 18041 Jul-14 Apr-17

16 Unique Cement Industries Ltd.; Meghnaghat, Sonargaon,




BDS EN 197-1 6939 Jul-15 Jun-18

17 Seven Circle (Bangladesh) Ltd.; Char Mirpur, Kaliganj, Gazipur.


Seven Rings BDS EN 197-1 7176 Sep-13 Jun-16

18 Premier Cement Mills Ltd.; West Mukterpur, Munshigonj.


Premier BDS EN 197-1 7184 Sep-13 Jun-16

19 Premier Cement Mills Ltd.; West Mukterpur, Munshigonj.


Premier BDS EN 197-1 7764 Sep-13 Jun-16

20 M.I Cement Factory Ltd.; West Muktepur, Munshigonj.


Crown BDS EN 197-1 8252 Oct-14 Jun-17

21 Emirate Cement Bangladesh Ltd.; East Mukterpur,



Ultratech BDS EN 197-1 8626 Jul-15 Jun-18

22 Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh Ltd.; Kanchpur, Rupnonj,



RUBY & SCAN BDS EN 197-1 8627 Oct-13 Jun-16

23 Mir Cement Ltd.; Ganganagar, Murapara, Rupgonj,



Mir BDS EN 197-1 8780 Sep-15 Jun-18

24 Anwar Cement Ltd.; Tetulia, Gozaria, Munshigonj.


Anwar , Saktiman BDS EN 197-1 9216 Nov-13 Jun-16

Page 30: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

Sl No.

Name & address of the producer

Product Name Brand Name Standard Number

Lic No Issue Date Status

25 Metrocem Cement Ltd.; West Mukterpur,Munshigonj.


Metrocem BDS EN 197-1 10567 Jul-15 Jun-18

26 Dubai Bangladesh Cement Mills Ltd.; Mongla I/A,

Mongla, Bagerhat.


Five Rings BDS EN 197-1 10822 Aug-15 Jun-18

27 Shah Cement Industries Ltd.; West Mukterpur, Munshigonj.


Shah Special BDS EN 197-1 11027 Jan-14 Jun-16

28 Seven Circle (Bangladesh) Ltd.; Char Mirpur, Kaliganj, Gazipur.


Seven Rings special BDS EN 197-1 11486 Sep-13 Jun-16

29 Akij Cement Company Ltd.; Madangonj, Bandar,



Akij BDS EN 197-1 18111 Aug-14 Apr-17

30 Confidence Cement Ltd.; Madam Bibir Hat, Chittagong.


LION BDS EN 197-1 13918 Nov-13 Jun-16

31 Noapara Cement Mills Ltd.; Mohakal, Noapara,

Abhaynagar, Jessore.


Himaloy Special BDS EN 197-1 18046 Aug-14 Apr-17

32 Holcim Cement Bangladesh Ltd.; Mongla I/A, Mongla,



Holcim BDS EN 197-1 15112 Dec-13 Jun-16

33 Aman Cement Mills Ltd.; Ratan Kawak, Ullahpara, Sirajgonj.


Aman Cem BDS EN 197-1 16564 Aug-15 Jun-18

34 Unique Cement Industries Ltd.; Meghnaghat, Sonargaon,




BDS EN 197-1 17206 Jun-13 Apr-16

35 Bashundhara Industrial Complex Ltd.; Mongla I/A,

Mongla, Bagerhat.

PC(CEM-I) Bashundhara BDS EN 197-1 17248 Jul-13 Feb-16

36 Shah Cement Industries Ltd.; West Mukterpur,Munshigonj.


Shah Special BDS EN 197-1 17628 Jan-13 Oct-16

37 S Alam Cement Ltd.; Char Pathorghata, Chittagong.


Minar BDS EN 197-1 7874 Dec-13 Jun-16

38 Royal Cement Ltd.; Ghoramara, Boro Kumira, Sitakundo,



ENGINEER BDS EN 197-1 7199 Feb-14 Jun-16

39 Aman Cement Mills Ltd.; Ratan Kawak, Ullahpara, Sirajgonj.


Aman Cem BDS EN 197-1 7693 Mar-14 Jun-16

40 Lafarge Surma Cement Ltd.; Noarai, Chhatak, Sunamgonj.


SUPERCRETE BDS EN 197-1 15216 Mar-14 Jun-16

41 Deshbandhu Cement Mills Ltd.; Baghabarighat, Shahjadpur,



DESHBANDHU BDS EN 197-1 17762 Mar-14 Apr-16

42 Holcim Cement (Bangladesh) Ltd. (Plant-01); Chor

Razmzan, Sonaullah, Meghna Ferryghat, Newtown,

Sonargaon, Narayangonj.


Holcim Strong Structure, Holcim

BDS EN 197-1 15202 Apr-14 Jun-16

43 Shun Shing Cement Mills Ltd.; Holding No.- 14, Ward-31, Shipyard Road, Labanchara,



Seven Rings BDS EN 197-1 18106 Aug-14 Jun-17

44 Lafarge Surma Cement Ltd.; Noarai, Chhatak, Sunamgonj.

PLC(CEM-II/BL) SUPERCRETE BDS EN 197-1 11472 Mar-14 Jun-16

45 Pran Agro Ltd.; Eakdala, Natore.

Chutney (Tamarind,

Mixed, Mango, Olive, Boroi)

Pran, Pran Burmese, Pran super

BDS 521 VPCS 33 Jul-14 Jun-17

46 Igloo Foods Ltd.; 71/A-71/B, Kadamtoli I/A, Shyampur,


Chutney (Tamarind,


Foody BDS 521 VPCS 25 Aug-15 Jun-18

47 Square Food & Beverage Ltd.; Meril Road, Shalgaria, Pabna.

Chutney (Tamarind, Olive,

Mango, Boroi)

Ruchi BDS 521 VPCS 80 Aug-15 Jun-18

48 The ACME Agrovet & Beverages Ltd.; Dhulivita,

Dhamrai, Dhaka.

Chutney (Tamarind)

ACME BDS 521 VPCS 45 Jul-15 Jun-18

49 Akij Food & Beverage Ltd.; Krishnapura, Barobaria,

Dhamrai, Dhaka.

Flavoured Milk (Mango,


Farm Fresh BDS 1471 VPCS-131 Jul-14 Jun-17

Page 31: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

Sl No.

Name & address of the producer

Product Name Brand Name Standard Number

Lic No Issue Date Status

50 Danish Condensed Milk (Bangladesh) Ltd. (Unit-2);

Shimrail, Siddhirgonj, Narayangonj.

Fruit Drinks (Mango)

Danish Garden Fresh Popular, Danish

Garden Fresh Premimum Danish

Garden fresh Standard

BDS 1581 VPCS 113 Jan-14 Nov-16

51 Hashem Foods Ltd.; Vhulta, Rupgonj, Narayangonj.

Fruit Drinks (Mango)

Shezan, Shezan Classic, Sajeeb, Frootina, Shezan


BDS 1581 VPCS 114 Jan-14 Nov-16

52 Prome Agro Foods Ltd. (2nd Project); 487, Gobindapur,

Moinertek, Uttarkhan, Dhaka.

Fruit Drinks (Mango)

PROME AAM RAS BDS 1581 VPCS 115 Jan-14 Nov-16

53 Transcom Beverage Ltd.; Telirchala, Mouchak, Kaliakoir,


Fruit Drinks (Mango)

Slice BDS 1581 VPCS 121 Apr-14 Feb-17

54 Abul Khair Condensed Milk and Beverage Ltd.; 245/279,

Baizid Bostami Road, Nasirabad, Chittagong.

Fruit Drinks (Mango)

Starship, Starshil Fruity BDS 1581 VPCS 122 Apr-14 Feb-17

55 The ACME Agrovet & Beverages Ltd.; Dhulivita,

Dhamrai, Dhaka.

Fruit Drinks (Mango)

ACME Classic ACME Premium

BDS 1581 VPCS 102 Sep-13 Jul-16

56 AST Beverage Ltd.; Shimrail, Siddhirgonj, Narayangonj.

Fruit Drinks (Mango)

Mangolee BDS 1581 VPCS 110 Nov-13 Oct-16

57 Akij Food & Beverage Ltd.; Krishnapura, Barobaria,

Dhamrai, Dhaka.

Fruit Drinks (Mango, Grape)

Frutika/AFFI BDS 1581 VPCS 95 Jul-13 Apr-16

58 BD Thai Food & Beverage Ltd.; Boronarayanpur, Amta,

Dhamrai, Dhaka.

Fruit Drinks (Mango)

Nectar BDS 1581 VPCS 127 Jul-14 Feb-17


Ghorashal, Palash, Narshingdi.

Fruit Drinks (Mango, Apple)

Pran, Pran Junior, Pran Frooto

BDS 1581 VPCS 69 Apr-13 Feb-16

60 Mymensingh Agro Ltd.; Mulgaon, Sandanpara, Kaligonj,


Fruit Drinks (Mango, Lemon, Apple, Orange)

PRAN Frooto, PRAN, Sunny, PRAN Fazlee,

Sundrop, PRAN Kagozee

BDS 1581 VPCS 105 Nov-13 Oct-16

61 PRAN DAIRY LTD.; Bagpara, Palash, Narshingdi.

Fruit Drinks (Mango, Mixed)

Pran, Pran Joyr, Pran Frooto, Pran Junior

Fruit Cocktail

BDS 1581 VPCS 70 Apr-13 Feb-16

62 PRAN DAIRY LTD.; Bagpara, Palash, Narshingdi.

Pasteurized Milk PRAN MILK BDS 1702 6068 Jul-14 Jun-17

63 Baro Awlia Dairy Milk & Foods Ltd.; Purinda Bazar, Saat

Gram, Boro Nowgaon, Araihazar, Narayangonj.

Pasteurized Milk Dairy Fresh BDS 1702 15186 Dec-13 Jun-16


Laxmipara, Joydebpur, Gazipur.

Pasteurized Milk Aarong Dairy BDS 1702 5805 Apr-14 Jun-16

65 Tanveer Oils Ltd.; Meghnaghat, Sonargaon, Narayangonj.

Fortified Palm Olein

Super Pure, Oleo BDS 1774 19199 Dec-15 Dec-18

66 Monzil Foods; BSCIC I/A, Gatatikor, Sylhet.

Fortified Palm Olein

Mnozil BDS 1567 VPCS 164 Jan-16 Dec-18

67 Tanveer Oils Ltd.; Meghnaghat, Sonargaon, Narayangonj.

Fortified Soyabean Oil

Super Fresh, No 1 BDS 1769 19198 Dec-15 Dec-18

68 ELSON FOODS; A-13, BSCIC I/A, Kanchpur, Sonargaon,


Wafer Biscuits ELSON PERKY & ELSON Crunchy Three


BDS 1001 VPCS 130 8/20/2014, 5/28/2015 (Re-issue)


69 Holcim Cement Bangladesh Ltd (Plant-02); Meghnaghat,

Sonargaon, Narayangang.


Holcim Strong Structure & Holcim


BDS EN 197-1 18043 Jul-14 Apr-17

70 Universal Foods Ltd.; Dilalpur, Sadar, Pabna.

Chutney (Tamarind)

Universal Testy BDS 521 VPCS-133 Oct-14 Sep-17

71 AFTAB MILK & MILK PRODUCTS LTD.; Vannara, Mouchak, Kaliakoir, Gazipur.

Pasteurized Milk AFTAB BDS 1702 18258 Nov-14 Sep-17

72 Akij Food & Beverage Ltd.; Krishnapura, Barobaria,

Dhamrai, Dhaka.

Pasteurized Milk FARM FRESH MILK BDS 1702 18262 Nov-14 Sep-17

Page 32: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

Sl No.

Name & address of the producer

Product Name Brand Name Standard Number

Lic No Issue Date Status

73 Aramit Cement Ltd.; Kalurghat Heavy Industrial Estate,

Mohora, Chittagong.


Camel BDS EN197-1 18214 Oct-14 Apr-17

74 Bangladesh Edible Oil Ltd.; North Rupgonj, Narayangonj.

Fortified Refined Palm Olein

Meizan, Lucky BDS 1774 VPCS-109 Nov-13 Oct-16

75 Shun Shing edible Oil Ltd.; Plot-I/1, Mongla Port Industrial

Area, Bagerhat.

Fortified Soyabean Oil

VEOLA BDS 1769 18357 Jan-15 Jan-18

76 Bakshigonj Food Preservation & Agro Industrie Ltd.;

Pakhimara, Bakshigonj Bazar, Bakshigonj, Jamalpur.

Pasteurized Milk Day Fresh BDS 1702 17972 Jun-14 Apr-17

77 Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh Ltd.; South Halishahor, Potenga

, Chittagong.

PC(CEM-I) SCAN BDS EN 197-1 18401 Feb-15 Sep-17

78 Heidelberg Cement Bangladesh Ltd.; South Halishahor, Potenga

, Chittagong.


SCAN & RUBY BDS EN 197-1 18402 Feb-15 Sep-17

79 Monzil Foods; BSCIC I/A, Gatatikor, Sylhet.

Fortified Soyabean Oil

MONZIL BDS 909 19265 Jan-16 Dec-18

80 Bangladesh Milk Producers' Co-operative Union Ltd.; Section-

07, Mirpur, Dhaka.

Pasteurized Milk milk vita BDS 1702 18566 Apr-15 Sep-17

81 Al-Haz Mostafa Hakim Cement Industries Ltd.; Choto Kumira,

Sitakundo, Chittagong.


TAJMAHAL BDS EN 197-1 18564 Apr-15 Sep-17

82 Shah Cement Industries Ltd.; West Mukterpur, Munshigonj.

PC(CEM-I) Shah Special BDS EN 197-1 18573 Apr-15 Jan-18

83 Diamond Cement Ltd.; Ichanagar, Karnafully,



Diamond BDS EN 197-1 18446 Mar-15 Apr-17

84 Royal Cement Ltd.; Ghoramara, Boro Kumira, Sitakundo,



ENGINEER BDS EN 197-1 18445 Mar-15 Jan-18

85 Mir Cement Ltd.; Ganganagar, Murapara, Rupgonj,


PC(CEM-I) Mir Cement BDS 197-1:2003

18588 Apr-15 Apr-18

86 Mir Cement Ltd.; Ganganagar, Murapara, Rupgonj,



Mir Advance BDS 197-1:2003

18589 Apr-15 Apr-18

87 Roots Food and Beverage Ltd.; 137/3, Haji Eunus Ali Sarak,

Kornopara, Savar, Dhaka.

Fruit Drinks (Mango)

Tropica BDS 1581 VPCS 89 Apr-15 Apr-16

88 Aramit Cement Ltd.; Kalurghat Heavy Industrial Estate,

Mohora, Chittagong.

PC(CEM-I) Camel BDS EN197-1 18681 Jun-15 Apr-18

89 Arefin Trading Company Ltd.; Satpatki, Mohendranagar,


Pasteurized Milk REAL BD. MILK BDS 1702 18715 Jun-15 Apr-18

90 Eastern Cement Industries Ltd.; Sumilpara, Siddhirgonj,


PC(CEM-I) Seven horse BDS EN 197-1 18745 Jul-15 Apr-18

91 RSF Agro industriws Ltd.; Borua, Khilkhet, Dhaka.

Pasteurized Milk Dhaka Prime BDS 1702 18743 Jul-15 Jun-18

92 RSF Agro industriws Ltd.; Borua, Khilkhet, Dhaka.

Flavored Milk Dhaka Prime BDS 1741 VPCS 148 Jul-15 Jun-18

93 Deshbandhu Cement Mills Ltd.; Baghabarighat, Shahjadpur,


PC(CEM-I) DESHBANDHU BDS EN 197-1 18771 Jul-15 Jun-18

94 American Dairy Ltd.; Vangnahati, Sreepur, Gazipur.

Pasteurized Milk MOO BDS 1702 18731 Jul-15 Jun-18

95 National Cement Mills Ltd.; Ichanagor, Karnofully,



PREMIER BDS EN 197-1 18680 Jun-15 Apr-18

96 National Cement Mills Ltd.; Ichanagor, Karnofully,


PC(CEM-I) PREMIER BDS EN 197-1 18679 Jun-15 Apr-18

97 Aman Cement Mills Ltd.; Ratan Kawak, Ullahpara, Sirajgonj.

PC(CEM-I) Aman Cem BDS EN 197-1 18808 Aug-15 Jun-18

Page 33: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

Sl No.

Name & address of the producer

Product Name Brand Name Standard Number

Lic No Issue Date Status

98 Bashundhara Industrial Complex Ltd.; 78-79 M N

Ghoshal Road, Madangonj , Bandar, Narayangonj.


Bashundhara, KING BDS EN 197-1 17782 Mar-14 Oct-16

99 Bashundhara Industrial Complex Ltd.; 78-79 M N

Ghoshal Road, Madangonj , Bandar, Narayangonj.

PC(CEM-I) Bashundhara BDS EN 197-1 17783 Mar-14 Oct-16

100 Bashundhara Industrial Complex Ltd.; 78-79 M N

Ghoshal Road, Madangonj , Bandar, Narayangonj.


Bashundhara BDS EN 197-1 18533 Apr-15 Jun-17

101 Holcim Cement Bangladesh Ltd.; Mongla I/A, Mongla,


PC(CEM-I) Holcim BDS EN 197-1 15393 Dec-13 Jun-16

102 Prome Agro Foods Ltd. (2nd Project); 487, Gobindapur,

Moinertek, Uttarkhan, Dhaka.

Chutney (Tamarind)

Prome BDS 521 VPCS-149 Jul-15 Jun-18

103 Confidence Cement Ltd.; Madam Bibir Hat, Chittagong.

PC(CEM-I) Confidencecement BDS EN 197-1 18942 Sep-15 Jun-18

104 Prome Agro Foods Ltd. (2nd Project); 487, Gobindapur,

Moinertek, Uttarkhan, Dhaka.

Edible Jell Prome, Empro (pudding)

BDS 1801 VPCS-152 Oct-15 Aug-18

105 Olympic Cement Industries Ltd.; Rupatoli, Barisal.


Anchorup BDS EN 197-1 18939 Sep-15 Apr-17

106 NGS Cement Industries Ltd.; North Patenga, Chittagong.


NGS BDS EN 197-1 18914 Sep-15 Apr-17

107 Bangladesh Edible Oil Ltd.; North Rupgonj, Narayangonj.

Fortified Soyabean Oil

RUPCHANDA BDS 1769 18982 Oct-15 Oct-18

108 Super Oil Refinary Ltd.; Shimrail, Siddhirgonj,


Fortified Soyabean Oil

Pusti & Ranna BDS 1769 18981 Oct-15 Oct-18

109 Diamond Cement Ltd.; Ichanagar, Karnafully,


PC(CEM-I) Diamond BDS EN 197-1 18984 Oct-15 Aug-18

110 Modina Cement Ind Ltd.; Meghnaghat, Sonargaon,



Tiger BDS EN 197-1 19020 Nov-15 Aug-18

111 Modina Cement Ind Ltd.; Meghnaghat, Sonargaon,


PC(CEM-I) Tiger BDS EN 197-1 19021 Nov-15 Aug-18

112 Mongla Cement Factory; Burirdanga, Mongla, Bagerhat.


Elephant BDS EN 197-1 19019 Oct-15 Aug-18

113 Nur Food Products; Mouchak Road, Mijmiji, Siddhirgonj,


Chutney Nur BDS 521 VPCS-154 Nov-15 Oct-18

114 Laboni Food and Consumer Products Ltd.; Muslimpara,

Noyamatirdhal, Pagla, Fotullah, Narayangonj.

Fruit Drinks (Mango)

Laboni Fruitila BDS1581 VPCS-155 Nov-15 Oct-18

115 ELSON FOODS; A-13, BSCIC I/A, Kanchpur, Sonargaon,


Edible Jell Elson Lychee, Elson Jelly Belly

BDS1801 VPCS-154 Nov-15 Oct-18

116 Emirate Cement Bangladesh Ltd.; East Muktarpur,


PC(CEM-I) Ultratech BDS EN 197-1 19069 Nov-15 Oct-18

117 A R Cement Mills Ltd.; Mohakal, Noapara, Jessore.


AR BDS EN 197-1 19086 Nov-15 Oct-18

118 Ehsan Cement Mills Ltd.; Ramanadapur, Bypass Road,



AR BDS EN 197-1 19121 Nov-15 Oct-18

119 Meghna Cement Mills Ltd.; Mongla Port I/A, Mongla,


PC(CEM-I) KING BRAND BDS EN 197-1 19118 Nov-15 Aug-18

120 Meghna Cement Mills Ltd.; Mongla Port I/A, Mongla,



KING BRAND BDS EN 197-1 19119 Nov-15 Aug-18

121 Meghna Cement Mills Ltd.; Mongla Port I/A, Mongla,



KING BRAND BDS EN 197-1 19120 Nov-15 Aug-18

Page 34: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

Sl No.

Name & address of the producer

Product Name Brand Name Standard Number

Lic No Issue Date Status

122 Mongla Cement Factory; Burirdanga, Mongla, Bagerhat.

PC(CEM-I) Elephant BDS EN 197-1 19087 Oct-15 Oct-18

123 Eastern Cement Industries Ltd.; Sumilpara, Siddhirgonj,



Seven horse Supream, eastern cement

BDS EN 197-1 18278 Nov-14 Sep-17

124 BD Foods Ltd.; Bhawal, Mirzapur, Gazipur.

Chutney BD Food BDS 521 VPCS-163 Jan-16 Dec-18

125 Deepa Food products Ltd.; Uttar Rupshi, Rupgonj,


Fortified Soyabean Oil

Teer BDS1769 19318 Feb-16 Jan-19

126 Deepa Food products Ltd.; Uttar Rupshi, Rupgonj,


Fortified Palm Olein

Natural BDS1774 VPCS-166 Feb-16 Jan-19

127 Dessert Food Beverage and Agro Industries Ltd.; Poulanpur, Shekherchar, Pachdona, Sadar,


Fruit Drinks (Mango, Apple)

Buffalo BDS 1581 VPCS-167 Feb-16 Jan-19

128 Super Oil Refinary Ltd.; Shimrail, Siddhirgonj,


Fortified Palm Olein

Family BDS 1774 VPCS-169 Feb-16 Jan-19

129 Shabnam Vegetable Oil Industries Ltd.; Shimrail,

Siddhirgonj, Narayangonj.

Fortified Palm Olein

Family BDS 1774 VPCS-168 Feb-16 Jan-19

130 Shabnam Vegetable Oil Industries Ltd.; Shimrail,

Siddhirgonj, Narayangonj.

Fortified edible palm oil

Hilsa BDS 1774 19356 Feb-16 Jan-19

131 Shelaidah Dairy; Kashimpur, Kumarkhali, Kushtia.

Pasteurized Milk Ultra milk BDS 1702 19312 Feb-16 Dec-18

132 Cemex cement Bangladesh limited, madangonj, bandar,


PC(CEM-1) CEMEX BDS EN 197-1 19399 Mar-16 Jan-19

133 Cemex cement Bangladesh limited, madangonj, bandar,



CEMEX BDS EN 197-1 19398 Mar-16 Jan-19

134 Igloo Dairy Limited, 71/A-71/B, Kadamtoli, Shampur I/A,


Pasteurized Milk IGLOO BDS 1702 19400 Mar-16 Jan-19

135 Igloo Dairy Limited, 71/A-71/B, Kadamtoli, Shampur I/A,


Flavoured Milk (Mango,


IGLOO BDS 1741 VPCS-170 Mar-16 Jan-19

136 VOTT Oil Refinaries Limited, North patenga, Chittagong

Fortified Soyabean Oil

Teer BDS 1769 19403 Mar-16 Jan-19

137 Khadiza Food Products, 22 BK road, Nitaigonj, Narayangonj.

Fortified Soyabean Oil

City, Cityzen BDS 1769 19419 Mar-16 Mar-19

138 Khadiza Food Products, 22 BK road, Nitaigonj, Narayangonj.

Fortified Palm Olein

City, Cityzen BDS 1774 VPCS 172 Mar-16 Mar-19

139 Karnafully Food Products, Kawtowalpur, Golapgonj,


Fortified Soyabean Oil

Shapla BDS 1769 19420 Mar-16 Mar-19

Page 35: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

11. Records of cancelled License.

SI. No.

Name of the License Contact address Certified Product Name & Brand

License number

Standard/ Technical


Status / expiry date

Date of Cancellation

1 A. S.S. Corporation Shagor Bhaban, Hamja Digir Par, Ishan Mistrir Hat, Maddam Halishahor, bandaor, Chittagong

Soyabean Oil, Ramani

18709 BDS 909 Apr-18 Mar-16

2 A. S.S. Corporation Shagor Bhaban, Hamja Digir Par, Ishan Mistrir Hat, Maddam Halishahor, bandaor, Chittagong

Refined Palm Olein, Ramani

18710 BDS 1567 Apr-18 Mar-16

3 Abir Consumer Food Products

Chandra, Daudkandi, Comilla

Soyabean Oil, Teacher

12726 BDS 909 Jun-16 Mar-16

4 Abir Consumer Food Products

Chandra, Daudkandi, Comilla

Refined Palm Olein, Star

17599 BDS 1567 Oct-16 Mar-16

5 Ashraf Food Products Jirabo Ashulia, Dhaka Soyabean Oil, Padma+

17546 BDS 909 Oct-16 Mar-16

6 Ashraf Food Products Jirabo Ashulia, Dhaka Refined Palm Olein, Asha

17547 BDS 1567 Oct-16 Mar-16

7 Asia Agro Food & Beverage Industries Ltd.

Plot no:8-10, BSCIC I/A, Baburhat, Chandpur

Fruit Drinks (mango),

Asia Amm


Sep-13 Apr-16 Jan-15

8 Bay Fishing Corporation Limited,

East Patenga, Airport road, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Soyabean Oil, Pusti

18772 BDS 909 Apr-18 Mar-16

9 Bay Fishing Corporation Limited,

East Patenga, Airport road, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Refined Palm Olein, Hilsha

18773 BDS 1567 Apr-18 Mar-16

10 Chowdhury Mills DB Road, Gaibanda Soyabean Oil, Chaka

18134 BDS 909 Jun-17 Mar-16

11 Chowdhury Mills DB Road, Gaibanda Refined Palm Olein, Nitol

18135 BDS 1567 Jun-17 Mar-16

12 Confidence Edible Oil Ltd Ghomdondi, Goalmari, Chittagong

Soyabean Oil, Confidence

16500 BDS 909 Jun-18 Mar-16

13 Confidence Edible Oil Ltd Ghomdondi, Goalmari, Chittagong

Refined Palm Olein, Confidence

18941 BDS 1567 Jun-18 Mar-16

14 Deepa Food Products Uttor Ruposhi, Rupgonj Narayangonj.

Soyabean Oil, Teer

18974 BDS 909 Aug-18 Jan-16

15 Deepa Food Products Uttor Ruposhi, Rupgonj Narayangonj.

Refined Palm Olein, Natural

18973 BDS 1567 Aug-18 Jan-16

16 Desh Food Products 182, Ahammed Nagar, Paikpara, Mirpur

Soyabean Oil, Desh

14071 BDS 909 Jun-17 Mar-16

17 Desh Food Products 182, Ahammed Nagar, Paikpara, Mirpur

Refined Palm Olein, Unique

17868 BDS 1567 Feb-17 Mar-16

18 Dia Agro Industries Ltd Md. Abul Kashem, MD, phone- 029014875, 01611226609, [email protected], 9/5, Pallabi, Mirpur, Dhaka

Refined Palm Olein DIA

17521 BDS1567 Jul-16 Aug-15

19 ELSON FOODS A-13, BSCIC I/A, Kanchpur, Sonargaon, Narayangonj

Fruit Drinks ELSON


BDS 1581 Jul-16 Nov-15

20 Emtiaz Food Products Godowan Quarter,Sador,Feni Soyabean Oil, My one

18649 BDS 909 Apr-18 Mar-16

Page 36: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

SI. No.

Name of the License Contact address Certified Product Name & Brand

License number

Standard/ Technical


Status / expiry date

Date of Cancellation

21 Emtiaz Food Products Godowan Quarter,Sador,Feni Refined Palm Olein, Usha

18650 BDS 1567 Apr-18 Mar-16

22 Fuji Oil & Food Products Puranpara, Gabtoli Madrasa road, Narshindi

Soyabean Oil, Fuji

2337 BDS 909 Jun-16 Mar-16

23 Fuji Oil & Food Products Puranpara, Gabtoli Madrasa road, Narshindi

Refined Palm Olein, Moon

13076 BDS 1567 Jun-17 Mar-16

24 Fuzul Products 34, Munshihati, Ashrafabad, Kamrangirchar, Dhaka

Soyabean Oil, Fuzul

18744 BDS 909 Jun-18 Mar-16

25 GAZI NPKS Complex Omar Faruqe, Propitor, mobile-01811831086, TSP Gate, North Potenga, Chittangong

Refined Palm Olein Super


17260 BDS 1567 Apr-16 Aug-15

26 GAZI NPKS Complex Omar Faruqe, Propitor, mobile-01811831086, TSP Gate, North Potenga, Chittangong

Soyabean Oil, Super Rajmohol

17259 BDS 909 Apr-16 Aug-15

27 Gram Bangla Dairy & Milk Products Limited

Hazradighi, bagra Sader, Bagra

Pasteurized Milk, Gram-


17849 BDS 1702 Feb-17 Mar-16

28 H.A.B Oil & Food Products

Dakkhin Bazar, Kulaura, Moulovibazar.

Refined Palm Olein, Five star super olein

17401 BDS 1567 Jul-16 Mar-16

29 H.A.B Oil & Food Products

Dakkhin Bazar, Kulaura, Moulovibazar.

Soyabean Oil, Jonaki

17400 BDS 909 Jul-16 Mar-16

30 Islamic Pharmaceuticals (Public) Limited

Shonir Akhra, Gobindapur, Baganbari, Dania,Jatrabari

Soyabean Oil, Alfa

17866 BDS 909 Feb-17 Mar-16

31 Karnafuli Food Products Kotualpur, Gplapgonj, Sylhet Soyabean Oil, Shapla

18448 BDS 909 Jan-18 Mar-16

32 Karnafuli Food Products Kotualpur, Gplapgonj, Sylhet Refined Palm Olein, Shapla

18449 BDS 1567 Jan-18 Mar-16

33 Karnafuli Traders 274/2, New Chaktai, Chittagong

Soyabean Oil, Dristi

18260 BDS 909 Sep-17 Mar-16

34 Karnafuli Traders 274/2, New Chaktai, Chittagong

Refined Palm Olein, Dristi

18261 BDS 1567 Sep-17 Mar-16

35 Kawality Milk Pro. Ind. Ltd

Rakhaliachala, Shafipur, Gazipur.

Pasteurized Milk


17394 BDS 1702 Jul-16 Jul-15

36 Khadiza food products 22 B K road, Nitaigonj, Narayangonj

Soyabean Oil, Officer

17379 BDS 909 Jul-16 Mar-16

37 Khadiza food products 22 B K road, Nitaigonj, Narayangonj

Refined Palm Olein, Cityzen, Master

17380 BDS 1567 Jul-16 Mar-16

38 Khan Food and Agrobased Indus. Ltd

198, Donia, Kadamtoli Soyabean Oil, Mon

17381 BDS 909 Jul-16 Mar-16

39 Khan Food and Agrobased Indus. Ltd

198, Donia, Kadamtoli Refined Palm Olein, Mon, Mother

17382 BDS 1567 Jul-16 Mar-16

40 Labi Consumer Food Products

Nishindhara, Maddapara, Bogra

Soyabean Oil, Kichen

17652 BDS 909 Oct-16 Mar-16

41 M H Edible Food Products Limited

Nanakhi, Olipura, Sonargoan, Narayangonj

Soyabean Oil, Nile

18368 BDS 909 Jan-18 Mar-16

42 M H Edible Food Products Limited

Nanakhi, Olipura, Sonargoan, Narayangonj

Refined Palm Olein, Padma, Arafat

18369 BDS 1567 Jan-18 Mar-16

Page 37: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

SI. No.

Name of the License Contact address Certified Product Name & Brand

License number

Standard/ Technical


Status / expiry date

Date of Cancellation

43 Madina Oil Mill Gorargoan, Shispur, Shivpur, Narsingdi

Soyabean Oil, Modin

18912 BDS 909 Aug-18 Mar-16

44 Madina Oil Mill Gorargoan, Shispur, Shivpur, Narsingdi

Refined Palm Olein, Modina

18913 BDS 1567 Aug-18 Mar-16

45 Mamun food & Oil Products

House-44, ward-03,Block-A,Kapasia, Gazipur

Soyabean Oil New


17193 BDS 909 Jul-16 Jul-15

46 Mamun food & Oil Products

House-44, ward-03,Block-A,Kapasia, Gazipur

Refined Palm Olein New


17194 BDS 1567 Jul-16 Jul-15

47 Meem Food & Consumer Products

Bhai Bhai Super Market, Sonatala, Sylhet

Soyabean Oil, Meem

17863 BDS 909 Feb-17 Mar-16

48 Meem Food & Consumer Products

Bhai Bhai Super Market, Sonatala, Sylhet

Refined Palm Olein, Meem, Nurmohol

17864 BDS 1567 Feb-17 Mar-16

49 MKS Food Products 15/1, Nalua road, Nitaigonj, Narayangonj

Soyabean Oil, City, Baishakhi

18372 BDS 909 Jan-18 Mar-16

50 MKS Food Products 15/1, Nalua road, Nitaigonj, Narayangonj

Refined Palm Olein, city, Baishakhi

18373 BDS 1567 Jan-18 Mar-16

51 Monzil Foods BSCIC I/A, Gatatikor, Sylhet Soyabean Oil, Monjil

18403 BDS 909 Jan-18 Dec-15

52 Monzil Foods BSCIC I/A, Gatatikor, Sylhet Edible palm plein, Monjil

18404 BDS 999 Jan-18 Feb-16

53 Nabisco Bread and Biscuit Factory Ltd

Shahid Tajuddin Ahammed Sarani, Tejgaon I/A, Dhaka

Inermediate proyein rich

biscuit, Nabisco


BDS 1563 Feb-16 Mar-16

54 Nahar Enterprise Boro Majhi road, CEPZ, Bandor, Chittagong

Soyabean Oil, Diamond

18755 BDS 909 Apr-18 Mar-16

55 Nahar Enterprise Boro Majhi road, CEPZ, Bandor, Chittagong

Refined Palm Olein, Diamond

18756 BDS 1567 Apr-18 Mar-16

56 National Food Products Satborga bazar, Bijoynagar,B-Baria

Soyabean Oil, National

18447 BDS 909 Jan-18 Mar-16

57 National Food Products Satborga bazar, Bijoynagar,B-Baria

Refined palm olein, National

18462 BDS 1567 Jan-18 Mar-16

58 New Ahlan Traders 70, Mirashpara, Tongi, Gazipur

Soyabean Oil SAMEE

17391 BDS 909 Jul-16 Jul-15

59 Nuha & Brothers Chowmohoni,Dagonbhuiyan,Feni

Soyabean Oil, Saowdagor

18522 BDS 909 Jan-18 Mar-16

60 Nuha & Brothers Chowmohoni,Dagonbhuiyan,Feni

Refined palm olein, Rani

18523 BDS 1567 Jan-18 Mar-16

61 Omi Food Products East bazar, fenchugonj, sylhet

Soyabean Oil, Sunrise, Puesh

18478 BDS 909 Jul-18 Mar-16

62 One Star Consumar Food Products

Chandina Mohila College road, Chandina, Comilla

Refined palm olein, Raja

18371 BDS 1567 Jan-18 Mar-16

63 One Star Consumar Food Products

Chandina Mohila College road, Chandina, Comilla

Soyabean Oil, Time

18370 BDS 909 Jan-18 Mar-16

64 Padma Consumar and Beverage Co

Munshibag, Kutubpur, Fatulla, Narayangonj.

Soyabean Oil, super

18590 BDS 909 Apr-18 Mar-16

Page 38: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

SI. No.

Name of the License Contact address Certified Product Name & Brand

License number

Standard/ Technical


Status / expiry date

Date of Cancellation


65 President Food Products 5/1, Mendibag, Sylhet Soyabean Oil, Best

12762 BDS 909 Jul-16 Mar-16

66 President Food Products 5/1, Mendibag, Sylhet Refined palm olein, Best

17858 BDS 1567 Feb-17 Mar-16

67 R.B. Edible Food products BSCIC I/A, Khadim Nagar, Sylhet

Soyabean Oil, Tripti

11680 BDS 909 Jun-16 Mar-16

68 Ram Beverage & Agro Food (Pvt) Ltd.

Mst Ajmira khatun, MD, Katcharipara,Veramara, Kushtia.

Fruit Drinks, Montouch


BDS 1581 Apr-17 Dec-15

69 Rony Edible Food Products

BSCIC I/A, Gatatikor, Sylhet Refined palm olein, Rony, Golden

18479 BDS 909 Feb-17 Mar-16

70 Rony Edible Food Products

BSCIC I/A, Gatatikor, Sylhet Edible palm oil, Green

18480 BDS 999 Jul-18 Mar-16

71 Rony Edible Food Products

BSCIC I/A, Gatatikor, Sylhet Soyabean oil, Rony, Diamond

17860 BDS 1567 Jul-18 Mar-16

72 S A Oil Refinary Limited FIDC Road, Kalurghat, Chittagong

Soyabean oil, Muskan

19140 BDS 909 Jun-16 Mar-16

73 S Conjumar Food Products 62, Subidkhali, Mirjagonj, Patuakhali

Soyabean Oil, Apon

18055 BDS 909 Jun-17 Mar-16

74 S Conjumar Food Products 62, Subidkhali, Mirjagonj, Patuakhali

Refined palm olein, Rupa

18056 BDS 1567 Jun-17 Mar-16

75 S S Edible Products Limited

Shihachar, Fatullah, Narayangonj

Soyabean Oil, Raisa, Amisha

18057 BDS 909 Jun-17 Mar-16

76 S S Edible Products Limited

Shihachar, Fatullah, Narayangonj

Refined palm olein, Sagor, Amisha

18058 BDS 1567 Jun-17 Mar-16

77 S. Alam Super edible oil LTD.

Char Patharghata,Karnphuli,Chittagong

Refined palm Olein, Fish

18621 BDS 1567 Sep-17 Mar-16

78 S. Alam Vegetable Oil Ltd. Charpatharghata, Karnafuly, Chittagong

Soyabean Oil, Cock brand

18554 BDS 909 Sep-17 Mar-16

79 S. Alam Vegetable Oil Ltd. Charpatharghata, Karnafuly, Chittagong

Refined palm olein, Cock brand

18555 BDS 1567 Sep-17 Mar-16

80 Safety Edible Products Limited

Mizmizi (Batenpara), Siddhirgonj, Narayangonj

Soyabean Oil, saftey

17969 BDS 1567 Apr-17 Mar-16

81 Safety Edible Products Limited

Mizmizi (Batenpara), Siddhirgonj, Narayangonj

Refined palm olein, saftey

17970 BDS 909 Apr-17 Mar-16

82 Saif Edible Food Packging 16/B, Choto katra, Lalbag, Dhaka

Soyabean Oil, Makka

18380 BDS 909 Jan-18 Mar-16

83 Saif Edible Food Packging 16/B, Choto katra, Lalbag, Dhaka

Refined palm olein, Sabrina

18381 BDS 1567 Jan-18 Mar-16

84 Satata food Products Bagershor,Ghashipukur,Munshigonj

Soyabean Oil, Ministar

18617 BDS 909 Apr-18 Mar-16

85 Satata food Products Bagershor,Ghashipukur,Munshigonj

Refined palm olein, Ministar

18620 BDS 1567 Apr-18 Mar-16

86 Shabnam Vegetable Oil Industries Limited

194, Tarabo, Rupgonj, Narayangonj

Refined Palm Olein

18188 BDS 1567 Jun-17 Jan-16

87 Shabnam Vegetable Oil Industries Limited

194, Tarabo, Rupgonj, Narayangonj

Edible Palm Oil

18189 BDS 999 Jun-17 Jan-16

Page 39: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

SI. No.

Name of the License Contact address Certified Product Name & Brand

License number

Standard/ Technical


Status / expiry date

Date of Cancellation

88 Shahid Store Kulgaon Bepari Para, Jalalabad, Baizid, Chittagong

Soyabean Oil, Shahin

17941 BDS 909 Jun-16 Mar-16

89 Shahid Store Kulgaon Bepari Para, Jalalabad, Baizid, Chittagong

Refined palm olein, Shahin

17942 BDS 1567 Jun-16 Mar-16

90 Super Oil Refinary Limited

Shimrail, Shiddhirgonj, Narayangonj

Refined Palm Olein, Family

18191 BDS 1567 Jun-17 Jan-16

91 Super Oil Refinary Limited

Shimrail, Shiddhirgonj, Narayangonj

Soyabean Oil, Pusti, Ranna

18190 BDS 909 Jun-17 Mar-16

92 Talukder Consumer Products

11 Mile, Jobra, Hathhazari, Chittagong

Soyabean Oil, Ruposhi

17857 BDS 909 Feb-17 Mar-16

93 Talukder Consumer Products

11 Mile, Jobra, Hathhazari, Chittagong

Refined palm olein, Ruposhi

17856 BDS 1567 Feb-17 Mar-16

94 Tanveer Oils Ltd MaghnaGhat,Sonargaon, Narayangonj

Soyabean Oil, Super fresh, no1

4814 BDS 909 Jun-18 Dec-15

95 Tanveer Oils Ltd MaghnaGhat,Sonargaon, Narayangonj

Refined Palm Olein, Natural

18973 BDS 1567 Jun-18 Dec-15

96 Unity Agro Food & Beverage Industries Ltd.

Section-11, Block-C, Avenue-5, Lane-15/1, Plot:7-8, Pallabi, Mirpur, Dhaka

Fruit drinks , Unity


BDS 1581 Apr-16 Dec-15

Page 40: Information about Accreditation status of Product Certification

12. Schedule of Product Certification.

Evaluation Criteria SI. No.

Certification Schedule

Category Sub Category Scope (Products/Process) Technical Standards


Applicable Document


Processing of Perishable animal Products

1. Pasteurized milk 2.Flavored Milk 3. Low Fat Milk

1.BDS 1702:2002 2.BDS 1471:2012 3. BDS 1866:2013


Processing of Perishable Plant Products

1.Fruit drinks 2.Chutney

1.BDS 1581:2015 2.BDS 521:2011

A Food Manufacturing

A-III Processing of ambient Stable Products

1. Wafer Biscuit 2.Intermediat Protein Biscuit 3.Edible Jell 4.Fotified Soya bean Oil 5.Fortified Palm Olein 6. Fortified Edible Palm Oil 7. Fortified Rice Bran Oil 8. Sweeten Condensed Filled Milk

1. BDS 1001:2010 2.BDS 1563:2011 3.BDS1801:2015 4. BDS 1769:2014 5.BDS 1774:2014 6. BDS 1770:2014 7. BDS 1886:2014 8.BDS 1780:2014

1 Type-5 Based on ISO/IEC


B Non-Food Manufacturing

B-I Construction Materials and Building

1.Cement 1. BDS EN 197-1:2003

STI for each product (based on Standards)

Approved By : Director (CM) Date:25.02.2016
