Industrial Revolution Power Point Yera

Industrial Revolution Technology Yesterday and Today
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Industrial Revolution

Technology Yesterday and Today

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Major technological achievements of the 18th and 19th century

Before 18th century, people used spinning wheel with their hands but after John Kay in-vented spinning machine in 1773, it was more easier to people. It was a shuttle that sped back and forth on wheels. It doubled the work a weaver could do in a day. This material promoted Industrial Revolution and increased the productivity of weavers.

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Major technological achievements of the 18th and 19th century

Jacquard invented spinning and weaving machine in 1801. For thousands of years, fiber was spun by hand using simple tools, the spindle and distaff. Only in the High Middle Ages did the spinning wheel increase the output of indi-vidual spinners, and by using this, mass-production arose and was easy to supply manufactures in the 18th century.

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Major technological achievements of the 18th and 19th century

Steam engine is the heat engine that per-forms mechanical work using steam as its working fluid. During the mid-16th in Eu-rope, as forest were started to diminished because of indiscretion felling, people went through serious crisis of energy. Eng-land was the most serious country that went through. Thus they decided to use coal instead of wood. However, to product and to use the coal, they had to extract large mount of subterranean water that comes out while people are digging. Such as these problems were solved by pump that Thomas Savery invented and the steam engine that Thomas Newcomen originated.

The steam engine that Thomas Newcomen originated was reformed by James Watt in 1765. Before this steam engine was invented, England used handicraft but after the steam engine was invented, they made large quantities in the factories. This steam engine helped England de-velopment and earned a lot of money.

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Major technological achievements of the 18th and 19th century

An American inventor named Robert Fulton ordered a steam engine from Boulton and Watt. He built a steamboat called the Clermont, which made its first successful trip in 1807. It later fer-ried passengers up and down New York’s Hudson River.

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Major technological achievements of the 18th and 19th century

In 1804, an English engineer named Richard Trevithick won a bet of several thousand dollars. He did this by carry-ing ten tons of iron over ten miles of track in a steam-driven locomotive. Other British engineers soon built im-proved versions of Trevithick’s loco-motive. One of these early railroad engineers was George Stephenson. He had gained a hard reputation by build-ing some 20 engines for mine opera-tors in Northern England.In 1821, Stephenson began work on the world’s first railroad line. It was to run 27 miles from the Yorkshire coal fields to the port of Stockton on the North Sea. In 1825, the railroad opened. It used four locomotives that Stephenson had designed and built.

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Major technological achievements of the 20th century

The Wright brothers, Orville and Wilbur were two Americans who are generally of -ficial with inventing and building the world's first successful airplane and mak-ing the first controlled, powered and sus-tained heavier-than-air human flight, on December 17, 1903.By inventing this airplanes, it made people possible to move anywhere they can and faster.

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Major technological achievements of the 20th century

Martin Marty Cooper, born in Chicago, was the lead engineer of the Motorola team that developed the mobile phone in 1973. Cooper is the CEO and founder of Array-Comm, a company that works on re-searching smart antenna technology and improving wireless networks, and was the corporate director of Research and De-velopment for Motorola. When the first cell phone came out to the world, people were so frightened how they could talk to each other on the phone. People could call the others if there were any emer-gency. Before the cell phone came out, people had to get to the others and talk, but this cell phone was so convenient that they could just call and talk.

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Major technological achievements of the 20th century

"There's nothing on it worthwhile, and we're not going to watch it in this household, and I don't want it in your intellectual diet." This was Philo Farnsworth's feelings about watching television. In 1927, Philo Farnsworth was the first in-ventor to transmit a televi-sion image comprised of 60 horizontal lines.Farnsworth developed the dissector tube, the basis of all current elec-

tronic televisions. He filed for his first television copyright in 1927. With the television, people could know how earth is going on with economics and social. TV was much faster then newspaper so people could get it touch with information much quicker.

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The role of female and child labor in the 18th and 19th century

In 18th to 19th century, the industrial revolution created a huge demand for female and child la-bor. Children had always done some work but at least before the 19th century they worked in their own homes with their parents or on land nearby. Children's work was largely seasonal so they did have some time to play. When children worked in textile factories they often worked for more than 12 hours a day. Women were usually assigned domestic roles and faced severely lim-ited professional career options. Working-class women were usually looked down. As the 19th century progressed, it was assumed that a woman engaged in business was a woman without either her own inheritance or a man to support her. In the late 19th century, men were hired because they complaint too much so em-ployers used women and child.

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In the late twentieth century, child labor expanded enormously in the world as industry global-ized, and child labor also reemerged in Western societies. The history of child labor is hence a history of continuity, and child labor remains an issue in the early twenty-first century. As well as women started to work.

The role of female and child labor in the late 20th century

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Benefits of the technological advancements in both eras

During the Industrial Revolution, prod-ucts were manufactured so goods prices were more cheaper. It helped country to developed by earning money with trades.People could save their times and lived more conveniently. Transporta-tion development made people to move easier and quick. People could experience a lot things that they couldn’t before and it made people to think creative and outside the box. The most important, it provided the hope of improvement in people’s lives.

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Problems created in both eras by technological advance-ments

People lost their jobs because there were machines that worked instead of them.People got together in the city to find their jobs but it was useless. The rich people and the poor people’s gap was huge. Before the Industrial Revolution, there were products that village people came and worked together, but after the Industrial Revolution, people used people such as tools and focused on money important than human. People started to rebel and tried to get rid of technological products. Before the In-dustrial Revolution, people used nature such as woods, but during the Indus-trial Revolution, used coal, gas, and oil which is impossible to recycle. There was environmental pollution.

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SolutionsMany people who lost their jobs were against the employers and govern-ment which made the hired. They tried to destroy products and they claimed to find them jobs. Therefore the governments convinced them the freedom and authority.

I think the governments would come up with plans to stop pollution and the using up of natural resources. Also, government had to get the jobs from people they hired.Country’s wealth is useless when citi-zens are not wealth, and make rich people to pay taxes a lot than poor people, so the government can use money for poor people.