Infinity Thinking Final Paper v12 2-20-2006

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  • 8/8/2019 Infinity Thinking Final Paper v12 2-20-2006


    Infinity Thinking: Multi-dimensional Thought Processes in Idea Formation


    Aaron Fahrmann

    Innovation Studies: Knowledge and Process Foundations


    Arthur Harkins, Ph.D., Christia Fieber, M.A.


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    Infinity Thinking



    As the future races toward us, or as we race toward the future, humanity will face

    immense changes. The wave of the future seems to embody genetic enhancements that

    will make us bigger, stronger, and smarter -- beyond our biological abilities. Are machine

    enhancements our destiny? We are the only species to have created the capacity to

    mechanically and technologically enhance ourselves. Will people accept these


    There are certain enhancements which seemed monstrous a few years ago, but have

    become commonplace as the late adopters and laggards (Rogers) have come to accept

    them. Technology which enhances the human experience of the world without

    compromising privacy is wonderful. Technology that allows us to control our interactions

    with our world is a great good. Technology that disturbs our evolution through interference

    with our natural human state is not good. While electro-mechanical enhancements have

    their intrigue, we incorporate many of these potentials innately within us already. We dont

    need technological enhancements to become better, faster and stronger. Electro-

    mechanical enhancement, as so much progress before it, offers a new spate of disturbances

    to the universes natural balance. This balance is paramount to the health of our unique

    biological and ecological systems including humans, the environment and the earth. We

    have one of the most amazing biological machines ever created, devoted to our personal

    use. We need to invest time to learn to use it fully before we hunt for embellishments.

    Humanity is notorious for making grand leaps in technology without considering long-term

    consequences. We are forever mired in the details, parts and pieces without considering

    the Whole. Without the big picture in combination with the details, there can be no Now

    and the Now is where we most need to be. We have to understand the universe, our

    bodies, and the earths complex energy systems, before we start making improvements.

    There are instances where the Whole has been largely ignored for so long that electro-

    mechanical embellishments are necessary to maintain a life. Pacemakers, valves or stents,

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    have become the current Now due to humanitys attention to details without attention to the

    Whole. With a better understanding of human potential, even these things could be avoided.


    We each see glimpses of our human potential in every day of our lives, but most of

    us pay no attention. These incidences are easily disregarded in our daily lives since they

    are often subtle, easily ignored, or socially conditioned out of us. Occasionally these

    glimpses of human potential are recognized, but are classified as a coincidence, exceptional

    circumstance or a miracle. All of these justifications create the externalization of our

    human potential, allocating it to the happenstance of outside forces. We are all exceptional

    and create exceptional experiences unconsciously; we just have lost the ability to create

    exceptional experiences consciously. The human machine is an amazing tool, which we are

    only just learning to use properly. At our cores, we are magicians of physics.

    Unfortunately, we have let our spell books fall into the hands of our self-victimization,

    irrational fear and personal untruths (Arntz, Chasse, and Vicente 119-130).

    There have been many exceptional human beings inhabiting our earth who have

    tapped into the universes potential. Albert Einstein, Leonardo DaVinci, Isaac Newton,

    Wolfgang Mozart, Mother Theresa, Thomas Edison, Ghandi, and the many incarnations of

    The Dali Lama are all examples of exceptional humans who used something that is available

    to everyone, but ignored by most.

    What did they do to create their exceptional lives? Conditions were ripe for greatness

    and they were tuned-in to their imaginations. They embraced possibilities, asked the right

    questions, and accessed a source of universal information. These extraordinary people were

    meant to be signals to humanity of what can be accomplished by anyone.

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    We retain everything we learn. We just restrict access to that information by

    clouding our reception to that information. If one thought it, learned it, knew it,

    experienced it, or heard it, then one has access to it. One just needs to open the link to

    that information by quieting the mind (Chopra).

    God as Us

    Humans have access to the best broadcast of ideas and information ever produced.

    It is within our abilities to connect to a universal consciousness and our past lives for

    personal inspiration, idea generation, imaginative innovations, and self-guidance. This

    consciousness has been called many names, including God, but it is our collective nature

    that is God. We have been worshiping ourselves for centuries. Christianity even discusses

    people as made in the image of God in TheBible. Buddhists proclaim, The jewel is in the

    lotus (Lama Surya Das).


    Infinity Thinking is clearly connecting to ones innate personal natural resources and

    abilities, engaging The Childs Mind, leveraging the universes untapped potential, constantly

    asking better questions and expanding ones awareness. One prepares ones mind for abundant

    information through thought clearing processes. We are, in essence, able to become highly tuned

    receivers of universal wisdom. This, of course is not an easy road to travel as Americans. We

    are acculturated to clutter our minds and experiences with constant input. When we are not in

    thought or action, we tend to fill our minds with mental and environmental distractions. When

    clearing the mind, one must engage the process as an active concept. While there are

    innumerable ways to clear our minds, some highly effective ones include meditation, breath

    work, and exercise.

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    The Infinity Thought Model

    The Infinity Thought model is that thoughts, ideas, innovations, and knowledge encircle us in the

    universe within a place, or dimension, called the Collective Consciousness. The human mind is

    designed, in part, as an antenna. We have access to Collective Consciousness information, if we

    allow ourselves to be connected. One primes this Collective Consciousness to provide answers

    by asking the proper questions and opening ones self up to the potential of the answers.



    The next BIG thing

    Human EnergyFieldInnovation

    Collective Consciousness/Unconsciousness/interlink

    Past Life Experience Idea


    Figure 1: Infinity Thought is a model of increased interconnectedness with the universal resources of ideas and

    communications. One must actively create ones ability to intercept these communications from the many levels ofthe conscious universe.

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    There are five steps to access human consciousness in the Infinity Thought model. The

    first is called The Childs Mind. The second is the Human Energy Field, which is the

    consciousness that we carry with us everyday. Third is Awareness, which is the full utilization

    of our five traditional plus any additional senses. Fourth is our past-life knowledge and

    experiences. The fifth is our connection to the Collective Consciousness.

    The Childs Mind

    When we are children, we are closest to our pre-birth experience as energy beings. The

    Childs Mind is essential for Infinity Thought. It requires one to approach their problem from

    the perspective of someone with no experience whatsoever. This removes the barriers to

    creativity and imagination by removing the predilection toward judging future outcomes by

    ones past experiences. As adults, we rely on our acculturated experiences to model the cautions

    of thought which restrain us from possibility. These cautions of thought may protect us from

    harms, but they are a barrier to problem solving. If one is in danger, then one should use their

    experiences to avoid simple and common risk, however, the universe serves-up many situations

    where it is better to follow ones intuition rather than common sense.

    Judgment is a byproduct of an adults mind. If one is making judgments, then one is not

    in The Childs Mind. Judgment is grafting past experiences onto present situations, which is a

    barrier to creativity and imagination. To be truly in The Childs Mind, one must be open to all

    possibilities without judgment. In these moments the most creative thoughts happen, since one is

    choosing possibilities over limitations. The Childs Mind is not afraid to question, and not afraid

    of being wrong. Young children are the best models for the intense short term genius that is

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    possible within human potential. There is a chance here to create an exceptional mind by

    strongly considering the questions and the unique thought perspective it took to create them.

    The Human Energy Field

    String Theory in physics, provides a link between the basis of spiritual beliefs and

    scientific beliefs. String Theory represents the most basic element of the universe as a vibrating

    string of energy (Greene). This vibrating string of energy opens up science as a means of

    rediscovery of our interconnectedness. If everything is truly made up of energy, then we are

    made up of energy and ruled by quantum physics. If it can happen in quantum physics, then we

    can create it in our own lives.

    The Human Energy Field is called by many names including soul, prana, subtle body,

    aura, or Qi. No matter what it is called, it has been referenced by many different religions and

    belief systems as our life-essence; it is the stuff that makes us conscious. Medieval painters

    often represented central divinity figures with a halo of golden light around their heads. This

    halo of light could have been originally viewed by someone attuned to see the Human Energy

    Field and thus the imagery was accepted as divine light shining from within or from above. A

    person considered by their peers to be of divine origin would indeed have a stronger radiance.

    Their energetic state would be higher, and their energy field more pronounced. They would

    appear to be more divine than others since they are more closely connected with the quantum

    potentials of the universe. With this strong connection, they could perform miracles. These

    miracles were most likely creatively escalated in the creation of religious texts, but theyre

    effects were nonetheless miraculous.

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    The Human Energy Field may not be visible to every person, but most likely can be felt.

    It is the extension of your consciousness beyond the confines of your corporeal body. Heat is the

    most common radiation one can sense, but higher wavelengths are possible. Regardless of ones

    perception, individuals are often aware of changes in another persons energy state. The Human

    Energy Field is the means by which we can perceive someone standing too close behind us or

    otherwise invading our space. It is the sense that tells us something is positive or negative before

    it happens. It is the notion that there is something special about our consciousness.

    Figure 2. The Human Energy Field is our natural quantum energy state, which extends beyond the limits of our

    corporeal body. While a defined edge is shown, this is merely a graphic representation of an energetic edge.

    The Earth is Our Classroom

    The World is your exercise-book, the pages on which you do your sums. It is not

    reality, although you can express reality there if you wish. (Bach 127) To accept the idea of

    reincarnation, one has to accept the idea that the earth is a classroom (Rodegast and J. Stanton)

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    for us, as energy beings, to learn basic organic life lessons. Think of entering the four

    dimensional universe as a process of awareness reduction. We enter a simpler learning

    environment with fewer dimensions of perception than from which we came. This allows us to

    concentrate on certain lessons with more focus. For example, when we are toddlers, we are

    taught in grade schools and middle schools before moving onto high schools and colleges. In

    order to learn the basic life lessons, immersion in a dimensionally restricted organic society

    makes an excellent classroom. Eventually, one graduates from this earthly classroom by

    finishing all of their lessons, and moves on to the fifth, sixth or even a tenth dimensional

    classroom. One could speculate that we have lived many lives in many different forms,

    inhabiting many different universes with many dimensional variances. Our time in each universe

    may be several or even hundreds of lifetimes. Each lifetime is progressively more appropriate to

    our learning needs.

    With the recent discoveries in physics, there exist many possibilities that humanity is just

    a first stage of evolutionary intelligence. After we have learned all of our lessons as humans, we

    may move into a new dimension of existence where we start new lessons in higher dimensional


    Viewing ones life on Earth as a learning experience removes the need to fear mistakes.

    The best vehicle for learning is by making a mistake. Some lessons take longer to learn than

    others. Some individual lessons transcend lifetimes. We may live out several lifetimes with the

    same people in different contexts because the lessons we were meant to learn were not learned,

    or needed to be understood from multiple points of view.

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    Questions are the first step in expanded awareness. If one asks the right questions, then

    the answers can materialize. Answers, like particles in physics, come into being when we are

    looking for them. If thoughts have that same nature, then answers only come into being when

    questions are asked. This leads to another question which is: If our thoughts can create

    answers, can our thoughts create the universe?

    Awareness is the process of complete mental and energetic engagement with the world

    around you. [If] we are aware of 2000 bits of information out of the 400 billion bits of

    information we are processing per second (Arntz, B. Chasse, and M. Vicente iv) then

    awareness is a point of great intellectual and intuitive expansion.

    An excellent experiment in expanded awareness is to temporarily remove one of your

    senses from the equation. One can begin expanding the other senses by consciously focusing

    ones attention of the improvement of those other senses. This is an important part of expanding

    awareness and is an important part of Infinity Thought. How better to gain access to all of the

    clues to success and happiness that encircle us, than to be in complete communication with them.

    Once the senses are leveled, one can create targeted awareness. Targeted awareness allows one

    to quickly switch sensory input to maximize ones connection to the universal consciousness and

    maximize the benefits of reading universal signs (Redfield).

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    Typical Awareness

    Emotion CenteredMe Awareness

    This oval expands andcontracts based onour energy state

    Enlightened Awareness


    AwarenessLearner levelawarenesswith potential forenlightenment

    Important message

    From the collective


    Important message

    From the collective




    Figure 3: Expanded awareness increases our ability to receive important information from the higher levels of

    consciousness. This awareness will fall to a lower energy state if it is not actively maintained, but it becomes easier

    to maintain as one becomes more practiced. Ones set state energy level is raised in the process of increasing


    Energy States

    Your personal energy state determines the energy you attract into your life and the

    experiences to which you are open. Infinity Thought is best achieved in a high-energy state.

    There are a multitude of energy states, but this discussion will approach the topic from a low

    versus high energy state perspective for simplicity.

    Think of energy states using a pendulum model. If one is consistently in a high energy

    state, one will travel greater distances in one unit of time than that of a low energy state. If one

    is more often in a low energy state, one will travel less distance in one unit of time. One can

    accomplish a lot more living in the higher energy state for the same amount of time.

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    When one is in a low energy state, one attracts similar energy into ones life. Lower

    energy states are easy to maintain because they require less energy to sustain their momentum.

    Low energy states feed off of low-energy emotions such as judgment, anger, hatred,

    condescension and low self-esteem among many other things. When one is in a bad mood, one

    invites low energy outcomes to support that bad mood, for example stubbing ones toe or having

    a bad driving experience on the road.

    When one is in a high-energy state, one attracts similarly high-energy people and events

    into ones life. A high energy state is much harder to start since it requires more initial energy.

    It is exponentially more rewarding and easy to maintain when one becomes accustomed to that

    state of being. A person in a high-energy state has better defenses against disruption to a low-

    energy state due to their inherent momentum. One lives without expectation, accepting

    situations as they are, thus decreasing or eliminating anger. When one is in a good mood, the

    small problems seem miniscule. Positive things happen to support, expand, and increase that

    energy state. One tends to see events as more positive, since the event itself hasnt changed.

    Past Lives

    We need to use our past-life knowledge and skills to our present advantage. There are

    some skills that are transcend time. These previously learned skills need to be updated for use in

    our current lives, but they can serve as an excellent knowledge base for accelerated learning.

    These skills might include interaction skills such as language, leadership, diplomacy, business,

    etiquette, or musical talent. Material proficiencies such as blacksmithing, weaponry, masonry,

    alchemy, or flint-knapping would find applications in the modern life as well. The skills we

    learn the quickest in this life are those with which we were proficient in another life.

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    Transcendent skills have application in any time frame. They are basic to our nature, and

    persistent in the multitudes of our cultural contexts. Transcendent skills are timeless and exist

    beyond our perception of the four dimensions. Music is a representation of transcendence since

    it is constant, innate, timeless, weightless, unencumbered, and trans-cultural.

    These transcendent vehicles can be accessed as a part of Infinity Thought. Think of a

    time when you were particularly adept in a class or with a task for which you have never trained

    and never experienced. It may or may not hold your interest in this life, but somehow you are

    unreasonably adept with your skills or abilities in that unfamiliar area. This is an example of a

    past-life experience re-expressing itself for ones present-life benefit. Imagine if you could clear

    a channel to your past experiences. If you are product designer or engineer in this life, you might

    be able to benefit from your previous life as a blacksmith or sculptor. If you are destined to

    travel the world for your work, you may benefit from previous languages known, or language

    construct contexts. A work of fiction,Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah,

    proposes a character who is so capable, that without any previous language training, he is able to

    speak fluently to native speakers in multiple languages (Bach). This is a skill that most everyone

    that has lived multiple lives can have. I would venture that we each have access to many

    languages, skills, and attributes, although this isnt supported in all views of reincarnation


    Some past-life experiences are so strong that they naturally express themselves as gift

    abilities or as predispositions toward a certain historical time period. Certain collectors of

    memorabilia express a fascination with that time period due to a past life that had a strong impact

    on their energetic self.

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    All of our past-life experiences are available to us through exercises such as past-life

    regression (McClain). Where does this consciousness exist? It exists in the here and now, but

    not necessarily in our limited, four dimensional Brane (Randall).

    The Collective Consciousness

    The Collective Consciousness is a realm, if fully accessed, would require us to retune our

    thought patterns. Collective Consciousness is available to most of us as a one-way

    communication and to others as a two-way communication. We necessarily lose some of our

    abilities when we become human, otherwise our life lessons on this planet would change

    dramatically. Full access to the Collective Consciousness, while available to everyone who really

    wants it, is difficult for the limitations of the human form. Using the Collective Consciousness

    for information or communication purposes demands total honesty of the participant. We as

    humans, have a difficult time sustaining this since it often has hurtful repercussions to those

    around us, and to ourselves as individuals. Our bodies are imbued with the ability to change in

    response to emotional input and self talk (Arntz, Chasse, and Vicente). Without strongly shoring

    up ones acceptance of criticism, one would have a difficult time accessing this realm. A

    telepath needs to become fully non-judgmental and have complete control of their thoughts. One

    needs to completely release their ego and become a being of total acceptance. One needs to have

    the capacity to filter out the mental chatter of others chaotic minds. This progression toward

    telepathic abilities might be one evolutionary objective of our many lives here on earth and

    whatever other planets or dimensions we might inhabit for our learning.

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    Collective Consciousness


    Closely connectedInfinity Ideal State

    Weakly Connected

    Legitimate Psychics

    Figure 6: We are all linked to the Collective Consciousness. Some people are more attuned to receiving

    information from the Collective Consciousness than are others. Psychics are the most commonly known people to

    be linked to the collective conscious; however their information can be spotty

    Methods of Access to the Higher Consciousness

    Connecting to the Collective Consciousness can take whatever form that creates peace

    and enjoyment for the individual. It can be a sacred act, public or private, and completely within

    your realm of interest and comfort. If you are a Buddhist, you can meditate, if you are a

    monotheist, you can pray, if you are an atheist, you can reflect, if you are a musician, you can

    play music.

    As a child, you were no doubt engaged with the process of art. Most all of us remember

    coloring, pasting, drawing or in some other manner creating art. If we daydreamed, whittled,

    whistled or drew with a stick in the dirt, we were artistically engaged. For some of us, that

    artistic engagement departed when it was determined by internal or external criticism that we

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    werent talented. Others were encouraged through praise and validation. As part of The Childs

    Mind, I would encourage those of you who have left art by the wayside to reengage it. You may

    not be satisfied with your aesthetic results, but you might be surprised with the type of

    communication that it reveals. Art can offer something very raw in communication with the

    universe. It is an excellent means of glimpsing the future or coping with the present or past.

    Meditation is another method of access that can create a link to the Collective

    Consciousness. It is an excellent means of calming the mind and getting in touch with source

    energy (Dyer). Deepak Chopra speaks of source energy as The Gap, or the infinite silence,

    and the silence [that] cant be divided. Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra are speaking of the

    same thing. The Gap and The Source Energy are the Collective Consciousness.


    Quick assessments

    While reduced in Blink by Malcolm Gladwell to an observational psychology event,

    the idea that we can know something intuitively or that we can garner something significant

    in an instant, expresses something deeper. Do we have the ability to read people and

    objects quickly based on experience?

    Career salespeople are trained to read peoples body language with amazing

    accuracy. Can we also harness an intuition that is based on higher thinking, or rather a

    connection to the Collective Consciousness? Can we sense ill intent in another person or be

    infected by someones joy? These experiences are all clues to the interconnectedness of us

    to each other on a quantum level. Energy can be transmitted, for example as laughter,

    giddiness or sadness. If one walks into a room filled with people laughing, chances are, one

    will start laughing, too. One most often wont even know what is so funny. Our language

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    expressions offer clues to this phenomenon. One might say, She had an infectious laugh.

    There are plenty of examples of interconnectedness all around us; we just ignore them.

    Children are often very sensitive to energy fields. Later, as children are acculturated

    by the adults into their worlds, they learn to discount the energy experiences. As belief in

    the experiences goes away, so does the reality of the events. As adults, we have to work to

    regain the ability with which we were born. Our current level of human evolution doesnt

    support imagination or embrace magical experiences. When civilizations were developing,

    people had a much stronger connection to universal magic. As time passed, and these

    ideas became uncivilized, magic slowly disappeared. Magic was no longer sought and so it

    faded. The word magic has even become a word associated with parlor magicians and

    crazy people. The Druids were an example of a people who understood the magic that

    surrounded them, and understood the connection of everything with everything else.

    Christians, in an attempt to crush pagan spirit and power, built their churches right on top

    of sacred pagan sites. In the case of the cathedral in Chartres France, the former Druidic

    Fort of the Grove, they invoked repeated disasters (Llywelyn). Chartres suffered several

    fires which burned the cathedral to the ground many, many times (Ward). The earths

    energy, (Alex Stark: Feng) (Alex Stark) was fighting the incursion of the church on an

    energetically powerful location.


    The fifth dimension provides an interesting exploration in multidimensional thought

    since it can only be understood in our dimension as a projection in two dimensions

    (Randall). Fifth dimensional thought could exist as a projection of thought, or rather the

    telecommunication of thought. If a Hypercube can only be referenced by us as a two

    dimensional projection, what is to say that a thought, which is a transient dimension of

    time, couldnt be represented as a projection that is received by another person. Lisa

    Randall states, To construct a hypercube (also known as a Tesseract), put one cube above

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    the other, and connect them by adding six additional cubes, connecting the faces of the two

    original cubes. (Randall 20). The cube is communicating with us by allowing us to see its

    projection in a space dimension that we can understand. Thought can also work in this

    manner, allowing us to translate extra-dimensional thought into projections our human

    brain can understand. Even with such intricate explanations, it is very difficult to construct

    a Tesseract. We are often forced to think of this shape in three dimensions with more

    wedge-shaped pieces, but this, of course, is wrong. This mental exercise does reinvigorate

    ones imagination, which is yet another dimension of Infinity Thought.

    As part of our evolution, we are starting to understand the capacity of our minds,

    and better yet our entanglement with the cosmos. In the book, The Return of Merlin,

    Deepak Chopra discusses the idea of web time, in which one could move with ease forward,

    backward or even sideways in time. One could move in any direction that one could find on

    times web. This is a difficult concept for any of us since we are used to addressing time in

    one direction. As Brian Green explains in The Fabric of the Cosmos, time seems to move

    only in one direction. For example one can break an egg, but we never see that same egg


    We can experience time dilation and contraction. Think of a traumatic instance in

    your life, and most likely you will remember everything moving slowly, as though you were

    moving and observing events in slow motion. Perhaps at these moments our consciousness

    departs our four dimensional universe and approaches the speed of light, gaining mass so

    that our perception of the physical is moving in slow motion. When we are deep in thought,

    or daydreaming, we seem to step out of linear time. Where was that time? Our bodies no

    doubt were still moving forward in linear time, but we left for some alternate thought

    dimension. Does the potential of thought allow us to remove ourselves from time to a place

    of infinite time dilation such as another universe? Think back to a time when you were

    really enjoying yourself. Time seemed to accelerate bringing you to question Where did

    the time go? Clues to time dilation and contraction events are peppered throughout our

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    use of language. We all experience it, but we also discount the potential for it to truly take


    Brane 0, Our Natural State of Being

    Based on a book calledEmmanuels Book(Rodegast and Stanton), in combination with

    Warped Passages, one infers that a portion of our original energy state resides in a universe

    where higher dimensions are possible (Overbye 1). If the universe is made ultimately of Strings

    and the number of dimensions proposed by String Theory or M Theory hold, then we have

    between ten and eleven dimensions with which to contend (Greene). Lisa Randall suggests that

    other dimensional universes exist and they are called Branes. These branes may contain higher

    or lower dimensional space compared with our brane, referenced here as Brane 2. The earth

    resides in Brane 2, as our three-dimensional universe. Brane 0 has the potential to be a higher

    dimensional plane of existence and is from whence we came at birth. There is some room for a

    post-death lingering phase Brane 1, wherein we take some time to digest our earthly lessons,

    albeit slightly out of phase with the living.

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    3D + 1 Time

    6D + 4 Time

    8 D + 3 Time

    Figure 4: This is a representation of String-type Brane Universes. These branes vibrate and wiggle like gelatin. The

    Earth is here represented on a four dimensional brane (Brane 2 in this paper) which intersects or interacts with a ten-

    dimensional brane which could represent our energy state consciousnesss origin. Higher consciousness is housed

    in the tenth-dimension (Brane 0 in this paper).


    If the concepts of my paper can be put into action on a grand scale, the future of

    humanity is bright. Fabricated technologies will play a role in our lives, but human soft

    technologies will expand at a greater rate as our evolution is actively engaged. Infinity Thought

    is a disruptive technology (Christensen) in its encouragement of this evolution. Gradually, as

    science provides proof for the imaginative ideas discussed in this paper, human interconnection

    will become more accepted as truth, and that which is human potential will unfold as a new

    understanding of reality.

    Human consciousness has been expanding as we evolve, but the expansion has

    become swift in the last ten years. While it may have become a pass trend for

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    the moment, there exists a strong undercurrent [of people] that will move into the

    next phase of evolution. They are resting, regrouping, rethinking, re-spiritualizing

    and preparing for the next level of human consciousness. This next step may

    remove many or all needs of technology (Bach). The expansion of the mind and

    the harnessing of our understanding of quantum physics (Greene) may lead the

    way to a world where technology is merely a crutch from the past stage of human

    evolution. It may also be a stage in which we move to another level of


    As humans choose to evolve, they will become more attuned to reading the Human

    Energy Field. This will change the manner in which health care is delivered. One will be able to

    view the persons energy field to understand what energetic imbalances are acting to create the

    physical ailment. Practitioners will use Infinity Thought, or other similar ideas, to intuit the

    proper treatment from the Collective Consciousness. Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Reiki and

    other energy medicine modalities will be more commonplace, as allopathic medicine resides

    primarily in the area of emergency medicine (Fahrmann).

    Humans will feel more comfortable tapping into the Collective Consciousness. No

    more guessing what someone is thinking, since you will often already know. A person already

    has the ability to discern if someone is lying. Most people are familiar with getting a gut feeling

    about something. These abilities will be strengthened, as will our ability to cope with the

    ramifications of mental full-disclosure.

    Idea generation will take on an entirely new form. Think tanks will become the norm

    with business and governmental organizations. Spas, deprivation chambers, meditation centers

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    and other body-tuning modalities will become an expected part of the business structure and

    social fabric as we connected to the Higher Consciousness for answers to our many questions.

    Human potentials will increase our mental abilities for communication and decrease our

    reliance on communications technology. If you need to communicate something to someone

    and you dont know where they are, just tune into them, find them in the collective and

    communicate. If we only use ten percent of our brain, then the other ninety percent must be for

    this kind of communication.

    The earth as a classroom will change as well. Past lives will become more integrated in

    our present lives. Past lives, like telephones and computers will become the depended-upon

    educational-base technology within society. Since one could consciously move between the

    corporeal and the natural energy state, there would no longer be any issues remembering past

    lives. The perception-borders between our corporeal world and the higher dimensions will be

    more easily traversed for the evolved person, allowing them to depart realities when needed.

    Our lessons would be learned and built upon with full memory of the past lives and experiences.

    Human form or other dimensional forms could function as a type of educational vacation.

    Quantum physics will become the common buzz language of our new reality. As we

    embrace consciousness as a higher dimension reality, we are better able to use quantum physics

    and String Theory to our advantage. Where once we saw a solid wall, with which we have a low

    probability of walking through (Greene), we can adjust the probabilities, which will allow it to

    work. Where once, we saw water as something that will require sinking and swimming, we will

    learn that we can just as easily walk on its surface (Bach). There already are a number of people

    who walk barefoot on fire, why not water.

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    Old InfoNew Info

    Human Energy Field

    Past-life Experiences

    Collective Consciousness






    Awareness Fluctuation





    Figure 5: This model depicts the interactions of information and awareness when accessing the higher

    consciousness. Wherever there are overlaps or connections indicated, there are interactions. Awareness, since it is

    malleable in our dimension can fluctuate due to our individual energy state at a particular moment.

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