Infinite Coincidences



You are surrounded by incredible coincidences every day, but you are blinded by your brain.

Transcript of Infinite Coincidences

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The more you live from the guidance of your heart, the more you are in tune with your personal, unique and essential essence.

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Insight, intuition do not come from your brain, they come from your heart.Hearing your intuition is one thing but following it and trusting it is another.

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Your intuition speaks only through your heart.It is an infinite intelligence that is translated by your finite body. It is your choice as to whether you use it or not.

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Your brain is a finite intelligence.It is filtered through the ego into a limited consciousness.Your ego is a part of your brain.

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When you trust only your brain you are living in a paper bag!When you trust life to unfold through your heart, you are living in an infinite world.

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Then you begin to see coincidences, new and convenient relationships, more pleasant encounters and somehow, your luck seems to improve.The heart brain has no limits.

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It knows no laws and does not recognise boundaries.The head brain has all of these limitations. Your head intelligence is built upon learned and borrowed experiences in life.

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It is tragically limited in its ability to think broadly and to investigate new ideas of thinking and living.It is usually a dumb cliche, a mimic of what it sees around it.

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Your heart is like a personal slice of the infinite intelligence that you carry within your own being.It is unlimited and unpredictable.

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When you trust your heart by releasing your problems, doubts and fears, you allow infinite intelligence and wisdom to organise your life.

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You allow infinite intelligence and wisdom to organise your life... that’s something!

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When you allow this to happen, you will see a lot more coincidences and great timing in your simple daily living.

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You actually become aware of the incredible coincidences that occur non-stop every day, every minute in your life.

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These coincidences have never stopped and are the very structure of life but you have been blinded by your brain.Impossible events and incredible odds are normal occurrences within an infinite existence.

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Your whole life always has been a series of incredible coincidences and amazing luck.You lose site and sense of it when you live in your head brain instead of your heart brain.

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Your whole life is a strange journey that occurs against all odds.Every day is living proof that there is so much more to life than your blind brain can ever reveal.

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Every day is living proof of the existence of your infinite heart.Your life is constant proof that you are a part of an infinite something.You have a part of that infinite something within your heart all of the time.

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It never leaves you, it is your essence.To touch it, all you have to do is to drop all of your cares into your heart.Let your heart sort the mess out for you.

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While you remain in your brain, you will remain blind to what is actually happening to you.Your brain is ignorant and a prison that keeps you bound and unhappy in this life.

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Get lucky today simply by dropping your life from your head to your heart.Seems too easy?

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Well if it’s so easy, why not try it!For an hour, a day and then maybe for a week or two!Eventually, you will become your infinite heart intelligence!

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It is so easy.Drop from your head to your heart and be overwhelmed by the endless twists and turns of everyday, extraordinary coincidences.

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