Industrial Ecology Pathways to Sustainability in Östergötland Tekniska Verken and Linköping...

Industrial Ecology Pathways to Sustainability in Östergötland Tekniska Verken and Linköping University: Co-operation is a Learning Process 21 January 2011 Leo Baas University of Linköping, Environmental Technology & Management
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Industrial Ecology Pathways to Sustainability in Östergötland

Tekniska Verken and Linköping University:Co-operation is a Learning Process

21 January 2011

Leo Baas University of Linköping,

Environmental Technology & Management

From Two Natural Systems to....:


…..One natural symbiosis system: Can Industrial Ecology Mimick Nature?


Industrial Ecology definition

Industrial ecology is described as:

An integrated system, in which the consumption of energy and materials is optimised and the effluents of one process serve as the raw material(s) or energy for another process

(Frosch & Gallopoulos, Scientific American:1989)


Industrial Ecology: Interconnectedness of Physical & Social Systems

Physical Systems: Technology, Material and Energy Flows


Social Systems: Individuals, Organisations, Culture,

Values, Institutions


Industrial Symbiosis is seen as a process whereby materials, water, energy in the techno-sphere and informational, organizational and management flows at the institutional level between and among companies are investigated with the objective of developing and improving co-operative links between/among them

Industrial Symbiosis


Circular Economy

The Circular Economy approach to resource-use efficiency integrates cleaner production and industrial ecology in a broader system encompassing industrial firms, networks or chains of firms, eco-industrial parks, and regional infrastructure to support resource optimization

Circular economy balances economic development with environmental and resources protection


Social Embeddedness

• Human activities are embedded:

they are shaped by the context in which they occur


Cognitive embeddedness Where do we look for, how actors make decisions

• The way in which individuals and organisations collect and use information, make sense of their environment

• Bounded rationality: Assumption of a rational actor model; however, individuals and organisations have limited capacities for information processing and decision-making

• Systems thinking: No organisation functions in complete isolation; Individuals have different strategies for problem solving


Development strategies• The planned project approach: management by

industry, government or special organization: by-products sharing and links of utilities

• The uncovering resource links approach: detection of by-product synergy as illustration for further IS development

• The anchor tenant approach: links around a big company

• The co-siting approach: restructuring an industrial site with new companies and IS links

• The synthesis approach: learning from the approaches above


Industrial Ecology Journals

• Journal of Cleaner Production, since 1993Special issues on Industrial Ecology since 1995,

published by Elsevier

• Journal of Industrial Ecology, since 1997Initiative Yale University, first volumes published by MIT Press, currently Wiley & Sons

• Progress in Industrial Ecology, since 2004, Inderscience publishers


Agreement Tekniska Verken and Linköping University

• The long term Industrial Ecology Research Programme 2009 – 2019 will contribute to the establishment of the Östergötland region as a leading research, education, and knowledge dissemination centre with respect to clean technology, industrial symbiosis*, waste to energy, and bio fuel applications on a sound economic basis through the results of Ph.D. research and continuous evaluation of sustainability projects in practice(

*Industrial Symbiosis refers to application in industrial parks


Industrial Ecology Conferences• Gordon Conferences Industrial Ecology, since

1998• International Society for Industrial Ecology

(ISIE), since 2001, with bi-annual meetings: Noordwijk, Ann Arbor, Stockholm, Toronto, Lisbon

• Industrial Symbiosis Research Symposium, since 2004: New Haven, Stockholm, Birmingham, Toronto, New London, Kalundborg, (Kawasaki: Nov. 2010)


Industrial Ecology Research Programme

Towards a 100% Renewable Resources



The Industrial Ecology Research Programme works within the following research areas:

Regional Industrial Symbiosis

Renewable resources in Industrial Symbiosis

Industrial symbiosis and Large Technical Systems

Industrial Ecology Research Programme


Resilience model for Environmental Technology and Management

Metabolism material and


Social and business dynamics

Technical systems and infrastructure

Governance and institutions

Research field


Discussion on the development of a research programme

Idea Fund provider

Holistic Draft proposal Total

- Designing Modified proposal - Implementing

- Expressed in Final proposal - Expressed in Value Business application

Detail Detail



Scope of research projects and their time frame

Scope of research projects

Time frame

Time period

Exploring S 0,3 – 0,5 year

Operational M 0,5 – 1 year

Strategic M – L 1 – 2 year

Fundamental L 1 – 4 year


Planned Research Projects in 2010/2011Greenhouses: utilization of waste heat and CO2

Synergies for 1st generation bio-fuels

Landfill mining


Ph.D. candidates, related to IERP

Saeid Hatefi Pour: Mapping Östergötland, Sustainable Norrköping

Carolina Ersson: Bio-fuels synergies

Per Frändegård: Landfill mining

Nils Johansson: Landfill mining

Santiago Mejia Durand: CleanTech and MegaCities


Industrial Symbiosis Ph.D. course in April – September 2010

• Obligatory and optional readings of scientific articles and a Ph.D.-thesis:

1 – hour: article presentation + discussion

• Meeting internationally acknowledged researchers in industrial symbiosis: Marian Chertow, Noel Brings Jacobsen, Leo Baas, Anna Wolf

• Experiencing Industrial Symbiosis in practice in the region


Levels of Industrial Ecology activities and Information Exchange

• Regional: Mapping resource flows, bio-fuel synergies, landfill mining, regional excellence centre

• National: Industrial Ecology in Sweden: a National Expert Conference (22 (?) March 2011)

• International: Academic visit Prof. Marian Chertow, Yale University (27-30 April, 2010)

European Industrial Symbiosis Researchers Workshop (26-28 August, 2010)

20th Greening of Industry Network Conference

(October 2012)

Presentations in China, Korea and México in 2010, in Brazil in 2011


From regional efficiency to a sustainable industrial district from a

'system theory' perspective